About swansboro country airport (01cl)

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About Swansboro Country Airport

Airport Information

FAA Code01CL
latitude38° 47' 59'' N
Longitude120° 44' 3'' W
Runway Length3100ft (945m)
What is the name of Placerville's airport?
Swansboro Country Airport is the airport's official name.
What is the airport code of Placerville?
01CL is the airport's IATA Code.
What are nearby cities and towns to Swansboro Country Airport?
El Dorado Hills
Citrus Heights
Fair Oaks
Rancho Cordova
What are some nearby parks to Swansboro Country Airport?
Lumsden Park
Lions Park
Rotary Park
Old Fort Jim Historical Marker
Placerville City Park
Hangtown Gold Bug Park
Diamond Spring State Historic Landmark
Eight Mile House State Historic Landmark
Sportsmans Hall State Historic Landmark 704
Beer Garden Picnic Area
James W Marshall State Historical Monument
Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
Shingle Springs Park Plaza
Shingle Springs State Historic Landmark 456
Pollock Pines Recreation Park
What are some things to see by Swansboro Country Airport?
Mather Golf Course
Starr Ravine
De Krruse Canyon
Deep Ravine
Loggers Delight Canyon
Mcintyre Gulch
El Dorado Canyon
Rolling Greens Golf Course
Peachstone Gulch
Young America Canyon
Horse Spring Trail
Windmiller Trail
Bloody Ravine
Twentyfive Mile Canyon
Jackass Gulch
Salvation Ravine
Hunsucker Trail
Mount Pleasant Canyon
Probable Donner Trail
Quartz Canyon
Big Grizzly Canyon
American Eagle Trail
Hunters Trail
Barts Valley
Cloud Chardonnay
South Branch Brushy Canyon
North Shirttail Canyon
White Man Ravine
Ballarat Canyon
Minister Gulch
Bake Oven Trail
Rab Ravine
Bark Sharrly Canyon
Ladys Canyon
Sheldon Ravine
New York Ranch Gulch
Missouri Canyon
School Land Gulch
Tommy Cain Ravine
Abrams Ravine
Hoboken Canyon
Gray Eagle Canyon
Rubicon Trail
Placer County Historical Museum
Brockliss Canyon
Brandon Canyon
Ellicott Trail
Refuge Canyon
Dry Lakes Trail
Grapevine Ravine
Sailors Ravine
Baltimore Ravine
Roseville Telephone Museum
Folsom Prison Museum
Little Grizzly Canyon
Sun Rock Trail
Ione Valley
Brushy Mountain Canyon
West Branch El Dorado Canyon
Grizzly Canyon Trail
Gas Canyon
Folsom Powerhouse Museum
Blue Eyes Canyon
Pine Nut Canyon
Dennis Canyon
Forks House Trail
Rancho Murieta Golf Course And Country Club
Ballard Ravine
D'Agostini Winery
American River Cherry Orchard
Spruce Gulch
Kitts Canyon
Mexican Gulch
Lawyer Trail
Robbers Ravine
Lake Natoma Trail
Jamison Ravine
Blackhawk Canyon
Whisky Gulch
Mccann Stadium
North Wallace Canyon
Poor Mans Canyon
Warner Ravine
Mace Meadows Golf Course
Windmiller Ravine
El Dorado Hills Golf Course
Little Pebble Canyon
Slug Gulch
Schlein Trail
Grey Trail
Knickerbocker Canyon
White Hall Canyon
Drummond Gulch
Black Oak Golf Course
South Wallace Canyon
Slocum Gulch
Antoine Canyon
Screech Owl Canyon
First Brushy Canyon
Swansboro Country Airport Private Flights


Placerville, United States

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