About stonington municipal airport (93b)

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About Stonington Municipal Airport

Airport Information

FAA Code93B
latitude44° 10' 23'' N
Longitude68° 40' 48'' W
Runway Length2099ft (640m)
What is the name of Stonington's airport?
Stonington Municipal Airport is the airport's official name.
What is the airport code of Stonington?
93B is the airport's IATA Code.
What are nearby cities and towns to Stonington Municipal Airport?
South Portland
West Scarborough
What are some nearby parks to Stonington Municipal Airport?
Crockett Cove Woods Preserve
Barred Island Preserve
Mullen Head Park
Armburst Hill Wildlife Preserve
Lanes Island Preserve
Holbrook Island Sanctuary
Ritchie Field
Castine Historic District
Witherle Park
Blue Hill Historic District
Mill Field
Gilley Field
Curtis Island Park
Owls Head State Park
High Street Historic District
What are some nearby schools to Stonington Municipal Airport?
University of New Haven-Southeastern Connecticut
University of Connecticut Southeastern Branch
What are some things to see by Stonington Municipal Airport?
Black Dina Trail
Western Island
Trumpet Island
Fling Island
Camp Cove Ledge
Job Island
Isle Au Haut
Pemetic Mountain North Ridge Trail
Stoddart Island
West Sister Island
College Of The Atlantic Natural History Museum
Johnstons Island
Coombs Islands
Great Notch Trail
Markey Beach
Bar Harbor Whale Museum
The Hop
Broom Island
Large Green Island
Old Canada Cliff Trail
Auto Museum
South Bubble Trail
Ten Cent Island
Monroe Island
Steep Bank Beach
Cadillac Summit Trail
The Neck
Little Camp Island
Pumpkin Island
Sprout Island
Humpkins Island
Acadia Mountain Trail
Shore Village Museum
Combs Island
Spring Brook Trail
Nautilus Island
North Ridge Trail
Hewett Island
Line Island
Norumbega Mountain Trail
Long Porcupine Island
Little Cranberry Island
Current Island
Bakeman Beach
The Porcupines
Little Freese Island
Great Long Pond Trail
Wheaton Island
Cranberry Isles
Ironbound Island
Bluff Head
The Sugarloaf
Mcglathery Island
The Fang
Campbell Island
Fiddle Head
Bear Island Beach
Big Hen Island
Ebens Head Trail
Chatto Island
Bald Porcupine Island
Little Hen Island
Cadillac Mountain South Ridge Trail
North Point Beach
National Merchant Trail
Maine Watercraft Museum
Leadbetter Island
Little Deer Isle
Little Black Island
Saddleback Island
Joes Rock
Emery Island
Fiddlehead Island
Baker Island
Champlain Mountain Trail
Gunning Rock
Twenty Acre Island
Gorham Mountain Trail
Burnt Ledge
Hutchins Island
Ewe Island
Samoset Golf Course
Jerusalem Mountain Trail
Alley Island
Seven Hundred Acre Island
South Sandy Beach
Hales Beach
Polypod Island
The Bubbles
Lamoine Beach
Bucksport Historical Society Museum
Warren Island
Little Bermuda
South Face Trail
Southern Island
Colonel Black Mansion Museum
Valley Cove Trail
Maple Spring Trail
Birch Spring Trail
Stonington Municipal Airport Private Flights


Stonington, United States

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