About campbell pratt Airport (y65)

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About Campbell-Pratt Airport

Airport Information

FAA CodeY65
latitude45° 24' 30'' N
Longitude84° 36' 0'' W
Runway Length3006ft (916m)
What is the name of Indian River's airport?
Campbell-Pratt Airport is the airport's official name.
What is the airport code of Indian River?
Y65 is the airport's IATA Code.
What are nearby cities and towns to Campbell-Pratt?
Forest Hills
East Lansing
Rochester Hills
West Bloomfield Township
What are some nearby parks to Campbell-Pratt?
Marina Park
Inland Waterway Historical Marker
Peter L Brisbine House Historical Marker
Burt Lake State Park
Cooperation Park
Michigan Central Depot Historical Marker
W W Fairbairn Historical Marker
Alanson Village Park
Aloha State Park
Passenger Pigeons Historical Marker
Spelling Park
Pellston Pioneer Park
Pellston Park
Spring Lake Park
Petoskey State Park
What are some nearby schools to Campbell-Pratt?
University of Michigan Biological Station
What are some things to see by Campbell-Pratt?
Rerun Ski Trail
The Ridge Ski Trail
Goose Bumps Ski Trail
Smooth Sailing Ski Trail
Foo Land Ski Trail
Wequetonsing Golf Club
Treetops Tradition Golf Course
North Boyne Ski Trail
Stein'S Mambo Ski Trail
In The Woods Ski Trail
To Disciples Ridge Ski Trail
Railroad Depot Museum
Kunkle'S Cut Ski Trail
North Mclouth Ski Trail
Deer Run Ski Trail
Kath Run Ski Trail
North Tournament Ski Trail
Ross Ravine Ski Trail
Eagle Beach Golf Course
Treetops Premier Golf Course
Marsh Ridge Golf Course
Cheboygan County Museum
Cold Springs Ski Trail
Bucky'S Ski Trail
North Peak Pass Ski Trail
Grice'S Way Ski Trail
Mrs K'S Ski Trail
Kerin Island
Hilda'S Hideway Ski Trail
Otsego County Historical Society Museum
Moor Ski Trail
Campbells Alley Ski Trail
Twilight Zone Ski Trail
Hemlock Ski Trail
Superpipe Ski Trail
Blackbird Museum
The Big 4-0 Ski Trail
Nose Dive Ski Trail
Foo Foo Land Ski Trail
Zippie'S Ski Trail
Te-Bowl Ski Trail
Leslie'S Quest Ski Trail
Fun Bowl Ski Trail
Valley View Ski Trail
Ramshead Ski Trail
Ablaze Ski Trail
Payson'S Bypass Ski Trail
Petoskey To Mackinaw Trail
Wildwood Lake Golf Course
Harbor Point Lighthouse
Devoe Beach
Scotland'S Yard Golf Course
Boyneland Ski Trail
Lazy Way Ski Trail
Bernie'S Ski Trail
Easy Mile Ski Trail
Bayview Ski Trail
Boyne Rapids Golf Course
Maple Ridge Golf Club
Revelry Ski Trail
Smokey Ski Trail
Home Run Ski Trail
Cross Village
Aurora Ski Trail
Mackinaw Golf Course
Stephen'S Pass Ski Trail
Mcgulpin Point Lighthouse
See-No-Land Ski Trail
Southwest Passage Ski Trail
Sno Pro Ski Trail
Chmielewski Ski Trail
S C Glade Ski Trail
Lois Lane Ski Trail
Olympic Ski Trail
Boswell Stadium
Easy Access Ski Trail
North Challenger Ski Trail
Dogleg Ski Trail
Idiot'S Delight Ski Trail

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