About stonington municipal airport (93b)

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About Stonington Municipal Airport

Airport Information

FAA Code93B
latitude44° 10' 23'' N
Longitude68° 40' 48'' W
Runway Length2099ft (640m)
What is the name of Stonington's airport?
Stonington Municipal Airport is the airport's official name.
What is the airport code of Stonington?
93B is the airport's IATA Code.
What are nearby cities and towns to Stonington Municipal Airport?
South Portland
West Scarborough
What are some nearby parks to Stonington Municipal Airport?
Crockett Cove Woods Preserve
Barred Island Preserve
Mullen Head Park
Armburst Hill Wildlife Preserve
Lanes Island Preserve
Holbrook Island Sanctuary
Ritchie Field
Castine Historic District
Witherle Park
Blue Hill Historic District
Mill Field
Gilley Field
Curtis Island Park
Owls Head State Park
High Street Historic District
What are some nearby schools to Stonington Municipal Airport?
University of New Haven-Southeastern Connecticut
University of Connecticut Southeastern Branch
What are some things to see by Stonington Municipal Airport?
North Point Beach
Bar Harbor Golf Course
Brook Beach
Neck Island
Horseman Point Trail
Loon Island
Little Bermuda
Clayters Beach
Bucksport Historical Society Museum
Bucksport Golf Club
Flye Island
Little Two Bush Island
Beverage Island
The Hubs
Little Gott Island
Southern Island
Southwest Valley
Saddleback Island
Whitehorse Island
Lucia Beach
Trail Point Trail
Jordan Pond Trail
Maple Spring Trail
Great Duck Island
Two Bush Island
Narrow Place Beach
The Drums
Ringtown Island
Little Green Island
Norumbega Mountain Trail
North Gorham Mountain Trail
Twenty Acre Island
Causeway Golf Course
Goose Rocks Lighthouse
Emery Island
Wooden Ball Island
The Porcupines
Conary Nub
Scrag Island
Islesford Historical Museum
Roberts Island
Penobscot Mountain Trail
Eliot Mountain Trail
Graffam Island
Outer Beech Mountain Trail
Bald Porcupine Island
Door Mountain North Ridge Trail
Beech Cliff Loop
Fox Rocks
Johnstons Island
Eastern Beach
Current Island
Mount Desert Rock
Valley Peak Trail
Elwell Island
Muscle Ridge Islands
Combs Island
Bass Harbor Head Light Station
Burying Island
Downfall Island
Jed Island
Sargent Mountain South Ridge Trail
Bar Harbor Whale Museum
Whig Island
Steep Bank Beach
Conary Island
Little Cranberry Island
Markey Beach
Matinicus Island
Great Gott Island
Hunters Beach
The Nub
Pond Island
Laite Memorial Beach
Boom Beach
Little Eaton Island
Dorr Mountain Notch Trail
Freese Island
The Twinnies
Little Mcglathery Island
Rumell Island
The Fang
Bold Island
Little Camp Island
Valley Cove Trail
Lasell Island
Saint Saveur Mountain Trail
Spragues Beach
Mount Battie Trail
Great Head Trail
Stinson Neck
Mary Jane Island
Indian Camp Beach
East Goose Rock
Bowditch Trail
Big Green Island
Echo Lake Beach
Deer Isle
Hero Beach
Stonington Municipal Airport Private Flights


Stonington, United States

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