About lower loon creek Airport (id67)

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About Lower Loon Creek Airport

Airport Information

FAA CodeID67
latitude44° 48' 29'' N
Longitude114° 48' 33'' W
Runway Length0ft (0m)
What is the name of Challis's airport?
Lower Loon Creek Airport is the airport's official name.
What is the airport code of Challis?
ID67 is the airport's IATA Code.
What are nearby cities and towns to Lower Loon Creek?
Lewiston Orchards
Coeur d'Alene
Post Falls
What are the nearby airports to Lower Loon Creek?
What are some nearby parks to Lower Loon Creek?
Land of the Yankee Fork State Park & National Forest Historic Area
Idaho Primitive Area
Sawtooth Fish Hatchery
Sacajawea Monument
Fort Lemhi Monument
Langer Monument
North Shore Picnic Ground
Baker Creek Picnic Area
South Fork Payette River Game Preserve
Lewis and Clark Monument
Deer Creek Picnic Area
Indian Massacre Historical Monument
McCall Fish Hatchery
Bottolfsen Park
Salmon Wild and Scenic River

Top Destinations to Lower Loon Creek

Lower Loon Creek Private Flights


Challis, United States

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