A tall, distinguished driver helps a pilot unload his black car right next to a Cirrus air taxi, so a pair of busy execs can take off for their meeting asap. Standard Linear Air service – except where’d the cameraman come from?
Video – behind the scenes
We recently shot a new video for our website. The goal was to show typical customer scenarios, using the actual things our customers have told us for the dialog, and shots of just how excellent the airport experience is with our service.
At Linear Air, we put the customer first, and we are lucky to work with trusted partners that share the same vision. They came through for us again during this video production, so we wanted to take a moment to call them out specificially, and say thanks!
Corporate Limousine goes the extra mile
For our passengers in Boston, we recommend our ground transportation partner Corporate Limousine Service, Inc. Yes, they operate an immaculate fleet of new black cars, and yes their drivers are competent and courteous – but the real reason they have become one of our preferred partners is their willingness to go the extra mile. Their support of this video shoot was an example of that. They lent us a car and one of their most photogenic drivers so we could show you how nice this aspect of our service is. Thanks to George Colarullo and his staff, we could paint a more complete picture for you.
Signature Flight Support lives up to their name
Director, cameraman, and sound engineer cluster to get the shot of a couple returning from a trip to the islands, their convertible warmed up and ready for them by FBO staff. Again, another vision of standard Linear Air service – but did you ever pause to think about where this happy micro-drama takes place each time?
Aviation pros call it “the ramp” (never “the tarmac”). The ramp is where airplanes park, and in this case, Signature Flight Support graciously supported our video shoot by reserving a section of their ramp at Hanscom Field for us. We had aircraft being positioned, cars driving, actors walking back and forth, and all of it was made possible by the efficient coordination of Signature’s Bedford personnel. It’s what they do – help service providers, pilots and passengers get whatever they need for a smooth flight, and we’re thankful to have them as an FBO partner at BED.
There couldn’t be a cooler venue than Jet Aviation
We needed a location to record the actors being interviewed. We wanted it to be visually interesting, and tied to our air taxi service. Fortunately, as you can see in the still, our business executives were interviewed in a beautiful boardroom seting with a stunning view of the field, hosted at Jet Aviation’s Bedford facility.
People who have’t experienced Jet’s facility are always pleasantly surprised at just how nice it is. In addition to the boardroom we got to use, there’s a luxurious lounge, free coffee and ice cream, a business office, pilot accomodations – and free valet parking. The staff at Jet aren’t happy unless you are, and we thank them for making us and the crew happpy for this shoot!
You’ll say thanks too
Linear Air and our partners are in business ultimately for just one reason: to give you an excellent travel experience, every time. Our customer feedback shows we’re succeeding, and what makes us happiest is the “thank yous!” we get from our first-time passengers. They find themselves almost shocked that they could actually have enjoyed air travel. That’s what motivates us to make it happen for you, too!
P.S. Thanks also to our friends at Shotgun Media Group! They’re the ones who’ve been turning our raw ideas into polished results.