
Why Air Taxi

These are posts that offer reasons, tips and travel benefits of air taxi

private charter flight of a cirrus mid-air

Air Taxi Attractiveness Grows as Airlines De-Prioritize Customers

Linear Air’s air taxi service takes the stress out of travel. Commodity airline baggage policy changes are doing just the opposite. Many of our Air Taxi passengers admit they’ve grown tired of disappointing and unpredictable airline service. In reading George Hobica’s account of his recent flight from JFK, we feel their pain. In a recent article …

Air Taxi Attractiveness Grows as Airlines De-Prioritize Customers Read More »

private charter flight of a cirrus mid-air

Linear Air CEO William Herp Talks Air Taxis

A conversation with William Herp Interview by Bill Randell, GoLocalWorcester MINDSETTER http://www.golocalworcester.com/business/flyorh-linear-air-ceo-william-herp-talks-air-taxis/ BR: A few years back air taxi was the future of the airline business. The one most people were familiar with was the failed DayJet. What did they do wrong? WH: Unfortunately DayJet was ahead of its time. They were attempting to aggregate passengers …

Linear Air CEO William Herp Talks Air Taxis Read More »

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