About whiskey creek Airport (94e)

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About Whiskey Creek Airport

Airport Information

FAA Code94E
latitude32° 45' 43'' N
Longitude108° 12' 30'' W
Runway Length5400ft (1646m)
What is the name of Silver City's airport?
Whiskey Creek Airport is the airport's official name.
What is the airport code of Silver City?
94E is the airport's IATA Code.
What are nearby cities and towns to Whiskey Creek?
South Valley
Rio Rancho
Enchanted Hills
What are the nearby airports to Whiskey Creek?
What are some nearby parks to Whiskey Creek?
Fort Bayard 1866-1900 Historical Marker
Fort Bayard National Cemetery Historical Marker
Bayard Historical Marker
City of Rocks State Park
Santa Rita Copper Mines Historical Marker
Kneeling Nun Historical Marker
Silver City Historical Marker
Little Walnut Picnic Area
Butterfield Trail
Cookes Range Wilderness Study Area
McComas Incident Historical Marker
Emory Pass Historical Marker
Fort Cummings 1836-1886 Historical Marker
Basin and Range Country Historical Marker
Cookes Wagon Road Historical Marker
What are some nearby schools to Whiskey Creek?
Western New Mexico University
What are some things to see by Whiskey Creek?
Ancheta Canyon
Trusdale Canyon
Brunner Canyon
Allie Canyon
Dry Gallinas Canyon
South Fork Buzzard Canyon
East Fork Schoolhouse Canyon
Toney Canyon
Spring Canyon Trail
Rocky Canyon Trail
Graveyard Draw
North Fork Clark Canyon
Ira Canyon
Heffner Canyon
Y L Canyon
Yellowdog Gulch
Hightower Canyon
South Fork Road Canyon
Dud Canyon
Second Valley
Leachman Draw
Little Shingle Canyon
Dam Canyon
Bull Trap Canyon
Sawmill Wagon Road Trail
Maudes Canyon
North Cherokee Canyon
Sheep Corral Draw
Clyde Canyon
Snowflake Canyon
Rosencran Canyon
Barney Kerr Canyon
Pinos Altos Range
Northrup Canyon
Bear Canyon Trail
Turkey Run Canyon
Rabb Canyon
Cordwood Draw
Orphan Canyon
Chicken Canyon
Faucet Canyon
South Fork Clark Canyon
Lordsburg Golf Club
Bayard Canyon
South Fork Walnut Canyon
Powderhorn Canyon
Rapp Canyon
Skating Rink Canyon
Black Peak Trail
South Fork Corral Canyon
Little Gallinas Canyon
Turkey Cienega Canyon
Porter Draw
Gold Pan Canyon
Signal Peak Trail
North Fork Ira Canyon
Powerline Canyon
Deemer Canyon
East Fork Smith Canyon
Jpb Draw
Snow Creek Trail
Jaybird Canyon
Guerrero Canyon
Little Brushy Canyon
Sapillo Trail
Knight Canyon
Granny Mountain Trail
Old Government Trail
Soldiers Canyon
Miller Spring Canyon
Provinger Canyon
Cake Canyon
Terry Canyon
Black Hawk Canyon
Shelby Clark Canyon
Reading Canyon
Joe Harris Canyon
Kelly Chimney Canyon
Monarch Canyon
North Fork Wild Horse Canyon
E T Canyon
South Fork Powderhorn Canyon
Quien Sabe Canyon
Foster Canyon
Gunn Canyon

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