Posted by Abbi Hiller on Thu, Mar 01, 2007
Originally posted on in March, 2007
by Gary Chisholm
Long lines, heightened security regulations, and a general sense of dread come to mind for many business travelers when arriving at the airport. Despite these reservations, air travel remains the fastest way to get to one’s destination. Some executives are starting to use air taxis — smaller air craft that cater to smaller groups — to avoid hassles and still get where they’re going. Here are a few of the top air taxi services in the country.
1) SATSair
SATSair is an air taxi service located in Greenville, SC. The company offers service to municipal and private airports throughout the Southeastern United States. The company has different pricing options for business travelers. Customers can get a five-hour package ($2,795), a 50-hour package ($22,000) or an hourly rate ($595) when using the service. SATSair uses small SR22 Cirrus aircraft to get passengers to their destination quickly.
2) Linear Air
Linear Air uses single-engine turbo-propellor planes to provide regional service in the Northeast. The company flies Cessna Grand Caravans which can carry up to eight passengers and two pilots. The planes have executive-style club seating, and AC power outlets for laptops and phones. Linear Air has purchased Eclipse VLJs (very light jets), smaller planes with jet speed capacity (to date, they are still awaiting delivery of the new VLJs). The company will use the Cessnas for the larger groups and the VLJs for customers where speed is more important.
3) Pogo
Pogo might be one of the biggest entries into the air taxi industry — once they roll out service. Led by former American Airlines CEO Robert Crandall, Pogo promises to offer service at about 5,000 regional airports throughout the country. The company is awaiting the delivery of their VLJs, but once they have them in possession, the company’s financial backers and management team make this company a sure bet.
4) Dayjet
Dayjet is one of the more promising air taxi companies. Based out of Delray Beach, FL, the company will offer service in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. The company expects its first delivery of VLJ’s by the end of the second quarter of 2007, and its infrastructure is already in place with agreements with several regional airports. The company is set to make a splash, and recently announced Boca Raton, Gainesville, Lakeland and Pensacola as the first DayPorts for the Florida market.