Halliday | ND16 | | | Frei Private |
Stapleton | 9NE7 | | | Bay Field |
Austin | 9U3 | | | Austin |
Jerome | 33OH | | | Sunset Strip |
Creswell | OR57 | | | Walker |
Knightdale | W17 | W17 | | Raleigh East Airport |
Langley | SC20 | | | Harman |
Rapid City | SD77 | | | Barber Strip |
Spring City | TN41 | | | 100 Aker Wood |
El Campo | 2TE4 | | | Frels |
Kaufman | 8TS6 | | | Moore |
Anchorage | MRI | MRI | PAMR | Merrill Field |
Anchorage | ANC | ANC | PANC | Ted Stevens Anchorage International |
Nondalton | 5NN | NNL | PANO | Nondalton Airport |
Vesper | 4WN2 | | | Swensen |
Somerset | 24WI | | | Irlbeck |
Aniak | ANI | ANI | PANI | Aniak |
Annette | ANN | ANN | PANT | Annette Island |
Anvik | ANV | ANV | PANV | Anvik Airport |
Arctic Village | ARC | ARC | PARC | Arctic Village Airport |
Atka | AKA | AKB | PAAK | Atka |
Atqasuk | ATK | ATK | PATQ | Atqasuk Edward Burnell Sr. Memorial Airport |
Attu | ATU | ATU | PAAT | Casco Cove Coast Guard Station |
Atmautluak | 4A2 | ATT | | Atmautluak Airport |
Barrow | BRW | BRW | PABR | Wiley Post/Will Rogers Memorial |
Katovik | BTI | BTI | PABA | Barter Island |
Beaver | WBQ | WBQ | PAWB | Beaver Airport |
Beluga | BLG | BVU | PABG | Beluga Airport |
Bethel | BET | BET | PABE | Bethel |
Bettles | BTT | BTT | PABT | Bettles Airport |
Big Lake | BGQ | BGQ | PAGQ | Big Lake Airport |
Big Mountain | 37AK | BMX | PABM | Big Mountain Airport |
Birch Creek | Z91 | KBC | | Birch Creek Airport |
Buckland | BVK | BKC | PABL | Buckland Airport |
Cape Lisburne | LUR | LUR | PALU | Cape Lisburne Lrrs Airport |
Cape Newenham | EHM | EHM | PAEH | Cape Newenham Lrrs Airport |
Cape Romanzof | CZF | CZF | PACZ | Cape Romanzof Lrrs Airport |
Central | CEM | CEM | PACE | Central Airport |
Chalkyitsik | CIK | CIK | PACI | Chalkyitsik Airport |
Chandalar Lake | WCR | WCR | PALR | Chandalar Lake Airport |
Chefornak | CFK | CYF | PACK | Chefornak Airport |
Chevak | VAK | VAK | PAVA | Chevak Airport |
Chignik | AJC | KCQ | PAJC | Chignik Airport |
Chuathbaluk | 9A3 | CHU | PACH | Chuathbaluk Airport |
Circle | CRC | IRC | PACR | Circle City (New) Airport |
Clarks Point | CLP | CLP | PFCL | Clarks Point Airport |
Boswell Bay | AK97 | BSW | | Boswell Bay Airport |
Boundary | BYA | BYA | | Boundary Airport |
Chena Hot Springs | AK13 | CEX | | Chena Hot Springs Airport |
Chicken | CKX | CKX | | Chicken Airport |
Chisana | CZN | CZN | | Chisana Airport |
Chistochina | CZO | CZO | | Chistochina Airport |
Chitina | CXC | CXC | | Chitina Airport |
Circle Hot Springs | CHP | CHP | | Circle Hot Springs Airport |
Cold Bay | CDB | CDB | PACD | Cold Bay |
Coldfoot | CXF | CXF | PACX | Coldfoot Airport |
Cordova | CDV | CDV | PACV | Merle K (Mudhole) Smith |
Deadhorse | SCC | SCC | PASC | Deadhorse (Prudhoe Bay) |
Delta Junction | BIG | BIG | PABI | Delta Junction/Fort Greely/Allen AAF |
Dillingham | DLG | DLG | PADL | Dillingham |
Colorado Creek | KCR | KCR | | Colorado Creek Airport |
Cooper Landing | JLA | JLA | | Quartz Creek Airport |
Copper Center | Z93 | CZC | | Copper Center 2 Airport |
Cordova | CKU | CKU | | Cordova Municipal Airport |
Council | K29 | CIL | | Council Airport |
Dahl Creek | DCK | DCK | | Dahl Creek Airport |
Delta Junction | D66 | DJN | | Delta Junction Airport |
Egegik | AK96 | | | Bartletts |
Eagle | EAA | EAA | PAEG | Eagle Airport |
Egegik | EII | EGX | PAII | Egegik Airport |
Elim | ELI | ELI | PFEL | Elim Airport |
Emmonak | ENM | EMK | PAEM | Emmonak Airport |
Fairbanks | FAI | FAI | PAFA | Fairbanks International |
Fairbanks | EIL | EIL | PAEI | Eielson AFB |
Fairbanks/Ft Wainwright | FBK | FBK | PAFB | Ladd AAF (Fort Wainwright) |
False Pass | KFP | KFP | PAKF | False Pass Airport |
Farewell | FWL | FWL | PAFW | Farewell Airport |
Fort Yukon | FYU | FYU | PFYU | Fort Yukon Airport |
Galbraith Lake | GBH | GBH | PAGB | Galbraith Lake Airport |
Galena | GAL | GAL | PAGA | Edward G Pitka Sr |
Gambell | GAM | GAM | PAGM | Gambell |
Granite Mountain | GSZ | GMT | PAGZ | Granite Mountain Air Station |
Gulkana | GKN | GKN | PAGK | Gulkana |
Gustavus | GST | GST | PAGS | Gustavus |
Haines | HNS | HNS | PAHN | Haines |
Ekwok | KEK | KEK | | Ekwok Airport |
Fairbanks | MTF | MTX | | Metro Field Airport |
Flat | FLT | FLT | | Flat Airport |
Fairbanks | 32AK | | | Hardrock Field |
Goodnews | GNU | GNU | | Goodnews Airport |
Grayling | KGX | KGX | | Grayling Airport |
Healy | HRR | HKB | PAHV | Healy River Airport |
Homer | HOM | HOM | PAHO | Homer |
Holy Cross | HCA | HCR | PAHC | Holy Cross Airport |
Hoonah | HNH | HNH | PAOH | Hoonah |
Hooper Bay | HPB | HPB | PAHP | Hooper Bay |
Hughes | HUS | HUS | PAHU | Hughes Airport |
Igiugig | IGG | IGG | PAIG | Igiugig Airport |
Iliamna | ILI | ILI | PAIL | Iliamna |
Juneau | JNU | JNU | PAJN | Juneau International |
Kake | AFE | KAE | PAFE | Kake |
Kalskag | KLG | KLG | PALG | Kalskag Airport |
Kaltag | KAL | KAL | PAKV | Kaltag Airport |
Karluk | KYK | KYK | PAKY | Karluk Airport |
Kasigluk | Z09 | KUK | PFKA | Kasigluk Airport |
Kenai | ENA | ENA | PAEN | Kenai Municipal |
Hogatza | 2AK6 | HGZ | | Hog River Airport |
Icy Bay | 19AK | ICY | | Icy Bay Airport |
Kalakaket Creek | 1KC | KKK | | Kalakaket Creek Air Station |
Ketchikan | KTN | KTN | PAKT | Ketchikan International |
Kiana | IAN | IAN | PAIK | Bob Baker Memorial Airport |
King Cove | KVC | KVC | PAVC | King Cove Airport |
King Salmon | AKN | AKN | PAKN | King Salmon |
Kipnuk | IIK | KPN | PAKI | Kipnuk Airport |
Kivalina | KVL | KVL | PAVL | Kivalina Airport |
Klawock | AKW | KLW | PAKW | Klawock |
Kobuk | OBU | OBU | PAOB | Kobuk Airport |
Kodiak | ADQ | ADQ | PADQ | Kodiak |
Kodiak | KDK | KDK | PAKD | Kodiak Municipal Airport |
Kongiganak | DUY | KKH | PADY | Kongiganak Airport |
Kotzebue | OTZ | OTZ | PAOT | Ralph Wien Memorial |
Koyuk | KKA | KKA | PAKK | Koyuk Alfred Adams Airport |
Koyukuk | KYU | KYU | PFKU | Koyukuk Airport |
Kulik Lake | LKK | LKK | PAKL | Kulik Lake Airport |
Kuparuk | UBW | UUK | PAKU | Ugnu-Kuparuk Airport |
Larsen Bay | 2A3 | KLN | PALB | Larsen Bay Airport |
Lonely | AK71 | LNI | PALN | Lonely Air Station |
Manley Hot Springs | MLY | MLY | PAML | Manley Hot Springs Airport |
Manokotak | MBA | KMO | PAMB | Manokotak Airport |
Mccarthy | 15Z | MXY | PAMX | Mc Carthy Airport |
Nikolai | FSP | NIB | PAFS | Nikolai Airport |
Mcgrath | MCG | MCG | PAMC | Mc Grath |
Mekoryuk | MYU | MYU | PAMY | Mekoryuk Airport |
Minchumina | MHM | MHM | PAMH | Minchumina Airport |
Mountain Village | MOU | MOU | PAMO | Mountain Village Airport |
Napakiak | WNA | WNA | PANA | Napakiak Airport |
Napaskiak | PKA | PKA | PAPK | Napaskiak Airport |
Nelson Lagoon | OUL | NLG | PAOU | Nelson Lagoon Airport |
Nenana | ENN | ENN | PANN | Nenana Municipal |
New Stuyahok | KNW | KNW | PANW | New Stuyahok Airport |
Newtok | EWU | WWT | PAEW | Newtok Airport |
Nightmute | IGT | NME | PAGT | Nightmute Airport |
Nikolski | IKO | IKO | PAKO | Nikolski Air Station |
Noatak | WTK | WTK | PAWN | Noatak Airport |
Nome | OME | OME | PAOM | Nome |
Northway | ORT | ORT | PAOR | Northway |
May Creek | MYK | MYK | | May Creek Airport |
Minto | 51Z | MNT | | Minto Al Wright Airport |
Naknek | 5NK | NNK | | Naknek Airport |
Ninilchik | NIN | NIN | | Ninilchik Airport |
Nuiqsut | AQT | NUI | PAQT | Nuiqsut Airport |
Nulato | NUL | NUL | PANU | Nulato Airport |
Palmer | PAQ | PAQ | PAAQ | Palmer Buddy Woods Municipal |
Perryville | PEV | KPV | PAPE | Perryville Airport |
Petersburg | PSG | PSG | PAPG | Petersburg James A Johnson |
Pilot Point | PNP | PIP | PAPN | Pilot Point Airport |
Platinum | PTU | PTU | PAPM | Platinum Airport |
Point Hope | PHO | PHO | PAPO | Point Hope |
Point Lay | PIZ | PIZ | PPIZ | Point Lay Lrrs |
Port Alsworth | TPO | PTA | PALJ | Port Alsworth Airport |
Port Clarence | KPC | KPC | PAPC | Port Clarence Coast Guard Station |
Port Heiden | PTH | PTH | PAPH | Port Heiden Airport |
Nunapitchuk | 16A | NUP | | Nunapitchuk Airport |
Nyac | ZNC | ZNC | | Nyac Airport |
Old Harbor | 6R7 | OLH | | Old Harbor Airport |
Ouzinkie | 4K5 | KOZ | | Ouzinkie Airport |
Sheldon Point | SXP | SXP | | Sheldon Point Airport |
Pedro Bay | 4K0 | PDB | | Pedro Bay Airport |
Pilot Point | UGB | UGB | | Ugashik Bay Airport |
Pilot Station | 0AK | PQS | | Pilot Station Airport |
Prospect Creek | PPC | PPC | PAPR | Prospect Creek Airport |
Quinhagak | AQH | KWN | PAQH | Quinhagak Airport |
Red Dog | DGG | RDB | PADG | Red Dog Airport |
Russian Mission | RSH | RSH | PARS | Russian Mission Airport |
Sand Point | SDP | SDP | PASD | Sand Point |
Savoonga | SVA | SVA | PASA | Savoonga Airport |
Scammon Bay | SCM | SCM | PACM | Scammon Bay Airport |
Selawik | WLK | WLK | PASK | Selawik Airport |
Seward | SWD | SWD | PAWD | Seward |
Shageluk | SHX | SHX | PAHX | Shageluk Airport |
Sheep Mountain | SMU | SMU | PASP | Sheep Mountain Airport |
Shemya Island | SYA | SYA | PASY | Shemya Island/Eareckson As |
Shishmaref | SHH | SHH | PASH | Shishmaref |
Shungnak | SHG | SHG | PAGH | Shungnak Airport |
Sitka | SIT | SIT | PASI | Sitka Rocky Gutierrez |
Skagway | SGY | SGY | PAGY | Skagway |
Skwentna | SKW | SKW | PASW | Skwentna Airport |
Sleetmute | SLQ | SLQ | PASL | Sleetmute Airport |
Soldotna | SXQ | SXQ | PASX | Soldotna |
Port Lions | ORI | ORI | | Port Lions Airport |
Rampart | RMP | RMP | | Rampart Airport |
Red Devil | RDV | RDV | | Red Devil Airport |
South Naknek | WSN | WSN | PFWS | South Naknek Nr 2 Airport |
Sparrevohn | SVW | SVW | PASV | Sparrevohn Lrrs Airport |
St George | PBV | STG | PAPB | Saint George |
St Mary's | KSM | KSM | PASM | St Mary's Airport |
St Michael | SMK | SMK | PAMK | St Michael Airport |
St Paul Island | SNP | SNP | PASN | St Paul Island |
Umiat | UMT | UMT | PAUM | Umiat Airport |
Summit | UMM | UMM | PAST | Summit Airport |
Takotna | TCT | TCT | PPCT | Takotna Airport |
Talkeetna | TKA | TKA | PATK | Talkeetna |
Tanana | TAL | TAL | PATA | Ralph M Calhoun Memorial Airport |
Tatitlek | 7KA | TEK | PAKA | Tatitlek Airport |
Teller | TER | TLA | PATE | Teller Airport |
Stebbins | WBB | WBB | | Stebbins Airport |
Stevens Village | SVS | SVS | | Stevens Village Airport |
Stony River | SRV | SRV | | Stony River 2 Airport |
Tanacross | TSG | TSG | | Tanacross |
Taylor | AK49 | TWE | | Taylor Airport |
Tin City | TNC | TNC | PATC | Tin City Lrrs Airport |
Togiak Village | TOG | TOG | PATG | Togiak Airport |
Toksook Bay | OOK | OOK | PAOO | Toksook Bay Airport |
Unalakleet | UNK | UNK | PAUN | Unalakleet |
Unalaska | DUT | DUT | PADU | Unalaska/Dutch Harbour/Tom Madsen |
Utopia Creek | UTO | UTO | PAIM | Indian Mountain Lrrs Airport |
Valdez | VDZ | VDZ | PAVD | Valdez Pioneer Field |
Venetie | VEE | VEE | PAVE | Venetie Airport |
Wainwright | AWI | AIN | PAWI | Wainwright Airport |
Wales | IWK | WAA | PAIW | Wales Airport |
Tuluksak | TLT | TLT | | Tuluksak Airport |
Tuntutuliak | A61 | WTL | | Tuntutuliak Airport |
Twin Hills | A63 | TWA | | Twin Hills Airport |
Tyonek | TYE | TYE | | Tyonek Airport |
Ugashik | 9A8 | UGS | | Ugashik Airport |
Alexander City | ALX | ALX | KALX | Thomas P Russell Field |
Wasilla | IYS | WWA | PAWS | Wasilla |
White Mountain | WMO | WMO | PAWM | White Mountain Airport |
Willow | UUO | WOW | PAUO | Willow Airport |
Wrangell | WRG | WRG | PAWG | Wrangell |
Yakataga | CYT | CYT | PACY | Yakataga Airport |
Yakutat | YAK | YAK | PAYA | Yakutat |
Aliceville | AIV | AIV | KAIV | George Downer |
Anniston | ANB | ANB | KANB | Anniston Regional |
Wiseman | WSM | WSM | | Wiseman Airport |
Auburn | AUO | AUO | KAUO | Auburn University Regional |
Birmingham | BHM | BHM | KBHM | Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International |
Hyannis | HYA | HYA | KHYA | Cape Cod Gateway Airport |
Decatur | DCU | DCU | KDCU | Pryor Field Regional |
Dothan | DHN | DHN | KDHN | Dothan Regional |
Enterprise | EDN | ETS | KEDN | Enterprise Municipal |
Eufaula | EUF | EUF | KEUF | Weedon Field |
Foley | NBJ | NHX | KNBJ | Foley Municipal |
Fort Rucker | OZR | OZR | KOZR | Fort Rucker/Cairns AAF |
Gadsden | GAD | GAD | KGAD | Northeast Alabama Regional |
Gulf Shores | JKA | GUF | KJKA | Jack Edwards National |
Hamilton | HAB | HAB | KHAB | Marion County-Rankin Fite |
Huntsville | HSV | HSV | KHSV | Huntsville International/Carl T Jones Field |
Mobile | MOB | MOB | KMOB | Mobile Regional |
Mobile | BFM | BFM | KBFM | Mobile Downtown |
Monroeville | MVC | MVC | KMVC | Monroe County Aeroplex |
Montgomery | MGM | MGM | KMGM | Montgomery Regional/Dannelly Field |
Montgomery | MXF | MXF | KMXF | Maxwell AFB |
Muscle Shoals | MSL | MSL | KMSL | Northwest Alabama Regional |
Pell City | PLR | PLR | KPLR | St Clair County |
Mattituck | 21N | | | Mattituck Airport |
Huntsville | HUA | HUA | KHUA | Redstone AAF |
Selma | SEM | SEM | KSEM | Craig Field |
Talladega | ASN | ASN | KASN | Talladega Municipal |
Troy | TOI | TOI | KTOI | Troy Municipal |
Tuscaloosa | TCL | TCL | KTCL | Tuscaloosa Regional |
Tuskegee | 06A | TGE | | Moton Field Municipal |
Batesville | BVX | BVX | KBVX | Batesville Regional |
Blytheville | HKA | HKA | KHKA | Blytheville Municipal |
Blytheville | BYH | BYH | KBYH | Arkansas International |
Camden | CDH | CDH | KCDH | Harrell Field |
Clinton | CCA | CCA | KCCA | Clinton Municipal |
Crossett | CRT | CRT | KCRT | Z M Jack Stell Field |
El Dorado | ELD | ELD | KELD | South Arkansas Regional at Goodwin Field |
Fayetteville | FYV | FYV | KFYV | Drake Field |
Fayetteville/Springdale | XNA | XNA | KXNA | Northwest Arkansas Regional |
Flippin | FLP | FLP | KFLP | Marion County Regional |
Forrest City | FCY | FCY | KFCY | Forrest City Municipal |
Fort Smith | FSM | FSM | KFSM | Fort Smith Regional |
Harrison | HRO | HRO | KHRO | Boone County Regional |
Helena/West Helena | HEE | HEE | KHEE | Thompson-Robbins |
Hot Springs | HOT | HOT | KHOT | Memorial Field |
Jacksonville | LRF | LRF | KLRF | Little Rock AFB |
Jonesboro | JBR | JBR | KJBR | Jonesboro Municipal |
Magnolia | AGO | AGO | KAGO | Magnolia Municipal |
Manila | MXA | MXA | KMXA | Manila Municipal |
Morrilton | MPJ | MPJ | KMPJ | Petit Jean Park |
Little Rock | LIT | LIT | KLIT | Bill and Hillary Clinton National/Adams Field |
Mountain Home | BPK | WMH | KBPK | Baxter County |
Paragould | PGR | PGR | KPGR | Paragould/Kirk Field |
Pine Bluff | PBF | PBF | KPBF | Pine Bluff Regional-Grider Field |
Rogers | ROG | ROG | KROG | Rogers Executive/Carter Field |
Searcy | SRC | SRC | KSRC | Searcy Municipal |
Siloam Springs | SLG | SLG | KSLG | Smith Field/Siloam Springs Municipal |
Springdale | ASG | SPZ | KASG | Springdale Municipal |
Stuttgart | SGT | SGT | KSGT | Stuttgart Municipal |
Texarkana | TXK | TXK | KTXK | Texarkana Regional/Webb Field |
Walnut Ridge | ARG | ARG | KARG | Walnut Ridge Regional |
West Memphis | AWM | AWM | KAWM | West Memphis Municipal |
Buckeye | BXK | BXK | KBXK | Buckeye Municipal |
Bullhead City | IFP | IFP | KIFP | Laughlin/Bullhead International |
Casa Grande | CGZ | CGZ | KCGZ | Casa Grande Municipal |
Clifton | CFT | CFT | KCFT | Greenlee County |
Bagdad | E51 | BGT | | Bagdad |
Bisbee | P04 | BSQ | | Bisbee Municipal |
Chandler | P19 | SLJ | | Stellar Airpark |
Douglas | DGL | DGL | KDGL | Douglas Municipal |
Douglas/Bisbee | DUG | DUG | KDUG | Bisbee Douglas International |
Flagstaff | FLG | FLG | KFLG | Flagstaff Pulliam |
Fort Huachuca | FHU | FHU | KFHU | Sierra Vista Municipal/Libby AAF |
Glendale | LUF | LUF | KLUF | Luke AFB |
Goodyear | GYR | GYR | KGYR | Phoenix Goodyear |
Grand Canyon | GCN | GCN | KGCN | Grand Canyon National Park |
Cold Bay | 1AK3 | | PAAL | Port Moller Airport |
Cottonwood | P52 | CTW | | Cottonwood |
Globe | P13 | GLB | | San Carlos Apache |
Grand Canyon | 40G | VLE | | Valle- Grand Canyon |
Holbrook | P14 | HBK | | Holbrook Municipal |
Kingman | IGM | IGM | KIGM | Kingman |
Lake Havasu City | HII | HII | KHII | Lake Havasu City |
Marana | MZJ | MZJ | KMZJ | Pinal Airpark |
Mesa | FFZ | MSC | KFFZ | Falcon Field |
Marble Canyon | L41 | MYH | | Marble Canyon |
Nogales | OLS | OLS | KOLS | Nogales International |
Page | PGA | PGA | KPGA | Page Municipal |
Payson | PAN | PJB | KPAN | Payson Municipal |
Phoenix | PHX | PHX | KPHX | Phoenix Sky Harbor International |
Phoenix | DVT | DVT | KDVT | Phoenix Deer Valley |
Phoenix | IWA | AZA | KIWA | Phoenix-Mesa Gateway |
Prescott | PRC | PRC | KPRC | Ernest A. Love Field |
Peach Springs | L37 | PGS | | Grand Canyon Caverns Airport |
Polacca | P10 | PXL | | Polacca |
Safford | SAD | SAD | KSAD | Safford Regional |
Scottsdale | SDL | SCF | KSDL | Scottsdale |
Sedona | SEZ | SDX | KSEZ | Sedona |
Show Low | SOW | SOW | KSOW | Show Low Regional |
St Johns | SJN | SJN | KSJN | St Johns Industrial Air Park |
Taylor | TYL | TYZ | KTYL | Taylor |
Kokhanok | 9K2 | | PFKK | Kokhanok Airport |
Tucson | DMA | DMA | KDMA | Davis Monthan AFB |
Tucson | TUS | TUS | KTUS | Tucson International |
Tucson | AVQ | AVW | KAVQ | Marana Regional |
Winslow | INW | INW | KINW | Winslow-Lindbergh Regional |
Laguna | LGF | LGF | KLGF | Laguna Army Airfield (Yuma Proving Ground) |
Tuba City | T03 | TBC | | Tuba City |
Whiteriver | E24 | WTR | | Whiteriver |
Willcox | P33 | CWX | | Cochise County |
Blythe | BLH | BLH | KBLH | Blythe |
Apple Valley | APV | APV | KAPV | Apple Valley |
Arcata | ACV | ACV | KACV | California Redwood Coast-Humboldt County |
Auburn | AUN | AUN | KAUN | Auburn Municipal |
Avalon | AVX | AVX | KAVX | Catalina |
Bakersfield | BFL | BFL | KBFL | Meadows Field |
Banning | BNG | BNG | KBNG | Banning Municipal |
Bishop | BIH | BIH | KBIH | Bishop Regional |
Brawley | BWC | BWC | KBWC | Brawley Municipal |
Burbank | BUR | BUR | KBUR | Hollywood Burbank |
Calexico | CXL | CXL | KCXL | Calexico International |
Calipatria | CLR | CLR | KCLR | Cliff Hatfield Memorial |
Beckwourth | O02 | NVN | | Nervino |
Big Bear City | L35 | RBF | | Big Bear City |
Borrego Springs | L08 | BXS | | Borrego Valley |
Carlsbad | CRQ | CLD | KCRQ | Carlsbad/McClellan-Palomar |
Chico | CIC | CIC | KCIC | Chico Municipal |
Chino | CNO | CNO | KCNO | Chino |
Coalinga | C80 | CLG | | New Coalinga Municipal |
Columbia | O22 | COA | | Columbia |
Capay | 63CL | | | G3 Ranch Airport |
Compton | CPM | CPM | KCPM | Compton/Woodley |
Concord | CCR | CCR | KCCR | Buchanan Field |
Crescent City | CEC | CEC | KCEC | Del Norte Co Regional/Jack Mcnamara Field |
Daggett | DAG | DAG | KDAG | Barstow-Daggett |
Edwards | EDW | EDW | KEDW | Edwards AFB |
El Centro | NJK | NJK | KNJK | El Centro Naf |
El Monte | EMT | EMT | KEMT | San Gabriel Valley |
Emigrant Gap | BLU | BLU | KBLU | Blue Canyon - Nyack |
Eureka | EKA | EKA | KEKA | Eureka/Murray Field |
Fairfield | SUU | SUU | KSUU | Travis AFB |
Fort Irwin/barstow | BYS | BYS | KBYS | Bicycle Lake Army Airfield |
Fresno | FAT | FAT | KFAT | Fresno Yosemite International |
Fresno | FCH | FCH | KFCH | Fresno Chandler Executive |
Fullerton | FUL | FUL | KFUL | Fullerton Municipal |
Half Moon Bay | HAF | HAF | KHAF | Half Moon Bay |
Hawthorne | HHR | HHR | KHHR | Hawthorne Municipal/Jack Northrop Field |
Hayward | HWD | HWD | KHWD | Hayward Executive |
Koliganek | JZZ | | PAJZ | Koliganek Airport |
Fairbanks | AK52 | | | Moen's Ranch |
Hemet | HMT | HMT | KHMT | Hemet-Ryan |
Hollister | CVH | HLI | KCVH | Hollister Municipal |
Imperial | IPL | IPL | KIPL | Imperial County |
Imperial Beach | NRS | NRS | KNRS | Imperial Beach Naval Outlying Field (Ream Field) |
Inyokern | IYK | IYK | KIYK | Inyokern |
Kotlik | 2A9 | | PFKO | Kotlik Airport |
King City | KIC | KIC | KKIC | Mesa Del Rey |
La Verne | POC | POC | KPOC | Brackett Field |
Lancaster | WJF | WJF | KWJF | General Wm J Fox Airfield |
Lemoore | NLC | NLC | KNLC | Lemoore Naval Air Station (Reeves Field) |
Livermore | LVK | LVK | KLVK | Livermore Municipal |
Lompoc | LPC | LPC | KLPC | Lompoc |
Lompoc | VBG | VBG | KVBG | Vandenberg AFB |
Kwethluk | KWT | | PFKW | Kwethluk Airport |
Long Beach | LGB | LGB | KLGB | Long Beach/Daugherty Field |
Los Angeles | WHP | WHP | KWHP | Whiteman |
Los Angeles | LAX | LAX | KLAX | Los Angeles International |
Los Banos | LSN | LSN | KLSN | Los Banos Municipal |
Madera | MAE | MAE | KMAE | Madera Municipal |
Mammoth Lakes | MMH | MMH | KMMH | Mammoth Yosemite |
Marina | OAR | OAR | KOAR | Marina Municipal |
Mariposa | MPI | RMY | KMPI | Mariposa-Yosemite |
Marysville | BAB | BAB | KBAB | Beale AFB |
Marysville | MYV | MYV | KMYV | Yuba County |
Merced | MCE | MCE | KMCE | Merced Regional/ Macready Field |
Merced | MER | MER | KMER | Castle |
Modesto | MOD | MOD | KMOD | Modesto City-County/Harry Sham Field |
Mojave | MHV | MHV | KMHV | Mojave Air And Space Port |
Montague | SIY | SIY | KSIY | Siskiyou County |
Monterey | MRY | MRY | KMRY | Monterey Regional |
Mountain View | NUQ | NUQ | KNUQ | Moffett Federal Airfield |
Napa | APC | APC | KAPC | Napa County |
Needles | EED | EED | KEED | Needles |
Novato | DVO | NOT | KDVO | Gnoss Field |
Oakland | OAK | OAK | KOAK | Metropolitan Oakland International |
Oceanside | OKB | OCN | KOKB | Oceanside Municipal Airport |
Ontario | ONT | ONT | KONT | Ontario International |
Oroville | OVE | OVE | KOVE | Oroville Municipal |
Oxnard | OXR | OXR | KOXR | Oxnard |
Palm Springs | TRM | TRM | KTRM | Jacqueline Cochran Regional |
Palm Springs | UDD | UDD | KUDD | Bermuda Dunes |
Montague | 1O5 | RKC | | Montague-Yreka Rohrer Field |
Murrieta/Temecula | F70 | RBK | | French Valley |
Oakdale | O27 | ODC | | Oakdale |
Palm Springs | PSP | PSP | KPSP | Palm Springs International |
Palmdale | PMD | PMD | KPMD | Palmdale Regional/Usaf Plant 42 |
Palo Alto | PAO | PAO | KPAO | Palo Alto |
Paso Robles | PRB | PRB | KPRB | Paso Robles Municipal |
Placerville | PVF | PVF | KPVF | Placerville |
Point Mugu | NTD | NTD | KNTD | Naval Base Ventura County/Point Mugu Nas |
Porterville | PTV | PTV | KPTV | Porterville Municipal |
Quincy | 2O1 | GNF | | Gansner Field |
Red Bluff | RBL | RBL | KRBL | Red Bluff Municipal |
Redding | RDD | RDD | KRDD | Redding Municipal |
Riverside/Rubidoux | RIR | RIR | KRIR | Flabob |
Riverside | RIV | RIV | KRIV | March Arb |
Riverside | RAL | RAL | KRAL | Riverside Municipal |
Crested Butte | 0CO2 | CSE | | Buckhorn Ranch Airport |
Sacramento | MCC | MCC | KMCC | Mc Clellan |
Sacramento | SAC | SAC | KSAC | Sacramento Executive |
Sacramento | MHR | MHR | KMHR | Sacramento Mather |
Sacramento | SMF | SMF | KSMF | Sacramento International |
Salinas | SNS | SNS | KSNS | Salinas Municipal |
Salton City | SAS | SAS | KSAS | Salton Sea Airport |
San Bernardino | SBD | SBD | KSBD | San Bernardino International |
San Carlos | SQL | SQL | KSQL | San Carlos |
San Diego | SDM | SDM | KSDM | Brown Field Municipal |
San Diego | NKX | NKX | KNKX | Miramar Mcas |
San Diego | MYF | MYF | KMYF | Montgomery-Gibbs Executive |
San Diego | SAN | SAN | KSAN | San Diego International/Lindbergh Field |
San Diego | NZY | NZY | KNZY | Halsey Field/North Island Nas |
San Diego/El Cajon | SEE | SEE | KSEE | Gillespie Field |
San Francisco | SFO | SFO | KSFO | San Francisco International |
San Jose | SJC | SJC | KSJC | Norman Y Mineta San Jose International |
San Jose | RHV | RHV | KRHV | Reid-Hillview of Santa Clara County |
San Luis Obispo | SBP | SBP | KSBP | San Luis County Regional |
Santa Ana | SNA | SNA | KSNA | John Wayne/Orange County |
Santa Barbara | SBA | SBA | KSBA | Santa Barbara Municipal |
Santa Barbara | SZN | SZN | KSZN | Santa Cruz Island Airport |
Santa Maria | SMX | SMX | KSMX | Capt G Allan Hancock Field/Santa Maria Public |
Santa Monica | SMO | SMO | KSMO | Santa Monica Municipal |
Santa Paula | SZP | SZP | KSZP | Santa Paula Airport |
Santa Rosa | STS | STS | KSTS | Charles M Schulz - Sonoma County |
Santa Ynez | IZA | SQA | KIZA | Santa Ynez |
Shafter | MIT | MIT | KMIT | Shafter-Minter Field |
South Lake Tahoe | TVL | TVL | KTVL | Lake Tahoe Airport |
Stockton | SCK | SCK | KSCK | Stockton Metropolitan |
Susanville | SVE | SVE | KSVE | Susanville Municipal |
Tehachapi | TSP | TSP | KTSP | Tehachapi Municipal |
Torrance | TOA | TOA | KTOA | Zamperini Field |
Truckee | TRK | TKF | KTRK | Truckee-Tahoe |
Fairbanks | 83AK | | | Tolovana Hot Springs |
Trona | L72 | TRH | | Trona |
Tulare | TLR | TLR | KTLR | Tulare/Mefford Field |
Twentynine Palms | TNP | TNP | KTNP | Twentynine Palms |
Ukiah | UKI | UKI | KUKI | Ukiah Municipal |
Upland | CCB | CCB | KCCB | Cable |
Van Nuys | VNY | VNY | KVNY | Van Nuys |
Victorville | VCV | VCV | KVCV | Southern California Logisitics |
Visalia | VIS | VIS | KVIS | Visalia Municipal |
Watsonville | WVI | WVI | KWVI | Watsonville Municipal |
Lake Louise | Z55 | | | Lake Louise Airport |
Willows | WLW | WLW | KWLW | Willows-Glenn County |
Akron | AKO | AKO | KAKO | Colorado Plains Regional |
Alamosa | ALS | ALS | KALS | San Luis Valley Regional/Bergman Field |
Aspen | ASE | ASE | KASE | Aspen-Pitkin County/Sardy Field |
Boulder | BDU | WBU | KBDU | Boulder Municipal |
Canon City | 1V6 | CNE | | Fremont County |
Colorado Springs | AFF | AFF | KAFF | Usaf Academy Airfield |
Colorado Springs | COS | COS | KCOS | City of Colorado Springs Municipal |
Cortez | CEZ | CEZ | KCEZ | Cortez Municipal |
Craig | CAG | CIG | KCAG | Craig-Moffat |
Denver | APA | APA | KAPA | Centennial |
Denver | BJC | BJC | KBJC | Rocky Mountain Metropolitan/Jeffco |
Denver | DEN | DEN | KDEN | Denver International |
Durango | DRO | DRO | KDRO | Durango/La Plata County |
Eagle | EGE | EGE | KEGE | Eagle County Regional |
Durango | 00C | AMK | | Animas Air Park |
Ft Collins/Loveland | FNL | FNL | KFNL | Northern Colorado Regional |
Glenwood Springs | GWS | GWS | KGWS | Glenwood Springs Municipal |
Grand Junction | GJT | GJT | KGJT | Grand Junction Regional Walker Field |
Greeley | GXY | GXY | KGXY | Greeley-Weld County |
Gunnison | GUC | GUC | KGUC | Gunnison/Crested Butte Regional |
Hayden | HDN | HDN | KHDN | Hayden Yampa Valley Regional |
Lamar | LAA | LAA | KLAA | Lamar Municipal |
Leadville | LXV | LXV | KLXV | Lake County |
Limon | LIC | LIC | KLIC | Limon Municipal |
Montrose | MTJ | MTJ | KMTJ | Montrose Regional |
Pagosa Springs | PSO | PGO | KPSO | Pagosa Springs/Stevens Field |
Pueblo | PUB | PUB | KPUB | Pueblo Memorial |
Rifle | RIL | RIL | KRIL | Garfield County Regional |
Paonia | 7V2 | WPO | | North Fork Valley |
Rangely | 4V0 | RNG | | Rangely |
Salida | ANK | SLT | KANK | Salida Arpt Harriett Alexander Field |
Steamboat Springs | SBS | SBS | KSBS | Steamboat Springs/Bob Adams Field |
Sterling | STK | STK | KSTK | Sterling Municipal |
Telluride | TEX | TEX | KTEX | Telluride Regional |
Trinidad | TAD | TAD | KTAD | Perry Stokes |
Bridgeport | BDR | BDR | KBDR | Igor I Sikorsky Memorial |
Danbury | DXR | DXR | KDXR | Danbury Municipal |
Groton New London | GON | GON | KGON | Groton New London |
Hartford | HFD | HFD | KHFD | Hartford/Brainard |
New Haven | HVN | HVN | KHVN | Tweed/New Haven |
Oxford | OXC | OXC | KOXC | Waterbury/Oxford |
Hartford | BDL | BDL | KBDL | Bradley International |
Washington | IAD | IAD | KIAD | Washington Dulles International |
Washington | DCA | DCA | KDCA | Ronald Reagan Washington National |
Dover | DOV | DOV | KDOV | Dover AFB |
Georgetown | GED | GED | KGED | Delaware Coastal |
Wilmington | ILG | ILG | KILG | Wilmington/New Castle |
Apalachicola | AAF | AAF | KAAF | Apalachicola Regional |
Avon Park | AVO | AVO | KAVO | Avon Park Executive |
Bartow | BOW | BOW | KBOW | Bartow Executive |
Boca Raton | BCT | BCT | KBCT | Boca Raton |
Cedar Key | CDK | CDK | KCDK | George T Lewis Airport |
Clearwater | CLW | CLW | KCLW | Clearwater Airpark |
Cocoa Beach | COF | COF | KCOF | Patrick AFB |
Valparaiso | EGI | EGI | KEGI | Duke Field (Eglin Af Aux Nr 3) Airport |
Crestview | CEW | CEW | KCEW | Bob Sikes |
Cross City | CTY | CTY | KCTY | Cross City |
Daytona Beach | DAB | DAB | KDAB | Daytona Beach International |
Destin | DTS | DSI | KDTS | Destin Executive |
Lawing | 9Z9 | | | Lawing Airport |
Fort Lauderdale | FXE | FXE | KFXE | Fort Lauderdale Executive |
Fort Lauderdale | FLL | FLL | KFLL | Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International |
Fort Myers | RSW | RSW | KRSW | Southwest Florida International |
Fort Myers | FMY | FMY | KFMY | Page Field |
Fort Pierce | FPR | FPR | KFPR | Treasure Coast International |
Gainesville | GNV | GNV | KGNV | Gainesville Regional |
Hollywood | HWO | HWO | KHWO | North Perry |
Homestead | HST | HST | KHST | Homestead Air Reserve Base |
Immokalee | IMM | IMM | KIMM | Immokalee Regional |
Jacksonville | NEN | NEN | KNEN | Whitehouse Naval Outlying Field |
Jacksonville | NIP | NIP | KNIP | Jacksonville Nas (Towers Field) |
Jacksonville | CRG | CRG | KCRG | Jacksonville Executive at Craig |
Jacksonville | JAX | JAX | KJAX | Jacksonville International |
Jacksonville | VQQ | VQQ | KVQQ | Cecil Field |
Key West | NQX | NQX | KNQX | Boca Chica Field/Key West Nas |
Key West | EYW | EYW | KEYW | Key West International |
Key Largo | 07FA | OCA | | Ocean Reef Club Airport |
Lakeland | LAL | LAL | KLAL | Lakeland Linder International |
Leesburg | LEE | LEE | KLEE | Leesburg International |
Marathon | MTH | MTH | KMTH | Florida Keys Marathon |
Marco Island | MKY | MRK | KMKY | Marco Island Executive |
Mayport | NRB | NRB | KNRB | Mayport Naval Station (Adm David L. Mcdonald Field) |
Melbourne | MLB | MLB | KMLB | Melbourne International |
Merritt Island | COI | COI | KCOI | Merritt Island |
Miami | OPF | OPF | KOPF | Miami-Opa Locka Executive |
Miami | TMB | TMB | KTMB | Miami Executive |
Miami | MIA | MIA | KMIA | Miami International |
Miami | TNT | TNT | KTNT | Dade-Collier Training And Transition |
Milton | NSE | NSE | KNSE | Whiting Field Naval Air Station North |
Naples | APF | APF | KAPF | Naples Municipal |
Ocala | OCF | OCF | KOCF | Ocala International Jim Taylor Field |
Okeechobee | OBE | OBE | KOBE | Okeechobee County |
Orlando | ORL | ORL | KORL | Orlando Executive |
Orlando | MCO | MCO | KMCO | Orlando International |
Orlando | ISM | ISM | KISM | Kissimmee Gateway |
Orlando | SFB | SFB | KSFB | Orlando Sanford International |
Pahokee | PHK | PHK | KPHK | Palm Beach Co Glades |
Panama City | PAM | PAM | KPAM | Tyndall AFB |
Pensacola | NPA | NPA | KNPA | Pensacola Nas (Forrest Sherman Field) |
Pensacola | NUN | NUN | KNUN | Saufley Field Naval Outlying Field |
Pensacola | PNS | PNS | KPNS | Pensacola International |
Pompano Beach | PMP | PPM | KPMP | Pompano Beach Airpark |
Punta Gorda | PGD | PGD | KPGD | Punta Gorda |
Sarasota/Bradenton | SRQ | SRQ | KSRQ | Sarasota/ Bradenton International |
Perry | 40J | FPY | | Perry-Foley |
Sebring | SEF | SEF | KSEF | Sebring Regional |
St Augustine | SGJ | UST | KSGJ | Northeast Florida Regional |
St Petersburg | SPG | SPG | KSPG | Albert Whitted |
St Petersburg | PIE | PIE | KPIE | St Petersburg Clearwater International |
Stuart | SUA | SUA | KSUA | Witham Field |
Tallahassee | TLH | TLH | KTLH | Tallahassee International |
Tampa | TPF | TPF | KTPF | Peter O Knight |
Tampa | TPA | TPA | KTPA | Tampa International |
Tampa | MCF | MCF | KMCF | MacDill AFB |
Titusville | TIX | TIX | KTIX | Space Coast Regional |
Valparaiso | VPS | VPS | KVPS | Eglin AFB/Destin-Fort Walton Beach |
Venice | VNC | VNC | KVNC | Venice Municipal |
Vero Beach | VRB | VRB | KVRB | Vero Beach Regional |
West Palm Beach | LNA | LNA | KLNA | Palm Beach County Park |
West Palm Beach | PBI | PBI | KPBI | Palm Beach International |
Winter Haven | GIF | GIF | KGIF | Winter Haven Regional |
Zephyrhills | ZPH | ZPH | KZPH | Zephyrhills Municipal |
Albany | ABY | ABY | KABY | Southwest Georgia Regional |
Athens | AHN | AHN | KAHN | Athens/Ben Epps |
Atlanta | PDK | PDK | KPDK | Dekalb/Peachtree |
Atlanta | FTY | FTY | KFTY | Fulton County/Brown Field |
Atlanta | ATL | ATL | KATL | Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International |
Augusta | AGS | AGS | KAGS | Augusta Regional/Bush Field |
Augusta | DNL | DNL | KDNL | Daniel Field |
Bainbridge | BGE | BGE | KBGE | Decatur County Industrial Air Park |
Brunswick | BQK | BQK | KBQK | Brunswick Golden Isles |
McKinnon St Simons Island | SSI | SSI | KSSI | Malcom McKinnon |
Columbus | CSG | CSG | KCSG | Columbus Metropolitan |
Dalton | DNN | DNN | KDNN | Dalton Municipal |
Dublin | DBN | DBN | KDBN | Dublin W H Bud Barron |
Fort Benning(Columbus) | LSF | LSF | KLSF | Fort Benning/Lawson AAF |
Hinesville | LHW | LIY | KLHW | Midcoast Regional at Wright Army |
Gainesville | GVL | GVL | KGVL | Lee Gilmer Memorial |
Lagrange | LGC | LGC | KLGC | Lagrange-Callaway |
Lawrenceville | LZU | LZU | KLZU | Briscoe Field/Gwinnett County |
Macon | MCN | MCN | KMCN | Middle Georgia Regional |
Macon | MAC | MAC | KMAC | Macon Downtown |
Marietta | MGE | MGE | KMGE | Dobbins Air Reserve Base |
Mc Rae | MQW | MQW | KMQW | Telfair-Wheeler |
Milledgeville | MLJ | MLJ | KMLJ | Baldwin County Regional |
Moultrie | MUL | MUL | KMUL | Spence |
Moultrie | MGR | MGR | KMGR | Moultrie Municipal |
Milner | 77GA | | | Toland Airport |
Pine Mountain | PIM | PIM | KPIM | Harris County |
Rome | RMG | RMG | KRMG | Richard B Russell Regional/J H Towers Field |
Savannah | SAV | SAV | KSAV | Savannah/Hilton Head International |
Savannah | SVN | SVN | KSVN | Hunter AAF |
Statesboro | TBR | TBR | KTBR | Statesboro-Bulloch County |
Reidsville | GA34 | | | Tootle Airport |
Sylvester | SYV | SYV | KSYV | Sylvester |
Thomasville | TVI | TVI | KTVI | Thomasville Regional |
Tifton | TMA | TMA | KTMA | Henry Tift Myers |
Toccoa | TOC | TOC | KTOC | Toccoa Regional Letourneau Field |
Valdosta | VAD | VAD | KVAD | Moody AFB |
Valdosta | VLD | VLD | KVLD | Valdosta Regional |
Vidalia | VDI | VDI | KVDI | Vidalia Regional |
Warner Robins | WRB | WRB | KWRB | Robins AFB |
Waycross | AYS | AYS | KAYS | Waycross-Ware County |
Winder | WDR | WDR | KWDR | Barrow County |
Pohakuloa | BSF | BSF | PHSF | Bradshaw AAF |
Hana | HNM | HNM | PHHN | Hana |
Hanalei | HI01 | HPV | | Princeville Airport |
Hanapepe | PAK | PAK | PHPA | Port Allen Airport |
Hawi | UPP | UPP | PHUP | Upolu |
Hilo | ITO | ITO | PHTO | Hilo International |
Honolulu | HNL | HNL | PHNL | Honolulu International |
Kahului | OGG | OGG | PHOG | Kahului |
Kailua Kona | KOA | KOA | PHKO | Kona International at Keahole |
Kalaupapa | LUP | LUP | PHLU | Kalaupapa Airport |
Kamuela | MUE | MUE | PHMU | Waimea/Kohala |
Kaunakakai | MKK | MKK | PHMK | Molokai |
Kekaha | BKH | BKH | PHBK | Barking Sands Pacific Missile Range Facility |
Kapalua | JHM | JHM | PHJH | Kapalua |
Lanai City | LNY | LNY | PHNY | Lanai |
Lihue | LIH | LIH | PHLI | Lihue |
Mokuleia | HDH | HDH | PHDH | Dillingham Airfield |
Wahiawa | HHI | HHI | PHHI | Wheeler AAF |
Algona | AXA | AXG | KAXA | Algona Municipal |
Ames | AMW | AMW | KAMW | Ames Municipal |
Atlantic | AIO | AIO | KAIO | Atlantic Municipal |
Boone | BNW | BNW | KBNW | Boone Municipal |
Burlington | BRL | BRL | KBRL | Southeast Iowa Regional |
Carroll | CIN | CIN | KCIN | Arthur N Neu |
Cedar Rapids | CID | CID | KCID | The Eastern Iowa |
Charles City | CCY | CCY | KCCY | Northeast Iowa Regional |
Clarinda | ICL | ICL | KICL | Schenck Field |
Clinton | CWI | CWI | KCWI | Clinton Municipal |
Council Bluffs | CBF | CBF | KCBF | Council Bluffs Municipal |
Creston | CSQ | CSQ | KCSQ | Creston Municipal |
Davenport | DVN | DVN | KDVN | Davenport Municipal |
Decorah | DEH | DEH | KDEH | Decorah Municipal |
Denison | DNS | DNS | KDNS | Denison Municipal |
Des Moines | DSM | DSM | KDSM | Des Moines International |
Dubuque | DBQ | DBQ | KDBQ | Dubuque Regional |
Estherville | EST | EST | KEST | Estherville Municipal |
Fairfield | FFL | FFL | KFFL | Fairfield Municipal |
Forest City | FXY | FXY | KFXY | Forest City Municipal |
Fort Dodge | FOD | FOD | KFOD | Fort Dodge Regional |
Fort Madison | FSW | FMS | KFSW | Fort Madison Municipal |
Hampton | HPT | HPT | KHPT | Hampton Municipal |
Ida Grove | IDG | IDG | KIDG | Ida Grove Municipal |
Iowa City | IOW | IOW | KIOW | Iowa City Municipal |
Iowa Falls | IFA | IFA | KIFA | Iowa Falls Municipal |
Jefferson | EFW | EFW | KEFW | Jefferson Municipal |
Keokuk | EOK | EOK | KEOK | Keokuk Municipal |
Le Mars | LRJ | LRJ | KLRJ | Le Mars Municipal |
Humboldt | 0K7 | HUD | | Humboldt Municipal |
Marshalltown | MIW | MIW | KMIW | Marshalltown Municipal |
Mason City | MCW | MCW | KMCW | Mason City Municipal |
Monticello | MXO | MXO | KMXO | Monticello Regional |
Mount Pleasant | MPZ | MPZ | KMPZ | Mount Pleasant Municipal |
Muscatine | MUT | MUT | KMUT | Muscatine Municipal |
Newton | TNU | TNU | KTNU | Newton Municipal |
Oskaloosa | OOA | OOA | KOOA | Oskaloosa Municipal |
Ottumwa | OTM | OTM | KOTM | Ottumwa Regional |
Perry | PRO | PRO | KPRO | Perry Municipal |
Pocahontas | POH | POH | KPOH | Pocahontas Municipal |
Sioux City | SUX | SUX | KSUX | Sioux Gateway/Col Bud Day Field |
Spencer | SPW | SPW | KSPW | Spencer Municipal/Northwest Iowa Regional |
Spirit Lake | 0F3 | RTL | | Spirit Lake Municipal |
Storm Lake | SLB | SLB | KSLB | Storm Lake Municipal |
Waterloo | ALO | ALO | KALO | Waterloo Regional |
Webster City | EBS | EBS | KEBS | Webster City Municipal |
Waukon | Y01 | UKN | | Waukon Municipal Airport |
Levelock | 9Z8 | | | Levelock Airport |
Boise | BOI | BOI | KBOI | Boise Air Terminal Gowen Field |
Burley | BYI | BYI | KBYI | Burley Municipal |
Challis | LLJ | CHL | KLLJ | Challis |
Cascade | U70 | ICS | | Cascade |
Coeur D'Alene | COE | COE | KCOE | Coeur D'alene/Pappy Boyington Field |
Gooding | GNG | GNG | KGNG | Gooding Municipal |
Dubois | U41 | DBS | | Dubois Municipal Airport |
Hailey | SUN | SUN | KSUN | Friedman Memorial |
Idaho Falls | IDA | IDA | KIDA | Idaho Falls Regional |
Lewiston | LWS | LWS | KLWS | Lewiston-Nez Perce County |
Malad City | MLD | MLD | KMLD | Malad City |
Mc Call | MYL | MYL | KMYL | Mccall Municipal |
Mountain Home | MUO | MUO | KMUO | Mountain Home AFB |
Pocatello | PIH | PIH | KPIH | Pocatello Regional |
Rexburg | RXE | RXE | KRXE | Rexburg-Madison County |
Salmon | SMN | SMN | KSMN | Lemhi County |
Twin Falls | TWF | TWF | KTWF | Magic Valley Regional/Joslin Field |
Alton | ALN | ALN | KALN | St Louis Regional |
Belleville | BLV | BLV | KBLV | MidAmerica St Louis Scott AFB |
Bloomington | BMI | BMI | KBMI | Central Illinois Regional at Bloomington Normal |
Cahokia/St Louis | CPS | CPS | KCPS | St Louis Downtown |
Cairo | CIR | CIR | KCIR | Cairo Regional |
Carbondale/Murphysboro | MDH | MDH | KMDH | Southern Illinois |
Bradford | 3IS8 | BDF | | Rinkenberger Rla Airport |
Centralia | ENL | ENL | KENL | Centralia Municipal |
Champaign/Urbana | CMI | CMI | KCMI | University of Illinois-Willard |
Chicago | ORD | ORD | KORD | Chicago O'hare International |
Chicago | MDW | MDW | KMDW | Chicago Midway International |
Chicago | ARR | AUZ | KARR | Chicago/Aurora Municipal |
Chicago | PWK | PWK | KPWK | Chicago Executive |
Rockford | RFD | RFD | KRFD | Chicago/Rockford International |
Chicago/Romeoville | LOT | LOT | KLOT | Lewis University Chicago Romeoville |
Chicago | UGN | UGN | KUGN | Chicago/Waukegan Regional |
Chicago | DPA | DPA | KDPA | Dupage |
Danville | DNV | DNV | KDNV | Vermilion Regional |
Decatur | DEC | DEC | KDEC | Decatur |
Freeport | FEP | FEP | KFEP | Albertus |
Galesburg | GBG | GBG | KGBG | Galesburg Municipal |
Greenville | GRE | GRE | KGRE | Greenville |
Lost River | AK45 | | | Lost River 2 Airport |
Harrisburg | HSB | HSB | KHSB | Harrisburg-Raleigh |
Jacksonville | IJX | IJX | KIJX | Jacksonville Municipal |
Joliet | JOT | JOT | KJOT | Joliet Regional Airport |
Kankakee | IKK | IKK | KIKK | Greater Kankakee |
Chatom | 6AL6 | | | Hawthorn Pines Airport |
Lawrenceville | LWV | LWV | KLWV | Lawrenceville-Vincennes International |
Macomb | MQB | MQB | KMQB | Macomb Municipal |
Marion | MWA | MWA | KMWA | Williamson County Rgnl |
Mattoon/Charleston | MTO | MTO | KMTO | Coles County Memorial |
Moline | MLI | MLI | KMLI | Quad City International |
Mount Vernon | MVN | MVN | KMVN | Mount Vernon |
Olney-Noble | OLY | OLY | KOLY | Olney-Noble |
Peoria | PIA | PIA | KPIA | Gen Wayne A Downing Peoria International |
Peru | VYS | VYS | KVYS | Walter A Duncan Field/Illinois Valley Regional |
Piper City | LL46 | | | Read Airport |
Quincy | UIN | UIN | KUIN | Baldwin Field/Quincy Regional |
Salem | SLO | SLO | KSLO | Salem-Leckrone |
Sparta | SAR | SAR | KSAR | Sparta Community - Hunter Field |
Springfield | SPI | SPI | KSPI | Abraham Lincoln Capital |
Sterling/Rock Falls | SQI | SQI | KSQI | Whiteside Co/Jos H Bittorf Field |
Vandalia | VLA | VLA | KVLA | Vandalia Municipal |
Anderson | AID | AID | KAID | Anderson Municipal-Darlington Field |
Angola | ANQ | ANQ | KANQ | Tri-State Steuben County |
Batesville | HLB | HLB | KHLB | Batesville |
Bedford | BFR | BFR | KBFR | Virgil I Grissom Municipal |
Bloomington | BMG | BMG | KBMG | Monroe County |
Columbus | BAK | CLU | KBAK | Columbus Municipal |
Connersville | CEV | CEV | KCEV | Mettel Field |
Elkhart | EKM | EKI | KEKM | Elkhart Municipal |
Evansville | EVV | EVV | KEVV | Evansville Regional |
Fort Wayne | FWA | FWA | KFWA | Fort Wayne International |
Fort Wayne | SMD | SMD | KSMD | Smith Field |
French Lick | FRH | FRH | KFRH | French Lick Municipal |
GARY | GYY | GYY | KGYY | Gary/Chicago International |
Goshen | GSH | GSH | KGSH | Goshen Municipal |
Greenfield | GFD | GFD | KGFD | Pope Field Airport |
Huntingburg | HNB | HNB | KHNB | Huntingburg |
Indianapolis | IND | IND | KIND | Indianapolis International |
Kokomo | OKK | OKK | KOKK | Kokomo Municipal |
Kentland | 50I | KKT | | Kentland Municipal |
Howe | 25IN | | | Reid-Eash Airport |
La Porte | PPO | LPO | KPPO | La Porte Municipal |
Lafayette | LAF | LAF | KLAF | Purdue University |
Madison | IMS | MDN | KIMS | Madison Municipal |
Marion | MZZ | MZZ | KMZZ | Marion Municipal |
Michigan City | MGC | MGC | KMGC | Michigan City Municipal-Phillips Field |
Muncie | MIE | MIE | KMIE | Delaware County Regional |
Peru | GUS | GUS | KGUS | Grissom Aeroplex/Arb |
Rensselaer | RZL | RNZ | KRZL | Jasper County |
Richmond | RID | RID | KRID | Richmond Municipal |
Rochester | RCR | RCR | KRCR | Fulton County |
Oaktown | 2IG4 | OTN | | Ed-Air Airport |
Plymouth | C65 | PLY | | Plymouth Municipal |
Seymour | SER | SER | KSER | Freeman Municipal |
South Bend | SBN | SBN | KSBN | South Bend International |
Sullivan | SIV | SIV | KSIV | Sullivan County |
Terre Haute | HUF | HUF | KHUF | Terre Haute Regional |
Valparaiso | VPZ | VPZ | KVPZ | Porter County Regional |
Anthony | ANY | ANY | KANY | Anthony Municipal |
Chanute | CNU | CNU | KCNU | Chanute Martin Johnson |
Coffeyville | CFV | CFV | KCFV | Coffeyville Municipal |
Colby | CBK | CBK | KCBK | Shalz Field |
Concordia | CNK | CNK | KCNK | Blosser Municipal |
Dodge City | DDC | DDC | KDDC | Dodge City Regional |
El Dorado | EQA | EDK | KEQA | El Dorado/Captain Jack Thomas Memorial |
Emporia | EMP | EMP | KEMP | Emporia Municipal |
Fort Leavenworth | FLV | FLV | KFLV | Sherman Army Airfield |
Fort Riley | FRI | FRI | KFRI | Marshall AAF |
Fort Scott | FSK | FSK | KFSK | Fort Scott Municipal |
Garden City | GCK | GCK | KGCK | Garden City Regional |
St Elmo | 2R5 | | | St Elmo |
Goodland | GLD | GLD | KGLD | Renner Field/Goodland Municipal |
Great Bend | GBD | GBD | KGBD | Great Bend Municipal |
Hays | HYS | HYS | KHYS | Hays Regional |
Hill City | HLC | HLC | KHLC | Hill City Municipal |
Hutchinson | HUT | HUT | KHUT | Hutchinson Regional |
Independence | IDP | IDP | KIDP | Independence Municipal |
Lawrence | LWC | LWC | KLWC | Lawrence Municipal |
Liberal | LBL | LBL | KLBL | Liberal Mid-America Regional |
Lyons | LYO | LYO | KLYO | Lyons-Rice County Muni |
Manhattan | MHK | MHK | KMHK | Manhattan Regional |
McPherson | MPR | MPR | KMPR | Mcpherson |
Newton | EWK | EWK | KEWK | Newton City County |
Olathe | OJC | OJC | KOJC | Johnson County Executive |
Olathe | IXD | JCI | KIXD | New Century Aircenter |
Parsons | PPF | PPF | KPPF | Parsons/Tri-City |
Pittsburg | PTS | PTS | KPTS | Atkinson Municipal |
Pratt | PTT | PTT | KPTT | Pratt Regional |
Russell | RSL | RSL | KRSL | Russell Municipal |
Salina | SLN | SLN | KSLN | Salina Regional |
Topeka | FOE | FOE | KFOE | Topeka Regional |
Topeka | TOP | TOP | KTOP | Philip Billard Municipal |
Wichita | ICT | ICT | KICT | Wichita Eisenhower National |
Wichita | BEC | BEC | KBEC | Beech Factory |
Wichita | CEA | CEA | KCEA | Cessna Aircraft Field |
Wichita | IAB | IAB | KIAB | McConnell AFB |
Winfield | WLD | WLD | KWLD | Strother Field |
Bardstown | BRY | BRY | KBRY | Samuels Field |
Bowling Green | BWG | BWG | KBWG | Bowling Green Warren County Regional |
Cincinnati | CVG | CVG | KCVG | Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International |
Elizabethtown | EKX | EKX | KEKX | Addington Field |
Hopkinsville | HOP | HOP | KHOP | Campbell Army Airfield (Fort Campbell) |
Fort Knox | FTK | FTK | KFTK | Godman AAF |
Frankfort | FFT | FFT | KFFT | Capital City |
Glasgow | GLW | GLW | KGLW | Glasgow Municipal |
Lexington | LEX | LEX | KLEX | Blue Grass |
London | LOZ | LOZ | KLOZ | London Corbin Magee Field |
Louisville | LOU | LOU | KLOU | Bowman Field |
Louisville | SDF | SDF | KSDF | Louisville International/Standiford Field |
Murray | CEY | CEY | KCEY | Kyle-Oakley Field |
Owensboro | OWB | OWB | KOWB | Owensboro-Daviess County Regional |
Paducah | PAH | PAH | KPAH | Barkley Regional |
Mayflower | AR34 | | | Pine Village Airport |
Alexandria | AEX | AEX | KAEX | Alexandria International |
Alexandria | ESF | ESF | KESF | Esler Regional |
Baton Rouge | BTR | BTR | KBTR | Baton Rouge Metro Ryan Field |
Bogalusa | BXA | BXA | KBXA | George R Carr Memorial Airfield |
Bossier City | BAD | BAD | KBAD | Barksdale AFB |
Belle Chasse | 65LA | BCS | | Southern Seaplane Airport |
De Ridder | DRI | DRI | KDRI | Beauregard Regional |
Fort Polk | POE | POE | KPOE | Polk AAF |
Eunice | 4R7 | UCE | | Eunice |
Houma | HUM | HUM | KHUM | Houma-Terrebonne |
Lafayette | LFT | LFT | KLFT | Lafayette Regional |
Lake Charles | CWF | CWF | KCWF | Chennault International |
Lake Charles | LCH | LCH | KLCH | Lake Charles Regional |
Monroe | MLU | MLU | KMLU | Monroe Regional |
New Iberia | ARA | ARA | KARA | New Iberia/Acadiana Regional |
New Orleans | NEW | NEW | KNEW | Lakefront |
New Orleans | NBG | NBG | KNBG | Alvin Callender Field/New Orleans Nas Jrb |
New Orleans | MSY | MSY | KMSY | Louis Armstrong New Orleans International |
Opelousas | OPL | OPL | KOPL | St Landry Parish-Ahart Field |
Patterson | PTN | PTN | KPTN | Harry P Williams Memorial |
Ruston | RSN | RSN | KRSN | Ruston Regional |
Shreveport | DTN | DTN | KDTN | Shreveport Downtown |
Shreveport | SHV | SHV | KSHV | Shreveport Regional |
Newellton | LS83 | | | Kifer Airport |
Bedford | BED | BED | KBED | Laurence G Hanscom Field |
Beverly | BVY | BVY | KBVY | Beverly Regional |
Boston | BOS | BOS | KBOS | Boston Logan International |
Falmouth | FMH | FMH | KFMH | Cape Cod Coast Guard Air Station |
Gardner | GDM | GDM | KGDM | Gardner Municipal |
Lawrence | LWM | LWM | KLWM | Lawrence Municipal |
Fairbanks /ft Wainwright/ | 2AK1 | | | Blair Lake |
Five Mile | FVM | | | Five Mile |
Nantucket | ACK | ACK | KACK | Nantucket Memorial |
New Bedford | EWB | EWB | KEWB | New Bedford Regional |
Norwood | OWD | OWD | KOWD | Norwood Memorial |
Pittsfield | PSF | PSF | KPSF | Pittsfield Municipal |
Plymouth | PYM | PYM | KPYM | Plymouth Municipal |
Provincetown | PVC | PVC | KPVC | Provincetown Municipal |
Chicopee | CEF | CEF | KCEF | Westover Arb/Westover Metropolitan |
Vineyard Haven | MVY | MVY | KMVY | Martha's Vineyard |
Westfield | BAF | BAF | KBAF | Barnes Municipal |
Worcester | ORH | ORH | KORH | Worcester Regional |
Palmer | 13MA | PMX | | Metropolitan Airport |
Stow | 6B6 | MMN | | Minute Man Air Field |
Ware | MA53 | UWA | | Ware Airport |
Aberdeen | APG | APG | KAPG | Phillips AAF Aberdeen Proving Ground |
Baltimore | BWI | BWI | KBWI | Baltimore/Washington Intl Thurgood Marshall |
Baltimore | MTN | MTN | KMTN | Martin State |
Cambridge | CGE | CGE | KCGE | Cambridge-Dorchester Regional |
Camp Springs | ADW | ADW | KADW | Andrews AFB |
College Park | CGS | CGS | KCGS | College Park Airport |
Cumberland | CBE | CBE | KCBE | Greater Cumberland Regional |
Easton | ESN | ESN | KESN | Easton/Newnam Field |
Fort Meade Odenton | FME | FME | KFME | Fort Meade (Odenton) Tipton |
Frederick | FDK | FDK | KFDK | Frederick Municipal |
Gaithersburg | GAI | GAI | KGAI | Montgomery County Airpark |
Hagerstown | HGR | HGR | KHGR | Richard A Henson Field/Hagerstown Regional |
Ocean City | OXB | OCE | KOXB | Ocean City Municipal |
Patuxent River | NHK | NHK | KNHK | Patuxent River Nas (Trapnell Field) |
Leonardtown | 2W6 | LTW | | St. Mary's County Regional |
Oakland | 2G4 | ODM | | Garrett County |
Salisbury | SBY | SBY | KSBY | Salisbury Ocean City/Wicomico Regional |
Auburn/Lewiston | LEW | LEW | KLEW | Auburn/Lewiston Municipal |
Augusta | AUG | AUG | KAUG | Augusta State |
Bangor | BGR | BGR | KBGR | Bangor International |
Bar Harbor | BHB | BHB | KBHB | Hancock County-Bar Harbor |
Mc Crory | AR46 | | | Penrose Airport |
Brunswick | BXM | NHZ | KBXM | Brunswick Executive |
Caribou | CAR | CAR | KCAR | Caribou Municipal |
Frenchville | FVE | WFK | KFVE | Frenchville/Northern Aroostook Regional |
Fryeburg | IZG | FRY | KIZG | Eastern Slopes Regional |
Houlton | HUL | HUL | KHUL | Houlton International |
Limestone | ME16 | LIZ | | Loring International |
Kayenta | MVM | MVM | KMVM | Kayenta |
Millinocket | MLT | MLT | KMLT | Millinocket Municipal |
Norridgewock | OWK | OWK | KOWK | Central Maine Regional Norridgewock |
Old Town | OLD | OLD | KOLD | Dewitt Field/Old Town Municipal |
Portland | PWM | PWM | KPWM | Portland International Jetport |
Presque Isle | PQI | PQI | KPQI | Northern Maine Regional |
Princeton | PNN | PNN | KPNN | Princeton Municipal |
Rockland | RKD | RKD | KRKD | Knox County Regional |
Sanford | SFM | SFM | KSFM | Sanford Seacoast Regional |
Waterville | WVL | WVL | KWVL | Waterville Robert Lafleur |
Wiscasset | IWI | ISS | KIWI | Wiscasset |
Adrian | ADG | ADG | KADG | Lenawee County |
Alma | AMN | AMN | KAMN | Gratiot Community |
Alpena | APN | APN | KAPN | Alpena County Regional |
Ann Arbor | ARB | ARB | KARB | Ann Arbor Municipal |
Battle Creek | BTL | BTL | KBTL | Battle Creek Executive |
Bellaire | ACB | ACB | KACB | Antrim County |
Benton Harbor | BEH | BEH | KBEH | Southwest Michigan Regional |
Big Rapids | RQB | WBR | KRQB | Roben-Hood |
Cadillac | CAD | CAD | KCAD | Wexford County |
Caro | CFS | TZC | KCFS | Tuscola Area |
Leola | AR83 | | | Heard |
Detroit | YIP | YIP | KYIP | Willow Run |
Detroit | DTW | DTW | KDTW | Detroit Metro Wayne County |
Detroit | DET | DET | KDET | Coleman A Young Municipal |
Drummond Island | DRM | DRE | KDRM | Drummond Island |
Escanaba | ESC | ESC | KESC | Delta County |
Flint | FNT | FNT | KFNT | Bishop International |
East Tawas | 6D9 | ECA | | Iosco County |
Gaylord | GLR | GLR | KGLR | Gaylord Regional |
Gladwin | GDW | GDW | KGDW | Gladwin Zettel Memorial |
Grand Rapids | GRR | GRR | KGRR | Gerald R Ford International |
Hancock | CMX | CMX | KCMX | Houghton County Memorial |
Holland | HLM | HLM | KHLM | Park Township |
Houghton Lake | HTL | HTL | KHTL | Roscommon County - Blodgett Memorial |
Iron Mountain | IMT | IMT | KIMT | Ford |
Ironwood | IWD | IWD | KIWD | Gogebic-Iron County |
Jackson | JXN | JXN | KJXN | Jackson County/Reynolds Field |
Malden | MU04 | | | Broadwater Airport |
Kalamazoo | AZO | AZO | KAZO | Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International |
Lansing | LAN | LAN | KLAN | Capital Region International |
Ludington | LDM | LDM | KLDM | Mason County |
Mackinac Island | MCD | MCD | KMCD | Mackinac Island |
Manistee | MBL | MBL | KMBL | Manistee County-Blacker |
Manistique | ISQ | ISQ | KISQ | Schoolcraft County |
Marquette | SAW | MQT | KSAW | Sawyer International |
Menominee | MNM | MNM | KMNM | Menominee-Marinette Twin County |
Mt Clemens | MTC | MTC | KMTC | Selfridge Angb |
Mount Pleasant | MOP | MOP | KMOP | Mount Pleasant Municipal |
Muskegon | MKG | MKG | KMKG | Muskegon County |
Oscoda | OSC | OSC | KOSC | Oscoda-Wurtsmith |
Pellston | PLN | PLN | KPLN | Pellston Regional of Emmet County |
Pontiac | PTK | PTK | KPTK | Oakland County International |
Port Huron | PHN | PHN | KPHN | St Clair County International |
Reed City | RCT | RCT | KRCT | Nartron Field |
Niles | 3TR | NLE | | Jerry Tyler Memorial |
Saginaw | MBS | MBS | KMBS | Mbs International |
Sault Ste Marie | CIU | CIU | KCIU | Chippewa County International |
Sturgis | IRS | IRS | KIRS | Kirsch Municipal |
Three Rivers | HAI | HAI | KHAI | Three Rivers Municipal Dr Haines |
Traverse City | TVC | TVC | KTVC | Cherry Capital |
West Branch | Y31 | WBK | | West Branch Community |
Albert Lea | AEL | AEL | KAEL | Albert Lea Municipal |
Alexandria | AXN | AXN | KAXN | Chandler Field |
Austin | AUM | AUM | KAUM | Austin Municipal |
Baudette | BDE | BDE | KBDE | Baudette International |
Bemidji | BJI | BJI | KBJI | Bemidji Regional |
Benson | BBB | BBB | KBBB | Benson Municipal |
Brainerd | BRD | BRD | KBRD | Brainerd Lakes Regional |
Crookston | CKN | CKN | KCKN | Crookston Municipal Kirkwood Field |
Detroit Lakes | DTL | DTL | KDTL | Detroit Lakes-Wething Field |
Duluth | DLH | DLH | KDLH | Duluth International |
Ely | ELO | LYU | KELO | Ely Municipal |
Eveleth | EVM | EVM | KEVM | Eveleth-Virginia Municipal |
Fairmont | FRM | FRM | KFRM | Fairmont Municipal |
Faribault | FBL | FBL | KFBL | Faribault Municipal |
Fergus Falls | FFM | FFM | KFFM | Fergus Falls Municipal-Einar Mickelson Field |
Grand Marais | CKC | GRM | KCKC | Grand Marais/Cook County |
Grand Rapids | GPZ | GPZ | KGPZ | Grand Rapids/Itasca County-Gordon Newstrom Field |
Hibbing | HIB | HIB | KHIB | Range Regional |
International Falls | INL | INL | KINL | Falls Intl-Einarson Field |
Jackson | MJQ | MJQ | KMJQ | Jackson Municipal |
Luverne | LYV | LYV | KLYV | Quentin Aanenson Field |
Mankato | MKT | MKT | KMKT | Mankato Regional |
Marshall | MML | MML | KMML | Southwest Minnesota Regional Marshall/Ryan Field |
Minneapolis | FCM | FCM | KFCM | Flying Cloud |
Minneapolis | MIC | MIC | KMIC | Crystal |
Minneapolis | MSP | MSP | KMSP | Minneapolis St Paul International/Wold-Chamberlain |
Montevideo | MVE | MVE | KMVE | Montevideo-Chippewa County |
Morris | MOX | MOX | KMOX | Morris Municipal/Charlie Schmidt Field |
New Ulm | ULM | ULM | KULM | New Ulm Municipal |
Owatonna | OWA | OWA | KOWA | Owatonna Degner Regional |
Park Rapids | PKD | PKD | KPKD | Park Rapids Municipal-Konshok Field |
Redwood Falls | RWF | RWF | KRWF | Redwood Falls Municipal |
Rochester | RST | RST | KRST | Rochester International |
Roseau | ROX | ROX | KROX | Roseau Municipal/Rudy Billberg Field |
Slayton | DVP | NSL | KDVP | Slayton Municipal |
St Cloud Regional | STC | STC | KSTC | St Cloud Regional |
St Paul | STP | STP | KSTP | St Paul Downtown Holman Field |
Stanton | SYN | SYN | KSYN | Stanton Airfield |
Thief River Falls | TVF | TVF | KTVF | Thief River Falls Regional |
Warroad | RRT | RRT | KRRT | Warroad International Memorial |
Willmar | BDH | ILL | KBDH | Willmar Municipal/John L Rice Field |
Windom | MWM | MWM | KMWM | Windom Municipal |
Winona | ONA | ONA | KONA | Winona Municipal-Max Conrad Field |
Worthington | OTG | OTG | KOTG | Worthington Municipal |
Butler | BUM | BUM | KBUM | Butler Memorial |
Cape Girardeau | CGI | CGI | KCGI | Cape Girardeau Regional |
Columbia | COU | COU | KCOU | Columbia Regional |
Farmington | FAM | FAM | KFAM | Farmington Regional |
Fort Leonard Wood | TBN | TBN | KTBN | Waynesville St Robert Regional/Forney Field |
Jefferson City | JEF | JEF | KJEF | Jefferson City Memorial |
Joplin | JLN | JLN | KJLN | Joplin Regional |
KAISER/LAKE OZARK | AIZ | AIZ | KAIZ | Lee C Fine Memorial |
Kansas City | MCI | MCI | KMCI | Kansas City International |
Kansas City | MKC | MKC | KMKC | Charles B Wheeler Downtown |
Kennett | TKX | KNT | KTKX | Kennett Memorial |
Kirksville | IRK | IRK | KIRK | Kirksville Regional |
Knob Noster | SZL | SZL | KSZL | Whiteman AFB |
Malden | MAW | MAW | KMAW | Malden Regional |
Marshall | MHL | MHL | KMHL | Marshall Memorial Municipal |
Moberly | MBY | MBY | KMBY | Omar N Bradley |
Neosho | EOS | EOS | KEOS | Neosho Hugh Robinson |
Nevada | NVD | NVD | KNVD | Nevada Municipal |
Osage Beach | K15 | OSB | | Grand Glaize Osage Beach |
Point Lookout | PLK | PLK | KPLK | M. Graham Clark Downtown |
Poplar Bluff | POF | POF | KPOF | Poplar Bluff Municipal |
Rolla/Vichy | VIH | VIH | KVIH | Rolla National |
Sedalia | DMO | DMO | KDMO | Sedalia Regional |
Sikeston | SIK | SIK | KSIK | Sikeston Memorial Municipal |
Springfield | SGF | SGF | KSGF | Springfield/Branson National |
St Joseph | STJ | STJ | KSTJ | Rosecrans Memorial |
St Louis | STL | STL | KSTL | Lambert St Louis International |
St Louis | SUS | SUS | KSUS | Spirit of St Louis |
Rolla | K07 | RLA | | Rolla Downtown |
Trenton | TRX | TRX | KTRX | Trenton Municipal |
Versailles | 3VS | VRS | | Roy Otten Memorial Airfield |
Biloxi | BIX | BIX | KBIX | Keesler AFB |
Clarksdale | CKM | CKM | KCKM | Fletcher Field |
Columbus | CBM | CBM | KCBM | Columbus AFB |
Columbus | UBS | UBS | KUBS | Columbus-Lowndes County |
Columbus | GTR | GTR | KGTR | Golden Triangle Regional |
Corinth | CRX | CRX | KCRX | Roscoe Turner |
Greenville | GLH | GLH | KGLH | Greenville Mid-Delta |
Greenwood | GWO | GWO | KGWO | Greenwood Leflore |
Gulfport | GPT | GPT | KGPT | Gulfport-Biloxi International |
Hattiesburg | HBG | HBG | KHBG | Hattiesburg Bobby L Chain Municipal |
Hattiesburg-Laurel | PIB | PIB | KPIB | Hattiesburg-Laurel Regional |
Jackson | HKS | HKS | KHKS | Hawkins Field |
Jackson | JAN | JAN | KJAN | Jackson/Evers International |
Kosciusko | OSX | OSX | KOSX | Kosciusko-Attala County |
Laurel | LUL | LUL | KLUL | Hesler-Noble Field |
Louisville | LMS | LMS | KLMS | Louisville Winston County |
Marks | MMS | MMS | KMMS | Marks/Selfs |
Mc Comb | MCB | MCB | KMCB | McComb-Pike County/John E Lewis Field |
Meridian | MEI | MEI | KMEI | Meridian/Key Field |
Natchez | HEZ | HEZ | KHEZ | Natchez-Adams County (Hardy-Anders Field) |
Sage | 2AR2 | | | Davidson Field Airport |
Olive Branch | OLV | OLV | KOLV | Olive Branch |
Oxford | UOX | UOX | KUOX | University-Oxford |
Pascagoula | PQL | PGL | KPQL | Trent Lott International |
Picayune | MJD | PCU | KMJD | Picayune Municipal |
Tunica | UTA | UTM | KUTA | Tunica Municipal |
Tupelo | TUP | TUP | KTUP | Tupelo Regional |
Vicksburg | VKS | VKS | KVKS | Vicksburg Municipal |
Rolling Fork | 5MS1 | RFK | | Rollang Field Airport |
Salem | 7M9 | | | Salem |
Billings | BIL | BIL | KBIL | Billings Logan International |
Bozeman | BZN | BZN | KBZN | Bozeman Yellowstone International |
Butte | BTM | BTM | KBTM | Bert Mooney |
Cut Bank | CTB | CTB | KCTB | Cut Bank International |
Dillon | DLN | DLN | KDLN | Dillon |
Drummond | M26 | DRU | | Drummond Airport |
Glasgow | GGW | GGW | KGGW | Wokal Field/Glasgow International |
Glendive | GDV | GDV | KGDV | Dawson Community |
Great Falls | GTF | GTF | KGTF | Great Falls International |
Havre | HVR | HVR | KHVR | Havre City-County |
Helena | HLN | HLN | KHLN | Helena Regional |
Jordan | JDN | JDN | KJDN | Jordan |
Kalispell | GPI | FCA | KGPI | Glacier Park International |
Lewistown | LWT | LWT | KLWT | Lewistown Municipal |
Livingston | LVM | LVM | KLVM | Mission Field |
Miles City | MLS | MLS | KMLS | Frank Wiley Field |
Missoula | MSO | MSO | KMSO | Missoula International |
Plentywood | PWD | PWD | KPWD | Sher-Wood |
Roundup | RPX | RPX | KRPX | Roundup |
Malta | M75 | MLK | | Malta |
Shelby | SBX | SBX | KSBX | Shelby |
Sidney | SDY | SDY | KSDY | Sidney-Richland Regional |
West Yellowstone | WYS | WYS | KWYS | Yellowstone |
Wolf Point | OLF | OLF | KOLF | L M Clayton |
Asheville | AVL | AVL | KAVL | Asheville Regional |
Camp Mackall | HFF | HFF | KHFF | Mackall Army Airfield |
Elizabeth City | ECG | ECG | KECG | Elizabeth City Regional and Coast Guard Station |
Charlotte | CLT | CLT | KCLT | Charlotte Douglas International |
Clinton | CTZ | CTZ | KCTZ | Clinton-Sampson County |
Edenton | EDE | EDE | KEDE | Northeastern Regional |
Charlotte | 8A6 | QWG | | Wilgrove Air Park |
Corolla | 7NC2 | DUF | | Pine Island Airport |
Fayetteville | POB | POB | KPOB | Pope AFB |
Fayetteville | FAY | FAY | KFAY | Fayetteville Regional/Grannis Field |
Fort Bragg | FBG | FBG | KFBG | Simmons AAF |
Goldsboro | GSB | GSB | KGSB | Seymour Johnson AFB |
Greensboro | GSO | GSO | KGSO | Piedmont Triad International |
Greenville | PGV | PGV | KPGV | Pitt-Greenville |
Hatteras | HSE | HNC | KHSE | Billy Mitchell |
Hickory | HKY | HKY | KHKY | Hickory Regional |
Jacksonville | OAJ | OAJ | KOAJ | Albert J Ellis |
Searcy | 26AR | | | Fly n K Airport |
Kill Devil Hills | FFA | FFA | KFFA | First Flight |
Kinston | ISO | ISO | KISO | Kinston Regional Jetport Stallings Field |
Louisburg | LHZ | LFN | KLHZ | Triangle North Executive |
Lumberton | LBT | LBT | KLBT | Lumberton Regional |
Manteo | MQI | MEO | KMQI | Dare County Regional |
Maxton | MEB | MXE | KMEB | Laurinburg-Maxton |
Morganton | MRN | MRN | KMRN | Foothills Regional |
New Bern | EWN | EWN | KEWN | Coastal Carolina Regional |
N Wilkesboro | UKF | IKB | KUKF | Wilkes County |
Pinehurst | SOP | SOP | KSOP | Moore County |
Raleigh/Durham | RDU | RDU | KRDU | Raleigh-Durham International |
Rocky Mount | RWI | RWI | KRWI | Rocky Mount - Wilson |
Salisbury | RUQ | SRW | KRUQ | Mid-Carolina Regional |
Reidsville | 6A5 | | | Warf Airport |
Statesville | SVH | SVH | KSVH | Statesville Regional |
Washington | OCW | OCW | KOCW | Washington-Warren |
Wilmington | ILM | ILM | KILM | Wilmington International |
Winston-Salem | INT | INT | KINT | Smith Reynolds |
Ashley | ASY | ASY | KASY | Ashley Municipal |
Bismarck | BIS | BIS | KBIS | Bismarck Municipal |
Bowman | BPP | BWM | KBPP | Bowman Municipal |
Devils Lake | DVL | DVL | KDVL | Devils Lake Regional |
Dickinson | DIK | DIK | KDIK | Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional |
Fargo | FAR | FAR | KFAR | Hector International Fargo |
Grand Forks | GFK | GFK | KGFK | Grand Forks International |
Jamestown | JMS | JMS | KJMS | Jamestown Regional |
Minot | MOT | MOT | KMOT | Minot International |
Minot | MIB | MIB | KMIB | Minot AFB |
Pembina | PMB | PMB | KPMB | Pembina Municipal |
Tioga | D60 | VEX | | Tioga Municipal |
Wahpeton | BWP | WAH | KBWP | Harry Stern |
Williston | ISN | ISN | KISN | Williston/Sloulin Field International |
Ainsworth | ANW | ANW | KANW | Ainsworth Regional |
Alliance | AIA | AIA | KAIA | Alliance Municipal |
Arapahoe | 37V | AHF | | Arapahoe Municipal |
Beatrice | BIE | BIE | KBIE | Beatrice Municipal |
Broken Bow | BBW | BBW | KBBW | Broken Bow Municipal/Keith Glaze Field |
Burwell | BUB | BUB | KBUB | Cram Field |
Chadron | CDR | CDR | KCDR | Chadron Municipal |
Columbus | OLU | OLU | KOLU | Columbus Municipal |
Fairbury | FBY | FBY | KFBY | Fairbury Municipal |
Fremont | FET | FET | KFET | Fremont Municipal |
Gordon | GRN | GRN | KGRN | Gordon Municipal |
Grand Island | GRI | GRI | KGRI | Central Nebraska Regional |
Hastings | HSI | HSI | KHSI | Hastings Municipal |
Holdrege | HDE | HDE | KHDE | Brewster Field |
Imperial | IML | IML | KIML | Imperial Municipal |
Kearney | EAR | EAR | KEAR | Kearney Regional |
Lexington | LXN | LXN | KLXN | Jim Kelly Field |
Lincoln | LNK | LNK | KLNK | Lincoln Municipal |
Mc Cook | MCK | MCK | KMCK | Mccook Ben Nelson Regional |
Mullen | MHN | MHN | KMHN | Hooker County Airport |
Norfolk | OFK | OFK | KOFK | Norfolk Regional/Karl Stefan Memorial Field |
North Platte | LBF | LBF | KLBF | North Platte Regional/Lee Bird Field |
O'neill | ONL | ONL | KONL | The O'neill Municipal-John L Baker Field |
Ogallala | OGA | OGA | KOGA | Searle Field |
Omaha | MLE | MIQ | KMLE | Omaha Millard |
Omaha | OFF | OFF | KOFF | Offutt AFB |
Omaha | OMA | OMA | KOMA | Eppley Airfield |
Oshkosh | OKS | OKS | KOKS | Garden County |
Scottsbluff | BFF | BFF | KBFF | Western Nebraska Regional/William B Heilig Field |
Scribner | SCB | SCB | KSCB | Scribner State |
Sidney | SNY | SNY | KSNY | Lloyd W. Carr Field/Sidney Municipal |
Page | 44AZ | | | Sandhill Ranch Airport |
Valentine | VTN | VTN | KVTN | Miller Field |
Weeping Water | NE69 | EPG | | Browns Airport |
Berlin | BML | BML | KBML | Berlin Regional |
Claremont | CNH | CNH | KCNH | Claremont Municipal |
Concord | CON | CON | KCON | Concord Municipal |
Errol | ERR | ERR | KERR | Errol Airport |
Jaffrey | AFN | AFN | KAFN | Jaffrey Silver Ranch |
Keene | EEN | EEN | KEEN | Dilliant-Hopkins |
Laconia | LCI | LCI | KLCI | Laconia Municipal |
Lebanon | LEB | LEB | KLEB | Lebanon Municipal |
Manchester | MHT | MHT | KMHT | Manchester |
Nashua | ASH | ASH | KASH | Nashua-Boire Field |
Portsmouth | PSM | PSM | KPSM | Portsmouth International at Pease |
Newport | 2B3 | NWH | | Parlin Field |
Gorham | 2G8 | | | Gorham Airport |
Whitefield | HIE | HIE | KHIE | Mount Washington Regional |
Atlantic City | ACY | ACY | KACY | Atlantic City International |
Belmar | BLM | BLM | KBLM | Monmouth Executive |
Caldwell | CDW | CDW | KCDW | Essex County |
Lakehurst | NEL | NEL | KNEL | Lakehurst Maxfield Field |
Linden | LDJ | LDJ | KLDJ | Linden |
Millville | MIV | MIV | KMIV | Millville Municipal |
Morristown | MMU | MMU | KMMU | Morristown Municipal |
Mount Holly | VAY | LLY | KVAY | South Jersey Regional |
Newark | EWR | EWR | KEWR | Newark Liberty International |
Manville | 47N | JVI | | Central Jersey Regional |
Princeton | 39N | PCT | | Princeton |
Teterboro | TEB | TEB | KTEB | Teterboro |
Toms River | MJX | MJX | KMJX | Ocean County |
Trenton | TTN | TTN | KTTN | Trenton Mercer |
Wildwood | WWD | WWD | KWWD | Wildwood/Cape May County |
Wrightstown | WRI | WRI | KWRI | McGuire AFB |
Alamogordo | HMN | HMN | KHMN | Hollowman AFB |
Alamogordo | ALM | ALM | KALM | Alamogordo White Sands Regional |
Albuquerque | ABQ | ABQ | KABQ | Albuquerque/Sunport International |
Angel Fire | AXX | AXX | KAXX | Angel Fire (Colfax County) |
Artesia | ATS | ATS | KATS | Artesia Municipal |
Carlsbad | CNM | CNM | KCNM | Cavern City Air Terminal |
Clayton | CAO | CAO | KCAO | Clayton Municipal Airpark |
Clovis | CVN | CVN | KCVN | Clovis Municipal |
Clovis | CVS | CVS | KCVS | Cannon AFB |
Deming | DMN | DMN | KDMN | Deming Municipal |
Farmington | FMN | FMN | KFMN | Four Corners Regional |
Fort Sumner | FSU | FSU | KFSU | Fort Sumner Municipal |
Gallup | GUP | GUP | KGUP | Gallup Municipal |
Grants | GNT | GNT | KGNT | Grants-Milan Municipal |
Hobbs | HOB | HOB | KHOB | Hobbs/Lea County Regional |
Columbus | 0NM0 | CUS | | Columbus Municipal Airport |
Espanola | E14 | ESO | | Ohkay Owingeh |
Hobbs | NM83 | HBB | | Industrial Airpark |
Las Cruces | LRU | LRU | KLRU | Las Cruces International |
Las Vegas | LVS | LVS | KLVS | Las Vegas Municipal |
Lordsburg | LSB | LSB | KLSB | Lordsburg Municipal |
Los Alamos | LAM | LAM | KLAM | Los Alamos |
Raton | RTN | RTN | KRTN | Raton Municipal/Crews Field |
Roswell | ROW | ROW | KROW | Roswell International Air Center |
Ruidoso | SRR | RUI | KSRR | Sierra Blanca Regional |
Santa Fe | SAF | SAF | KSAF | Santa Fe Municipal |
Silver City | SVC | SVC | KSVC | Grant County |
Socorro | ONM | ONM | KONM | Socorro Municipal |
Taos | SKX | TSM | KSKX | Taos Regional |
Truth or Consequences | TCS | TCS | KTCS | Truth or Consequences Municipal |
Tucumcari | TCC | TCC | KTCC | Tucumcari Municipal |
White Sands | WSD | WSD | KWSD | Condron Army Airfield |
Battle Mountain | BAM | BAM | KBAM | Battle Mountain |
Beatty | BTY | BTY | KBTY | Beatty |
Carson City | CXP | CSN | KCXP | Carson City |
Elko | EKO | EKO | KEKO | Elko Regional/Harris Field |
Ely | ELY | ELY | KELY | Ely/Yelland Field |
Dyer | 2Q9 | | | Dyer Airport |
Fallon | FLX | FLX | KFLX | Fallon Municipal |
Fallon | NFL | NFL | KNFL | Fallon Nas (Van Voorhis Field) |
Gabbs | GAB | GAB | KGAB | Gabbs Airport |
Hawthorne | HTH | HTH | KHTH | Hawthorne Industrial |
Indian Springs | INS | INS | KINS | Creech Air Force Base |
Las Vegas | LAS | LAS | KLAS | Las Vegas/McCarran International |
Las Vegas | HND | HSH | KHND | Henderson Executive |
Las Vegas | VGT | VGT | KVGT | North Las Vegas |
Las Vegas | LSV | LSV | KLSV | Nellis AFB |
Lovelock | LOL | LOL | KLOL | Derby Field |
Eureka | 05U | EUE | | Eureka |
Jackpot | 06U | KPT | | Jackpot/Hayden Field |
Mesquite | 67L | MFH | | Mesquite |
Minden | MEV | MEV | KMEV | Minden-Tahoe |
Reno | RNO | RNO | KRNO | Reno-Tahoe International |
Montello | NV14 | | | Juniper Airport |
Tonopah | TNX | XSD | KTNX | Tonopah Test Range Airport |
Tonopah | TPH | TPH | KTPH | Tonopah |
Wells | LWL | LWL | KLWL | Wells Municipal/Harriet Field |
Winnemucca | WMC | WMC | KWMC | Winnemucca Municipal |
Albany | ALB | ALB | KALB | Albany International |
Binghamton | BGM | BGM | KBGM | Greater Binghamton Edwin A Link Field |
Yerington | O43 | EYR | | Yerington Municipal |
Buffalo | BUF | BUF | KBUF | Buffalo Niagara International |
Calverton | 3C8 | CTO | | Calverton Executive Airpark |
Cooperstown | K23 | COP | | Cooperstown-Westville Airport |
East Hampton | JPX | JPX | KJPX | East Hampton |
Dansville | DSV | DSV | KDSV | Dansville Municipal |
Dunkirk | DKK | DKK | KDKK | Chautauqua County/Dunkirk |
Elmira | ELM | ELM | KELM | Elmira/Corning Regional |
Farmingdale | FRG | FRG | KFRG | Republic Long Island |
Cortland | N03 | CTX | | Cortland County-Chase Field |
Fishers Island | 0B8 | FID | | Elizabeth Field Airport |
Glens Falls | GFL | GFL | KGFL | Floyd Bennett Memorial |
Islip | ISP | ISP | KISP | Long Island Macarthur |
Ithaca | ITH | ITH | KITH | Ithaca Tompkins Regional |
Jamestown | JHW | JHW | KJHW | Chautauqua County/Jamestown |
Lake Placid | LKP | LKP | KLKP | Lake Placid |
Hudson | 1B1 | HCC | | Columbia County |
Massena | MSS | MSS | KMSS | Massena International/Richards Field |
Montauk | MTP | MTP | KMTP | Montauk |
Montgomery | MGJ | MGJ | KMGJ | Orange County |
Monticello | MSV | MSV | KMSV | Sullivan County International |
New York | LGA | LGA | KLGA | La Guardia |
New York | JFK | JFK | KJFK | New York/John F Kennedy International |
Newburgh | SWF | SWF | KSWF | Stewart International |
Niagara Falls | IAG | IAG | KIAG | Niagara Falls International |
Norwich | OIC | OIC | KOIC | Lt Warren Eaton |
Ogdensburg | OGS | OGS | KOGS | Ogdensburg International |
Olean | OLE | OLE | KOLE | Cattaraugus County-Olean Municipal |
Plattsburgh | PBG | PBG | KPBG | Plattsburgh International |
Oneonta | N66 | ONH | | Oneonta Municipal |
Poughkeepsie | POU | POU | KPOU | Hudson Valley Regional |
Rochester | ROC | ROC | KROC | Greater Rochester International |
Rome | RME | RME | KRME | Griffiss International |
Saranac Lake | SLK | SLK | KSLK | Adirondack Regional |
Schenectady | SCH | SCH | KSCH | Schenectady County |
Shirley | HWV | WSH | KHWV | Brookhaven |
Syracuse | SYR | SYR | KSYR | Syracuse Hancock International |
Sidney | N23 | SXY | | Sidney Municipal |
Watertown | ART | ART | KART | Watertown International |
Wellsville | ELZ | ELZ | KELZ | Wellsville Municipal/Tarantine Field |
Westhampton Beach | FOK | FOK | KFOK | Francis S Gabreski |
White Plains | HPN | HPN | KHPN | Westchester County |
Akron | AKR | AKC | KAKR | Akron Fulton International |
Akron | CAK | CAK | KCAK | Akron/Canton Regional |
Ashtabula | HZY | JFN | KHZY | Northeast Ohio Regional |
Athens/Albany | UNI | ATO | KUNI | Gordon K Bush Ohio University |
Chesapeake | HTW | HTW | KHTW | Lawrence County Airpark |
Cincinnati | LUK | LUK | KLUK | Cincinnati Municipal Lunken |
Cleveland | BKL | BKL | KBKL | Burke Lakefront |
Cleveland | CLE | CLE | KCLE | Cleveland/Hopkins International |
Cleveland | CGF | CGF | KCGF | Cuyahoga County |
Columbus | CMH | CMH | KCMH | John Glenn International |
Columbus | LCK | LCK | KLCK | Rickenbacker International |
Columbus | OSU | OSU | KOSU | Ohio State University |
Dayton | FFO | FFO | KFFO | Wright Patterson AFB |
Dayton | DAY | DAY | KDAY | Dayton International James M Cox |
Dayton | MGY | MGY | KMGY | Dayton-Wright Brothers |
Defiance | DFI | DFI | KDFI | Defiance Memorial |
Findlay | FDY | FDY | KFDY | Findlay |
Galion | GQQ | GQQ | KGQQ | Galion Municipal |
Hamilton | HAO | HAO | KHAO | Butler County Regional-Hogan Field |
Lima | AOH | AOH | KAOH | Lima Allen County |
Mansfield | MFD | MFD | KMFD | Mansfield Lahm Regional |
Marion | MNN | MNN | KMNN | Marion Municipal |
Middletown | MWO | MWO | KMWO | Middletown Regional - Hook Field |
New Philadelphia | PHD | PHD | KPHD | Harry Clever Field |
Paloma | 29AZ | | | Paloma Ranch Airport |
Oxford | OXD | OXD | KOXD | Miami University |
Norwalk | 47OH | | | Chapin Airport |
Portsmouth | PMH | PMH | KPMH | Greater Portsmouth Regional |
Sandusky | SKY | SKY | KSKY | Griffing Sandusky |
Springfield | SGH | SGH | KSGH | Springfield/Beckley Municipal |
Toledo | TDZ | TDZ | KTDZ | Toledo Executive |
Toledo | TOL | TOL | KTOL | Toledo Express |
Wapakoneta | AXV | AXV | KAXV | Auglaize County Neil Armstrong |
Willoughby | LNN | LNN | KLNN | Willoughby Lost Nation Municipal |
Wilmington | ILN | ILN | KILN | Wilmington Airpark |
Wooster | BJJ | BJJ | KBJJ | Wayne County |
Youngstown | YNG | YNG | KYNG | Youngstown/Warren Regional |
Zanesville | ZZV | ZZV | KZZV | Zanesville Municipal |
Ada | ADH | ADT | KADH | Ada Municipal |
Altus | LTS | LTS | KLTS | Altus AFB |
Altus | AXS | AXS | KAXS | Altus/Quartz Mountain Regional |
Ardmore | ADM | ADM | KADM | Ardmore Municipal |
Bartlesville | BVO | BVO | KBVO | Bartlesville Municipal |
Antlers | 80F | ATE | | Antlers Municipal |
Ardmore | 1F0 | AHD | | Ardmore Downtown Executive |
Cherokee | CKA | CKA | KCKA | Kegelman Air Force Auxiliary Field |
Chickasha | CHK | CHK | KCHK | Chickasha Municipal |
Blackwell | 6OK6 | BWL | | Earl Henry Airport |
Clinton | CLK | CLK | KCLK | Clinton Regional |
Clinton | CSM | CSM | KCSM | Clinton-Sherman |
Cushing | CUH | CUH | KCUH | Cushing Municipal |
Duncan | DUC | DUC | KDUC | Halliburton Field |
Durant | DUA | DUA | KDUA | Durant Regional - Eaker Field |
Elk City | ELK | ELK | KELK | Elk City Regional Business |
Enid | END | END | KEND | Vance AFB |
Enid | WDG | WDG | KWDG | Enid Woodring Regional |
Fort Sill | FSI | FSI | KFSI | Henry Post AAF |
Frederick | FDR | FDR | KFDR | Frederick Regional |
Gage | GAG | GAG | KGAG | Gage |
Guthrie | GOK | GOK | KGOK | Guthrie-Edmond Regional |
Guymon | GUY | GUY | KGUY | Guymon Municipal |
Hobart | HBR | HBR | KHBR | Hobart Regional |
Hugo | HHW | HUJ | KHHW | Stan Stamper Municipal |
Lawton | LAW | LAW | KLAW | Fort Sill Regional Lawton |
Mc Alester | MLC | MLC | KMLC | Mcalester Regional |
Miami | MIO | MIO | KMIO | Miami Regional |
Muskogee | MKO | MKO | KMKO | Muskogee-Davis Regional |
Muskogee | HAX | HAX | KHAX | Hatbox Field Airport |
Norman | OUN | OUN | KOUN | University of Oklahoma Max Westheimer |
Oklahoma City | TIK | TIK | KTIK | Tinker AFB |
Oklahoma City | OKC | OKC | KOKC | Will Rogers World |
Oklahoma City | PWA | PWA | KPWA | Wiley Post |
Okmulgee | OKM | OKM | KOKM | Okmulgee Regional |
Ponca City | PNC | PNC | KPNC | Ponca City Regional |
Poteau | RKR | RKR | KRKR | Robert S Kerr |
Shawnee | SNL | SNL | KSNL | Shawnee Regional |
Stillwater | SWO | SWO | KSWO | Stillwater Regional |
Stroud | SUD | SUD | KSUD | Stroud Municipal |
Tulsa | TUL | TUL | KTUL | Tulsa International |
Tulsa | RVS | RVS | KRVS | Tulsa/Richard Lloyd Jones Jr |
Woodward | WWR | WWR | KWWR | West Woodward |
Astoria | AST | AST | KAST | Astoria Regional |
Baker City | BKE | BKE | KBKE | Baker City Municipal |
Ashland | S03 | AHM | | Ashland Municipal-Sumner Parker Field |
Bandon | S05 | BDY | | Bandon State |
Brookings | BOK | BOK | KBOK | Brookings Airport |
Burns | BNO | BNO | KBNO | Burns Municipal |
Chiloquin | 2S7 | CHZ | | Chiloquin State |
Corvallis | CVO | CVO | KCVO | Corvallis Municipal |
Eugene | EUG | EUG | KEUG | Mahlon Sweet Field |
John Day | GCD | JDA | KGCD | Grant County Regional/Ogilvie Field |
Hermiston | HRI | HES | KHRI | Hermiston Municipal |
Klamath Falls | LMT | LMT | KLMT | Crater Lake-Klamath Regional |
La Grande | LGD | LGD | KLGD | La Grande/Union County |
Gold Beach | 4S1 | GOL | | Gold Beach Municipal |
Grants Pass | 3S8 | GTP | | Grants Pass |
Lakeview | LKV | LKV | KLKV | Lake County |
Medford | MFR | MFR | KMFR | Medford/Rogue Valley International |
Newport | ONP | ONP | KONP | Newport Municipal |
Madras | S33 | MDJ | | Madras Municipal |
North Bend | OTH | OTH | KOTH | Southwest Oregon Regional |
Ontario | ONO | ONO | KONO | Ontario Municipal |
Pendleton | PDT | PDT | KPDT | Eastern Oregon Regional Pendleton |
Portland | TTD | TTD | KTTD | Portland/Troutdale |
Portland | PDX | PDX | KPDX | Portland International |
Portland | HIO | HIO | KHIO | Portland/Hillsboro |
Redmond | RDM | RDM | KRDM | Roberts Field |
Rome | REO | REO | KREO | Rome State Airport |
Prineville | S39 | PRZ | | Prineville |
Roseburg | RBG | RBG | KRBG | Roseburg Regional |
Salem | SLE | SLE | KSLE | Salem Municipal/Mcnary Field |
Roseburg | 5S1 | | | George Felt Airport |
The Dalles | DLS | DLS | KDLS | The Dalles Municipal/Columbia Gorge Regional |
Tillamook | TMK | OTK | KTMK | Tillamook |
Allentown | ABE | ABE | KABE | Lehigh Valley International |
Altoona | AOO | AOO | KAOO | Altoona/Blair County |
Sunriver | S21 | SUO | | Sunriver |
Beaver Falls | BVI | BFP | KBVI | Beaver County |
Bradford | BFD | BFD | KBFD | Bradford Regional |
Butler | BTP | BTP | KBTP | Pittsburgh/Butler Regional Airport |
Coatesville | MQS | CTH | KMQS | Chester County G O Carlson |
Doylestown | DYL | DYL | KDYL | Doylestown |
DuBois | DUJ | DUJ | KDUJ | Dubois Regional |
Erie | ERI | ERI | KERI | Erie International/Tom Ridge Field |
East Stroudsburg | N53 | ESP | | Stroudsburg-Pocono |
Fort Indiantown Gap(annville) | MUI | MUI | KMUI | Muir Army Airfield (Fort Indiantown Gap) |
Franklin | FKL | FKL | KFKL | Venango Regional |
Harrisburg | MDT | MDT | KMDT | Harrisburg International |
Harrisburg | CXY | HAR | KCXY | Capital City Harrisburg |
Hazleton | HZL | HZL | KHZL | Hazleton Regional |
Indiana | IDI | IDI | KIDI | Indiana County/Jimmy Stewart Field |
Gettysburg | W05 | GTY | | Gettysburg Regional |
Johnstown | JST | JST | KJST | John Murtha Johnstown/Cambria County |
Lancaster | LNS | LNS | KLNS | Lancaster |
Latrobe | LBE | LBE | KLBE | Arnold Palmer Regional |
Lock Haven | LHV | LHV | KLHV | William T. Piper Memorial |
Meadville | GKJ | MEJ | KGKJ | Port Meadville |
Mount Pocono | MPO | MPO | KMPO | Pocono Mountains Municipal |
Philadelphia | PNE | PNE | KPNE | Northeast Philadelphia |
Philadelphia | PHL | PHL | KPHL | Philadelphia International |
Philadelphia | LOM | BBX | KLOM | Wings Field |
Philipsburg | PSB | PSB | KPSB | Mid-State |
Pittsburgh | PIT | PIT | KPIT | Pittsburgh International |
Pittsburgh | AGC | AGC | KAGC | Allegheny County |
Pottstown | PTW | PTW | KPTW | Heritage Field |
Quakertown | UKT | UKT | KUKT | Quakertown |
Reading | RDG | RDG | KRDG | Reading Regional/Carl A Spaatz Field |
Reedsville | RVL | RED | KRVL | Mifflin County |
Selinsgrove | SEG | SEG | KSEG | Penn Valley |
St Marys | OYM | STQ | KOYM | St Marys Municipal |
State College | UNV | SCE | KUNV | University Park |
Washington | AFJ | WSG | KAFJ | Washington County |
Waynesburg | WAY | WAY | KWAY | Greene County |
Wilkes-Barre | WBW | WBW | KWBW | Wilkes-Barre Wyoming Valley |
Scranton | AVP | AVP | KAVP | Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International |
Williamsport | IPT | IPT | KIPT | Williamsport Regional |
Willow Grove | NXX | NXX | KNXX | Willow Grove Nas Jrb |
York | THV | THV | KTHV | York |
Block Island | BID | BID | KBID | Block Island State |
Newport | UUU | NPT | KUUU | Newport State |
North Kingstown | OQU | NCO | KOQU | Quonset State |
Pawtucket | SFZ | SFZ | KSFZ | North Central State |
Providence | PVD | PVD | KPVD | Theodore Francis Green International |
Westerly | WST | WST | KWST | Westerly State |
Aiken | AIK | AIK | KAIK | Aiken Regional |
Anderson | AND | AND | KAND | Anderson Regional |
Andrews | PHH | ADR | KPHH | Robert F Swinnie |
Barnwell | BNL | BNL | KBNL | Barnwell Regional |
Bennettsville | BBP | BTN | KBBP | Marlboro County Jetport - H.E. Avent Field |
Camden | CDN | CDN | KCDN | Woodward Field |
Charleston | CHS | CHS | KCHS | Charleston International |
Cheraw | CQW | HCW | KCQW | Cheraw Municipal/Lynch Bellinger Field |
Clemson | CEU | CEU | KCEU | Oconee County Regional |
Cameron | SC03 | | | Mc Neil Airport |
Columbia | CUB | CUB | KCUB | Jim Hamilton L.B. Owens |
Columbia | CAE | CAE | KCAE | Columbia Metropolitan |
Dillon | DLC | DLL | KDLC | Dillon County Airport |
Eastover | MMT | MMT | KMMT | Mc Entire Joint National Guard Base |
Florence | FLO | FLO | KFLO | Florence Regional |
Georgetown | GGE | GGE | KGGE | Georgetown County |
Greenville | GYH | GDC | KGYH | Donaldson Field |
Greenville | GMU | GMU | KGMU | Greenville Downtown |
Greenwood | GRD | GRD | KGRD | Greenwood County |
Greer | GSP | GSP | KGSP | Greenville Spartanburg International |
Hartsville | HVS | HVS | KHVS | Hartsville Regional |
Myrtle Beach | MYR | MYR | KMYR | Myrtle Beach International |
North Myrtle Beach | CRE | CRE | KCRE | Grand Strand North Myrtle Beach |
Orangeburg | OGB | OGB | KOGB | Orangeburg Municipal |
Pickens | LQK | LQK | KLQK | Pickens County |
Rock Hill | UZA | RKH | KUZA | Rock Hill/York County/Bryant Field |
Spartanburg | SPA | SPA | KSPA | Spartanburg Downtown Memorial |
Sumter | SMS | SUM | KSMS | Sumter |
Sumter | SSC | SSC | KSSC | Shaw AFB |
Walterboro | RBW | RBW | KRBW | Lowcountry Regional |
Aberdeen | ABR | ABR | KABR | Aberdeen Regional |
Britton | BTN | TTO | KBTN | Britton Municipal |
Brookings | BKX | BKX | KBKX | Brookings Regional |
Union | 35A | USC | | Union County Troy Shelton Field |
Canton | 7G9 | CTK | | Canton Municipal |
Huron | HON | HON | KHON | Huron Regional |
Lemmon | LEM | LEM | KLEM | Lemmon Municipal |
Madison | MDS | XMD | KMDS | Madison Municipal |
Mitchell | MHE | MHE | KMHE | Mitchell Municipal |
Mobridge | MBG | MBG | KMBG | Mobridge Municipal |
Philip | PHP | PHP | KPHP | Philip Municipal |
Pierre | PIR | PIR | KPIR | Pierre Regional |
Pine Ridge | IEN | XPR | KIEN | Pine Ridge |
Rapid City | RAP | RAP | KRAP | Rapid City Regional |
Rapid City | RCA | RCA | KRCA | Ellsworth AFB |
Sioux Falls | FSD | FSD | KFSD | Sioux Falls Regional, Joe Foss Field |
Spearfish | SPF | SPF | KSPF | Black Hills-Clyde Ice Field |
Watertown | ATY | ATY | KATY | Watertown Regional |
Yankton | YKN | YKN | KYKN | Chan Gurney Municipal |
Athens | MMI | MMI | KMMI | Mcminn County |
Bristol/Johnson/Kingsport | TRI | TRI | KTRI | Tri-Cities Regional, TN/VA |
Centerville | GHM | GHM | KGHM | Centerville Municipal |
Chattanooga | CHA | CHA | KCHA | Lovell Field |
Clarksville | CKV | CKV | KCKV | Outlaw Field |
Columbia | MRC | MRC | KMRC | Maury County |
Crossville | CSV | CSV | KCSV | Crossville Memorial/Whitson Field |
Fayetteville | FYM | FYM | KFYM | Fayetteville Municipal |
Greeneville | GCY | GCY | KGCY | Greeneville-Greene County Municipal |
Jackson | MKL | MKL | KMKL | Mckellar Sipes Regional |
Jasper | APT | APT | KAPT | Marion County-Brown Field |
Knoxville | TYS | TYS | KTYS | Mcghee Tyson |
McMinnville | RNC | RNC | KRNC | Warren County Memorial |
Memphis | MEM | MEM | KMEM | Memphis International |
Millington | NQA | NQA | KNQA | Millington Regional Jetport |
Morristown | MOR | MOR | KMOR | Moore-Murrell |
Nashville | BNA | BNA | KBNA | Nashville International |
Paris | PHT | PHT | KPHT | Henry County |
Rockwood | RKW | RKW | KRKW | Rockwood Municipal |
Sevierville | GKT | GKT | KGKT | Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge |
Sewanee | UOS | UOS | KUOS | Franklin County |
Shelbyville | SYI | SYI | KSYI | Shelbyville Municipal/Bomar Field |
Smyrna | MQY | MQY | KMQY | Smyrna |
Tullahoma | THA | THA | KTHA | Tullahoma Regional/William Northern Field |
Union City | UCY | UCY | KUCY | Everett-Stewart Regional |
Abilene | ABI | ABI | KABI | Abilene Regional |
Abilene | DYS | DYS | KDYS | Dyess AFB |
Alice | ALI | ALI | KALI | Alice International |
Alpine | E38 | ALE | | Alpine-Casparis Municipal |
Amarillo | AMA | AMA | KAMA | Rick Husband Amarillo International |
Amarillo | TDW | TDW | KTDW | Tradewind |
Angleton Lake Jackson | LBX | LJN | KLBX | Texas Gulf Coast Regional |
Austin | AUS | AUS | KAUS | Austin Bergstrom International |
Bay City | BYY | BBC | KBYY | Bay City Regional |
Houston | HPY | HPY | KHPY | Baytown |
Beaumont | BMT | BMT | KBMT | Beaumont Municipal |
Beaumont/Port Arthur | BPT | BPT | KBPT | Jack Brooks Regional |
Glacier Creek | KGZ | | | Glacier Creek |
Beeville | BEA | NIR | KBEA | Beeville Municipal |
Big Spring | BPG | HCA | KBPG | Big Spring Mc Mahon-Wrinkle |
Borger | BGD | BGD | KBGD | Hutchinson County |
Brady | BBD | BBD | KBBD | Curtis Field |
Breckenridge | BKD | BKD | KBKD | Stephens County |
Brenham | 11R | K11 | | Brenham Municipal |
Brownsville | BRO | BRO | KBRO | Brownsville/South Padre Island International |
Brownwood | BWD | BWD | KBWD | Brownwood Regional |
Bryan | CFD | CFD | KCFD | Coulter Field |
Carrizo Springs | CZT | CZT | KCZT | Dimmit County |
Childress | CDS | CDS | KCDS | Childress Municipal |
Coleman | COM | COM | KCOM | Coleman Municipal |
College Station | CLL | CLL | KCLL | Easterwood Field |
Corpus Christi | CRP | CRP | KCRP | Corpus Christi International |
Corpus Christi | NGW | NGW | KNGW | Cabaniss Field Naval Outlying Field |
Corpus Christi | NGP | NGP | KNGP | Corpus Christi Nas (Truax Field) |
Corsicana | CRS | CRS | KCRS | C David Campbell Field-Corsicana Municipal |
Cotulla | COT | COT | KCOT | Cotulla-La Salle County |
Crane | E13 | CCG | | Crane County |
Corpus Christi | 07TE | CUX | | Cuddihy Field Airport |
Dalhart | DHT | DHT | KDHT | Dalhart Municipal |
Dallas | DAL | DAL | KDAL | Dallas Love Field |
Dallas | ADS | ADS | KADS | Addison/Dallas |
Dallas | RBD | RBD | KRBD | Dallas Executive |
Dallas | DFW | DFW | KDFW | Dallas-Fort Worth International |
Del Rio | DRT | DRT | KDRT | Del Rio International |
Del Rio | DLF | DLF | KDLF | Laughlin AFB |
Eagle Lake | ELA | ELA | KELA | Eagle Lake |
Eastland | ETN | ETN | KETN | Eastland Municipal |
El Paso | ELP | ELP | KELP | El Paso International |
Eagle Pass | 5T9 | EGP | | Maverick County Memorial International |
Evadale | 4TE8 | EVA | | Ben Bruce Memorial Airpark |
El Paso | BIF | BIF | KBIF | El Paso (Fort Bliss) - Biggs AAF |
Killeen | HLR | HLR | KHLR | Hood Army Airfield |
Killeen | GRK | GRK | KGRK | Killeen/Fort Hood Regional/Robert Gray AAF |
Fort Stockton | FST | FST | KFST | Fort Stockton-Pecos County |
Fort Worth | AFW | AFW | KAFW | Fort Worth Alliance |
Ft Worth | NFW | FWH | KNFW | Fort Worth Naval Air Station Jrb/Carswell Field |
Fort Worth | FTW | FTW | KFTW | Fort Worth Meacham International |
Forney | TA18 | | | Sunset Airport |
Gainesville | GLE | GLE | KGLE | Gainesville Municipal |
Galveston | GLS | GLS | KGLS | Scholes International at Galveston |
Greenville | GVT | GVT | KGVT | Majors |
Harlingen | HRL | HRL | KHRL | Valley International |
Houston | CXO | CXO | KCXO | Conroe North Houston Regional |
Houston | SGR | SGR | KSGR | Sugar Land Regional |
Houston | EFD | EFD | KEFD | Ellington |
Houston | IWS | IWS | KIWS | West Houston |
Houston | HOU | HOU | KHOU | William P Hobby |
Houston | DWH | DWH | KDWH | David Wayne Hooks Memorial |
Houston | IAH | IAH | KIAH | George Bush Intercontinental Houston |
Huntsville | UTS | HTV | KUTS | Huntsville Municipal |
Iraan | 2F0 | IRB | | Iraan Municipal |
Jacksonville | JSO | JKV | KJSO | Cherokee County |
Jasper | JAS | JAS | KJAS | Jasper County-Bell Field |
Junction | JCT | JCT | KJCT | Kimble County |
Johnson City | 0TE7 | JCY | | Lbj Ranch Airport |
Kerrville | ERV | ERV | KERV | Kerrville Municipal/Louis Schreiner Field |
Killeen | ILE | ILE | KILE | Skylark Field Killeen |
Kingsville | NQI | NQI | KNQI | Kingsville Nas |
Kennedale | 4TX4 | | | Birk Airport |
Laredo | LRD | LRD | KLRD | Laredo International |
Longview | GGG | GGG | KGGG | East Texas Regional |
Lubbock | LBB | LBB | KLBB | Lubbock Preston Smith International |
Lufkin | LFK | LFK | KLFK | Angelina County |
Golovin | N93 | | | Golovin |
Marfa | MRF | MRF | KMRF | Marfa Municipal |
Marshall | ASL | ASL | KASL | Harrison County |
McAllen | MFE | MFE | KMFE | Mcallen Miller International |
Marion | 1TE4 | | | Zuehl Airport |
Midland | MAF | MAF | KMAF | Midland International Air and Space Port |
Midland | MDD | MDD | KMDD | Midland Airpark |
Mineral Wells | MWL | MWL | KMWL | Mineral Wells |
Mount Pleasant | OSA | MPS | KOSA | Mount Pleasant Regional |
Nacogdoches | OCH | OCH | KOCH | A L Mangham Jr. Regional |
Monahans | E01 | MIF | | Roy Hurd Memorial |
Olney | ONY | ONY | KONY | Olney Municipal |
Ozona | OZA | OZA | KOZA | Ozona Municipal |
Palacios | PSX | PSX | KPSX | Palacios Municipal |
Palestine | PSN | PSN | KPSN | Palestine Municipal |
Pampa | PPA | PPA | KPPA | Perry Lefors Field |
Paris | PRX | PRX | KPRX | Cox Field |
Pecos | PEQ | PEQ | KPEQ | Pecos Municipal |
Plainview | PVW | PVW | KPVW | Hale County |
Refugio | RFG | RFG | KRFG | Rooke Field |
Ranger | F23 | RGR | | Ranger Municipal Airport |
Rockdale | RCK | RCK | KRCK | H H Coffield Regional |
Rockport | RKP | RKP | KRKP | Aransas County |
San Angelo | SJT | SJT | KSJT | San Angelo Regional/Mathis Field |
San Antonio | SAT | SAT | KSAT | San Antonio International |
San Antonio | SSF | SSF | KSSF | Stinson Municipal |
San Antonio | SKF | SKF | KSKF | Kelly Field |
San Marcos | HYI | HYI | KHYI | San Marcos Regional |
Stephenville | SEP | SEP | KSEP | Stephenville Clark Regional |
Sherman/Denison | GYI | PNX | KGYI | North Texas Regional/Perrin Field |
Snyder | SNK | SNK | KSNK | Winston Field |
Palominas | AZ26 | | | Evelyn Field Airport |
Sulphur Springs | SLR | SLR | KSLR | Sulphur Springs Municipal |
Stanfield | AZ49 | | | Walter Ranch Airport |
Sweetwater | SWW | SWW | KSWW | Avenger Field |
Temple | TPL | TPL | KTPL | Draughon Miller Central Texas Regional |
Terrell | TRL | TRL | KTRL | Terrell Municipal |
Gulkana | 8AK1 | | | Jacobus Field |
Tyler | TYR | TYR | KTYR | Tyler Pounds Regional |
Universal City | RND | RND | KRND | Randolph AFB |
Uvalde | UVA | UVA | KUVA | Garner Field |
Van Horn | VHN | VHN | KVHN | Culberson County |
Victoria | VCT | VCT | KVCT | Victoria Regional |
Waco | CNW | CNW | KCNW | Waco Texas State Techical College |
Waco | ACT | ACT | KACT | Waco Regional |
Weatherford | WEA | WEA | KWEA | Parker County Airport |
Wharton | ARM | WHT | KARM | Wharton Regional |
Wichita Falls | SPS | SPS | KSPS | Wichita Falls Regional/Sheppard AFB |
Wichita Falls | CWC | KIP | KCWC | Kickapoo Downtown |
West | 40TS | | | Square K Airport |
Wink | INK | INK | KINK | Winkler County |
Blanding | BDG | BDG | KBDG | Blanding Municipal |
Bountiful | BTF | BTF | KBTF | Skypark |
Brigham City | BMC | BMC | KBMC | Brigham City Regional |
Bryce Canyon | BCE | BCE | KBCE | Bryce Canyon |
Cedar City | CDC | CDC | KCDC | Cedar City Regional |
Delta | DTA | DTA | KDTA | Delta Municipal |
Dugway Proving Ground | DPG | DPG | KDPG | Michael Army Airfield (Dugway Proving Ground) |
Fillmore | FOM | FIL | KFOM | Fillmore Municipal |
Hanksville | HVE | HVE | KHVE | Hanksville |
Glen Canyon | U07 | BFG | | Bullfrog Basin |
Green River | U34 | RVR | | Green River Municipal |
Kanab | KNB | KNB | KKNB | Kanab Municipal |
Logan | LGU | LGU | KLGU | Logan-Cache |
Milford | MLF | MLF | KMLF | Milford Municipal/Ben And Judy Briscoe Field |
Moab | CNY | CNY | KCNY | Canyonlands Field |
Ogden | OGD | OGD | KOGD | Ogden/Hinckley |
Ogden | HIF | HIF | KHIF | Hill AFB |
Manti | 41U | NTJ | | Manti-Ephraim |
Monument Valley | UT25 | GMV | | Monument Valley Airport |
Mount Pleasant | 43U | MSD | | Mount Pleasant |
Nephi | U14 | NPH | | Nephi Munivipal |
Panguitch | U55 | PNU | | Panguitch Municipal |
Price | PUC | PUC | KPUC | Carbon County Regional/Buck Davis Field |
Provo | PVU | PVU | KPVU | Provo Municipal |
Richfield | RIF | RIF | KRIF | Richfield Municipal |
Salt Lake City | SLC | SLC | KSLC | Salt Lake City International |
ST GEORGE | SGU | SGU | KSGU | St George Regional |
Vernal | VEL | VEL | KVEL | Vernal Regional |
Wendover | ENV | ENV | KENV | Wendover |
Abingdon | VJI | VJI | KVJI | Virginia Highlands |
Roosevelt | 74V | ROL | | Roosevelt Municipal |
Salina | 44U | SBO | | Salina-Gunnison |
Blacksburg | BCB | BCB | KBCB | Virginia Tech Montgomery Executive |
Blackstone | BKT | BKT | KBKT | Allen C Perkinson Blackstone Army Air Field |
Charlottesville | CHO | CHO | KCHO | Charlottesville Albemarle |
Dahlgren | NDY | DGN | KNDY | Dahlgren Naval Surface Warfare Center Airport |
Danville | DAN | DAN | KDAN | Danville Regional |
Dublin | PSK | PSK | KPSK | New River Valley |
Easton | ESW | ESW | KESW | Easton State Airport |
Fort A. P. Hill | APH | APH | KAPH | A.P. Hill Army Airfield (Fort A P Hill) |
Fort Belvoir | DAA | DAA | KDAA | Davison AAF |
Fort Eustis | FAF | FAF | KFAF | Felker Army Airfield |
Franklin | FKN | FKN | KFKN | Franklin Municipal-John Beverly Rose |
Front Royal | FRR | FRR | KFRR | Front Royal-Warren County |
Gordonsville | GVE | GVE | KGVE | Gordonsville Municipal Airport |
Hampton | LFI | LFI | KLFI | Langley AFB |
Hot Springs | HSP | HSP | KHSP | Ingalls Field |
Hopewell | VG42 | | | Henshaw Airport |
Lawrenceville | LVL | LVL | KLVL | Lawrenceville/Brunswick Municipal |
Louisa | LKU | LOW | KLKU | Louisa County/Freeman Field |
Lynchburg | LYH | LYH | KLYH | Lynchburg Regional/Preston Glenn Field |
Manassas | HEF | HEF | KHEF | Manassas Regional/Harry P Davis Field |
Melfa | MFV | MFV | KMFV | Accomack County |
Newport News | PHF | PHF | KPHF | Newport News/Williamsburg Intl/Patrick Henry Field |
Norfolk | NGU | NGU | KNGU | Norfolk Ns (Chambers Field) |
Norfolk | ORF | ORF | KORF | Norfolk International |
Petersburg | PTB | PTB | KPTB | Dinwiddie County |
Quantico | NYG | NYG | KNYG | Quantico Marine Corps Airfield / Turner Field |
Richmond | RIC | RIC | KRIC | Richmond International |
Roanoke | ROA | ROA | KROA | Roanoke Regional/Woodrum Field |
Staunton | SHD | SHD | KSHD | Shenandoah Valley Regional |
Virginia Beach | NTU | NTU | KNTU | Oceana Nas (Apollo Soucek Field) |
Wallops Island | WAL | WAL | KWAL | Wallops Flight Facility |
Winchester | OKV | WGO | KOKV | Winchester Regional |
Wise | LNP | LNP | KLNP | Lonesome Pine |
Barre-Montpelier | MPV | MPV | KMPV | Edward F Knapp State |
Burlington | BTV | BTV | KBTV | Burlington International |
Morrisville | MVL | MVL | KMVL | Morrisville-Stowe State |
Newport | EFK | EFK | KEFK | Northeast Kingdom International |
Rutland | RUT | RUT | KRUT | Rutland Southern Vermont Regional |
Springfield | VSF | VSF | KVSF | Hartness State (Springfield) |
Bellingham | BLI | BLI | KBLI | Bellingham International |
Bremerton | PWT | PWT | KPWT | Bremerton National |
Burlington | BVS | MVW | KBVS | Skagit Regional |
Chehalis | CLS | CLS | KCLS | Chehalis-Centralia |
Anacortes | 74S | OTS | | Anacortes |
Blakely Island | 38WA | BYW | | Blakely Island Airport |
Eastsound | ORS | ESD | KORS | Orcas Island Airport |
Ellensburg | ELN | ELN | KELN | Bowers Field |
Ephrata | EPH | EPH | KEPH | Ephrata Municipal |
Everett | PAE | PAE | KPAE | Snohomish County/Paine Field |
Fort Lewis/Tacoma | GRF | GRF | KGRF | Gray AAF |
Friday Harbor | FHR | FRD | KFHR | Friday Harbor |
Electric City | 3W7 | GCD | | Grand Coulee Dam |
Hoquiam | HQM | HQM | KHQM | Bowerman |
Kelso | KLS | KLS | KKLS | Southwest Washington Regional |
Lopez | S31 | LPS | | Lopez Island Airport |
Moses Lake | MWH | MWH | KMWH | Grant County International |
Oak Harbor | NUW | NUW | KNUW | Whidbey Island Naval Air Station (Ault Field) |
Oak Harbor | OKH | ODW | KOKH | Aj Eisenberg |
Olympia | OLM | OLM | KOLM | Olympia Regional |
Omak | OMK | OMK | KOMK | Omak |
Pasco | PSC | PSC | KPSC | Tri-Cities |
Port Angeles | CLM | CLM | KCLM | William R Fairchild International |
Pullman | PUW | PUW | KPUW | Pullman/Moscow Regional |
Quillayute | UIL | UIL | KUIL | Quillayute |
Renton | RNT | RNT | KRNT | Renton Municipal |
Richland | RLD | RLD | KRLD | Richland |
Port Townsend | 0S9 | TWD | | Jefferson County International |
Seattle | BFI | BFI | KBFI | King County International Boeing Field |
Seattle | SEA | SEA | KSEA | Seattle Tacoma International |
Shelton | SHN | SHN | KSHN | Sanderson Field |
Spokane | SKA | SKA | KSKA | Fairchild AFB |
Roche Harbor | WA09 | RCE | | Roche Harbor Airport |
Sequim | W28 | SQV | | Sequim Valley |
Spokane | GEG | GEG | KGEG | Spokane International |
Spokane | SFF | SFF | KSFF | Felts Field |
Tacoma | TIW | TIW | KTIW | Tacoma Narrows |
Tacoma | TCM | TCM | KTCM | McChord AFB |
Toledo | TDO | TDO | KTDO | Ed Carlson Memorial Field - South Lewis County |
Stuart Island | 7WA5 | SSW | | Stuart Island Airpark |
Hannum Creek | 4Z2 | | | Upper Hannum Creek |
Walla Walla | ALW | ALW | KALW | Walla Walla Regional |
Wenatchee | EAT | EAT | KEAT | Pangborn Memorial |
Yakima | YKM | YKM | KYKM | Yakima Air Terminal/Mcallister Field |
Amery | AHH | AHH | KAHH | Amery Municipal |
Appleton | ATW | ATW | KATW | Appleton International |
Ashland | ASX | ASX | KASX | John F Kennedy Memorial |
Camp Douglas | VOK | VOK | KVOK | Volk Field |
Clintonville | CLI | CLI | KCLI | Clintonville Municipal |
Eagle River | EGV | EGV | KEGV | Eagle River Union |
Eau Claire | EAU | EAU | KEAU | Chippewa Valley Regional |
Fond Du Lac | FLD | FLD | KFLD | Fond Du Lac County |
Grantsburg | GTG | GTG | KGTG | Grantsburg Muni |
Green Bay | GRB | GRB | KGRB | Austin Straubel International |
Hayward | HYR | HYR | KHYR | Sawyer County |
Janesville | JVL | JVL | KJVL | Souther Wisconsin Regional |
Hudson | 02WI | | | Beer Airport |
Juneau | UNU | UNU | KUNU | Dodge County |
Kenosha | ENW | ENW | KENW | Kenosha Regional |
La Crosse | LSE | LSE | KLSE | La Crosse Regional |
Lone Rock | LNR | LNR | KLNR | Tri-County Regional |
Madison | MSN | MSN | KMSN | Truax Field/Dane County Regional |
Manitowoc | MTW | MTW | KMTW | Manitowoc County |
Marshfield | MFI | MFI | KMFI | Marshfield Municipal |
Medford | MDZ | MDF | KMDZ | Taylor County |
Lake Geneva | C02 | XES | | Grand Geneva Resort |
Merrill | RRL | RRL | KRRL | Merrill Municipal |
Milwaukee | MKE | MKE | KMKE | Milwaukee Mitchell International |
Milwaukee | MWC | MWC | KMWC | Lawrence J Timmerman |
Minocqua | ARV | ARV | KARV | Lakeland/Noble F. Lee Memorial Field |
Mosinee | CWA | CWA | KCWA | Central Wisconsin |
New Richmond | RNH | RNH | KRNH | New Richmond Regional |
Osceola | OEO | OEO | KOEO | L O Simenstad Municipal |
Oshkosh | OSH | OSH | KOSH | Wittman Regional |
Park Falls | PKF | PKF | KPKF | Park Falls Municipal |
Prairie Duchien | PDC | PCD | KPDC | Prairie Du Chien Municipal |
Racine | RAC | RAC | KRAC | Batten International |
Rhinelander | RHI | RHI | KRHI | Rhinelander Oneida County |
Rice Lake | RPD | RIE | KRPD | Rice Lake Regional - Carl's Field |
Prentice | 5N2 | PRW | | Prentice Municipal |
Sheboygan | SBM | SBM | KSBM | Sheboygan County Memorial |
Sparta | CMY | CMY | KCMY | Sparta/Fort Mccoy |
Stevens Point | STE | STE | KSTE | Stevens Point Municipal |
Sturgeon Bay | SUE | SUE | KSUE | Door County Cherryland |
Superior | SUW | SUW | KSUW | Richard I Bong Memorial |
Waukesha | UES | UES | KUES | Waukesha County |
Wausau | AUW | AUW | KAUW | Wausau Downtown |
West Bend | ETB | ETB | KETB | West Bend Municipal |
Wisconsin Rapids | ISW | ISW | KISW | Alexander Field South Wood County |
Beckley | BKW | BKW | KBKW | Raleigh County Memorial |
Bluefield | BLF | BLF | KBLF | Mercer County |
Charleston | CRW | CRW | KCRW | Yeager |
Clarksburg | CKB | CKB | KCKB | North Central West Virginia |
Elkins | EKN | EKN | KEKN | Elkins/Randolph County |
Glendale | WV66 | GWV | | Glendale Fokker Field Airport |
Huntington | HTS | HTS | KHTS | Tri-State Milton J Ferguson Field |
Lewisburg | LWB | LWB | KLWB | Greenbrier Valley |
Martinsburg | MRB | MRB | KMRB | Eastern West Virginia Regional/Shepherd Field |
Morgantown | MGW | MGW | KMGW | Morgantown Municipal Walter L Bill Hart Field |
Parkersburg | PKB | PKB | KPKB | Mid Ohio Valley Regional |
Petersburg | W99 | PGC | | Grant County |
Wheeling | HLG | HLG | KHLG | Wheeling Ohio County |
Afton | AFO | AFO | KAFO | Afton Municipal |
Big Piney | BPI | BPI | KBPI | Miley Memorial Field (Big Piney) |
Buffalo | BYG | BYG | KBYG | Johnson County |
Casper | CPR | CPR | KCPR | Casper/Natrona County International |
Cheyenne | CYS | CYS | KCYS | Cheyenne Regional/Jerry Olson Field |
Cody | COD | COD | KCOD | Yellowstone Regional |
Douglas | DGW | DGW | KDGW | Converse County |
Evanston | EVW | EVW | KEVW | Evanston-Uinta County Burns Field |
Fort Bridger | FBR | FBR | KFBR | Fort Bridger Airport |
Gillette | GCC | GCC | KGCC | Gillette-Campbell County |
Greybull | GEY | GEY | KGEY | South Big Horn County |
Jackson | JAC | JAC | KJAC | Jackson Hole |
Kemmerer | EMM | EMM | KEMM | Kemmerer Municipal |
Lander | LND | LND | KLND | Hunt Field |
Laramie | LAR | LAR | KLAR | Laramie Regional |
Lusk | LSK | LSK | KLSK | Lusk Municipal |
Newcastle | ECS | ECS | KECS | Mondell Field |
Powell | POY | POY | KPOY | Powell Municipal |
Rawlins | RWL | RWL | KRWL | Rawlins Municipal/Harvey Field |
Riverton | RIW | RIW | KRIW | Riverton Regional |
Rock Springs | RKS | RKS | KRKS | Southwest Wyoming Regional |
Saratoga | SAA | SAA | KSAA | Shively Field |
Sheridan | SHR | SHR | KSHR | Sheridan County |
Thermopolis | HSG | THP | KHSG | Hot Springs County-Thermopolis Municipal |
Torrington | TOR | TOR | KTOR | Torrington Municipal |
Wheatland | EAN | EAN | KEAN | Phifer Airfield |
Worland | WRL | WRL | KWRL | Worland Municipal |
Haycock | HAY | | | Haycock |
Branson | 06CO | | | Jecan Airport |
Herendeen Bay | AK33 | | | Herendeen Bay |
Hilton Head Island | HXD | HHH | KHXD | Hilton Head |
Yuma | NYL | YUM | KNYL | Yuma Mcas /Yuma International |
Branson | BBG | BKG | KBBG | Branson |
Branson West | FWB | FWB | KFWB | Branson West Municipal - Emerson Field |
Somerset | SME | SME | KSME | Lake Cumberland Regional |
Annapolis | ANP | ANP | KANP | Lee |
Austin | TMT | ASQ | KTMT | Austin |
Boulder City | BVU | BLD | KBVU | Boulder City Municipal |
Allakaket | 6A8 | AET | PFAL | Allakaket Airport |
Stockton | RCP | RCP | KRCP | Rooks County Regional |
Alexandria Bay | 89NY | AXB | | Maxson Airfield |
Trinidad | 0CD5 | | | Pinon Canyon Airport |
Beaufort | ARW | BFT | KARW | Beaufort County |
Lyndonville | CDA | LLX | KCDA | Caledonia County |
Panama City | ECP | ECP | KECP | Northwest Florida Beaches International |
Fort Richardson/Anchorage | FRN | FRN | PAFR | Bryant AAF |
Two Buttes | 53CO | | | Rons Field Airport |
Hinchinbrook | 2AK5 | | | Johnstone Point |
Homer | AK17 | | | Glacierview Strip |
Homer | 46AK | | | Bear Cove Farm |
Homer | AK18 | | | Camp Point |
Naknek | 4AK9 | | | Tibbetts |
Nanwalek | AK07 | | | Dog Fish Bay |
Nanwalek | KEB | | | Nanwalek |
Nikishka | AK73 | | | Mcgahan Industrial Airpark |
Nome | 94Z | | | Nome City Field |
Palmer | 5AK9 | | | Grandview Subdivision |
Palmer | 82AK | | | Jim's Landing |
Paxson | PXK | | | Paxson |
Sutton | JVM | | | Jonesville Mine |
Sutton/chickaloon | 48AK | | | Graham |
Talkeetna | AA00 | | | Shump |
Talkeetna | 2AK7 | | | Bald Mountain |
Ambler | AFM | ABL | PAFM | Ambler Airport |
Wasilla | 3AK8 | | | Boisselle's Strip |
Willow | AK72 | | | Jewell |
Loxley | AL35 | | | Mc Ginnis |
Madison | AL72 | | | Palmer Field |
Greers Ferry | 7AR2 | | | Verser's Landing |
Jacksonville | 13XS | | | Bethal |
Joiner | 80AR | | | Price Field |
Wabbaseka | 5AR3 | | | Wabbaseka Flying Service |
Wooster | AR97 | | | Chael |
Aguila | AZ04 | | | Hillair Dirt Strip |
Chinle | 04AZ | | | Chinle |
Cordes | 00AZ | | | Cordes |
Willcox | AZ14 | | | Ammon |
Willcox | 02AZ | | | Winchester Farm Airstrip |
Yarnell | AZ71 | | | Cooper Ranch |
Elk Grove | CL04 | | | Sky Way Estates |
Escondido | 8CL1 | | | Lake Wohlford Resort |
Forest Glen | 41CA | | | Silver Creek Ranch |
Fort Bragg | 82CL | | | Fort Bragg |
Lost Hills | 36CN | | | Blackwell Land Company Inc |
Lotus | 80CA | | | Bacchi Valley Industries |
Lucerne | 4CL4 | | | Rabbit Ranch |
Madera | 48CN | | | Sallaberry Ranch Strip |
Madera | 77CA | | | Daulton |
Mariposa | 6CL4 | | | Manzanita |
Marysville | 22CL | | | Double Tree Farm |
Maxwell | 8CL6 | | | Moller |
Mc Cloud | CA11 | | | Mc Cloud Airstrip |
Modesto | 4CA8 | | | Yandell Ranch |
Placerville | 54CN | | | Akin |
Redding | CA53 | | | Tews Field |
Riverside | 52CA | | | Lake Mathews |
Roseville | 34CA | | | Fiddyment Field |
Rough And Ready | CA21 | | | Limberlost Ranch |
Santa Ana | NZJ | | | El Toro Mcas |
Santa Margarita | 5CL1 | | | Bogdan |
Santa Ysabel | 0CA5 | | | Hoffman Pvt |
Delta | 27CO | | | Roubideau |
Elizaberth | 2CD6 | | | Safer |
Franktown | 43CO | | | Kostroski |
Bethlehem | CT01 | | | Whelan Farms |
Bristol | CT96 | | | Green Acres |
Middletown | DE33 | | | Okolona Plantation |
Milford | DE11 | | | Drummond |
Eustis | FL47 | | | Ashley Field |
Fernandina Beach | 55J | | | Fernandina Beach Muni |
Fort Myers | 69FL | | | Eagle's Landing |
Lithia | 0FL6 | | | Stanchester |
Live Oak | FL08 | | | Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch |
Macclenny | FL11 | | | Thrifts |
Melrose | 8FD2 | | | The Flying Horseman |
Sunniland | FL91 | | | Hendry Correctional Institution |
Tallahassee | FL52 | | | Angel's Field |
Tallahassee | 53FD | | | Charlotte's Field |
Trenton | 8J2 | | | Ames Field |
Trenton | FL33 | | | Watson Flight Strip |
Weirsdale | 47FL | | | Flying Exotics |
Welaka | 2FD8 | | | Lib Field |
Albany | GA12 | | | Tallassee Plantation |
Adak Island | ADK | ADK | PADK | Adak Island |
Akhiok | AKK | AKK | PAKH | Akhiok Airport |
Akiak | AKI | AKI | PFAK | Akiak Airport |
Alakanuk | AUK | AUK | PAUK | Alakanuk Airport |
Anaktuvuk Pass | AKP | AKP | PAKP | Anaktuvuk Pass Airport |
Anchorage | EDF | EDF | PAED | Elmendorf AFB |
Concord | 1GE5 | | | Flying D |
Concord | 88GA | | | Beaver Creek |
Conyers | 36GA | | | Lola Landing |
Covington | 9A1 | | | Covington Muni |
Covington | GA82 | | | Morgan Farm Field |
Covington | 07GA | | | Alcovy |
Fayetteville | GA91 | | | Adams |
Fitzgerald | 74GA | | | Bowens Mill Christian Center |
Forsyth | GA76 | | | Broken Ranch |
Fort Gaines | 79GA | | | Coates |
Swainsboro | GA41 | | | Daniels |
Sylvania | GA88 | | | Wade Plantation |
Sylvester | GA42 | | | Crowe |
Talbotton | 3GA1 | | | Prattsburg |
Paauilo | HI27 | | | Upper Paauilo Airstrip |
Iowa City | IA16 | | | Picayune |
Jesup | IA18 | | | Poyner |
Keosauqua | 27IA | | | Old Field |
La Motte | IA68 | | | Freedom Field |
Larchwood | 7IA2 | | | Zangger |
Lemars | 12IA | | | Plueger Airfield |
Walford | 06IA | | | Rich Field |
Waterloo | 0IA3 | | | Hawkeye |
Keuterville | ID90 | | | Spencer Ranch Landing Strip |
Kooskia | S82 | | | Kooskia Muni |
Kuna | 3ID7 | | | Indian Creek Ranch |
Malta | 07ID | | | Interstate |
Mc Call | 24K | | | Krassel Usfs |
Mccall | 2ID5 | | | Splan |
Nampa | S67 | | | Nampa Municipal |
Oreana | 0ID5 | | | Ez Lope Ranch |
Alden | IL05 | | | Bingham |
Amboy | IL07 | | | Taylor |
Antioch | IL11 | | | Donald Alfred Gade |
Antioch | 50IL | | | Midland |
Ashton | 79IL | | | Miller |
Atlanta | 3IL9 | | | Sugar Creek Farm |
Atwood | 4IS1 | | | Kamm |
Baldwin | IL35 | | | Redpath Rla |
Barry | 44IS | | | Potter |
De Kalb | IS63 | | | Hoffman |
Delavan | 1IL2 | | | Hobby Hideaway Rla |
Grays Lake | 7IL2 | | | O John Clark Rla |
Greenfield | LL20 | | | Smith Rla |
Harvard | 8IL1 | | | Twin Gardens |
Hecker | 4IS5 | | | Smith Rla |
Hillview | 80IS | | | Martin |
Ramsey | IS24 | | | Harris |
Ransom | LL66 | | | Egland Field |
Red Bud | 89IS | | | Voges Airstrip |
Rochelle | 75IS | | | Reinke |
Rochester | 92IS | | | Taft |
Rock City | LL91 | | | Hillman |
Rock City | IS93 | | | Sue Rock Intl |
Rock City | LL75 | | | Chester Wyss |
Rockford | LL78 | | | Lz Fairwinds |
Sheridan | IS95 | | | Harrington Farms |
Sherrard | 2LL2 | | | Weihler |
Shirley | 2LL3 | | | Roy Burden Rla |
Sidney | 2LL5 | | | Justus |
South Beloit | 3LL0 | | | Miller |
West Brooklyn | 7LL7 | | | Delhotal |
Westervelt | 28LL | | | Williamson |
Wheeler | 33LL | | | Isley |
Williamsville | 3LS7 | | | Bock Farms |
Witt | IS77 | | | Hoehn Rla |
Woodstock | 8LL1 | | | Hunter |
Wyanet | 8LL2 | | | Eckberg |
Acton | IN19 | | | Marshall Field |
Albany | II77 | | | Finney's Airpark |
Albany | 0II0 | | | Chuck's |
Albion | 3IN5 | | | Pippenger |
Albion | 98IN | | | B & V Flying Ranch |
Anderson | 34II | | | Burk Personal Use |
Atlanta | 99IN | | | Bee-Acre Farm Strip |
Auburn | 22IN | | | Mooney Field |
Bargersville | IN64 | | | Beck |
Bargersville | 7II9 | | | Thorn Field |
Bennington | 8II0 | | | Allen And Gloss |
Bluffton | II01 | | | Grandlienard-Hogg |
Boggstown | 88IN | | | Gardner |
Boggstown | 07IN | | | Gray |
Boswell | IN09 | | | Clifton |
Bourbon | 4IN5 | | | Ball Field |
Bremen | IN42 | | | Hackbarth |
Bremen | 3II8 | | | Birkey Private |
Brownsburg | 36II | | | Newby Landing |
Bunker Hill | 0II3 | | | Miller Strip |
Butler | 40II | | | Keener Field |
Butler | B25 | | | Harrold |
Butler | II02 | | | Kline Field |
Byrneville | 0IN5 | | | Byrne Field |
Emma | 2II1 | | | Yoder |
Fairmount | 64IN | | | Peacock Farms |
Farmersburg | IN57 | | | Shure |
Fillmore | 4II3 | | | Oleo |
Fountaintown | II36 | | | Mc Neil Field |
Francisco | II39 | | | Hollingsworth |
Frankfort | 19IN | | | Clark |
Franklin | 63II | | | Woods Field |
Galveston | II10 | | | Rockey's Air Strip |
Geneva | 1II2 | | | Adams |
Goshen | 0II6 | | | Kropf |
Goshen | 35II | | | Brown |
Grabill | II11 | | | Pelz Port |
Granger | II43 | | | C. V. |
Greenfield | 6II2 | | | Willis Airport Site No. 2 |
Liberty Center | II20 | | | Mossburg |
Liberty Mills | 47II | | | Westrick |
Ligonier | IN89 | | | Ligonier |
Livonia | 7IN6 | | | Myers Farm |
Lizton | 01II | | | Myers Field |
Lizton | 6II7 | | | Bergs |
Lizton | II52 | | | Haffner |
Lowell | 0II8 | | | Sutton's Field |
Lyons | 73IN | | | Benham |
Madison | II53 | | | Burke's |
Madison | II54 | | | Giltner |
Martinsville | IN20 | | | Jungclaus |
Michigan City | 29II | | | Norm's |
Milan | II03 | | | Buell |
Mishawaka | 9II2 | | | Nelund Field |
Monon | 72IN | | | Gutwein |
Monroeville | IN58 | | | Sealscott |
Montezuma | 9IN6 | | | Garrard |
Montpelier | 74IN | | | Tucker Farms |
Moores Hill | IG07 | | | Josephs Field |
North Liberty | 9II3 | | | Dillon |
North Manchester | 82IN | | | Hunter |
Bardwell | 5KY2 | | | Larkins Farm |
Delcambre | 63LA | | | Leonards Airfield & Indust Park |
Oakland | 4MD2 | | | Ward's |
Fair Haven | MI15 | | | Wards Long Acres |
Farwell | 4MI7 | | | Witbeck Aerodrone |
Milan | MI39 | | | Laszlo |
Millington | 6MI1 | | | Jensen Field |
Montrose | MI43 | | | Pewanogowink-Banks |
Morley | 8MI4 | | | Howe |
New Lothrop | 6B3 | | | Bean Blossom |
Niles | MI22 | | | Crump |
Oakley | 7MI6 | | | Wightman |
Onsted | MI51 | | | Loars Field |
Overisel | 4MI3 | | | Phil's Field |
Port Austin | 29C | | | Grindstone Air Harbor |
Port Hope | 7MI4 | | | Ludington |
Pullman | M86 | | | Walle Field |
Richmond | MI33 | | | Adair Airstrip |
Riley | 75MI | | | Norton Field |
Sagola | 33MI | | | Great Lakes |
Saline | 68MI | | | Saline |
Climax Springs | MU11 | | | Eagle's Landing |
Hatton | MO88 | | | Feutz |
Hermann | MU68 | | | Eu-Wish |
Higbee | 69MO | | | Hess-Mckeown |
Marthasville | MO6 | | | Washington Memorial |
Wentzville | MU42 | | | Strutman Field |
Moorhead | MS33 | | | Hobbs |
Okolona | MS52 | | | Leuth Flying Service |
Great Falls | MT26 | | | Ranch Strip |
Whitakers | 6NC5 | | | Thompson Farms |
Wilmington | 33NC | | | Pettigrew Moore Aerodrome |
Winston Salem | NC63 | | | Robertson Field |
Winterville | NC47 | | | South Oak Aerodrome |
Gateway | 9CO3 | | | Hubbard Airport |
Ruby | RBY | RBY | PARY | Ruby Airport |
Arthur | ND76 | | | Turner Field |
Bantry | NA25 | | | Holen Aerial Spray Airstrip |
Bathgate | 5ND3 | | | Craig Private |
Berthold | 4NA5 | | | Berg Strip |
Bowman | 78ND | | | Folske Ranch |
Burlington | NA30 | | | Behrens Airstrip |
Esmond | 2NA7 | | | Slater Farm |
Center | 23ND | | | Minnkota Private |
Hurdsfield | 53ND | | | R. Leep Strip |
Kindred | 1ND3 | | | Andvik |
Eek | EEK | EEK | PAEE | Eek Airport |
McKinley Park | INR | MCL | PAIN | Mc Kinley National Park Airport |
Middleton Island | MDO | MDO | PAMD | Middleton Island Airport |
Sutherland | 5NE4 | | | Snyder Ranch |
Andover | 12N | | | Aeroflex-Andover |
Quakertown | 3NJ5 | | | Mock |
Elmira | NK52 | | | Connelly Field |
West Bloomfield | 98NY | | | Krenzers |
Salem | 8G8 | | | Koons |
Church Hill | 77TN | | | Darnell's Field |
Eads | 8TN1 | | | Parker |
Mayland | TN56 | | | Carey |
Glen Rose | TS61 | | | Little 'l' Ranch |
Goldthwaite | 8TX3 | | | Edwards |
Grandview | 11TE | | | Flying M Ranch |
Granger | 31TA | | | Vitek Field |
Greenville | 0TX8 | | | Jacobia Field |
Greenville | 31TS | | | Flyers Field |
Greenville | 37TS | | | Skinner |
Gruver | 2E3 | | | Cluck Ranch |
Gustine | 1TX1 | | | Yoakum |
Hallettsville | XA40 | | | Hound Run |
Hallettsville | 1T9 | | | Lesikar Ranch |
Harlingen | 2TS2 | | | Shofner Farms |
Harlingen | 30TX | | | Farmer's Co-Op |
Brunswick | BXM | BXM | KBXM | Brunswick Executive |
Stanley | U63 | | | Bruce Meadows Airport |
Columbia | H49 | | | Sackman Field Airport |
Colusa | IL84 | | | Douglas Airport |
Hondo | TE57 | | | Haass Field |
Houston | 8TX7 | | | Skyhaven |
Hunt | 49TE | | | Stowers Ranch |
Independence | 65TA | | | Flying C Ranch |
Berthoud | 86CO | | | Lazy W Airport |
Jacksboro | TA59 | | | Flamingo Airfield |
Jacksonville | 1TE3 | | | Bolton |
Jarrell | 40TE | | | Sybert Farm |
Johnson City | XA02 | | | Danz Ranch |
Johnson City | 48T | | | Bamberger Ranch |
Joshua | 8TS5 | | | Stol Field |
Joshua | 25TE | | | Taylor's Air Park |
Justin | 0TS1 | | | Dooley |
Justin | 3TX4 | | | Willow Run |
Choteau | CII | | KCII | Choteau |
Spencer | 44WI | | | Stoiber |
Birchwood | BCV | | PABV | Birchwood |
Brevig Mission | KTS | | PFKT | Brevig Mission Airport |
Cantwell | TTW | | PATW | Cantwell Airport |
Cape Sarichef | 26AK | | PACS | Cape Sarichef Airport |
Chenega | C05 | | PFCB | Chenega Bay Airport |
Clear | Z84 | | PACL | Clear |
Deadhorse | AK15 | | PALP | Alpine Airstrip |
Deadhorse | AK78 | | PABP | Badami Airport |
Dutch Harbor | AK23 | | PAAM | Driftwood Bay Air Force Station |
Fairbanks | AK7 | | PAAN | Gold King Creek Airport |
Huslia | HLA | | PAHL | Huslia Airport |
Kaktovik | 8AK7 | | PABU | Bullen Point Air Force Station |
Marshall | MDM | | PADM | Marshall Don Hunter Sr Airport |
Nabesna | IBN | | PABN | Devils Mountain Lodge Airport |
Noorvik | D76 | | PFNO | Robert (Bob) Curtis Memorial Airport |
Shaktoolik | 2C7 | | PFSH | Shaktoolik Airport |
Takotna | TLJ | | PATL | Tatalina Lrrs Airport |
Tompkinsville | 6K8 | | PFTO | Tok Junction Airport |
Wainwright | AK03 | | PAWT | Wainwright Air Station |
Sutton | 28AK | | | Farrars Landing Airport |
Alabaster | EET | | KEET | Shelby County |
Bessemer | EKY | | KEKY | Mitchell Field Bessemer |
Centre | PYP | | KPYP | Centre-Piedmont-Cherokee County Regional |
Evergreen | GZH | | KGZH | Middleton Field |
Claiborne | AL01 | | | Bedsole Farm Airport |
Greenville | PRN | | KPRN | Mac Crenshaw Memorial |
Huntsville | MDQ | | KMDQ | Huntsville Executive |
Jasper | JFX | | KJFX | Walker County-Bevill Field |
Summerdale | NFD | | KNFD | Summerdale Naval Outlying Field |
Sylacauga | SCD | | KSCD | Merkel Field Sylacauga Municipal |
Ash Flat | CVK | | KCVK | Sharp County Regional |
Benton | SUZ | | KSUZ | Saline County Regional |
Bentonville | VBT | | KVBT | Bentonville Municipal/Louise M Thaden Field |
Robinson | RBM | | KRBM | Robinson Army Airfield / National Guard Airport |
Conway | CWS | | KCWS | Dennis F Cantrell Field |
De Queen | DEQ | | KDEQ | J Lynn Helms Sevier County |
Fort Chaffee | AZU | | KAZU | Arrowhead Assault Strip |
Heber Springs | HBZ | | KHBZ | Heber Springs Municipal |
Mena | MEZ | | KMEZ | Mena Intermountain Municipal |
Monticello | LLQ | | KLLQ | Monticello Municipal/Ellis Field |
Morrilton | BDQ | | KBDQ | Morrilton Municipal |
North Little Rock | ORK | | KORK | North Little Rock Municipal |
Russellville | RUE | | KRUE | Russellville Regional |
Chandler | CHD | | KCHD | Chandler Municipal |
Colorado City | AZC | | KAZC | Colorado City Municipal |
Phoenix | GEU | | KGEU | Glendale Municipal |
Tucson | RYN | | KRYN | Ryan Airfield |
Williams | CMR | | KCMR | H.A. Clark Memorial Field |
Window Rock | RQE | | KRQE | Window Rock |
Alturas | AAT | | KAAT | Alturas Municipal |
Camarillo | CMA | | KCMA | Camarillo |
China Lake | NID | | KNID | China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station (Armitage Field) |
Corcoran | CRO | | KCRO | Corcoran Airport |
Corona | AJO | | KAJO | Corona Municipal |
Davis | EDU | | KEDU | University |
Delano | DLO | | KDLO | Delano Municipal |
Fortuna | FOT | | KFOT | Rohnerville |
Grass Valley | GOO | | KGOO | Nevada County |
Hanford | HJO | | KHJO | Hanford Municipal |
Lincoln | LHM | | KLHM | Karl Harder Field/Lincoln Regional |
Little River | LLR | | KLLR | Little River |
Los Alamitos | SLI | | KSLI | Los Alamitos AAF |
Oceanside | NFG | | KNFG | Munn Field/Camp Pendleton Mcas |
Ramona | RNM | | KRNM | Ramona |
Rancho Murieta | RIU | | KRIU | Rancho Murieta |
Redlands | REI | | KREI | Redlands Municipal |
San Andreas | CPU | | KCPU | Maury Rasmussen Field/Calaveras County |
San Clemente | NUC | | KNUC | San Clemente Island Nalf |
San Nicolas Island | NSI | | KNSI | San Nicolas Island Naval Outlying Field |
Tracy | TCY | | KTCY | Tracy Municipal |
Twentynine Palms | NXP | | KNXP | Twentynine Palms Self Airport |
Vacaville | VCB | | KVCB | Nut Tree |
Aurora | BKF | | KBKF | Buckley AFB |
Buena Vista | AEJ | | KAEJ | Central Colorado Regional |
Burlington | ITR | | KITR | Kit Carson County |
Delta | AJZ | | KAJZ | Blake Field |
Denver | CFO | | KCFO | Front Range |
Erie | EIK | | KEIK | Erie Municipal |
Butts | FCS | | KFCS | Butts Army Airfield (Fort Carson) |
Fort Morgan | FMM | | KFMM | Fort Morgan Municipal |
Granby | GNB | | KGNB | Granby-Grand County |
Holyoke | HEQ | | KHEQ | Holyoke |
La Junta | LHX | | KLHX | La Junta Municipal |
Longmont | LMO | | KLMO | Vance Brand |
Meeker | EEO | | KEEO | Meeker Coulter Field |
Monte Vista | MVI | | KMVI | Monte Vista Municipal |
Nucla | AIB | | KAIB | Hopkins Field |
Hartford | SNC | | KSNC | Chester Airport |
Meriden | MMK | | KMMK | Meriden Markham Municipal |
Willimantic | IJD | | KIJD | Windham |
Middletown | EVY | | KEVY | Summit |
Brooksville | BKV | | KBKV | Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional |
Palm Coast | FIN | | KFIN | Flagler Executive |
Cocoa Beach | XMR | | KXMR | Cape Canaveral Afs Skid Strip |
Crystal River | CGC | | KCGC | Crystal River |
DeLand | DED | | KDED | DeLand Municipal |
Fort Walton Beach | NKL | | KNKL | Holley Naval Outlying Field |
Jacksonville | HEG | | KHEG | Herlong Recreational |
Lake City | LCQ | | KLCQ | Lake City Gateway |
Marianna | MAI | | KMAI | Marianna Municipal |
Mary Esther | HRT | | KHRT | Hurlburt Field AFB |
Milton | NFJ | | KNFJ | Choctaw Naval Outlying Field |
Santa Rosa | NGS | | KNGS | Santa Rosa Naval Outlying Field |
Milton | NDZ | | KNDZ | Whiting Field Naval Air Station South |
New Smyrna Beach | EVB | | KEVB | New Smyrna Beach Municipal |
Ormond Beach | OMN | | KOMN | Ormond Beach Municipal |
Plant City | PCM | | KPCM | Plant City |
Tampa | VDF | | KVDF | Tampa Executive |
Titusville | TTS | | KTTS | Nasa Shuttle Landing Facility |
Wauchula | CHN | | KCHN | Wauchula Municipal |
Alma | AMG | | KAMG | Bacon County |
Americus | ACJ | | KACJ | Jimmy Carter Regional |
Atlanta | CCO | | KCCO | Newnan Coweta County |
Atlanta | RYY | | KRYY | Cobb County International-McCollum Field |
Atlanta | FFC | | KFFC | Atlanta Regional/Falcon Field |
Baxley | BHC | | KBHC | Baxley Municipal |
Blakely | BIJ | | KBIJ | Early County |
Calhoun | CZL | | KCZL | Tom B. David Field |
Camilla | CXU | | KCXU | Camilla-Mitchell County |
Carrollton | CTJ | | KCTJ | West Georgia Regional - O V Gray Field |
Cartersville | VPC | | KVPC | Cartersville |
Claxton | CWV | | KCWV | Claxton-Evans County |
Cordele | CKF | | KCKF | Crisp County-Cordele |
Cornelia | AJR | | KAJR | Habersham County |
Douglas | DQH | | KDQH | Douglas Municipal |
Eastman | EZM | | KEZM | Heart Of Georgia Regional |
Fitzgerald | FZG | | KFZG | Fitzgerald Municipal |
Hazlehurst | AZE | | KAZE | Hazlehurst |
Homerville | HOE | | KHOE | Homerville |
Jasper | JZP | | KJZP | Pickens County |
Jesup | JES | | KJES | Jesup-Wayne County |
Lilly | 5GA6 | | | Roney Farms Airport |
Metter | MHP | | KMHP | Metter Municipal |
Madison | 1GE7 | | | Hay Field Airport |
Perry | PXE | | KPXE | Perry-Houston County |
Reidsville | RVJ | | KRVJ | Swinton Smith Field At Reidsville Municipal |
Sandersville | OKZ | | KOKZ | Kaolin Field |
Swainsboro | SBO | | KSBO | East Georgia Regional |
Sylvania | JYL | | KJYL | Plantation Airpark |
Thomaston | OPN | | KOPN | Thomaston-Upson County |
Thomson | HQU | | KHQU | Thomson-Mcduffie County |
Washington | IIY | | KIIY | Washington-Wilkes County |
Waynesboro | BXG | | KBXG | Burke County |
Kaneohe | NGF | | PHNG | Mokapu Point/Marion E Carl Field/Kaneohe Bay Mcaf |
Kapolei | JRF | | PHJR | Kalaeloa (John Rodgers Field) |
Tern Island | HFS | | PHHF | French Frigate Shoals Airport |
Ankeny | IKV | | KIKV | Ankeny Regional |
Audubon | ADU | | KADU | Audubon County |
Belle Plaine | TZT | | KTZT | Belle Plaine Municipal |
Amana | C11 | | | Amana Airport |
Centerville | TVK | | KTVK | Centerville Municipal |
Chariton | CNC | | KCNC | Chariton Municipal |
Cherokee | CKP | | KCKP | Cherokee County Regional |
Clarion | CAV | | KCAV | Clarion Municipal |
Corning | CRZ | | KCRZ | Corning Municipal Airport |
Cresco | CJJ | | KCJJ | Ellen Church Field Airport |
Eagle Grove | EAG | | KEAG | Eagle Grove Municipal |
Emmetsburg | EGQ | | KEGQ | Emmetsburg Municipal |
Greenfield | GFZ | | KGFZ | Greenfield Municipal |
Grinnell | GGI | | KGGI | Grinnell Regional |
Guthrie Center | GCT | | KGCT | Guthrie County Regional |
Harlan | HNR | | KHNR | Harlan Municipal |
Independence | IIB | | KIIB | Independence Municipal |
Knoxville | OXV | | KOXV | Knoxville Municipal |
Lamoni | LWD | | KLWD | Lamoni Municipal Airport |
Mapleton | MEY | | KMEY | James G. Whiting Memorial Field Airport |
Maquoketa | OQW | | KOQW | Maquoketa Municipal |
Oelwein | OLZ | | KOLZ | Oelwein Municipal |
Orange City | ORC | | KORC | Orange City Municipal |
Pella | PEA | | KPEA | Pella Municipal |
Red Oak | RDK | | KRDK | Red Oak Municipal |
Rock Rapids | RRQ | | KRRQ | Rock Rapids Municipal |
Sac City | SKI | | KSKI | Sac City Municipal |
Sheldon | SHL | | KSHL | Sheldon Regional |
Shenandoah | SDA | | KSDA | Shenandoah Municipal |
Sibley | ISB | | KISB | Sibley Municipal |
Sioux Center | SOY | | KSOY | Sioux Center Municipal |
Vinton | VTI | | KVTI | Vinton Veterans Memorial |
Washington | AWG | | KAWG | Washington Municipal |
Arco | AOC | | KAOC | Arco-Butte County |
Caldwell | EUL | | KEUL | Caldwell Industrial |
Driggs | DIJ | | KDIJ | Driggs-Reed Memorial |
Jerome | JER | | KJER | Jerome County |
Sandpoint | SZT | | KSZT | Sandpoint |
Stanley | 2U8 | | | Thomas Creek Airport |
Canton | CTK | | KCTK | Ingersoll |
Carmi | CUL | | KCUL | Carmi Municipal |
Chicago | IGQ | | KIGQ | Lansing Municipal |
Chavies | 44KY | | | Duff Airport |
De Kalb | DKB | | KDKB | De Kalb Taylor Municipal |
Dwight | DTG | | KDTG | Dwight Airport |
Fairfield | FWC | | KFWC | Fairfield Municipal |
Flora | FOA | | KFOA | Flora Municipal |
Kewanee | EZI | | KEZI | Kewanee Municipal |
Lincoln | AAA | | KAAA | Logan County |
Leeds | 65IS | | | Frings Airport |
Mount Carmel | AJG | | KAJG | Mount Carmel Municipal |
Paris | PRG | | KPRG | Edgar County |
Pinckneyville | PJY | | KPJY | Pinckneyville-Du Quoin |
Pittsfield | PPQ | | KPPQ | Pittsfield Penstone Municipal |
Pontiac | PNT | | KPNT | Pontiac Municipal |
Rantoul | TIP | | KTIP | Rantoul Natl Avn Cntr-Frank Elliott Field |
Robinson | RSV | | KRSV | Crawford County |
Rochelle | RPJ | | KRPJ | Rochelle Municipal/Koritz Field |
Savanna | SFY | | KSFY | Savanna/Tri-Township |
Taylorville | TAZ | | KTAZ | Taylorville Municipal |
Auburn | GWB | | KGWB | De Kalb County |
Crawfordsville | CFJ | | KCFJ | Crawfordsville Regional |
Frankfort | FKR | | KFKR | Frankfort Municipal |
Huntington | HHG | | KHHG | Huntington Municipal |
Indianapolis | TYQ | | KTYQ | Indianapolis Executive |
Indianapolis | MQJ | | KMQJ | Indianapolis Regional |
Indianapolis | EYE | | KEYE | Eagle Creek Airpark |
Indianapolis | UMP | | KUMP | Indianapolis Metropolitan |
Indianapolis | HFY | | KHFY | Indy South Greenwood |
Jeffersonville | JVY | | KJVY | Clark Regional |
Knox | OXI | | KOXI | Starke County |
Logansport | GGP | | KGGP | Logansport/Cass County |
Monticello | MCX | | KMCX | White County |
New Castle | UWL | | KUWL | New Castle-Henry County Municipal |
North Vernon | OVO | | KOVO | North Vernon |
Portland | PLD | | KPLD | Portland Municipal |
Shelbyville | GEZ | | KGEZ | Shelbyville Municipal |
Tell City | TEL | | KTEL | Perry County Municipal |
Wabash | IWH | | KIWH | Wabash Municipal |
Warsaw | ASW | | KASW | Warsaw Municipal |
Washington | DCY | | KDCY | Daviess County |
Winamac | RWN | | KRWN | Arens Field |
Atwood | ADT | | KADT | Atwood-Rawlins County City-County |
Belleville | RPB | | KRPB | Belleville Municipal |
Burlington | UKL | | KUKL | Coffey County |
Clay Center | CYW | | KCYW | Clay Center Municipal |
Elkhart | EHA | | KEHA | Elkhart-Morton County |
Herington | HRU | | KHRU | Herington Regional |
Hugoton | HQG | | KHQG | Hugoton Municipal |
Larned | LQR | | KLQR | Larned-Pawnee County |
Mankato | TKO | | KTKO | Mankato |
Marysville | MYZ | | KMYZ | Marysville Municipal |
Meade | MEJ | | KMEJ | Meade Municipal |
Norton | NRN | | KNRN | Norton Municipal |
Oakley | OEL | | KOEL | Oakley Municipal |
Oberlin | OIN | | KOIN | Oberlin Municipal |
Ottawa | OWI | | KOWI | Ottawa Municipal |
Phillipsburg | PHG | | KPHG | Phillipsburg Municipal |
Scott City | TQK | | KTQK | Scott City Municipal |
St Francis | SYF | | KSYF | Cheyenne County Municipal |
Ulysses | ULS | | KULS | Ulysses |
Wellington | EGT | | KEGT | Wellington Municipal |
Wichita | AAO | | KAAO | Wichita Col James Jabara |
Ashland | DWU | | KDWU | Ashland Regional |
Campbellsville | AAS | | KAAS | Taylor County |
Danville | DVK | | KDVK | Stuart Powell Field |
Flemingsburg | FGX | | KFGX | Fleming-Mason |
Henderson | EHR | | KEHR | Henderson City-County |
Hopkinsville | HVC | | KHVC | Hopkinsville-Christian County |
Jackson | JKL | | KJKL | Julian Carroll |
Monticello | EKQ | | KEKQ | Wayne County |
Mount Sterling | IOB | | KIOB | Mount Sterling Montgomery County |
Pikeville | PBX | | KPBX | Pike County-Hatcher Field |
Sturgis | TWT | | KTWT | Sturgis Municipal |
Tompkinsville | TZV | | KTZV | Tompkinsville-Monroe County |
Bastrop | BQP | | KBQP | Morehouse Memorial |
Galliano | GAO | | KGAO | South Lafourche Leonard Miller Jr |
Hammond | HDC | | KHDC | Hammond Northshore Regional |
Marksville | MKV | | KMKV | Marksville Municipal |
Natchitoches | IER | | KIER | Natchitoches Regional |
New Roads | HZR | | KHZR | False River Regional |
Oakdale | ACP | | KACP | Allen Parish |
Slidell | ASD | | KASD | Slidell |
Springhill | SPH | | KSPH | Springhill |
Sulphur | UXL | | KUXL | Southland Field |
Tallulah | TVR | | KTVR | Vicksburg Tallulah Regional |
Chatham | CQX | | KCQX | Chatham Municipal |
Fitchburg | FIT | | KFIT | Fitchburg Municipal |
Great Barrington | GBR | | KGBR | Walter J. Koladza Airport |
Marshfield | GHG | | KGHG | Marshfield Municipal - George Harlow Field |
North Adams | AQW | | KAQW | Harriman and West |
Orange | ORE | | KORE | Orange Municipal |
Taunton | TAN | | KTAN | Taunton Municipal - King Field |
Friendly | VKX | | KVKX | Potomac Airfield |
Ridgely | RJD | | KRJD | Ridgely Airpark |
St Inigoes | NUI | | KNUI | Webster Naval Outlying Field |
Westminster | DMW | | KDMW | Carroll County Regional/Jack B Poage Field |
Belfast | BST | | KBST | Belfast Municipal |
Eastport | EPM | | KEPM | Eastport Municipal |
Lincoln | LRG | | KLRG | Lincoln Regional Airport |
Bad Axe | BAX | | KBAX | Huron County Memorial |
Beaver Island | SJX | | KSJX | Beaver Island |
Boyne Falls | BFA | | KBFA | Boyne Mountain |
Charlevoix | CVX | | KCVX | Charlevoix Municipal |
Charlotte | FPK | | KFPK | Fitch H Beach |
Cheboygan | SLH | | KSLH | Cheboygan County |
Coldwater | OEB | | KOEB | Branch County Memorial |
Detroit Grosse Ile | ONZ | | KONZ | Detroit Grosse Ile Municipal |
Frankfort | FKS | | KFKS | Frankfort Dow Memorial Field |
Grayling | GOV | | KGOV | Grayling AAF |
Harbor Springs | MGN | | KMGN | Harbor Springs |
Hillsdale | JYM | | KJYM | Hillsdale Municipal |
Holland | BIV | | KBIV | West Michigan Regional |
Howell | OZW | | KOZW | Livingston County Spencer J. Hardy |
Lambertville | DUH | | KDUH | Toledo Suburban |
Marshall | RMY | | KRMY | Brooks Field |
Mason | TEW | | KTEW | Mason Jewett Field |
Monroe | TTF | | KTTF | Custer |
Newberry | ERY | | KERY | Luce County |
Ontonagon | OGM | | KOGM | Ontonagon County - Schuster Field |
Owosso | RNP | | KRNP | Owosso Community |
Rogers City | PZQ | | KPZQ | Presque Isle County |
Saginaw | HYX | | KHYX | Saginaw County H.W. Browne |
South Haven | LWA | | KLWA | South Haven Area Regional |
Troy | VLL | | KVLL | Oakland/Troy |
Aitkin | AIT | | KAIT | Aitkin Municipal-Steve Kurtz Field |
Appleton | AQP | | KAQP | Appleton Municipal |
Bigfork | FOZ | | KFOZ | Bigfork Municipal |
Blue Earth | SBU | | KSBU | Blue Earth Municipal |
Buffalo | CFE | | KCFE | Buffalo Municipal |
Caledonia | CHU | | KCHU | Houston County |
Cambridge | CBG | | KCBG | Cambridge Municipal |
Camp Ripley | RYM | | KRYM | Ray S Miller Army Airfield |
Canby | CNB | | KCNB | Myers Field |
Benson | MN11 | | | Lorenz Airport |
Cloquet | COQ | | KCOQ | Cloquet Carlton County |
Cook | CQM | | KCQM | Cook Municipal |
Dodge Center | TOB | | KTOB | Dodge Center |
Duluth | DYT | | KDYT | Sky Harbor |
Fosston | FSE | | KFSE | Fosston Municipal-Anderson Field |
Glencoe | GYL | | KGYL | Glencoe Municipal |
Glenwood | GHW | | KGHW | Glenwood Municipal |
Granite Falls | GDB | | KGDB | Granite Falls Municipal/Lenzen-Roe |
Hallock | HCO | | KHCO | Hallock Municipal |
Hutchinson | HCD | | KHCD | Hutchinson Municipal-Butler Field |
Litchfield | LJF | | KLJF | Litchfield Municipal |
Little Falls | LXL | | KLXL | Little Falls/Morrison County-Lindbergh Field |
Longville | XVG | | KXVG | Longville Municipal |
Madison | DXX | | KDXX | Lac Qui Parle County |
Maple Lake | MGG | | KMGG | Maple Lake Municipal Airport |
Mc Gregor | HZX | | KHZX | Isedor Iverson |
Minneapolis | ANE | | KANE | Anoka County-Blaine (Janes Field) |
Minneapolis | LVN | | KLVN | Airlake |
Moorhead | JKJ | | KJKJ | Moorhead Municipal |
Moose Lake | MZH | | KMZH | Moose Lake Carlton County |
Mora | JMR | | KJMR | Mora Municipal |
Olivia | OVL | | KOVL | Olivia Regional |
Orr | ORB | | KORB | Orr Regional |
Ortonville | VVV | | KVVV | Ortonville Municipal-Martinson Field |
Paynesville | PEX | | KPEX | Paynesville Municipal |
Pine River | PWC | | KPWC | Pine River Regional |
Pipestone | PQN | | KPQN | Pipestone Municipal |
Preston | FKA | | KFKA | Fillmore County |
Princeton | PNM | | KPNM | Princeton Municipal |
Red Wing | RGK | | KRGK | Red Wing Regional |
Rush City | ROS | | KROS | Rush City Regional |
Silver Bay | BFW | | KBFW | Silver Bay Municipal |
South St Paul | SGS | | KSGS | South St Paul Municipal/Richard E Fleming Field |
St James | JYG | | KJYG | St James Municipal |
Staples | SAZ | | KSAZ | Staples Municipal |
Tracy | TKC | | KTKC | Tracy Municipal |
Two Harbors | TWM | | KTWM | Richard B Helgeson |
Wadena | ADC | | KADC | Wadena Municipal |
Waseca | ACQ | | KACQ | Waseca Municipal |
Waskish | VWU | | KVWU | Waskish Municipal Airport |
Wheaton | ETH | | KETH | Wheaton Municipal |
Ava | AOV | | KAOV | Ava Bill Martin Memorial |
Boonville | VER | | KVER | Jesse Viertel Memorial |
Cabool | TVB | | KTVB | Cabool Memorial |
Camdenton | OZS | | KOZS | Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional |
Cameron | EZZ | | KEZZ | Cameron Memorial |
Charleston | CHQ | | KCHQ | Mississippi County |
Chillicothe | CHT | | KCHT | Chillicothe Municipal |
Clinton | GLY | | KGLY | Clinton Regional |
Cuba | UBX | | KUBX | Cuba Municipal |
Dexter | DXE | | KDXE | Dexter Municipal |
Festus | FES | | KFES | Festus Memorial Airport |
Fulton | FTT | | KFTT | Elton Hensley Memorial |
Hannibal | HAE | | KHAE | Hannibal Regional |
Harrisonville | LRY | | KLRY | Lawrence Smith Memorial |
Higginsville | HIG | | KHIG | Higginsville Industrial Municipal |
Lamar | LLU | | KLLU | Lamar Municipal |
Lebanon | LBO | | KLBO | Floyd W. Jones Lebanon |
Lee's Summit | LXT | | KLXT | Lee's Summit Municipal |
Maryville | EVU | | KEVU | Northwest Missouri Regional |
Mexico | MYJ | | KMYJ | Mexico Memorial |
Mosby | GPH | | KGPH | Midwest National Air Center |
Mountain View | MNF | | KMNF | Mountain View |
New Madrid | EIW | | KEIW | County Memorial |
Piedmont | PYN | | KPYN | Piedmont Municipal |
St Charles | SET | | KSET | St Charles County Smartt/Smartt Field |
Sullivan | UUV | | KUUV | Sullivan Regional |
Warrensburg | RCM | | KRCM | Skyhaven |
Warsaw | RAW | | KRAW | Warsaw Municipal |
West Plains | UNO | | KUNO | West Plains Regional |
Batesville | PMU | | KPMU | Panola County |
Hattiesburg | SLJ | | KSLJ | Hagler Army Airfield |
Cleveland | RNV | | KRNV | Cleveland Municipal |
Grenada | GNF | | KGNF | Grenada Municipal |
Indianola | IDL | | KIDL | Indianola Municipal |
Madison | MBO | | KMBO | Bruce Campbell Field |
Meridian | NJW | | KNJW | Joe Williams Naval Outlying Field |
Meridian | NMM | | KNMM | Mccain Field/Meridian Nas |
Philadelphia | MPE | | KMPE | Philadelphia Municipal |
Rolling Fork | MS35 | | | Wade Airport |
Starkville | STF | | KSTF | George M Bryan |
Baker | BHK | | KBHK | Baker Municipal |
Chester | LTY | | KLTY | Liberty County |
Ennis | EKS | | KEKS | Ennis Big Sky |
Harlowton | HWQ | | KHWQ | Wheatland County At Harlowton |
Red Lodge | RED | | KRED | Red Lodge |
Thompson Falls | THM | | KTHM | Thompson Falls |
Ahoskie | ASJ | | KASJ | Tri-County |
Albemarle | VUJ | | KVUJ | Stanly County |
Andrews | RHP | | KRHP | Western Carolina Regional |
Asheboro | HBI | | KHBI | Asheboro Regional |
Beaufort | MRH | | KMRH | Michael J. Smith Field |
Burlington | BUY | | KBUY | Burlington-Alamance Regional |
Chapel Hill | IGX | | KIGX | Horace Williams |
Cherry Point | NKT | | KNKT | Cherry Point Mcas (Cunningham Field) |
Concord | JQF | | KJQF | Concord-Padgett Regional |
Currituck | ONX | | KONX | Currituck County Regional |
Elizabethtown | EYF | | KEYF | Curtis L Brown Jr Field |
Elkin | ZEF | | KZEF | Elkin Municipal |
Erwin | HRJ | | KHRJ | Harnett Regional Jetport |
Gastonia | AKH | | KAKH | Gastonia Municipal |
Goldsboro | GWW | | KGWW | Wayne Executive Jetport |
Jacksonville | NCA | | KNCA | Mccutcheon Field/New River Mcas |
Jefferson | GEV | | KGEV | Ashe County |
Kenansville | DPL | | KDPL | Kenansville/Duplin County |
Lexington | EXX | | KEXX | Davidson County |
Lincolnton | IPJ | | KIPJ | Lincolnton-Lincoln County Regional |
Monroe | EQY | | KEQY | Charlotte-Monroe Executive |
Mount Airy | MWK | | KMWK | Mount Airy/Surry County |
Oak Island | SUT | | KSUT | Cape Fear Regional Jetport/Howie Franklin Field |
Oxford | HNZ | | KHNZ | Henderson-Oxford |
Plymouth | PMZ | | KPMZ | Plymouth Municipal |
Reidsville | SIF | | KSIF | Rockingham County Nc Shiloh |
Rockingham | RCZ | | KRCZ | Richmond County |
Roxboro | TDF | | KTDF | Person County |
Rutherfordton | FQD | | KFQD | Rutherford County - Marchman Field |
Sanford | TTA | | KTTA | Raleigh Exec Jetport At Sanford-Lee County |
Shelby | EHO | | KEHO | Shelby-Cleveland County Regional |
Smithfield | JNX | | KJNX | Johnston Regional |
Swansboro | NJM | | KNJM | Bogue Field Marine Corps Auxiliary Field |
Tarboro | ETC | | KETC | Tarboro-Edgecombe |
Wadesboro | AFP | | KAFP | Anson County - Jeff Cloud Field |
Wallace | ACZ | | KACZ | Henderson Field |
Whiteville | CPC | | KCPC | Columbus County Municipal |
Williamston | MCZ | | KMCZ | Martin County |
Dunseith | S28 | | S28 | International Peace Garden |
Grafton | GAF | | KGAF | Hutson Field |
Grand Forks | RDR | | KRDR | Grand Forks Air Force Base |
Gwinner | GWR | | KGWR | Gwinner-Roger Melroe Field |
Hazen | HZE | | KHZE | Mercer County Regional |
Hettinger | HEI | | KHEI | Hettinger Municipal |
Mohall | HBC | | KHBC | Mohall Municipal |
Rugby | RUG | | KRUG | Rugby Municipal |
Albion | BVN | | KBVN | Albion Municipal |
Aurora | AUH | | KAUH | Aurora Municipal - Al Potter Field |
Bassett | RBE | | KRBE | Rock County |
Omaha | BTA | | KBTA | Blair Municipal |
Cambridge | CSB | | KCSB | Cambridge Municipal |
Chappell | CNP | | KCNP | Billy G Ray Field |
Cozad | CZD | | KCZD | Cozad Municipal |
Crete | CEK | | KCEK | Crete Municipal |
Fairmont | FMZ | | KFMZ | Fairmont State Airfield |
Falls City | FNB | | KFNB | Brenner Field |
Gothenburg | GTE | | KGTE | Quinn Field Airport |
Grant | GGF | | KGGF | Grant Municipal |
Hebron | HJH | | KHJH | Hebron Municipal |
Kimball | IBM | | KIBM | Kimball Municipal (Robert E Arraj Field) |
Nebraska City | AFK | | KAFK | Nebraska City Municipal |
Ord | ODX | | KODX | Evelyn Sharp Field |
Plattsmouth | PMV | | KPMV | Plattsmouth Municipal |
Seward | SWT | | KSWT | Seward Municipal |
Tekamah | TQE | | KTQE | Tekamah Municipal |
Thedford | TIF | | KTIF | Thomas County |
Wahoo | AHQ | | KAHQ | Wahoo Municipal |
Wayne | LCG | | KLCG | Wayne Municipal/ Stan Morris Field |
York | JYR | | KJYR | York Municipal |
Rochester | DAW | | KDAW | Skyhaven |
Bedminster | SMQ | | KSMQ | Somerset Airport |
Sussex | FWN | | KFWN | Sussex |
Albuquerque | AEG | | KAEG | Double Eagle Ii |
Portales | PRZ | | KPRZ | Portales Municipal |
Santa Teresa | DNA | | KDNA | Dona Ana County At Santa Teresa |
Zuni Pueblo | ZUN | | KZUN | Black Rock |
Silver Springs | SPZ | | KSPZ | Silver Springs |
Batavia | GVQ | | KGVQ | Genesee County |
Canandaigua | IUA | | KIUA | Canandaigua |
Binghamton | CZG | | KCZG | Tri-Cities |
Fort Drum | GTB | | KGTB | Wheeler Sack AAF |
Fulton | FZY | | KFZY | Oswego County |
Hamilton | VGC | | KVGC | Hamilton Municipal |
Hornell | HTF | | KHTF | Hornell Municipal |
Lancaster | BQR | | KBQR | Buffalo-Lancaster Regional |
Malone | MAL | | KMAL | Malone-Dufort |
Penn Yan | PEO | | KPEO | Penn Yan |
Potsdam | PTD | | KPTD | Potsdam Municipal/Damon Field |
Williamson | SDC | | KSDC | Williamson-Sodus |
Bellefontaine | EDJ | | KEDJ | Bellefontaine Regional |
Alliance | 4G3 | | | Miller Airport |
Cambridge | CDI | | KCDI | Cambridge Municipal |
Carrollton | TSO | | KTSO | Carroll County-Tolson |
Celina | CQA | | KCQA | Lakefield |
Chillicothe | RZT | | KRZT | Ross County |
Circleville | CYO | | KCYO | Pickaway County Memorial |
Columbus | TZR | | KTZR | Bolton Field |
Delaware | DLZ | | KDLZ | Delaware Municipal/Jim Moore Field |
Fostoria | FZI | | KFZI | Fostoria Metropolitan |
Gallipolis | GAS | | KGAS | Gallipolis/Gallia-Meigs Regional |
Georgetown | GEO | | KGEO | Brown County |
Hillsboro | HOC | | KHOC | Highland County |
Lancaster | LHQ | | KLHQ | Fairfield County |
London | UYF | | KUYF | Madison County |
Lorain/Elyria | LPR | | KLPR | Lorain County Regional |
Marysville | MRT | | KMRT | Union County |
Newark | VTA | | KVTA | Newark-Heath |
Ottawa | OWX | | KOWX | Putnam County |
Port Clinton | PCW | | KPCW | Erie-Ottawa International |
Sidney | SCA | | KSCA | Sidney Municipal |
Van Wert | VNW | | KVNW | Van Wert County |
Versailles | VES | | KVES | Darke County |
Wauseon | USE | | KUSE | Fulton County |
Waverly | EOP | | KEOP | Pike County |
West Union | AMT | | KAMT | Alexander Salamon |
Alva | AVK | | KAVK | Alva Regional |
Atoka | AQR | | KAQR | Atoka Municipal |
Buffalo | BFK | | KBFK | Buffalo Municipal |
Chandler | CQB | | KCQB | Chandler Regional |
Claremore | GCM | | KGCM | Claremore Regional |
El Reno | RQO | | KRQO | El Reno Regional |
Grove | GMJ | | KGMJ | Grove Municipal |
Mooreland | MDF | | KMDF | Mooreland Municipal |
Oklahoma City | HSD | | KHSD | Sundance |
Pauls Valley | PVJ | | KPVJ | Pauls Valley Municipal |
Sallisaw | JSV | | KJSV | Sallisaw Municipal |
Sand Springs | OWP | | KOWP | William R. Pogue Municipal/Sand Springs |
Seminole | SRE | | KSRE | Seminole Municipal |
Tahlequah | TQH | | KTQH | Tahlequah Municipal |
Watonga | JWG | | KJWG | Watonga Regional |
Weatherford | OJA | | KOJA | Thomas P Stafford |
Aurora | UAO | | KUAO | Aurora State |
Bend | BDN | | KBDN | Bend Municipal |
Mc Minnville | MMV | | KMMV | Mcminnville Municipal |
Scappoose | SPB | | KSPB | Scappoose Industrial Airpark |
Bedford | HMZ | | KHMZ | Bedford County |
Clarion | AXQ | | KAXQ | Clarion County |
Clearfield | FIG | | KFIG | Clearfield-Lawrence |
Connellsville | VVS | | KVVS | Joseph A Hardy Connellsville |
Monongahela | FWQ | | KFWQ | Rostraver |
New Castle | UCP | | KUCP | New Castle Municipal |
Perkasie | CKZ | | KCKZ | Pennridge |
Pottsville | ZER | | KZER | Schuylkill/County Joe Zerby |
West Chester | OQN | | KOQN | Brandywine |
Zelienople | PJC | | KPJC | Zelienople Municipal |
Beaufort | NBC | | KNBC | Beaufort Mcas |
Charleston | JZI | | KJZI | Charleston Executive |
Conway | HYW | | KHYW | Conway-Horry County |
Darlington | UDG | | KUDG | Darlington County |
Kingstree | CKI | | KCKI | Williamsburg Regional |
Lancaster | LKR | | KLKR | Lancaster County McWhirter Field |
Manning | MNI | | KMNI | Santee Cooper Regional |
Marion | MAO | | KMAO | Marion County |
Mount Pleasant | LRO | | KLRO | Mt Pleasant Regional-Faison Field |
North | XNO | | KXNO | North Air Force Auxiliary Field |
Pageland | PYG | | KPYG | Pageland |
Summerville | DYB | | KDYB | Summerville |
Winnsboro | FDW | | KFDW | Fairfield County |
Belle Fourche | EFC | | KEFC | Belle Fourche Municipal |
Custer | CUT | | KCUT | Custer County |
Hot Springs | HSR | | KHSR | Hot Springs Municipal |
Miller | MKA | | KMKA | Miller Municipal |
Vermillion | VMR | | KVMR | Harold Davidson Field |
Wagner | AGZ | | KAGZ | Wagner Municipal |
Winner | ICR | | KICR | Winner Regional |
Cleveland | HDI | | KHDI | Hardwick Field Airport |
Dyersburg | DYR | | KDYR | Dyersburg Regional |
Huntingdon | HZD | | KHZD | Carroll County |
Jacksboro | JAU | | KJAU | Colonel Tommy C Stiner Airfield |
Knoxville | DKX | | KDKX | Knoxville Downtown Island |
Lewisburg | LUG | | KLUG | Ellington |
Lexington-Parsons | PVE | | KPVE | Beech River Regional |
Madisonville | MNV | | KMNV | Monroe County |
Murfreesboro | MBT | | KMBT | Murfreesboro Municipal |
Nashville | JWN | | KJWN | John C Tune |
Oneida | SCX | | KSCX | Scott Municipal |
Pulaski | GZS | | KGZS | Abernathy Field |
Rogersville | RVN | | KRVN | Hawkins County |
Savannah | SNH | | KSNH | Savannah-Hardin County |
Selmer | SZY | | KSZY | Robert Sibley |
Somerville | FYE | | KFYE | Fayette County |
Sparta | SRB | | KSRB | Upper Cumberland Regional |
Trenton | TGC | | KTGC | Gibson County |
Tullahoma | AYX | | KAYX | Arnold Air Force Base |
Winchester | BGF | | KBGF | Winchester Municipal |
Arlington | GKY | | KGKY | Arlington Municipal |
Atlanta | ATA | | KATA | Hall-Miller Municipal |
Bridgeport | XBP | | KXBP | Bridgeport Municipal |
Brownfield | BFE | | KBFE | Terry County |
Burnet | BMQ | | KBMQ | Burnet Municipal Kate Craddock Field |
Caldwell | RWV | | KRWV | Caldwell Municipal |
Canadian | HHF | | KHHF | Hemphill County |
Clarksville | LBR | | KLBR | Clarksville/Red River County-J D Trissell Field |
Cleburne | CPT | | KCPT | Cleburne Regional |
Comanche | MKN | | KMKN | Comanche County-City |
Corpus Christi | NWL | | KNWL | Waldron Field Nolf |
Crockett | DKR | | KDKR | Houston County |
Decatur | LUD | | KLUD | Decatur Municipal |
Denton | DTO | | KDTO | Denton Enterprise |
Dumas | DUX | | KDUX | Moore County |
Edinburg | EBG | | KEBG | South Texas International At Edinburg |
Falfurrias | BKS | | KBKS | Brooks County |
Fort Worth | FWS | | KFWS | Fort Worth Spinks |
Gatesville | GOP | | KGOP | Gatesville Municipal |
Georgetown | GTU | | KGTU | Georgetown Municipal |
Giddings | GYB | | KGYB | Giddings-Lee County |
Gilmer | JXI | | KJXI | Fox Stephens Field - Gilmer Municipal |
Graham | RPH | | KRPH | Graham Municipal |
Granbury | GDJ | | KGDJ | Granbury Regional |
Grand Prairie | GPM | | KGPM | Grand Prairie Municipal |
Hamilton | MNZ | | KMNZ | Hamilton Municipal |
Hearne | LHB | | KLHB | Hearne Municipal |
Hebbronville | HBV | | KHBV | Jim Hogg County |
Hereford | HRX | | KHRX | Hereford Municipal |
Hillsboro | INJ | | KINJ | Hillsboro Municipal |
Hondo | HDO | | KHDO | Hondo/South Texas Regional |
Houston | TME | | KTME | Houston Executive |
Houston | EYQ | | KEYQ | Weiser Air Park |
Houston | LVJ | | KLVJ | Pearland Regional |
Houston | AXH | | KAXH | Houston-Southwest |
Ingleside | TFP | | KTFP | Mccampbell-Porter |
Kingsville | IKG | | KIKG | Kleberg County |
Lampasas | LZZ | | KLZZ | Lampasas |
Lancaster | LNC | | KLNC | Lancaster Regional |
Levelland | LLN | | KLLN | Levelland Municipal |
Littlefield | LIU | | KLIU | Littlefield Taylor Brown Municipal |
Llano | AQO | | KAQO | Llano Municipal |
McKinney | TKI | | KTKI | Mckinney National |
Mesquite | HQZ | | KHQZ | Mesquite Metro |
Mexia | LXY | | KLXY | Mexia-Limestone County |
Midlothian | JWY | | KJWY | Mid-Way Regional |
Mineola/Quitman | JDD | | KJDD | Wood County |
New Braunfels | BAZ | | KBAZ | New Braunfels Regional |
Odessa | ODO | | KODO | Odessa-Schlemeyer Field |
Orange | ORG | | KORG | Orange County |
Orange Grove | NOG | | KNOG | Orange Grove Naval Auxiliary Field |
Perryton | PYX | | KPYX | Perryton Ochiltree County |
Pleasanton | PEZ | | KPEZ | Pleasanton Municipal |
Port Aransas | RAS | | KRAS | Mustang Beach |
Port Isabel | PIL | | KPIL | Port Isabel-Cameron County |
Port Lavaca | PKV | | KPKV | Calhoun County |
Robstown | RBO | | KRBO | Nueces County |
Rocksprings | ECU | | KECU | Edwards County |
Seguin | SEQ | | KSEQ | Randolph Air Force Base Auxiliary Field |
Seminole | GNC | | KGNC | Gaines County |
Sherman | SWI | | KSWI | Sherman Municipal |
Sonora | SOA | | KSOA | Sonora Municipal |
Waco | PWG | | KPWG | Mc Gregor Executive |
Tooele | TVY | | KTVY | Bolinder Field-Tooele Valley |
Bridgewater | VBW | | KVBW | Bridgewater Air Park |
Chase City | CXE | | KCXE | Chase City Municipal |
Culpeper | CJR | | KCJR | Culpeper Regional |
Emporia | EMV | | KEMV | Emporia-Greensville Regional |
Farmville | FVX | | KFVX | Farmville Regional |
Fentress | NFE | | KNFE | Fentress Naval Auxiliary Field |
Fredericksburg | EZF | | KEZF | Fredericksburg/Shannon |
Galax | HLX | | KHLX | Twin County |
Grundy | GDY | | KGDY | Grundy Municipal Airport |
Leesburg | JYO | | KJYO | Leesburg Executive |
Marion-Wythevil | MKJ | | KMKJ | Mountain Empire |
Martinsville | MTV | | KMTV | Blue Ridge |
Norfolk | CPK | | KCPK | Chesapeake Regional |
Norfolk | PVG | | KPVG | Hampton Roads Executive |
Orange | OMH | | KOMH | Orange County |
Richmond | FCI | | KFCI | Richmond Executive-Chesterfield County |
Richmond | OFP | | KOFP | Hanover County Municipal |
South Hill | AVC | | KAVC | Mecklenburg-Brunswick Regional |
Stafford | RMN | | KRMN | Stafford Regional |
Suffolk | SFQ | | KSFQ | Suffolk Executive |
Ridgeway | VA02 | | | Pace Airport |
Tangier | TGI | | KTGI | Tangier Island Airport |
Tappahannock | XSA | | KXSA | Tappahannock-Essex County |
Wakefield | AKQ | | KAKQ | Wakefield Municipal |
Warrenton | HWY | | KHWY | Warrenton-Fauquier |
West Point | FYJ | | KFYJ | Middle Peninsula Regional |
Williamsburg | JGG | | KJGG | Williamsburg-Jamestown |
Bennington | DDH | | KDDH | Bennington/William H. Morse State |
Highgate | FSO | | KFSO | Franklin County State |
Arlington | AWO | | KAWO | Arlington Municipal |
Coupeville | NRA | | KNRA | Coupeville Naval Outlying Field |
Deer Park | DEW | | KDEW | Deer Park |
Laurier | 69S | | 69S | Avey Field State/Laurier Wa |
Port Angeles | NOW | | KNOW | Port Angeles Coast Guard Air Station Airport |
Puyallup | PLU | | KPLU | Pierce County - Thun Field |
Vancouver | VUO | | KVUO | Pearson Field |
Antigo | AIG | | KAIG | Langlade County |
Baraboo | DLL | | KDLL | Baraboo-Wisconsin Dells Regional |
Black River Falls | BCK | | KBCK | Black River Falls Area |
Boscobel | OVS | | KOVS | Boscobel |
Boulder Junction | BDJ | | KBDJ | Boulder Junction Airport |
Burlington | BUU | | KBUU | Burlington Municipal |
Cumberland | UBE | | KUBE | Cumberland Municipal |
Edgerton | 58C | | | Jana Airport |
Hartford | HXF | | KHXF | Hartford Municipal |
Hillsboro | HBW | | KHBW | Joshua Sanford Field |
Ladysmith | RCX | | KRCX | Rusk County |
Land O' Lakes | LNL | | KLNL | Kings Land O' Lakes |
Menomonie | LUM | | KLUM | Menomonie Municipal-Score Field |
Mineral Point | MRJ | | KMRJ | Iowa County |
Monroe | EFT | | KEFT | Monroe Municipal |
Necedah | DAF | | KDAF | Necedah Airport |
Neillsville | VIQ | | KVIQ | Neillsville Municipal |
Oconto | OCQ | | KOCQ | Oconto-J Douglas Bake Municipal |
Phillips | PBH | | KPBH | Price County |
Platteville | PVB | | KPVB | Platteville Municipal |
Shell Lake | SSQ | | KSSQ | Shell Lake Municipal |
Siren | RZN | | KRZN | Siren/Burnett County |
Solon Springs | OLG | | KOLG | Solon Springs Municipal |
Tomahawk | TKV | | KTKV | Tomahawk Regional |
Watertown | RYV | | KRYV | Watertown Municipal |
Waupaca | PCZ | | KPCZ | Waupaca Municipal |
Moundsville | MPG | | KMPG | Marshall County |
Summersville | SXL | | KSXL | Summersville |
Casper | HAD | | KHAD | Harford Field Airport |
Pinedale | PNA | | KPNA | Ralph Wenz Field |
Spencer | USW | | KUSW | Boggs Field |
Sault Ste Marie | ANJ | | KANJ | Sanderson Field/Sault Ste Marie Municipal |
Demopolis | DYA | | KDYA | Demopolis Regional |
Fairhope | CQF | | KCQF | H L Sonny Callahan |
Arkadelphia | ADF | | KADF | Dexter B Florence Memorial Field |
Davis/Woodland/Winters | DWA | | KDWA | Yolo County |
Jackson | JAQ | | KJAQ | Westover Field Amador County |
Colorado Springs | FLY | | KFLY | Colorado Springs/Meadow Lake |
Fernandina Beach | FHB | | KFHB | Fernandina Beach Municipal |
Inverness | INF | | KINF | Inverness |
Blairsville | DZJ | | KDZJ | Blairsville |
Canton | CNI | | KCNI | Cherokee County Regional |
Grangeville | GIC | | KGIC | Idaho County |
Nampa | MAN | | KMAN | Nampa Municipal |
Berclair | NGT | | KNGT | Goliad Nolf |
Roanoke Rapids | IXA | | KIXA | Halifax-Northampton Regional |
Rosebud | SUO | | KSUO | Rosebud Sioux Tribal |
Johnson | JHN | | KJHN | Stanton County Municipal |
Hazard | CPF | | KCPF | Wendell H Ford |
Abbeville | IYA | | KIYA | Abbeville Chris Crusta Memorial |
Minden | MNE | | KMNE | Minden |
Cleveland | RZR | | KRZR | Cleveland Tn Regional Jetport |
Covington | CVC | | KCVC | Covington Municipal |
Akutan | 7AK | | PAUT | Akutan |
Williamson | EBD | | KEBD | Appalachian Regional |
Fremont | FFX | | KFFX | Fremont Municipal |
Midland | IKW | | KIKW | Jack Barstow |
Bay St Louis | HSA | | KHSA | Stennis International |
Raymond | JVW | | KJVW | John Bell Williams |
Monett | HFJ | | KHFJ | Monett Regional |
Washington | FYG | | KFYG | Washington Regional |
Reno | RTS | | KRTS | Reno Stead |
Woodbine | OBI | | KOBI | Woodbine Municipal |
Santa Rosa | SXU | | KSXU | Santa Rosa Route 66 |
Valley City | BAC | | KBAC | Barnes County Municipal |
Ravenna | POV | | KPOV | Portage County |
Blackwell | BKN | | KBKN | Blackwell-Tonkawa Municipal |
Oklahoma City | RCE | | KRCE | Clarence E Page Municipal |
Stigler | GZL | | KGZL | Stigler Regional |
Joseph | JSY | | KJSY | Joseph State |
Allentown | XLL | | KXLL | Allentown Queen City Municipal |
Chester | DCM | | KDCM | Chester Catawba Regional |
Laurens | LUX | | KLUX | Laurens County |
Dallas | PUJ | | KPUJ | Paulding Northwest Atlanta |
Moncks Corner | MKS | | KMKS | Berkeley County |
Newberry | EOE | | KEOE | Newberry County |
Collegedale | FGU | | KFGU | Collegedale Municipal |
Austin | DZB | | KDZB | Horseshoe Bay Resort |
Castroville | CVB | | KCVB | Castroville Municipal |
Henderson | RFI | | KRFI | Rusk County |
Lago Vista | RYW | | KRYW | Lago Vista Tx - Rusty Allen |
Zapata | APY | | KAPY | Zapata County |
Shawano | EZS | | KEZS | Shawano Municipal |
Luray | LUA | | KLUA | Luray Caverns |
Richlands | JFZ | | KJFZ | Tazewell County |
Dixon | DWX | | KDWX | Dixon |
Dubois | DUB | | KDUB | Dubois Municipal |
Williamsburg | BYL | | KBYL | Williamsburg-Whitley County |
Austin | EDC | | KEDC | Austin Executive |
Guernsey | GUR | | KGUR | Camp Guernsey |
Elberton | EBA | | KEBA | Elbert County-Patz Field |
Siler City | SCR | | KSCR | Siler City Municipal |
Allendale | AQX | | KAQX | Allendale County |
Cullman | CMD | | KCMD | Cullman Regional-Folsom Field |
Colt | DRP | | KDRP | Delta Regional |
Springerville | JTC | | KJTC | Springerville Municipal |
Presidio | PRS | | KPRS | Presidio Lely International |
Del Norte | RCV | | KRCV | Astronaut Kent Rominger |
Prestonsburg | SJS | | KSJS | Big Sandy Regional |
Morehead | SYM | | KSYM | Morehead-Rowan County Clyde A. Thomas Regional |
Conway | CXW | | KCXW | Conway Municipal |
Jefferson | JCA | | KJCA | Jackson County |
Reserve | APS | | KAPS | Port of South Louisiana Executive Regional |
Heber | HCR | | KHCR | Heber City Municipal - Russ Mcdonald Field |
Belen | BRG | | KBRG | Belen Regional |
Lamesa | LUV | | KLUV | Lamesa Municipal |
Hampton | HMP | | KHMP | Henry County |
Weslaco | TXW | | KTXW | Mid Valley |
Greencastle | GPC | | KGPC | Putnam County Regional |
Dayville | LZD | LZD | KLZD | Danielson Airport |
Healdsburg | HES | | KHES | Healdsburg Municipal Airport |
Spanish Fork | SPK | | KSPK | Spanish Fork-Springville-Woodhouse Field |
Homer | 2AK4 | | | Oyster Cove |
Houston | AK89 | | | Black Spruce |
Houston | AK29 | | | Reids Landing |
Houston | 13AK | | | Satterbergs |
Kantishna | Z90 | | | Stampede |
Kantishna | 5Z5 | | | Kantishna |
Kenai | 52AK | | | Basquo |
Kenai | 6AK3 | | | Butler Aviation |
Kenai | 3AK4 | | | Johnson |
Koggiung | 5KO | | | Koggiung |
Kvichak | 9Z7 | | | Kvichak /Diamond J/ |
Kwigillingok | GGV | | | Kwigillingok |
Lime Village | 2AK | | | Lime Village |
Livengood | 4AK | | | Livengood Camp |
Long Lake | 4AK3 | | | Long Lake |
Lost River | LSR | | | Lost River 1 |
May Creek | 0AK5 | | | Young Creek |
Mccarthy | AK0 | | | Jakes Bar |
Meadow Lakes | 24AK | | | Toad Lake Strip |
Montana Creek | 0AK3 | | | Parker Lake |
North Pole | AK41 | | | Greg'n Sage |
North Pole | 5AK2 | | | Howards |
North Pole | 0AK0 | | | Scotts |
Palmer | 7AK9 | | | Vinduska |
Palmer | AK1 | | | Butte Muni |
Palmer | 5AK6 | | | Colberg |
Palmer | 34AK | | | Cardwell Strip |
Palmer | 39AK | | | Gilmore Strip |
Palmer | AK93 | | | Grouse Ridge |
Palmer | 14AK | | | Four Corners |
Palmer | AK88 | | | Eagle Nest |
Palmer | 97AK | | | High Ridge Association |
Palmer | AK92 | | | Martin |
Palmer | 3AK2 | | | Niklason Lake Estates |
Palmer | AK53 | | | Downwind Landing |
Palmer | AK63 | | | Pat-Mar Strip |
Palmer | AK66 | | | Hunter Creek |
Palmer | 3AK6 | | | B & B Boys Ranch |
Point Mackenzie | 6AK2 | | | Sleepers Strip |
Point Mackenzie | 2AK0 | | | Mac Kenzie Country Airpark |
Point Mackenzie | 64AK | | | Carpentiers Strip |
Porcupine Creek | PCK | | | Porcupine Creek |
Port Graham | PGM | | | Port Graham |
Portage Creek | A14 | | | Portage Creek |
Purkeypile | 01A | | | Purkeypile |
Queens | 93AK | | | The Queens |
Salmon Lake | Z81 | | | Salmon Lake |
Seldovia | SOV | | | Seldovia |
Sketna | 1AK6 | | | Talachulitna River |
Skwentna | 1AK8 | | | Talaheim |
Slana | DDT | | | Duffys Tavern |
Soldotna | 7AK5 | | | Dahler Homestead |
Soldotna | 7AK6 | | | Dan France |
Solomon | AK26 | | | Solomon State Field |
South Naknek | 8AK0 | | | Diamond Nn Cannery |
Sterling | AK01 | | | Alaska Airpark |
Sterling | AK05 | | | Breeden |
Sterling | 53AK | | | Lakewood Airstrip |
Sterling | 88AK | | | Dutch Landing Strip |
Sterling | 40AK | | | Sterling Air Park |
Sutton | AK59 | | | King Ranch |
Talkeetna | AK61 | | | Stephan Lake Lodge |
Talkeetna | AK44 | | | Talkeetna Village Strip |
Tatitna | 8KA | | | Tatitna |
Taylor Mountain Mine | AK64 | | | Taylor Mountain |
Tazlina | Z14 | | | Tazlina |
Tompkinsville | 9AK0 | | | Sports Mans Paradise |
Trapper Creek | 81AK | | | Mc Kinley Country |
Tununak | 4KA | | | Tununak |
Victory Bible Camp | 0AK6 | | | Victory |
Wasilla | AK85 | | | Birchwater |
Wasilla | AK79 | | | Jolly Field |
Wasilla | AK16 | | | Sunset Strip |
Wasilla | 79AK | | | Huttunen Strip |
Wasilla | 77AK | | | Tidewater Bluffs |
Wasilla | 7AK8 | | | Hess |
Wasilla | AK25 | | | Piper Landing |
Wasilla | 5AK8 | | | Memory Lake |
Wasilla | 7AK4 | | | Jack Fish Landing |
Wasilla | 44AK | | | West Papoose Lake Airpark |
Wasilla | 42AK | | | Wicker |
Wasilla | 55AK | | | Lawrence Airstrip |
Wasilla | 38AK | | | Mels |
Wasilla | AK27 | | | Valley Flying Crown |
Wasilla | AK47 | | | Shawn Field |
Wasilla | AK54 | | | Stro's |
Wasilla | 9AK6 | | | Leisurewood Airstrip Owners Assoc |
Wasilla | 8AK8 | | | Cizek South |
Wasilla | 6AK9 | | | Cizek North |
Wasilla | 23AK | | | Yuknis |
Wasilla | 56AK | | | Bechtol Field |
Wasilla | 59AK | | | Penderosa |
Wasilla | 16AK | | | Gattis Strip |
Wasilla | AK65 | | | Green's Strip |
Wasilla | 10AK | | | Hunt Strip |
Wasilla | 87AK | | | Soloy Strip |
Wasilla | 4AK2 | | | St John Homestead |
Wasilla | 5AK5 | | | Todds Strip |
Wasilla | 6AK8 | | | Tulakes |
Whittier | IEM | | | Whittier |
Willow | AK10 | | | Ernies Airstrip |
Willow | AK67 | | | Skid Marks |
Willow | AK68 | | | Minuteman Strip |
Willow | 3AK1 | | | Deshka Landing |
Willow | 3AK7 | | | Laub |
Willow | AK08 | | | Thomas Strip |
Willow | 78AK | | | C.T.S. |
Willow | AK90 | | | Shirley Lake |
Willow | AK69 | | | Long Lake |
Girdwood | AQY | | | Girdwood Airport |
Yakutat | A57 | | | Alsek River |
Yakutat | AK76 | | | East Alsek River |
Yakutat | A70 | | | Dangerous River |
Yakutat | A69 | | | Tanis Mesa |
Yankee Creek | A77 | | | Yankee Creek 2 |
Birmingham | AL40 | | | Bonham |
Branchville | 3AL6 | | | Town & Country Airpark |
Cottondale | AL02 | | | Rainey Field |
Crawford | AL51 | | | Flying C's Plantation |
Daphne | AL61 | | | Belforest |
Demopolis | 7A2 | | | Demopolis Muni |
Elberta | AL04 | | | Pleasant View Farm |
Fairhope | 4R4 | | | H L Sonny Callahan |
Fayette | 6AL2 | | | Walton Field |
Fayette | AL00 | | | Charlie Wilkes |
Foley | 4AL2 | | | Irwin Farms |
Fort Payne | 2AL5 | | | Flying J Ranch |
Gardendale | AL18 | | | Parker Field |
Hartford | 3AL1 | | | Flying H Ranch |
Henagar | 6AL3 | | | Sweet Home |
Jacksonville | 3AL5 | | | Edwards Farm |
Kinston | 5AL7 | | | Hataway Field |
Lillian | AL88 | | | Ban Farm |
Linden | 70A | | | Freddie Jones Field |
Loxley | 1AL5 | | | Berry Field |
Moundville | L44 | | | Moundville |
Pine Hill | 71A | | | Pine Hill Muni |
Roba | AL25 | | | Spratling Field |
Robertsdale | AL81 | | | Wallace Field |
Loxley | 57AL | | | Baswell |
Selma | S63 | | | Skyharbor |
Semmes | AL74 | | | Grimes Field |
Smiths | AL56 | | | Jones Light Aviation |
Summerdale | 4AL6 | | | Bonner Field |
Weaver | 25A | | | Mcminn |
Arkadelphia | M89 | | | Dexter B Florence Memoria |
Ashdown | 5AR8 | | | Pine Prairie |
Belleville | AR23 | | | Cedar Creek Ranch |
Cabot | 9AR9 | | | Henry Field |
Centerton | 2AR8 | | | L C Hickman |
Centerton | 2AR5 | | | Ashmore Field |
Charleston | 6AR8 | | | Flying W Airpark Ii |
Dumas | 90AR | | | Reedville |
Dyer | AR94 | | | Squirrel Run |
Earle | 65AR | | | Bernard Manor |
England | 08AR | | | Capps |
Eudora | AR01 | | | Baker Flying Service |
Eureka Springs | 18AR | | | Buck Mountain |
Eureka Springs | 5A5 | | | Silver Wings Field |
Garland | 4AR4 | | | Reed-Joseph Land Co |
Jonesboro | 4AR9 | | | Nolan |
Lavaca | 1AR8 | | | Flying W Air Park Inc |
Leola | AR81 | | | Katheryn's Landing |
Leola | AR82 | | | Gillespie Strip |
Little Rock | 6AR6 | | | Two Rivers |
Lonoke | 81AR | | | Smith's Strip |
Lowell | 6AR1 | | | Elder Airstrip |
Lowell | 3AR7 | | | Taylor Field |
Mayflower | AR84 | | | Bobwhite Hill Ranch |
Mc Crory | AR98 | | | Johnson Field |
Mineral Springs | 2AR6 | | | Glenn Winchester |
Naylor | 19AR | | | Naylor Field |
Newport | 43AR | | | Haigwood Landing Strip |
Oakland | 8AR1 | | | Totty Field |
Osceola | 93AR | | | Ohlendorf |
Palestine | AR17 | | | Burns Aerodrome |
Paris | AR19 | | | Wesson-Davis Field |
Prescott | 2AR7 | | | Head Airfield |
Rogers | AR11 | | | Ozark Aerodrome |
Stuttgart | 8AR0 | | | Hargrove |
Trumann | 2AR4 | | | Jaynes Field |
Van Buren | 39AR | | | Twin Cities |
Vilonia | AR25 | | | Vilonia |
Douglas | AZ17 | | | Circle H Ranch |
Drake | 13AZ | | | Bar Heart Ranch |
El Mirage | 2AZ3 | | | El Mirage-Village Square |
Ganado | 85V | | | Ganado |
Gila Bend | GBN | | | Gila Bend Af Aux |
Lake Havasu City | AZ09 | | | Sergio Private |
Lukachukai | 39AZ | | | Lukachukai |
Maricopa | 2AZ5 | | | Donnelly Residence |
Mayer | 42AZ | | | Orme School |
Patagonia | AZ74 | | | Lone Mountain Intl |
Picacho | 20AZ | | | Eds Field |
Pine Springs | 45AZ | | | Pine Springs |
Queen Creek | 47AZ | | | Ray Schnepf Ranch |
Rock Point | 49AZ | | | Rock Point |
Shonto | 53AZ | | | Shonto |
Tolleson | 1AZ2 | | | Paradise Air Park |
Wenden | 60AZ | | | Wood's Airstrip |
Yuma | YUM | | | Yuma Mcas/Yuma Intl |
Arbuckle | 2CL2 | | | Mc Cabe Ranch |
Bakersfield | 10CL | | | Joe Gottlieb Field |
Bakersfield | 6CL0 | | | Majors |
Blythe | 1CA4 | | | Aha-Quin |
Boron | 28CL | | | Borax |
Brawley | 59CL | | | O'connell Brothers |
Bryte | 60CL | | | Chp Academy |
Calexico | 61CL | | | Johnson Brothers |
Calpine | CA38 | | | Totem Pole Ranch |
Cambria | 66CA | | | Rancho San Simeon |
Carson | 64CL | | | Goodyear Blimp Base |
Chico | CL90 | | | Butte Creek Hog Ranch |
Chico | O23 | | | Ranchaero |
Watersmeet | NRC | | | Nasa Crows Landing |
Cuyama | 3CA3 | | | Dixon |
Escondido | 37CL | | | Lyall-Roberts |
Davenport | 17CL | | | Las Trancas |
Davis/woodland/winters | 2Q3 | | | Yolo County |
Desert Center | L64 | | | Desert Center |
Dixon | 13CL | | | Maine Prairie |
El Centro | 23CN | | | Douthitt Strip |
Elk Grove | E27 | | | Elk Grove |
Fowler | 11CA | | | Turner Field |
Franklin | CN38 | | | Flying B Ranch |
Fresno | 37CN | | | Arnold Ranch |
Georgetown | 29CN | | | Dubey |
Grimes | 53CN | | | Thayer Aviation |
Healdsburg | O31 | | | Healdsburg Muni |
Ione | 5CA8 | | | Howard /Private/ |
Jackson | O70 | | | Westover Field Amador Cou |
Julian | 04CL | | | Hunt's Sky Ranch |
Klamath River | CA09 | | | Round Mountain |
Knightsen | CN19 | | | Las Serpientes |
Lake Elsinore | CA42 | | | Mc Conville Airstrip |
Lancaster | 0CL6 | | | Bohunk's Airpark |
Lenwood | 6CA8 | | | Depue |
Likely | 9CL3 | | | Likely |
Linden | 90CA | | | Fowler's |
Livermore | 63CN | | | Meadowlark Field |
Lodi | 12CA | | | Faber Vineyards |
Lodi | L53 | | | Lodi Airpark |
Lodi | CL11 | | | Ferdun Ranch |
Modesto | 5CL3 | | | Mapes Ranch |
Mojave | 1CL2 | | | Pontious |
Murrieta | 2CN3 | | | Tenaja Valley |
O'neals | 6CL6 | | | Mark Franz Private Strip |
Oroville | 97CL | | | Siller Bros Inc |
Palmdale | CL13 | | | Brian Ranch |
Patterson | CA02 | | | Patterson |
Petaluma | 43CN | | | Mazza |
Pixley | P27 | | | Pixley |
Stockton | 6CL8 | | | Harley |
Stratford | CA49 | | | Jones Farms |
Tracy | CA54 | | | 33 Strip |
Twentynine Palms | 2CA2 | | | Cones Field |
Twentynine Palms | 61CA | | | Bauer |
Vacaville | CA57 | | | Blake Sky Park |
Verona | CA59 | | | Vestal Strip |
Westley | CA67 | | | Westley |
Willows | 98CL | | | Noltas |
Burlington | 10CO | | | Silkman Farms Inc |
Castle Rock | 4CO8 | | | Kelgun |
Colorado Springs | 00V | | | Meadow Lake |
Conifer | 5CO6 | | | Meyer Ranch |
Galeton | CO59 | | | Hay Fever Farm |
Greeley | CO70 | | | Uhrich |
Guffey | 30CO | | | Coyote Creek Ranch |
Guffey | 7CO1 | | | Dave Nash Ranch |
Hotchkiss | 51CO | | | Flying W No.2 |
Hotchkiss | CD97 | | | Montemadeira Ii |
Hotchkiss | 7CO2 | | | Hawkins Ranch |
Hudson | 7CO3 | | | Lindys Airpark |
Indian Hills | CD28 | | | Tall Timber |
Littleton | CO98 | | | Bowen Farms Nr 1 |
Loveland | CD20 | | | Sprague |
Mead | 0CO8 | | | Cartwheel |
Orchard | 7CO5 | | | Yocam Ranch |
Pueblo | 2CO5 | | | Edenway |
Anchorage | AK12 | | | Flying Crown |
Pueblo | 99CO | | | Rock Creek |
Salida | 1CO7 | | | Dodsworth |
Steamboat Springs | CD02 | | | Skyote |
Steamboat Springs | CD99 | | | Lucky L Ranch |
Strasburg | 59CO | | | Comanche Livestock |
Yoder | 97CO | | | Peakview |
Yuma | CD05 | | | Jackson Field |
Bethlehem | 5CT5 | | | Thomson Field |
Colchester | CT08 | | | Gardner Lake |
Colchester | CT07 | | | Skis Landing Area |
Coventry | CT09 | | | Heckler Field |
Durham | CT39 | | | Maplewood Farm |
East Haddam | CT11 | | | Devils Hopyard Field |
East Killingly | CT13 | | | Yankee Airstrip |
Eastford | 5CT0 | | | Eastford |
Ellington | CT15 | | | Wysocki Field |
Ellington | 7B9 | | | Ellington |
Goshen | CT42 | | | Wings Ago Airstrip |
Hazardville | CT19 | | | Laurie Field |
Jewett City | 24CT | | | Bee Field |
Jewett City | CT43 | | | Spruce |
Madison | N04 | | | Griswold |
Marlborough | CT20 | | | Rankl Field |
Mystic | CT48 | | | Wychwood Field |
North Canaan | CT04 | | | Grass Land Air Field |
Old Lyme | 5CT7 | | | Mile Creek |
Putnam | C44 | | | Toutant |
Stafford Springs | CT31 | | | Swift |
Stonington | CT80 | | | Stonington Airpark |
Washington | CT66 | | | Long View Landing |
Georgetown | DE49 | | | Josephs |
Middletown | 1DE5 | | | Mckeown |
Milford | DE10 | | | Kimbowrosa Farm |
Selbyville | DE27 | | | Warrington Field |
Smyrna | DE04 | | | Newberg |
Altha | 5FD3 | | | County Line Airstrip |
Altha | 22FL | | | Farm Air Service |
Arcadia | 0FA1 | | | Frierson Grove |
Arcadia | FA27 | | | Ellsworth Field |
Blountstown | 5FD5 | | | Able Airpark |
Brooksville | 57FD | | | Sunset Strip Airpark |
Bushnell | 4FL2 | | | Ko-Kee |
Campbellton | 27FL | | | Watson |
Cassia | 4FL6 | | | Royal Trails |
Chiefland | 79FL | | | Neal Field |
Chipley | FD94 | | | Hartzog Field |
Chipley | FL14 | | | Vosika's |
Clermont | 12FA | | | Hi-Acres |
Crestview | FD03 | | | The Funny Farm |
Crystal River | 1FA1 | | | Post Oak Ranch |
Dade City | 5FL0 | | | Dusty Airpatch |
Defuniak Springs | 0FD9 | | | Joy Farms |
Defuniak Springs | 69FD | | | Unicorn Place |
Deland | 93FL | | | Pine Lakes Farm |
Duette | FA03 | | | Southfork |
Dunnellon | 10FD | | | Seven Feathers |
Punta Gorda | FD59 | | | Babcock H.Q. |
Fort Myers | FL90 | | | Salty Approach |
Fort Pierce | FL23 | | | Strazzulla Groves |
Fort Pierce | FL56 | | | Williams Hawgwild |
Gainesville | FD81 | | | Gleim Field |
Gardner | FD40 | | | Gardner |
Graceville | FD26 | | | Kirkland |
Greenwood | FA72 | | | Acres Of Diamonds Airpark |
Haines City | 4FL9 | | | Gore |
Hastings | 2FA7 | | | Kathrinstadt |
High Springs | 7FL7 | | | Lazy S Farm |
Indiantown | 81FL | | | Cox's Hammock |
Indiantown | FA24 | | | Horseshoe Acres Airpark |
Inverness | X40 | | | Inverness |
Jupiter | 82FL | | | Br Ranch |
Keaton Beach | 6FL4 | | | Sylvanmir Farms |
Kenansville | 3FL5 | | | Mills Ranch South |
Kissimmee | FD83 | | | Stout |
La Belle | 7FA8 | | | Berry Grove |
La Belle | 95FD | | | South Point |
Lake City | FL05 | | | Hill Landing Strip |
Lake Worth | 7FD6 | | | Loxahatchee |
Lamont | 2FA9 | | | Mount Olive Farm |
Leesburg | 51FD | | | Tex Merritt Private Airstrip |
O'brien | 4FD2 | | | Flying 'f' Farms |
Miles City | FL77 | | | Calusa Ranch |
Minneola | FA46 | | | Henderson Field |
Monticello | FD01 | | | Hidden Acres Airpark |
Moore Haven | FD96 | | | Hilliard's Private |
Moore Haven | FL40 | | | Graham Landing Strip - Moore Haven |
New Port Richey | 3FD1 | | | Tampa Bay Executive |
Oak Hill | 2FD6 | | | Highlander |
Ocala | FL76 | | | Seven Springs Ranch |
Ochopee | FA74 | | | Romor Ranch |
Pace | NRQ | | | Spencer Nolf |
Palm City | 18FA | | | Tropical Plantation |
Panama City | PFN | | | Panama City-Bay Co Intl |
Paxton | 34FL | | | Ellis Agricultural Field |
Polk City | 4FD7 | | | Flanders Field |
Punta Gorda | 40FL | | | Fred Babcock |
Sebring | 6FL1 | | | Sunshine Ranchettes |
Sneads | 6FL2 | | | Kilpatrick Farm |
St Cloud | 72FL | | | Gator Airpark |
St Marks | FD68 | | | Wakulla Club |
Somers | CT29 | | | Valley Farms Airport |
Albany | GA13 | | | Double 'o' Farm |
Ball Ground | 22GE | | | Hawks Ridge |
Barnesville | 1GA6 | | | De De |
Blairsville | 46A | | | Blairsville |
Bostwick | GE35 | | | Southern Oaks |
Bostwick | GA15 | | | Klockner |
Byromville | GA63 | | | Byromville Aerodrome |
Ballground | 47A | | | Cherokee County |
Carrollton | 27GA | | | Wilson Intl |
Clarkesville | GA67 | | | King Sky Ranch |
Claxton | GA19 | | | Hearn |
Cleveland | 21GE | | | Deer Crossing |
Commerce | 02GA | | | Doug Bolton Field |
Crandall | 37GA | | | Blue Bird Field |
Cumming | GA27 | | | Mathis |
Dalton | GA72 | | | Pratermill Flight Park |
Darien | 3GE7 | | | Eden Field |
Douglasville | 4GA6 | | | Chattahoochee Air Park |
East Dublin | 9GA8 | | | Chinaberry Ranch |
Eton | 4GA4 | | | R.M. Harris |
Fayetteville | GA95 | | | Coleman Field |
Fayetteville | GA94 | | | Mc Lendon |
Fayetteville | GA93 | | | Bishops |
Fayetteville | GA92 | | | Beck Field |
Hampton | 54GA | | | Deerfield Landing |
Haralson | 5GA0 | | | Gable Branch |
Hinesville | 2J2 | | | Liberty County |
Hollonville | GA29 | | | B & L Strip |
Jackson | GA02 | | | Howard Pvt |
Jackson | 6GA2 | | | Ben Ammons |
Lagrange | GA44 | | | Richards |
Locust Grove | GE33 | | | River Bend |
Marble Hill | GA36 | | | Foothills-Holcomb |
Millhaven | 4GE0 | | | Millhaven |
Moreland | 91GA | | | Dbaks |
Mulberry Grove | GE04 | | | Mclendon Field |
Newnan | 26GA | | | Murphree |
Newnan | 2GE8 | | | Andy Fields |
Pinehurst | 2GA4 | | | Mack's Field |
Rising Fawn | 3GE4 | | | Fox Mountain |
Rome | GA77 | | | Wallace Field |
Shannon | 2GA8 | | | Shannon Flight Strip |
Sharpsburg | 29GA | | | Rolling Meadows Airfield |
Stockbridge | 3GA0 | | | Grant |
Sunnyside | 0GE4 | | | Pecan Patch Airstrip |
Talbotton | GA08 | | | Jumpin J |
Talmo | 85GA | | | Aiken Field |
Tignall | 69GE | | | Great Oaks |
Townsend | GA45 | | | Townsend Air Strip |
Tyrone | 51GA | | | Smith Field |
Valdosta | 66GA | | | Comanche Landing |
Villa Rica | 81GA | | | Lucky Lairds Landing |
Villa Rica | 3GA5 | | | Diamond R Ranch |
Rake | 3IA9 | | | Rake |
Waynesboro | 3GA7 | | | Rhodes Air Ranch |
Waynesboro | GE30 | | | Sandy Hill |
Whitesburg | 5GA2 | | | Lyons Landing |
Woodland | 6GE2 | | | Rainbow Field |
Woodstock | 3GE9 | | | Holly Farm |
Yatesville | GA49 | | | Thistle Field |
Hakalau | HI02 | | | Peleau |
Hanamaulu | HI03 | | | Hanamaulu Airstrip |
Honokaa | HI05 | | | Honokaa Airstrip |
Kailua/kona | HI13 | | | Puu Waa Waa Ranch |
Mountain View | HI23 | | | Mountain View Airstrip |
Pahala | HI29 | | | Upper Paauau |
Pahala | HI28 | | | Pahala Airstrip |
Papaikou | HI31 | | | Mauna Kea-Honolii |
Pepeekeo | HI32 | | | Pepeekeo Airstrip |
Albion | 6IA6 | | | Leise |
Allison | K98 | | | Allison Muni |
Cedar Falls | IA03 | | | Lemons |
Cedar Falls | 4IA7 | | | Witcombe Field |
Center Point | 0IA8 | | | Hannen |
Centerville | IA05 | | | Rathbun Lake |
Creston | IA36 | | | Mercer Field |
Des Moines | IA38 | | | De Louis Field |
Donnellson | IA65 | | | Donnellson |
Dunkerton | 6IA5 | | | Davis Field |
Dyersville | IA80 | | | Dyersville Area |
Eddyville | 99IA | | | Courtney's Landing |
Elkader | I27 | | | Elkader |
Elkhorn | IA62 | | | Wheatley Farms |
Fairfield | IA61 | | | Estle Field |
Floyd | 85IA | | | Henry |
Grimes | IA47 | | | Day Field |
Hartley | 0Y4 | | | Lambert Fechter Muni |
Hawkeye | IA15 | | | Hawk Field |
Hiawatha | IA28 | | | Sherman |
Humeston | 5IA3 | | | Watkins Private |
Indianola | IA85 | | | Tuinstra Airfield |
Lockridge | 6IA7 | | | R S Auto |
Mediapolis | IA77 | | | Keitzer Field |
Menlo | IA00 | | | Jukam's Landing |
Montezuma | 03IA | | | East Field |
Moorland | IA94 | | | Nesler Field |
New Hampton | 7IA7 | | | Mitchell Field |
New London | IA22 | | | Orr-Port |
Oskaloosa | IA32 | | | Pierson Field |
Oskaloosa | IA63 | | | Edgren |
Primghar | 2Y0 | | | Primghar |
Red Oak | 8IA9 | | | Shields |
Rudd | 5IA5 | | | Folkerts |
Sabula | 13IA | | | Hillside Stables |
Solon | IA25 | | | Bartlett Field |
Stockport | IA26 | | | Carter Field |
Toledo | 8C5 | | | Toledo Muni |
Victor | 0IA6 | | | Rinehart |
Zwingle | IA30 | | | Kleis |
Albion | 39ID | | | Albion Muni |
Athol | ID34 | | | Granite |
Bernard | U54 | | | Bernard Usfs |
Big Creek Ranger Station | I08 | | | Cabin Creek Usfs |
Boise | 14ID | | | Peaceful Cove |
Bruneau | ID39 | | | Owen Ranches Inc |
Caldwell | 7GE1 | | | Davison Ranch |
Cascade | ID86 | | | Deadwood Dam Airstrip |
Cayuse Creek | 2ID7 | | | Cayuse Creek /Usfs/ |
Challis | ID67 | | | Lower Loon Creek |
Coeur D Alene | 15ID | | | Scanlon |
Coeur D Alene | ID27 | | | Hawk Haven |
Coeur D'alene | ID65 | | | Pisch's Place |
Council | 03ID | | | Flying Y Ranch |
De Smet | ID97 | | | Hangman Creek Ranch |
Dixie | ID28 | | | Mackay Bar |
Dixie | ID76 | | | Wilson Bar Usfs |
Filer | 0ID1 | | | Ziggy's |
Grangeville | S80 | | | Idaho County |
Grangeville | 0ID8 | | | Pinnacle |
Hauser Lake | ID21 | | | Smith Ranch |
Homedale | ID63 | | | Richards |
Horseshoe Bend | ID95 | | | Loomis |
Placerville | 22ID | | | Treasure Gulch |
Post Falls | ID07 | | | Nichols Ranch |
Post Falls | ID09 | | | Otterson Ranch |
Potlatch | ID10 | | | Anderson-Plummer |
Priest River | ID61 | | | Valenov Ranch |
Reubens | ID11 | | | Wood Brothers Ranch |
Sandpoint | 1ID3 | | | Beaux Ranch Field |
Sandpoint | ID19 | | | Bird Nr 2 |
Soldier Bar | 85U | | | Soldier Bar Usfs |
St Maries | ID13 | | | Sky Island Ranch |
Stanley | 13ID | | | Silva Ranch |
Troy | ID94 | | | Friendly Persuasion Farm |
Yellow Pine | ID93 | | | Reed Ranch |
Beecher | IL29 | | | Von Alvens Airview |
Dongola | 6IL5 | | | Keil |
Belleville | 1IS0 | | | Harold Emmerich |
Bloomington | IL57 | | | Cottonwood |
Bonnie | 3IS6 | | | Davy Jones /Pvt/ |
Burnside | IL46 | | | Brooks Ranch |
Cairo | 92IL | | | Hunter Raffety Elevators Inc |
Capron | LL28 | | | Sd Aero |
Capron | 88IL | | | Mary's Landing |
Carman | 22IS | | | Johnson Farm |
Carthage | IL53 | | | Lung Rla |
Carthage | 5IS9 | | | Mc Pherson |
Champaign | IL55 | | | Andrew Rla |
Channahon | IL58 | | | Aero Four |
Chapin | 30LL | | | Williams Airpark |
Chatsworth | IL60 | | | Chatsworth Rla |
Chenoa | 31LL | | | Seeman |
Clinton | 33IL | | | John Scharff |
Clinton | IL80 | | | Thorp |
Cobden | IL16 | | | Houseman |
Columbia | 7IS9 | | | King |
Compton | IL88 | | | Earl Barnickel |
Cordova | 32LL | | | The Sandbox |
Custer Park | IL95 | | | Corn Field |
Cutler | 9LL2 | | | Hepp |
Dahlgren | 27IS | | | Gelfius Intl |
Danville | 0IL3 | | | Flying B Ranch |
De Kalb | 0IL8 | | | Walter |
Dixon | 1IL6 | | | Bally's Strip |
Downey | 01IS | | | William E. Koenig |
Du Quoin | 08IS | | | Hemmer Rla |
Durand | 47IS | | | Flying Z Ranch |
Durand | 2IL1 | | | Mc Cartney |
Earlville | 7IL9 | | | Ambler - Cady |
Edgewood | 8IL6 | | | Robertson's Roost |
El Paso | 63IS | | | Corn Alley |
Elmira | 2IS3 | | | Jackson Field |
Evansville | 5IS3 | | | Riverveiw |
Fairbury | 4IL2 | | | Wayne Ziller Jr |
Fairfield | 57IS | | | Dozier |
Farmersville | 70IL | | | Murphy Farms |
Findlay | 33IS | | | Howell |
Galena | 22IL | | | Heller |
Galena | 77LL | | | Briggs Brothers Airfield |
German Valley | 6IL3 | | | Rummel Rla |
Godfrey | 48IL | | | Lake West Wind |
Good Hope | LL33 | | | Rdh Farms |
Grand Ridge | 41IS | | | Rees Field |
Grandview | 55IS | | | Glatthaar |
Greenfield | IS82 | | | Arras Rla |
Greenvalley | 7IL3 | | | Lutz Rla |
Gridley | IS64 | | | Kuntz Field |
Griggsville | 51IS | | | Curry |
Hampshire | 7IL7 | | | Edward Getzelman |
Hardin | 2IL6 | | | Low And Slow |
Harvard | 8IL0 | | | Adkins Rla |
Henry | 9IL0 | | | Villiger Rla |
Heyworth | 9IL3 | | | Wm Quinton Rla |
Hillsboro | 3K4 | | | Hillsboro Muni |
Hudson | 04IL | | | Schertz Aerial Service - Hudson |
Illinois City | 2IS4 | | | Ritter Field |
Jerseyville | LL49 | | | Raymond Rla |
Kankakee | 12IL | | | Hawker |
Kempton | 47IL | | | Godbee Rla |
Kilbourne | 32IS | | | Baker |
Kings | 00IS | | | Hayenga's Cant Find Farms |
Kirkland | IS59 | | | Rotstein |
Lacon | 2IS5 | | | Parrish Rla |
Lake City | 5IS4 | | | Corman Acres |
Lena | 2IS6 | | | Red Shed Field |
Lincoln | 39IL | | | Mason |
Lincoln | 37IL | | | Minder |
Lincoln | IL64 | | | Martin |
Lindenwood | 93IL | | | Bauer |
Lindenwood | 41IL | | | Alcock Rla |
Lindenwood | 2IS7 | | | Somers Blossom |
Little York | IL65 | | | Gibson Rla |
Lostant | IL72 | | | Entwistle |
Macon | 2LL4 | | | Snow |
Mahomet | 17LL | | | Oink Acres |
Manito | C45 | | | Manito Mitchell |
Mansfield | 53IL | | | Clapper |
Manteno | 19LL | | | Neiner |
Marengo | 37IS | | | Hilbert |
Marengo | 62IL | | | Ferris Field |
Marissa | 3LL1 | | | Herschel Hunter |
Marseilles | 34IS | | | Jim Wehrli Memorial |
Marseilles | 68IL | | | Prairie Lake Hunt Club |
Marshall | 3LL3 | | | Kibler |
Mattoon | 9LL9 | | | Townley Farms |
Mc Leansboro | 3LL8 | | | Mc Leansboro |
Mendota | 81LL | | | Otterbach Farm |
Meredosia | IS69 | | | Kloker |
Minonk | 4IS6 | | | Hattan Farms |
Minooka | 87IL | | | Bushby Rla |
Modoc | 37LL | | | Dale Curten Farm |
Monmouth | 36IS | | | Gillen |
Monroe Center | 82LL | | | Cheechako |
Morrisonville | 4LL9 | | | Alan B. Janssen |
Mount Auburn | 05IS | | | Hardy |
Mount Carmel | 5LL0 | | | Beckerman Field |
Moweaqua | 5LL2 | | | Paul E. Kroenlein |
Mulberry Grove | 94IL | | | Lutz |
Nauvoo | 38IS | | | Winchester |
Neoga | 6LL1 | | | Cumberland Air Park Rla |
New Athens | 83LL | | | Lindauer |
New Athens | 6LL4 | | | Wildy Fld |
South Woodstock | 64CT | | | Woodstock Airport |
Arcadia | 03IN | | | Heinzman |
New Bedford | IS73 | | | Woodley Aerial Spray |
Niota | 69IS | | | Sinele's Sunset Strip |
North Henderson | LL18 | | | Ernest E Orwig |
Oakdale | 7LL9 | | | Brammeier |
Ohio | 54IS | | | Zea Mays Field |
Oquawka | IL22 | | | Heeg |
Oregon | 67LL | | | County Poor Farm |
Oswego | 85LL | | | Wormley |
Paw Paw | LL54 | | | Dunn |
Paw Paw | 1IS5 | | | Walder's Farm |
Pawnee | 8LL7 | | | Donald A. Hamilton |
Paxton | 52IL | | | Hasselbring |
Paxton | 71IS | | | Ted's Place |
Payson | 9LL0 | | | Krutmeier |
Pearl City | 88LL | | | Block |
Pecatonica | 8IL5 | | | O'connor Field |
Peotone | 89LL | | | Norman |
Perry | 2IL4 | | | Mountain |
Pinckneyville | 5IL2 | | | Panther Field |
Pinckneyville | 24LL | | | Lambert |
Pinckneyville | 01LL | | | Schumaier Rla |
Piper City | 25LL | | | Bradbury |
Plano | 72IS | | | Wiley Updike |
Plymouth | 23IS | | | Clark |
Pocahontas | 3LL9 | | | Compton |
Prophetstown | LL61 | | | Doering's Port |
Putnam | LL65 | | | Edgar Read |
Putnam | LL64 | | | Ralph E. Daniels |
Anchorage | A13 | | | Bold |
Rockton | LL87 | | | Compass Rose |
Rockton | LL88 | | | Harry D Fenton |
Roscoe | LL94 | | | Mc Curdy |
Roseville | 3IS2 | | | Earp |
Royalton | 94IS | | | Adams Pvt |
Sandwich | IS94 | | | Johnson |
Sandwich | 93LL | | | Hemmingsen |
Seneca | 1LL0 | | | Boondox Field |
Shannon | 1LL6 | | | Janssen |
Shannon | 2IL0 | | | Sneek |
Sheldon | 1LL8 | | | Zoomer Field |
Sparland | 4IS8 | | | Leigh Farm |
Spring Bay | IS62 | | | John D Rennick |
Spring Grove | 3LL5 | | | Richardson Field |
St Augustine | 0LL2 | | | Murk's Strip |
Staunton | IS33 | | | Willhoit |
Steward | 9IL4 | | | Thompson |
Steward | 3IL7 | | | Home Free |
Stockton | 4LL3 | | | John L Coppernoll |
Stockton | 99IL | | | Providence Place Field |
Stonington | IS54 | | | Mc Christy |
Streator | 39IS | | | Hagi Landing Area |
Sycamore | IS47 | | | Willis |
Sycamore | 26LL | | | Anderson |
Timewell | IS56 | | | Herren |
Trivoli | 5LL5 | | | Gordon Brown |
Valmeyer | 27LL | | | Ralph Jacobs |
Viola | 6LL2 | | | Young |
Warsaw | 95IS | | | Jan Knipe |
Wenona | 3IS7 | | | Foote |
Angola | II16 | | | Pigeon |
Arcadia | II27 | | | Ward |
Argos | 2IN4 | | | Scott Field |
Bremen | 0II1 | | | Unsicker |
Bremen | 0II2 | | | Creighton |
Bristol | IN69 | | | Hatfield |
Brook | II04 | | | North West Indiana Air |
Brownsburg | II83 | | | Bramble |
Voluntown | CT32 | | | Gallup Farm Airport |
Carlisle | 1II3 | | | Davis |
Carthage | IN81 | | | Small Field |
Cedarville | 48II | | | Cedar Creek |
Centerville | 12II | | | Pentecost |
Chalmers | 0II5 | | | Marshall Field |
Charlottesville | 66IN | | | Oakes Field |
Clay City | II34 | | | Booe |
Cloverdale | IN88 | | | Sanders Gyroport |
Columbia City | 3IG3 | | | Terry's |
Columbia City | 29IN | | | Homestead |
Columbus | 91IN | | | Strietelmeier Flying Field |
Converse | 1I8 | | | Converse |
Culver | IN74 | | | H.J.Umbaugh |
Culver | 1II5 | | | Van De Mark |
Culver | 37II | | | Winn Field |
Denham | IN76 | | | Podell |
Eaton | IN63 | | | Horizon Field |
Elwood | 3I1 | | | Elwood |
Greenfield | II37 | | | Arthur |
Greentown | 62IN | | | Fowler Field /Pvt/ |
Hall | 0II9 | | | Winters |
Hanna | IN84 | | | Shamrock |
Hardinsburg | 75II | | | Lowells Landing |
Harlan | 80IN | | | Gustin's /Pvt/ |
Hartford City | II67 | | | Hickory Hills |
Hartford City | 21IN | | | Minneman |
Hatfield | II45 | | | Renshaw |
Haysville | II96 | | | Buchta |
Hoagland | 8II5 | | | Holt Field |
Holton | 9II8 | | | Francis |
Homer | 1II0 | | | Webster |
Huntington | II14 | | | Beck Pvt |
Huntington | IN85 | | | Bowlin |
Jamestown | 57II | | | Reimer Aerodrome |
Jasonville | 8II1 | | | Careferre Acres |
Knox | 3C5 | | | Wheeler |
Knox | IN86 | | | Wilson |
Knox | 67IN | | | Smitty's Soaring |
Knox | II17 | | | Bickel's Cow Patch |
La Fontaine | 78II | | | Fox Station |
Lafayette | II19 | | | Etter |
Lafayette | IG02 | | | Ratcliff |
Lamar | II49 | | | Foertsch |
Laotto | 76II | | | Ries |
Lapaz | II38 | | | Sherk Field |
Lena | 49II | | | Reinoehl Field |
Lewisville | II50 | | | Jack Oak |
Martinsville | II55 | | | Hodges |
Medaryville | 2IN3 | | | Tatertown |
Medaryville | 3II5 | | | Stout Field |
Medaryville | II22 | | | Antonian |
Medora | II76 | | | Clay Hill Farms |
Merriam | 9II0 | | | Shaffer |
Mooresville | 20II | | | Kay Air |
Morgantown | IN99 | | | Donica Field |
Mount Vernon | II84 | | | Hilakos |
Mount Vernon | 2II2 | | | Indian Creek |
Muncie | 02IN | | | Diamond P. Field |
New Harmony | 15IN | | | Bugtown |
New Haven | 05II | | | Reichhart |
New Haven | 04II | | | Turkey Run |
New Whiteland | 2IN9 | | | Berry Field |
New Whiteland | 5II2 | | | Miles Field |
Newport | II59 | | | Strip |
Noblesville | II86 | | | Poole |
Noblesville | II42 | | | Creekside Farm |
North Judson | II90 | | | Crawford Field |
Palmyra | 5II8 | | | Jacobi |
Palmyra | 4II6 | | | Gettlefinger Field |
Paragon | IG03 | | | Bluebird |
Parker City | 1IN0 | | | Belknap-Icarus Acres |
Pekin | IN43 | | | Spring Lake |
Pendleton | IN32 | | | Stephenson |
Peru | IN34 | | | Rush Strip |
Peru | IN35 | | | Shinn Bone Lane |
Pine Village | 1IN6 | | | Cottingham |
Pittsboro | II91 | | | Dunbar Field |
Plymouth | II62 | | | Berger |
Plymouth | 46IN | | | Ames Field |
Point Isabel | 3IN2 | | | Dupouy |
Portage | 3IN3 | | | Carlson Farm |
Portland | 34IN | | | Windy P Ridge |
Poseyville | 61Y | | | Ralph E. Koch |
Prairieton | 52IN | | | Higginbotham Field |
Redkey | IN41 | | | Nuckols |
Reynolds | IN39 | | | Klopfenstein |
Richmond | IN47 | | | White |
Roachdale | IN45 | | | 4 Winds Aerodrome |
Roanoke | 2IN2 | | | Gerig's Field |
Roanoke | 60IN | | | Fisher Farm |
Roanoke | 44II | | | The Wolf Den |
Rushville | 6IN8 | | | Mcminn |
Rushville | IN05 | | | Stevens Farms |
Salem | 71IN | | | Morgan Airfield |
San Pierre | IN26 | | | Archangels Landing |
San Pierre | 16II | | | Harrington Field |
Scottsburg | II69 | | | Harrod/Rose |
Sharpsville | II70 | | | Salsbery |
Shelbyville | 93IN | | | Foltz Farm |
Shelbyville | IN50 | | | Siefert |
Shelbyville | 70II | | | Nasby |
Spencer | II25 | | | Timber Trails |
St Paul | II71 | | | Smith |
St Wendel | II89 | | | Yelverton |
Stockwell | 37IN | | | Felix |
Sullivan | II98 | | | Shrum Field |
Sulphur Springs | 2IN5 | | | Midkiff |
Sunman | II72 | | | Anderson |
Tab | 85IN | | | Leak |
Union City | II73 | | | Good Earth Farm Strip |
Union Dale | IN72 | | | Mayer |
Valeene | 09II | | | Gibbons Field |
Valparaiso | 5IN4 | | | Wyckoff Airstrip |
Vevay | 8I1 | | | Robinson |
Vincennes | IN15 | | | T & T |
Vincennes | OEA | | | O'neal |
Walkerton | 87IN | | | May's Strip |
Walkerton | 59IN | | | Stuntz & Hochstetler Pines |
Warren | II75 | | | Daugherty Field |
Warsaw | 5IN5 | | | Berkey Field |
Westphalia | IN04 | | | N'meier |
Westville | 5IN6 | | | Orthodontic Strip |
Wheatfield | 68IN | | | Alley Oop |
Wheatfield | IN61 | | | Flying J |
Wilkinson | II78 | | | Wallace Field |
Winslow | II81 | | | Richardson Field |
Wolflake | 5IN9 | | | Stangland |
Arkansas City | 30KS | | | Tyler |
Augusta | SN19 | | | Flying H Ranch |
Beaumont | SN07 | | | Beaumont Hotel |
Bentley | SN62 | | | Roberts Field |
Blue Mound | SN26 | | | Horttor |
Bonner Springs | 1KS9 | | | Huff |
Bonner Springs | SN27 | | | Bovinair |
Bucyrus | SN78 | | | Albright |
Clay Center | SN33 | | | Callaway Airpark |
Council Grove | K63 | | | Council Grove Muni |
De Soto | 4KS2 | | | Ingels Aerodrome |
Delphos | SN39 | | | Baldock Farm |
Derby | SN40 | | | Olson Aerodrome |
Derby | 35KS | | | Selby Farm |
Derby | 1K3 | | | Hamilton Field |
Derby | 06SN | | | Beyer Farm |
Dodge City | 9K1 | | | Wilroads Gardens |
Douglass | 60KS | | | Alley Field |
Dresden | SN51 | | | Meitl |
Easton | 1KS2 | | | Risky |
El Dorado | 9K6 | | | Patty Field |
Elk City | SN44 | | | Bob Faler |
Elmo | 51KS | | | Barnard |
Emporia | SN04 | | | Roberts Memorial |
Enterprise | 1KS4 | | | Prichard Airstrip |
Eudora | 52KS | | | Bland |
Gardner | SN59 | | | Hermon Farm |
Girard | SN41 | | | Ziggy Carline |
Goodland | 5KS2 | | | Fortmeyer |
Gove | SN66 | | | Beesley Farms |
Great Bend | SN67 | | | Button |
Greensburg | 8K7 | | | Paul Windle Muni |
Hamilton | 8KS2 | | | King Ranch |
Hartford | 4KS6 | | | Thomsen Field |
Haven | 24KS | | | Blocker Field |
Hays | 8KS4 | | | Rans |
Hesston | 53KS | | | Weaver Ranch |
Highland | SN75 | | | Sommers |
Holyrood | 87KS | | | Holyrood Muni |
Howard | 37KS | | | Bar P Ranch |
Huron | 7KS4 | | | Bent Nail Ranch |
Hutchinson | 1KS0 | | | Huey |
Johnson | 2K3 | | | Stanton County Muni |
Kanorado | SN02 | | | Wright Intl |
Kechi | SN16 | | | Curtis |
Kechi | 38KS | | | Savute |
Kiowa | 6KS6 | | | Kiowa |
Lansing | 72KS | | | Mount Muncie |
Lebanon | 6KS7 | | | Shute |
Liberal | SN87 | | | Supreme Feeders |
Lincolnville | 29KS | | | Navrat |
Louisburg | SN88 | | | Crosswind Airfield |
Louisburg | SN89 | | | Somerset |
Mc Louth | 5KS1 | | | Threshing Bee |
Melvern | 17KS | | | Tevis |
Meriden | 81KS | | | Blackhawk |
Minneapolis | SN09 | | | Solomon Valley Airpark |
Oskaloosa | 7KS0 | | | Flying T |
Ottawa | 0KS3 | | | Camp Chippewa |
Parsons | 0KS8 | | | Pearce Field |
Peabody | 80KS | | | Gilley's |
Peck | 0KS6 | | | Kendrigan |
Phillipsburg | 07SN | | | Churchill |
Piper | SN81 | | | Hancock |
Plainville | 0R9 | | | Plainville Arpk |
Randall | SN49 | | | Mc Collough Airfield |
Salina | 48KS | | | R F Roesner |
Salina | SN00 | | | J Roesner |
Sedan | 2KS0 | | | Rupp |
Severy | 2KS2 | | | Stuber Flying Ranch |
Sharon Springs | 6KS3 | | | Walker Strip |
Spivey | 2KS4 | | | Dick |
St Marys | 02KS | | | Jmj Landing |
St Marys | 1KS5 | | | Keyser |
St. Mary's | 8K4 | | | St Mary's Airpark |
Stilwell | 8KS7 | | | Pine Sod Ranch |
Stockton | 0S2 | | | Stockton Muni |
Sylvan Grove | 2KS8 | | | Vonada |
Udall | 3KS3 | | | Rogers |
Wellsville | 54KS | | | Michael |
Wellsville | SN85 | | | Fox Fire |
Wichita/maize/ | 70K | | | Maize |
Williamstown | 71KS | | | Stonehenge |
Wilmont | 77KS | | | Abel Ranch |
Winchester | 85KS | | | Sanders |
Worden | 39KS | | | Rolling Meadows |
Battletown | 3KY7 | | | Eagle's Nest |
Battletown | 3KY6 | | | Russell |
Bee Spring | 5KY9 | | | Nolin Aero Salvage |
Berea | 05KY | | | Cartersville |
Calhoun | 96KY | | | A & L |
Carter | 16KY | | | Praise God |
Crestwood | 82KY | | | Woodledge Farm |
Danville | 99KY | | | Gravity Zero |
Eubank | 53KY | | | Short |
Florence | 67KY | | | Estes |
Fountain Run | 6KY4 | | | Adair |
Glasgow | 4KY1 | | | Creek Side Landing |
Hardin | 4KY0 | | | J & C Antique Airfield |
Harrodsburg | 5KY8 | | | Harold Reynolds |
Hazard | K20 | | | Wendell H Ford |
Hiseville | 04KY | | | Natchez Trace Farm |
Hodgenville | 86KY | | | Hornback |
Hodgenville | 90KY | | | Williams |
Hodgenville | 21KY | | | Lincoln Farm |
Lawrenceburg | 76KY | | | Buzzard's Roost |
Louisville | 6KY6 | | | Jeffries Farm |
Morehead | I32 | | | Morehead-Rowan County |
Mortons Gap | 24KY | | | Williams Farm |
Mount Sterling/owingsville | 77KY | | | One Oak |
New Liberty | 81KY | | | Hi Rise Farm |
Owensboro | 0KY4 | | | Cambron Field |
Owenton | 61KY | | | Schroder |
Paris | 15KY | | | Brennan Farm |
Paris | 52KY | | | Air Castle |
Petersburg | 71KY | | | Riverview |
Rumsey | 94KY | | | Woosley |
Sacramento | 80KY | | | David Lowe |
Sacramento | 93KY | | | Baggett Farms |
Smithfield | 5KY6 | | | Jake's Field |
Taylorsville | 3KY3 | | | Mason Valley |
Verona | 7KY2 | | | Ryan Field |
Verona | 20KY | | | Madi's Meadows |
Verona | 4KY7 | | | Mueller Farm |
West Point | 4KY5 | | | Weavers Run |
Williamsburg | W38 | | | Williamsburg-Whitley Coun |
Williamsburg | 72KY | | | Carr |
Abbeville | 0R3 | | | Abbeville Chris Crusta Me |
Abbeville | 34LS | | | Coastal Ridge Airpark |
Abbeville | 35LA | | | Ms Pats |
Arnaudville | LS91 | | | Tim Bullard Memorial |
Basile | LA01 | | | Millers Flying Service |
Bastrop | LA63 | | | Travis |
Baton Rouge | 21LA | | | Southern Helicopters |
Baton Rouge | 3LA3 | | | La Coste Construction Co |
Baton Rouge | 54LA | | | Triangle J |
Bunkie | 0LS4 | | | Buller's Airstrip |
Anchorage | 6AK5 | | | Fire Island Airport |
Cheneyville | LA81 | | | Cheneyville |
Coushatta | LA51 | | | Stuart Airstrip |
Crowley | LA88 | | | Hensgens Strip |
Cut Off | 83LA | | | Ledet Airfield |
Dixie | LA52 | | | T & M Ag Aviation |
Enon | LA94 | | | Corkern |
Erwinville | 66LA | | | Schexnayder |
Eunice | 80LA | | | Luscombe Lane 1 |
Glenmora | 11LS | | | Jasmine Hill |
Gueydan | 1LA0 | | | Ken Guidry Nr 2 |
Hammond | LS86 | | | Le Blanc Field |
Houma | LA73 | | | Huffaker Field |
Iowa | LS36 | | | Light Plane Flyers Airfield |
Kaplan | 3LA0 | | | Harrington Flying Service |
Kaplan | LA61 | | | Kenan Airstrip |
Kentwood | 86LA | | | Spring |
Lake Charles | 3LA9 | | | Morgan Crop Service |
Lecompte | LA22 | | | Summerville |
Mangham | LS04 | | | Bobby Jones Flying Service Inc |
Minden | F24 | | | Minden-Webster |
Minden | 90LA | | | Sharp Field |
Monroe | 0LS9 | | | Huenefeld |
Monroe | LA34 | | | Reno Flight Park |
Monterey | LA35 | | | W & E Air Service |
Morrow | 0LS6 | | | Dufour |
Morrow | 1LA5 | | | Morrow Strip |
Newellton | 9LA2 | | | Norris Airstrip |
Oil City | 5F8 | | | Thackers |
Plaquemine | LS49 | | | Simpson |
Prairieville | LA42 | | | Capozzoli |
Rayne | LA30 | | | Phoenix |
Robert | LS92 | | | Koenig Airpark |
Shreveport | 78LA | | | Heinsohn's Airfield |
Simmsport | 16LS | | | Atchafalaya Flying Company |
Slaughter | 01LS | | | Country Breeze |
Slaughter | 7LA9 | | | A/P Airpark |
Spearsville | LA58 | | | Peter Creek Ranch |
St Francisville | LS35 | | | Nauga Field |
Ville Platte | LS09 | | | Sylvester's |
Welsh | 8LA9 | | | Koll |
White Castle | 51LA | | | R T Leblanc |
Wisner | 9LA1 | | | Turkey Creek Lake |
Belchertown | 31MA | | | Norm's Field |
Gosnold | 15MA | | | Canapitsit |
Granville | MA43 | | | Morehaven |
Hadley | 03MA | | | Hadley |
Hanson | 28M | | | Cranland |
Holden | MA16 | | | Marshall's |
Ipswich | MA36 | | | Snow |
Marlboro | 9B1 | | | Marlboro |
Maynard | MA52 | | | Sids |
Muskeget Island | MA55 | | | Muskeget Island |
Oak Bluffs | MA44 | | | Trade Wind |
Pembroke | MA63 | | | Sherman-Pvt |
Sheffield | MA18 | | | Cmelak Field |
Shirley | 61MA | | | Shirley |
Southborough | 08MA | | | Wormid |
Southborough | 1MA5 | | | Unknown Field |
Southwick | 28MA | | | Cannizzaro Field |
Spencer | 60M | | | Spencer |
Sudbury | MA70 | | | Sudbury |
Wareham | 11MA | | | Bulljump |
Washington | MA77 | | | Blueberry Hill |
West Brookfield | 5MA3 | | | Pasport |
Westfield | MA80 | | | Mundale |
Westport | 5MA9 | | | Allen's Pond |
Windsor | MA86 | | | Kendalls Lndg Area |
Annapolis | 3MD4 | | | Fairview |
Bishopville | 4MD3 | | | Carey Field |
Boyds | 2MD3 | | | Fly Away Farm |
Brookeville | MD16 | | | Waredaca Farm |
Butler | MD17 | | | Tinsley Airstrip |
Cambridge | 1MD1 | | | Big Oak Farm |
Cambridge | MD04 | | | Rossneck |
Chesapeake City | MD03 | | | Woodstock |
Chestertown | MD59 | | | Silver Hill |
Church Hill | MD62 | | | Church Hill |
Clements | 2MD1 | | | Recompense Farm |
Clements | 4MD4 | | | Clements |
Comus | MD77 | | | Flying M Farms |
Denton | 9MD9 | | | G W Farm |
Denton | 6MD1 | | | Dileo Field |
Denton | MD41 | | | Gary Field |
Dublin | 4MD6 | | | Moxley's |
Farmington | MD94 | | | Farmington |
Federalsburg | 00MD | | | Slater Fld |
Finksburg | MD95 | | | Reservoir |
Greenfield | 3CA7 | | | Metz Airport |
Frostburg | 5MD2 | | | Marsh Field |
Hagerstown | 22MD | | | Laura's Landing |
Kennedyville | 1MD3 | | | Krastel Farms |
Keymar | MD42 | | | Keymar Airpark |
Lakeshore | MD43 | | | Mountain Road |
Lusby | 4MD0 | | | Mears Creek Airfield |
Marydel | 7MD0 | | | Our Domain |
Mount Airy | 0MD6 | | | Walters |
New Windsor | MD56 | | | Three J |
Pocomoke City | MD00 | | | Fair's |
Queen Anne | MD09 | | | Meadow Brook |
Ridgely | 5MD0 | | | Marble Head Farm |
Rising Sun | MD61 | | | Lynch's Landing |
Salisbury | MD53 | | | Mac Kinnis |
Still Pond | MD69 | | | Harris |
Taneytown | MD20 | | | Greer |
Thurmont | 4MD7 | | | Catocin Crosswind |
Tilghman | 7MD9 | | | Tilghman Whipp |
Tompkinsville | MD06 | | | Pilots Cove |
Westernport | MD99 | | | Moran Field |
Westminster | 07MD | | | Baugher's Orchard |
Westminster | 2W2 | | | Clearview Airpark |
Westminster/silver Run | 1MD8 | | | Mayberry Run |
Wolfsville | 6MD3 | | | Harp |
Woodbine | 8MD0 | | | Suzie Field |
Woodbine | MD78 | | | Woodbine |
Acton | ME89 | | | Buzzy's Field |
Belgrade | ME60 | | | Sunny Hill |
Bowdoinham | 08B | | | Merrymeeting Field |
Brewer | 0B2 | | | Brewer |
Cambridge | ME70 | | | Greenfield Hill |
Camden | ME14 | | | Bald Mountain |
Carmel | 14ME | | | Ring Hill |
Charlotte | ME06 | | | Flying Ed |
Clayton Lake | ME19 | | | Clayton Lake Strip |
Dixfield | 3S2 | | | Swans Fld |
Fairfield | ME20 | | | Bob-Mar |
Gorham | ME91 | | | Webster Field |
Greene | ME39 | | | Rocky Ridge |
Harpswell | ME33 | | | Farr Field |
Jay | ME92 | | | Hilltop |
Jonesboro | 05ME | | | Drisko |
Kennebunkport | ME46 | | | Back Acres |
Kennebunkport | ME45 | | | Goosefair |
Mars Hill | ME38 | | | Mars Hill |
Matinicus Island | 35ME | | | Matinicus Island |
Meddybemps | 66B | | | Gillespie Fld |
Mercer | 04ME | | | Beech Hill |
Mount Vernon | ME36 | | | Mount Vernon |
Naples | 71ME | | | Cove Landing Field |
New Gloucester | 54ME | | | Cliff Dow |
North Haven | ME41 | | | Witherspoons |
Paris Hill | ME44 | | | Cummings |
Portage | ME05 | | | Allen St Peter Memorial |
Roxbury | ME17 | | | Thomas |
Sabattus | ME69 | | | Cliffords |
Sangerville | ME32 | | | Morrel Field |
Searsmont | 12ME | | | Ridgeview Airport |
Swans Island | ME5 | | | Banks |
Union | ME94 | | | Clark Field |
Grand Ridge | 1FD0 | | | Lawrence Airport |
Van Buren | 17ME | | | Bresett's Mountainside |
Vinalhaven | ME55 | | | Mary Talbot Memorial Airfield |
Waldoboro | ME56 | | | Kimberly |
Westbrook | ME26 | | | Super Cub Field |
Windham | 24ME | | | Slip Knot Landing |
Allendale | 6MI2 | | | Deyoung |
Alto | 24MI | | | Johnson |
Athens | 9C2 | | | David's |
Avoca | 07D | | | Tackaberry |
Bailey | MI67 | | | Tyrone |
Baroda | MI68 | | | Del Hickcox |
Bath | 41G | | | University Airpark |
Bennington | MI06 | | | Lee Field |
Bridgman | MI25 | | | Myers |
Millville | 19PA | | | Lake |
Buchanan | 30MI | | | Wolverton's Field |
Cassopolis | MI95 | | | Taylors Flight Park |
Cedar Springs | 5MI1 | | | Wilds Field |
Dutton | 14MI | | | East-West Paris |
Charlotte | 49G | | | Wend Valley |
Chelsea | 8MI9 | | | Winters Field |
Clinton | MI52 | | | Markham |
Clio | 51G | | | Cagney |
Crystal Falls | 39MI | | | Huber |
Custer | MI19 | | | Thorn |
Davison | 12MI | | | John's |
Durand | 4MI8 | | | L.Z. Durand |
E Kingsford | MI94 | | | Fontecchio |
East Jordan | MI24 | | | Wilson Township |
Erie | M84 | | | Erie Aerodrome |
Fennville | MI76 | | | Reading |
Fibre | MI98 | | | Dowd Field |
Fife Lake | MI60 | | | Tannehill Airfield |
Fremont | 3FM | | | Fremont Muni |
Frontier | MI21 | | | A.C. Miller |
Gaines | 16MI | | | Barnstormers 5 |
Galesburg | 2MI3 | | | Larry D Boven |
Galesburg | MI77 | | | Shafter |
Gladwin | 0MI1 | | | Sugar Springs |
Grandville | MI78 | | | Weller |
Holt | 5MI8 | | | Lakeside |
Howard City | 5MI4 | | | Anderson |
Howell | MI27 | | | Haigh |
Lake George | 3MI0 | | | Doss Field |
Lewiston | 0MI8 | | | Twin Lakes |
Lexington | 2MI7 | | | Flugplatz |
Litchfield | MI35 | | | Claucherty |
Lowell | 5MI3 | | | Cridler |
Macon | MI70 | | | Carl's |
Marine City | MI37 | | | Wenning Landing Area |
Marquette | 1MI9 | | | Southfork |
Mattawan | MI84 | | | Kerby Field |
Mecosta | 2MI9 | | | Capen |
Mendon | 8MI8 | | | Cupp/Sjvs Landing Strip |
Merril | MI55 | | | Zeitler |
Midland | 3BS | | | Jack Barstow |
Rock | 6Y4 | | | Bonnie Field |
Rothbury | 42N | | | Double Jj Resort Ranch |
Samaria | 62MI | | | Combs |
Selkirk | 1MI7 | | | Thompson |
Sheridan | MI13 | | | Minikey |
Sparta | 76MI | | | Kozal Airfield |
Spring Lake | 34MI | | | De Witt Property |
St Johns | 97G | | | Glowacki |
St Johns | 61G | | | Randolph's Landing Area |
St Louis | 2MI4 | | | Mc Jilton Field |
Tecumseh | 36MI | | | Tecumseh Products |
Thompsonville | 23MI | | | Betsie River Airstrip |
Vassar | 7MI8 | | | Letts Field |
Yale | 48G | | | Gavagan Fld |
Akiey | 1MN2 | | | Hay Acres |
Alexandria | MN04 | | | Aggies Landing |
Amboy | 2MY2 | | | Zarn |
Ashby | 13MN | | | Melby |
Barnesville | 36MN | | | Wagner Farm |
Barnsville | 4MN2 | | | Coot Landing |
Becker | MN79 | | | Schroeder |
Bemidji | 98MN | | | Up Yonder |
Bongards | MN15 | | | Empire Farm Strip |
Braham | MN68 | | | Pangerl |
Braham | MY92 | | | Grohnke Field |
Chisago | MN23 | | | Dupre's |
Circle Pines | MN24 | | | Surfside |
Clearbrook | 72MN | | | Bardwell Airstrip |
Clinton | 41MN | | | Shannon Field |
Cloquet | MY94 | | | Country Haven |
Corcoran | 42MN | | | Kral's Personal Use Landing Field |
Degraff | 73MN | | | Paynes |
Dumont | 74MN | | | Frisch Personal |
East Grand Forks | MN38 | | | Spud Field |
Elk River | MN40 | | | Meadowvale |
Euclid | 45MN | | | Kaml Airstrip |
Evansville | 46MN | | | Elmer |
Felton | MY98 | | | Pake |
Felton | MY64 | | | Schjeldrup |
Foley | 2MN9 | | | F. Dillenburg |
Foxhome | MY25 | | | Knapp Personal Use |
Fulda | MY06 | | | Ramerth |
Georgetown | MY71 | | | Mueller |
Glenville | 96MN | | | Air-Ag |
Goodridge | MY17 | | | Swanson Pvt |
Graceville | MN53 | | | Stanley Fld |
Greenbush | 02MN | | | Greenbush Muni |
Hadley | 07MN | | | Dairyview |
Ham Lake | MN87 | | | Cooks Landing |
Hastings | MN55 | | | Sandy Flats |
Hazel Run | 09MN | | | W Johnson Field |
Herman | 50MN | | | Zimmerman |
High Forest | 5MN0 | | | Scrabeck |
Holdingford | MY57 | | | Fedor |
Hollandale | MN61 | | | Ward |
Iron Junction | 3MN1 | | | Stahlberg-Mohr |
Jacobson | 2MN2 | | | Dreamcatcher |
Lake City | 1FL3 | | | Z Ranch Airport |
Lakefield | 03MN | | | Nauerth Land Ranch |
Lakefield | MN64 | | | H Reder Fld |
Lester Prairie | MN99 | | | Serenity |
Lindstrom | 5MN5 | | | Barnes |
Loretto | MN66 | | | Ingleside |
Lyle | 53MN | | | Radloff's Cedar View Farms |
Maple Lake | 8MN9 | | | Mavencamp |
Mayer | 54MN | | | Sell's Flying Field |
Middle River | 3MN3 | | | Honker Flats |
Mora | 55MN | | | Conley Field |
Murdock | MY19 | | | Schwenk |
New York Mills | 25Y | | | New York Mills Muni |
Oklee | MN84 | | | Bachand |
Oronoco | MN32 | | | Nietz Airstrip |
Park Rapids | MY88 | | | Cary |
Paynesville | MN88 | | | Empire Valley |
Preston | 23MN | | | High Grove |
Princeton | MN91 | | | Reynolds Field |
Rice | 3MN5 | | | Little Rock/Rock Port |
Richville | MY60 | | | Hagen |
Rothsay | MN95 | | | Velo Airstrip |
Rushmore | MN96 | | | Rohwer |
Sacred Heart | 7MN0 | | | Johnson Private |
Sartell | MY47 | | | Guggenberger |
Silver Lake | MN41 | | | Timmers Landing Field |
Sleepy Eye | MY03 | | | Braun's |
Spring Grove | MY10 | | | Deters Farms |
Spring Valley | 0MN6 | | | Matson Fld |
Springfield | 0MN5 | | | Pankratz |
St Charles | 2MN6 | | | Van Norman's |
St Cloud | 3MN8 | | | Aysta Field |
St Cloud | MN97 | | | Thens Private Airstrip |
Stacy | MY78 | | | Sunrise |
Stillwater | 0MN8 | | | Keller |
Taopi | MY11 | | | Gilgenbach's |
Taylors Falls | 89MN | | | Beskar |
Tenney | 1MN1 | | | Beyer |
Vesta | 90MN | | | Schmidt Private |
Virginia | 06MN | | | Pike Field |
Wendell | 33MN | | | Swift Private |
Young America | 88MN | | | Fox Field |
Appleton City | MU55 | | | Bauer Pgi |
Bayside | MU21 | | | Miller Farm |
Beaufort | 16MO | | | Findley Field |
Bellflower | MO86 | | | Sanctuary |
Billings | MU13 | | | Bakers Landing |
Blue Springs | 14MO | | | Stevinson Farm |
Buffalo | MO93 | | | Laurie's Landing |
Robbins | CA18 | | | Wagner Aviation Airport |
Butler | 23MO | | | Oerke Enterprises |
Carl Junction | 25MO | | | Cook |
Carrollton | MO95 | | | Hawkins |
Carthage | 70MO | | | Andrews |
Carthage | 2MO8 | | | Frerer Strip |
Cassville | 02MU | | | Timber Line Airpark |
Centerview | 2MO0 | | | Fletcher Field |
Centerville | MO96 | | | Ray Johnson Inc |
Cleveland | MO98 | | | Williams |
Sarasota | FA77 | | | Lowe's Airport |
Clinton | 0MO0 | | | Ferros Ranch-Aero |
Columbia | MU32 | | | Sugar Branch |
Dayton | MU03 | | | Leo's Angus Ranch |
Drexel | MU62 | | | Hilltop |
Drexel | 0MO3 | | | Arvin Ranch |
Edina | 0MO6 | | | Hall |
Edina | 0MO5 | | | Joe D Lewis |
Eldridge | MO13 | | | Blue Hollow Airpark |
Elkland | MU63 | | | Blumenstetter |
Elmer | 76MO | | | Walnut Creek |
Eolia | MO35 | | | Harvey |
Ewing | 78MO | | | Staggs |
Fair Grove | MO68 | | | Eads Ridge |
Fairfax | 24MU | | | Steele |
Farmington | MU65 | | | Lakeside |
Faucett | 9MO3 | | | Lawlor-Justus |
Foristell | MO36 | | | Riddle's Roost |
Foristell | 66MO | | | Ahlers Acres |
Fulton | 73MU | | | Sky-Go Farms |
Gainesville | H27 | | | Gainesville Memorial |
Golden | MO61 | | | Bel-Voir Acres |
Golden City | 33MO | | | Leaming Field |
Gorin | 1MO7 | | | Hines |
Gorin | MO42 | | | Wileys Air Strip |
Granby | 44MU | | | Lynch Field |
Greenfield | 1MO9 | | | Eagle's Point & Red Barn Village Arpk |
Hamilton | 47MO | | | Cliff Scott |
Holt | 2MO2 | | | Northwood |
Houston | MU86 | | | Taus River Ranch |
Hurdland | 2MO6 | | | Hunziker |
Jackson | 1MU7 | | | Mooseberry |
Shelby | 29NC | | | 29nc |
Kansas City | 2MO9 | | | Runway Ranch |
Kearney | 20MO | | | Royal Wood Aerodrome |
King City | 3MO8 | | | Fizzle Ridge |
King City | 3MO7 | | | Fairbanks |
Kingsville | 4MO0 | | | Fender J H |
Kirbyville | MO65 | | | Misty Meadows |
La Plata | 4MO3 | | | Schneider Field |
Lebanon | 30MO | | | Matzie |
Liberty | 4MO4 | | | Liberty Landing |
Lone Jack | MU84 | | | Michael Farm |
Marceline | 0MU4 | | | Slaughter |
Monett | M58 | | | Monett Muni |
Montgomery City | MO45 | | | Sky-Vu |
Montgomery City | 4MO | | | Montgomery-Wehrman |
Montrose | MO75 | | | Brownsberger |
Moscow Mills | MO59 | | | K & N Field |
Mountain Grove | 22MO | | | Belly Acres Ranch |
New Boston | 5MO9 | | | Oak Ridge Farms |
Oak Grove | MO87 | | | Powis |
Oregon | 6MO1 | | | Markt Air Strip |
Owensville | 6MO6 | | | Winter Field |
Ozark | 2K2 | | | Air Park South |
Philadelphia | 7MO2 | | | Bevill |
Pilot Grove | OMU9 | | | Kollmeyer |
Platte City | MU97 | | | Platte Valley |
Princeton | 7MO | | | Princeton-Kauffman Memorial |
Purdy | MU41 | | | Ingram Private |
Richwoods | 8MO4 | | | Joan Lake |
Ridgely | 1MU2 | | | Smitty's Landing |
Rogersville | MO31 | | | Malina |
Rolla | MO02 | | | Morgan |
Round Spring | MU34 | | | Haven Wood |
Savannah | 9MO4 | | | Worth |
Sedalia | MO08 | | | Homan Field |
Sheridan | MO62 | | | Hibbs Farm |
Smithville | 29MO | | | Rollert Farm |
Springfield | 39MO | | | Gardner |
Saint Charles | 3SQ | | | St Charles |
St Peters | 46MO | | | Sontimer |
Ste Genevieve | 6MO2 | | | Ste Genevieve Flying Club |
Sturgeon | MO10 | | | Hawk Air |
Taylor | MO14 | | | Haerr Field |
Theodosia | 26MO | | | Taber Field |
Troy | MU89 | | | Woodland Airstrip |
Stover | 9MO6 | | | Ivy Bend |
Van Buren | MO72 | | | Flying 'j' Ranch |
Vandalia | 04MO | | | Airpark Pvt |
Warrenton | MU18 | | | Stark |
Weirsdale | 97FL | | | Love Field Airport |
West Plains | 94MO | | | Ray's Roost |
Weston | MU71 | | | Vandahl |
Willard | 09MO | | | Hogue Farm |
Willard | 2MO1 | | | Bird Field |
Belzoni | MS10 | | | Turner Field |
Biloxi | MS66 | | | Kennedy Executive |
Brandon | 5MS6 | | | Dee's Strip |
Canton | MS36 | | | Supplejack |
Centreville | 1MS9 | | | Piker-Too |
Coffeeville | MS54 | | | Burney Farms |
Corinth | MS18 | | | Dilworth |
Flora | MS42 | | | Mississippi Petrified Forest |
Florence | MS58 | | | Tullos Field |
Fulton | 11M | | | Fulton-Itawamba County |
Gautier | 34MS | | | Colle Field |
Glen Allan | MS86 | | | Oglesby Farms Inc. |
Grenada | 2MS8 | | | Spencer Field |
Inverness | MS20 | | | Newell Flying Service |
Itta Bena | MS22 | | | Murphey Flying Service |
Leland | MS25 | | | Huntley |
Leland | 0MS5 | | | Lewis Air Service |
Mantachie | MS68 | | | Lamb's Field |
Mayersville | MS92 | | | Heigle Field |
Meadville | 0MS1 | | | Franklin Field |
Monticello | MS50 | | | Clay |
Olive Branch | MS62 | | | Davis Field |
Onward | MS34 | | | Reality Plantation |
Philadelphia | MS70 | | | Mc Lain - Calico |
Pontotoc | 0MS7 | | | Hale Field |
Poplarville | MS53 | | | Wolf River Ranch |
Raymond | M16 | | | John Bell Williams |
Shannon | 4MS4 | | | Spearman Field |
Steens | MS04 | | | Hopper Field |
Tunica | 4MS7 | | | Arnold Field |
Tylertown | 3MS2 | | | Thunderfoot Ranch |
Woodville | 12MS | | | Green Acres |
Woodville | MS23 | | | Forest Home |
Augusta | 0MT1 | | | Williams Field |
Belgrade | MT81 | | | Thompson Field |
Belle Creek | 3V7 | | | Belle Creek |
Big Sky | MT94 | | | Ousel Falls |
Billings | 1MT9 | | | Wilcox |
Bozeman | 23MT | | | Waterfall |
Bozeman | MT71 | | | Edsall Field |
Bozeman | 9MT8 | | | Monger |
Butte | MT12 | | | Smith Field |
Columbia Falls | MT18 | | | Hoerner |
Conner | MT30 | | | Trapper Creek Strip |
Ekalaka | MT45 | | | Castleberry |
Elliston | 1MT3 | | | Wood Strip |
Glasgow | 25MT | | | Blatter |
Great Falls | MT76 | | | Smith Farms |
Great Falls | MT75 | | | Buchanan Ranch |
Hamilton | 0MT4 | | | Kimp |
Hamilton | 99MT | | | Fox Field |
Helena | MT83 | | | Ten Mile |
Helena | 5M7 | | | Mountain Lakes Field |
Helena | 1MT4 | | | Davis |
Helena | MT06 | | | Duncan |
Hingham | 12MT | | | Lincolns Field |
Jackson | 18MT | | | Fish Ranch |
Kalispell | MT17 | | | Wurtz |
Kalispell | 27MT | | | Rahn |
Kalispell | 2MT0 | | | Bates Airstrip |
Kalispell | MT84 | | | Mower Field |
Lakeview | MT46 | | | Lakeview |
Laurel | 0MT5 | | | Cottonwood |
Livingston | MT89 | | | Foster Ranches |
Lolo | MT49 | | | Ford's South |
Lustre | 15MT | | | Saubak |
Marion | MT88 | | | Campbell Ranch |
Melville | MT36 | | | Cottontail Ranch |
Moore | MT24 | | | Beacon Star Antique Airfield |
Morgan/loring/ | 7U4 | | | Morgan |
Noxon | MT97 | | | Frampton |
Opheim | MT85 | | | Redfield Ag Strip |
Philipsburg | 1MT6 | | | Bobcat Fld |
Poplar | 42S | | | Poplar |
Roscoe | MT10 | | | Mackay Ranch |
White Fish | 0MT9 | | | Lone Hawk |
Wise River | MT14 | | | Jerry Creek |
Wolf Point | MT80 | | | Vine |
Ahoskie | 15NC | | | Dragonfly Field |
Apex | NC11 | | | Deck Airpark |
Asheboro | 7NC9 | | | Spencer Field |
Boonville | 3NC1 | | | Welborn Farm |
Boonville | 26NC | | | Boonville |
Penrose | 22W | | | Transylvania County |
Burgaw | NC18 | | | Brickhouse Fld |
Chapel Hill | 3NC9 | | | Womble Field |
Clarkton | 1E6 | | | Elkins Field |
Dunn | NC22 | | | Charles Field |
Goldsboro | 2NC4 | | | Scottbrook Farm |
Greensboro | 9NC9 | | | Meylor Field |
Grimesland | NC49 | | | Boyd Field |
Harmony | NC75 | | | Schneider Haven Airstrip |
Havelock | NC87 | | | Dogwood Farm |
Hendersonville | 0NC1 | | | Bearwallow Farm |
Hurdle Mills | 4W4 | | | Whitfield Farms |
Jefferson | NC50 | | | Skyland |
Julian | N88 | | | Kecks |
Kannapolis | 2NC8 | | | Goodnight's |
Kannapolis | 6NC2 | | | Wilhelm |
Kittrell | NC56 | | | Deer Run |
Knightdale | 9NC0 | | | Raleigh East |
Lenoir | 18NC | | | Lanni Field |
Lexington | 48NC | | | Morrison Field |
Lexington | 2NC6 | | | Flying M |
Liberty | N61 | | | Hinshaw (Greenacres) |
Locust | 3NC3 | | | Tucker Field |
Macon | NC10 | | | Nocarva |
Madison | 0NC7 | | | Lindsay |
Marshville | 46NC | | | Brown Field |
Middlesex | 75NC | | | Jw Stone |
Mocksville | 31A | | | Sugar Valley |
Mooresville | 1NC2 | | | Atwell |
Morganton | 3NC0 | | | Clyde Valley |
Newton Grove | NC76 | | | Massengill |
Pikeville | NC36 | | | Benton's Airfield |
Pleasant Garden | 64NC | | | Fields |
Plymouth | 1NC7 | | | Donald's Air Park Inc. |
Potters Hill | 6N9 | | | Eagles Nest |
Roanoke Rapids | RZZ | | | Halifax County |
Roxboro | NC40 | | | Holeman Field |
Salisbury | NC93 | | | South River |
Sanford | 82NC | | | Pineview Air |
Seaboard | 45NC | | | Glover |
Shelby | NC97 | | | Dirt Dobber's Grass Strip |
Sneads Ferry | 8NC3 | | | Winding Creek |
Sparta | 3NC7 | | | Maxwell |
Spring Hope | 42NC | | | Spring Paths |
Taylorsville | 4NC3 | | | Taylorsville |
Thomasville | NC31 | | | Quiet Acres |
Tryon | 56NC | | | Wheat Field |
Tabor City | NC78 | | | Turbeville |
Walnut Cove | 7NC7 | | | Lewis Airstrip |
Waxhaw | 2NC1 | | | Hawk's Knoll |
Welaka | 3FL0 | | | Mount Royal Airport |
Yadkinville | NC42 | | | Piney Ridge |
Yanceyville | 6W4 | | | Caswell |
Alamo | NA92 | | | Roy Lohse |
Alexander | 7ND7 | | | Haugen's |
Buford | 5ND0 | | | Stiehl |
Palmetto | 89GE | | | South Fulton Airport |
Mercury | NV65 | DRA | | Desert Rock Airport |
Woodland | 1GE2 | | | C & W Air Park |
Woodstock | 5GA4 | | | Air Acres Airport |
Woolsey | 3RU | | | Rust Airstrip |
Caldwell | ID00 | | | Hubler Field Airport |
Dickinson | 7ND1 | | | Wolberg's Private |
Dunn Center | 37ND | | | Sunset Strip |
Epping | ND34 | | | Moen |
Erie | 38ND | | | Schroeder Private |
Garrison | ND87 | | | Indian Hill Resort |
Golden Valley | 08ND | | | Brecht Strip |
Grand Forks | 2ND3 | | | Casslindan |
Grassy Butte | NA61 | | | Tachenko Strip |
Grenora | 7N6 | | | Grenora Centennial |
Grenora | NA63 | | | Storseth Airstrip |
Hague | 0ND6 | | | Schumacher Strip |
Halliday | 10ND | | | Smith Strip |
Hamberg | 3NA6 | | | Risovi Ranch Strip |
Hillsboro | 7NA0 | | | Downs Farm Pvt |
Crosbyton | 1AR1 | | | Walls Airport |
Kulm | 5K9 | | | Pruetz Muni |
Lansford | 7NA2 | | | Undlin Airstrip |
Lidgerwood | 5ND4 | | | Tesch Strip |
Lisbon | 7NA3 | | | Hiam Pvt |
Lucca | ND35 | | | Lindemann |
Makoti | NA39 | | | Dorbrinski |
Maxbass | 69ND | | | Tengesdal |
Mc Canna | 84ND | | | Kyllo |
Mountain | 1NA0 | | | Bohn Airstrip |
New Rockford | NA44 | | | Georgeson Farm Strip |
Newburg | 94ND | | | Michael Zurcher Farm Strip |
Newburg | 6NA6 | | | Marsh Brothers Airstrip |
Newburg | 6NA7 | | | Kersten Brothers |
Nortonville | 73ND | | | M Heart Ranch |
Reynolds | NA02 | | | Saure |
Rhame | NA77 | | | Mc Gee Strip |
Rhame | NA22 | | | Vernon Miller Pvt |
Russell | NA03 | | | Boll Brothers Airstrip |
Sheyenne | NA06 | | | Bouret Ranch |
Strasburg | ND41 | | | Voller |
Taylor | 1NA9 | | | Myran Airstrip |
Turtle Lake | 20ND | | | Crooked Lake Airstrip |
Turtle Lake | NA12 | | | Johnson Private |
Turtle Lake | NA79 | | | Philbrick Pvt. Airstrip |
Matagorda Island | XS10 | MGI | | Aransas National Wildlife Refuge Airport |
Candle | AK75 | CDL | | Candle 2 Airport |
Underwood | NA90 | | | Circle Z Landing Strip |
Valley City | 6D8 | | | Barnes County Muni |
Washburn | 3NA2 | | | Lorentzen |
Williston | ND23 | | | Wright Fld |
Williston | 4NA0 | | | Lindvig Airstrip |
Wilton | 2NA0 | | | Soderquist |
Wyndmere | NA20 | | | Hudson's Strip |
Arthur | NE99 | | | Hawkins Ranch |
Arthur | 42NE | | | Packard Ranch |
Arthur | 38V | | | Arthur Muni |
Ashby | 0NE2 | | | Merry |
Ashland | NE15 | | | Starns Auxiliary |
Aurora | 50NE | | | Elge Field |
Aurora | 14NE | | | Aaron's Field |
Beaver City | 84NE | | | Hewetts |
Bennet | NE45 | | | Stewart Field |
Bennet | NE33 | | | Clearidge |
Big Springs | 0NE5 | | | Newman |
Boelus | 59NE | | | Nelson |
Byron | 21NE | | | Byron |
Callaway | 6NE9 | | | Hoesel |
Cedar Creek | 8NE2 | | | P & R |
Chester | NE35 | | | Sutton |
Columbus | NE37 | | | Loseke Airstrip |
Crofton | 31NE | | | Grimm Farm |
Dalton | 1NE6 | | | Miller Airstrip |
Davey | 68NE | | | Hall-Feld |
Elmwood | 8NE4 | | | Bornemeier Airstrip |
Elsie | NE73 | | | Stinking Water Creek |
Franklin | 8NE7 | | | Smith |
Hartington | NE50 | | | Sudbeck Field |
Hebron | 9NE9 | | | Dog Leg |
Hemingford | 7NE2 | | | Plainsview Ranch |
Hershey | 89NE | | | George |
Holland | NE53 | | | Liesveld |
Howells | NE54 | | | Dostal-Bradley |
Johnson | 88NE | | | Ensor Field |
Lincoln | NE59 | | | Pester |
Lincoln | NE42 | | | Dream Field |
Long Pine | 83NE | | | Abbott |
Lorenzo | 3NE9 | | | Phelps |
Memphis | NE64 | | | Luetkenhaus |
Morrill | 52NE | | | Svitak |
Morse Bluff | NE43 | | | Musiel |
North Platte | NE25 | | | Orr Field |
Omaha | 9NE6 | | | Bates Airpark |
Palmer | NE12 | | | Sullivan Airstrip |
Polk | 7NE6 | | | Merchant Homestead |
Ringgold | 5NE1 | | | Trumbull Ranch |
Roca | NE79 | | | Mueller Field |
Seward | NE18 | | | Krutz |
Springview | 9V1 | | | Springview Muni |
St Paul | NE17 | | | Walts Aerial Service |
Stromsburg | 23NE | | | Stromsburg Muni |
Trenton | 5NE6 | | | Bakers Acres |
Valparaiso | NE24 | | | Polaks Sky Ranch |
Washington | 1NE5 | | | Sibbernsen |
Wilber | 0D6 | | | Wilber Muni |
Winnetoon | NE89 | | | Herberts Farm |
Brentwood | NH67 | | | Winterwood |
Bristol | 2N2 | | | Newfound Valley |
Brookline | NH16 | | | Brookline |
Sterling | 3CO2 | | | Mertens Airport |
Chester | NH61 | | | Heaton |
Enfield | 01NH | | | Moore Airfield |
Goffstown | NH88 | | | Country Club Air Park |
Kensington | 21NH | | | Propwash |
Kensington | 06NH | | | Cole Farm |
Loudon | NH07 | | | Cooper Farm |
Melvin Village | NH25 | | | Flying H Skyport |
New Boston | NH60 | | | Huff Memorial |
Nottingham | NH43 | | | Murphy-Sherwood Park |
Pelham | NH78 | | | Steck Farm |
Sanbornton | 12NH | | | Giles Pond |
Sanbornton | NH20 | | | Ward Field |
Walpole | NH39 | | | Frank D. Comerford |
Wentworth | NH96 | | | Wentworth Aerodrome |
Westmoreland | 2NH5 | | | Pilgrim's Home Airfield |
Windsor | 23NH | | | Windswept |
Woodstock | NH49 | | | Bradley Field |
Allamuchy | JY24 | | | Weiss Farm |
Andover | 13N | | | Trinca |
Asbury | 70NJ | | | Parker |
Bargaintown | NJ58 | | | Nordheim Flying K Airpark |
Bridgeton | N50 | | | Li Calzi |
Bridgeton | 00N | | | Bucks |
Califon | NJ16 | | | Sliker Strip |
Canton | 7NJ2 | | | Stoe Creek Farm |
Chatsworth | NJ20 | | | Coyle Field |
Flemington | NJ49 | | | Bradford Field |
Flemington | 60NJ | | | O'dwyer |
Flemington | NJ47 | | | Teeny Weeny Acres |
Folsom | NJ52 | | | Folsom |
Freehold | NJ59 | | | Ekdahl |
Glassboro | NJ64 | | | Reeder |
Hammonton | NJ69 | | | Ideal Mfg Corp |
Harrisonville | 9NJ5 | | | Stallone |
Hope | 9NJ8 | | | High Meadow Farms |
Jamesburg | NJ75 | | | Werner Pvt |
Jobstown | 2N6 | | | Redwing |
Lambertville | NJ79 | | | Goat Hill |
Milford | NJ95 | | | Herr Brothers |
Minotola | NJ96 | | | Als Landing Strip |
Montague | NJ98 | | | Zitone |
Netcong | 0NJ5 | | | Fla-Net |
Pattenburg | 2NJ1 | | | Jugtown Mountain |
Pennington | N75 | | | Twin Pine |
Pittsgrove | 23NJ | | | Alliance |
Port Republic | 8NJ0 | | | Winchelsea |
Fort Ann | 8NK3 | | | Harris |
Salem | NJ30 | | | Paruszewski Farm Strip |
Shiloh | NJ06 | | | B J Farms |
Somerville | 4NJ8 | | | Peters |
Stewartsville | JY07 | | | Air-List-Ads |
Vineland | NJ81 | | | Free Spirit |
Warren Grove | 6NJ0 | | | Lentine South |
Washington | 6NJ1 | | | Vliet |
Whitehouse Station | 6NJ8 | | | Lance |
Woodbine | 1N4 | | | Woodbine Muni |
Woodstown | JY08 | | | Var-Sky |
Abiquiu | 50NM | | | Ghost Ranch Strip |
Alamo | 3N9 | | | Alamo Navajo |
Alamogordo | NM40 | | | Gorby Ranch |
Albuquerque | NM59 | | | Price's Dairy |
Animas | NM64 | | | Gray Ranch |
Bellview | NM30 | | | Mitchell Farms |
Farmington | NM04 | | | Keller Field |
Farmington | NM39 | | | Davenport |
Farmington | NM05 | | | Williams |
Las Cruces | NM13 | | | Burris E Station |
Las Cruces | NM14 | | | Burris 'e' Ranch |
Oscura | 80E | | | OscuraAAF Aux |
Pie Town | 83NM | | | King Ranch |
Tatum | E07 | | | Tatum |
Ramah | NM36 | | | Candy Kitchen Ranch |
Raton | NM67 | | | La Mesa Park |
Santa Rosa | I58 | | | Santa Rosa Route 66 |
Silver City | NM72 | | | Turner Ridgeport |
Stanley | NM21 | | | Patterson Ranch |
Tularosa | NM28 | | | Beckett Farm |
Veguita | NM88 | | | Skywagon Farm |
Watrous | NM75 | | | Doolittle Ranch |
Boulder City | 61B | | | Boulder City Muni |
Dos Palos | 28CA | | | Dos Palos Airport |
Elko | NV22 | | | Red Rock Ranch |
Empire | NV77 | | | Empire Farms |
Gerlach | NV41 | | | Sulfur |
Mercury | DRA | | | Desert Rock |
Pahrump | NV98 | | | Caas |
Reno | 4SD | | | Reno/Stead |
Round Mountain | A36 | | | Hadley |
Round Mountain | NV31 | | | Barker Creek Ranch Airstrip |
Ruby Valley | NV24 | | | Fort Ruby Ranch Airstrip |
Wellington | NV97 | | | Desert Creek |
Afton | 8NY3 | | | North Fork |
Albion | NK31 | | | Dawn Patrol Aviation |
Alexandria Bay | 89N | | | Maxson Airfield |
Angelica | 54NY | | | Erb Acres |
Arcade | NK81 | | | Roberts Roost |
Bath | 23NY | | | Jolamtra Landing Area |
Beekmanton | NY60 | | | Vasile Field |
Beekmantown | 4NY0 | | | Mountain View Airpark |
Binghamton | 3NY5 | | | Luke |
Bliss | NY79 | | | Keysa |
Bloomingburg | 8NY7 | | | Sha-Wan-Ga Valley |
Borden | 47NY | | | Elk Creek |
Broadalbin | NY65 | | | Circle K Ranch |
Canajoharie | NY51 | | | Russell |
Canandaigua | D43 | | | Hopewell Airpark |
Canisteo | 2NK1 | | | Gaskin's Hilltop |
Canton | NY07 | | | Hurlbut Field |
Cape Vincent | NY69 | | | John Gonzales Field |
Carthage | NK01 | | | Countryman's Landing Strip |
Cattaraugus | 0NK0 | | | Berdick Field |
Caughdenoy | 1NY9 | | | Caughdenoy |
Central Square | 19NK | | | Riveredge Airpark |
Chaumont | 5NK0 | | | Salubrious Point |
Cherry Valley | 43NY | | | Watercolor |
Chittenango | 0NK9 | | | Lakeview |
Chittenango | 1D5 | | | Luther |
Cicero | 1G6 | | | Michael Airfield |
Colden | 3NY9 | | | Hilltop |
Constantia | NK04 | | | Shepard |
Copake | 3NK8 | | | B Flat Farm |
Corning | 6NY1 | | | Old Port Royal |
Cuba | 36NY | | | Dew Airpark |
Danby | NK05 | | | Tom N' Jerry |
Delmar | 4NY4 | | | Cross' Farm |
Dolgeville | 1F6 | | | Dolgeville |
Duanesburg | 8NY5 | | | Mariaville Aerodrome |
Dundee | 38NY | | | Greenlawn Farm |
East Berne | NY81 | | | Heldeberg Airstrip |
East Homer | 42NY | | | Walter's Field |
Elbridge | NY19 | | | Walls |
Erin | NK54 | | | Matejka Field |
Esperance | 32NK | | | Schoharie Creek |
Esperance | 7NY1 | | | Gar Field |
Essex | 41NY | | | Bonebender |
Farmington | 74NY | | | New Salem Aerodrome |
Floyd | NY85 | | | Hickory Hollow |
Fort Johnson | NY87 | | | Amsterdam Airfield |
Fort Plain | NY71 | | | O'riley |
Fort Plain | 3NY4 | | | Di Stefano Airpark |
Gates | 6S4 | | | Davis |
Germantown | NK06 | | | S.O.P. |
Gorham | NY38 | | | Mc Bride's |
Gorham | 92G | | | Midlakes |
Goshen | NK07 | | | Big Island |
Goshen | 5NY7 | | | Rolling Hills |
Granville | B01 | | | Granville |
Greenville | 1H4 | | | Greenville-Rainbow |
Greenwich | NY63 | | | Archdale Meadows |
Hancock | NK68 | | | White Birch Field |
Holley | 51NY | | | Maxon Field |
Honeoye Falls | D70 | | | Honeoye Falls |
Honeoye Falls | 53NY | | | Smiths Land Base |
Horseheads | 6NY2 | | | Omni Airpark |
Interlaken | 6NY3 | | | Airy-Acres |
Ithaca | NK72 | | | James Henion Pvt Field |
Jamestown | 55NY | | | Ridgeview |
Jordan | NY28 | | | Anthonson |
Kingsbury | 14NK | | | Mountain View |
Kirkwood | 5N5 | | | Kirkwood Airpark |
Knowlesville | NY01 | | | Knowlesville |
Lake Huntington | 7NY0 | | | Campis |
Lockport | 61NY | | | Bassett Field |
Lockport | NK25 | | | Cambria |
Lyons | NY13 | | | D'amico |
Manlius | NY72 | | | Poolsbrook Aerodrome |
Marathon | 0NK6 | | | Lapeer Flyer |
Monticello | N37 | | | Monticello |
Montour Falls | NK24 | | | Tilden |
Moravia | NY92 | | | Owasco |
Newburgh | NY09 | | | Middle Hope |
Niagara Falls | NY24 | | | Taylor Johnson |
Niagara Falls | NY49 | | | Mesmer |
North Collins | 6NK4 | | | Ttt Air |
Northumberland | 0NY1 | | | Russell Fld |
Ohio | 0NY3 | | | Kermizian |
Orient | 2NK3 | | | Rose Field |
Oswego | 5NK5 | | | Kingdom Field |
Pendleton | 79NY | | | Smith |
Perth | 0NY8 | | | Wenskoski Field |
Perth | 9NY7 | | | Hart |
Phoenix | NY31 | | | Rabbit Lane |
Plattsburgh | 3NK5 | | | Secret Spot |
Plattsburgh | PLB | | | Clinton Co |
Poughkeepsie | 1NY5 | | | Sherman Field |
Pulaski | 1NY2 | | | Kidder Fld |
Quaker Street | N65 | | | Knox |
Randolph | D85 | | | Randolph |
Rensselaerville | NY86 | | | Waxwing |
South Cairo | 2NY0 | | | Catskill Valley Airpark |
Roscoe | NY03 | | | Skytop |
Sardinia | NY00 | | | Basher Field |
Schenevus | 6NK0 | | | Knapp |
Scipio | 1NY8 | | | Killian Airfield |
Scotia | K13 | | | Mohawk Valley |
Sharon Springs | NK91 | | | Boyle's Landing |
Shelby | 88NY | | | Zelazny |
Shelter Island | 49NY | | | Westmoreland |
Sherburne | 7NK7 | | | Morin |
Spenceport | 7NK4 | | | Ridge Road West |
Spencer | 11NY | | | Saikkonen |
Springville | 35NY | | | Ciszak |
Staatsburg | 09N | | | Airhaven |
Stafford | 20NY | | | Stafford |
Ebro | FD35 | | | Redhead Airport |
Anchorage | 9AK5 | | | Sky Harbor |
Sullivanville | NK53 | | | Dodge/Coppola/Wheeler |
Treadwell | 9NY6 | | | Mason Airway |
Tuscarora | 3NK6 | | | Tuscarora Plateau |
Union Springs | 94NY | | | St Bernard Field |
Wales | NK12 | | | Donnelly's |
Wales | 5NK9 | | | Treichler Farm |
Wales Center/cowlesville/ | 95NY | | | Fisher |
Warsaw | 6NK1 | | | Casey's |
Watkins Glen | 64NY | | | Hemlock Run |
West Burlington | 8NK6 | | | Suntime |
Westtown | 1NK5 | | | Westtown |
Wilson | 99NY | | | Hibbard's |
Alliance | 3OH5 | | | Stub's Field |
Archbold | 4OH8 | | | Huffman Farm |
Arlington | 5OH0 | | | Alge |
Ashville | 50OI | | | Beckman Field |
Auburn Center | 6OI0 | | | Derecsky |
Austintown | OI81 | | | Mollica |
Ayersville | 7OI1 | | | Blevins |
Bainbridge | 3OA8 | | | Valley Vista |
Bainbridge | 17OI | | | Haas |
Bellbrook | 43OA | | | Anderson Airfield |
Bellevue | 6OH1 | | | Missler-Bellevue |
Berlin Center | 89OI | | | Circle C |
Bethel | 59OH | | | Kelch |
Blakeslee | OI72 | | | Marvin Thiel Field |
Bowling Green | 6OH4 | | | Aring Fld |
Bowling Green | OH45 | | | Drake |
Brookfield | OH24 | | | Brookfield Airpark |
Brookville | 12OH | | | Mcgregor Airfield |
Camden | 90OI | | | Joe Cimprich |
Camden | OI89 | | | Mite |
Canal Fulton | 7OH2 | | | Canal Fulton |
Canal Winchester | OH43 | | | Anderson |
Canton | OI58 | | | Lockeridge |
Kuna | 06ID | | | Larkin Airport |
Centerburg | OH71 | | | Chapman Memorial Field |
Chester | OI59 | | | Miller |
Cincinnati | ISZ | | | Cincinnati-Blue Ash |
Clyde | 7OI7 | | | Southcreek |
Coalton | 4OI9 | | | Baisden |
Coitsville | 8OH3 | | | J And B Sky Ranch |
Columbia Station | 9OA8 | | | Crocker |
Columbus | 6I6 | | | Darby Dan |
Conesville | 36OH | | | Wright's Field |
Conneaut | 02OI | | | Murtha |
Curtice | 5OI7 | | | Gruetter |
Delaware | OH57 | | | Berlin Station Lndg Strip |
Donnellsville | 2OA4 | | | Victory Field |
Elyria | 9OH4 | | | Richards |
Findlay | 7D5 | | | Priebe |
Fostoria | OI77 | | | Mc Ardle |
Fremont | 02OH | | | Zimmerman |
Germantown | OH64 | | | Hummel |
Goshen | OI40 | | | Hallelujah Field |
Green Springs | 82D | | | Weiker |
Greenwich | OI88 | | | Mindzak Airfield |
Hiram | 0OI4 | | | Salt Box |
Hiram | 86D | | | Far View |
Homer | 69OH | | | Dwight Field |
Huron | 10OH | | | Zoellner |
Idaho | 8OI9 | | | Morkassel Field |
Jackson | OI82 | | | Russ |
Jamestown | OI52 | | | Lyons Field |
Jamestown | 14I | | | Bloom |
Johnstown | 5OI8 | | | Mc Knight |
Johnstown | OH74 | | | Kearns |
Kinsman | 5OI3 | | | Sheets Field |
Kipton | 56OI | | | Double S Farms |
Kirkersville | OI56 | | | Lee's Dogpatch |
Lawrenceville | 57OI | | | Logan's Chance |
Lima | OH91 | | | Dave Rice |
Litchfield | 19OH | | | Harris Corn Field |
London | OH88 | | | Roberts |
Long Bottom | 9OA3 | | | Bellville Dam Landing Strip |
Louisville | 26OH | | | Hitz |
Louisville | 24OH | | | Milburn |
Loveland | 5OI0 | | | Rohrer |
Lucasville | 0OI9 | | | Hidden Quarry |
Lyons | OH90 | | | Hochstetler |
Magnetic Springs | 9OI7 | | | Bayes |
Mansfield | 32OH | | | Rall Field |
Mansfield | OI60 | | | Gorman |
Marshallville | OH20 | | | Spring Valley Farm |
Mason | 77OH | | | Collins-Flege Airpark |
Middle Bass Island | 3T7 | | | Middle Bass Island |
Middlefield | 1OI1 | | | Pauls |
Milford Center | OH93 | | | Darby |
Minerva | OH13 | | | Bulick Field |
Minerva | 39OH | | | Crosswind Meadows |
Minford | OH94 | | | Knore |
Morrow | OA12 | | | Buena Vista Farm |
Morrow | OH95 | | | Maplewood Orchard |
Mount Gilead | OI28 | | | Lanker |
New Albany | OH98 | | | Lyttle |
New Franklin | 41OH | | | Sleepy Hollow |
New Lebanon | 1OI6 | | | Stone |
Newark | OH99 | | | Planevue |
Newbury | 8OI0 | | | Brannon Field |
Newbury | 40OH | | | Bucks |
North Canton | OA19 | | | Kiko Farm |
North Jackson | 46OH | | | Wetzl |
Okeana | OI84 | | | King Knoll |
Old Washington | 9OI8 | | | Brothers Aviation |
Olmsted Falls | 49OH | | | Gilbert |
Oregon | 50OH | | | Culver Field |
Ostrander | OI85 | | | Mill Creek |
Otway | OI29 | | | Yellowbird Farm |
Oxford | OI26 | | | Hillcrest |
Paulding | 54OH | | | Buehler |
Petersburg | 56OH | | | Richey |
Put In Bay | 58OH | | | Rattlesnake Island |
Ravenna | 29G | | | Portage County |
Ravenna | OI32 | | | Stoney's |
Sandusky | 0OI3 | | | Galloway |
Savannah | 3OI6 | | | Vogel Airpark |
Seville | 8OA9 | | | Margos Sky Ranch |
Sharon Center | OI46 | | | Sharondale Field |
Shenandoah | 70OH | | | Shenandoah Airpark |
Sherwood | 5OI9 | | | Rogers Private |
Sonora | 1OH7 | | | Derry Landing Strip |
South Charleston | 1OH8 | | | Lisbon Airfield |
Spring Valley | 0OH6 | | | Fry Field |
Spring Valley | OI34 | | | Fricke |
Springfield | 1OA4 | | | Kepes Flying Field |
St Marys | 1OH4 | | | Fortman |
Swanton | 71OH | | | Sattler Landing Strip |
Sylvania | 46OI | | | Kellers Strip |
Thornville | 8OI5 | | | Clum |
Troy | 2OH6 | | | Leavelle Airstrip |
Valley City | OH81 | | | Graham's Landing |
Valley City | 7OH1 | | | Rauhaus Field |
Vienna | 79OH | | | Smith-Stewart Field |
Wauseon | 00OH | | | Exit 3 |
Waynesville | 2OI2 | | | Air Jordan |
West Milton | OI06 | | | Wagner Intl |
Westfield Center | 2OI4 | | | Aero Lake Farm |
Westfield Center | 86OH | | | Westfield |
Williamsburg | 3OH7 | | | Creager |
Wilmington | 3OH9 | | | Merts Field |
Wooster | OI55 | | | Scheibe Field |
Yellow Springs | OI91 | | | Hammond |
Yellow Springs | 7OH7 | | | Hydebrook |
Afton | 79F | | | Teramiranda |
Altus | OK83 | | | Sheffield-Smith Airstrip |
Alva | OK14 | | | Woodlake |
Alva | OK43 | | | Logsdon Ranch |
Ardmore | OK23 | | | Taliaferro Field |
Atoka | 92OK | | | Flying W Ranch |
Avant | 4OK2 | | | Candy Lake Estate |
Blackwell | 4O3 | | | Blackwell-Tonkawa Muni |
Blanchard | 8OK1 | | | Warbonnet |
Boynton | 7OK1 | | | Meadowlark Field |
Bristow | 1OK0 | | | Neversweat |
Broken Arrow | 84OL | | | Cotton Field |
Cashion | 61OK | | | The Highlands |
Checotah | 48OK | | | Rafter 'r' Ranch |
Chickasha | OK91 | | | Stidham-Private |
Chickasha | 6OK2 | | | Redhills |
Claremore | 55OK | | | Gilstrap Field |
Clinton | 35OK | | | Schumacher Field |
Grady | 7OK0 | | | Dennis Ranch |
Harrah | 16OK | | | Lower Forty |
Haskell | OK25 | | | Cherokee Ranch |
Hennessey | OK42 | | | Siegmanns |
Hollis | OK05 | | | Ray Preston |
Inola | 0K6 | | | Dobie's |
Jacktown | OK00 | | | Jacktown |
Jennings | 9OK7 | | | Cimarron Strip |
Lawton | 71OK | | | Neuwirth Airstrip |
Lawton | 4OL3 | | | Jerry-Wright Airfield |
Leedey | 73OK | | | Haxton |
Manchester | OK47 | | | Miller Brothers |
Manchester | OK46 | | | Mc Crays |
Marble City | 8OK6 | | | Barry Dotson Ranch |
Marietta | T40 | | | Mcgehee Catfish Restaurant |
Medford | 8OK7 | | | Cc & M |
Mounds | 26OK | | | Duck Creek |
Mounds | 2OK4 | | | Ragwing Acres |
Murry Spur | 83OK | | | Sweetbriar |
Newcastle | 2OK8 | | | D & G Farms |
Oklahoma City | 12OK | | | Expressway Airpark |
Oklahoma City | F29 | | | Clarence E Page Muni |
Peggs | 67OK | | | Flying J Ranch |
Perry | OK17 | | | Jerome |
Ponca City | OK49 | | | Secrest Ranch |
Pryor | OK21 | | | Longs Airport North |
Sallisaw | 89OK | | | Neversweat Too |
Sapulpa | 03OK | | | Sahoma Lake |
Shawnee | 3OK9 | | | Jazz Ranch |
Newgulf | F84 | | | Stigler Muni |
Stillwater | 88OK | | | Hilltop |
Stilwell | O11 | | | Stilwell/Cherokee Nation |
Stilwell | 45OL | | | Stilwell |
Tahlequah | 6OK1 | | | John Reid |
Tipton | 6OK3 | | | Pinson's Cottonpatch |
Tryon | 51OK | | | Melton |
Wakita | OK64 | | | Weedpatch Intl |
Welch | 3OL8 | | | Harrison |
Wilburton | 08OK | | | Parks |
Wynnewood | OK87 | | | Renavair Field |
Adams | OG04 | | | Rothrock Field |
Albany | OR19 | | | Propst |
Albany | OR20 | | | Hemmingson |
Albany | OR21 | | | Miller Airstrip |
Albany | 9OR8 | | | Wooldridge Agstrip |
Albany | 4OR3 | | | Lambert Field |
Albany | OR22 | | | Roppair |
Amity | OG44 | | | Watts Landing |
Astoria | OR23 | | | Karpens |
Athena | OR24 | | | Barrett Field |
Banks | OG02 | | | Rieben |
Banks | OR27 | | | Chadwick |
Beatty | 87OR | | | Moondance Ranch |
Beaverton | OR00 | | | Flying K Ranch |
Bend | 43OR | | | Inspiration |
Boardman | OR32 | | | Simtag Farms |
Boring | OR72 | | | Krueger |
Boring | OR35 | | | Flying K Bar J Ranch |
Brooks | 29OR | | | Smith Pvt |
Brooks | 7OR7 | | | Hollin |
Brownsville | 9OR0 | | | Lafferty Field |
Brownsville | 3OR1 | | | Cubehole |
Cascade Locks | CZK | | | Cascade Locks State |
Coburg | OR45 | | | West Point |
Coburg | OR44 | | | Briggs |
Coburg | OG48 | | | Greer |
Coquille | 45OR | | | Benham |
Corvalis | OG49 | | | Coca Cola |
Corvallis | OR56 | | | Holiday |
Corvallis | 8OR7 | | | Joyner |
Corvallis | OG01 | | | Dunning Vineyards |
Corvallis | OR39 | | | Flying Tom |
Corvallis | 4OR4 | | | Schrock |
Cove | OG07 | | | Cove Side Ranch Port |
Crane | 7OR1 | | | Arnold Airstrip |
Days Creek | 8OR3 | | | Riverview Ranch |
Dexter | 82OR | | | Lost Creek |
Donald | 67OR | | | Mc Gee |
Dufur | 68OR | | | Lyda Ranch Airstrip |
Dufur | OR60 | | | Fargher |
Eagle Point | 0OR5 | | | East Oregon Cattle Co |
Eagle Point | 89OR | | | Mucky Flat |
Estacada | OR67 | | | Mc Gill |
Estacada | OR66 | | | Beaver Oaks |
Forest Grove | 06OR | | | Hayden Mountain |
Gaston | 70OR | | | Goodin Creek |
Gaston | 69OR | | | Dick Fisher |
Glendale | OG41 | | | Nace Family Airstrip |
Glide | 98TE | | | Hilltop |
Grants Pass | OR74 | | | Winkle Bar |
Haines | OR11 | | | Jensens Strip |
Halsey | OR76 | | | Waynes Air Service |
Happy Valley | 26OR | | | Cub Port |
Harrisburg | OR79 | | | Knox's Private Airstrip |
Hillsboro | OR80 | | | Teufel's Farm Strip |
Hood River | 7OR6 | | | Green Acres Air Park |
Independence | OR85 | | | Wigrich |
Ironside | 2OR6 | | | Lockhart |
Joseph | 4S3 | | | Joseph State |
Junction City | OG36 | | | Munson |
Junction City | OR47 | | | Strauch Field |
Juntura | 3OR9 | | | Murphy Ranch |
Juntura | OR14 | | | Juntura |
Kent | OL04 | | | Decker Ranch |
La Grande | 3OR2 | | | Maxwell Private |
Lakeview | 22OG | | | Withrotor |
Lakeview | OG17 | | | Teed's |
Lawen | OG18 | | | Lawen Strip |
Lebanon | OG10 | | | Mt Hope |
Lostine | 83OR | | | Tamarack Springs Ranch |
Madras | 72OR | | | Ochs Private |
Mc Coy | OR95 | | | Vineyard |
Mehama | 7OR2 | | | Basl Hill Farms |
Merrill | 0OR3 | | | Long Ranch |
Milton/freewater | 9OR4 | | | King's |
Milwaukie | 07OR | | | Bruce's |
Mitchell | 04OR | | | Collins Landing Strip |
Monmouth | 0OR7 | | | Marr Field |
Mount Hood | 0OR9 | | | Hanel Field |
Mountaindale | 63OR | | | Mountaindale |
Newberg | 28OR | | | Parrett Mountain |
Newberg | 73OR | | | Ribbon Ridge |
Newberg | 74OR | | | Stan Jost |
North Bend | 1OR0 | | | Sunnyhill |
North Powder | OR16 | | | Umpleby Ranch |
Olex | 1OR5 | | | Reed |
Oakridge | 13OR | | | Aubrey Mountain Airstrip |
Oregon City | 7OR9 | | | Bonney Acres |
Oregon City | 2OR0 | | | Nielsen |
Oregon City | 1OR6 | | | Clackamas Heights |
Oregon City | OG30 | | | Aeroacres |
Owyhee | 28U | | | Owyhee Reservoir State |
Anchorage | Z41 | | | Lake Hood Strip Airport |
Pacific City | PFC | | | Pacific City State |
Pendleton | OG42 | | | Quail Field |
Post | 42OR | | | Shotgun Ranch Airstrip |
Prineville | OG12 | | | Wilson Ranch |
Roseburg | 58OR | | | Umpqua |
Ruch | OG13 | | | Fly By Night |
Salem | 4OR5 | | | Fly 'n' W |
Salem | 4OR8 | | | Wagoner |
Sandy | 4OR6 | | | Auberge Des Fleurs |
Scappoose | 8OR6 | | | Grabhorn's |
Selma | 84OR | | | B Bar Ranch |
Sheridan | 91OR | | | Abba's |
Sheridan | 5OR2 | | | Bushnell |
Sheridan | 98OR | | | Mach-O Acres |
Sheridan | OG23 | | | Poverty Hollow |
Siletz | 5OR3 | | | Siletz |
Silver Lake | 01OR | | | Red & White Flying Service |
Sisters | 61OR | | | The Citadel |
Springfield/jasper | 36OR | | | Jasper Ridge Airstrip |
Stayton | 5OR9 | | | Lone Oaks Ranch |
Sutherlin | OG24 | | | Flying D Ranch |
Sutherlin | 11OR | | | Holiday Sky Ranch |
Sutherlin | 57OR | | | Umpqua River Farm |
Sweet Home | 2OR7 | | | Sweet Home |
Tangent | 6OR0 | | | Grells |
The Dalles | 6OR1 | | | Pointers |
The Dalles | 02OR | | | Rowena Dell |
The Dalles | 7OR3 | | | Honald Ranch |
Tigard | OG34 | | | Meyer Riverside Airpark |
Toledo | 5S4 | | | Toledo State |
Unity | 11OG | | | Unity |
Vernonia | 30OR | | | Bero Field |
Vernonia | 10OR | | | Stevens Mountain |
Kuna | ID68 | | | Green Acres Airport |
Wallowa | 99OR | | | Smith Mountain Ranch |
Willamina | OG26 | | | Roscoes |
Willamina | 2OG5 | | | Mendenhall Airstrip |
Wonder | 6OR6 | | | Wonder |
Yamhill | OR59 | | | Trivelpiece |
Yamhill | OR05 | | | Flying M |
Addison | PS27 | | | Juergensen Airpark And Maritime Facility |
Allentown | 1N9 | | | Allentown Queen City Muni |
Allison Park | 77PA | | | Nardo |
Altoona | PS15 | | | Vicars Private |
Andreas | PA30 | | | East Penn |
Annville | 4PA0 | | | Millard |
Apollo | PN46 | | | River Hill Aviation |
Athens | PA33 | | | Lars/Private |
Bangor | 8PN2 | | | Hallett's |
Beaver Springs | PS06 | | | Snook |
Bedminster | PA36 | | | Stefanik |
Bellefonte | 03PS | | | Ziggy's Field |
Bellefonte | 01PN | | | Bierly(Personal Use) |
Benfer | 77PN | | | Gilfert |
Benfer | PA39 | | | Beaver Springs |
Berwick | 6PA7 | | | Berwick |
Biglerville | 3PN0 | | | Schulteis |
Birdsboro | PA43 | | | Arnold |
Bloomsburg | 86PN | | | Seesholtz |
Bloomsburg | PA44 | | | Stone Castle Motel |
Bradford | PS18 | | | Pecora Field |
Breinigsville | 29PA | | | Gardner |
Bulger | 3PS9 | | | Risker Field |
Burnham | PS11 | | | Mc Cardle Farm |
Calvin | 5PN8 | | | Lincoln Farms |
Meridian | 38CN | | | Sanborn Airport |
Cambridge Springs | PS64 | | | Morton's |
Candor | 82PA | | | Frame Fld |
Carbondale | PA53 | | | Cosklos Elkview |
Carbondale | 9PA1 | | | Carbondale-Clifford |
Carlisle | PA55 | | | Neiderer |
Carrolltown | 85PA | | | Krumenacker |
Carsonville | 0PS3 | | | Carsonville |
Central City | 5G2 | | | Indian Lake |
Chambersburg | 8PN0 | | | Lost Acres |
Chambersburg | PA58 | | | Rocktop |
Chambersville | PN08 | | | Davis |
Claysville | PS67 | | | Uphill |
Clifford | 3PN1 | | | Ashlawn |
Clinton | 88PA | | | Mc Coy |
Clymer | PS39 | | | Downes |
Collegeville | PA61 | | | Kunda |
Columbia | 8N7 | | | Mc Ginness |
Cooperstown | 93PA | | | Maple Cave Park |
Cooperstown | 92PA | | | Hawkins Field |
Coplay | PA65 | | | Hi-Vu |
Coudersport | PN15 | | | Greeley |
Cranesville | 96PA | | | Franklin Center |
Culmerville | PN38 | | | Culmerville |
Curwensville | PS23 | | | Windy Hill |
Dallas | 2PA2 | | | Lehman |
Dalmatia | PS21 | | | Flying Eagle |
Dillsburg | PA69 | | | Vogelsong |
Dorseyville | PN01 | | | Cedar Run |
Dover | PS08 | | | Lazy B Ranch |
Dover | 90PN | | | Baney's |
Downingtown | PA70 | | | Fetters Construction |
Doylestown | PS68 | | | Buckingham |
Dublin | PS46 | | | Graystrip |
Duncannon | 5PS5 | | | Chestnut Hill |
Dushore | PA71 | | | Dwight's Delight |
East Brady | PN02 | | | Offutt Acres |
East Prospect | PA73 | | | D.Evans Farm |
Easton | N43 | | | Braden Airpark |
Ebensburg | PN04 | | | Strittmatter |
Ebensburg | PS47 | | | Hamilton Hill |
Edinboro | PN06 | | | Carlson |
Elizabethville | 0PS7 | | | Harman |
Elkland | PA75 | | | Baker |
Ellsworth/bentleyville | PS87 | | | Home Safe |
Erwinna | PA78 | | | Tintinhull |
Erwinna | PA77 | | | Erwinna Private |
Fairfield | 3PN2 | | | Karlindo |
Fairview | PN18 | | | Fairview Evergreen |
Forest Grove | 18PA | | | Slack |
Fort Hill | 9PA7 | | | Keystone |
Frederick | PA85 | | | Drewniany-Springmeadow |
Freedom | 24PA | | | Kindelberger Landing Strip |
Freeport | PN25 | | | Lindsay |
Freeport | P37 | | | Mc Ville |
Frystown | PA86 | | | Krill Personal Use |
Gettysburg | 34PA | | | Waltz |
Gettysburg | 8PN9 | | | Marsh Creek |
Meridian | 92CL | | | Moronis Airport |
Greencastle | PA66 | | | Cumberland Valley Airstrip |
Greencastle | PA08 | | | Jj & Pk |
Grove City | PN31 | | | Sagulla |
Hamburg | 68PA | | | Don's Place Airpark |
Harrisburg | 3PS8 | | | Yingst |
Harrisonville | PN35 | | | Flying R |
Home | PN36 | | | Rayne |
Hookstown | PN37 | | | Fino |
Hummelstown | 0PA4 | | | Ecko Field |
Huntingdon | PN64 | | | Hilling Intl |
Huntingdon | 0PA6 | | | Hostetler |
Industry | PN43 | | | Sainovich |
Irwin | 31D | | | Inter County |
Ivyland | 5PN7 | | | Jarrett |
Jackson Center | 8PS2 | | | Still Meadow Farm |
Jennerstown | PN47 | | | Lohr's Landing |
Kellers Church | 1PA3 | | | Ridgeview |
Kennett Square | 1PA6 | | | Whittle |
Kittanning | PN59 | | | Stitt |
Kittanning | PN49 | | | Dunbar |
Klingerstown | 1PA9 | | | Schadels |
Knoxville | 6PS3 | | | Champ Field |
Dunlo | N31 | | | Kutztown |
Kutztown | 2PA0 | | | Zettlemoyer |
Lake Ariel | 2PA3 | | | Reed |
Lakewood | 2PA4 | | | Boden |
Landisburg | 2PA8 | | | Shulls |
Landisburg | 2PA7 | | | Egolf |
Byron | GE27 | | | Smith Field Airport |
Lawrenceville | PA17 | | | Canaan's Field |
Lehighton | 3PA2 | | | Neeb |
Lehman | 8PA7 | | | Lehman |
Lehman | 3PN3 | | | Countryside |
Lehman | 3PA3 | | | Lehman |
Lewisburg | 3PA6 | | | Fox Hollow |
Lewistown | 1PA4 | | | Wagner |
Lewistown | 4PS6 | | | Krout |
Lincoln University | 3PA8 | | | Harris |
Linesville | PA01 | | | Merrys Pymatuning |
Liverpool | 4PA3 | | | Frymoyer |
Lock Haven | 6PA8 | | | Tall Pines Airfield |
Loretto | PN53 | | | Strohmier |
Loysville | 00PS | | | Thomas Field |
Lykens | 4PA7 | | | Sheepshead |
Mahaffey | PN56 | | | Miller |
Mainville | 5PA1 | | | Broadt Personal Use |
Manheim | 5PA3 | | | Metzler |
Mc Clellandtown | PN55 | | | Skala |
Mc Kean | PA02 | | | Dillen Personal |
Media | 0PA7 | | | Linvill |
Mehoopany | 5PA8 | | | Chambers |
Mercer | 22PN | | | Big Bend |
Meshoppen | 01PS | | | Nort's Resort |
Middleboro | PA07 | | | Bilinski |
Middlebury Center | 8PS0 | | | Middlebury |
Midway | PN62 | | | Cataney |
Mifflinburg | 8PA4 | | | J F T |
Millcreek | 3PS4 | | | Mountain Hide-Away |
Montrose | P32 | | | Husky Haven |
Morris | PN0 | | | Echo |
Moscow | 6PA6 | | | Air Haven |
New Berlin | 4PA1 | | | Sauers-Haven |
New Brighton | 32PN | | | Black Rock |
New Galilee | PN68 | | | Jackson |
New Kingstown | 41PA | | | Deitch |
New Milford | 6PS8 | | | Tyler |
Newport | 34PN | | | Fox Field |
Oneonta | 8PA1 | | | Dee Jay |
Orson | 7PA4 | | | Orson Field |
Oxford | 4PS7 | | | Cohen |
Palmerton | 8PA8 | | | Sunny Rest |
Palmyra | 58N | | | Reigle Field |
Pennsburg | 9PA2 | | | Old Plains |
Perkasie | PS54 | | | Edmonds |
Perryopolis | 9PN1 | | | Seitz Field |
Pipersville | 4PA8 | | | Russo Airstrip |
Plumville | PN83 | | | Skunk Hollow |
Point Pleasant | PA05 | | | Monesmith |
Portersville | 98PA | | | Pleasant Hill |
Portersville | PN84 | | | Lake Arthur Field |
Pottstown | 12PA | | | Emery Field |
Pottstown | 14PA | | | Dimascio Field |
Pottstown | 1PN0 | | | Bentley |
Prompton | 15PA | | | Cavage Personal Use |
Prospect | PN85 | | | Brandon |
Quaker City | PA25 | | | Cuatros Vientos |
Quarryville | 79PA | | | Little Britain |
Ren Frew | PN14 | | | Misty Hill Farm |
Revere | 23PA | | | Cedar Acres Private Group |
Richfield | PN71 | | | Jansen Vineyards |
Richfield | 27PN | | | Shelley Private |
Rouzerville | 5PN5 | | | Bittner-Whitsel |
Russell | 5PA6 | | | Shield Farm |
Sabinsville | PN91 | | | Sharretts |
Sassamansville | 5PS4 | | | Hansen |
Saylorsburg | 65PA | | | Cherry Valley |
Scenery Hill | PN95 | | | Horne |
Schwenksville | 30PA | | | Kings |
Sellersville | 97PN | | | Gold Mine Field |
Sellersville | 3PA1 | | | Navarro |
Sewickley | 7PS7 | | | Lenzner Farm |
Sharon | PN99 | | | Lackawannock |
Shartlesville | 2PA6 | | | The Old Commonwealth Aerodrome |
Shermans Dale | 32PA | | | Yost Personal Use |
Shickshinny | 33PA | | | Sutliff Private |
Smicksburg | PS98 | | | Travis |
Solebury | 38PA | | | Aerequus |
Souderton | 39PA | | | Gehris |
Springbrook | PS82 | | | Lazy J. Ranch |
St John's | 5PA2 | | | Double D Skyranch |
State College | 47PA | | | Homan |
Stewartstown | 0P2 | | | Shoestring Aviation Airfield |
Stewartstown | PN17 | | | Marsteller |
Stone Church | 49PA | | | Gap View |
Sweet Valley | PN12 | | | Sweet Valley |
Three Springs | 0PN6 | | | Memmi |
Tidioute | PS61 | | | Tidioute |
Titusville | 0PN9 | | | Paul Personal Use |
Tower City | 58PA | | | Tallman East |
Transfer | 1PN1 | | | Napodano |
Treskow | 55PA | | | Sency |
Trout Run | 73PN | | | Finkhaven |
Troy | 0PA3 | | | Robbins Farm |
Troy | PN21 | | | Mc Clure |
Trumbauersville | 1PS9 | | | Wicker & Wings Aerodrome |
Tunkhannock | 4PN8 | | | C.J.K. |
Upper Black Eddy | 59PA | | | Erkes |
Upper Strasburg | 18PN | | | Spud View |
Vandergrift | 85PN | | | Kiski |
Venus | 8PN3 | | | Mc Cauley's |
Warren | 7PA1 | | | Warren Airpark |
Wattsburg | 3G1 | | | Erie County |
Waynesboro | PN58 | | | Bittner/Whitsel |
Wellsboro | 61PA | | | Hi Line Lodge |
Wernersville | 63PA | | | Boyer |
West Rockhill | 5PS9 | | | Tate |
Westfield | 2PN1 | | | Malco |
Wilkes Barre | PA76 | | | Rosenzweig |
York Springs | 2PN3 | | | Market Garden |
York Springs | 2PS3 | | | Mathna |
Zelienople | 2PN7 | | | Brennan Personal Use |
Zieglerville | 74PA | | | Shontz |
Cranston | RI20 | | | Mystery Farm |
Greene | RI11 | | | Riconn |
Tiverton | RI07 | | | Wing-Over Farm |
Beaufort | 73J | | | Beaufort County |
Beaufort | SC05 | | | Laurel Hill Plantation |
Beaufort | SC74 | | | Marsh Point |
Gaffney | 46SC | | | Gaffney |
Charleston | SC06 | | | Pluff Mud Field |
Chesnee | SC88 | | | Davis Field |
Chester | 9A6 | | | Chester Muni |
Clinton | 17SC | | | Carolina Cow Country |
Darlington | SC93 | | | Paul's Plantation |
Ehrhardt | 51SC | | | Moccasin Creek |
Gilbert | SC14 | | | Shealy |
Greenville | SC58 | | | Hartness |
Greenville | 25SC | | | Mountain Ridge |
Greer | SC36 | | | Emery |
Laurens | 34A | | | Laurens County |
Lynchburg | SC27 | | | Tallon Field |
Mcclellanville | 2SC7 | | | Laurel Hill Farms |
Moncks Corner | 50J | | | Berkeley County |
Newberry | 27J | | | Newberry County |
Pelzer | SC32 | | | Sky Valley Airpark |
Pickens | SC75 | | | Oolenoy Valley |
Silverstreet | 18SC | | | Connelly Fld |
Six Mile | SC52 | | | Oakview |
Surfside Beach | SC28 | | | Javika |
W. Society Hill | SC25 | | | Ross Strip |
Walhalla | SC70 | | | Anna's |
Walterboro | 29SC | | | Hannah Rhea Field |
Wedgefield | SC57 | | | Creech Aviation Facility |
West Union | SC26 | | | Hawks Nest Farm |
Williamston | SC43 | | | Moore's Field |
York | SC08 | | | Bethel-Lake Wylie |
Beresford | SD53 | | | Howard Field |
Dupree | 7F2 | | | Dupree Muni |
Harrold | 5G3 | | | Harrold Muni |
Huron | SD84 | | | Marone |
Lemmon | SD41 | | | Shambo Ranch |
Mission | 0V6 | | | Mission Sioux |
Oelrich's | 1SD6 | | | Bogner No Ii |
Opal | SD72 | | | Vig Ranch Airfield |
Philip | 0SD6 | | | Oasis Ranch |
Prairie City | SD59 | | | Carr |
Pukwana | SD89 | | | Priebe Landing Strip |
Scenic | 3SD3 | | | Brown Field |
Selby | SD37 | | | Fiedler |
Sioux Falls | SD99 | | | Glawe's |
Spearfish | SD90 | | | Mitchell's Strip |
Strool/prairie City | SD60 | | | Ike John Private |
Vivian | 0SD8 | | | Juhnke |
Vivian | SD81 | | | Vivian |
Wakonda | 0SD1 | | | Lodi |
Wilmot | SD82 | | | Webster-Eneboe Airstrip |
Winfred | SD03 | | | Calico Field |
Barretville | TN13 | | | Barret |
Belvidere | 1TN3 | | | Wagner Field |
Blaine | 4TN0 | | | Melton Field |
Brighton | TN58 | | | Parsons Field |
Burns | 6TN9 | | | Dripping Springs Farm |
Camden | 9TN2 | | | Meadowlark |
Church Hill | 45TN | | | Darnell's Landings |
Clarksville | TN53 | | | Parr Field |
Clarksville | 36TN | | | Ruckman Field |
Collegedale | 3M3 | | | Collegedale Muni |
Collierville | TN70 | | | Burkeen Field |
Covington | 8TN9 | | | Bull Run |
Covington | 9TN7 | | | Baskin |
Covington | 05TN | | | Thurmond Glenn Fld |
Culleoka | 9TN5 | | | Askey Field |
Dandridge | 21TN | | | Ray's Stall |
Dresden | TN48 | | | Turner Field |
Eads | TN18 | | | Richardson Strip |
Farragut | 8TN3 | | | Raby Airpark |
Franklin | TN81 | | | Shultz |
Greenback | 0TN2 | | | Village |
Greeneville | TN99 | | | Pensinger |
Jonesborough | 17TN | | | Murphy Field |
Kingsport | 3TN0 | | | Indian Springs |
Knoxville | TN94 | | | Robertson Farm |
Lebanon | 10TN | | | Flatwood Field |
Lebanon | 9TN9 | | | Toy Box |
Lenoir City | 3TN8 | | | Massingale |
Lenoir City | TN71 | | | Cox Farm |
Lenoir City | 80TN | | | Big T |
Louisville | 44TN | | | Stone Field |
Manchester | TN24 | | | Spencer Fld |
Manchester | 00TN | | | Ragsdale Road |
Morrison | 43TN | | | Roseanne |
Murfreesboro | 02TN | | | Ellis Field |
Nashville | M88 | | | Cornelia Fort Airpark |
Nashville | TN79 | | | Oakley |
Niota | TN30 | | | Cub Haven |
Norris | 0TN6 | | | Riner Farm |
Pleasantview | 7TN0 | | | Blue Bird Field |
Rossville | 9TN3 | | | Mehrhoff Field |
Seymour | 3TN4 | | | Kenner Farm |
Spring Hill | 0TN0 | | | R & S Buzzard |
Springfield | 8TN5 | | | Nobuzzn |
Sweetwater | TN64 | | | West Wind Airpark |
Sweetwater | TN17 | | | Vintage Field |
Tullahoma | TN38 | | | Rutledge Field |
Tullahoma | 6TN4 | | | The Aviation Valley |
Vonore | 07TN | | | Corntassel |
Westmoreland | 38TN | | | Sugar Grove |
Winchester | TN52 | | | King |
Abilene | 6TE2 | | | Zimmerle |
Agua Dulce | 67TX | | | Old Hoppe Place |
Alamo | 43TX | | | Mid-Valley Dusters Inc |
Aledo | TX16 | | | Log Cabin |
Potrero | CA75 | | | Reider Ranch Airport |
Allen | 0T7 | | | Kittyhawk |
Alta Loma | TX66 | | | Rebel Field |
Alvarado | 9TS6 | | | Goodlett Field |
Alvin | 6R5 | | | Alvin Airpark |
Alvord | 65TS | | | Becker |
Alvord | TE76 | | | Vance Field |
Andice | 1XA0 | | | Rab Ranch |
Andice | TA49 | | | Keno Field |
Archer City | TX21 | | | Hornady Ranch |
Aubrey | 06XS | | | Campbell Field |
Aubrey | XS60 | | | Mustang Community Airfield |
Aubrey | 2TE3 | | | Weems Farm |
Austin | 6R4 | | | Bird's Nest |
Austin | 4XS7 | | | Horseshoe Bay Airpark |
Bandera | 20TS | | | Bains Private |
Beasley | TS95 | | | Aviasud Airpark |
Beasley | 3TS5 | | | Purdy-Nielsen Memorial Airpark |
Bedias | 90TS | | | Jordan Ranch |
Bells | 2XS4 | | | Skida Patch |
Bellville | 61TX | | | Traylor Tick Farm |
Belton | 62TX | | | Barge Ranch |
Berclair | 7T3 | | | Goliad County Industrial |
Bergheim | 63TX | | | Grosser |
Berryville | TX27 | | | Aero Estates |
Berryville | 3TX1 | | | Paradise Point |
Bertram | TE95 | | | Deiterich Ranch |
Boerne | 71TX | | | Grier |
Booker | 4TE1 | | | Figure 1 Ranch |
Boyd | TA87 | | | Carter-Norman |
Brackettville | 73TX | | | Frerich Ranch |
Breckenridge | TX36 | | | Green Ranch |
Brenham | TA35 | | | Faust Farm |
Brenham | XS68 | | | Sky Lane Ranch |
Brenham | 9XS9 | | | Rancho Verde |
Bridgeport | TX37 | | | Flying S Ranch |
Brookshire | 1XA4 | | | Mikeska Field |
Brownsville | 80TX | | | Resaca Airstrip |
Buchanan Dam | 84TX | | | Camp Longhorn |
Buckholts | 06TA | | | Glaser Field |
Bulverde | 86TX | | | Flying J |
Caddo Mills | XA33 | | | Thorny Woods |
Campbell | TS11 | | | Glenmar |
Canadian | XA96 | | | En Gedi Ranch |
Candelaria | XA95 | | | Candelaria |
Castroville | T89 | | | Castroville Muni |
Castroville | TE13 | | | Weiblen |
Celina | 1TS9 | | | Four Winds |
Celina | T80 | | | Bishop's Landing |
Celina | 79TS | | | Tallows Field |
Celina | TS40 | | | Celina Field |
Chico | XA07 | | | Spectre |
Chisholm | 20XS | | | Klutts Field |
Collinsville | T32 | | | Sudden Stop |
Conway | 55TS | | | Eagles Aerodrome |
Corrigan | TA43 | | | Anderosa Airpark |
Cranfills Gap | TX97 | | | Cade Field |
Crockett | 81TS | | | Dibrell |
Crosby | 1TE2 | | | Flying F Ranch |
Cross Plains | TX11 | | | Ross Planes |
Crystal City | 2TE8 | | | Wagner-Braxdale |
Davilla | 14XS | | | Isbell Ranch |
De Leon | 04F | | | De Leon Muni |
Decatur | 5TS4 | | | Mc Entire |
Del Rio | TA29 | | | Flying D Ranch |
Denison | 9XS4 | | | Mc Keon Aviation |
Denton | 4TA1 | | | Warschun Ranch |
Denton | 2TS0 | | | Myska Field |
Dorchester | XA65 | | | Tx Aero Sport |
Dripping Springs | 0XA8 | | | Ohho |
Eagle Lake | 5TE7 | | | Renz Ranch |
El Campo | 0XS1 | | | Rodgers Roost |
Elgin | 56TS | | | Elgin Intracontinental |
Elgin | 62TA | | | Hawken Air One |
Elgin | TX72 | | | Wood Triple D |
Elmendorf | 6XS9 | | | Harmony Field |
Elroy | 02XS | | | Seidel Ranch |
Elmira | TX39 | | | Ruby Field |
Everman | 00TS | | | Alpine Range |
Farmersville | 6XS3 | | | Mullins Landing |
Farmersville | 8TA5 | | | Short Stop |
Flower Mound | 0TS0 | | | Flower Mound |
Flower Mound | 0TX5 | | | Shiloh |
Floyd | TA08 | | | Flying M |
Fort Worth | TS00 | | | Fuller |
Fort Worth | F04 | | | Saginaw |
Frisco | TA77 | | | Cottonpatch Aerodrome |
Gainesville | TX81 | | | Robotek |
Garden Ridge | TS55 | | | Bat Cave Field |
Gay Hill | 03TA | | | Gay Hill Farm |
Georgetown | 05TE | | | Hilde-Griff Field |
Georgetown | TX92 | | | Green |
Harwood | 10TE | | | Gottwald Field |
Henderson | F12 | | | Rusk County |
Hockley | 06TX | | | Diamond N Ranch |
Holliday | 4TA5 | | | Lucky G |
Justin | XA00 | | | Prose Field |
Kenney | 32TX | | | Hinson |
Katy | 56TE | | | Cardiff Brothers |
Kaufman | K00 | | | Hall |
Kaufman | XA42 | | | Connies Aviation |
Kaufman | 28XS | | | Flying G |
Kaufman | 0TA4 | | | Erco Field |
Keene | TX67 | | | Embry Ranch |
Killeen | 69TS | | | White |
Krum | TE58 | | | Air Cowboy Field |
Leander | 5R3 | | | Lago Vista Tx - Rusty All |
Laguna Park | TX82 | | | Rick Field Airstrip |
Lamkin | 5TX1 | | | Harley White Field |
Lampasas | TE48 | | | King's Ranch |
Ledbetter | 0TS4 | | | Ullrich |
Lewisville | 5TX6 | | | Hilliard Landing Area |
Liverpool | 15XS | | | Toy Airpark |
Lockhart | 2XA5 | | | Someday Ranch |
Lone Oak | 9XS7 | | | Reeder |
Pottsboro | 9TX7 | | | Hitex Private |
Lone Star | 4TE0 | | | Lone Star Steel Company |
Los Fresnos | 92TA | | | Drennan Farm |
Mansfield | 6TX8 | | | Hess |
Mansfield | TA83 | | | Short Field |
Mc Kinney | TS63 | | | Square Air |
Mertzon | 6XS4 | | | Noelke Ranch |
Milford | TE50 | | | Hirok |
Millsap | TE34 | | | Reb Folbre's Place |
Moody | XA47 | | | Tick Hill Airfield |
Mountain Springs | XA78 | | | Melody Ranch |
Myra | XA48 | | | Dreamland |
Needville | XS25 | | | Flying C Ranch |
New Braunfels | 5TS8 | | | Bear Creek Ranch |
Dallas Center | 39IA | | | Husband Field Airport |
New Gulf | T17 | | | New Gulf |
Niederwald | 0TS9 | | | Jim Roach Field |
Nocona | 36XS | | | Flying F |
Nocona | F48 | | | Nocona |
Nome | XS29 | | | Sonny Broussard Landing Strip |
Nome | XS27 | | | Farm Air Service |
O'donnell | 00XS | | | L P Askew Farms |
Orchard | TA97 | | | White Wing Ranch |
Pampa | BPC | | | Mesa Vista Ranch |
Paradise | 4XS2 | | | Teate Field |
Parker | TX74 | | | Thomas Flying Field |
Pickton | TS54 | | | Flying B |
Poolville | 27XA | | | Arnett Landing |
Portland | TE87 | | | Magee |
Riesel | XA15 | | | Holict 'pvt' |
Rio Hondo | XS63 | | | Texas Air Museum |
Rio Vista | TE47 | | | Cross Wind Acres |
Robinson | XA51 | | | Smith |
Rocksprings | XS69 | | | Hackberry Ranch |
Rosanky | XS73 | | | Double D Ranch |
Rosharon | TS90 | | | Bayless |
Round Top | 72XS | | | El Paisano |
Sabine Pass | XS76 | | | Texas Menhaden Strip |
San Antonio | XS79 | | | A W Ranch |
San Antonio | 22TA | | | Standard Industries |
San Marcos | 7TS2 | | | Alison Air Park |
Sanger | 6XS8 | | | Vultures Row |
Sanger | TX96 | | | Maxwell Field |
Sanger | T87 | | | Flying C |
Santa Fe | 5TA7 | | | Kami-Kazi |
Scottsville | TE89 | | | Verhalen |
Sealy | 05TA | | | Brandes Air Field |
Seguin | 83R | | | Glen Beicker Ranch |
Sherman | 9XS2 | | | Beaver Creek |
Somerset | 53TX | | | Cannon Field |
Sonora | 13TX | | | Allison Ranch |
Springtown | 7XS1 | | | Flying E Ranch |
Startzville | 14TA | | | Dean Ranch |
Stratford | 3E7 | | | Pronger Bros Ranch |
Temple | TS92 | | | Little Peach |
Terrell | TS98 | | | Wings Over Texas |
Tioga | 8XS6 | | | Mc Manus Field |
Utopia | 5TX9 | | | Utopia On The River |
Valley View | XA84 | | | Stoney Fork Landing |
Venus | 75TS | | | Venus |
Vernon | 53TA | | | Shivers Private |
Waco | 31TX | | | Scott |
Waco | TE92 | | | Wales Air Field |
Waco | 75TE | | | Womack Farm |
Waller | 9TS3 | | | Simaron Ranch |
Waller | 37X | | | Skydive Houston |
Walnut Springs | TS03 | | | Bryant's Landing |
Warrenton | 56TX | | | Anchorage Farm Field |
Weatherford | 6TA7 | | | Flying K |
Weatherford | 54TS | | | J Bar Wc Ranch |
Weir | 57XS | | | Hoopes Ranch |
Whitehouse | 96TS | | | Nuttall |
Whitney | 78TE | | | Rocking A |
Whitt | TS47 | | | Rock Creek Ranch |
Winona | 98TS | | | Trap Travelstead Field |
Winters | 5TA6 | | | Knot 2 Shabby |
Zapata | T86 | | | Zapata County |
Camp Williams | UT08 | | | Camp Williams Airfield |
Clinton | UT48 | | | Lbl Farms |
Eagle Mountain | 17U | | | Jake Garn |
Hurricane | UT27 | | | Hurricane Mesa |
Kanab | 00UT | | | Clear Creek Ranch |
Monticello | U43 | | | Monticello |
Monticello | UT59 | | | Needles Outpost |
Mount Carmel | UT37 | | | Carmel Mountain Ranch |
Oljato | 05UT | | | Oljato |
South Jordan | UT13 | | | Number 18 |
Syracuse | UT40 | | | Payne Field |
Thompson Springs | UT06 | | | Rogers Roost |
Torrey | UT02 | | | Sandy Ranch |
Amherst | 93VA | | | Timberdoodle |
Appomattox | 10VA | | | Nashs |
Arcola | VG23 | | | Smith |
Ashland | 4VG2 | | | Cool Water |
Ashland | 69VA | | | Meadow Farm |
Bedford | 91VA | | | Miller |
Bedford | VG27 | | | Windy Ridge |
Berryville | 01VA | | | Oehda |
Blacksburg | VA10 | | | Catawba Valley |
Boydton | 23VG | | | Murdock's Holly Bu |
Brightwood | 8VA1 | | | Grand Pre Farm |
Broadway | VG31 | | | Sager Field |
Buckingham | 23VA | | | Wheatland |
Burnt Chimney | 70VA | | | Burnt Chimney |
Caledonia | 46VA | | | Byrd Creek |
Cartersville | VA15 | | | Stokes |
Catlett | VA66 | | | Breeden |
Charlottesville | VG10 | | | Cathro |
Chase City | VA25 | | | Twin Towers |
Cheriton | 21VA | | | Eagles Nest |
Chesapeake | VA59 | | | Weatherly & Son |
Chilhowie | VA11 | | | White Oak Stand |
Clarksville | VA22 | | | Big River Ranch |
Clover | 07VA | | | Alpha Hotel |
Concord | VA24 | | | Skovhus |
Critz | VA26 | | | Trent Farm Airstrip |
Crozet | 87VA | | | Cottonwood Farm |
Culpeper | VA67 | | | Homeland |
Danville | 95VA | | | Buck Hollar |
Davis Wharf | VA89 | | | Chance |
Edinburg | 89VA | | | Hidden River |
Farmville | VA34 | | | Big Buffalo Airstrip |
Fredericksburg | 5VA5 | | | Chimney View |
Glasgow | VA43 | | | Balcony Downs Airstrip |
Gloucester Court House | 0VA9 | | | Handy Strip |
Gordonsville | VA45 | | | Lous |
Gore | 48VA | | | Al's Field |
Halifax | 33VA | | | Fox Fire |
Hanover | VA49 | | | Robertson |
Harrisonburg | VA52 | | | Frank Field |
Harrisonburg | 2VG3 | | | Cub Haven |
Hillsboro | 14VA | | | Krens Farm |
Hillsville | 00VI | | | Groundhog Mountain |
Keysville | VG36 | | | Keysville |
Kilmarnock | 5VA9 | | | Kilmarnock/Tolbert Field |
Lovingston | VG52 | | | Woodridge Field |
Lovingston | VA96 | | | Faber |
Lovingston | 1VA3 | | | Tye River |
Lovingston | 8VA6 | | | Flatwoods |
Luray | W45 | | | Luray Caverns |
Lynchburg | VA65 | | | Ivy Hill |
Madison | VG43 | | | Arrowpoint |
Mannboro | 0VA8 | | | Jayarz |
Martinsville | VA12 | | | Gravely |
Mc Dowell | VA75 | | | Smith Field |
Mc Kenney | VA76 | | | Baskerville |
Mechanicsville | VA77 | | | Hanover Air Park |
Midlothian | VA80 | | | Woodle |
Mineral | VA81 | | | Cub Fld |
Moneta | 2VA0 | | | Red Birds Airyard |
Moneta | VA68 | | | Lakeview Aerodrome |
New Market | VA86 | | | Buddy Davis Field |
New Market | 9VA4 | | | Franwood Farms Inc. |
Nokesville | 03VA | | | Whipoorwill Springs |
Oak Grove | 11VG | | | Devil's Reach Landing |
Onancock | VA92 | | | Peace And Plenty Farm |
Orange | 2VG7 | | | Seven Gables |
Orange | 90VA | | | Hen & Bacon |
Parksley | 9VA3 | | | Crippen Creek Farm |
Patrick Springs | VG16 | | | Collins |
Powhatan | VA94 | | | Plainview |
Redhouse | 7VA5 | | | Redhouse Airfield |
Reidville | 6VA0 | | | Remo Private |
Remington | VG07 | | | Rular |
Rhoadesville | VG12 | | | Simpsonville |
Richlands | 6V3 | | | Tazewell County |
Richmond | 4VA8 | | | Christian's |
Richmond | 0VA7 | | | Flatrock Air Strip |
Rixeyville | 4VA9 | | | Pleasantdale Field |
Rocky Mount | VG58 | | | Abbott |
Rocky Mount | 81VA | | | Ferguson |
Rocky Mount | VG53 | | | Venning's Landing |
Sabot | 1VA0 | | | Sabot |
Salem | 6VA4 | | | Trussmark |
Scottsville | 99VA | | | Anderson |
Somerville | 3VG7 | | | Hartwood |
South Boston | 1VA7 | | | Aaron Penston Fld |
South Boston | 3VG9 | | | Birch Creek Plantation |
St. Paul | 19VA | | | Flying W |
Warrenton | 15VA | | | Fox Acres |
Stanardsville | 78VA | | | Hilldale |
Surry | VA33 | | | Beaver Dam Airpark |
Warm Springs | 97VA | | | Singleton |
Warrenton | 3VA0 | | | Ayres-Aicp |
West Point | 45VA | | | Frog Hollow Farm |
Winchester | 9VG9 | | | Jucapa Farms |
Wingina | 4VA0 | | | Wood Farm |
Withams | VA41 | | | High Hopes |
Woodstock | 67VA | | | Karmy's |
Bondville | VT02 | | | Red Fox |
Burlington | VT48 | | | Fairholt |
Cabot | 04VT | | | Lightning Bolt Field |
Cabot | VT62 | | | Catamount Airfield |
Charlotte | VT12 | | | E.A.Deeds Farm |
Chester | VT13 | | | Holloway |
Fair Haven | 1B3 | | | Fair Haven Muni |
Jericho | VT45 | | | Davis Pvt |
Lincoln | VT03 | | | Maule's Roost |
Ludlow | VT17 | | | Smith |
Lyndonville | 6B8 | | | Caledonia County |
Lavina | 80S | | | Lavina Airport |
Morristown | VT64 | | | Mountain View Farm |
North Troy | VT63 | | | Douglas Field |
Panton | VT53 | | | Staton |
Pawlet | VT20 | | | Mach Personal Strip |
Randolph | VT55 | | | Brandon |
Shelburne | 42VT | | | Frogs End |
Shelburne | VT22 | | | Shelburne Farms |
Shoreham | 37VT | | | Brisson |
Shoreham | VT24 | | | Torrey |
South Burlington | VT25 | | | Sky Acres |
Vernon | VT47 | | | Miller's Pleasure Airfield |
Waitsfield | VT30 | | | Ketcham Lndg Area |
Waitsfield | VT29 | | | Mad River Fly-In |
Washington | VT31 | | | Carriers Skypark |
West Burke | VT56 | | | West Burke Aerodrome |
West Pawlett | VT60 | | | Hulett Landing Strip |
Weybridge | VT14 | | | Axinn |
Aberdeen | 94WA | | | Wishkah River Ranch |
Acme | WA12 | | | Acme Field |
Addy | WA57 | | | Bluecreek |
Amboy | WA80 | | | Mc Clellan Field |
Anacortes | WN18 | | | Becker's Landing |
Anatone | D69 | | | Rogersburg |
Arlington | 89WA | | | Williams Airpatch |
Asotin | 00WN | | | Hawks Run |
Battle Ground | W58 | | | Cedars North Airpark |
Bellingham | WA58 | | | Eliza Island |
Bellingham | WA90 | | | Floathaven Airstrip |
Bellingham | WA93 | | | Eliza Island |
Brooklyn | WA16 | | | Banas Field |
Cashmere | 8S2 | | | Cashmere-Dryden |
Castle Rock | WN24 | | | Cougar Flat Airstrip |
Castle Rock | WA99 | | | Flying K Ranch |
Center Island | 78WA | | | Center Island |
Centralia | WA95 | | | Skyqueen |
Chattaroy | WN89 | | | Lee's |
Chehalis | 50WA | | | Hartley |
Chelan | WT03 | | | River View Airpark |
Colbert | 63WA | | | Boyle R & D |
Colville | WN04 | | | Erickson Ranch |
Colville | WA73 | | | Smith |
Conway | 27WA | | | J C's |
Curlew | WA63 | | | Eagle's Nest |
Decatur Island | WA18 | | | Decatur /Jones/ |
Deer Park | WA52 | | | Deer Flat |
Deer Park | WN14 | | | Pete's |
Eastsound | WA35 | | | Clam Harbor |
Elkhart | WA21 | | | Elk Heights |
Elma | 84WA | | | D And B Airpark |
Enumclaw | WA77 | | | Enumclaw |
Enumclaw | WN87 | | | Bryan |
Ethel | WN34 | | | Ethel Intl |
Everett | 96WA | | | Jim & Julie's |
Everson | 7WA3 | | | West Wind |
Friday Harbor | 2WA3 | | | Stuart Island West |
Grand Coulee | 2WA6 | | | Rice Ranch |
Granite Falls | WA25 | | | Green Valley Airfield |
Hadlock | 80WA | | | Sfs Airpark |
Hansville | WA22 | | | Mirth |
Kahlotus | 3WA4 | | | Watson |
Kendall | WN08 | | | Kendall Airstrip |
Kennewick | 0WN2 | | | Coopers Landing |
Kettle Falls | 05WN | | | Flat Creek Field |
Kittitas | WA37 | | | Chinook Farms |
La Center | WA29 | | | La Center View-Air |
Lacey | 3WA9 | | | Flying Carpet |
Longbranch | 00WA | | | Howell |
Lopez | 4WA4 | | | Windsock |
Medical Lake | 8AN6 | | | Isaacson |
Mesa | 5WA1 | | | Dorman Field |
Mesa | WN31 | | | Slinkard Airfield |
Metaline Falls | 09S | | | Sullivan Lake State |
Monroe | WN20 | | | Van De Plasch |
Monroe | 5WA2 | | | B & M Ranch |
Morton | 39P | | | Strom Field |
Mount Vernon | WA07 | | | Barker |
Nine Mile Falls | 16WA | | | Tightcliff |
Oakesdale | 75DC | | | Oakesdale |
Oakville | WN48 | | | Kimbrel Farm |
Omak | 0WN9 | | | Wings For Christ |
Onalaska | WN59 | | | Kadwell Field |
Orondo | 5WA5 | | | Ross Private Strip |
Othello | 57WA | | | Kent Farms |
Pasco | WN33 | | | Columbia Ag 2 |
Port Angeles | 7WA0 | | | Big Andy |
Port Orchard | WN13 | | | Vaughan Ranch Airfield |
Port Townsend | WA42 | | | Stacey's |
Quilcene | WN00 | | | Kimshan Ranch |
Rainier | 3WA0 | | | Taylor |
Rochester | 20WA | | | Skatter Creek |
Sedro Woolley | WA56 | | | Israel's Farm |
Selah | 0WN1 | | | Shangri-La |
Sequim | 0WN0 | | | Rucilla's Roost |
Sequim | WN23 | | | Grand View Intl |
Sequim | WA59 | | | Rake's Glen |
Shaw Island | 6WA5 | | | Wilding Farm |
Silverdale | WA05 | | | Apex Airpark |
Snohomish | WA04 | | | Kyles |
Spanaway | 3B8 | | | Shady Acres |
Spokane | 04WA | | | Ox Meadows |
Spokane | WN61 | | | Tai's Landing |
Spokane | 12WA | | | Fowlers Nw 40 |
Spokane | 11WA | | | Homeport |
Stanwood | 13W | | | Camano Island Airfield |
Sultan | S86 | | | Sky Harbor |
Tenino | 65WA | | | Wissler's |
Tenino | 59WA | | | Sorrell |
Tonasket | 02WN | | | Fowler Fld |
Tonasket | WA70 | | | Frosty Creek |
Trout Lake | 36WA | | | Bob's Field |
Trout Lake | 66WA | | | Trout Lake |
Vancouver | 28WA | | | Robert L Delanoy |
Waitsburg | 30WA | | | Weller Canyon |
Walla Walla | 83WA | | | Darcy's Air Strip |
Walla Walla | 67WA | | | Page |
Washougal | WA78 | | | Sky River Ranch |
Washtucna | WN72 | | | Kinch Farms |
Washtucna | 35WA | | | Fisher Ranch |
Wenatchee | WN17 | | | Hoverhawk Ranch |
White Salmon | 75WA | | | Port Elsner |
White Salmon | WA66 | | | Spring Creek Ranch |
Wilbur | 42WA | | | Sheffels Ranch |
Woodland | W27 | | | Woodland State |
Yakima | FCT | | | VagabondAAF |
Albany | WI50 | | | Albany |
Algoma | 3WI0 | | | Carnot Field |
Almond | WS36 | | | Swan Field |
Amherst | WS14 | | | Lake Ell Field |
Argyle | 53WI | | | Kelly |
Baldwin | WI14 | | | Baldwin |
Baraboo | 34WI | | | Thiessen Field |
Barneveld | WI53 | | | Desmet |
Beloit | WI02 | | | Turtle |
Berlin | 31WN | | | Berlin Field |
Berlin | WI55 | | | Broken Prop |
Berlin | 03WI | | | Zink |
Blair | WI49 | | | Blair |
Briggsville | 2WN2 | | | Gaffney |
Bristol | WN63 | | | Bristol |
Bristol | 04WI | | | Dutch Gap Airstrip |
Cedar Grove | 75WI | | | Smies |
Cedarburg | WI62 | | | Sss Aerodrome |
Chambers Island | 30WI | | | Chambers Island |
Clinton | 3WI6 | | | Melin Farms |
Coleman | 5WI8 | | | Ermis-Ridgeview |
Collins | WN27 | | | Redoft |
Collins | 72WI | | | Windhaven |
Cooksville | WI98 | | | Blackburn |
Cottage Grove | 87WI | | | Quale |
Dane | 5WN2 | | | Eberle Ranch |
Dane | WI65 | | | Dane |
Darien | 05WI | | | Ames Private |
De Forest | WS12 | | | Elert |
Dodgeville | 22WN | | | Southwind |
Dousman | WI09 | | | Heitman Field |
Durand | WN99 | | | Hayes Road |
East Troy | WI69 | | | Air Troy Estates - Restricted |
Eau Claire | 4WI5 | | | Carlson |
Egg Harbor | WN28 | | | Sunny Slope Runway |
Eland | WI00 | | | Norrie Brook |
Elk Mound | WI05 | | | Stocktrade |
Elkhorn | WI71 | | | Weedhopper Meadow |
Ellenboro | WI72 | | | Martin Fierro |
Ellison Bay | 8WN8 | | | Mave's Lakeview Road |
Eureka | WI48 | | | Edinger Field |
Eureka | WI73 | | | Happy Jacks Air Strip |
Fisk | WI74 | | | Pfaffenroth Private |
Fort Atkinson | 1WI9 | | | Blackhawk Island |
Fort Atkinson | WI76 | | | J Rock |
Fort Atkinson | WS49 | | | Christie Aerodrome |
Frederic | 58WI | | | Geo Jensen |
Genessee Depot | 07WI | | | Bartell Strip |
Genoa City | 64C | | | Vincent |
Germantown | WI77 | | | Willow Creek |
Grafton | WI61 | | | Ashenfelter Aerodrome |
Hartford | WN75 | | | Erin Aero |
Hawkins | WS44 | | | Diderrich Ranch |
Hazel Green | WI81 | | | Rigdon Private |
Highland | 08WI | | | Pierick |
Hortonville | 9WI1 | | | Black Otter |
Husher | 0WI5 | | | Crash In Intl |
Irma | WS45 | | | Circle K |
Jonesdale | 89WI | | | Tuschen |
Kansasville | WI86 | | | Flaglor |
Kennan | WS05 | | | Lonely Pines |
Kewaunee | WS26 | | | Ranch Side |
Lake Geneva | WI88 | | | Mount Fuji |
Lake Geneva | 24WN | | | Prairie View Farm |
Lodi | 9WN5 | | | Lodi Lakeland |
Loganville | 49WI | | | Tri-Center |
Maribel | 9WI2 | | | Flying Dollar Ranch |
Menomonie | WI27 | | | Skyport |
Merrill | WS23 | | | R & S Landing Strip |
Milton | WI99 | | | Meier |
Mineral Point | WI16 | | | Jim Benson Field |
Monroe | WS96 | | | Hughes |
Montello | 6WI9 | | | Rex Ranch |
Montello | WI19 | | | Cacic |
Montello | WS68 | | | Krist Island |
Morrison | 9WI3 | | | Buchholz Farm |
Mosinee | 56WI | | | Jaks Field |
Mount Horeb | 37WI | | | Docken Field |
Mt Horeb | WI24 | | | Cardinal Ridge |
Portage | WS28 | | | Coleman |
Muskego | 0WI6 | | | Simandl Field/Private |
New Auburn | 14WI | | | Flying O |
New London | 2WN4 | | | Mcfaul |
New London | WS22 | | | Wolfgram |
New Munster | 77WI | | | Foxewood |
Oconomowoc | 0WI8 | | | Oconomowoc |
Oconto Falls | WI20 | | | Larson Studio |
Omro | 2WN8 | | | Oshkosh Sky Ranch |
Orfordville | 6WI7 | | | Walnut Wash |
Orfordville | WI11 | | | Mumm Field |
Orfordville | 1WI0 | | | Spring Valley Farm |
Oshkosh | 51WI | | | Gallinger |
Palmyra | 9WI5 | | | Tamarack |
Plainfield | WN09 | | | Bucky's Airpark |
Plainfield | 5WI2 | | | Plainfield Intl |
Dazey | ND09 | | | Bryn Airport |
Polar | 9WI6 | | | Kitty Hawk Estates |
Port Washington | 1WI2 | | | Flying S Ranch |
Port Washington | 9WN3 | | | Ozaukee |
Prescott | 27WI | | | Tegeler |
Redgranite | 20WI | | | Harju |
Redgranite | 1WI7 | | | Buzzards Roost |
Rhinelander | WS78 | | | River Valley |
Rio Grande | 94C | | | Gilbert Field |
Rio Creek | WI28 | | | Walter's Agri-Center |
River Falls | 6WI2 | | | St Croix Riviera |
Roberts | WS41 | | | Rusmar Farms |
Rosiere | 6WI6 | | | Mick Shier Field |
Salem | 4WN9 | | | Digger Dougs |
Shawano | 3WO | | | Shawano Muni |
Shullsburg | 2WI2 | | | Shullsburg |
Stiles | WS72 | | | Cain's Field |
Stockholm | WI75 | | | Bogus Creek |
Stoughton | 2WI1 | | | Uff-Da |
Thorp | 97WI | | | North Fork |
Union Grove | 3WI1 | | | Olson's |
Van Dyne | WI46 | | | Fun-Air |
Verona | WS62 | | | Sugar Ridge |
Watertown | WS74 | | | Al's Airway |
Waupaca | 00WI | | | Northern Lite |
Wayside | WS31 | | | Otto-Gibbons |
Webster | 2WS2 | | | Connor's Lake Landing |
Webster | WS81 | | | Alpha Hotel |
Whitelaw | 82WI | | | Triple S Ranch |
Whitewater | 3WI5 | | | Clover Valley |
Wiota | 65WN | | | Whoopy Hollow Aerodrome |
Wisconsin Dells | 8WI0 | | | Wood |
Wisconsin Rapids | WI13 | | | Jennie's Field |
Wisconsin Rapids | 6WI1 | | | Winch Airfield |
Woodville | 54WI | | | Flyplassen |
Wyocena | 7WI6 | | | Weatherbee Field |
Wyocena | WS32 | | | Prescott Field |
Ansted | WV01 | | | Lee Massey |
Beverly | 00WV | | | Lazy J. Aerodrome |
Capon Bridge | 38WV | | | River's Edge Farm |
Chesapeake | WV08 | | | Island |
Clarksburg | WV47 | | | Rexroad |
Corinne | WV09 | | | Mike Ferrell Field |
Craigsville | WV63 | | | Herold |
Fairmont | WV65 | | | Carr |
Fan Rock | WV11 | | | Swope Farm |
Fayetteville | 23WV | | | Bocamanu |
Keyser | WV18 | | | Miller Field |
Letart | WV71 | | | Lieving |
Mineral Wells | WV64 | | | Scott Field |
Newburg | WV53 | | | Larew |
Peterstown | WV10 | | | Peterstown |
Philippi | 9W3 | | | Simpson |
Romney | WV67 | | | Eastview |
Spencer | 14P | | | Boggs Field |
Spencer | WV76 | | | Slate Run |
Terra Alta | WV57 | | | Mckee Sky Ranch |
Union | 2WV5 | | | Willow Bend |
Cheyenne | WY45 | | | Sloan |
Cody | 2WY8 | | | Bar Flying E |
Dixon | 9U4 | | | Dixon |
Dubois | U25 | | | Dubois Muni |
Encampment | WY51 | | | Platt Ranch |
Jackson | WY31 | | | Melody Ranch |
Powell | WY15 | | | Bunch Grass Intergalactic |
Saratoga | 96WY | | | Cedar Creek Ranch |
Shirland | IS71 | | | Koch Airport |
Sheridan | WY37 | | | Symons |
Waltman | WY61 | | | Gas Hills Airstrip |
Aleknagik | 4AK7 | | | Aleknagik Mission School |
Aleknagik | Z25 | | | Tripod |
American Creek | AK80 | | | American Creek |
Danville | 11IN | | | Jr's Airport |
Burnside | 08KY | | | Boss Airport |
Oakdale | 6LA4 | | | Dyer Airport |
Simmesport | 22LA | | | Wd Flyers Airport |
Limington | 63B | | | Limington-Harmon Airport |
Avoca | 39G | | | Avoca Airport |
Lemmon Valley | NV17 | | | Youngberg Ranch |
Verona | NY62 | | | Curtis Airport |
Grafton | 1OA2 | | | Mole Airport |
Kenton | 14OH | | | Heilman Airport |
Barrow | 74AK | | | Puviaq |
Lakeview | OR26 | | | Farr Airport |
Schwenksville | 28PA | | | Yarrow |
Clio | 9W9 | | | Clio Crop Care Airport |
Dell Rapids | SD46 | | | Jensen Airport |
Selby | 9SD7 | | | Beaman Airport |
Marfa | 5TE1 | | | Rawls Ranch Airport |
Basin Creek | Z47 | | | Basin Creek Airport |
Santa Fe | 5TA5 | | | Creasy Airport |
Big Lake | 63AK | | | Kucera Residence |
Big Lake | 08AK | | | Fisher |
Big Lake | 20AK | | | Owen Field |
Big Lake | AK86 | | | Kramer |
Big Lake | 09AK | | | West Beaver |
Big Lake | 9AK7 | | | Cubdivision |
Big Lake | AK95 | | | Twin Lake |
Black Rapids | 5BK | | | Black Rapids Airport |
Cantwell | 15AK | | | Golden North Airfield |
Chandalar Camp | 5CD | | | Chandalar Shelf Airport |
Chignik Lake | A79 | | | Chignik Lake Airport |
Clear | CLF | | | Clear Sky Lodge Airport |
Crevice Creek | 1AK1 | | | Crevice Creek Airport |
Deadhorse | 22AK | | | Helmericks Airport |
Deadhorse | 4AK1 | | | Inigok Airport |
Delta Junction | 76AK | | | Pogo Mine Airstrip |
Delta Junction | AK09 | | | Wingsong Estates Airport |
Delta Junction | 45AK | | | Cherokee Airport |
Delta Junction | 11AK | | | Rocking T Ranch Airport |
Delta Junction | 9AK4 | | | Arctic Angel Airport |
Delta Junction | AK77 | | | All West Airport |
Elim | MOS | | | Moses Point Airport |
Fairbanks | 31AK | | | Dalrymple's Airport |
Fairbanks | AK28 | | | Chena Marina Airport |
Fairbanks | AK22 | | | Lakloey Air Park |
Fairbanks /ft Wainwright/ | 2AK2 | | | Clear Creek Airport |
Goose Bay | Z40 | | | Goose Bay Airport |
Homer | 0AK7 | | | Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Airstrip |
Homer | 98AK | | | Eastland Airport |
Hope | 5HO | | | Hope Airport |
Icy Cape | 2AK8 | | | Icy Cape Air Force Station |
Jensens | AK60 | | | Fort Jensen Airport |
Kasilof | 5KS | | | Kasilof Airport |
Kenai | 3AK5 | | | Drift River Airport |
Kenai | 8AK2 | | | Carty's Airstrip |
Kenai | 30AK | | | Doyle Estates Airport |
Kenai | 75AK | | | Henley Airport |
Mankomen Lake | 4AK5 | | | Mankomen Lake Airport |
Mccarthy | AK31 | | | Swift Creek Airport |
Mcgrath | AK40 | | | Nixon Fork Mine Airport |
Mckinley Park | AK06 | | | Denali Airport |
Napaimute | 4AK8 | | | Napaimute Pioneer Airfield |
North Pole | 5AK3 | | | Airway Airport |
North Pole | 95Z | | | Bradley Sky-Ranch Airport |
Nuiqsut | AK20 | | | Cd-3 Airstrip |
Ophir | Z17 | | | Ophir Airport |
Palmer | AK50 | | | Sky Ranch Airport At Pioneer Peak |
Palmer | 4AK6 | | | Wolf Lake Airport |
Palmer | 05AK | | | Wasilla Creek Airpark |
Platinum | 6AK1 | | | Platinum Mine Airport |
Point Mackenzie | 50AK | | | Robin's Landing Airport |
Point Mackenzie | AK36 | | | Point Mac Airport |
Point Mackenzie | 0AK9 | | | Falcon Lake Strip Airport |
Point Mackenzie | AK14 | | | Turinsky Airstrip |
Port Alsworth | AK51 | | | Wilder/Natwick Llc Airport |
Quartz Creek | 5QC | | | Quartz Creek (Kougarok) Airport |
Rainy Pass | 6AK | | | Rainy Pass Lodge Airport |
Russian Mission | 9AK2 | | | Kako Airport |
Selawik | 8AK3 | | | Roland Norton Memorial Airstrip |
Snettisham | 7AK2 | | | Snettisham Airport |
Soldotna | AK55 | | | Moose Run Airstrip |
Soldotna | 1AK4 | | | Kenai River Airpark |
Soldotna | 7AK3 | | | Gaede Airport |
Soldotna | 70AK | | | Bangerter Field Airport |
Sterling | AK39 | | | South Gasline Airport |
Sterling | AK84 | | | Scooter's Landing Strip Airport |
Susitna Station | 8AK6 | | | Little Susitna Airport |
Talkeetna | 49AK | | | Secluded Lake Airport |
Talkeetna | AK19 | | | Carl's Landing Airport |
Talkeetna | 3AK3 | | | Songlo Vista Airport |
Talkeetna | 21AK | | | Montana Creek Airport |
Tanana | 7AK0 | | | Art Z Airport |
Tetlin | 3T4 | | | Tetlin Airport |
Thompson Pass | K55 | | | Thompson Pass Airport |
Tompkinsville | 8AK9 | | | Tok 2 Airport |
Trading Bay | 5AK0 | | | Trading Bay Production Airport |
Tyonek | 9AK3 | | | Nikolai Creek Airport |
Wasilla | 06AK | | | June Lake Airpark |
Wasilla | AK83 | | | Gannon's Landing Airport |
Wasilla | 43AK | | | Kalmbach Airport |
Wasilla | 0AK1 | | | Anderson Lake Airport |
Wasilla | 71AK | | | Bluff Park Farm Airport |
Wasilla | 36AK | | | Flyway Farm Airstrip |
Wasilla | 65AK | | | Mcdonald Ridge Airport |
Wasilla | AK58 | | | Fairview West Airport |
Wasilla | 67AK | | | South Hollywood Airport |
Wasilla | 6AK7 | | | Rainbow Heights Estates Airstrip |
Wasilla | 9AK8 | | | Wolf Track Airport |
Wasilla | 58AK | | | Fairview East Airport |
Wasilla | 89AK | | | Lincoln Village Airpark |
Willow | 02AK | | | Rustic Wilderness Airport |
Willow | 25AK | | | Honeybee Lake Aero Park Airport |
Yakutat | A68 | | | Situk Airport |
Yakutat | A67 | | | Harlequin Lake Airport |
Yukon Charley Rivers | L20 | | | Coal Creek Airport |
Abbeville | 0J0 | | | Abbeville Municipal Airport |
Addison | 2A8 | | | Addison Municipal Airport |
Albertville | 8A0 | | | Albertville Regional Thomas J Brumlik Field |
Andalusia | 79J | | | South Alabama Rgnl At Bill Benton Field |
Ardmore | 1M3 | | | Ardmore Airport |
Ashland/Lineville | 26A | | | Ashland/Lineville |
Ashville | 28AL | | | Golden Pond Airport |
Ashville | AL60 | | | Dugger's Field Airport |
Atmore | 0R1 | | | Atmore Municipal |
Bay Minette | 1R8 | | | Bay Minette Municipal |
Bayou La Batre | 5R7 | | | Roy E. Ray Airport |
Blountsville | AL29 | | | New Horizon Airport |
Brewton | 12J | | | Brewton Municipal |
Butler | 09A | | | Butler-Choctaw County |
Camden | 61A | | | Camden Municipal |
Cedar Bluff | AL32 | | | Flying M Ranch Airport |
Centre | C22 | | | Centre Municipal Airport |
Centre | AL27 | | | Headquarters Airport |
Centreville | 0A8 | | | Bibb County |
Chapman | 5AL1 | | | Mc Gowin Field Airport |
Chatom | 5R1 | | | Roy Wilcox |
Cotter | 61AR | | | The Valley Airport |
Clanton | 02A | | | Chilton County/Cragg-Wade Field |
Clanton | 01AL | | | Ware Island Airport |
Clayton | 11A | | | Clayton Municipal |
Columbiana | 1AL2 | | | Tri-L Acres Airpark |
Courtland | 9A4 | | | Courtland |
Creola | 15A | | | Mark Reynolds/North Mobile County Airport |
Cullman | 3A1 | | | Folsom Field Airport |
Dauphin Island | 4R9 | | | Jeremiah Denton |
Dothan | 5AL4 | | | Blueberry Hill Airport |
Double Springs | 3M2 | | | Double Springs/Winston County |
Elba | 14J | | | Carl Folsom |
Elberta | AL55 | | | Shields Airport |
Elberta | AL08 | | | Perdido Winds Airpark |
Elberta | 7AL9 | | | Horak Airport |
Eutaw | 3A7 | | | Eutaw Municipal Airport |
Fairhope | AL78 | | | Klumpp Airport |
Fayette | M95 | | | Richard Arthur Field |
Flat Rock | 4AL7 | | | Leon's Landing Airport |
Flomaton | 0AL5 | | | Flomaton Airport |
Florala | 0J4 | | | Florala Municipal |
Florence | 0AL9 | | | Wilson Creek Airport |
Foley | 5R4 | | | Foley Municipal |
Foley | 02AL | | | Bass Field Airport |
Foley | AL15 | | | Styron Airport |
Foley | 0AL1 | | | Resort Airport |
Fort Deposit | 67A | | | Fort Deposit-Lowndes County |
Fort Payne | 4A9 | | | Isbell Field |
Geiger | AL43 | | | Henley Ranch Airport |
Geneva | 33J | | | Geneva Municipal |
Greensboro | 7A0 | | | Greensboro Municipal |
Grove Hill | 3A0 | | | Grove Hill Municipal Airport |
Guntersville | 8A1 | | | Guntersville Municipal - Joe Starnes Field |
Gurley | AL10 | | | Frerichs Airport |
Haleyville | 1M4 | | | Posey Field |
Hanceville | 2AL7 | | | Mount Aero Lake Farm Airport |
Harpersville | AL92 | | | Hawk Field Airport |
Hartford | AL62 | | | Striplin Airfield |
Hartselle | 5M0 | | | Hartselle-Morgan County Regional |
Harvest | 00AL | | | Epps Airpark |
Hazel Green | M38 | | | Hazel Green Airport |
Headland | 0J6 | | | Headland Municipal |
Huntsville | AL93 | | | Big Sky Airport |
Huntsville | 3M5 | | | Moontown Airport |
Huntsville | 4AL8 | | | Milton Airport |
Hurtsboro | AL05 | | | Sehoy Airport |
Jackson | 4R3 | | | Jackson Municipal |
Lanett | 7A3 | | | Lanett Municipal |
Lapine | 4AL9 | | | T W Spear Memorial Airport |
Loxley | AL97 | | | Williamson Farm Airport |
Luverne | 04A | | | Frank Sikes |
Magnolia Springs | 2AL1 | | | Collier Airpark |
Maplesville | AL76 | | | Mayfield (Private) Airport |
Marion | A08 | | | Vaiden Field |
Mentone | AL09 | | | Cloudmont Airpark |
Mobile | 26AL | | | Richardson Field Airport |
Mobile | 62AL | | | Skywest Airpark |
Montevallo | 5AL3 | | | Flying X Ranch Airport |
Montgomery | AL12 | | | Kershaw Airport |
Moody | 1AL8 | | | Moore Field Airport |
Moulton | AL34 | | | Henson Field Airport |
Muscle Shoals | 5AL5 | | | Big River Airpark |
Oneonta | 20A | | | Robbins Field |
Opelika | AL89 | | | Sommerset Strip Airport |
Our Town | AL71 | | | Willow Point Airport |
Owens Crossroads | 3AL8 | | | Flint River Ranch Airport |
Ozark | 71J | | | Blackwell Field |
Perdido | AL33 | | | Sturdy Oak Farm Airport |
Phenix City | 2AL8 | | | Finkley Farm Airport |
Pike Road | AL79 | | | Bartlett Ranch Airport |
Pinson | AL16 | | | Turkey Creek Airport |
Prattville | 1A9 | | | Grouby Field/Prattville |
Reform | 3M8 | | | North Pickens |
Roanoke | 7A5 | | | Roanoke Municipal |
Robertsdale | 1AL4 | | | Elsanor Airport |
Robertsdale | AL84 | | | Pecan Ponds Farm Airport |
Russellville | M22 | | | Russellville Municipal Bill Pugh Field |
Samson | 1A4 | | | Logan Field |
Samson | 5AL8 | | | Fairlane Airport |
Scottsboro | 4A6 | | | Scottsboro Municipal-Word Field |
Slocomb | AL41 | | | Freedom Field Airport |
Stevenson | 7A6 | | | Stevenson |
Summerdale | AL69 | | | Vaughn Airport |
Tallassee | 41A | | | Reeves |
Theodore | 2AL6 | | | Dale O. Galer Aerodrome |
Thomaston | 3AL7 | | | Flowers Field Airport |
Troy | AL77 | | | Smart Road Airport |
Tuskegee | AL73 | | | Sharpe Field Airport |
Tuskegee | 27AL | | | Little Texas Airport |
Union Springs | 07A | | | Franklin Field |
Vernon | M55 | | | Lamar County |
Wetumpka | 2AL3 | | | Emerald Mountain Airport |
Wetumpka | 08A | | | Wetumpka Municipal |
Wilmer | AL94 | | | Evans Field Airport |
Wilsonville | AL17 | | | Lazy Eight Airpark Llc |
Winfield | AL54 | | | Bird Nest Airport |
Almyra | M73 | | | Almyra Municipal |
Arkadelphia | 41AR | | | Ashworth Airport |
Augusta | M60 | | | Woodruff County |
Bald Knob | M74 | | | Bald Knob Municipal Airport |
Beedeville | 1AR0 | | | Breckenridge Airport |
Berryville | 4M1 | | | Carroll County |
Bigelow | AR13 | | | Pearson Field Airport |
Booneville | 4M2 | | | Booneville Municipal |
Brickeys | 15AR | | | Dawson's Airport |
Brinkley | M36 | | | Frank Federer Memorial |
Butlerville | 12XS | | | Mc Croskey Field Airport |
Cabot | 4AR1 | | | Shurley Field Airport |
Cabot | 3AR4 | | | Four Mile Creek Ranch Airport |
Cabot | 3AR3 | | | Cypress Creek Airport |
Cabot | AR54 | | | Ralph Fulmer Field Airport |
Cabot | AR28 | | | Odom Field Airport |
Cabot | 4AR2 | | | Red Oak Airport |
Cabot | 73AR | | | Dogwood Airport |
Caddo Gap | 4AR6 | | | Williams Ranch Airport |
Calico Rock | 37T | | | Calico Rock-Izard County |
Carlisle | 4M3 | | | Carlisle Municipal |
Casa | 6AR2 | | | A J's Airport |
Centerville | AR03 | | | Centerville Airstrip |
Charlotte | 28AR | | | Henley Aerodrome |
Chickala | AR05 | | | John Harris Field Airport |
Clarendon | 4M8 | | | Clarendon Municipal |
Clarksville | H35 | | | Clarksville Municipal |
Clinton | 2A2 | | | Holley Mountain Airpark |
Colt | 7AR3 | | | Runsick Flying Service Airport |
Conway | 12A | | | Arkavalley |
Conway | AR88 | | | Poe's Airport |
Conway | AR06 | | | Cantrell Farms Airport |
Corning | 4M9 | | | Corning Municipal |
Crawfordsville | 0AR2 | | | Mission Field-Marotti Memorial Airport |
Danville | 32A | | | Danville Municipal |
De Witt | 5M1 | | | De Witt Municipal |
Decatur | 5M5 | | | Crystal Lake |
Deer | 0AR3 | | | Taylor's Air Strip Airport |
Dermott | 4M5 | | | Dermott Municipal |
Des Arc | 1AR3 | | | Bob Norman Airstrip |
Des Arc | 1AR2 | | | Taylor Airstrip |
Dover | AR89 | | | Landers Loop Airport |
Dumas | 0M0 | | | Billy Free Municipal |
Earle | 63AR | | | Mc Neely Airport |
El Dorado | F43 | | | El Dorado Downtown-Stevens Field |
England | 17AR | | | Bredlow Farm Airport |
Eudora | 7AR1 | | | Ward's Airport |
Eureka Springs | 7AR0 | | | Hammer Field Airport |
Fayetteville | AR35 | | | Henson Farm Airport |
Fayetteville | 67AR | | | Wedington Woods Airport |
Flippin | 6AR9 | | | Pine Mountain Airpark |
Fordyce | 5M4 | | | Fordyce Municipal |
Forrest City | 14AR | | | Rice-Bell Field Airport |
Gosnell | 70AR | | | Randal Field Airport |
Garfield | 40AR | | | Lost Bridge Village Airport |
Gentry | 1AR5 | | | Cherokee Strip Airport |
Gravette | AR09 | | | Bella Vista Field Airport |
Greenbrier | 52AR | | | Ira's Airstrip |
Greer Ferry | 33AR | | | Skypoint Estates Airport |
Greers Ferry | 1AR6 | | | Diamond Bluff Airport |
Gregory | 36AR | | | David Stanley Memorial Airport |
Griffithville | 3AR5 | | | Tripp Strip Airport |
Gurdon | 5M8 | | | Gurdon Lowe Field Municipal |
Hamburg | 37AR | | | Beech Creek Airport |
Hampton | 0R6 | | | Hampton Municipal |
Harrison | 3AR2 | | | Ridgeway Field Airport |
Hazen | 6M0 | | | Hazen Municipal |
Hazen | 21AR | | | Skarda/Tollville Airport |
Hazen | AR10 | | | Greenwalt Company Airport |
Heber Springs | 3AR8 | | | River Acres Airport |
Henderson | 75AR | | | The Bluffs Airport |
Higden | 06AR | | | Bondair Airport |
Holly Grove | 2A6 | | | Holly Grove Municipal |
Hope | M18 | | | Hope Municipal |
Horseshoe Bend | 6M2 | | | Horseshoe Bend |
Hughes | 78AR | | | Tucker Field Airport |
Huntsville | H34 | | | Huntsville Municipal |
Jacksonville | 79AR | | | Perrys Airport |
Jonesboro | 23AR | | | Classic Airstrip |
Lake Village | M32 | | | Lake Village Municipal |
Lakeview | 3M0 | | | Gastons Airport |
Little Rock | 3AR6 | | | Crystal Ridge Airport |
Lonoke | 2AR0 | | | Bully Henry Airport |
Lonoke | 1AR9 | | | Country Air Estates Airport |
Lowell | AR91 | | | Circle S Farms Airport |
Lundell | 24AR | | | Griffin Ag Airport |
Buckeye | 10AZ | | | Pierce Airport |
Malvern | M78 | | | Malvern Municipal |
Marianna | 6M7 | | | Marianna/Lee County-Steve Edwards Field |
Marianna | 3AR0 | | | Frost Flying Inc Airport |
Marked Tree | 34AR | | | Woodbridge Field Airport |
Marked Tree | 6M8 | | | Marked Tree Municipal |
Marshall | 4A5 | | | Searcy County |
Mc Crory | 7M0 | | | Mc Crory/Morton Airport |
Mc Gehee | 7M1 | | | Mc Gehee Municipal |
Melbourne | 42A | | | Melbourne Municipal - John E Miller Field |
Morrilton | AR43 | | | Brickey Private Airport |
Morrilton | 07AR | | | Morrilton Airport |
Mount Ida | 7M3 | | | Bearce |
Mount Pleasant | 25AR | | | Cedar Creek Ranch Airport |
Mountain View | 7M2 | | | Mountain View Wilcox Memorial Field |
Nashville | M77 | | | Howard County |
Newport | M19 | | | Newport Regional |
North Little Rock | AR55 | | | R.V. Stewart Field Airport |
Oil Trough | AR56 | | | Amos Airport |
Osceola | 7M4 | | | Osceola Municipal |
Ozark | 7M5 | | | Ozark-Franklin County |
Paragould | 3AR9 | | | Hog Air Aviation Inc Airport |
Paris /subiaco/ | 7M6 | | | Paris Municipal Airport |
Piggott | 7M7 | | | Piggott Municipal Airport |
Pocahontas | M70 | | | Pocahontas Municipal |
Pollard | AR93 | | | Ark-Mo Airport |
Prescott | 4F7 | | | Kizer Field |
Rector | 7M8 | | | Rector |
Rose Bud | AR12 | | | Mc Donald's Strip Airport |
Yoder | 0CD2 | | | Foxx Valley Airport |
Sheridan | 9M8 | | | Sheridan Municipal |
Sherrill | 99A | | | Smith's International Airport |
Sherrill | AR22 | | | Tommy's Flying Service Inc Airport |
Sherwood | 46AR | | | Robert Chris Mc Intosh Airport |
Siloam Springs | 38AR | | | Williams Field Airport |
Springfield | 16AR | | | Heifer Creek Ranch Airport |
Star City | 55M | | | Star City Municipal |
Stephens | 4F8 | | | Wilson |
Rogers | 2AR1 | | | Seratt |
Texarkana | AR44 | | | Flying W Airport |
Tillar | AR79 | | | Flying G Ranch Airport |
Tillar | 5AR1 | | | Tillar Airport |
Turrell | 5AR2 | | | Turrell Flying Service Airport |
Waldron | M27 | | | Waldron Municipal |
Warren | 3M9 | | | Warren Municipal |
Watson | 0AR7 | | | Yancopin Airport |
Weiner | 5AR7 | | | Keller Airfield |
Weiner | 8M2 | | | Sally Wofford Airport |
Wesley | AR27 | | | Lollars Creek Farm Airport |
Wilmot | 05XS | | | Johnson Memorial Airport |
Wynne | M65 | | | Wynne Municipal |
Wynne | AR50 | | | Hess Strip Airport |
Aguila | 26AZ | | | Flying Dare's Ranch Airport |
Aguila | 28AZ | | | Sampley's Airport |
Aguila | 27AZ | | | Eagle Roost Airpark |
Ajo | P01 | | | Eric Marcus Municipal |
Arlington | 30AZ | | | Gila Compressor Station Airport |
Benson | E95 | | | Benson Municipal |
Benson | 31AZ | | | Benson Airport |
Buckeye | AZ05 | | | Lakeside Airpark |
Bullhead City | A09 | | | Eagle Airpark |
Bullhead City | A20 | | | Bullhead City/Sun Valley |
Bullhead City | 1AZ8 | | | Willow Springs Ranch Airport |
Camp Verde | 19AZ | | | Montezuma Airport |
Camp Wood | 33AZ | | | Yolo Ranch Airport |
Carefree | 18AZ | | | Sky Ranch At Carefree |
Chandler | 34AZ | | | Gila River Memorial Airport |
Chinle | E91 | | | Chinle Municipal |
Chino Valley | AZ46 | | | H&h Ranch Airstrip |
Cibecue | Z95 | | | Cibecue Airport |
Continental | 35AZ | | | Continental Airport |
Coolidge | P08 | | | Coolidge Municipal |
Coolidge | 37AZ | | | Sarita Airport |
Coolidge | 36AZ | | | Valley Farms Airport |
Dateland | AZ06 | | | Dateland Airfield |
Douglas | P03 | | | Cochise College |
Eloy | E60 | | | Eloy Municipal |
Fort Thomas | 5AZ9 | | | Regeneration Airport |
Fountain Hills | AZ25 | | | Goldfield Ranch Airport |
Gila Bend | E63 | | | Gila Bend Municipal |
Klondyke | AN01 | | | Av Ranch Airport |
Green Valley | 14AZ | | | Ruby Star Airpark |
Hackberry | 68AZ | | | Music Mountain Air Ranch Airport |
Heber | 6AZ2 | | | Wisky Ranch/Chevlon Airport |
Hereford | 03AZ | | | Thompson International Aviation Airport |
Huachuca City | 11AZ | | | Whetstone Airport |
Huachuca City/tombstone | AZ21 | | | Four Pillars Airport |
Kayenta | 0V7 | | | Kayenta |
Kayenta | 38AZ | | | Peabody Bedard Field Airport |
Kearny | E67 | | | Kearny |
Kingman | 73AZ | | | Dunton Ranch Airport |
Kingman | AZ97 | | | X Bar 1 Ranch (Lower) Airport |
Klondyke | AZ45 | | | China Peak Observatory Airport |
Laveen | AZ90 | | | Hangar Haciendas Airport |
Litchfield Park | AZ60 | | | Coyner Airstrip |
Marana | 0AZ1 | | | Taylor Field Airport |
Marble Canyon | AZ03 | | | Cliff Dwellers Airport |
Maricopa | AZ43 | | | Hidden Valley Airport |
Maricopa | 2AZ4 | | | Millar Airport |
Maricopa | 3AZ2 | | | U Of A Maricopa Ag Center Airport |
Maricopa | AZ13 | | | Schu Ranch Airport |
Maricopa | AZ78 | | | Mel's Ranch Airport |
Maricopa | AZ31 | | | Serene Field Airport |
Maricopa | 40AZ | | | Boulais Ranch Airport |
Maricopa | 41AZ | | | Ak Chin Community Airfield |
Mcneal | 2AZ9 | | | Tribal Air Airport |
Meadview | L25 | | | Pearce Ferry Airport |
Kingman | 4AZ6 | | | Parsons Field |
Mobile | 1AZ0 | | | Mobile Airport |
Mobile | 5AZ6 | | | Motown Airport |
Mobile | 0AZ4 | | | Flying Bucket Ranch Airport |
Morristown | AZ28 | | | Thunder Ridge Airpark |
Morristown | 0AZ5 | | | Castle Well Airport |
Morristown | AZ32 | | | Roesner Ranch Airport |
Morristown | 12AZ | | | Ranta Strip Airport |
Overgaard | AZ82 | | | Mogollon Airpark |
Parker | P20 | | | Avi Suquilla |
Paulden | AZ57 | | | Pilots Rest Airport |
Peach Springs | 1G4 | | | Grand Canyon West |
Peach Springs | 3AZ5 | | | Hualapai Airport |
Peoria | P48 | | | Pleasant Valley Airport |
Rimrock | 48AZ | | | Rimrock Airport |
Maricopa | A39 | | | Ak-Chin Regional |
Pima | E37 | | | Flying J Ranch Airport |
Portal | 25AZ | | | Mystery Well Ranch Airport |
Prescott | AZ27 | | | Big Springs Ranch Airport |
Quartzsite | 15AZ | | | Quail Mesa Ranch Airport |
Queen Creek | 5AZ3 | | | Pegasus Airpark |
Redrock | AZ63 | | | Twin Hawks Airpark |
Salome | 0AZ2 | | | Western Sky Airport |
Salome | 2AZ1 | | | Indian Hills Airpark |
San Carlos | 4AZ7 | | | San Carlos Airport |
San Luis | 44A | | | Rolle Airfield |
San Manuel | E77 | | | San Manuel |
Seligman | P23 | | | Seligman |
Sells | E78 | | | Sells |
Show Low | 21AZ | | | White Mountain Lake Airport |
Skull Valley | 16AZ | | | Yav'pe Ma'ta Airport |
Solomon | 3AZ8 | | | High Mesa Airpark |
Somerton | 54AZ | | | Somerton Airport |
Springerville | D68 | | | Springerville Municipal Airport |
St David | 09AZ | | | Stronghold Airport |
Pinon | 46AZ | | | Pinon |
Stanfield | 5AZ7 | | | Carranza Farm Airstrip |
Stanfield | AZ61 | | | G.M. Ranch Airport |
Stanfield | 55AZ | | | Potters Field Airport |
Superior | E81 | | | Superior Municipal Airport |
Temple Bar | U30 | | | Temple Bar |
Tombstone | P29 | | | Tombstone Municipal |
Tonopah | 99AZ | | | Eagletail Ranch Airport |
Tonopah | AZ85 | | | Tonopah Airport |
Tonopah | 56AZ | | | Mauldin Airstrip |
Tucson | 6AZ8 | | | Flying Diamond Airport |
Tucson | 4AZ0 | | | Palm Valley Tucson Airport |
Tucson | 57AZ | | | La Cholla Airpark |
White Hills | AZ50 | | | Triangle Airpark |
Whitmore | 1Z1 | | | Grand Canyon Bar Ten Airstrip |
Wickenburg | E25 | | | Wickenburg Municipal |
Wickenburg | 23AZ | | | Moreton Airpark |
Wickenburg | AZ64 | | | Rio Vista Hills Airport |
Willcox | 4AZ9 | | | Leroy Airport |
Williams | AZ77 | | | Sunrise Ranch Airport |
Young | 24AZ | | | Pleasant Valley Airstrip |
Adelanto | 52CL | | | Adelanto Airport |
Adelanto | 11CL | | | Hansen Airport |
Adelanto | 0CL1 | | | Krey Field Airport |
Adin | A26 | | | Adin Airport |
Agua Caliente Springs | L54 | | | Agua Caliente Airport |
Agua Dulce | L70 | | | Agua Dulce |
Aguanga | 0CA8 | | | Ward Ranch Airport |
Alpine | 1CA6 | | | On The Rocks Airport |
Alturas | A24 | | | California Pines |
Alturas | CA06 | | | Bates Field Airport |
Alturas | CL88 | | | Wesinger Ranch Airport |
Anchor Bay | 53CL | | | Lofty Redwoods Airport |
Caruthers | 65CL | | | Al Divine Airport |
Angwin | 2O3 | | | Parrett Field - Angwin |
Anza | 54CL | | | Lake Riverside Estates Airport |
Apple Valley | 27CA | | | Holiday Ranch Airport |
Arvin | 5CL8 | | | Creekside Airport |
Auberry | 5CL9 | | | Johnston Field Airport |
Avenal | CA69 | | | Avenal Airport |
Baker | 0O2 | | | Baker |
Bakersfield | L45 | | | Bakersfield Municipal |
Bakersfield | 7CA2 | | | Paradise Lakes Airport |
Barstow | 00CA | | | Goldstone (Gts) Airport |
Barstow | 5CA4 | | | Ludlow Airport |
Corcoran | 24CL | | | Salyer Farms Airport |
Bieber | O55 | | | Southard Field |
Biggs | CL23 | | | Jones/Ag-Viation Airport |
Bishop | 9CA6 | | | North Valley Airport |
Blythe | 56CL | | | Cyr Aviation Airport |
Blythe | 44CA | | | W R Byron Airport |
Boonville | D83 | | | Boonville |
Boron | 57CL | | | Boron Airstrip |
Borrego Springs | 58CL | | | Borrego Air Ranch Airport |
Bridgeport | O57 | | | Bryant Field |
Brownsville | F25 | | | Brownsville Airport |
Buttonwillow | L62 | | | Elk Hills-Buttonwillow |
Byron | C83 | | | Byron |
Cadiz | CA90 | | | Cadiz Airstrip |
Caliente | 62CL | | | Flying S Ranch Airport |
California City | L71 | | | California City Municipal |
Dunlap | 77CL | | | Baker & Hall Airport |
Cameron Park | O61 | | | Cameron Park |
Camp Roberts | CA62 | | | Mc Millan Airport |
Lebec | 97CA | | | Tejon Ag Airport |
Brentwood | 4CA2 | | | Funny Farm |
Cedarville | O59 | | | Cedarville |
Chemehuevi Valley | 49X | | | Chemehuevi Valley |
Chester | O05 | | | Rogers Field |
Chico | 4CA7 | | | Johnsen Airport |
Chiriaco Summit | L77 | | | Chiriaco Summit |
Chowchilla | 67CA | | | Chapman Farms Airport |
Chowchilla | 66CL | | | Triangle T Ranch Airport |
Chowchilla | 2O6 | | | Chowchilla |
Chula Vista | 0CL3 | | | John Nichol's Field Airport |
Clarksburg | CN13 | | | Borges - Clarksburg Airport |
Cloverdale | O60 | | | Cloverdale Municipal |
Clovis | CL24 | | | Kindsvater Ranch Airport |
Coalinga | 3O8 | | | Harris Ranch Airport |
Colusa | O08 | | | Colusa County |
Colusa | 67CL | | | Davis Airport |
Corning | 0O4 | | | Corning Municipal Airport |
Cottonwood | CA04 | | | Flying N Ranch Airport |
Cottonwood | 68CA | | | Lake California Air Park |
Covelo | O09 | | | Round Valley |
Cuyama | CL25 | | | 7r Ranch Airport |
Danby | CL18 | | | Danby Airstrip |
Davis | 69CL | | | Medlock Field Airport |
Death Valley Nat Park | L09 | | | Stovepipe Wells |
Death Valley Nat Park | L06 | | | Furnace Creek |
Delevan | 71CL | | | Gunnersfield Ranch Airport |
Desert Center | 72CL | | | Iron Mountain Pumping Plant Airport |
Desert Center | 73CL | | | Julian Hinds Pump Plant Airstrip |
Di Giorgio | 74CL | | | Di Giorgio Ranch Landing Strip Airport |
Dinsmore | D63 | | | Dinsmore Airport |
Dorris | A32 | | | Butte Valley |
Dos Palos | CL01 | | | Eagle Field Airport |
Dos Palos | 76CL | | | Emmett Field Airport |
Drytown | CA71 | | | Horse Shoe A Ranch Airport |
Dunsmuir | 1O6 | | | Dunsmuir Municipal-Mott Airport |
Edwards | 9L2 | | | Edwards Air Force Auxiliary North Base |
El Mirage | 99CL | | | El Mirage Field Adelanto Airport |
Elk Creek | 90CL | | | Diamond M Ranch Airport |
Elk Grove | 8CL2 | | | Lucchetti Ranch Airport |
Eureka | O19 | | | Kneeland Airport |
Eureka | O33 | | | Eureka Municipal Airport |
Exeter | O63 | | | Exeter Airport |
Fall River Mills | O89 | | | Fall River Mills |
Fallbrook | L18 | | | Fallbrook Community Airpark |
Lancaster | 1CL1 | | | Little Buttes Antique Airfield |
Famoso | L73 | | | Poso-Kern County |
Firebaugh | F34 | | | Firebaugh |
Five Points | 5CA7 | | | Agro-West Airport |
Fort Bidwell | A28 | | | Fort Bidwell Airport |
Fort Jones | A30 | | | Scott Valley |
Fort Jones | 23CA | | | Lefko Airport |
Franklin | F72 | | | Franklin Field |
Frazier Park | 02CL | | | Conover Air Lodge Airport |
Fresno | E79 | | | Sierra Sky Park Airport |
Galt | 51CL | | | Vetters Sky Ranch Airport |
Galt | 2CL9 | | | Mustang Airport |
Garberville | O16 | | | Garberville |
Gasquet | 0O9 | | | Ward Field |
Georgetown | E36 | | | Georgetown |
Goffs | CL29 | | | Camino Airstrip |
Macdoel | 6CA1 | | | Triple R Ranch Airport |
Gorman/lancaster | CL46 | | | Quail Lake Sky Park Airport |
Grass Valley | 09CL | | | Alta Sierra Airport |
Grimes | 35CN | | | Farnsworth Ranch Airstrip |
Groveland | E45 | | | Pine Mountain Lake |
Groveland | 45CN | | | Hermitage Airport |
Gualala | E55 | | | Ocean Ridge Airport |
Gustine | 3O1 | | | Gustine Municipal |
Hanford | 87CA | | | Swanson Ranch Nr 1 Airport |
Hanford | 9CL5 | | | Blair Strip Airport |
Happy Camp | 36S | | | Happy Camp |
Hayfork | F62 | | | Hayfork |
Helendale | CA70 | | | Sun Hill Ranch Airport |
Helendale | 19CL | | | Palisades Ranch Airport |
Hemet | 86CL | | | Ernst Field Airport |
Herald | 65CN | | | Bottimore Ranch Airport |
Herlong | H37 | | | Herlong |
Hesperia | L26 | | | Hesperia |
Hilmar | CL84 | | | Ahlem Farms Airport |
Hollister | 1C9 | | | Frazier Lake Airpark |
Hollister | 9CL2 | | | Christensen Ranch Airport |
Holtville | L04 | | | Holtville Airport |
Hoopa | O21 | | | Hoopa Airport |
Hyampom | H47 | | | Hyampom |
Independence | 2O7 | | | Independence |
Ione | CA20 | | | Eagle's Nest Airport |
Ione | CA19 | | | Camanche Skypark Airport |
Julian | 46CA | | | Rancho Vallecito Airport |
Ivanpah | 9CL4 | | | Hart Mine Airport |
Jacumba | L78 | | | Jacumba Airport |
Jamestown | 6CL9 | | | Peoria Airport |
Jamestown | 08CL | | | Kistler Ranch Airport |
Joshua Tree | L80 | | | Roy Williams Airport |
Kennedy Meadows | 68CN | | | Porter Ranch Airport |
Kennedy Meadows | 91CL | | | Sacatar Meadows Airport |
Kernville | L05 | | | Kern Valley |
Klamath Glen | S51 | | | Andy Mc Beth Airport |
Knights Landing | 32CL | | | Bob's Flying Service Inc Airport |
Lake Arrowhead | 2CN8 | | | Lake Arrowhead Airport |
Lake Elsinore | CA89 | | | Skylark Field Airport |
Lakeport | 1O2 | | | Lampson Field |
Le Grand | 9CL1 | | | Johnson Ranch Airport |
Lee Vining | O24 | | | Lee Vining |
Lemoore | 32CA | | | Stone Airstrip |
Lemore | CN15 | | | Vineyard Oaks Farm Airport |
Little Shasta | CA10 | | | Coonrod Ranch Airport |
Live Oak | 18CL | | | Bowles Airport |
Llano | 46CN | | | Crystal Airport |
Lodi | O20 | | | Kingdon Airpark |
Lodi | 8CA8 | | | Wallom Field Airport |
Lodi | 1O3 | | | Lodi |
Waterbury | N41 | | | Waterbury Airport |
Lone Pine | O26 | | | Lone Pine |
Lost Hills | L84 | | | Lost Hills-Kern County |
Lost Hills | 2CN4 | | | Paramount Farms Airport |
Lucerne Valley | 51CA | | | Kelly Airport |
Lucerne Valley | 7CA1 | | | Abraham Ranch Airport |
Madera | 49CL | | | El Peco Ranch Airport |
Manton | CN42 | | | Double Creek Ranch Airport |
Mariposa | 5CL0 | | | Grupe Ranch Airport |
Markleeville | M45 | | | Alpine County |
Marysville | 9CL7 | | | Old Aerodrome |
Mendota | M90 | | | William Robert Johnston Municipal |
Merced | 15CL | | | Hunt Farms Airport |
Merced | 35CL | | | 59 Ranch Airport |
Mojave | CN37 | | | Kelso Valley Airport |
New Cuyama | L88 | | | New Cuyama |
North San Juan | 79CL | | | Milhous Ranch Airport |
North Shore | 63CA | | | Desert Air Sky Ranch Airport |
Oceano | L52 | | | Oceano County |
Ocotillo | 0CA6 | | | Emory Ranch Airport |
Ocotillo Wells | L90 | | | Ocotillo Airport |
Modesto | CN44 | | | Flying Bull |
Orland | O37 | | | Haigh Field |
Paicines | CL56 | | | Ranchaero Airport |
Palmdale | 8CL0 | | | Nichols Farms Airport |
Palmdale | 04CA | | | Gray Butte Field Airport |
Palo Verde | CN98 | | | Walter's Camp Airport |
Paradise | CA92 | | | Paradise Skypark Airport |
Parker Dam | 5CL7 | | | Gene Wash Reservoir Airport |
Paso Robles | 33CL | | | Oak Country Ranch Airport |
Pauma Valley | CL33 | | | Pauma Valley Air Park |
Paynes Creek | 52CN | | | Ponderosa Sky Ranch Airport |
Perris | L65 | | | Perris Valley |
Petaluma | O69 | | | Petaluma Municipal |
Placerville | 7CL9 | | | Perryman Airport |
Placerville | 01CL | | | Swansboro Country Airport |
Planada | CA03 | | | Flying M Airport |
Pleasant Grove | CA07 | | | Scheidel Ranch Airport |
Pleasant Grove | 59CN | | | James Brothers Airport |
Pleasant Grove | 25CL | | | Van Dyke Strip Airport |
Pleasant Grove | 27CL | | | Sopwith Farm Airport |
Pope Valley | 20CL | | | Mysterious Valley Airport |
Pope Valley | 05CL | | | Pope Valley Airport |
Railroad Flat | 6CA6 | | | Eagle Ridge Ranch Airport |
Ramona | CA76 | | | Flying T Ranch Airport |
Rancho Murieta | 57CN | | | Van Vleck Airport |
Ravendale | O39 | | | Ravendale Airport |
Raymond | 0CL0 | | | Yosemite Hidden Lake Ranch Airport |
Red Bluff | 49CN | | | Rancho Tehama Airport |
Redding | O85 | | | Benton Field Airport |
Reedley | O32 | | | Reedley Municipal |
Reedley | CA13 | | | Kings River Community College Airport |
Reedley | 42CN | | | Peg Field Airport |
Rialto | L67 | | | Rialto Municipal/Miro Field |
Richvale | 07CL | | | Richvale Airport |
Rio Linda | L36 | | | Rio Linda Airport |
Rio Linda | CA16 | | | Holtsmans Airport |
Rio Vista | O88 | | | Rio Vista Municipal |
Riverbank | CA17 | | | Peterson Airport |
Riverdale | 89CA | | | Swanson Ranch Nr 2 Airport |
Rosamond | L00 | | | Rosamond Skypark |
Rosamond | CL74 | | | Skyotee Ranch Airport |
Rosamond | 33CA | | | Lloyd's Landing Airport |
Ruth | T42 | | | Ruth |
Sacramento | CA22 | | | Lauppes Strip Airport |
San Ardo | CA88 | | | San Ardo Field Airport |
San Rafael | CA35 | | | San Rafael Airport |
San Joaquin | CA32 | | | San Joaquin Airport |
San Martin | E16 | | | San Martin |
Sanger | 9CA7 | | | Harris River Ranch Airport |
Santa Barbara | CA97 | | | Christy Airstrip |
Santa Cruz | CL77 | | | Bonny Doon Village Airport |
Santa Rosa | CA39 | | | Graywood Ranch Airport |
Santa Ynez | 0CA4 | | | Shepherd Ranch Airport |
Santa Ynez | 0CA3 | | | Crawford Airport |
Santa Ysabel | 25CA | | | Loma Madera Ranch Airport |
Schellville/sonoma | 0Q3 | | | Sonoma Valley Airport |
Selma | CA41 | | | Quinn Airport |
Selma | 0Q4 | | | Selma Airport |
Selma | CA40 | | | Central Valley Aviation Inc Airport |
Shandon | 0CA9 | | | Blech Ranch Airport |
Shelter Cove | 0Q5 | | | Shelter Cove |
Shoshone | L61 | | | Shoshone Airport |
Sierraville | O79 | | | Sierraville Dearwater |
Snelling | 34CN | | | Bonanza Hills Airport |
Soledad | 3CA9 | | | Clark Ranch Airport |
Sonoma | 0Q9 | | | Sonoma Skypark Airport |
South Belridge | 1CA1 | | | Belridge Strip Airport |
Springville | CA44 | | | Sequoia Ranch Airport |
Stevinson | CA45 | | | Stevinson Strip Airport |
Stratford | CA05 | | | Machado Dusters Airport |
Stratford | 92CA | | | Westlake Farms Airport |
Stratford | 12CL | | | Newton Field Airport |
Stratford | 36CA | | | Stone Land Co Airport |
Strathmore | 1Q1 | | | Eckert Field Airport |
Susanville | 1Q2 | | | Spaulding |
Taft | L17 | | | Taft-Kern County |
Tehachapi | 9CA0 | | | Psk Ranch Airport |
Tehachapi | L94 | | | Mountain Valley Airport |
Victorville | 8CA0 | | | Osborne Airport |
Temecula | 37CA | | | Billy Joe Airport |
Tennant | 2CL3 | | | Longbell Ranch Airport |
The Sea Ranch | CA51 | | | The Sea Ranch Airport |
Tracy | 1Q4 | | | New Jerusalem |
Trinity Center | O86 | | | Trinity Center |
Tulelake | O81 | | | Tulelake Municipal |
Turlock | 9CL0 | | | Turlock Airpark |
Turlock | O15 | | | Turlock Municipal |
Twentynine Palms | 2CA3 | | | Crosswinds Airport |
Twentynine Palms | 43CL | | | Dick Dale Skyranch Airport |
Upper Lake | 1Q5 | | | Gravelly Valley Airport |
Valley Center | 2CA4 | | | Blackinton Airport |
Verona | 38CL | | | Riego Flight Strip Airport |
Vina | CA60 | | | Deer Creek Ranch Airport |
Visalia | D86 | | | Sequoia Field |
Walnut Grove | 9CL9 | | | Spezia Airport |
Wasco | L19 | | | Wasco-Kern County |
Wasco | 38CA | | | Cashen Airport |
Watsonville | CA66 | | | Monterey Bay Academy Airport |
Weaverville | O54 | | | Lonnie Pool Field/Weaverville |
Weed | O46 | | | Weed |
Whitley Garden | 95CA | | | Bonel Airport |
Williams | 4CL3 | | | Antelope Valley Ranch Airport |
Berthoud | CD39 | | | Pond's Field Airport |
Willits | O28 | | | Ells Field-Willits Municipal |
Wilton | 26CA | | | Boeckmann Ranch Airport |
Winchester | 8CA5 | | | Pines Airpark |
Woodlake | O42 | | | Woodlake Airport |
Woodland | O41 | | | Watts-Woodland |
Yermo | CN23 | | | Harvard Airport |
Yuba City | O52 | | | Sutter County |
Yuba City | CA73 | | | Vanderford Ranch Company Airport |
Yucca Valley | L22 | | | Yucca Valley |
Yucca Valley | 2CA8 | | | B & E Ranch Airport |
Yucca Valley | 6CA5 | | | Valley Vista Airport |
Zenia | 45CL | | | Hell'er High Water Airport |
Agate | CO25 | | | Metrogro Farm Airport |
Akron | 5V6 | | | Gebauer Airport |
Aspen | CO03 | | | Aspen Airport |
Aurora | 34CO | | | Simons Airport |
Austin | 5CO1 | | | Spruce Point Tree Farm Llc Airport |
Bennet | 96CO | | | Logan Airport |
Bennet | CO02 | | | Harrington Ranch Airport |
Bennett | 87CO | | | Young's Strip Airport |
Bennett | 0CO3 | | | Greggs Nr 1 Airport |
Bennett | 76CO | | | Hoy Airstrip |
Bennett | CD09 | | | Yoder Airstrip |
Berthoud | 17CO | | | Skylane Ranch Airport |
Blackhawk | CO07 | | | Athanasiou Valley Airport |
Blanca | 05V | | | Blanca Airport |
Boone | CO09 | | | Youtsey Airport |
Boulder | CO10 | | | Lemons Private Strip Airport |
Brandon | 9CO5 | | | Scherler Private Airstrip |
Briggsdale | 8CO2 | | | William Leon Schawo Airport |
Briggsdale | 00CO | | | Cass Field Airport |
Brighton | CO12 | | | Van Aire Airport |
Brush | 7V5 | | | Brush Municipal |
Burlington | 23CD | | | Aviation Acres Airport |
Byers | CD17 | | | Bijou Basin Airport |
Byers | CO17 | | | Sky Haven Airport |
Byers | 8CO4 | | | East Moore Field Airport |
Byers | 5CO4 | | | Spickard Farm Airport |
Calhan | CD23 | | | Aero Bear Field Airport |
Calhan | 5V4 | | | Calhan Airport |
Canon City | CO19 | | | Tezak Airport |
Carbondale | 4CO0 | | | Glen-Aspen Airport |
Cedaredge | 6CO2 | | | Mesawood Airpark |
Cedaredge | CO20 | | | Flying W Ranch Airport |
Center | 1V8 | | | Leach |
Cheyenne Wells | 5CO0 | | | Windy Plains Airport |
Brighton | CO13 | | | Heckendorf Ranches |
Cortez | CO27 | | | Tanner Field Airport |
Cotopaxi | CD01 | | | Lowe Airstrip |
Craig | 5CO7 | | | Mesa View Ranch Airport |
Crawford | 99V | | | Crawford |
Creede | C24 | | | Mineral County Memorial |
Deer Trail | CD13 | | | Morris Airport |
Del Norte | 8V1 | | | Astronaut Kent Rominger Airport |
Delta | CO89 | | | Barber Field Airport |
Delta | 3CO0 | | | Sky Island Ranch Airport |
Delta | D17 | | | Westwinds |
Fowler | CO80 | | | Fowler Airport |
Dove Creek | 8V6 | | | Dove Creek Airport |
Durango | CD82 | | | Val Air Airport |
Eads | 9V7 | | | Eads Municipal |
Eaton | CO48 | | | Crop Air Inc Airport |
Eckert/orchard City | 6CO0 | | | Doctors Mesa Airport |
Ellicott | CO49 | | | Ellicott/Colorado Springs East |
Elbert | CO15 | | | Kelly Air Park |
Elbert | 4CO7 | | | Ambrosich Field Airport |
Elizabeth | CD45 | | | Flyin' B Ranch Airport |
Elizabeth | 9CO6 | | | D Bar D Airport |
Elizabeth | 8CO9 | | | Pine View Airport |
Elizabeth | CO42 | | | Circle 8 Ranch Airport |
Elizabeth | 3CO7 | | | Dietrichs Airport |
Ellicott | A50 | | | Colorado Springs East Airport |
Ellicott | CO90 | | | Usaf Academy Bullseye Auxiliary Airfield |
Erie | 7CO0 | | | Parkland Airport |
Falcon | CO54 | | | G W Flanders Ranch Strip Airport |
Firestone | CO58 | | | Wings N Things Airpark & Museum Airport |
Flagler | CO00 | | | Flagler Aerial Spraying Inc Airport |
Fort Collins | CO55 | | | Christman Field Airport |
Fort Collins | CO53 | | | Yankee Field Airport |
Franktown | CO96 | | | Reed Hollow Ranch Airport |
Gardner | CO61 | | | Golden Field (Yellow Hat) Airport |
Gateway | 63CO | | | Hendricks Field Airport At West Creek Ranch |
Glade Park | CO43 | | | Pinyon Airport |
Greeley | 11V | | | Easton (Valley View) Airport |
Gypsum | CO47 | | | Gypsum Creek Ranch Airport |
Hartman | CO73 | | | Air-Sprayers Nr 2 Airport |
Hartsel | 25CD | | | Lux Field Airport |
Haxtun | 17V | | | Haxtun Municipal |
Hillside | 92CO | | | Lake Creek Ranch Airport |
Holly | K08 | | | Holly Airport |
Hotchkiss | 3CO1 | | | Cridler Field Airport |
Hotchkiss | 44CO | | | Redlands Airport |
Hotchkiss | CO76 | | | Eden Ranch Airport |
Hotchkiss | 8CO5 | | | Widner Airport |
Hudson | 18V | | | Platte Valley Airpark |
Julesburg | 7V8 | | | Julesburg Municipal |
Keenesburg | 62CO | | | The Farm Airport |
Keenesburg | CO60 | | | Horseshoe Landings Airport |
Keenesburg | CO82 | | | Land Airport |
Kersey | 9CO7 | | | Beaugh Airport |
Kiowa | 9CO8 | | | Bijou Bottom Strip Airport |
Kiowa | 07CO | | | Comanche Creek Airport |
Kiowa | CO18 | | | Chaparral Airport |
Kirk | 72CO | | | Idler Bro's Airport |
Kirk | CO84 | | | Idlers Field Airport |
Kremmling | 20V | | | Mc Elroy |
La Junta | 6CO3 | | | Wine Glass International Airport |
La Veta | 07V | | | Cuchara Valley At La Veta |
Lake City | CD32 | | | Castle Lakes Airport |
Lamar | CD03 | | | Tinnes Airport |
Larkspur | CO93 | | | Perry Park Airport |
Las Animas | 7V9 | | | City Of Las Animas - Bent County |
Mack | C07 | | | Mack Mesa Airport |
Mead | 05CO | | | Rancho De Aereo Airport |
Mesa | 9CO9 | | | Phylcon Ranch Airport |
Milliken | 2CO3 | | | Jackrabbit Strip Airport |
Monte Vista | 02CO | | | Mc Cullough Airport |
Monte Vista | 0CO9 | | | Van Treese Airport |
Montrose | 39CO | | | Flying M Ranch Airport |
Monument | 52CO | | | Mountain View Ranch Airport |
New Raymer | 47CO | | | Mile Hi Airport |
New Raymer | CO06 | | | Wirth Field Airport |
New Raymer | 7CO4 | | | Williams Ranch Airport |
Niwot | 8CO7 | | | Colorado Antique Field Airport |
Norwood | 0CO6 | | | Flying M & M Ranch Airport |
Norwood | 1CO2 | | | Williams Ranch Airport |
Nunn | 1CD1 | | | Reed International Airport |
Nunn | 48CO | | | Shaull Farm Airstrip |
Nunn | 1CO3 | | | Bellmore Farms Airport |
Oak Creek | 5CO8 | | | Pleasant Valley Airport |
Olathe | 1CO4 | | | Clifford Field Airport |
Parker | 1CO8 | | | Everitt Airport |
Penrose | 32CO | | | Braun Airport |
Peyton | 2CD3 | | | Bijou Springs Ranch Airport |
Peyton | 36CO | | | Fat Chance Airport |
Peyton | 2CO1 | | | Cherokee Trail Ranch Airport |
Platteville | 1CD2 | | | Tonga Airport |
Platteville | 03CO | | | Kugel-Strong Airport |
Pueblo | 80CO | | | Simonson Field Airport |
Pueblo | 46CO | | | Huerfano Ag Airport |
Pueblo West | 7CO8 | | | West Pueblo Airport |
Punkin Center | 35CO | | | Lone Tree Ranch Airport |
Red Feather Lakes | 25CO | | | Crystal Lakes Airport |
Rocky Ford | 1CO5 | | | Melon Field Airport |
Roggen | 74CO | | | Westberg-Rosling Farms Airport |
Roggen | 49CO | | | Air Dusters Inc Airport |
Rush | 08CO | | | Terra Firma Airport |
Rush | 23CO | | | High Mesa Airport |
Rye | 95CO | | | Mann Ranch Airport |
Saguache | 04V | | | Saguache Municipal Airport |
Salida | CO11 | | | Granite Mountain Lodge Airport |
San Luis | 33CO | | | Melby Ranch Airstrip |
Simla | CD15 | | | Schantz Airstrip |
South Fork | CD69 | | | Morning Shadows Ranch Airport |
South Fork | CD10 | | | Chapman Field Airport |
Springfield | 8V7 | | | Springfield Municipal |
Steam Boat Springs | 1CD4 | | | Eagle Soaring Airport |
Steamboat Springs | 81CO | | | Mesa 1 Airport |
Stonewall | 3CO4 | | | Tercio Ranch Airstrip |
Strasburg | CO38 | | | Comanche Airfield Llc Airport |
Strasburg | CO97 | | | Comanche Springs Ranch Airport |
Swink | 09CO | | | Cottonwood Field Airport |
Telluride | CO95 | | | Wilson Ranch Airport |
Walden | 33V | | | Walden-Jackson County |
Walsenburg | 4V1 | | | Spanish Peaks Airfield |
Walsenburg | CD48 | | | Cuchara Ranch Airport |
Walsh | 4CO3 | | | Griffin Field Airport |
Watkins | 9CO2 | | | Van Slyke Field Airport |
Wellington | 6CO1 | | | Burnham Field Airport |
Westcliffe | C08 | | | Silver West |
Westcliffe | CO65 | | | Geary Ranch Airport |
Wiggins | 89CO | | | Vallery Airport |
Wiggins | 8CO0 | | | Kent Airport |
Wray | 2V5 | | | Wray Municipal |
Yoder | 88CO | | | Tranquila Airport |
Yuma | 2V6 | | | Yuma Municipal |
Yuma | 8CO8 | | | Koenig Airport |
Bozrah | CT36 | | | Gager Field Airport |
Danielson | 5B3 | | | Danielson |
East Haddam | 42B | | | Goodspeed Airport |
East Windsor | CT85 | | | Roberts Farm Airport |
East Windsor Hill | CT14 | | | Bancroft Airport |
Litchfield | CT44 | | | Ripley Field Airport |
Marlborough | 9B8 | | | Salmon River Airfield |
New Milford | 11N | | | Candlelight Farms Airport |
New Milford | CT51 | | | Docktors Field Airport |
Newtown | CT52 | | | Flying Ridge Airstrip |
North Canaan | CT24 | | | North Canaan Aviation Facilities Inc Airport |
Plainville | 4B8 | | | Robertson Field |
Roxbury | CT59 | | | Good Hill Farm Airport |
Simsbury | 4B9 | | | Simsbury Airport |
Warehouse Point | 7B6 | | | Skylark Airpark |
Bridgeville | DE14 | | | Huey Airport |
Dover | 0N4 | | | Chandelle Estates Airport |
Dover/Cheswold | 33N | | | Delaware Airpark |
Farmington | D74 | | | Chorman |
Farmington | 2DE2 | | | Willaview Airport |
Felton | DE32 | | | Belfair Airport |
Felton | DE00 | | | Doyle's Airport |
Felton | 0N6 | | | Henderson Aviation Airport |
Greenwood | DE17 | | | Sugar Hill Airport |
Hartly | DE07 | | | Flying C Airport |
Laurel | N06 | | | Laurel Airport |
Magnolia | DE09 | | | Johnsons Airport |
Archer | 0J8 | | | Flying Ten Airport |
Milton | DE23 | | | Ockel Farms Airport |
Milton | DE25 | | | Eagle Crest-Hudson Airport |
Roxana | DE21 | | | West Private Airport |
Seaford | DE15 | | | Pevey Airport |
Smyrna | DE29 | | | Scotty's Place Airport |
Smyrna | 38N | | | Smyrna Airport |
Townsend | DE34 | | | Townsend A Airport |
Townsend | DE20 | | | Spirit Airpark |
Townsend | DE19 | | | Duffy's Airport |
Hartford | JQD | | | Ohio County |
Wyoming | 15N | | | Jenkins Airport |
Alachua | 63FD | | | Link Field Airport |
Alachua | FA62 | | | Santa Fe River Ranch Airport |
Alamana | FA63 | | | Leffler Airport |
Altha | 50FD | | | Cattle Creek Ranch Airport |
Apalachicola | F47 | | | St George Island |
Apopka | X04 | | | Orlando Apopka Airport |
Apopka | FL57 | | | Carter Airport |
Arcadia | X06 | | | Arcadia Municipal |
Arcadia | 09FL | | | Sunnybreeze Airport |
Arcadia | 26FD | | | Hennessy Airport |
Arcadia | FA64 | | | Montgomery Ranch Airport |
Arcadia | 8FL1 | | | Mc Donald's Field Airport |
Arcadia | 92FL | | | Carlstrom Field Airport |
Archer | FL66 | | | Peach Orchard Airport |
Auburndale | FL16 | | | Market World Airport |
Avon Park | FL01 | | | Crews Homestead Ranch Airport |
Baker | 55FD | | | Dotson Airport |
Baker | 18FD | | | Sky Ranch Airport |
Bell | 86FD | | | Country Landings Airport |
Bell | 37FL | | | Flying Harness Farms Airport |
Bell | 9FL5 | | | Shady Bend Airport |
Bell | 6FL9 | | | Saw Whet Farms Airport |
Belle Glade | FA69 | | | Duda Airstrip |
Belle Glade | X10 | | | Belle Glade State Municipal |
Belleview | FL58 | | | Johary Airport |
Belleview | 8FL3 | | | Back Achers Airport |
Belleview | 8FL2 | | | Norton Airport |
Belleview | 2FA2 | | | Monroe Airpark |
Blountstown | F95 | | | Calhoun County |
Bonifay | 1J0 | | | Tri-County |
Bonifay | FA55 | | | Garner Field Airport |
Bonifay | 03FD | | | Tharpe Airport |
Brandon | FL78 | | | Lewis Airport |
Branford | FD16 | | | Flying C Farm Airport |
Branford | 0FL1 | | | Thompson Airfield |
Branford | FD71 | | | O'brien Airpark East/West |
Branford | 2FD0 | | | Flints Flying Ranch Airport |
Brooksville | X05 | | | Pilot Country |
Brooksville | 5FD7 | | | Chinsegut Airport |
Bushnell | 00FA | | | Grass Patch Airport |
Bushnell | 9FL1 | | | Flying W Airranch Airport |
Bushnell | 09FD | | | Cheryl-Lane Landings Airport |
Bushnell | 25FL | | | Connell's Wahoo Airport |
Camp Blanding Mil Res(starke) | 2CB | | | Camp Blanding Army Airfield/National Guard Airport |
Carrabelle | FA43 | | | Dog Island Airport |
Carrabelle | X13 | | | Carrabelle-Thompson |
Cedar Key | FA71 | | | Cedars Airfield |
Century | FD89 | | | Collier/Pine Barren Airpark |
Chiefland | 6FD0 | | | Windy Acres Airport |
Chiefland | 51FL | | | Chiefland Sky Ranch Airport |
Chiefland | FA36 | | | White Farms Airport |
Chiefland | 73FD | | | Brookins Air Strip Airport |
Chuluota | 6FD2 | | | Big Oaks Ranch Airport |
Citra | FD14 | | | Paniola Air Ranch Airport |
Citra | 9FD5 | | | Thompson's Goinbroke Aero Ranch Airport |
Clarksville | 5FD1 | | | Ron Wood Airport |
Clarksville | 74FD | | | Clarksville Airport |
Clarksville | FL15 | | | Steep Head Farm Airport |
Clermont | 21FL | | | Kings Field Airport |
Clewiston | 2IS | | | Airglades |
Clewiston | 0FL0 | | | Harper's Fly-In Ranch Airport |
Clewiston | 2FA4 | | | Southern Ranch Airport |
Clewiston | 0FL9 | | | Mc Daniel Ranch Inc. Airport |
Coleman | 2FA6 | | | Freeflight International Airport |
Crescent City | 16FD | | | Skinners Wholesale Nursery Airport |
Crescent City | FD44 | | | Eagles Nest Aerodrome |
Crescent City | 2FA5 | | | Thunderbird Air Park |
Cross Creek | 35FA | | | Rimes Lakecrest Airport |
Cypress | 2FL3 | | | Folsom Airport |
Kite | 15GA | | | Darla's Airport |
Dade City | 3FL1 | | | Two J's Flying Ranch Airport |
Daytona Beach | 7FL6 | | | Spruce Creek - Private |
De Leon Springs | FD90 | | | Lafayette Landings Airport |
Defuniak Springs | 5FL9 | | | Cedar Lane Airport |
Defuniak Springs | 0FD5 | | | Breezy Knoll Airport |
Deland | 1J6 | | | Bob Lee Flight Strip |
Deland | FD86 | | | Deep Woods Ranch Airport |
Deland | FL62 | | | Bradshaw Farm Airport |
Deland | 85FA | | | North Exuma Airport |
Delray Beach | FD08 | | | Antiquers Aerodrome |
Dundee | 58FD | | | Southerly Airport |
Dunnellon | X35 | | | Marion County |
Elkton | 5FL4 | | | Byrd Air Field |
Ellenton | 6FD7 | | | Thomson Airfield |
Englewood | X36 | | | Buchan Airport |
Estero | 1FD4 | | | Corkscrew Trace Airpark |
Eustis | 6FD6 | | | Britt Brown & Porter Ranch Airport |
Eustis | X55 | | | Mid Florida Air Service Airport |
Everglades | X01 | | | Everglades Airpark |
Everglades City | 9FL7 | | | Oasis Ranger Station-U.S. Government Airport |
Fairfield | FA09 | | | Reluctant Gremlin Airport |
Fellsmere | 4FL3 | | | Fellsmere Airport |
Florala | 05FA | | | Melanie's Airport |
Fort Drum | FL75 | | | Indian Hammock Airport |
Fort Myers | 47FD | | | Strayhorn Ranch Airport |
Fort Myers | 1FA3 | | | Pine Island Airport |
Fort Myers | 4FA3 | | | Tranquility Bay Strip Airport |
Fort Myers | FL86 | | | Woodstock Airport |
Fort Myers | 94FL | | | Pine Shadows Airpark |
Fort Myers | FL59 | | | Buckingham Field Airport |
Fort Pierce | FL67 | | | Evans Properties Inc Airport |
Fort Pierce | FD88 | | | Aero Acres Airport |
Fort Pierce | FL37 | | | Treasure Coast Airpark |
Fort Pierce | FL29 | | | Hales 700 Airport |
Fort Pierce | 7FL3 | | | Adams Ranch Airport |
Fort Pierce | FD30 | | | Southeastern Airport |
Fort Pierce | 7FL8 | | | Dragonfly Airport |
Fort White | FD31 | | | Bradley Airport |
Fountain | 68FD | | | Maran Airport |
Freeport | 0FD3 | | | Dugger Field Airport |
Frostproof | 52FL | | | Lake Clinch Airpark |
Frostproof | 4FL5 | | | Ridge Landing Airport |
Fruitland Park | 5FA1 | | | Flying Palomino Ranch Airport |
Geneva | 01FL | | | Cedar Knoll Flying Ranch Airport |
Geneva | FD92 | | | Southerland Strip Airport |
Glen St Mary | FD27 | | | Cuyler Field Airport |
Dixie | A05 | | | Dixie Usfs Airport |
Green Cove Springs | 7FL4 | | | Haller Airpark |
Green Cove Springs | FL60 | | | Reynolds Airpark |
Greensboro | 5FL6 | | | Flat Creek Airport |
Greenville | 20FD | | | Pratt Airport |
Greenville | 9FL8 | | | Finlayson Farm Airport |
Greenwood | 5FL8 | | | Chipola Airpark |
Groveland | 02FA | | | Osborn Airfield |
Groveland | FA42 | | | Sheets Airport |
Harold | 8FL6 | | | George T Mc Cutchan Airport |
Hastings | 8FL0 | | | Hutson Airfield |
Hastings | 46FD | | | Tater Farms Strip Airport |
Hastings | 13FA | | | Earle Airpark |
Havana | 9FL2 | | | Saranac Farm Airport |
Havana | FD55 | | | Rutten Dusting Strip Airport |
Havana | 76FD | | | Peavy Farms Airport |
Havana | FA26 | | | Dogwood Farm Airport |
Hernando | 7FD2 | | | Drake Ranch Airport |
Hernando | 5FL7 | | | Twelve Oaks Airport |
High Springs | 6J8 | | | Oak Tree Landing Airport |
Hilliard | 01J | | | Hilliard Airpark |
Hollywood | FL65 | | | Mac-Ivor & Friends Airstrip |
Holt | FD93 | | | Yellow River Airstrip |
Homestead | X51 | | | Homestead General Aviation |
Homestead | 78FD | | | Mac's Field Airport |
Homestead | 04FA | | | Richards Field Airport |
Homestead | 11FA | | | B & L Farms Airport |
Immokalee | 59FD | | | Big Cypress Airfield |
Indiantown | 80FD | | | Brady Ranch Airport |
Indiantown | X58 | | | Indiantown Airport |
Island Grove | 2FD2 | | | Marjorie Kennan Rawlings Airport |
Jacksonville | FD48 | | | Deep Forest Airport |
Jasper | FD63 | | | Squires Aviation Ranch Airport |
Jay | 56FL | | | Buchanan Airport |
Jay | 50FL | | | Odom's Flying Service Airport |
Jay | 14FL | | | Wells Flying Service Airport |
Jay | FL06 | | | Golden Harvest Flying Service Inc Airport |
Jay | 85FL | | | Thomas Farms Airport |
Jennings | FA11 | | | Bird Field Airport |
Jupiter | FD15 | | | Tailwinds Airport |
Jupiter | 06FA | | | William P Gwinn Airport |
Keaton Beach | 5FL1 | | | Ezell Airport |
Kenansville | 4FL1 | | | Escape Ranch Airport |
Kenansville | FD09 | | | Rlm Farms Airport |
Key West | 7FA1 | | | Sugar Loaf Shores Airport |
Keystone Heights | 42J | | | Keystone Airpark |
La Belle | X14 | | | La Belle Municipal |
La Belle | FA18 | | | Devils Garden Strip Airport |
La Belle | FA51 | | | William's Sky Manor Airport |
La Belle | 08FA | | | Duda Airstrip |
La Belle | FD20 | | | Sundance Farms Airport |
La Belle | 05FL | | | Charlton Strip Airport |
La Belle | FL88 | | | Bob Paul Airport |
La Belle | 17FA | | | Cotton Strip Airport |
Lake Butler | FL03 | | | Department Of Corrections Field Airport |
Lake City | FD84 | | | Delta Airport |
Lake City | FL50 | | | Rossi Field Airport |
Lake City | 15FL | | | Cannon Creek Airpark |
Lake City | FL27 | | | Lake City Airpark |
Lake Panasoffkee | FD49 | | | Montgomery's Flying M Ranch Airport |
Lake Placid | 08FL | | | J. H. Hendrie Farms Airport |
Lake Placid | 90FD | | | Blue Head Ranch Airport |
Lake Placid | FD72 | | | Kings Port Airport |
Lake Placid | 03FA | | | Lake Persimmon Airstrip |
Lake Placid | 09FA | | | Placid Lakes Airport |
Lake Placid | 3FD0 | | | Last Chance Ranch Airport |
Lake Placid | FA60 | | | Vince's Condominium Association Airport |
Lake Wales | X07 | | | Lake Wales Municipal |
Lake Wales | 62FL | | | David Wine's Airstrip |
Lake Wales | X25 | | | Chalet Suzanne Air Strip |
Lakeland | X49 | | | South Lakeland Airport |
Lakeland | FD33 | | | Green Swamp Aerodrome |
Lakeland | FL43 | | | Burntwood Ranch Airport |
Lamont | 4FL0 | | | Turkey Scratch Plantation Airport |
Leesburg | 99FL | | | Madison County Airport |
Leesburg | 10FA | | | Flying Baron Estates Airport |
Live Oak | 24J | | | Suwannee County |
Live Oak | FD61 | | | Red Barn Acres Airport |
Live Oak | 9FL0 | | | Suwannee Belle Airport |
Live Oak | FD42 | | | Cooksey Brothers Airport |
Live Oak | FL07 | | | Wings N Sunsets Llc Airport |
Live Oak | FA88 | | | Pittman Oaks Airport |
Live Oak | 45FL | | | Moss Meadows Airport |
Live Oak | FL09 | | | Kittyhawk Estates Airport |
Lowell | FL80 | | | Lee Farms Airport |
Madison | 38FA | | | Blue Springs Airport |
Madison | 7FD9 | | | Estherbrook Aerodrome |
Malone | 3FL8 | | | Hart Airport |
Compton | IL87 | | | W Davis Airport |
Malone | 56FD | | | North American Farms Airport |
Marianna | 21FD | | | Land's Field Airport |
Mascotte | 06FD | | | Grass Roots Airpark |
Mayo | FD50 | | | The Trails Airport |
Mc Alpin | FL10 | | | Little River Airport |
Mc Alpin | 8FD1 | | | Buckner Airport |
Mc Alpin | 9FD9 | | | Buddy's Ag Service Airport |
Melbourne | 31FL | | | Tedford Ranch Airport |
Melrose | 39FA | | | Sanders Ranch Airport |
Melrose | FD22 | | | Melrose Landing Airport |
Miami | FA35 | | | Lindbergh's Landing Airport |
Miami | 14FA | | | Burrs Strip Airport |
Miccosukee | FL12 | | | Ingalls Field Airport |
Middleburg | 11FL | | | Williams Field Airport |
Middleburg | FL13 | | | Spencer's Airpark |
Milton | 2R4 | | | Peter Prince Field |
Milton | 24FL | | | Garcon Field Airport |
Milton | 93FD | | | Chumuckla 20-20 Airport |
Monticello | 74FL | | | Jefferson Landings Airport |
Morriston | FA30 | | | Redtail Airstrip |
Munson | 8FD3 | | | Blackwater Airfield |
Naples | FA37 | | | Wing South Airpark |
Navarre | 1J9 | | | Fort Walton Beach Airport |
New Port Richey | FA40 | | | Hidden Lake Airport |
New Smyrna Beach | X50 | | | Massey Ranch Airpark |
Niceville | FL17 | | | Ruckel Airport |
O'brien | FL18 | | | Suwannee Farms Airport |
Ocala | FL61 | | | Mc Ginley Airport |
Ocala | 17FL | | | Jumbolair-Greystone Airport |
Ocala | FD29 | | | Flying Dutchman Ranch Airport |
Ocala | FL19 | | | Crosswind Farm Airport |
Ocala | FL63 | | | Idle Wild Airport |
Ocala | FA49 | | | Shady International Airport |
Ocala/belleview | FD04 | | | Leeward Air Ranch Airport |
Ochopee | FA80 | | | Lost Horn Ranch Airport |
Ochopee | 16FA | | | Little Deer Airport |
Okeechobee | 33FA | | | Recreation Corporation Airport |
Okeechobee | 32FA | | | Sunset Strip Airpark |
Okeechobee | 83FD | | | Lake Montaza Airport |
Okeechobee | 96FD | | | Citrus Hedging Ranch Airport |
Okeechobee | FD70 | | | River Acres Airport |
Okeechobee | 00FL | | | River Oak Airport |
Okeechobee | 8FD5 | | | Lykes Brighton Airport |
Okeechobee | 08FD | | | Sunniland Ranch Airport |
Okeechobee | FD39 | | | Flying Cow Air Ranch Airport |
Okeechobee | 90FL | | | Paxton Airport |
Oklawaha | FA38 | | | Woods And Lakes Airpark |
Old Town | 5FD0 | | | Manatee Springs Airport |
Orange Springs | FD02 | | | 85th Avenue Airstrip |
Orlando | 01FA | | | Rybolt Ranch Airport |
Ormond | 04FL | | | Cross Creek Farms Airport |
Ormond Beach | 0FD0 | | | Big 'g' Airport |
Oxford | 31FA | | | S & S Avion Ranch Airport |
Palatka | 28J | | | Palatka Municipal Airport/Kay Larkin Field |
Palmdale | FL73 | | | Lykes Palmdale Airport |
Palmetto | 48X | | | Airport Manatee |
Panacea | 2J0 | | | Wakulla County Airport |
Oak Park | 13GE | | | Holt Airpark |
Panama City | 75FL | | | Sandy Creek Airpark |
Pensacola | 83J | | | Coastal Airport |
Pensacola | 82J | | | Ferguson Airport |
Perry | FA29 | | | Lumar Field Airport |
Perry | FA32 | | | Circle P Airport |
Pierson | 2J8 | | | Pierson Municipal Airport |
Placida | FA54 | | | Coral Creek |
Plant City | 79FD | | | Midway Lake Airport |
Polk City | FA08 | | | Orlampa Inc Airport |
Pomona Park | 78FL | | | Pomona Landing Airport |
Port Charlotte | 20FL | | | Lake Suzy Estates Airport |
Port St Joe | A51 | | | Costin Airport |
Port St. Lucie | FD24 | | | Southern Fruit Groves Airport |
Punta Gorda | 6FL3 | | | Payson Ranch Airport |
Punta Gorda | F13 | | | Shell Creek Airpark |
Quincy | 49FD | | | Watson Farm Airport |
Quincy | 2J9 | | | Quincy Municipal |
Raiford | FL28 | | | State Prison Field Airport |
Reddick | FA50 | | | Wings-N-Wheels Airport |
River Ranch | 2RR | | | River Ranch Resort |
River Ranch | 2FL8 | | | Tiger Lake Airport |
Rockledge | 21FA | | | Rockledge Airport |
Sarasota | 22FA | | | Hidden River Airport |
Sarasota | 4FL8 | | | Schwartz Farms Inc Airport |
Scottsmoor | 3FD6 | | | Tradewinds Aerodrome |
Sebastian | X26 | | | Sebastian Municipal |
South Bay | FL41 | | | Okeelanta Airport |
St Augustine | 14FD | | | Sunshine Farms Airport |
St Cloud | 57FA | | | Lake X Airport |
St Cloud | FD37 | | | Gentry Airport |
Steinhatchee | 39FD | | | Ancient Oaks Airport |
Stuart | 64FA | | | Naked Lady Ranch Airport |
Summerland Key | FD51 | | | Summerland Key Cove Airport |
Tallahassee | 68J | | | Tallahassee Commercial Airport |
Tampa | X39 | | | Tampa North Aero Park |
Tavernier | FA81 | | | Tavernaero Park Airport |
Titusville | X21 | | | Arthur Dunn Airpark |
Trenton | 35FD | | | Rush Airport |
Umatilla | 43FL | | | Fly'n R Ranch Airport |
Umatilla | X23 | | | Umatilla Municipal Airport |
Valkaria | X59 | | | Valkaria |
Valparaiso | FL34 | | | Eglin Test Site B6 Airport |
Vero Beach | 23FD | | | Scott 2000 Airport |
Vero Beach | FD25 | | | Fly In Ranches Airport |
Vero Beach | X52 | | | New Hibiscus Airpark |
Vero Beach | FL74 | | | Indian River Aerodrome |
Vero Beach | FL89 | | | Triple M Airport |
Walnut Hill | 49FL | | | Mike's Ag Air Airport |
Walnut Hill | 48FL | | | Mc Kinnon Airpark |
Wausau | 2FL0 | | | Crystal Village Airport |
Wausau | 15FD | | | Orange Hill Airport |
West Melbourne | FD74 | | | Gamebird Groves Airstrip |
West Palm Beach | FD38 | | | Wellington Aero Club Airport |
West Palm Beach | F45 | | | North Palm Beach County General Aviation |
Williston | X60 | | | Williston Municipal |
Williston | 96FL | | | Wings Field Airport |
Wimauma | FD77 | | | Wimauma Air Park |
Winter Beach | FL95 | | | Broocke Air Patch Airport |
Worthington | FL54 | | | Flying Tiger Field Airport |
Yeehaw Junction | 6FD5 | | | Blanket Bay Airport |
Yulee | 83FL | | | Nassau Airport |
Zellwood | FL97 | | | Tangerine Airport |
Zellwood | FA83 | | | Orlando North Airpark |
Zellwood | X61 | | | Bob White Field Airport |
Zolfo Springs | 67FL | | | Myakka Head Airport |
Zolfo Springs | FL00 | | | Griffins Peace River Ranch Airport |
Adel | 15J | | | Cook County |
Albany | GA14 | | | Pinebloom Plantation Airport |
Appling | 0GE7 | | | Carpenter Airport |
Arlington | 4GA8 | | | Andrews Airport |
Arlington | GA22 | | | Jordans Airport |
Ashburn | 75J | | | Turner County |
Ashburn | GE12 | | | Richter Airpark |
Attapulgus | 4GE1 | | | Viola Farm Airport |
Bainbridge | 83GA | | | Brock Airpark |
Barnesville | GA86 | | | Little Tobesofkee Creek Ranch Airport |
Barnesville | GA59 | | | Antique Acres Airport |
Blue Ridge | 57GA | | | Blue Ridge Skyport Airport |
Blythe | 61GA | | | Pea Patch Aerodrome |
Bostwick | GA16 | | | Taylor Field Airport |
Brooks | GA61 | | | Kenley Field Airport |
Buena Vista | 82A | | | Marion County |
Butler | 6A1 | | | Butler Municipal |
Clyo | 9GA1 | | | Briar Patch Airport |
Byromville | GA17 | | | Flint River Nursery Airport |
Cairo | 70J | | | Cairo-Grady County |
Calhoun | GA65 | | | Mercer Airfield |
Canon | 18A | | | Franklin County |
Carnesville | 3GE3 | | | Broad River Air Park |
Carnesville | 33GA | | | Hudson River Landing Airport |
Carrollton | 6GA8 | | | Flying W Farms Airport |
Carrollton | 78GA | | | C&r Farm Airport |
Carrollton | 8GA8 | | | Falcons Aerie Airport |
Cave Spring | 53GA | | | Dawson Field Airport |
Cedartown | 4A4 | | | Polk County/Cornelius Moore Field |
Centralhatchee | 7GE5 | | | Sunset Strip Airport |
Clayton | GA18 | | | Big Creek Flying Ranch Airport |
Clayton | GE99 | | | Heaven's Landing Airport |
Cleveland | 0GE5 | | | Mountain Airpark |
Cochran | 48A | | | Cochran |
Concord | GA75 | | | Meadowlark Airport |
Concord | GA68 | | | Flying 'h' Ranch Airport |
Concord | GA73 | | | Shade Tree Airport |
Concord | 4GA1 | | | Thacker Field Airport |
Concord | GA74 | | | Takle Field Airport |
Concord | 2GA5 | | | Windrift Aerodrome |
Conyers | GA80 | | | Whispering Pines Airport |
Covington | GA83 | | | Windy Hill Airport |
Crandall | 2GE7 | | | Petty Farms Airport |
Cumberland Island | GA20 | | | Stafford Airport |
Cumming | 6GA0 | | | Stoney Point Airfield |
Cuthbert | 25J | | | Lower Chattahoochee Regional |
Dahlonega | 9A0 | | | Lumpkin County-Wimpys |
Danville | 7GA4 | | | Danville Airpark |
Darien | GA21 | | | Patterson Island Airport |
Darien | 08GA | | | Sapelo Island Airport |
Dawson | 16J | | | Dawson Municipal |
Dawson | 9GA3 | | | Young Field Airport |
Dawsonville | 30GA | | | Elliott Field Airport |
Donalsonville | 17J | | | Donalsonville Municipal |
Douglasville | 25GA | | | Miller Farm Airport |
Douglasville | 0GE0 | | | Pinewood Airport |
Dublin | GE26 | | | Duke Strip 2 Airport |
Eatonton | 9GA9 | | | Deerfield Landing Airport |
Eatonton | 32GA | | | Sebastian Cove Airport |
Elberton | 27A | | | Elbert County Airport-Patz Field |
Ellijay | 49A | | | Gilmer County |
Euharlee | 02GE | | | Etowah Fields Airport |
Fargo | GA25 | | | Fargo Airport |
Cumming | 4GA9 | | | Ebeneezer |
Fayetteville | GA90 | | | Walker Field Airport |
Fayetteville | 19GA | | | Willow Pond Aviation Inc Airport |
Folkston | 3J6 | | | Davis Field Airport |
Senoia | 64GA | | | Big 't' Airport |
Fort Valley | GE25 | | | Hutto Farm Airport |
Fort Valley | 1GE4 | | | Beckley Farms Airport |
Fort Valley | GA99 | | | Miami Valley Farm Airport |
Fort Valley | 5GE1 | | | Peachtree Landings Airport |
Franklin | 1GE3 | | | Answered Prayer Airport |
Franklin/glenn | 5GA7 | | | Panacea Airport |
Ft Valley | GA81 | | | Cameron Field Airport |
Garfield | 7GA3 | | | Hacienda De Gay Airstrip |
Gillsville | 97GA | | | B Tree Farms Airport |
Martin | 0U7 | | | Hollow Top Airport |
Grantville | 80GA | | | Murphy's Landing Airport |
Greensboro | 3J7 | | | Greene County Regional |
Greensboro | 2GE3 | | | Smith Airport |
Griffin | 6A2 | | | Griffin-Spalding County |
Griffin | GA62 | | | Cedar Ridge Airport |
Griffin | 10GA | | | Beaverbrook Aerodrome |
Griffin | 5GA5 | | | Pinebrook Estates Airport |
Griffin | 4GA7 | | | Kitchens Field Airport |
Griffin | 8GA6 | | | S & S Landing Strip Airport |
Guyton | GA43 | | | Briggs Field Airport |
Hahira | 1GA5 | | | Shilo Farms Airport |
Hampton | 4A7 | | | Atlanta South Regional |
Hampton | 0GA0 | | | Halls Flying Ranch Airport |
Haralson | 6GA1 | | | Fagundes Field Airport |
Hartwell | 0GA2 | | | Airnautique, Inc. Airport |
Hartwell | 0GA1 | | | Mustang Field Airport |
Hawkinsville | 51A | | | Hawkinsville-Pulaski County |
Indian Springs | 98GA | | | Circle T Airport |
Irwinville | 0GE1 | | | Crystal Lake Airpark |
Jackson | GA01 | | | Flying H Ranch Inc Airport |
Jackson | 62GA | | | Seven Lakes Airport |
Jefferson | 19A | | | Jackson County |
Jekyll Island | 09J | | | Jekyll Island |
Jersey | 0GA6 | | | Sunset Strip Airport |
Lafayette | 9A5 | | | Barwick Lafayette |
Lafayette | GE05 | | | Gibson Field Airport |
Layfayette | GE11 | | | Hogjowl Airport |
Leesburg | 8GA3 | | | Leesburg Spraying Airport |
Lincolnton | 3GE8 | | | Prater Ranch Airport |
Lithonia | 00GA | | | Lt World Airport |
Locust Grove | GA04 | | | Mallards Landing Airport |
Loganville | 6GA4 | | | Spring Valley Farm Airport |
Louisville | 2J3 | | | Louisville Municipal |
Lovejoy | GA89 | | | Diamond S Airport |
Luthersville | 1GA2 | | | Flying N Estates Airport |
Madison | 52A | | | Madison Municipal |
Madison | GA50 | | | Dream Team Airport |
Mc Donough | 63GA | | | Zips Airport |
Midville | 92GE | | | Midville International Airport |
Milledgeville | 9GA6 | | | Brookline - Meadowmere Airport |
Millen | 2J5 | | | Millen |
Monroe | D73 | | | Monroe-Walton County |
Monroe | 67GA | | | Appalachee Bluff Riverfront Airpark |
Monroe | GA00 | | | Kintail Farm Airport |
Monroe | 1GA9 | | | Aerie Airport |
Montezuma | 53A | | | Dr. C P Savage Sr. |
Monticello | GA06 | | | Monticello Sky Ranch Airport |
Montrose | 4GE3 | | | Whitehall Airport |
Moultrie | 9GA2 | | | Berg Park Aerodrome |
Moultrie | 09GA | | | Sunbelt Strip Airport |
Nahunta | 4J1 | | | Brantley County |
Nashville | 4J2 | | | Berrien County |
Nashville | 1GA8 | | | South One Ten Airport |
Naylor | GE01 | | | Christians Folly Airport |
Newborn | 2GA0 | | | Kennedy Intranational Airport |
Newnan | 17GA | | | Panther Creek Airport |
Newnan | GA79 | | | Dresden Airport |
Oxford | 2GA1 | | | Poole Farm Airport |
Palmetto | GA31 | | | Two Rocks Airport |
Patterson | 1GE6 | | | Daystar Strip Airport |
Pinehurst | 47GA | | | Everidge Airport |
Pinehurst | 2GA3 | | | Wrights Field Airport |
Pineview | 44GA | | | S&s Flying Service Airport |
Plains | 7A9 | | | Peterson Field Airport |
Plainville | 22GA | | | Riverside Airport |
Quitman | 4J5 | | | Quitman Brooks County |
Richland | 05GA | | | Raju Airport |
Ringgold | GA03 | | | Wilson Airport |
Roberta | 0GA9 | | | Gentle Landings Air Park |
Rocky Ford | 0GE9 | | | Pegasus Ranch Airport |
Roopville | 8GA1 | | | Gum Creek Airport |
Savannah | GA39 | | | Hodges Airpark |
Savannah | GA35 | | | Cypress Lakes Airport |
Shellman Bluff | 1GA0 | | | Eagle Neck Airport |
Shellman Bluff | 72GA | | | Barbour Island Airport |
Snellville | 2GA9 | | | Lenora Airport |
Social Circle | 18GA | | | Sleepy Hollow Airport |
Soperton | 4J8 | | | Treutlen County |
Springfield | 2GA2 | | | Swaids Field Airport |
St Marys | 4J6 | | | St Marys |
Statesboro | 1GA4 | | | Southern Ag Aviation Airport |
Statesboro | GA07 | | | Crawford Hendrix Farm Airport |
Stockbridge | 4A0 | | | Berry Hill Airport |
Suches | GA87 | | | High Valley Airpark |
Summerville | GA23 | | | Wyatt Airport |
Sylvania | 76GA | | | Landings East Sylvania Airport |
Sylvester | 13GA | | | Oak Ridge Plantation Airport |
Temple | 0GA3 | | | Ayresouth Airport |
Tennga | 55GE | | | Rostex Airport |
Whitesburg | 6GA5 | | | Kolibri Airport |
Radcliffe | 2Y1 | | | Drake Airport |
Soperton | 3GA8 | | | Cauley's Airstrip |
Trenton | 0GE3 | | | Lookout Mountain Airport |
Tunnel Hill | 86GA | | | Flying G Ranch Airport |
Unadilla | 94GA | | | Snow Hill Airstrip |
Valdosta | 50GA | | | Mallory Field Airport |
Valdosta | 0GA8 | | | Paso Fino Farm Airport |
Valdosta | 7GA2 | | | Mcclellan Airport |
Vaughn | 8GA9 | | | Brook Bridge Aerodrome |
Villa Rica | 20GA | | | Earl L. Small Jr. Field/Stockmar Airport |
Wadley | 82GA | | | Paces South Farms Airport |
Warm Springs | 5A9 | | | Roosevelt Memorial |
Warner Robins | 5A2 | | | Warner Robins Air Park |
Waverly Hall | 1GE9 | | | Waverly Landing Airport |
Waycross | GA47 | | | Bivins Airport |
Whitesburg | 95GA | | | Mcintosh Field Airport |
Whitesburg | 3GA6 | | | Erlen Airport |
Whitesburg | 7GA9 | | | Smisson Field Airport |
Williamson | 5GA3 | | | Eagles Landing Airport |
Williamson | GA2 | | | Peach State Airport |
Wrens | 65J | | | Wrens Memorial |
Wrightsville | 01GE | | | The Farm Airport |
Zebulon | 9GA0 | | | Brown Field Airport |
Zebulon | GA10 | | | Ridgeview Farm Airport |
Zebulon | 3GA9 | | | Vintage Field Airport |
Naalehu | HI25 | | | Kaalaiki Airstrip |
Puhi | HI46 | | | Hi 23 Airstrip |
Puhi | HI33 | | | Haiku Airstrip |
Ackley | 4C7 | | | Ackley Municipal Airport |
Kaunakakai | HI49 | | | Panda |
Albia | 4C8 | | | Albia Municipal |
Anita | Y43 | | | Anita Municipal Airport-Kevin Burke Memorial Field |
Ankeny | 46IA | | | Todd Field Airport |
Bedford | Y46 | | | Bedford Municipal Airport |
Belmond | Y48 | | | Belmond Municipal Airport |
Blakesburg | IA27 | | | Antique Airfield |
Bloomfield | 4K6 | | | Bloomfield Municipal |
Hawarden | 2Y2 | | | Hawarden Municipal Airport |
Brooklyn | 09IA | | | Skydive Iowa Airport |
Buffalo Center | IA70 | | | Friesenborg & Larson Airport |
Carson | 97IA | | | Volkens Field Airport |
Cedar Falls | 24IA | | | Isley Field Airport |
Clear Lake | IA12 | | | Lloyd's Field Airport |
Corydon | 0E9 | | | Corydon Airport |
Council Bluffs | IA35 | | | Ruckl Airport |
Crystal Lake | 2IA9 | | | South 80 Field Airport |
Danville | 4IA4 | | | Mccoy Airport |
De Soto | IA51 | | | De Soto Airport |
Des Moines | Y76 | | | Morningstar Field Airport |
Dubuque | IA54 | | | Anderson Airport |
Eldora | 6C0 | | | Eldora Municipal Airport |
Farrar | IA56 | | | Farrar Airport |
Fort Atkinson | IA49 | | | Jirak Airport |
Grimes | IA87 | | | Robel Field Airport |
Grundy Center | 6K7 | | | Grundy Center Municipal Airport |
Guttenberg | IA23 | | | Gaa Private Airport |
Hampton | IA31 | | | Beeds Lake Airport |
Indianola | IA41 | | | Laverty Field Airport |
Indianola | IA66 | | | Nash Field Indianola Airport |
Indianola | IA86 | | | Hedgewood Landing Airport |
Lake Mills | 0Y6 | | | Lake Mills Municipal Airport |
Janesville | IA17 | | | Bluebird Airport |
Jewell | 93IA | | | Lund Airport |
Keosauqua | 6K9 | | | Keosauqua Municipal Airport |
La Porte City | IA97 | | | Nichols Airport |
Lawton | IA84 | | | Lawton Airport |
Livermore | IA83 | | | Kohlhaas Airport |
Indianola | IA11 | | | Too Short |
Lohrville | IA08 | | | Riedesel Private Airport |
Manchester | C27 | | | Manchester Municipal |
Marcus | IA69 | | | Sand Field Airport |
Marion | C17 | | | Marion |
Marion | 7IA3 | | | Mc Bride Field Airport |
Martelle | 62IA | | | Lerchs Airport |
Mason City | 73IA | | | Harris Field Airport |
Maysville | 01IA | | | Stender Airport |
Mediapolis | 0IA4 | | | Sharar Field Airport |
Melbourne | 3IA1 | | | Whites Airport |
Milford | 4D8 | | | Fuller Airport |
Millerton | 0IA5 | | | Moore Private Airport |
Missouri Valley | 90IA | | | Missouri Valley Airport |
Monona | 7C3 | | | Monona Municipal Airport |
Montezuma | 7C5 | | | Sig Field Airport |
Mount Ayr | 1Y3 | | | Judge Lewis Field Mount Ayr Municipal Airport |
New Hampton | 1Y5 | | | New Hampton Municipal Airport |
Nora Springs | 05IA | | | Spotts Field Airport |
North English | 7IA1 | | | White Pigeon Airport |
Northwood | 5D2 | | | Northwood Municipal Airport |
Oakland | IA01 | | | Ridge Airport |
Onawa | K36 | | | Onawa Municipal |
Osage | D02 | | | Osage Municipal |
Osceola | I75 | | | Osceola Municipal |
Oxford | IA24 | | | Green Castle Airport |
Packwood | 04IA | | | Middlekoop Airport |
Paullina | 1Y9 | | | Paullina Municipal Airport |
Sully | 8C2 | | | Sully Municipal Airport |
Polk City | IA48 | | | Kern Field Airport |
Postville | Y16 | | | Dale Delight Airport |
Renwick | 5IA6 | | | Flying S Ranch Airport |
Rockwell City | 2Y4 | | | Rockwell City Municipal |
Tama | 53IA | | | Tama Airport |
Tipton | 8C4 | | | Mathews Memorial |
Traer | 8C6 | | | Traer Municipal Airport |
Waterloo | 10IA | | | Flyers Airport |
Sandwich | 0LL6 | | | Gord Airport |
Waverly | C25 | | | Waverly Municipal Airport |
Wellman | 5IA7 | | | Murphy Field Private Airport |
West Burlington | 19IA | | | Ancam Antique Airfield |
West Liberty | 4IA2 | | | Walker Field Airport |
West Union | 3Y2 | | | George L Scott Municipal |
Williamsburg | 4IA8 | | | Weiss Airport |
Winfield | 8IA2 | | | Port Paradise Farms Airport |
Winterset | 3Y3 | | | Winterset Municipal |
Woodbine | 3Y4 | | | Woodbine Municipal Airport |
Aberdeen | U36 | | | Aberdeen Municipal |
American Falls | U01 | | | American Falls |
Athol | ID05 | | | Hackney Airpark |
Athol | ID48 | | | Western Spur Airport |
Atlanta | 55H | | | Atlanta Airport |
Atlanta | 52U | | | Weatherby Usfs Airport |
Atlanta | U45 | | | Graham Usfs Airport |
Atomic City | U48 | | | Coxs Well Airport |
Atomic City | U37 | | | Midway Airport |
Atomic City | U46 | | | Big Southern Butte Airport |
Bancroft | U51 | | | Bancroft Municipal Airport |
Bellevue | ID16 | | | Sluder Airstrip |
Big Creek | U60 | | | Big Creek Airport |
Blackfoot | U02 | | | Mccarley Field |
Bonners Ferry | 65S | | | Boundary County |
Buhl | U03 | | | Buhl Municipal |
Cambridge | ID77 | | | Cuddy Meadows Airport |
Carey | U65 | | | Carey Airport |
Cascade | 02ID | | | Morgan Ranch Airport |
Cascade | ID44 | | | Hidden Lakes Airport |
Cascade | ID74 | | | Sulphur Creek Ranch Airport |
Cascade | ID35 | | | High Valley Swanson Airport |
Challis | U72 | | | Upper Loon Creek Usfs Airport |
Chamberlain Guard Station | U79 | | | Chamberlain Usfs Airport |
Chester | ID52 | | | Bowman Field Airport |
Clark Fork | 00ID | | | Delta Shores Airport |
Clark Fork | ID01 | | | Cx Ranch Airport |
Clark Fork | ID75 | | | Riverlake Airport |
Clark Fork | ID78 | | | Cx Ranch Airport Nr 2 |
Clarkia | ID33 | | | Stocking Meadows Airport |
Coeur D Alene | 6ID1 | | | Regan Ranch Airport |
Coeur D Alene | S77 | | | Magee Airport |
Coeur D'alene | ID43 | | | Carlin Bay Airport |
Cold Meadows Guard Station | U81 | | | Cold Meadows Usfs Airport |
Coolin | 66S | | | Cavanaugh Bay Airport |
Cottonwood | S84 | | | Cottonwood Municipal |
Council | U82 | | | Council Municipal |
Council | ID17 | | | Seven Devils Airport |
Craigmont | S89 | | | Craigmont Municipal Airport |
Donnelly | ID96 | | | Bear Air Airport |
Donnelly | U84 | | | Donald D. Coski Memorial Airport |
Downey | U58 | | | Downey/Hyde Memorial |
Eden | 1ID7 | | | Fairbanks Airfield |
Elk City | S90 | | | Elk City Airport |
Elk River | ID85 | | | Elk River Airport |
Emmett | S78 | | | Emmett Municipal |
Emmett | 04ID | | | Lanham Field Airport |
Fairfield | U86 | | | Camas County Airport |
Featherville | 0ID0 | | | South Fork Ranch Airport |
Fish Lake | S92 | | | Fish Lake Usfs Airport |
Galena | U87 | | | Smiley Creek Airport |
Garden Valley | U88 | | | Garden Valley Airport |
Glenns Ferry | U89 | | | Glenns Ferry Municipal |
Grace | ID62 | | | Simpson Airport |
Grangeville | 05ID | | | Running Creek Ranch Airport |
Grasmere | U91 | | | Grasmere Airport |
Grouse | U92 | | | Antelope Valley Airport |
Hailey | U93 | | | Magic Reservoir Airport |
Hayden Lake | ID06 | | | Ranch Aero Airport |
Hazelton | U94 | | | Hazelton Municipal Airport |
Headquarters | ID84 | | | Cptpa Headquarters Airport |
Hill City | ID88 | | | Tracy Ranch Airport |
Homedale | S66 | | | Homedale Municipal Airport |
Howe | U97 | | | Howe Airport |
Idaho City | U98 | | | Idaho City Usfs Airport |
Idaho Falls | ID87 | | | Rainbow Ranch Airport |
Idaho Falls | ID50 | | | Q.B. One Airport |
Indian Creek | S81 | | | Indian Creek Usfs Airport |
Irwin | ID72 | | | Huskey Airport |
New Athens | LL26 | | | Schaller Airport |
Kamiah | S73 | | | Kamiah Municipal Airport |
Kellogg | S83 | | | Shoshone County |
Ketchum | U61 | | | Twin Bridges Airport |
Kimama | U99 | | | Laidlaw Corrals Airport |
Lake Fork | ID59 | | | Flying A Ranch Airport |
Lake/island Park/ | U53 | | | Henry's Lake Airport |
Landmark | 0U0 | | | Landmark Usfs Airport |
Lava Hot Springs | 01ID | | | Lava Hot Springs Airport |
Leadore | U00 | | | Leadore |
Lowman | 0U1 | | | Warm Springs Creek Airport |
Mackay | U62 | | | Mackay |
Mackay | ID56 | | | Star 's' Ranch Airport |
Mackay | 2ID2 | | | Linda's Roost Airport |
Mackay | 0U2 | | | Copper Basin Airport |
Mahoney Creek | 0U3 | | | Mahoney Creek Usfs Airport |
Marsing | ID40 | | | Sunrise Skypark Airport |
Marsing | 08ID | | | Symms Airport |
Marina Del Rey | 0ID2 | | | Flying Joseph Ranch Airport |
Mayfield | ID26 | | | P And R Field Airport |
Midvale | 17ID | | | Coyote Ridge Airport |
Midvale | 0U9 | | | Lee Williams Memorial Airport |
Minidoka | 1U0 | | | Bear Trap Airport |
Moose Creek Ranger Station | 1U1 | | | Moose Creek Usfs Airport |
Moscow | 09ID | | | Taylor Ranch Landing Area Airport |
Moscow | ID60 | | | Fountains Airport |
Mountain Home | U76 | | | Mountain Home Municipal |
Mountain Home | 0ID3 | | | Coyote Run Airport |
Mud Lake | 1U2 | | | Mud Lake/West Jefferson County/ |
Muldoon | 10ID | | | Flat Top Airstrip |
Murphy | 0ID7 | | | Z X Ranch Airport |
Murphy | 1U3 | | | Murphy Airport |
Nampa | ID79 | | | Sky Ranch South Airport |
New Meadows | 1U4 | | | New Meadows Airport |
Nez Perce | 0S5 | | | Nez Perce Municipal Airport |
Nordman | 67S | | | Priest Lake Usfs Airport |
Oakley | 1U6 | | | Oakley Municipal Airport |
Orofino | ID29 | | | Big Island Airport |
Orofino | S68 | | | Orofino Municipal Airport |
Orogrande | 75C | | | Orogrande Airport |
Paris | 1U7 | | | Bear Lake County |
Parma | 50S | | | Parma Airport |
Payette | S75 | | | Payette Municipal |
Picabo | ID82 | | | Picabo Airport |
Pine | 1U9 | | | Pine Airport |
Porthill | 1S1 | | | Eckhart International Airport |
Prairie | 2U0 | | | Smith Prairie Airport |
Preston | U10 | | | Preston |
Priest River | 96ID | | | Flying H Ranch Airport |
Priest River | 1S6 | | | Priest River Municipal |
Rigby | U56 | | | Rigby-Jefferson County |
Riverside | ID12 | | | Russell W Anderson Strip Airport |
Rockford | 2U4 | | | Rockford Municipal Airport |
Sagle | ID24 | | | Timber Basin Airpark Inc |
Salmon | 12ID | | | Flying B Ranch Landing Strip Airport |
Sandpoint | ID25 | | | Olmstead Sky Ranch Airport |
Sandpoint | ID36 | | | King Mountain Glider Park Airport |
Shearer | 2U5 | | | Shearer Usfs Airport |
Shoshone | 0ID4 | | | Black Butte Ranch Airport |
Slate Creek | 1S7 | | | Slate Creek Airport |
Soda Springs | U78 | | | Allen H Tigert |
Spirit Lake | ID22 | | | Treeport Airport |
St Anthony | U12 | | | Stanford Field |
St Maries | S72 | | | St Maries Municipal |
Stanley | 2U7 | | | Stanley |
Star | ID92 | | | Foster Field - Skydive Idaho Airport |
Three Creek | 3U0 | | | Murphy Hot Springs Airport |
Triangle | 2ID3 | | | Josephine Ranch Airport |
Warren | 3U1 | | | Warren Usfs Airport |
Weiser | S87 | | | Weiser Municipal |
Worley | ID23 | | | Rock Creek Farm Airport |
Yellow Pine | 3U2 | | | Johnson Creek Airport |
Yellow Pine | ID41 | | | Stibnite Airport |
Abingdon | IL01 | | | Wolford's Airport |
Aledo | C00 | | | Mercer County Airport |
Alhambra | 7IS7 | | | Hammock Field Airport |
Apple River | 7A4 | | | Foster Field Airport |
Arenzville | IL12 | | | Kinsey Rla Airport |
Arlington | IL13 | | | Funfsinn Airport |
Ashmore | 9LL3 | | | John R Reed Airport |
Athens | LL48 | | | Wilcoxon Airport |
Atlanta | IL94 | | | Hoblit Farms Airport |
Atwood | IL31 | | | Cooch Landing Area Airport |
Beardstown | K06 | | | Greater Beardstown |
Beardstown | IL86 | | | Krohe Airport |
Belleville | 2IL7 | | | Ben Emge Airport |
Belleville | 7IS2 | | | Aero Estates Airport |
Belvidere | 0LL0 | | | Kaufield Airport |
Belvidere | IL34 | | | Henderson Airport |
Belvidere | IS83 | | | Untied Acres Airport |
Belvidere | IL36 | | | Bob Walberg Field Airport |
Bement | 1IS2 | | | Triple Creek Airport |
Benson | 4IL9 | | | Unzicker Airport |
Benton | H96 | | | Benton Municipal |
Big Rock | IL38 | | | J Maddock Airport |
Blue Mound | 1IS3 | | | Cribbet Airport |
Blue Mound | 3IS1 | | | Mc Coy Airport |
Blue Mound | 3IS3 | | | Noland Rla Airport |
Bolingbrook | 1C5 | | | Bolingbrook's Clow International |
Bonfield | 05IL | | | Classic Landings Airport |
Browns | 60IS | | | Nelson Private Airport |
Buckingham | IS86 | | | Hendrix Airport |
Bunker Hill | 4IS9 | | | Weidner Airport |
Bushnell | IL15 | | | Runyan Aviation Airport |
Caledonia | 56IL | | | Lee Creek Airport |
Campus | IL51 | | | Aero Acres Airport |
Capron | 09LL | | | Pine Hill Airport |
Carlinville | 8IS1 | | | Nelson Airport |
Carthage | IL52 | | | Williams Airport |
Carthage | IS51 | | | Schilson Field Airport |
Casey | 1H8 | | | Casey Municipal |
Champaign | IL56 | | | Mc Culley Airport |
Chenoa | 11LL | | | Thacker Airport |
Chenoa | IL63 | | | Mays Aviation Airport |
Chicago/barrington | IL68 | | | Mill Rose Farm (Rla) Airport |
Chicago | 06C | | | Schaumburg Regional |
Clifton | IL81 | | | Berns Airport |
Clinton | 7IS3 | | | Hooterville Airport |
Clinton | IL82 | | | Martin Rla Airport |
Compton | C82 | | | Bresson Airport |
Cooksville | 2IS9 | | | Schertz Aerial Service - Cooksville Airport |
Cornell | 40IL | | | Antique Aerodrome |
Cornell | IL91 | | | Testoni Farms Airport |
Creston | IL93 | | | Hendrickson Flying Service Airport |
Danforth | 8IS5 | | | Raymond Classen Memorial Airport |
Danville | IS88 | | | Melody Field Airport |
Davis | IL23 | | | Ellis Airport |
De Kalb | IS80 | | | Uncle Chuck's Airport |
Elwell | 68R | | | Hamp Airport |
De Kalb | 0IL9 | | | Jack W. Watson Airport |
Deer Grove | 0IS3 | | | Cady Aerial Rla Airport |
Dixon | C73 | | | Dixon Municipal-Charles R. Walgreen Field |
Donovan | IS52 | | | Russell Airport |
Downers Grove | LL22 | | | Brookeridge Air Park |
Dudley | IS13 | | | Bussart Airport |
Dwight | 08LL | | | Sauer Airport |
Dwight | 61IS | | | Jim & Peg Rla Airport |
Dwight | 2IL2 | | | Watters Airport |
Earlville | 06IL | | | Humm Airport |
Earlville | IL99 | | | B & C Airport |
Edinburg | 9LL5 | | | Tommy's Airpark |
Effingham | 1H2 | | | Effingham County Memorial |
El Paso | 1IL0 | | | Barnstorm Field Airport |
Elwood | 3IL2 | | | Sweedler Airport |
Enfield | LL13 | | | Storey Real Estate Airport |
Esmond | IS15 | | | Vodden Airport |
Fairbury | 26IS | | | Ficklin-Airtech Airport |
Fairmount | 5IS7 | | | Cast Airport |
Farmer City | IS26 | | | Niklaus Rla Airport |
Fillmore | 28IS | | | O K Flying Club Inc Airport |
Findlay | 35IS | | | Enoch Airport |
Fithian | 62IS | | | Wilson Airport |
Wyoming | 75LL | | | Hausmann Airport |
Frankfort | LL40 | | | Frankfort Airport |
Earlville | C94 | | | Earlville |
Franklin Grove | 15IL | | | Gittleson Farms Airport |
Freeport | C86 | | | Freeport/Dornink Airport |
Geneseo | 3G8 | | | Gen-Airpark Airport |
Genoa | 6IL0 | | | Ramme Airport |
Genoa | 30IS | | | Aero Lake Estates Airport |
Kankakee | IL78 | | | Benoit Airport |
Gibson City | 9IS2 | | | Schertz Field Airport |
Gifford | IL45 | | | Palmer Flying Service Inc Airport |
Gilberts | 6IL6 | | | Reid Rla Airport |
Gilberts | 7IS5 | | | Koppie Airport |
Gillespie | LL45 | | | Lindell Loveless Airport |
Goreville | 16IS | | | Kellums Airport |
Grant Park | 7IL0 | | | Mussman Airport |
Grayslake | C81 | | | Campbell |
Greenwood/wonder Lake | 10C | | | Galt Field Airport |
Hamilton | 39LL | | | Sullivan Airport |
Hammond | IL32 | | | Adkisson Airport |
Hampshire | 68IS | | | Casa De Aero Park Airport |
Hanover | 3IS4 | | | Merkle Airport |
Harding | 7IL8 | | | Cody Port Rla Airport |
Harvard | 8IL2 | | | Kirkpatrick Airport |
Harvard | 0C0 | | | Dacy Airport |
Havana | 9I0 | | | Havana Regional Airport |
Yates City | 2C6 | | | Tri-County Airport |
Heyworth | 9IS9 | | | Lytleville Orchard Airport |
Highland | H07 | | | Highland-Winet Airport |
Hillsdale | 9IL7 | | | Black Airport |
Hillview | 79IS | | | Hartwell Ranch Rla Airport |
Hinckley | 0C2 | | | Hinckley Airport |
Homer | 6IS8 | | | Trisler Airport |
Huntley | 82IS | | | Landings Condominium Airport |
Huntley | 6IL2 | | | Phyllis Field Airport |
Hurst | IL71 | | | Dury Estates Airport |
Irving | 1IL1 | | | Horsefeathers Ranch Airport |
Irvington | 83IS | | | Prairie Airport |
Jerseyville | 0LL3 | | | Koenig Airport |
Jerseyville | 0LL1 | | | Jerseyville Aviation Inc Airport |
Kankakee | 3KK | | | Kankakee Airport |
Medora | IS60 | | | Nixon Airport |
Kirkland | 16IL | | | Harold Bunger Airport |
La Harpe | IS55 | | | Morton Airport |
La Moille | 35IL | | | Clarion Field Airport |
La Salle | 0LL4 | | | Flaherty Field Airport |
Lacon | C75 | | | Marshall County |
Lanark | 6IL4 | | | Foxfield Aerodrome |
Lanark | 1IS4 | | | Swan Valley Farm Airport |
Lawrenceville | IS34 | | | Piper's Landing Airport |
Leaf River | 48LL | | | Rock Cut Farms Airport |
Leaf River | 26IL | | | Duane E. Davis Airport |
Leaf River | 28IL | | | West Grove Airport |
Lena | 96IL | | | Kramer Airport |
Lewistown | 34IL | | | G. Bray Airport |
Lexington | 48IS | | | P.J. Killian Airport |
Litchfield | 3LF | | | Litchfield Illinois Municipal |
Litchfield | 1LL4 | | | Norfleet Airport |
Lostant | 2V3 | | | Hartenbower Hectares Airport |
Lovington | 0IS4 | | | Dawson Farms Airport |
Lowpoint | IS00 | | | Jay Schertz Farm Airport |
Mackinaw | 9IL6 | | | Weishaupt Airport |
Macomb | LL27 | | | Smith Airport |
Mansfield | 04IS | | | Van Gorder Airport |
Manteno | 58IL | | | Spangler Airport |
Manteno | LL24 | | | Sunset Acres Airport |
Manteno | 55IL | | | Brandt Airport |
Maple Park | 59IL | | | Ruder Airport |
Marengo | 66IL | | | Aerogrange Airport |
Marengo | 64IL | | | Walpole Airport |
Marengo | IS57 | | | Wind Rose Farm Airport |
Marengo | 65IL | | | Far Field Airport |
Marengo | 63IL | | | Emerick Airport |
Marseilles | 69IL | | | David Gillespie Airport |
Marseilles | 67IL | | | Mitchell Rla Airport |
Ligonier | II51 | | | Hull Airport |
Mc Lean | 1IL9 | | | Holland Field Airport |
Mendota | 0C7 | | | Grandpa's Farm Mendota Airport |
Metropolis | M30 | | | Metropolis Municipal |
Millstadt | 1IL4 | | | Riebeling Airport |
Minier | 81IL | | | Illinois Valley Parachute Club Airport |
Minonk | 86IL | | | Sharp Airport |
Minonk | 83IL | | | Oltman-Shuck Airport |
Minooka | 84IL | | | Rossi's Farm Airport |
Momence | 90IL | | | Johnson Airport |
Monee | 2IL9 | | | Meadow Creek Airport |
Monee | C56 | | | Bult Field |
Monmouth | C66 | | | Monmouth Municipal Airport |
Monroe Center | IS40 | | | Eudy Airport |
Monticello | 2K0 | | | Piatt County Airport |
Morris | C09 | | | James R. Washburn Field - Morris Municipal |
Morris | LL39 | | | Curanda Airport |
Morrison | 4IL5 | | | Frank's Flying Service Airport |
Mount Carroll | LL07 | | | Tautz Airport |
Mount Morris | C55 | | | Ogle County Airport |
Mount Sterling | I63 | | | Mount Sterling Municipal |
Moweaqua | 5LL1 | | | Hilvety Airport |
Mundelein | LL09 | | | Air Estates Inc Airport |
Murdock | 5LL3 | | | Mayhall Airport |
Murphysboro | 4IL8 | | | Rendleman Airport |
Naperville | LL10 | | | Naper Aero Club Airport |
Nauvoo | 06IS | | | Sinele Strip Airport |
Nauvoo | 9IS0 | | | Cedar Ridge Airport |
Neoga | 6LL0 | | | Williamson Airport |
New Athens | 3LL6 | | | Bickel Airport |
New Berlin | IL24 | | | Richardson Airport |
New Berlin | IL97 | | | Springfield Southwest Airpark |
New Berlin | 6LL5 | | | Smith Rla Airport |
New Boston | 69LL | | | Maas Airstrip |
New Memphis | 6LL6 | | | Fischer's Rla Airport |
Newark | IS41 | | | Vogen Rla Airport |
Newark | 0C8 | | | Cushing Field Ltd Airport |
Newton | 7LL3 | | | Jasper County Flying Club Airport |
Nokomis | 7LL8 | | | Dahler Airport |
Old Ripley | 8LL0 | | | Nance Airport |
Omaha | 2IL5 | | | Sutton Airport |
Oquawka | LL23 | | | Meyer Airport |
Ottawa | 8N2 | | | Skydive Chicago |
Palmyra | 5K1 | | | Zelmer Memorial Airpark Inc |
Pawnee | 3IS5 | | | Holmes Airport |
Paxton | 1C1 | | | Paxton |
Paxton | LL32 | | | C D Maulding Airport |
Pecatonica | IS78 | | | Early - Merkel Field Airport |
Pecatonica | IS19 | | | Carlson Rla Airport |
Pekin | C15 | | | Pekin Municipal |
Peoria | 3MY | | | Mount Hawley Auxiliary |
Peru | LL43 | | | Gerald H Hamer Airport |
Peru | LL44 | | | Trovero Airport |
Plainfield | LL51 | | | Riley's Field Airport |
Plato Center | LL53 | | | Olson Airport |
Polo | 00IL | | | Hammer Airport |
Polo | LL55 | | | Gentry Airport |
Pontiac | 2LL7 | | | Adams Rla Number 2 Airport |
Pontiac | LL56 | | | Schott Airport |
Pontiac | 71LL | | | Riverode Farms Airport |
Pontiac | 70LL | | | Adams Rla Number 1 Airport |
Poplar Grove | C77 | | | Poplar Grove |
Princeton | 72LL | | | Foley Airport |
Quincy | 88IS | | | Blickhan Landing Area Airport |
Red Bud | 91LS | | | Duclos Rla Airport |
Riverton | 91IS | | | Stanton Airport |
Roanoke | 86IS | | | Michael Pfister Airport |
Rochelle | LL74 | | | Maple Hurst Farms Airport |
Rockford | 1C8 | | | Cottonwood Airport |
Rockford | LL79 | | | Severson Airport |
Rockford | LL80 | | | Darrington Airport |
Rockford | LL81 | | | Spickard-Marshall Airport |
Rockton | LL89 | | | Blackhawk Farms Raceway Llc Airport |
Rockton/belvidere | LL90 | | | Mc Curdy Strip Airport |
Rosiclare | 95IL | | | Henderson Airport |
Round Lake | LL97 | | | Rockenbach Airport |
Rushville | 5K4 | | | Schuy-Rush Airport |
Sandwich | IS65 | | | Woodlake Landing Airport |
Seneca | 1LL2 | | | Spring Brook Airport |
Seymour | 4IS7 | | | Litchfield Rla Airport |
Sheffield | 1LL7 | | | Edwin G. Bennett Airport |
Shelbyville | 2H0 | | | Shelby County |
Sheridan | 2LL1 | | | Cwian Field Airport |
Sidell | 96IS | | | Hildreth Air Park |
Somonauk | 49IL | | | Walnut Creek Airport |
Somonauk | 2LL9 | | | George Airport |
Spring Grove | 3LL4 | | | Pillow Hill Airport |
St Elmo | 4IL4 | | | Kuebler Rla Airport |
St Jacob | 3K6 | | | St Louis Metro-East Airport/Shafer Field |
St Joseph | 0LL5 | | | Busboom Rla Airport |
St Joseph | 9IL2 | | | Routh Airport |
Sterling | LL38 | | | Stutzke Airport |
Steward | 4LL1 | | | Staton Airport |
Steward | 4LL0 | | | Ranken Airport |
Stockland | 96LL | | | Wichman Airport |
Stockton | IS37 | | | Stockton Airport |
Streator | 54IL | | | Rothrock Airport |
Streator | LL52 | | | Wilts Airport |
Sullivan | 85IL | | | Durbin Airport |
Summum | IS08 | | | Curless Airport |
Sycamore | 4LL7 | | | Willadae Farms Airport |
Sycamore | 4LL8 | | | Colonial Acres Airport |
Table Grove | IL54 | | | Richmond Airport |
Tampico | 08IL | | | Harms Airstrip |
Thomasboro | 56IS | | | Rash Airport |
Tiskilwa | 15LL | | | Cloverleaf Ranch Airport |
Tuscola | K96 | | | Tuscola Airport |
Union | 55LL | | | Sky Soaring Airport |
Union | 5LL7 | | | Hilbert's Funny Farm Airport |
Union Hill | 5LL8 | | | Hugh Van Voorst Airport |
Urbana | C16 | | | Frasca Field |
Urbana | 6IS0 | | | Day Aero-Place Airport |
Virden | 25IL | | | Holzwarth Flying Service Airport |
Waterman | 56LL | | | Wade Airport |
Watseka | IS02 | | | Dietchweiler Airport |
Watseka | 98LL | | | Braden Farms Airport |
Watseka | 6LL8 | | | Songwood Inn Airport |
Watson | 2T2 | | | Percival Springs Airport |
Weldon | 7LL4 | | | Bakers Strip Airport |
West Brooklyn | 8IL3 | | | Butler Hill Rla Airport |
West Brooklyn | 7LL6 | | | Gehant Airport |
West Dundee | 04LL | | | Brunner Airport |
Winslow | 20IS | | | Mitek Airport |
Wolf Lake | 12LL | | | Lambdins Field Airport |
Zion | IL02 | | | Herbert C. Maas Airport |
Akron | II05 | | | Woodcock Airport |
Alexandria | I99 | | | Alexandria Airport |
Cameron | 8IN9 | | | Marcidale Airport |
Arcadia | 9II4 | | | Cruzan Field Airport |
Arcadia | IN27 | | | Skyridge Airport |
Arcola | 3II9 | | | Dick's Strip Airport |
Arcola | 1IN3 | | | Confer's Place Airport |
Attica | 4IN7 | | | Riley Field Airport |
Bainbridge | 50II | | | Way West Airport |
Bargersville | II93 | | | Bronson Airport |
Belleville | 05IN | | | Cooper Airport |
Bloomfield | 1I3 | | | Shawnee Field Airport |
Bluffton | C40 | | | Miller Airport |
Boggstown | 58II | | | Cardinals Nest Airport |
Boonville | 6II4 | | | Cornell Airport |
Boonville | I91 | | | Boonville Airport |
Bourbon | II95 | | | Rust's Landing Airport |
Bourbon | IN11 | | | Arrowhead Farm Airport |
Brookston | 4II9 | | | Shultz (Private) Airport |
Brownsburg | 38IN | | | Fuller Field Airport |
Bunker Hill | 54II | | | Caldwell Field Airport |
Butler | 69II | | | Greuter Field Airport |
Butlerville | 8IN7 | | | Brush Creek Airport |
Cadiz | II06 | | | Ferrell Airport |
Carlisle | II30 | | | Ridgway Flying Service Airport |
Chandler | II32 | | | Raceway Airport |
Charleston | II33 | | | Eickholtz Airport |
Chesterton | IN70 | | | Bodin Airport |
Churubusco | IN62 | | | Tropria Airport |
Churubusco | 9IN8 | | | Green Field Airport |
Cicero | 3IN9 | | | Culley Acres Airport |
Cicero | 18II | | | Mc Gill Airport |
Clinton | 1I7 | | | Clinton |
Cloverdale | II07 | | | Clover Knoll Airport |
Columbia City | IN71 | | | Plew Airport |
Columbia City | 30IN | | | Wigent Airport |
Columbia City | 09IN | | | Gordon Airport |
Connersville | 10IN | | | Squires Airport |
Culver | 3IN8 | | | Ddt Field Airport |
Culver | IN54 | | | I & C Field Airport |
Danville | II82 | | | Meadors Field Airport |
Darmstadt | 12IN | | | J & S Field Airport |
Decatur | 13IN | | | Gage Airport |
Decatur | II85 | | | Blomenberg Airport |
Decker | 9IN4 | | | Bandmill Field Airport |
Decker | 0IN1 | | | Snider Field Airport |
Delphi | 1I9 | | | Delphi Municipal |
Delphi | 4II0 | | | De Ford Airport |
Earl Park | II08 | | | Rheude Airport |
Elizabeth | 1IN4 | | | Robinson Airpark |
Elkhart | 3C1 | | | Mishawaka Pilots Club Airport |
Eminence | 78I | | | Pam's Place Airport |
Eminence | II09 | | | Patrum Field Airport |
English | IN80 | | | Roberson Airport |
Evansville | 3EV | | | Skylane Airport |
Evansville | IN36 | | | Plugger Airport |
Farmers Retreat | 17IN | | | Pruss Airport |
Farmersburg | 18IN | | | Kester Fly Inn Airport |
Farmersburg | 50IN | | | Ropkey Field Airport |
Finly | IN98 | | | Farm Strip Airport |
Flora | 5I2 | | | Flora Municipal Airport |
Franklin | 3FK | | | Franklin Flying Field Airport |
Franklin | 20IN | | | Canary's Airport |
Frankton | 2II3 | | | Stottlemyer Airport |
Freetown | 40IN | | | Cherry Hill Airport |
Galveston | 5I6 | | | Galveston Airport |
Gessie | 9IN9 | | | Gessie Airport |
Gosport | 3II1 | | | Shenandoah Flying Field Airport |
Granger | IN82 | | | Foos Field Airport |
Grass Creek | II12 | | | Dague Strip Airport |
Greencastle | 4I7 | | | Putnam County |
Greencastle | II29 | | | Owens Field Airport |
Greenfield | 79II | | | Sauer-Harter Airport |
Greenfield | 4II8 | | | Willis Airport |
Greenfield | 0II7 | | | Frost Field Airport |
Greensburg | I34 | | | Greensburg Municipal |
Greenwood | 8IN2 | | | Robinson Field Airport |
Griffith | 05C | | | Griffith-Merrillville |
Hagerstown | I61 | | | Hagerstown Airport |
Hamilton | 7IN2 | | | Flying Crown Airport |
Hamilton | IN83 | | | Lautzenhiser Airpark |
Hanover | 64I | | | Lee Bottom Airport |
Harlan | IN18 | | | Hook Field Airport |
Haubstadt | 8II3 | | | Thrust Industries Airport |
Hobart | 3HO | | | Hobart Sky Ranch |
Hobart | 9IN3 | | | Johnsons Strawberry Farm Airport |
Greensburg | 67II | | | Schoettmer Farm |
Indianapolis | 7L8 | | | Post-Air |
Indianapolis | 2R2 | | | Hendricks County-Gordon Graham Field |
Indianapolis | 63IN | | | Little York Airport |
Jamestown | IN25 | | | Hood Field Airport |
Jasonville | IN08 | | | Shakamak Airport |
Kendallville | C62 | | | Kendallville Municipal |
Kewanna | II15 | | | Friedrich Airport |
Kewanna | IN10 | | | Plummer Airport |
Knightstown | 26IN | | | Willcox Airport |
Knox | IN87 | | | Singleton's Landing Strip Airport |
Kokomo | 2II0 | | | Indian Hills Flying Field Airport |
Kokomo | 8I3 | | | Glenndale Airport |
Kokomo | 53IN | | | Hartman Farms Field Airport |
La Crosse | II18 | | | Lou Abbett Farms Airport |
La Porte | 42II | | | Norm's Airpark |
Laconia | 28II | | | Cedar Farm Airport |
Lafayette | 31IN | | | Timber House Airport |
Lafayette | 6IN3 | | | Wyandotte Airport |
Lake Village | C98 | | | Lake Village Airport |
Lanesville | IN14 | | | Greenridge Rla Airport |
Lanesville | IN13 | | | Lanesville Skyways Airport |
Lapel | 66II | | | Pat Robinson Airport |
Lebanon | 6I4 | | | Boone County Airport |
Liberty | 8II2 | | | Norris Field Airport |
Ligonier | II21 | | | Zollinger Strip Airport |
Lowell | IN90 | | | Wietbrock Airport |
Lowell | C97 | | | Lowell Airport |
Maples | IN91 | | | Valhalla Airport |
Markle | 3IN4 | | | Johnson Airport |
Martinsville | 90IN | | | Mc Daniel's Field Airport |
Martinsville | II87 | | | Twelve Oaks Airport |
Martinsville | 89IN | | | Milhon Airport |
Mentone | C92 | | | Mentone Airport |
Merom | 47IN | | | Mann Airport |
Milan | 70IN | | | Lewis Airfield |
Milford | 92IN | | | H R Weisser Airport |
Monrovia | 6IN6 | | | Pegasus Farms Airfield |
Montmorenci | IN00 | | | Sutton Airport |
Mooreland | IN21 | | | Starkey's Airport |
Morgantown | 9IN7 | | | Zupancic Field Airport |
Mount Vernon | 7II3 | | | Schroeder Private Airport |
Mount Vernon | IN23 | | | Zeller Elev Co Airport |
Mount Vernon | 0IN9 | | | Parrish Airport |
Mount Vernon | 22II | | | Lewis Airport |
Muncie | 7I2 | | | Reese Airport |
Muncie | IN56 | | | Carroll's Airpark |
Nappanee | C03 | | | Nappanee Municipal |
New Carlisle | IN93 | | | Hustons Airport |
New Haven | 56IN | | | Casad Industrial Park Airport |
New Liberty | 9IN2 | | | New Liberty Field Airport |
New Ross | 5II5 | | | Koester Field Airport |
New Winchester | 5II1 | | | Layne Field Airport |
Nineveh | 11II | | | Himsel Army Airfield |
Noblesville | I80 | | | Noblesville Airport |
Noblesville | II94 | | | Irion Airport |
Noblesville | 2IN6 | | | Galloway Airport |
North Judson | IN95 | | | Ralph E. Koch Airport |
North Judson | 4II4 | | | Chesak Airport |
North Liberty | IN38 | | | Stewarts Green Acres Airport |
North Vernon | IN67 | | | Greener Pastures Airport |
North Vernon | 45IN | | | Aerobatic Practice Airport |
Orleans | 7I4 | | | Orleans |
Ossian | 2IN0 | | | Skip's Place Airport |
Otterbein | IN29 | | | Durflinger Airport |
Paoli | I42 | | | Paoli Municipal Airport |
Patoka | IN30 | | | Hull Airport |
Pendleton | 6IN5 | | | Foghorn Farms Airport |
Pendleton | IN31 | | | North Lakeland Airport |
Peru | 83IN | | | Goodenough Airport |
Peru | I76 | | | Peru Municipal |
Peru | IN33 | | | Robison Airport |
Petersburg | IN03 | | | Alford Airpark |
Poseyville | 7IN3 | | | Garrett Field Airport |
Remington | II26 | | | Ashby Airport |
Rensselaer | II65 | | | Gilmore Airport |
Rensselaer | 4IN8 | | | Culp Farms Airport |
Rising Sun | 31II | | | Rising Sun Airport |
Roanoke | 8IS2 | | | Kilsoquah Farm Airport |
Rockville | IN46 | | | Butler Field Airport |
Rolling Prairie | 45II | | | Cummings Field Airport |
Russellville | II68 | | | Durham Airport |
Salem | IN44 | | | Hardin Airport |
Salem | I83 | | | Salem Municipal Airport |
Scottsburg | 3R8 | | | Scottsburg Airport |
Scottsburg | 61IN | | | Wilkerson's Airport |
Seymour | 95IN | | | Stewart Field Airport |
Shelbyville | II97 | | | Skeeter Landing Airport |
Shelbyville | IN49 | | | Pherigo Airport |
Sheridan | 5I4 | | | Sheridan |
Sheridan | IN51 | | | Windy Knoll Airport |
Shipshewana | IN65 | | | Wolfe Field Airport |
Somerville | 1IN5 | | | Bottoms Brothers Airport |
Spencer | IN53 | | | Miller Airport |
Spencerville | 58IN | | | Hilltop Airport |
Springport | 7IN9 | | | The Last Resort Airport |
St Wendel | 43IN | | | Hepler Airport |
Sullivan | 49IN | | | Drake Airport |
Sulphur Springs | 39IN | | | Roberts Field Airport |
Syracuse | 4IN9 | | | Wawasee Airport |
Terre Haute | 3I3 | | | Sky King |
Tipton | 2II6 | | | Baird-Wolford Airport |
Tipton | 5IN3 | | | Tragesser Airport |
Tipton | 35IN | | | Ellison Airport |
Tocsin | 0IN2 | | | The Lazy K Airport |
Topeka | 39II | | | Miller Field Airport |
Union Mills | 4C1 | | | Flying U Ranch Airport |
Veedersburg | IN55 | | | Songer Airport |
Vevay | 32II | | | Roberts Airport |
Vincennes | IN92 | | | Klein Airport |
Vincennes | 28IN | | | Marchino Field Airport |
Wakarusa | II74 | | | Eby Field Airport |
Waldron | 6IN4 | | | Fischer Field Airport |
Waldron | 6IN2 | | | Whelen Airport |
Walkerton | 17II | | | Dreessen Field Airport |
Wallace | 4IN4 | | | Wilson Airport |
Walton | 6II0 | | | Turnpaugh Field Airport |
Waterloo | 4C2 | | | Walker/Rowe Waterloo Airport |
West Lafayette | 51IN | | | Dahnke Airport |
Westfield | IN60 | | | Wilderness Field Airport |
Westfield | I72 | | | Westfield Airport |
Wheatland | 6II8 | | | Godahavit Airport |
Winamac | II79 | | | Sommers Airport |
Winamac | 0IN3 | | | Graves Landing Strip Airport |
Winchester | I22 | | | Randolph County |
Woodburn | 55IN | | | Brenneke Airport |
Woodburn | 53II | | | Steinman Airport |
Woodburn | 0IN4 | | | Air Park Field |
Woodburn | 3II3 | | | Basting Airport |
Youngstown | 5II9 | | | Aero Plaines Airport |
Abilene | K78 | | | Abilene Municipal |
Agricola | SN14 | | | Schoolcraft Airport |
Altamont | 3KS8 | | | Reed-Wilsonton Airport |
Andover | 13KS | | | Daniel's Landing Airport |
Anthony | 7K6 | | | Wilcox Field Airport |
Argonia | 2K8 | | | Argonia Municipal Airport |
Arma | 7KS3 | | | Youvan Airport |
Ashland | K58 | | | Harold Krier Field Airport |
Atchison | K59 | | | Amelia Earhart |
Augusta | 3AU | | | Augusta Municipal |
Augusta | SN20 | | | Brady-Pippin Airport |
Augusta | 20KS | | | Airpark Estates Airport |
Augusta | SN18 | | | Sills Air Park |
Augusta | 07KS | | | Heape Field Airport |
Baldwin City | 47KS | | | Maxwell Airport |
Baldwin City | SN21 | | | Flory (Private) Airport |
Baldwin City | K64 | | | Vinland Valley Aerodrome |
Basehor | 8KS1 | | | Neu Field Airport |
Basehor | SN22 | | | Hoelting Airport |
Baxter Springs | 78KS | | | Walter A Swalley Airpark |
Beagle | 59KS | | | Dunn Field Airport |
Belle Plaine | SN10 | | | Belle Plaine Farms Airport |
Belle Plaine | SN32 | | | Rands Airport |
Beloit | K61 | | | Moritz Memorial |
Bennington | 08KS | | | Alderson Airport |
Bentley | 7KS9 | | | Eagle Field Airport |
Benton | SN46 | | | Taylor Airport |
Benton | 1K1 | | | Lloyd Stearman Field |
Big Bow | SN25 | | | Lucas Airport |
Bird City | 5K0 | | | Bressler Field Airport |
Bird City | 4KS8 | | | Bursch Private Airport |
Brookville | SN28 | | | Belcher Airport |
Bucklin | 8K0 | | | Bucklin Airport |
Burdett | SN29 | | | Rucker Burdett Airport |
Gardner | 00KS | | | Hayden Farm Airport |
Burrton | SN08 | | | Fisher Airport |
Byers | SN48 | | | Moore Field Airport |
Caldwell | 01K | | | Caldwell Municipal Airport |
Chapman | 8KS8 | | | Prairie Cottage Airport |
Cheney | SN13 | | | Albers Airport |
Cheney | 0KS7 | | | Mono Aircraft Airport |
Chiles | 69KS | | | Chiles Airpark |
Cimarron | 8K8 | | | Cimarron Municipal Airport |
Clearwater | SN34 | | | Rucker Airport |
Coldwater | 3K8 | | | Comanche County |
Conway Springs | SN36 | | | Wamsley Field Airport |
Cottonwood Falls | 9K0 | | | Cottonwood Falls Airport |
Derby | K50 | | | Cook Airfield |
Dighton | K65 | | | Dighton Airport |
Douglas | 0KS9 | | | Lmn 120 Airport |
Douglass | SN52 | | | Pilot Pointe Estates Airport |
Effingham | SN43 | | | Strafuss Airport |
El Dorado | SN58 | | | Foster Field Airport |
Elk City | 05KS | | | Darbro Field Airport |
Ellinwood | 1K6 | | | Ellinwood Municipal Airport |
Ellsworth | 9K7 | | | Ellsworth Municipal |
Elmdale | SN37 | | | Harold K. Wells Airport |
Emporia | 15KS | | | Sickler Airstrip |
Harris | 9KS7 | | | Miller Airport |
Emporia | 6KS8 | | | Mary's Place Airport |
Eskridge | SN47 | | | Converse Farm Airport |
Eureka | 13K | | | Lt. William M. Milliken/Eureka Municipal |
Fowler | 18K | | | Fowler Airport |
Fredonia | 1K7 | | | Fredonia |
Fredonia | SN53 | | | Bonner Field Airport |
Friend | SN55 | | | R J C Farms Inc Airport |
Galesburg | 36KS | | | White Farms Airport |
Gardner | K34 | | | Gardner Municipal |
Garnett | K68 | | | Garnett Municipal Airport |
Geneseo | 9KS5 | | | Rush Field Airport |
Goddard | SN61 | | | Yoder Airpark |
Goddard | SN64 | | | Eck Field Airport |
Goddard | SN65 | | | Lake Waltanna Airport |
Goodland | 27KS | | | Bellamy Farm Airport |
Gove | 9KS6 | | | Lundgren Angus Ranch Airport |
Grenola | 45KS | | | Liebau Ranch Airport |
Halstead | SN05 | | | Halstead Airport |
Hammond | SN69 | | | Emmerson Airport |
Harper | 8K2 | | | Harper Municipal |
Harper | 5KS3 | | | Deweze Airport |
Harper | SN71 | | | Bob Park Airport |
Harper | SN70 | | | Kaypod Airport |
Harris | SN72 | | | Graham Farms Airport |
Haviland | SN63 | | | Gail Ballard Airport |
Hays | 73KS | | | Philip Ranch Airport |
Healy | 32KS | | | Wilkens Airport |
Wellsville | 09KS | | | Coffman Airport |
Hiawatha | 8KS3 | | | Davis Airfield |
Hiawatha | K87 | | | Hiawatha Municipal Airport |
Hillsboro | M66 | | | Alfred Schroeder Field |
Horton | K91 | | | Horton Municipal Airport |
Hoxie | 1F5 | | | Hoxie-Sheridan County |
Humboldt | 7KS5 | | | Croisant Airport |
Independence | 66KS | | | Patterson Farms Airport |
Ingalls | 30K | | | Ingalls Municipal |
Iola | K88 | | | Allen County |
Ionia | 9KS4 | | | Rose Pork Inc Airport |
Jetmore | K79 | | | Jetmore Municipal |
Johnson | SN77 | | | Johns Airport |
Junction City | 3JC | | | Freeman Field |
Kanorado | 5KS4 | | | Hall Farms Airport |
Kingman | 9K8 | | | Kingman/Clyde Cessna Field |
Kinsley | 33K | | | Kinsley Municipal |
Kirwin | 25KS | | | Wyrill Farming Airport |
La Crosse | K94 | | | Rush County |
Lakin | 36K | | | Kearny County |
Lansing | SN83 | | | Highcrest Air Park |
Lawrence | SN45 | | | Michael's Airport |
Leavenworth | SN84 | | | Blaser's Airport |
Lenora | SN03 | | | Lenora Municipal Airport |
Leoti | 3K7 | | | Mark Hoard Memorial |
Lincoln | K71 | | | Lincoln Municipal Airport |
Lost Springs | 01KS | | | Flying N Ranch Airport |
Louisburg | 7KS6 | | | Linders Cow-Chip Airport |
Lucas | 38K | | | Lucas Airport |
Lyndon | 39K | | | Pomona Lake Airport |
Macksville | 94KS | | | Smith Field Airport |
Madison | SN91 | | | Godfrey Airport |
Manhattan | 43KS | | | Smith Airport |
Manhattan | SN92 | | | Sunshine Ranch Airport |
Manhattan | 49KS | | | N & N Airport |
Marion | 43K | | | Marion Municipal Airport |
Mc Donald | 5KS9 | | | Black Airport |
Mc Donald | 5KS8 | | | Jack Poore Airport |
Mc Louth | SN90 | | | D'field Airport |
Meade | SN12 | | | Jenkinson Airport |
Medicine Lodge | 99KS | | | Elm Creek Farms Airport |
Medicine Lodge | K51 | | | Medicine Lodge |
Miller | SN93 | | | Dickson (Private) Airport |
Minneapolis | 45K | | | Minneapolis City County Airport |
Minneola | 75KS | | | Esplund Farm Airport |
Moline | 2K6 | | | Elk County Airport |
Montezuma | 67KS | | | Montezuma Coop Airport |
Montezuma | K17 | | | Montezuma Municipal |
Montezuma | 98KS | | | Rexford Airport |
Moran | 74KS | | | Ensminger Airport |
Moscow | SN97 | | | Brollier Airport |
Moundridge | 47K | | | Moundridge Municipal |
Neodesha | 2K7 | | | Neodesha Municipal |
Ness City | 48K | | | Ness City Municipal |
Norwich | 49K | | | Norwich Airport |
Oberlin | 7KS8 | | | Shaw Aerial Spraying Airport |
Olathe | 97KS | | | Clear View Farm Airport |
Olathe | 51K | | | Cedar Air Park |
Olsburg | SN99 | | | Laflin Ranch Airport |
Onaga | 52K | | | Charles E Grutzmacher Municipal Airport |
Osage City | 0KS0 | | | J V Ranch Airport |
Osage City | 53K | | | Osage City Municipal Airport |
Osborne | K75 | | | Osborne Municipal |
Oswego | K67 | | | Oswego Municipal Airport |
Ottawa | SN57 | | | Witham Airport |
Ottawa | SN42 | | | Harrod Airport |
Overbrook | 7KS2 | | | Cloud Airport |
Overbrook | 0KS4 | | | Norris Airport |
Oxford | 55K | | | Oxford Municipal |
Paola | K81 | | | Miami County |
Paola | 68KS | | | Cloud 9 Airport |
Parker | 14KS | | | G & S Space Port Airport |
Parsons | 8KS5 | | | Blue Sky Airport |
Plains | 2KS5 | | | Plains Municipal Airport |
Pleasanton | 6KS5 | | | Yeamans Fox Nest Airport |
Pleasanton | 57K | | | Gilmore Airport |
Prairie View | 0P1 | | | Van Pak Airport |
Quinter | 6KS1 | | | Quinter Air Strip Airport |
Rantoul | 28KS | | | Highland Farm Airport |
Richmond | 1KS1 | | | Cochran Airport |
Rose Hill | 4KS7 | | | Butler Airpark |
Sabetha | K83 | | | Sabetha Municipal |
Salina | 1KS6 | | | Silers Plane Valley Airport |
Salina | 58KS | | | Burger's Valley Airport |
Satanta | 1K9 | | | Satanta Municipal |
Satanta | 1KS7 | | | Hitch Feeders Ii Inc. Airport |
Satanta | SN98 | | | Anton Flying Uv Airport |
Scott City | 1KS8 | | | Buehler Airport |
Sedan | 61K | | | Sedan City Airport |
Sedgwick | 12KS | | | Sooter Airport |
Selden | 6KS2 | | | Stevenson Private Airport |
Seneca | 62K | | | Seneca Municipal Airport |
Severance | 2KS1 | | | Rush Airport |
Sharon Springs | 6KS4 | | | Bussen Airport |
Smith Center | K82 | | | Smith Center Municipal |
South Hutchinson | 31KS | | | Mills Field Airport |
Spring Hill | 41KS | | | Flying Z Ranch Airport |
St. Mary's | 91KS | | | St. Joseph's Landing Airport |
Stafford | 3TA | | | Stafford Municipal Airport |
Stilwell | 63K | | | Hillside Airport |
Sublette | 19S | | | Sublette Municipal |
Sylvia | SN95 | | | Roberts Air Field |
Syracuse | 3K3 | | | Syracuse-Hamilton County Municipal |
Tonganoxie | 11KS | | | Sheller's Airport |
Topeka | 2KS9 | | | Starshire Farm Airport |
Topeka | 3KS1 | | | Mesa Verde Airport |
Topeka | 33KS | | | Buena Terra Airport |
Topeka | 90KS | | | Sunset Strip Airpark |
Tribune | 5K2 | | | Tribune Municipal |
Troy | 61KS | | | Masters Field Airport |
Udall | 18KS | | | Cherokee Strip Airport |
Ulysses | 3KS4 | | | Eveleigh Farms Airport |
Ulysses | 8KS0 | | | Morgan Farms Airport |
Valley Center | 46KS | | | Hidden Valley Airport |
Valley Center | 3KS7 | | | Berwick Airport |
Valley Center | SN68 | | | Lil Bird Airport |
Valley Center | 3KS5 | | | High Point Airport |
Wakeeney | 0H1 | | | Trego Wakeeney |
Wamego | 83KS | | | Miller Aeroplane Field Airport |
Wamego | 69K | | | Wamego Municipal |
Washington | K38 | | | Washington County Memorial |
Wellsville | 9KS1 | | | Hartland Airport |
Wellsville | 4KS1 | | | Amar Farms Airport |
Wichita | K32 | | | Riverside Airport |
Wichita | 44KS | | | Vankirk Airport |
Wichita | 71K | | | Westport Airport |
Wichita | 72K | | | Westport Auxiliary Airport |
Millville | 2KY8 | | | Seldom Scene Airport |
Williamsburg | 8KS9 | | | The Wilderness Airport |
Williamsburg | 40KS | | | Chanay Airport |
Wilson | 2KS3 | | | Wilson Airport |
Yates Center | 8K5 | | | Yates Center Airport |
Albany | 5KY7 | | | Dale Hollow Regional Airport (Petro Field) |
Auburn | 34KY | | | Lone Pine Aerodrome |
Bardstown | 84KY | | | Greene County Parachute Center Airport |
Belcher | 57KY | | | Belcher Regional Airport |
Benton | 42KY | | | Pirates Cove Airport |
Bowling Green | 0KY5 | | | Boyce Wafer Farm Airport |
Brooks | 73KY | | | Brooks Field Airport |
Burna | 23KY | | | Barnes Farm Airport |
Cadiz | 1M9 | | | Lake Barkley State Park |
Calhoun | 4KY4 | | | Moseley Field Airport |
Carrollton | 3KY4 | | | Craw Daddy Landing Airport |
Clarkson | 66KY | | | Mc Grew Airport |
Clinton | 0KY7 | | | Clinton-Hickman County Airport |
Columbia | I96 | | | Columbia-Adair County Airport |
Cunningham | 74KY | | | Terry Field Airport |
Cynthiana | 0I8 | | | Cynthiana-Harrison County |
Dawson Springs | 8M7 | | | Tradewater Airport |
Deatsville | 59KY | | | Samuels Springs Airport |
Dry Ridge | 19KY | | | Conrads Airport |
Elkton | 5KY4 | | | Standard Field Airport |
Eminence | 40KY | | | Rooster Field Airport |
Falls-Of-Rough | 2I3 | | | Rough River State Park |
Falmouth | K62 | | | Gene Snyder |
Finchville | 58KY | | | Willow Island Airpark |
Turner | 3B5 | | | Twitchell Airport |
Franklin | 0KY1 | | | Arnemann Farms Airport |
Franklin | 35KY | | | Welcome Field Airport |
Fulton | 1M7 | | | Fulton |
Georgetown | 27K | | | Georgetown Scott County Regional |
Gilbertsville | M34 | | | Kentucky Dam State Park |
Greenville | M21 | | | Muhlenberg County |
Hardinsburg | I93 | | | Breckinridge County |
Harlan | I35 | | | Tucker-Guthrie Memorial |
Hartford | 7K4 | | | Ohio County Airport |
Hawesville | 3KY0 | | | Lamar Field Airport |
Henderson | 03KY | | | Flying H Farms Airport |
Jamestown | K24 | | | Russell County |
Leitchfield | M20 | | | Leitchfield-Grayson Co |
Lewisport | KY8 | | | Hancock County-Ron Lewis Field |
Liberty | I53 | | | Liberty-Casey County |
London | 3KY2 | | | Chesnut Knolls Airport |
Louisville | 07KY | | | Blue Lick Airport |
Madisonville | 2I0 | | | Madisonville Regional |
Marion | 5M9 | | | Marion-Crittenden County |
Mayfield | M25 | | | Mayfield Graves County |
Middlesboro | 1A6 | | | Middlesboro-Bell County |
Morehead | M97 | | | Morehead-Rowan County Clyde A. Thomas Regional Airport |
Murray | 28KY | | | Brandon Airdrome |
Murray | 54KY | | | Turner Field Airport |
New Castle | 85KY | | | Deer Run Airpark |
New Castle | 12KY | | | John M. Foree Airport |
Nicholasville | 79KY | | | Lucas Field Airport |
Olive Hill | 2KY5 | | | Womstead Field Airport |
Olive Hill | 2I2 | | | Olive Hill-Sellers' Field Airport |
Owensboro | 13KY | | | Miles Airport |
Owenton | 0KY0 | | | Owen Air Park |
Paducah | 5KY3 | | | West Kentucky Airpark |
Paintsville | 9KY9 | | | Paintsville-Prestonsburg-Combs Field Airport |
Paris | 31KY | | | Wild Blue Airport |
Paris | 14KY | | | Blue Haven Farm Airport |
Paris | 50KY | | | Zanzibar Farm Airport |
Pewee Valley | 92KY | | | Timmons Field Airport |
Pine Knot | 18I | | | Mc Creary County |
Prestonsburg | K22 | | | Big Sandy Regional Airport |
Princeton | 2M0 | | | Princeton-Caldwell County |
Providence | 8M9 | | | Providence-Webster County |
Richmond | I39 | | | Madison |
Richmond | 1KY7 | | | Jordan Hill Farm Airport |
Russellville | 4M7 | | | Russellville-Logan County |
Sacramento | 17KY | | | Shannon Field Airport |
Shelbyville | 6KY3 | | | Flying C Farms Airport |
Shelbyville | 64KY | | | Coal Field Airport |
Shelbyville | 3KY9 | | | Miles Field Airport |
Shepherdsville | 4KY8 | | | Shady Acres Airport |
Somerset | 68KY | | | Lee's Airpark |
Springfield | 6I2 | | | Lebanon-Springfield |
Springfield | 36KY | | | Arnolds Airport |
Stanford | 00KY | | | Robbins Roost Airport |
Stanton | I50 | | | Stanton |
Tarylorsville | 7KY3 | | | Little Mount International Airport |
Utica | 3KY1 | | | Goode Airpark |
Vine Grove | 70KY | | | Vine Grove Airport |
West Liberty | 9I3 | | | West Liberty Airport |
Winchester | 75KY | | | Hisle Field Airport |
Abbeville | LA60 | | | Live Oak Landing Strip Airport |
Abbeville | LS68 | | | Ken Guidry Nr 1 Airport |
Alexandria | 05LS | | | Grass Roots Airport |
Alexandria | 9LA6 | | | Chandler Airport |
Amarillo | LS40 | | | St Charles Airport |
Amite | LA79 | | | Sycamore Airport |
Amite | 9LA9 | | | Skyline Airpark |
Angola | LA67 | | | Angola Airstrip |
Arcadia | 5F0 | | | Arcadia-Bienville Parish |
Arnaudville | 22LS | | | Couvillion Airport |
Baskin | 05LA | | | Greg's Flying Service Airport |
Belcher | 0LA3 | | | Belcher Airpatch Airport |
Belle Rose | LA04 | | | Cane-Air Airport |
Benton | LS69 | | | L J Earnest Airport |
Bossier City | 68LA | | | Pilkinton Airstrip |
Breaux Bridge | LS34 | | | Bordelon Airpark |
Breaux Bridge | LA76 | | | Spillers Club Airport |
Breaux Bridge | LA16 | | | Castille Field Airport |
Bristol | L89 | | | Kibs Air Park |
Bunkie | 2R6 | | | Bunkie Municipal |
Bunkie | 2LA4 | | | Bunkie Flying Service Airport |
Bunkie | LA77 | | | Mixon Airport |
Cameron | 1LS5 | | | Cameron Airstrip |
Charenton | 2LS2 | | | Chitimacha Air Park |
Church Point | 6LA5 | | | Church Point Flyers Airport |
Clayton | 37LA | | | Wayne Brown Airport |
Clinton | LA83 | | | Mc Cutcheon Field Airport |
Clinton | 4LA8 | | | Overton Private Airport |
Columbia | F86 | | | Caldwell Parish |
Coushatta | 0R7 | | | The Red River |
Covington | L31 | | | St. Tammany Regional |
Covington | LA87 | | | Covington-Vincent Airport |
Covington | LS76 | | | Hickham Field Airport |
Covington | 23LA | | | Warner-Thunder Hill Airport |
Crowley | 3R2 | | | Le Gros Memorial |
Crowley | LA90 | | | Walsh Airport |
Crowley | 99LA | | | Lawson Field Airport |
Darnell | 9LS1 | | | Bayou Meadows Airport |
De Quincy | 5R8 | | | De Quincy Industrial Airpark |
De Ridder | 34LA | | | Swamp Smith Airport |
Delhi | 0M9 | | | Delhi Municipal |
Dry Creek | 44LA | | | B T & K H Ranch Airport |
Esterwood | 00LS | | | Lejeune Airport |
Eunice | LA57 | | | Mowata Flying Service-Eunice Airport |
Eunice | 91LA | | | Koch Airport |
Farmerville | F87 | | | Union Parish |
Ferriday | 1LS8 | | | Summerell Airport |
Folsom | LA26 | | | Unicorn Airport |
Franklinton | 2R7 | | | Franklinton |
Gilliam | LA54 | | | Gilliam Airport |
Kinder | 3LA1 | | | Wilder Airport |
Gonzales | L38 | | | Louisiana Regional |
Gonzales | 1LS0 | | | Cal Mire Field Airport |
Gonzales | 0LA1 | | | Double H Ranch Airport |
Grand Coteau | 08LS | | | Aeleron Airport |
Hahnville | 1LA1 | | | Triche Field Airport |
Hammond | LA13 | | | Shaw Crop Service Airport |
Hayes | 1LA3 | | | Goose Island Airport |
Hineston | 70LA | | | Roland Airport |
Homer | 5F4 | | | Homer Municipal |
Intracoastal City | 2LA0 | | | Central Industries Airport |
Iota | LA68 | | | Zaunbrecher Strip Airport |
Iota | 2LA5 | | | Reed Airfield |
Iowa | LA71 | | | O'brien Flying Service Airport |
Jackson | 2LA6 | | | Howell 1 Airport |
Jackson | 4LA3 | | | Jackson Airport |
Jeanerette | 2R1 | | | Le Maire Memorial |
Jena | 1R1 | | | Jena |
Jennings | 3R7 | | | Jennings |
Jigger | LS16 | | | Circle G Airport |
Jonesboro | F88 | | | Jonesboro |
Jonesville | L32 | | | Jonesville |
Kaplan | 13LS | | | Tee Brad's Airport |
Keithville | 56LA | | | Old Hickory Ranch Airport |
Keithville | 5F5 | | | Bluebird Hill |
Lacassine | LA31 | | | Gotreaux Strip Airport |
Lake Arthur | LA32 | | | Lake Air Service Airport |
Lake Arthur | 3LA4 | | | Little Pecan Island Airport |
Lake Charles | LA21 | | | Chloe Airport |
Lake Charles | 3LA8 | | | Open A-1 Ranch Airport |
Lake Charles | 3LA6 | | | Morgan Crop Service Nr 2 Airport |
Lake Providence | 6LA1 | | | Cottonwood Airport |
Lake Providence | 0M8 | | | Byerley |
Leesville | L39 | | | Leesville |
Mamou | LA25 | | | Central Farmers Coop Airport |
Mansfield | 3F3 | | | C E 'rusty' Williams |
Many | 3R4 | | | Hart Memorial |
Maringouin | 7LA0 | | | Valverda Strip Airport |
Maurice | 62LA | | | Ken Guidry Nr 4 Airport |
Melville | 2LS3 | | | Majors Airpark |
Mer Rouge | 5LS6 | | | Arkla Flyers Inc Airport |
Milton | 97LA | | | Greene Air Park |
Monroe | LA33 | | | Cuba Farm Airport |
Monroe | 40LA | | | Woodsland Plantation Airport |
Monterey | LS46 | | | Blount Airport |
Moreauville | 5LA1 | | | Kent's Flying Service Airport |
New Iberia | LS38 | | | Richard's Airport |
New Roads | 0LS7 | | | Morgan Field Airport |
Oak Grove | 9M6 | | | Kelly-Dumas |
Oak Grove | 2LA7 | | | Costello Airport |
Oak Ridge | 01LA | | | Barham Airport |
Olla | L47 | | | Olla |
Parks | 38LS | | | Ace Flying Airport |
Pineville | 2L0 | | | Pineville Municipal |
Plaquemine | LA15 | | | Wilbert Airport |
Pollock | L66 | | | Pollock Municipal |
Ponchatoula | 32LS | | | Stevens Strip Airport |
Port Allen | LA46 | | | Omni Airport |
Port Barre | 17LS | | | Yankee Field Airport |
Port Sulphur | 7LA1 | | | Birdwin Airport |
Ragley | 7LA3 | | | Habetz Airport |
Rayne | 12LS | | | Hains Airstrip |
Rayville | M79 | | | John H Hooks Jr Memorial |
Reserve | 1L0 | | | St John The Baptist Parish |
Scott | 10LA | | | Industrial Helicopters Inc. Airport |
Slaughter | LS25 | | | Annison Private Airport |
Slaughter | LS77 | | | A & P Airpark |
St Francisville | 21LS | | | Solitude Airstrip |
St Francisville | 14LA | | | Evans Field Airport |
St Joseph | L33 | | | Tensas Parish |
Tallulah | 9LS5 | | | Red Beard Dusting Service Airport |
Tallulah | M80 | | | Scott |
Tendal | 9LS9 | | | 4b Ranch Airport |
Thibodaux | L83 | | | Thibodaux Municipal |
Thibodaux | 0LS0 | | | Theriot Field Airport |
Thornwell | LS14 | | | Lyon Airport |
Vidalia | 0R4 | | | Concordia Parish |
Vidalia | LA40 | | | F L Braughton Airport |
Ville Platte | 38LA | | | Whiteville Airport |
Vivian | 3F4 | | | Vivian |
Washington | 8TA9 | | | Star Dusters Airport |
Watson | 0LA9 | | | Rebel Field Airport |
Watson | LS39 | | | Country Bend Airport |
Welsh | 6R1 | | | Welsh Airport |
Welsh | LS18 | | | Ag Aviation Airport |
Westlake | LS10 | | | Reynolds Airport |
Wilson | 58LA | | | Sydal Acres Airport |
Winnfield | 0R5 | | | David G Joyce |
Winnsboro | F89 | | | Winnsboro Municipal |
Winnsboro | 6LA6 | | | Williams Flying Service Airport |
Winnsboro | LS11 | | | Liddieville Airport |
Woodlawn | 0LS8 | | | Lonesome Dove Airfield |
Woodworth | 1R4 | | | Woodworth |
Youngsville | 33LA | | | Sky Ranch Airport |
Zwolle | 5LS9 | | | Ammons Airport |
Amesbury | 6MA2 | | | Meadowbrook Airport |
Barre Plains | 8B5 | | | Tanner-Hiller |
Welsh | 0LS1 | | | Ag Aviation |
Berkley | 1M8 | | | Myricks Airport |
Berlin | MA19 | | | Berlin Landing Area Airport |
Charlton | MA30 | | | Dresser Hill Airport |
Edgartown | 1B2 | | | Katama Airpark |
Sutton | MA97 | | | Waters Airport |
Falmouth | 5B6 | | | Falmouth Airpark |
Southbridge | 3B0 | | | Southbridge Municipal |
Haverhill | 04MA | | | Goddard Airport |
Hopedale | 1B6 | | | Hopedale Industrial Park |
Mansfield | 1B9 | | | Mansfield Municipal |
Marston Mills | 2B1 | | | Cape Cod Airport |
Middlefield | 3MA2 | | | Baines Airport |
Montague | 0B5 | | | Turners Falls |
New Braintree | MA89 | | | B&b Farm Airport |
Newburyport | 2B2 | | | Plum Island Airport |
Northampton | 7B2 | | | Northampton |
Pembroke | MA64 | | | Pheasant Field Airport |
Pepperell | 26MA | | | Pepperell Airport |
Southborough | 09MA | | | Kallander Field Airport |
Sterling | 3B3 | | | Sterling |
Tuckernuck Island | MA72 | | | Tuckernuck Airport |
Uxbridge | MA75 | | | Sky Glen Airport |
Westport | 3MA5 | | | Westport Airport |
Worthington | MA88 | | | Albert Farms Airport |
Baltimore | W48 | | | Essex Skypark Airport |
Benedict | MD14 | | | Robinson Airport |
Berlin | 4MD1 | | | Bunting's Field Airport |
Cambridge | MD18 | | | Horn Point Airport |
Cambridge | 3MD8 | | | Pokety Airport |
Cambridge | MD82 | | | Ragged Island Airport |
Cecilton | MD93 | | | Hexton Farms Airport |
Centreville | MD21 | | | Ashland Landing Farm Airport |
Chestertown | 0MD4 | | | Pond View Private Airport |
Chestertown | MD19 | | | Hybarc Farm Airport |
Chestertown | 05MD | | | Breezecroft Airport |
Chestertown | MD63 | | | Cromwell Farm Airport |
Chestertown | MD11 | | | Wright Field Airport |
Chestertown | MD66 | | | Smith Field Airport |
Church Hill | MD91 | | | Saxon Farms Airport |
Church Hill | MD23 | | | Kennersley Airport |
Churchville | 0W3 | | | Harford County Airport |
Clarksville | MD24 | | | Haysfield Airport |
Clinton | W32 | | | Washington Executive/Hyde Field |
Cobb Island | 0MD2 | | | Squier Landing Airport |
Conowingo | 6MD4 | | | Pembroke Farm Airport |
Crisfield | W41 | | | Crisfield Municipal Airport |
Crumpton | 6MD2 | | | Spring Landing Airport |
Cumberland | 1W3 | | | Mexico Farms Airport |
Dayton | MD46 | | | Glenair Airport |
Deale | MD22 | | | Deale Airport |
Drayden | 3MD6 | | | West St Mary's Airport |
Easton | MD28 | | | Ewing Airport |
Eldersburg | 1W5 | | | Hoby Wolf Airport |
Elkton | 58M | | | Claremont |
Emmittsburg | MD12 | | | Bell Airport |
Fallston | W42 | | | Fallston Airport |
Federalsburg | 7MD1 | | | Magennis Farm Airport |
Forest Hill | MD31 | | | Forest Hill Airport |
Frederick | 3MD0 | | | Burhans Memorial Airport |
Frederick | 4MD8 | | | Ijamsville Airport |
Galena | 29MD | | | Schlosser Airport |
Golts | 6MD7 | | | D'angelo Airport |
Greensboro | 8MD4 | | | Spiering Airport |
Hebron | MD35 | | | Spring Hill Airport |
Hurlock | 3MD5 | | | Hidden Hills Airport |
Indian Head | 2W5 | | | Maryland |
Indian Head | MD39 | | | Buds Ferry Airport |
La Plata | 5MD8 | | | Edelen Field Airport |
La Plata | MD97 | | | Lanseair Farms Airport |
La Plata | MD83 | | | Ty-Ti-To Airport |
Laurel | W18 | | | Suburban Airport |
Laytonsville | W50 | | | Davis Airport |
Leonardtown | MD45 | | | Hampton Airport |
Leonardtown | 8MD7 | | | Deerfield Airport |
Lexington Park | 2MD6 | | | Cherry Field Airport |
Libertytown | 8MD5 | | | Flying H Farm Airport |
Lisbon | MD47 | | | Barnes Airport |
Long Green | MD48 | | | Albrecht Airstrip |
Lusby | MD50 | | | Chesapeake Ranch Airport |
Marion | 2MD0 | | | Anderson Farm Airport |
Massey | MD1 | | | Massey Aerodrome |
Mitchellville | W00 | | | Freeway |
Nanjemoy | MD55 | | | Holly Springs Farm Airport |
Oakland | 2MD8 | | | Greater Gortner Airport |
Oakland | 42MD | | | Herrington Field Airport |
Owings Mills | 4MD9 | | | St John Airport |
Pittsville | 6MD8 | | | Delmarvair Airport |
Pocomoke | 7MD7 | | | Boomers Field Airport |
Pocomoke City | MD57 | | | Beverly Airport |
Princess Anne | 5MD7 | | | Bluemel Field Airport |
Princess Anne | 5MD5 | | | Flying W Airport |
Ridge | 3MD9 | | | Bonham Airport |
Ridge | MD01 | | | Wingfield Airport |
Ridgely | MD85 | | | Carmean Airport |
Riverside | 8MD6 | | | Burgess Field Airport |
Salisbury | 1N5 | | | Bennett Airport |
Salisbury | 2MD4 | | | Ennis Aerodrome |
Salisbury | 11MD | | | Tim's Airport |
St Michaels | MD64 | | | Asplundh Airport |
Stevensville | W29 | | | Bay Bridge |
Stevensville | 7MD8 | | | Kent Fort Manor Airport |
Stevensville | 3W3 | | | Kentmorr Airpark |
Sudlersville | 32MD | | | Roseland Airport |
Sudlersville | MD70 | | | Flying Acres Airport |
Sudlersville | 0MD1 | | | Taylor Field Airport |
Sudlersville | 25MD | | | Whalen Field Airport |
Unionville | MD74 | | | Good Neighbor Farm Airport |
Unionville | MD73 | | | Happy Landings Farm Airport |
Welcome | MD05 | | | Finagin Airfield |
Acton | 02ME | | | Old Acton Airfield |
Avon | 08ME | | | Lindbergh Airport |
Berwick | 09ME | | | Perrotti Skyranch Airfield |
Berwick | ME61 | | | Salmon Falls Airport |
Bethel | 0B1 | | | Bethel Regional |
Biddeford | B19 | | | Biddeford Municipal |
Bingham | ME08 | | | Gadabout Gaddis Airport |
Blue Hill | 07B | | | Blue Hill Airport |
Brownville | ME03 | | | Webber Jones Airport |
Carrabassett | B21 | | | Sugarloaf Regional Airport |
Cutler | ME2 | | | Cutler Regional Airport |
Deblois | 43B | | | Deblois Flight Strip |
Dexter | 1B0 | | | Dexter Regional |
Dover/foxcroft | 44B | | | Charles A. Chase Jr. Memorial Field Airport |
Eliot | 3B4 | | | Littlebrook Air Park |
Fort Kent | ME25 | | | Sunrise Farms Airport |
Genesee | 68G | | | Duford Field Airport |
Fryeburg | 57ME | | | Dyer's Landing Airport |
Greenville | 3B1 | | | Greenville Municipal |
Harrison | 03ME | | | Maple Ridge Airport |
Hartland | ME47 | | | Payne Field Airport |
Islesboro | 57B | | | Islesboro Airport |
Jackman | 59B | | | Newton Field Airport |
Jefferson | ME34 | | | Robinson Ridge Field Airport |
Levant | ME35 | | | Terra B & B Airport |
Lisbon Falls | ME75 | | | Margerison Airport |
Livermore Falls | B10 | | | Bowman Field Airport |
Lubec | 65B | | | Lubec Municipal Airport |
North Muskegon | MI86 | | | Midget Airport |
Newburgh | ME74 | | | Miller's Field Airport |
Newport | ME68 | | | Newport Sky Park Airport |
North Yarmouth | 15ME | | | Eagle Field Airport |
Oxford | 81B | | | Oxford County Regional |
Perry | ME88 | | | Morrison's Airport |
Pittsfield | 2B7 | | | Pittsfield Municipal |
Rangeley | 8B0 | | | Steven A. Bean Municipal |
Rockwood | 13ME | | | Socatean Bay Airport |
Rockwood | ME22 | | | Avery Field Airport |
Stonington | 93B | | | Stonington Municipal Airport |
Van Buren | ME67 | | | Morrill Airpark |
Wales | ME6 | | | Wales Airport |
Vicksburg | 7MI3 | | | Thrall Lake Airport |
West Lebanon | ME64 | | | Skydive Lebanon Airport |
Willimantic | ME79 | | | Two Falls Airport |
Adak Island | 2MI5 | | | Somerville Airport |
Albion | 42MI | | | Midway Airport |
Allegan | 35D | | | Padgham Field |
Allegan | 38MI | | | Chicora Field Airport |
Alpena | 53M | | | Silver City Airpark |
Atlanta | Y93 | | | Atlanta Municipal |
Beaver Island | 6Y8 | | | Welke Airport |
Avoca | MI01 | | | Fasel Field Airport |
Bad Axe | E53 | | | Engler Field Airport |
Baldwin | 7D3 | | | Baldwin Municipal |
Barbeau | 45MI | | | Franklin's Airport |
Bay City | 3CM | | | James Clements Municipal |
Bay City | 47MI | | | Kenneth Hayward Airport |
Belleville | 43G | | | Belleville Airport |
Berrien Springs | C20 | | | Andrews University Airpark |
Blissfield | 44G | | | Betz Airport |
Boyne City | N98 | | | Boyne City Municipal |
Bridgeport | MI23 | | | Mckimmy Field Airport |
Brighton | 45G | | | Brighton |
Britton | MI02 | | | Brablec Farms Airport |
Brooklyn | 6G8 | | | Shamrock Field Airport |
Bryon | 54MI | | | Pingston Aeroworks Airport |
Buchanan | 6MI6 | | | Hancock Airport |
Buchanan | MI72 | | | Nelson Airport |
Burnips | MI88 | | | Bakers Field Airport |
Carleton | W87 | | | Buzzwick Airport |
Caseville | 25MI | | | Farver Field Airport |
Cedar | 28MI | | | Miller-Herrold Airport |
Cedar Springs | MI73 | | | North Cedar Airport |
Charlotte | MI11 | | | Crippen Field Airport |
Chassell | 79MI | | | Pike River Landing Airport |
Cheboygan | 2M7 | | | Hoffman's Black Mountain Aerodrome |
Chesaning | 2MI0 | | | Woodside Airport |
Chesaning | 50G | | | Howard Nixon Memorial Airport |
Clare | 48D | | | Clare Municipal |
Clinton | 7N4 | | | Honey Acres Airport |
Clio | MI05 | | | Crompton's Private Strip Airport |
Cooper | 7MI7 | | | Walker Airport |
Croswell | 55G | | | Arnold Field Airport |
Carson City | 47G | | | Mayes |
Crystal Falls | 50D | | | Iron County |
Perry | MI47 | | | Dysinger Airport |
Davison | 6G0 | | | Davison/Athelone Williams Memorial |
De Witt | MI10 | | | Hoerners Corners Airport |
Deckerville | 56G | | | Indian Creek Ranch Airport |
Dexter | 2E8 | | | Cackleberry Airport |
Dowagiac | C91 | | | Dowagiac Municipal |
East Jordan | Y94 | | | East Jordan City |
Eastport | 59M | | | Torchport Airport |
Eaton Rapids | 60G | | | Skyway Estates Airport |
Eaton Rapids | 04MI | | | Rapids Airway Airport |
Elk Rapids | 34U | | | Yuba Airport |
Emmett | 2E2 | | | Sharpe's Strip Airport |
Empire | Y87 | | | Empire Airport |
Evart | 9C8 | | | Evart Municipal |
Fenton | 9MI6 | | | Trollman's Field Airport |
Flushing | MI18 | | | Cedarville Airport |
Flushing | 3DA | | | Dalton Airport |
Fowlerville | 65G | | | Maple Grove |
Frankenmuth | 66G | | | Wm 'tiny' Zehnder Field Airport |
Gaylord | 4Y4 | | | Lakes Of The North |
Gladstone | 43MI | | | West Gladstone Airport |
Grand Haven | 3GM | | | Grand Haven Memorial Airpark |
Grand Ledge | 4D0 | | | Abrams Municipal |
Grand Marais | Y98 | | | Grand Marais Airport |
Grant | 01C | | | Grant Airport |
Grayling | 0MI3 | | | Kelleys Airport |
Grayling | 6MI0 | | | King Trout Airport |
Greenville | 6D6 | | | Greenville Municipal |
Greenville | MI80 | | | Wabasis Lake Airport |
Greenville | 02MI | | | Fairplains Airpark |
Gregory | 69G | | | Richmond Field Airport |
Gwinn | 0MI4 | | | Lesterson Field Airport |
Hale | H80 | | | Field Of Dreams Airport |
Harrietta | 4Y9 | | | Bunch's Half Acre Airport |
Harrison | 80D | | | Clare County |
Harrisville | 5Y0 | | | Harrisville Airport |
Harsens Island | Z92 | | | Harsens Island Airport |
Hart/Shelby | C04 | | | Oceana County |
Hastings | 9D9 | | | Hastings |
Hessel | 5Y1 | | | Albert J Lindberg |
Hillman | Y95 | | | Hillman |
Houghton Lake Heights | 5Y2 | | | Houghton Lake State Airport |
Howell | 4Y1 | | | Raether Airport |
Howell | 1MI5 | | | Mckenzie's Landing Airport |
Hubbard | 1MI8 | | | Vlachos Acres Airport |
Hudsonville | MI82 | | | Harry's Field Airport |
Hulbert | 0MI6 | | | Young's Airport |
Indian River | Y65 | | | Campbell-Pratt |
Interlochen | Y88 | | | Green Lake Airport |
Ionia | Y70 | | | Ionia County |
Iron Mountain | MI92 | | | Lilienthal Airport |
Stambaugh | Y73 | | | Stambaugh Airport |
Ishpeming | M61 | | | Edward F Johnson Airport |
Jackson | 5MI7 | | | Williams Field Airport |
Jenison | 08C | | | Riverview |
Kalamazoo | 4N0 | | | Newman's Airport |
Kalamazoo | 66MI | | | East Lake Airport |
Kalkaska | Y89 | | | Kalkaska City |
Kent City | 24M | | | Wilderness Airpark |
Lake | 07MI | | | Scott Airstrip |
Lake City | Y91 | | | Home Acres Sky Ranch Airport |
Village Of Lake Isabella | D15 | | | Lake Isabella - Cal Brewer Memorial Airport |
Lakeview | 13C | | | Lakeview-Griffith Field |
Jacobson | 8MN8 | | | Porter Airport |
Lapeer | D95 | | | Dupont-Lapeer |
Lawton | MI31 | | | Cornish Field Airport |
Laingsburg | 15W | | | Dennis Farms |
Lewiston | 8M8 | | | Eagle Ii |
Lincoln | 3L7 | | | Milwrick Flying M Airport |
Linden | 9G2 | | | Prices |
Lowell | 26MI | | | Van Strien Company Airport |
Lowell | 24C | | | Lowell City Airport |
Luther | 95MI | | | Wamberg Airfield |
Luzerne | 5Y4 | | | Lost Creek Airport |
Mancelona | D90 | | | Mancelona Municipal Airport |
Manchester | 75G | | | Rossettie Airport |
Marine City | 76G | | | Marine City |
Marlette | 77G | | | Marlette Township |
Mason | MI38 | | | Eichmeier Field Airport |
Mason | 29MI | | | Sawyer Field Airport |
Mass | 1MI1 | | | Nikkila Farms Airport |
Mattawan | 8MI3 | | | Mattawan Airpark |
Maybee | 60MI | | | Maybee Airport |
Mears | MI71 | | | Silver Lake Airport |
Mecosta | 0C5 | | | Canadian Lakes Airport |
Mecosta | 27C | | | Mecosta Morton Airport |
Milan | MI09 | | | Milan Airport |
Mio | 51M | | | Oscoda County Dennis Kauffman Memorial |
Moorestown | 6Y0 | | | Moorestown Airpark |
Mulliken | 44MI | | | Airbatco Field Airport |
Munising | 5Y7 | | | Hanley Field Airport |
Napoleon | 6H4 | | | Van Wagnen Airport |
Napoleon | 3NP | | | Napoleon Airport |
Napoleon | 26W | | | Wolf Lake Airport |
New Hudson | Y47 | | | Oakland Southwest |
Newport | 9MI2 | | | Newport Woods Airport |
Newport | MI53 | | | Mills Field Airport |
Northport | 3MI2 | | | South Fox Island Airport |
Northport | 5D5 | | | Woolsey Memorial Airport |
Nunica | 5N7 | | | Hat Field Airport |
Nunica | 33C | | | Jablonski Airport |
Onaway | Y96 | | | Leo E. Goetz County Airport |
Onaway | 1MI3 | | | Black River Ranch Airport |
Ortonville | 3MI7 | | | Willie Run Airport |
Oxford | 37MI | | | Handleman Sky Ranch Airport |
Parchment | 2H4 | | | Triple H Airport |
Petersburg | 7MI5 | | | Lada Airport |
Paw Paw | 2C5 | | | Almena Airport |
Perronville | 1MI4 | | | Ernie's Field Airport |
Perry | 69MI | | | Perry Aero Park Airport |
Petersburg | 4MI1 | | | Air Rahe Airport |
Petersburg | 88G | | | Gradolph Field Airport |
Plainwell | 61D | | | Plainwell Municipal Airport |
Plymouth | 1D2 | | | Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport |
Pointe Aux Pins | 6Y1 | | | Bois Blanc Island |
Rangeley | 57D | | | Ray Community Airport |
Richmond | MI99 | | | Robertson Field Airport |
Rockford | 35C | | | Wells Airport |
Romeo | D98 | | | Romeo State |
Romeo | MI50 | | | Dodge Airport |
Romeo | 4MI0 | | | Kriewall Strip Airport |
Roscommon | 3RC | | | Roscommon Conservation |
Sandusky | Y83 | | | Sandusky City |
Sandusky | 96G | | | Cowley Field Airport |
Schoolcraft | P97 | | | Prairie Ronde Airport |
Schoolcraft | 4MI4 | | | Whitcomb Field Airport |
Schoolcraft | MI89 | | | Perry Airport |
Sebewaing | 98G | | | Sebewaing Airport |
Sidnaw | 6Y9 | | | Prickett-Grooms Field Airport |
Smiths Creek | 11G | | | Johnson Field Airport |
South Branch | 84MI | | | Timbers Sky Camp Airport |
South Haven | 8MI0 | | | Trowbridge Farms Airport |
South Rockwood | 78MI | | | Carls Airport |
Sparta | 8D4 | | | Paul C. Miller-Sparta |
St Clair | 5Y5 | | | David's Landing Airport |
St Helen | 6Y6 | | | St Helen Airport |
St Ignace | 83D | | | Mackinac County |
St Johns | 39T | | | Tripp Creek Airport |
St Johns | 2S3 | | | Archer Memorial Field Airport |
St Johns | 3S5 | | | Schiffer Acres Airport |
St. Clair | MI41 | | | Crystal Airport |
Stanwood | 38C | | | Cain Field Airport |
Steuben | 8MI7 | | | Bass Lake Airport |
Sunfield | C43 | | | Hiram Cure Airport |
Sunfield | MI58 | | | Stony Acres Airport |
Tecumseh | 34G | | | Merillat Airport |
Tecumseh | 3TE | | | Meyers-Diver's Airport |
Thompsonville | 7Y2 | | | Thompsonville Airport |
Three Oaks | 4MI6 | | | Benedick Airport |
Topinabee | Y30 | | | Pbeaaye Airport |
Traverse City | 4M0 | | | Lake Ann Airway Estates Airport |
Traverse City | Y04 | | | Sugar Loaf Resort Airport |
Vassar | 27MI | | | Miller Field Airport |
Vassar | 2MI8 | | | Vassar Field Airport |
Vermontville | 35MI | | | Law Field Airport |
Watersmeet | 72MI | | | Northwoods Airport |
Watervliet | 40C | | | Watervliet Municipal Airport |
Wayland | 41C | | | Calkins Field Airport |
Webberville | 46MI | | | Cloud Nine West Airport |
Weidman | D11 | | | Ojibwa Airpark |
Westphalia | 3F5 | | | Forest Hill Airport |
White Cloud | 42C | | | White Cloud Airport |
Whitmore Lake | MI29 | | | Gooding Airport |
Williamston | 89Y | | | Maidens Airport |
Willis | 86MI | | | Downwind Acres Airport |
Winn | 53W | | | Woodruff Lake Airport |
Yale | 4Y8 | | | Para Field Airport |
Yale | D20 | | | Yale Airport |
Zeeland | Z98 | | | Ottawa Executive |
Zeeland | 6MI3 | | | Curt's Place Airport |
Zeeland | 85MI | | | Dewind Field Airport |
Zeeland | 6MI7 | | | J P's Field Airport |
Adak Island | MN01 | | | Hammars Farm Airport |
Ada | D00 | | | Norman County Ada/Twin Valley |
Afton | MY35 | | | Walker Field Airport |
Albany | 4MN0 | | | Skalicky Airstrip |
Amboy | 4MN7 | | | Burk Airport |
Angus | MN06 | | | Pulkrabek Private Landing Field Airport |
Argyle | 7MN6 | | | Johnson Airport |
Atwater | 67MN | | | Pagel's Field Airport |
Backus | 7Y3 | | | Backus Municipal Airport |
Bagley | 5MN2 | | | Hoiland Field Airport |
Bagley | 7Y4 | | | Bagley Municipal |
Barnesville | 94MN | | | Ag Spray Inc Airport |
Barnesville | 9MN3 | | | Barnesville Municipal Airport |
Barnesville | 9MN5 | | | Janssen Airport |
Barnesville | 68MN | | | Mathew Private Field Airport |
Battle Lake | 00MN | | | Battle Lake Municipal Airport |
Bear River | MY49 | | | Anderson Airport |
Belle Plaine | 37MN | | | Nagel And Schultz Airport |
Belle Plaine | 7Y7 | | | A.R.S. Sport Strip |
Bemidji | MN13 | | | Moberg Air Base Airport |
Bemidji | 38MN | | | Chandler Personal Use Airport |
Bemidji | MY54 | | | Cloverleaf-East Bemidji Airport |
Big Falls | 7Y9 | | | Big Falls Municipal Airport |
Bingham Lake | 40MN | | | Turner Field Airport |
Bowstring | 9Y0 | | | Bowstring Airport |
Elsberry | 0MO8 | | | Sloan's Airport |
Brainerd | MN18 | | | Barrett Airport |
Brainerd | MN17 | | | Jackson Field Airport |
Breckenridge | 69MN | | | Yaggie Private Airport |
Brooten | 6D1 | | | Brooten Municipal/John O. Bohmer Field |
Cambridge | 9MN1 | | | Troll Farm Airport |
Cannon Falls | 8MN1 | | | Shimpa Airstrip |
Cedar | 70MN | | | Harry-Walt Airport |
Cedar Mills | MN20 | | | Runke's Field Airport |
Ceylon | MY80 | | | Rosenberg Airport |
Chatfield | 2C4 | | | Flying A Airport |
Clara City | 66MN | | | Howard's Airport |
Clarissa | 8Y5 | | | Clarissa Municipal Airport |
Clear Lake | 8Y6 | | | Leaders Clear Lake |
Clearwater | 5MN4 | | | Seven Hills Airport |
Coates | MY52 | | | Turkey Track Airport |
Cosmos | MN28 | | | Lux Strip Airport |
Crown | MY95 | | | Swanson Field Airport |
Deerwood | 5MN7 | | | Lindey's Landing Airport |
Delano | MN19 | | | Brandt Airport |
Dumont | 5MN8 | | | Rick Mathias Private Airport |
Eagle Lake | MN08 | | | Eagles Nest Aerodrome |
East Grand Forks | MN81 | | | J J And T Airport |
East Grand Forks | 2MN0 | | | Pribbs Field Airport |
Elbow Lake | Y63 | | | Elbow Lake Municipal - Pride Of The Prairie |
Elysian | 75MN | | | Galler's Airport |
Erskine | MN42 | | | Oak Lake Air Strip Airport |
Erskine | 76MN | | | Hemmingsen Private Airport |
Euclid | MY59 | | | Gasper Airport |
Farmington | MY97 | | | Nielsen's Airport |
Farmington | 69MY | | | Hall Airport |
Farmington | MN45 | | | Jennrich Field Airport |
Farmington | MN46 | | | Lucht Field Airport |
Gorin | MO82 | | | Howard Airport |
Fertile | D14 | | | Fertile Municipal |
Forest Lake | 25D | | | Forest Lake Airport |
Forest Lake | MY82 | | | Du Fresne Airport |
Frontenac | MY50 | | | Frontenac Airport |
Garden City | 24MN | | | Bergemann Airport |
Garfield | MN44 | | | Angen Field Airport |
Garrison | 7MN4 | | | Mille Lacs Lake Airport |
Gatzke | 77MN | | | Klamar Field Airport |
Gatzke | 79MN | | | Paul Field Airport |
Gatzke | 78MN | | | Hagens Private Airport |
Gatzke | MN50 | | | Arthur Field Airport |
Gluek | 2MN1 | | | Winter Strip Airport |
Gonvick | MY42 | | | Mathis Airport |
Goodland | MN52 | | | Gospel Ranch Airport |
Graceville | 4MN5 | | | Kapaun-Wilson Field Airport |
Grygla | 3G2 | | | Grygla Municipal Airport-Mel Wilkens Field |
Hackensack | MN00 | | | Webb Lake Airport |
Halstad | 26MN | | | Christianson Field Airport |
Hancock | 6MN2 | | | Brown's Private Airport |
Harris | MY28 | | | Pinetree Airpark |
Hastings | 49MN | | | Willow Ridge Airport |
Hastings | MN58 | | | Sky Meadow Airport |
Hawley | 04Y | | | Hawley Municipal |
Hawley | MY99 | | | Johnston Airport |
Hector | 1D6 | | | Hector Municipal Airport |
Henning | 05Y | | | Henning Municipal Airport |
Herman | MN60 | | | Itzen Air Strip Airport |
Herman | 06Y | | | Herman Municipal |
Hibbing | MY56 | | | Robertson Field Airport |
Hill City | 07Y | | | Hill City-Quadna Mountain Airport |
Hinckley | 04W | | | Field Of Dreams Airport |
Holloway | MY58 | | | Home-Base Airport |
Hutchinson | MN62 | | | Quast Airport |
Inver Grove Heights | 35MN | | | Wipline Airport |
Isle | MY72 | | | Isle Private Airport |
Ivanhoe | 4MN4 | | | Mulder Field Inc Airport |
Jeffers | 81MN | | | Ewen Landing Field Airport |
Jordan | 9MN6 | | | Merill L Harris Field Airport |
Jordan | MN63 | | | Stocker Private Airport |
Karlstad | 23D | | | Karlstad Municipal Airport |
Kelliher | 04MN | | | Helblad Airport |
Kennedy | 52MN | | | Anderson Field Airport |
Lake Bronson | 27MN | | | Lake Bronson Airport |
Lake Park | MY29 | | | Kaiser's Airstrip |
Laporte | MN12 | | | Robco Airport |
Le Sueur | 12Y | | | Le Sueur Municipal |
Lino Lakes | MY18 | | | Lino Air Park |
Lino Lakes | 8MN5 | | | Vieira Airport |
Litchfield | MN31 | | | L & M Aerodrome |
Littlefork | 13Y | | | Littlefork Municipal/Hanover Airport |
Long Prairie | 14Y | | | Todd Field |
Lydia | MN67 | | | Sky Park Airport |
Mahnomen | 3N8 | | | Mahnomen County |
Mankato | 5MN1 | | | Budde Airport |
Mankato | 93MN | | | Hoppe Sky Ranch Airport |
Maple Plain | MN69 | | | Maple Airport |
Mayer | MN71 | | | Ziermann Airport |
Medford | 6MN8 | | | Underland Airstrip |
Middle River | 5MN9 | | | Chanlin Field Airport |
Milaca | 18Y | | | Milaca Municipal Airport |
Minnesota Lake | MN74 | | | B & D Flyers International Airport |
Montgomery | MN49 | | | Tuma Private Airport |
Moorhead | MN77 | | | Jerger's Field Airport |
Pequot Lakes | 8MN3 | | | Breezy Point Airport |
Morton | 56MN | | | Lothert's Farm Strip Airport |
Motley | 18MN | | | Hines Farm Airport |
Motley | 22Y | | | Morey's Airport |
Murdock | 23Y | | | Murdock Municipal Airport |
Nary | 5C3 | | | Nary National-Shefland Field |
Nicollet | MY46 | | | Hay Shakers Airport |
Nielsville | 84MN | | | Nielsville Airport |
North Branch | MY90 | | | Al's Due North Airport |
North Prairie | 2MN7 | | | Fussy Airport |
Northome | 43Y | | | Northome Municipal Airport |
Norwood | 47MN | | | Sons Private-Commercial Airport |
Onamia | MN85 | | | Swiderski Field Airport |
Onamia | MY66 | | | North Star Ranch Airport |
Oster | 3MN9 | | | Schumacher Airport |
Park Rapids | MY24 | | | Falk Private Airport |
Park Rapids | MN86 | | | Sky Manor Aero Estates Airport |
Pelican Rapids | 47Y | | | Pelican Rapids Municipal Airport-Lyon's Field |
Pequot Lakes | 4MN8 | | | Myers Field Airport |
Perham | 16D | | | Perham Municipal |
Perham | MN89 | | | Aerovilla Airport |
Pierz | MY15 | | | Kastanek Airport |
Pinecreek | 48Y | | | Piney Pinecreek Border |
Plainview | 85MN | | | Christison Airport |
Ponsford | 6MN0 | | | Rooney Airfield |
Princeton | MN47 | | | Cameron's Airport |
Proctor | MN92 | | | Lennartson Airport |
Red Lake Falls | D81 | | | Red Lake Falls Municipal Airport |
Remer | 52Y | | | Remer Municipal Airport |
Rochester | 2MN8 | | | Trygstad Airport |
Roosevelt | 87MN | | | Erickson Airport |
Roosevelt | 59MN | | | Cox-Coyour Memorial Air Field |
Rushford | 55Y | | | Rushford Municipal |
Sabin | 3MN7 | | | Blue Sky Airport |
Saginaw | MY13 | | | Swan Field Airport |
Sauk Centre | D39 | | | Sauk Centre Municipal |
Seaforth | 60MN | | | Fuhr Flying Service Airport |
Sleepy Eye | Y58 | | | Sleepy Eye Municipal Airport |
Spring Valley | 7MN3 | | | Caldbeck Field Airport |
Springfield | D42 | | | Springfield Municipal |
St Francis | MY43 | | | Becker Personal Airport |
St Francis | MN98 | | | Aero-Plain Airport |
St Paul | 21D | | | Lake Elmo Airport |
Stacy | MN51 | | | Bowers Airport |
Starbuck | D32 | | | Starbuck Municipal Airport |
Stephen | D41 | | | Stephen Municipal Airport |
Taunton | MY04 | | | Koch's Personal Field Airport |
Taylors Falls | 62MN | | | Taylors Falls Airport |
Tenney | 1MN0 | | | Wetherbee Farm Airport |
Thief River Falls | 7MN8 | | | Willis Airport |
Tintah | 29MN | | | Wetenkamp Airport |
Tower | 12D | | | Tower Municipal |
Trosky | MY12 | | | Dykstra Acreage Airport |
Truman | MY00 | | | Sieg's Farm Airport |
Two Harbors | 39MN | | | Anthony Private Airport |
Two Harbors | 63MN | | | Weideman International Airport |
Tyler | 63Y | | | Tyler Municipal Airport |
Waconia | 1MN5 | | | Molnau Airpark |
Walker | Y49 | | | Walker Municipal |
Warren | D37 | | | Warren Municipal |
Warren | MY01 | | | Roan Airport |
Warroad | 58MN | | | Northwest Angle Airport |
Watkins | 15MN | | | Tyler Farms Airport |
Watkins | 32MN | | | Don's Landing Field Airport |
Webster | 1MN8 | | | Sky Harbor Residential Airpark |
Wells | 68Y | | | Wells Municipal Airport |
Wendell | 1MY1 | | | Carlson Ag Airport |
Wendell | 92MN | | | Brutlag Farms Airport |
Wendell | 65MN | | | Ricks Field Airport |
Wheaton | MY68 | | | Johnsons Aero Repair Airport |
Wheaton | 61MN | | | Traverse Air Airport |
Ozark | MU70 | | | Skyview Airport |
Winsted | 10D | | | Winsted Municipal Airport |
Wolverton | MY07 | | | Nord Field Airport |
Adrian | MU07 | | | Angle Bar M Airport |
Alba | 00MO | | | Cooper Flying Service Airport |
Albany | K19 | | | Albany Municipal |
Annada | 38MO | | | Barber Airport |
Archie | 03MU | | | Mc Donnell Airport |
Arkoe | MU35 | | | Tallen Airport |
Atherton | 4MO8 | | | Martens Airport |
Aurora | 2H2 | | | Aurora Municipal |
Avalon | MO77 | | | Arnika Ranch Airport |
Avilla | 0MU1 | | | Sunderland Airport |
Bates City | 2M1 | | | Harry S Truman Regional Airport |
Belle | MO78 | | | Stickle Cattle Farms Airport |
Belton | MU26 | | | Robinson Airport |
Bethany | 75K | | | Bethany Memorial Airport |
Bethany | MO53 | | | Meadows Airport |
Bismarck | MO81 | | | Dove Airstrip |
Bismarck | H57 | | | Bismarck Memorial Airport |
Blue Springs | MO18 | | | Clevenger Airport |
Bolckow | 31MO | | | Hannah Airport |
Bolivar | M17 | | | Bolivar Municipal |
Bolivar | MU19 | | | Cherokee Airpark |
Bowling Green | H19 | | | Bowling Green Municipal |
Brookfield | MO8 | | | North Central Missouri Regional |
Broseley | MU56 | | | Brown Field Airport |
Buffalo | 97MO | | | Gary's Airport |
Buffalo | H17 | | | Buffalo Municipal |
Burlington Junction | MU09 | | | Hester Airport |
California | MO23 | | | Phillips Field Airport |
Camdenton | 24MO | | | Mistwood Airport |
Campbell | 34M | | | Campbell Municipal |
Carl Junction | MO22 | | | Jta Asbell Field Airport |
Carrollton | K26 | | | Carrollton Memorial Airport |
Carthage | 80MO | | | Seiferd Field Airport |
Carthage | MO33 | | | Barlet's Base Airport |
Carthage | 27MO | | | Route 66 Airfield |
Carthage | 3MO5 | | | Nimsick Airport |
Caruthersville | M05 | | | Caruthersville Memorial |
Cassville | 94K | | | Cassville Municipal |
Cedarcreek | MU24 | | | Brass Lantern Airpark |
Ozark | MO66 | | | Linden Air Airport |
Climax Springs | MO99 | | | Miller Airport |
Columbia | MO74 | | | Cedar Creek Airport |
Columbia | MU23 | | | White Cloud Flying Field Airport |
Craig | MO24 | | | Lonesome Sky Airport |
Creighton | 0MO1 | | | Flying G Airport |
Dearborn | 0C1 | | | Triple R Airport |
Doniphan | X33 | | | Doniphan Municipal Airport |
Dudley | MO54 | | | Dudley Airport |
East Lynne | 87MO | | | Richters Airport |
East Prairie | MO57 | | | Henderson Mounds E B G Airport |
El Dorado Springs | 87K | | | El Dorado Springs Memorial |
Eldon | H79 | | | Eldon Model Airpark |
Everton | MO34 | | | Ellingsen Field Airport |
Excelsior Springs | 3EX | | | Excelsior Springs Memorial Airport |
Fairdealing | MO58 | | | Waldemer Flying W Ranch Airport |
Faucett | 61MU | | | Farris Strip Airport |
Fayette | MU77 | | | Aero Britton Airport |
Festus | 42MO | | | Aire Parque Airport |
Foristell | 98MO | | | Woodliff Airpark |
Fredericktown | H88 | | | A. Paul Vance Fredericktown Regional |
Fredericktown | 32MO | | | Phillips Airport |
Gainesville | MU48 | | | Sunburst Ranch Airport |
Gallatin | 1MO4 | | | Landmark Manufacturing Corporation Airport |
Gallatin | 1MO3 | | | Lake Viking Airport |
Gideon | M85 | | | Gideon Memorial |
Golden | MO32 | | | Table Rock Airport |
Golden | MU98 | | | Eagles Nest Airport |
Grain Valley | 3GV | | | East Kansas City |
Grain Valley | 62MO | | | Washburn Farm Airport |
Grainville | 61MO | | | Carl Ensor Airport |
Grandin | 1MO6 | | | Double S Ranch Airport |
Gravois Mills | MO30 | | | Harbour Airport |
Gravois Mills | 1MO8 | | | Sherlock Field Airport |
Green City | MO83 | | | Widmark Airport |
Harrisonville | MO37 | | | Ridgeview Ranch Airport |
Hawk Point | 2MU9 | | | Monroe Field Airport |
Hayti | M28 | | | Mid Continent Airport |
Hermann | 63M | | | Hermann Municipal |
Holt | MO71 | | | Block Air Village Airport |
Hornersville | 37M | | | Hornersville Memorial Airport |
Houston | M48 | | | Houston Memorial |
Houston | 2MO5 | | | Pegasus Ranch Aerodrome |
Houston | MU25 | | | Piney Bend Airport |
Houston | 6MO3 | | | Flying 'e' Airport |
Hurdland | MU33 | | | Harrison Airport |
Jamesport | MU16 | | | Spillman Field Airport |
Jasper | 08MO | | | Twin Oaks Airport |
Jasper | 78MU | | | Stony Branch Airport |
Jonesburg | MO07 | | | Adventures Aloft Airport |
Jonesburg | 55MO | | | Tightsqueeze Field Airport |
Joplin | MO49 | | | Five Mile Airport |
Kahoka | 0H7 | | | Kahoka Municipal Airport |
Kearney | MO26 | | | Peterson Farm Airport |
Kearney | 3MO6 | | | Kitty Hawk Estates Airport |
Kimberling City | MO64 | | | Kimberling Airport |
Laddonia | 95MO | | | Schlemmer Airport |
Lancaster | 4MO2 | | | Newcomb Hereford Ranch Airport |
Laurie | MO89 | | | Bar-Vik Airport |
Lawson | 21MO | | | Martins Airport |
Lenox | 13MO | | | Domeyer Airport |
Lewistown | MO09 | | | Sharpe Farms Airport |
Henrietta | 4K3 | | | Lexington Municipal Airport |
Liberty | 0N0 | | | Roosterville Airport |
Louisiana | 4MO6 | | | Mark Twain Air Park |
Licking | 6MU9 | | | Craddock Field Airport |
Lincoln | 0R2 | | | Lincoln Municipal Airport |
Linn | 1H3 | | | State Technical College Of Missouri |
Lockwood | MU27 | | | Woodfield Airpark Inc |
Lone Jack | 0MU7 | | | Lambs Field Airport |
Lone Jack | 4MO9 | | | Friends Field Airport |
Louisana | MO46 | | | Walker Airport |
Macon | K89 | | | Macon-Fowler Memorial |
Mansfield | 03B | | | Mansfield Municipal |
Marble Hill | 0T3 | | | Twin City Airpark |
Marshfield | MO85 | | | Wells Airport |
Marshfield | MO15 | | | Beckner Field Airport |
Maryville | 78Y | | | Rankin |
Maysville | 8MO5 | | | Cayton Pony Express Airport |
Memphis | 03D | | | Memphis Memorial |
Mexico | 6MU4 | | | Flying Shamrock Airport |
Milan | MU38 | | | Cowgill-Roemer Airport |
Moberly | 5MO1 | | | Irons Airport |
Monett | 56MO | | | Mc Clurg Airport |
Monroe City | K52 | | | Capt. Ben Smith - Monroe City |
Montgomery City | MO43 | | | Wilkins Airport |
Montgomery City | 17MO | | | Rgl Field Airport |
Monticello | 6M6 | | | Lewis County Regional |
Moscow Mills | M71 | | | Greensfield |
Mound City | 4MO7 | | | Crop Care Airport |
Mount Vernon | 2MO | | | Mount Vernon Municipal |
Mount Vernon | 77MO | | | Springhill Airport |
Mountain Grove | 1MO | | | Mountain Grove Memorial |
Mountain Grove | MO80 | | | Johnston's Nest Aerodrome |
Oak Grove | MU85 | | | Thomas Airport |
Odessa | MU20 | | | Robbins Airport |
Old Monroe | 6MO0 | | | Blackhawk Airport |
Osceola | 3MO | | | Osceola Municipal Airport |
Osceola | 6MO4 | | | Wixted Airport |
Ozark | 18MO | | | Gimlin Airport |
Ozark | 6MO7 | | | Riverside Landings Airport |
Paris | MU40 | | | Lake Village Airport |
Paris | MU00 | | | Samuel L. Clemens Memorial Airport |
Peculiar | 6MO9 | | | West Aero Ranch Airport |
Perry | 7MO1 | | | Wood Acres Airport |
Perry | MO11 | | | Barron Aviation Airport |
Perryville | K02 | | | Perryville Municipal |
Pineville | 7MO3 | | | B S Ranch Airport |
Pittsburg | 67MO | | | Ski Harbor Airport |
Platte City | 7MO5 | | | Elton Field Airport |
Platte City | 7MO4 | | | Flintlock Field Airport |
Plattsburg | 7MO6 | | | Mac's Field Airport |
Plattsburg | 5MO | | | Plattsburg Airpark |
Pleasant Hill | 43MO | | | Riordan Airport |
Pleasant Hill | MO29 | | | Inter-State Airport |
Polo | 37MO | | | Mayes Homestead Airport |
Poplar Bluff | MO67 | | | Hayes Field Airport |
Portageville | 3MO4 | | | Penman Airport |
Potosi | 8WC | | | Washington County |
Queen City | 15MO | | | Applegate Airport |
Republic | 1MU0 | | | Medcalf Field Airport |
Richland | MO1 | | | Richland Municipal |
Richmond | 8MO3 | | | Curtis Field Airport |
Rockville | 2MO4 | | | Breckenridge Airport |
Rolla | 36MO | | | Harrison Private Airport |
Roscoe | 28MO | | | Pasley Airport |
Rushville | 8MO7 | | | Bean Lake Airport |
Rushville | 1MU8 | | | Church's Landing Airport |
Salem | K33 | | | Salem Memorial Airport |
Seymour | H58 | | | Owen Field Airport |
Shelbyville | 6K2 | | | Shelby County Airport |
Shell Knob | MO00 | | | Turkey Mountain Estates Airport |
Shell Knob | 21MU | | | The Peninsula Airport |
Silex | MO39 | | | Baldwin Airport |
Slater | 9K5 | | | Slater Memorial Airport |
Smithville | 79MU | | | Dunham Private Airport |
Sparta | 9MO5 | | | Hindman Airport |
Springfield | 3DW | | | Downtown |
Springfield | MU12 | | | Childress Airstrip |
Springfield | MO2 | | | Flying Bar H Ranch Airport |
St Clair | K39 | | | St Clair Regional |
St Joseph | 64MO | | | Booze Island Airport |
St Louis | 1H0 | | | Creve Coeur |
St Peters | 45MO | | | Waldmeister Farm Airport |
St. James | 96MU | | | Green Airfield |
Steele | M12 | | | Steele Municipal |
Stockton | MO3 | | | Stockton Municipal |
Strafford | MO01 | | | Cuinche Airport |
Sumner | 9MO9 | | | Eagle Lodge Airport |
Tarkio | K57 | | | Gould Peterson Municipal |
Thayer | 42M | | | Thayer Memorial |
Theodosia | MO56 | | | Lost Mine Airport |
Trimble | MO94 | | | Starr Airport |
Troy | 02MO | | | Troy Airpark |
Unionville | K43 | | | Unionville Municipal Airport |
Urbana | 03MO | | | Cahoochie Airport |
Van Buren | MO5 | | | Bollinger-Crass Memorial Airport |
Viburnum | MO84 | | | Viburnum Airport |
Wakenda | 71MO | | | Famuliner Farms Airport |
Waldron | 06MO | | | Noah's Ark Airport |
Warrensburg | 1MU4 | | | Short Air Airport |
Warrensburg | 07MO | | | Lake Sexton Airport |
Warrenton | 2MO7 | | | Fawn Lake Airport |
Warrenton | MU02 | | | C.E.F. Airport |
Watson | MO17 | | | Garst Airport |
Waynesville | MU78 | | | Taylor Field Airport |
West Plains | 88MO | | | Howell Valley Airport |
Westline | 89MO | | | Bishop's Landing Airport |
Weston | 40MO | | | Louise's Strip Airport |
Weston | MO51 | | | Schaback Strip Airport |
Wheatland | MO52 | | | Skyriders Airport |
Willard | 41MO | | | Textor Airport |
Williamsburg | 11MO | | | Redgate Ranch Airport |
Williamsville | MO73 | | | Rolling Shoals Farm Airport |
Williamsville | 79MO | | | Faries Field Airport |
Willow Springs | 1H5 | | | Willow Springs Memorial |
Benoit | 0MS8 | | | Catfish Point Airport |
Windsor | 12MO | | | Ferguson Farms Airport |
Aberdeen/Amory | M40 | | | Monroe County |
Ackerman | 9M4 | | | Ackerman Choctaw County |
Alligator | MS09 | | | Glidwell Flying Service Airport |
Bay Springs | 00M | | | Thigpen Field |
Belmont | 01M | | | Tishomingo County |
Belzoni | 1M2 | | | Belzoni Municipal |
Benoit | MS37 | | | West Bolivar Flying Service Airport |
Booneville/Baldwyn | 8M1 | | | Booneville/Baldwyn |
Brandon | 6MS1 | | | Woodbridge Airport |
Brandon | MS11 | | | Mohr Farm Airport |
Brookhaven | 1R7 | | | Brookhaven-Lincoln County |
Bruce | MS80 | | | Hasting Airpark |
Calhoun City | MS76 | | | Wade Field Airport |
Canton | MS29 | | | Pace Airstrip |
Canton | 7MS1 | | | Eagle Crest Estates Airport |
Canton | 4MS9 | | | Cochran Airport |
Canton | 5MS4 | | | Walnut Creek Airport |
Carriere | 13MS | | | Greener Pastures Airpark |
Carthage | 08M | | | Carthage-Leake County |
Charleston | 09M | | | Charleston Municipal |
Clarksdale | 02CD | | | Shannon Field Airport |
Coldwater | 08MS | | | Williams Field Airport |
Shaw | 1MS0 | | | Tapley Airport |
Columbia | 0R0 | | | Columbia-Marion County |
Columbia | 5MS3 | | | Porter Airport |
Crosby | C71 | | | Crosby Municipal |
Crystal Springs | M11 | | | Copiah County |
Crystal Springs | 6MS2 | | | Wells Farm Airport |
Diamondhead | 66Y | | | Diamondhead |
Drew | M37 | | | Ruleville-Drew |
Edwards | MS24 | | | Joe Sanford Field Airport |
Eupora | 06M | | | Eupora |
Flora | 3MS3 | | | Root Hog Airport |
Flora | 3MS6 | | | E E Lane Airport |
Forest | 2M4 | | | G. V. Montgomery |
Foxworth | 46MS | | | Circle Bar Ranch Airport |
Glen Allan | MS13 | | | Eifling Farms Airport |
Glen Allan | MS75 | | | Lewis Airport |
Goodman | 1MS2 | | | Peterson Airport |
Greenville | MS15 | | | Country Club Airport |
Greenville | MS30 | | | Abide Airpark |
Harrisville | MS83 | | | Alton Field Airport |
Hermanville | MS59 | | | Valley Of The Moon Airport |
Hernando | H75 | | | Hernando Village Airpark, Inc |
Hernando | 1MS6 | | | Eagles Ridge Airport |
Hickory | 14MS | | | Rose Field Airport |
Hollandale | 14M | | | Hollandale Municipal |
Holly Springs | M41 | | | Holly Springs-Marshall County |
Holly Springs | 3MS1 | | | Thomas Field Airport |
Houston | 2MS9 | | | Kimmel Airport |
Houston | 0MS9 | | | Shenandoah Valley Farms Airport |
Houston | M44 | | | Houston Municipal |
Hurley | MS27 | | | Aerohead Airport |
Inverness | MS77 | | | Lang Flying Service Airport |
Inverness | MS21 | | | Lester Field Airport |
Iuka | 15M | | | Iuka |
Lakeshore | 5MS2 | | | Turkey Bayou Airpark |
Lexington | 19M | | | C. A. Moore |
Liberty | MS49 | | | Mc Gehee Air Park |
Linwood | MS06 | | | Linwood Airport |
Lorman | MS28 | | | Alcorn State University Airport |
Lucedale | 22MS | | | Sky Landings Airport |
Lucedale | MS26 | | | Cedar Creek Air Ranch Airport |
Lucedale | 4MS5 | | | Bird Nest Airport |
Lumberton | 4R1 | | | I H Bass Jr Memorial |
Lyman | MS82 | | | Shade Tree Field Airport |
Macon | 20M | | | Macon Municipal |
Magee | 17M | | | Magee Municipal |
Mc Neil | MS93 | | | Hooper Skylark Field Airport |
Meridian | 0MS0 | | | Topton Air Estates Airport |
Merigold | MS95 | | | Dorr Field Airport |
New Albany | M72 | | | New Albany-Union County |
Newton | M23 | | | James H Easom Field |
Ocean Springs | 5R2 | | | Ocean Springs |
Okolona | 5MS8 | | | Ball Airport |
Okolona | 5A4 | | | Okolona Municipal-Richard Stovall Field |
Olive Branch | MS00 | | | Double O Ranch Airport |
Pelahatchie | 4MS0 | | | Payne Airport |
Philadelphia | MS96 | | | Barrett Field Airport |
Picayune | MS61 | | | Ellis Field Airport |
Picayune | 5MS5 | | | Mint Julep Airpark |
Picayune | MS48 | | | George Ford Airport |
Pisgah | MS08 | | | Harrell Field Airport |
Pittsboro | 04M | | | Calhoun County |
Pocahontas | MS71 | | | Slobovia Outernational Airport |
Pontotoc | 22M | | | Pontotoc County |
Poplarville | M13 | | | Poplarville-Pearl River County |
Poplarville | MS88 | | | Oreck Airport |
Prentiss | M43 | | | Prentiss-Jefferson Davis County |
Quitman | 23M | | | Clarke County |
Raymond | 4MS2 | | | Dogwood Acres Airport |
Red Banks | MS55 | | | Schloss Adlers Airport |
Richton | M59 | | | Richton-Perry County |
Ripley | 25M | | | Ripley |
Rolling Fork | 04MS | | | Nick's Flying Service Inc Airport |
Scooba | 3MS8 | | | Fairview Farms Airport |
Seminary | 0MS2 | | | Morgan Field Airport |
Shelby | 93MS | | | Shelby Air Service Airport |
Shelby | MS03 | | | Christmas Airport |
Shuqualak | 1MS8 | | | Columbus Air Force Base Auxiliary Field |
Sladen | 4MS3 | | | Jeter Field Airport |
Smithville | MS63 | | | Rye Field Airport |
Star | MS69 | | | Falcon Field Airport |
Starkville | M51 | | | Oktibbeha Airport |
Swan Lake | MS38 | | | Flautt Airport |
Taylorsville | MS39 | | | Smith County Airport |
Tchula | MS40 | | | Southland Flying Service Inc. Airport |
Tunica | 30M | | | Ralph M Sharpe Airport |
Tutwiler | MS41 | | | Flying Y Service Airport |
Tylertown | T36 | | | Paul Pittman Memorial |
Union | 3MS9 | | | Union Municipal Airport |
Vaiden | 3MS5 | | | Mitchell's Airport |
Vicksburg | MS43 | | | Whitaker Airport |
Walls | MS65 | | | Delta Flying Service Inc Airport |
Water Valley | 33M | | | Water Valley Municipal |
Waynesboro | 2R0 | | | Waynesboro Municipal |
West Point | M83 | | | Mccharen Field |
Wiggins | M24 | | | Dean Griffin Memorial |
Winona | 5A6 | | | Winona-Montgomery County |
Woodville | MS57 | | | Fred Netterville Lumber Company/Wilkinson Community Airport |
Yazoo City | 87I | | | Yazoo County |
Yokena | MS45 | | | Dale Landing Strip Airport |
Alzada | MT50 | | | Lanning Ranch Airport |
Anaconda | 3U3 | | | Bowman Field |
Ashland | 3U4 | | | St Labre Mission Airport |
Big Timber | 6S0 | | | Big Timber |
Augusta | 3U5 | | | Augusta Airport |
Babb | 49S | | | Babb Airport |
Basin | MT43 | | | Klies Air Strip Airport |
Belgrade | 9MT9 | | | Pierces Airport |
Belgrade | 4MT1 | | | Kreikemeier Airport |
Benchmark | 3U7 | | | Benchmark |
Big Fork | 53U | | | Ferndale Airfield |
Big Sandy | 3U8 | | | Big Sandy |
Boulder | 3U9 | | | Boulder Airport |
Bozeman | 24MT | | | Haggerty Airport |
Bozeman | 2MT5 | | | Briar Creek Airport |
Bridger | 6S1 | | | Bridger Municipal |
Broadus | 00F | | | Broadus |
Browning | 8S0 | | | Starr-Browning Airstrip |
Cardwell | 2MT8 | | | South Boulder Airport |
Chinook | 4U4 | | | Hebbelman Airport |
Chinook | S71 | | | Edgar G Obie |
Circle | 4U6 | | | Circle Town County |
Clinton | RC0 | | | Rock Creek Airport |
Cohagen | 04MT | | | Pluhar Airport |
Colstrip | M46 | | | Rick's Colstrip |
Columbus | 6S3 | | | Woltermann Memorial |
Condon | S04 | | | Condon Usfs Airport |
Conner | 4U7 | | | West Fork Lodge Airport |
Conrad | S01 | | | Conrad |
Corvallis | MT72 | | | Hedditch Airport |
Culbertson | S85 | | | Big Sky Field |
Custer | MT34 | | | Ruff Airport |
Deer Lodge | 38S | | | Deer Lodge-City-County |
Dell | 4U9 | | | Dell Flight Strip |
Denton | 5U0 | | | Denton Airport |
Devon | MT02 | | | Hellinger Airport |
Dutton | 5U1 | | | Dutton |
Ekalaka | MT05 | | | Laird Ranch Airport |
Ekalaka | 97M | | | Ekalaka |
Ekalaka | MT74 | | | Sikorski Ranch Airport |
Ethridge | 06MT | | | Torgerson Airport |
Eureka | 88M | | | Eureka |
Fairfield | 5U5 | | | Fairfield |
Fairview | 5U6 | | | Fairview Airport |
Forsyth | 1S3 | | | Tillitt Field |
Fort Benton | 79S | | | Fort Benton |
Fort Peck | 37S | | | Fort Peck Airport |
Fort Smith | 5U7 | | | Fort Smith Landing Strip |
Fortine | 01MT | | | Crystal Lakes Resort Airport |
Frazer | MT51 | | | Zerbe Airport |
Gallatin Gateway | 1MT0 | | | Nine Quarter Circle Ranch Airport |
Gardiner | 29S | | | Gardiner |
Geraldine | MT01 | | | Owen Bros Airport |
Geraldine | 5U8 | | | Geraldine Airport |
Glasgow | 07MT | | | Glasgow Industrial Airport |
Grassrange | 08MT | | | Matovich Airport |
Great Falls | MT40 | | | Horner Field Airport |
Hamilton | 6S5 | | | Ravalli County |
Hardin | F02 | | | Fairgrounds Airpark |
Harlem | 48S | | | Harlem |
Harlem | U09 | | | Fort Belknap Agency |
Havre | 00MT | | | Sands Ranch Airport |
Haxby | 10MT | | | Hoolie Airport |
Haxby / Fort Peck | MT58 | | | Nelson Airport |
Helena | MT86 | | | Bar E Airport |
Helena | MT96 | | | Wilhelm Airstrip |
Helena | MT15 | | | Fort Harrison Army Airfield |
Highwood | MT77 | | | Peterson Ranch Airport |
Hingham | 26MT | | | Hutchinson Airport |
Hinsdale | 6U5 | | | Hinsdale Airport |
Hogeland | 6U6 | | | Hogeland Airport |
Hot Springs | S09 | | | Hot Springs |
Huson | MT52 | | | Nine Mile Airport |
Hysham | 6U7 | | | Hysham |
Kalispell | S27 | | | Kalispell City |
Kalispell | 22MT | | | Wounded Buck Ranch Airport |
Kalispell | 2MT2 | | | Braidwater Farm Airport |
Kalispell | MT54 | | | Weaver Airport |
Kalispell | MT53 | | | Carson Field Airport |
Kalispell | MT37 | | | Sanders Airport |
Kalispell | MT95 | | | Flathead Lake Sky Ranch Airport |
Kalispell | 17MT | | | Abel Ranch Airport |
Kremlin | 13MT | | | Sorenson Airport |
Lakeview | MT47 | | | Metzel Creek Airport |
Laurel | 6S8 | | | Laurel Municipal |
Lewistown | 14MT | | | Sandy Rock Airport |
Libby | S59 | | | Libby |
Lincoln | 28MT | | | Cain Ranch Airport |
Lincoln | S69 | | | Lincoln |
Livingston | MT48 | | | Flying Y Ranch Airport |
Lustre | MT04 | | | Olfert Airport |
Marion | 97MT | | | Cabin Creek Landing Airport |
Marion | 0MT6 | | | Hanson Airport |
Meadow Creek | 0S1 | | | Meadow Creek Usfs Airport |
Miles City | MT29 | | | Sunday Creek Airpark |
Opheim | MT09 | | | Floyd Ranch Airport |
Poplar | MT38 | | | Swank Airport |
Opheim | S00 | | | Opheim Airport |
Ovando | MT16 | | | Buffalo Trail Ranch Strip Airport |
Peerless | MT87 | | | Oglesby Farms Inc Airport |
Philipsburg | U05 | | | Riddick Field |
Plains | S34 | | | Plains |
Polebridge | MT60 | | | Langton Airstrip |
Polson | 8S1 | | | Polson |
Port Of Del Bonita | H28 | | | Whetstone International Airport |
Richey | 7U8 | | | Richey Airport |
Roberts | 16MT | | | Bangart Field Airport |
Ronan | 7S0 | | | Ronan |
Ronan | MT19 | | | Olson Airport |
Rockwell City | MT79 | | | Sand Creek Wildlife Station Airport |
Ryegate | 3MT3 | | | Three Cross Ranch Airport |
Ryegate | 8U0 | | | Ryegate Airport |
Sand Coulee | 1MT7 | | | Prill Field Airport |
Sand Springs | 8U1 | | | Sand Springs Strip Airport |
Schafer | 8U2 | | | Schafer Usfs Airport |
Scobey | 9S2 | | | Scobey |
Scobey | 8U3 | | | Scobey Border Station (East Poplar International) Airport |
Seeley Lake | 23S | | | Seeley Lake Airport |
Seeley Lake | MT39 | | | Black Canyon Ranch Airport |
Sheridan | MT22 | | | Tezak's-Colterville-Spur Airport |
Spotted Bear | 8U4 | | | Spotted Bear Usfs Airport |
St Ignatius | 52S | | | St Ignatius Airport |
Stanford | S64 | | | Stanford/Biggerstaff Field |
Stevensville | 32S | | | Stevensville |
Stevensville | MT32 | | | Ckye Field Airport |
Stevensville | 98MT | | | Rosemont Airport |
Sunburst | 8U5 | | | Sunburst Airport |
Superior | 9S4 | | | Mineral County |
Sweetgrass | 7S8 | | | Ross International Airport |
Tampico | MT11 | | | Etchart Field Airport |
Terry | 8U6 | | | Terry |
Thompson Falls | 0MT7 | | | Pinehurst Ranch Airport |
Three Forks | 9S5 | | | Pogreba Field/Three Forks |
Tiber Dam | B70 | | | Tiber Dam Airport |
Townsend | 8U8 | | | Townsend |
Townsend | 8U9 | | | Canyon Ferry Airport |
Trout Creek | 29MT | | | Craik Airport |
Troy | 57S | | | Troy |
Turner | 9U0 | | | Turner |
Twin Bridges | 7S1 | | | Twin Bridges |
Cullman | MT33 | | | Bair Airport |
Valier | 7S7 | | | Valier Airport |
West Glacier | 2MT1 | | | Ryan Field Airport |
White Sulphur Springs | 7S6 | | | White Sulphur Springs |
Whitefish | 58S | | | Whitefish Airport |
Whitehall | MT41 | | | Jefco Skypark Airport |
Wibaux | MT20 | | | Hollstein Ranch Airport |
Wilsall | 9U1 | | | Wilsall Airport |
Winifred | 9S7 | | | Winifred Airport |
Wisdom | 7S4 | | | Wisdom Airport |
Wise River | 02T | | | Wise River Airport |
Zortman | MT08 | | | Zortman Airport |
Advance | 30NC | | | Happy Bottom Airport |
Advance | 6NC8 | | | Marchmont Plantation Airpark |
Angier | NC44 | | | Barclaysville Field Airport |
Angier | 87NC | | | Brocks Airport |
Asheboro | 1NC0 | | | Delk's Airport |
Asheboro | 25NC | | | Smith Air Strip Airport |
Asheville | NC67 | | | Six Oaks Airport |
Atkinson | NC65 | | | Yonder Airport |
Atlantic | 12NC | | | Atlantic Field Marine Corps Outlying Field |
Atlantic | NC54 | | | Jackson Private Airport |
Aurora | NC12 | | | Lee Creek Airport |
Banner Elk | NC06 | | | Elk River Airport |
Bayboro | 7NC0 | | | Pamlico Airport |
Bayboro | 4NC2 | | | Bay Creek Airport |
Bladenboro | 3W6 | | | Bladenboro Airport |
Boone | NC14 | | | Boone Inc Airport |
Artesia | NM47 | | | 2 X 4 Ranch Airport |
Brevard | NC16 | | | Brevard Airport |
Broadway | 09NC | | | William Irving Lewis Airport |
Bryson City | 57NC | | | Sossamon Field Airport |
Bunn | 1NC5 | | | Riley Field Airport |
Bunn | 7NC5 | | | Crooked Creek Airport |
Burgaw | 7NC1 | | | Stag Air Park |
Burnsville | 2NC0 | | | Mountain Air Airport |
Cameron | 8NC1 | | | Dean Wings Past Airport |
Cameron | 84NC | | | Rooster Field Airport |
Cape Carteret | 60NC | | | Star Hill Golf Club Airport |
Cape Carteret | 4NC5 | | | Triple M Airport |
Caroleen | 8NC2 | | | Summey Airpark |
Carolina Beach | 03NC | | | Pilots Ridge Airport |
Carthage | 5NC3 | | | Gilliam - Mc Connell Airfield |
Cedar Island | NC17 | | | Wolf's Den Airport |
Chapel Hill | NC34 | | | Miles Airport |
Chapel Hill | 5NC5 | | | The Duchy Airport |
China Grove | NC29 | | | Bradley Field Airport |
Clemmons | NC32 | | | Berts Airport |
Cleveland | 0NC8 | | | Double Creek Ranch Airport |
Clinton | NC69 | | | Twin Oak Airport |
Concord | NC35 | | | Spencer Airport |
Concord | NC77 | | | Chalfant Airport |
Concord | NC19 | | | Propst Airport |
Concord | 4NC8 | | | Buffalo Creek Airport |
Garner | NC99 | | | Bagwell Airport |
Denver | 6NC1 | | | Little Mountain Airport |
Dover | 66NC | | | Hood Field Airport |
Dublin | NC82 | | | Dublin Field Airport |
Durham | 8NC8 | | | Lake Ridge Aero Park Airport |
Edenton | 16NC | | | Lee's Airport |
Elizabeth City | NC28 | | | Meadstown Airstrip |
Elizabeth City | 1NC3 | | | Fletcher's Airport |
Elizabethtown | 17NC | | | Mitchell Field Airport |
Elon College | 71NC | | | K & D Airport |
Enfield | NC45 | | | Enfield-Shearin Airport |
Enfield | 76NC | | | Dunroamin Farms Airport |
Engelhard | 7W6 | | | Hyde County |
Fair Bluff | 89NC | | | Strickland Field Airport |
Fairmont | NC70 | | | Mckee Airport |
Farmville | N08 | | | Flanagan Field Airport |
Fayetteville | 2GC | | | Grays Creek |
Fayetteville | 6NC3 | | | Eastover Air Ranch Airport |
Fayetteville | 47NC | | | Windemere Airport |
Fletcher | 4NC6 | | | Cane Creek Airport |
Forest City | 69NC | | | Clute's Hilltop Airport |
Franklin | 1A5 | | | Macon County |
Fuquay/varina | 78NC | | | Fuquay/Angier Field Airport |
Gates | 9NC4 | | | Jiles Field Airport |
Gibsonville | 59NC | | | Mclean Brothers Airport |
Gold Hill | NC25 | | | Gold Hill Airport |
Grantham | 6NC0 | | | Cox-Grantham Airfield |
Greensboro | 3A4 | | | Southeast Greensboro |
Greensboro | W88 | | | Air Harbor Airport |
Greensboro | 36NC | | | Greensboro North Airport |
Harris | NC02 | | | Boomerang Airport |
Harrisburg | 3NC6 | | | Mc Cachren Field Airport |
Havelock | 62NC | | | Hickory Hill Airport |
Hayesville | NC08 | | | Tusquittee Landing Airport |
Hendersonville | 0A7 | | | Hendersonville |
Hendersonville | 8NC9 | | | W.N.C. Air Museum Airport |
Hertford | 86NC | | | Craft Airport |
Hertford | NC01 | | | Harvey Point Defense Testing Activity Airport |
Hickory | E40 | | | Wilson's Airport |
High Point | NC03 | | | Darr Field Airport |
Holly Ridge | 14NC | | | Camp Davis Marine Corps Outlying Field |
Holly Ridge | 01NC | | | Topsail Airpark |
Holly Ridge | N21 | | | Holly Ridge/Topsail Island Airport |
Huntersville | NC05 | | | Bradford Field Airport |
Indian Trail | 28A | | | Goose Creek Airport |
Jackson | 10NC | | | Johnston Farm Airport |
Jacksonville | N22 | | | Sky Manor Airport |
Jacksonville | 52NC | | | Epley Airport |
Jonesville | 78A | | | Swan Creek Airport |
Kannapolis | 50NC | | | Ervin Airfield |
Kannapolis | NC64 | | | Barringer Field Airport |
Kannapolis | 41NC | | | Sloop Airport |
Kannapolis | NC39 | | | Enochville Airport |
Kenly | 7NC3 | | | Kenly Airport |
Kinston | 6NC9 | | | Moss Hill Airport |
Landis | 44NC | | | Broadway Airfield |
Leasburg | 68NC | | | Winstead '76' Airport |
Lenoir | NC27 | | | Lower Creek Airport |
Lewisville | 08NC | | | Whiteheart Farm Airport |
Liberty | 2A5 | | | Causey |
Linden | 9NC2 | | | Flyers Airpark |
Long Island | NC26 | | | Long Island Airport |
Louisburg | 00NC | | | North Raleigh Airport |
Louisburg | 79NC | | | Ball Airport |
Lumberton | 53NC | | | Mynatt Field Airport |
Maco | 9NC6 | | | Sandy Run Acres Airport |
Maiden | N92 | | | Laneys Airport |
Marion | 9A9 | | | Shiflet Field Airport |
Marshville | 3NC4 | | | Mc Donald Field Airport |
Maysville | 8NC7 | | | Parker Field Airport |
Mebane | 7NC6 | | | Kimrey Airport |
Mebane | 4W7 | | | Hurdle Field Airport |
Mocksville | 5NC1 | | | Tara Airbase Airport |
Mocksville | 8A7 | | | Twin Lakes Airport |
Mocksville | 4NC0 | | | Boyd's Hawks Creek Airport |
Monroe | 24NC | | | Mc Gee Field Airport |
Monroe | 9NC3 | | | Edwards Airport |
Monroe | 5NC2 | | | Sugar Valley Airport |
Mooresville | 14A | | | Lake Norman Airpark |
Mooresville | NC30 | | | Miller Air Park |
Mooresville | 35NC | | | Johnston Airport |
Morganton | NC52 | | | Silver Creek Airport |
Mount Gilead | NR02 | | | Jordan Field Airport |
Mount Olive | W40 | | | Mount Olive Municipal |
Mount Pleasant | NC79 | | | Bear Creek Airport |
Moyock | NC61 | | | Blackwater Airstrip |
Mt Pleasant | 9NC7 | | | Willow Creek Airport |
Newport | 6NC7 | | | Circle P Farm Airport |
Oak Ridge | N83 | | | Ds Butler Farm And Airfield |
Ocean Isle Beach | 60J | | | Odell Williamson Municipal |
Ocracoke | W95 | | | Ocracoke Island Airport |
Parkton | 32NC | | | Hall Field Airport |
Parkton | NC71 | | | E T Field Airport |
Parkton | 61NC | | | Southern Comforts Aerodrome |
Paschall | 70NC | | | Martindale Executive Airpark |
Pink Hill | 4W9 | | | Pink Hill Airport |
Pittsboro | 9NC8 | | | Eagles Landing Airport |
Pittsboro | 8NC4 | | | Dead Dog Airport |
Pollocksville | 13NC | | | Oak Grove Marine Corps Outlying Field |
Pollocksville | 1NC4 | | | Bell Strip Airport |
Princeton | NC72 | | | Hinton Field Airport |
Raeford | 5W4 | | | P K Airpark Raeford |
Raeford | 94NC | | | Viking Airport |
Raleigh | 5W5 | | | Triple W |
Ramseur | NC13 | | | Yorks Field Airport |
Red Oak | 19NC | | | Double S Airport |
Reidsville | NC37 | | | Mountain View Aerodrome |
Richfield | 1NC8 | | | Lonesome Field Airport |
Rowland | 8NC5 | | | Adams Airport |
Salisbury | 88NC | | | Corriher Field Airport |
Sanford | NC00 | | | Moretz Riverside Landing Airport |
Scotland Neck | 2NC7 | | | Scotland Neck East Airport |
Scotland Neck | NC66 | | | Ventosa Plantation Airport |
Sherrills Ford | 20NC | | | Mountain View Airport |
Siler City | 5W8 | | | Siler City Municipal |
Siler City | 22NC | | | Flying Dove Field Airport |
Siler City | 8NC6 | | | Brooks Field Airport |
Sladesville | NC73 | | | Hodges Farm Airport |
Spruce Pine | 7A8 | | | Avery County/Morrison Field |
St. Pauls | 06NC | | | Tailwinds Airport |
Star | 43A | | | Montgomery County |
Statesville | NC15 | | | Raeford Rhyne Airpark |
Statesville | NC09 | | | Stoneriver Airport |
Stony Point | 3NC5 | | | Flying Bj Airport |
Supply | NC43 | | | Bear Pen Airport |
Sylva | 24A | | | Jackson County |
Taylorsville | NC59 | | | Alexander County Airport |
Taylorsville | NC58 | | | Gryder-Teague Airport |
Thomasville | N97 | | | Hiatt Airport |
Wadesboro | 67NC | | | Hightower Areo Plantation Airport |
Ayr | ND78 | | | Wilcox Farm Airport |
Wallace | NC48 | | | Safe Field Airport |
Walnut Cove | N63 | | | Meadow Brook Field Airport |
Waxhaw | N52 | | | Jaars-Townsend |
Waxhaw | 07NC | | | Hawks Meadow Airport |
Weddington | NC21 | | | Aero Plantation Airport |
Whartonville | 74NC | | | Benton Farm Airport |
White Oak | NC86 | | | Rocking A Farm Airport |
Wilson | W03 | | | Wilson Industrial Air Center |
Wilson | 63NC | | | Wood Airport |
Winfall | 54NC | | | Dillard Airport |
Wingate | 1NC6 | | | Arant Airport |
Winnabow | 77NC | | | Winnabow Airport |
Yadkinville | 80C | | | Lone Hickory Airport |
Zebulon | 51NC | | | Philip R Bunn Airport |
Absaraka | ND07 | | | Punton Private Airport |
Alexander | 26ND | | | Chitwood Airstrip |
Alexander | ND26 | | | Gajewski Field Airport |
Amenia | ND74 | | | Smith Private Airport |
Amenia | ND01 | | | Nelson Airport |
Amenia | ND73 | | | Peterson Airport |
Anamoose | ND75 | | | Pete's Tractor Salvage Airport |
Aneta | ND02 | | | Ricketyback Field Airport |
Antler | 4NA3 | | | Peterson Airstrip |
Argusville | 1ND4 | | | Walkinshaw Airport |
Argusville | 6ND3 | | | Lisburg Airport |
Arthur | 1A2 | | | Arthur Airport |
Arvilla | ND60 | | | Frokjer Airport |
Baldwin | ND80 | | | Spitzer Airport |
Barney | 0NA1 | | | Goerger Airport |
Barney | NA55 | | | Hager Strip Airport |
Barney | NA56 | | | Moffet Airstrip |
Beach | 20U | | | Beach |
Braddock | 1NA8 | | | Preszler Airstrip |
Belfield | ND29 | | | Swenson Airport |
Berthold | 6ND9 | | | Skinningsrud Airport |
Beulah | 95D | | | Beulah |
Bismark | ND96 | | | Sauter Airport |
Bottineau | D09 | | | Bottineau Municipal |
Bowbells | 5B4 | | | Bowbells Municipal Airport |
Bowdon | 7ND5 | | | Buchmiller Airport |
Bremen | NA75 | | | Lill Strip Airport |
Buffalo | ND59 | | | Grieve Airport |
Burlington | 12ND | | | Pietschtree Airstrip |
Buxton | NA81 | | | Central Valley Aviation Airport |
Cando | 9D7 | | | Cando Municipal |
Carrington | 46D | | | Carrington Municipal |
Carrington | 79ND | | | Reimers Airport |
Casselton | 5N8 | | | Casselton Robert Miller Regional |
Cavalier | 2C8 | | | Cavalier Municipal |
Cavalier | 9ND8 | | | Hinkle Airport |
Chaffee | 8ND6 | | | J Vining Airport |
Chaffee | 8ND5 | | | Ausk Strip Airport |
Clementsville | ND89 | | | Mutschler Field Airport |
Clifford | 3NA0 | | | Erickson Airport |
Cogswell/brampton/ | ND90 | | | Dahl Private Airport |
Columbus | 6NA0 | | | Strom Private Airport |
Columbus | D49 | | | Columbus Municipal Airport |
Cooperstown | S32 | | | Cooperstown Municipal |
Crosby | D50 | | | Crosby Municipal |
Crosby | 80ND | | | Troy Field Airport |
Davenport | 34ND | | | Plath Farms Airport |
Davenport | ND92 | | | Schroeder Airport |
Deering | 81ND | | | Millers Airstrip |
Drayton | D29 | | | Drayton Municipal Airport |
Drayton | 9ND1 | | | Elliott Farms Airport |
Grandin | NA60 | | | Dakota Airport |
Edgeley | 51D | | | Edgeley Municipal |
Edinburg | 03ND | | | Olafson Brothers Airport |
Eldridge | NA84 | | | L. Seckerson Airstrip |
Eldridge | NA32 | | | Johnson Airstrip |
Reynolds | NA01 | | | Jenson Airport |
Elgin | Y71 | | | Elgin Municipal Airport |
Ellendale | 4E7 | | | Ellendale Municipal |
Enderlin | ND47 | | | Geske Airfield |
Enderlin | 5N4 | | | Sky Haven Airport |
Esmond | NA33 | | | Ripplinger Strip Airport |
Fargo | D54 | | | West Fargo Municipal |
Fargo | 6NA2 | | | South Hector Airstrip |
Fessenden | D24 | | | Fessenden-Streibel Municipal Airport |
Flora | 0ND0 | | | Gilbertson Field Airport |
Fordville | ND14 | | | Fordville Airport |
Fort Yates | Y27 | | | Standing Rock |
Fullerton | 6ND2 | | | Larson Airport |
Gackle | 9G9 | | | Gackle Municipal Airport |
Garrison | D05 | | | Garrison Municipal |
Garrison | ND22 | | | Fischer Private Airport |
Glen Ullin | 06ND | | | Fitterer's Strip Airport |
Glen Ullin | D57 | | | Glen Ullin Regional |
Glenburn | ND18 | | | Judy Strip Airport |
Golva | 0NA9 | | | Boyd's Turf Airport |
Grafton | 7ND2 | | | Kelly's Field Airport |
Grendra | ND86 | | | Peterson Airport |
Grenora | 4NA6 | | | Nicks Landing Airport |
Halliday | 44ND | | | Fredericks Ranch Airport |
Wellfleet | 01NE | | | Detour Airport |
Harvey | 5H4 | | | Harvey Municipal |
Harvey | ND72 | | | Lonetree Airstrip |
Hatton | ND20 | | | Gensrich Airport |
Hazelton | ND85 | | | Humann Private Airstrip |
Hazelton | 6H8 | | | Hazelton Municipal Airport |
Hazelton | 48ND | | | Schirmeister Private Airport |
Hazelton | 0ND7 | | | Saville Private Airport |
Hebron | 6NA5 | | | Chase Airstrip |
Hickson | ND99 | | | Ellig Field Airport |
Hillsboro | 3H4 | | | Hillsboro Municipal |
Hillsboro | 5ND9 | | | Deck Airport |
Hoople | NA65 | | | Anderson Strip Airport |
Hope | 8NA9 | | | Hashbarger Farm Airstrip |
Hunter | 52ND | | | Richtsmeier Airport |
Inkster | ND24 | | | Inkster Airport |
Kenmare | 7K5 | | | Kenmare Municipal |
Kenmare | 9NA4 | | | Bodmer Airport |
Killdeer | 9Y1 | | | Weydahl Field |
Killdeer | 55ND | | | Pete's Port Airport |
Kindred | K74 | | | Robert Odegaard Field |
Kindred | 57ND | | | Odegaard Airport |
La Moure | 4F9 | | | La Moure Rott Municipal |
Lakota | 5L0 | | | Lakota Municipal |
Langdon | D55 | | | Robertson Field |
Langdon | 7ND8 | | | Forest Airport |
Larimore | 62ND | | | Morten Airport |
Larimore | 2L1 | | | Larimore Municipal Airport |
Larimore | 61ND | | | Bakke Airport |
Leeds | D31 | | | Leeds Municipal |
Lidgerwood | 4N4 | | | Lidgerwood Municipal Airport |
Lincoln | ND98 | | | Cloud Nine Airport |
Linton | 7L2 | | | Linton Municipal |
Lisbon | 6L3 | | | Lisbon Municipal |
Lisbon | 63ND | | | Moellenkamp Airport |
Luverne | NA86 | | | Johnson Private Airstrip |
Lynchburg | 1ND7 | | | Dittmer Airport |
Maddock | ND38 | | | Rices Airpark |
Maddock | 0NA5 | | | Sorlie Airport |
Maddock | 6D3 | | | Maddock Municipal |
Maddock | NA38 | | | Sabbe Brothers Landing Strip Airport |
Mandan | Y19 | | | Mandan Municipal |
Mandan | 64ND | | | Z. P. Field Airport |
Manvel | 8ND4 | | | Heyde Airport |
Mapleton | 2ND0 | | | Kraft Airport |
Marion | 67ND | | | Waldie Farms Airport |
Maxton | 5NA0 | | | Semchenko Airport |
Mayville | 7NA4 | | | Ingebretson Airspray Airport |
Mayville | D56 | | | Mayville Municipal |
Mc Clusky | 7G2 | | | Mc Clusky Municipal Airport |
Mc Ville | 8M6 | | | Mc Ville Municipal Airport |
Medina | ND40 | | | Rau Field Airport |
Mercer | 2ND2 | | | Makeeff Airport |
Mercer | 2ND1 | | | Westerlind Airport |
Milnor | 4R6 | | | Milnor Municipal Airport |
Milton | 88ND | | | Goodman Strip Airport |
Minot | ND43 | | | Flying S Ranch Airport |
Minto | D06 | | | Minto Municipal Airport |
Montpelier | 8NA5 | | | Liechty Farm Airport |
Mott | 3P3 | | | Mott Municipal |
Napoleon | 5B5 | | | Napoleon Municipal |
Neche | NA67 | | | Horsley Airstrip |
New Rockford | 8J7 | | | Tomlinson Field |
New Town | 05D | | | New Town Municipal |
Newburg | 2ND7 | | | Johnson Airport |
Norma | 2ND9 | | | Brekhus Field Airport |
Northwood | 4V4 | | | Northwood Municipal-Vince Field |
Northwood | 72ND | | | Berg Field Airport |
Minot | 89ND | | | Poleschook |
Oakes | 2D5 | | | Oakes Municipal |
Oriska | 3ND5 | | | Gage Flying Farmer Airport |
Page | 64G | | | Page Regional Airport |
Park River | Y37 | | | Park River - W C Skjerven Field |
Park River | 97ND | | | Walser Strip Airport |
Parshall | Y74 | | | Parshall-Hankins |
Pisek | 98ND | | | Sobolik Airport |
Plaza | Y99 | | | Trulson Field Airport |
Portland | 5NA2 | | | Haugen Farm Airstrip |
Portland | 6ND6 | | | Fugleberg Farm Airport |
Reeder | 14ND | | | Hagen Private Airport |
Regan | NA88 | | | Regan Airstrip |
Richardton | 4E8 | | | Richardton Airport |
Riverdale | 37N | | | Garrison Dam Recreational Airpark |
Robinson | ND54 | | | Whitman Field Airport |
Rolette | 2H9 | | | Rolette |
Rolla | 06D | | | Rolla Municipal |
Rugby | NA49 | | | Paul Airstrip |
Sarles | 8ND0 | | | Amble - Tiger North Farms Airport |
Sawyer | ND42 | | | Warren Pietsch Airport |
Scranton | NA98 | | | Dilse Private Airstrip |
Sheldon | NA05 | | | Kraig Farms Airport |
Sheyenne | NA70 | | | Smith Airstrip |
Souris | 7NA9 | | | Sjule Private Airstrip |
Souris | NA07 | | | Kornkven Airstrip |
St Thomas | ND36 | | | Don's Airport |
St Thomas | 4S5 | | | St Thomas Municipal Airport |
Stanley | 08D | | | Stanley Municipal |
Starkweather | NA10 | | | Anderson Private Airport |
Steele | ND32 | | | Kalainov Private Airport |
Streeter | 1NA5 | | | Gienger/Box Bar Ranch Airport |
Tappen | 8NA0 | | | Tappen Airstrip |
Tappen | NA71 | | | M. Bodvig Airstrip |
Taylor | 75ND | | | Jurgens Airstrip |
Taylor | ND62 | | | Brands Airport |
Thompson | 4ND1 | | | Knutson Airport |
Tolna | 19ND | | | Breckheimer Airport |
Towner | D61 | | | Towner Municipal Airport |
Turtle Lake | 91N | | | Turtle Lake Municipal Airport |
Underwood | ND44 | | | Underwood Airport |
Upham | 21ND | | | Rosenau Airport |
Upham | 4ND4 | | | Pfau Private Airport |
Upham | NA73 | | | Welstad Farms Airstrip |
Velva | NA13 | | | Linrud Airstrip |
Walcott | NA99 | | | Bakko Airstrip |
Walhalla | 96D | | | Walhalla Municipal |
Washburn | 5C8 | | | Washburn Municipal |
Watford City | S25 | | | Watford City Municipal |
West Fargo | ND52 | | | True North Airpark |
West Fargo | NA17 | | | Jacob Gust Airport |
Westfield | NA54 | | | Moser Airstrip |
Westhope | D64 | | | Westhope Municipal |
Wheatland | ND68 | | | Vining Airport |
Williston | NA18 | | | Hought Airstrip |
Williston | 4NA1 | | | Ring Rock Ranch Airport |
Wishek | 6L5 | | | Wishek Municipal |
Wyndmere | ND49 | | | Krause Private Airport |
Wyndmere | 4ND8 | | | Sanden Airport |
Wyndmere | NA21 | | | Thompson Private Airport |
Alma | 4D9 | | | Alma Municipal |
Ashby | 0NE0 | | | Merrihew Airport |
Ashby | 0NE1 | | | Runner Landing Area Airport |
Ashland | 53NE | | | Starns Brothers Airport |
Atkinson | 8V2 | | | Stuart-Atkinson Municipal |
Auburn | K01 | | | Farington Field Airport |
Bartlett | 40NE | | | Landgren Ranch Airport |
Bartley | 6NE7 | | | Lee Field Airport |
Battle Creek | NE31 | | | B.C. Air Airport |
Benkelman | 42V | | | Jones |
Benkelman | 6NE8 | | | Hoppy's Airport |
Bennington | 09NE | | | Summer Hill Farm Airport |
Blair | 86NE | | | Orum Aerodrome |
Bloomfield | 84Y | | | Bloomfield Municipal Airport |
Brainard | 78NE | | | Stava Airport |
Broadwater | NE19 | | | Ag Air Airport |
Brownlee | 1NE0 | | | Higgins Bros Airport |
Brule | 9NE1 | | | El-Co Airport |
Burr | 37NE | | | Watermeier Airport |
Callaway | 1NE2 | | | Witthuhn Airport |
Callaway | 1NE1 | | | Paul Ridder Ranch Airport |
Campbell | 30NE | | | Rs Ag-Land Airport |
Carleton | 9NE2 | | | Folkerts Airport |
Central City | 07K | | | Central City Municipal - Larry Reineke Field |
Champion | 8NE3 | | | Smith Field Airport |
Comstock | 03NE | | | Hyde Ranch Airport |
Creighton | 6K3 | | | Creighton Municipal |
Culbertson | 13NE | | | Hock Airport |
Curtis | 47V | | | Curtis Municipal |
David City | 93Y | | | David City Municipal |
Denton | NE40 | | | Denton Airfield |
Dunning | 32NE | | | Mc Ginn Ranch Airport |
Elgin | NE44 | | | Koinzan Airport |
Elwood | 2NE0 | | | Johnson Lake Airport |
Ericson | 8NE5 | | | X1 Ranch Airport |
Fairfield | 0NE6 | | | Frager Field Airport |
Fort Calhoun | 75NE | | | Heaton Airport |
Franklin | 8NE6 | | | Franklin's Plainview Airport |
Fullerton | 8NE9 | | | C A M P Airport |
Geneva | 18NE | | | Doc's Airport |
Genoa | 97Y | | | Genoa Municipal Airport |
Gordon | 2NE4 | | | Spring Lake Airport |
Gothenburg | 2NE5 | | | Fiese Airstrip |
Grainton | 2NE6 | | | Coppersmith Airport |
Grant | 27NE | | | Hendricks Field Airport |
Grant | 2NE7 | | | Kumor Airport |
Greeley | 99Y | | | Greeley Municipal Airport |
Gretna | NE49 | | | Koke Airport |
Guide Rock | NE01 | | | Schutte Airport |
Hardy | 85NE | | | Meyers Freedom Flight Hardy Airport |
Harrison | 11NE | | | Kaan Airport |
Hartington | 0B4 | | | Hartington Municipal Bud Becker Field |
Harvard | 08K | | | Harvard State |
Hay Springs | 33NE | | | Orr Ranch Airport |
Hay Springs | 4V6 | | | Hay Springs Municipal Airport |
Hemingford | 3NE2 | | | Phillips Private Airport |
Henderson | 38NE | | | Boardman Aerial Airport |
Hershey | 34NE | | | Evans Ranch Airport |
Hildreth | 81NE | | | Bunger Field Airport |
Holdrege | 3NE3 | | | Wells Airport |
Holdrege | NE30 | | | Olson Field Airport |
Hyannis | 1V2 | | | Grant County |
Hyannis | 9NE3 | | | Davis Ranch Airport |
Lakeside | 3NE7 | | | Pawlet Ranch Airport |
Laurel | 08NE | | | Laurel Municipal Airport |
Harrison | 9V3 | | | Harrison Skyranch |
Liberty | NE57 | | | Thomas Airport |
Lindsay | 9NE4 | | | Johnston Field Airport |
Loup City | 0F4 | | | Loup City Municipal |
Lynch | NE06 | | | Woolf Brothers Airport |
Madrid | 46NE | | | Jantzen Airport |
Madrid | 4NE0 | | | Regier Brothers Airport |
Mc Cook/culbertson | 19NE | | | Hoyt Airport |
Melbeta | 25NE | | | Corr Airport |
Merriman | 57NE | | | Cole Memorial Airport |
Milford | NE65 | | | Roth Airport |
Minden | NE29 | | | Cavanaugh Airport |
Minden | 0V3 | | | Pioneer Village Field |
Hebron | 9OA5 | | | Buckeye Airport |
Murray | NE82 | | | Nolte Farms Airport |
Neligh | 4V9 | | | Antelope County |
Norfolk | NE09 | | | Simpson Airport |
Ogallala | 35NE | | | Shelburnes Airport |
Omaha | 3NO | | | North Omaha Airport |
Orleans | 67NE | | | L J Bose Airstrip |
Palisade | 4NE8 | | | Malone M-Bar Ranch Airport |
Panama | 16NE | | | Korver Airport |
Pawnee City | 50K | | | Pawnee City Municipal Airport |
Paxton | 7NE5 | | | Lierley Farms Airport |
Paxton | 4NE9 | | | Holzfaster's Airport |
Pender | 0C4 | | | Pender Municipal |
Prosser | NE38 | | | Aknux Airport |
Mantua | 7E3 | | | Mills Airport |
Ravenna | 56NE | | | Noble Field Airport |
Red Cloud | 7V7 | | | Red Cloud Municipal |
Riverdale | 43NE | | | Onion Crest Airpark |
Rushville | 9V5 | | | Modisett |
Sarben | 04NE | | | Mc Connell Field Airport |
Sargent | 09K | | | Sargent Municipal |
Scottsbluff | 12NE | | | Reisig Brothers Airport |
Shubert | 5NE2 | | | Eickhoff Strip Airport |
Wymore | NE92 | | | Thomsen Airport |
Sidney | NE34 | | | Fehringer Aerodrome |
South Sioux City | 7K8 | | | Martin Field |
Spalding | 05NE | | | Mc Kay Airport |
Spalding | NE85 | | | Glaser Airport |
Stapleton | 9NE8 | | | Brosius Field Airport |
Stapleton | 5NE3 | | | Diamond Bar Jones Airport |
Steinauer | NE20 | | | Bernadt Airport |
Superior | 12K | | | Superior Municipal |
Superior | NE87 | | | Rempe Private Airport |
Sutherland | 5NE5 | | | Trego Airport |
Sutton | NE86 | | | Traudt Airport |
Tecumseh | 0G3 | | | Tecumseh Municipal |
Trenton | 9V2 | | | Trenton Municipal Airport |
Upland | 15NE | | | Sindt Airport |
Utica | 0J9 | | | Flying V Airport |
Valley | NE56 | | | Werner Airport |
Valparaiso | NE88 | | | Novotny/Tonar Farms Airport |
Venango | 5NE9 | | | Dodson Brothers Airport |
Wallace | 6NE0 | | | Van Boening Airport |
Wallace | 64V | | | Wallace Municipal Airport |
Wallace | 29NE | | | Bartmess Airport |
Wausa | 36NE | | | Frevert Airstrip |
York | 87NE | | | Knox Landing Airport |
Albany | NH38 | | | Leavitt Airport |
Barnstead | NH15 | | | Locke Lake Airport |
Center Ossipee | NH18 | | | Chickville Airport |
Colebrook | 4C4 | | | Gifford Field Airport |
Franconia | 1B5 | | | Franconia Airport |
Hampton | 7B3 | | | Hampton Airfield |
Haverhill | 5B9 | | | Dean Memorial Airport |
Henniker | NH86 | | | Intervale Airport |
Hillsboro | 8B1 | | | Hawthorne-Feather Airpark |
Mason | NH76 | | | Mason Airfield |
Moultonboro | 5M3 | | | Moultonboro |
New London | NH40 | | | Eagles Nest Airport |
Northwood | NH84 | | | Northwood Airport |
Plymouth | 1P1 | | | Plymouth Municipal Airport |
Great Meadows | NJ65 | | | John E. Rogers Airport |
Twin Mountain | 8B2 | | | Twin Mountain Airport |
West Ossipee | NH69 | | | Windsock Village Airport |
Wolfeboro | NH31 | | | Mountain View Field Airport |
Alloway | NJ02 | | | Alloway Airfield |
Belvidere | NJ09 | | | Matthews Airport |
Berlin | 19N | | | Camden County |
Blairstown | 1N7 | | | Blairstown |
Bridgeport | 6NJ9 | | | Bridgeport-Cahill Field Airport |
Bridgeton | JY31 | | | Wide Sky Airpark |
Bridgeton | NJ84 | | | Hidden Acres Farm Airport |
Cedarville | 7NJ9 | | | Dave's Aerodrome |
Clarksboro | NJ25 | | | Peaslees Airstrip |
Clarksburg | 46NJ | | | Perl Acres Airport |
Cross Keys | 17N | | | Cross Keys |
Elmer | 04NJ | | | Emmanuel Airport |
Elmer | 7NJ7 | | | Coombs Airport |
Englishtown | NJ46 | | | Mar Bar L Farms Airport |
Fairton | 9NJ6 | | | Halka Nurseries Airport |
Flemington | NJ50 | | | The Landing Airport |
Freehold | NJ60 | | | Cuddihy Landing Strip Airport |
Frenchtown | NJ63 | | | Eagles Lair Airport |
Frenchtown | NJ61 | | | Malone Airport |
Glassboro | 61NJ | | | Thomas Browne Airpark |
Green Creek | JY04 | | | Paramount Air Airport |
Hackettstown | N05 | | | Hackettstown Airport |
Hainesburg | 67NJ | | | Mount Pleasant Landing Strip Airport |
Hammonton | N81 | | | Hammonton Municipal |
Holmdel | NJ72 | | | Hop Brook Farm Airport |
Kingwood Township | 92NJ | | | Fly-N-D Landing Strip Airport |
Lakewood | N12 | | | Lakewood Airport |
Lincoln Park | N07 | | | Lincoln Park |
Linwood | 0NJ6 | | | Dix Field Airport |
Lumberton | N14 | | | Flying W |
Mays Landing | 89NJ | | | Strawberry Fields Airport |
Newton | 3N5 | | | Newton Airport |
Ocean City | 26N | | | Ocean City Municipal |
Old Bridge | 3N6 | | | Old Bridge |
Pedricktown | 7N7 | | | Spitfire Aerodrome |
Pemberton | 3NJ1 | | | Pemberton Airport |
Pennington | 2NJ3 | | | Weidel (Private) Airport |
Phillipsburg | 2NJ6 | | | Markle Airport |
Phillipsburg | 2NJ5 | | | Hartung Airport |
Pittstown | N40 | | | Sky Manor Airport |
Pittstown | N85 | | | Alexandria Airport |
Quemado | NM80 | | | Quemado Airport |
Rancocas | 3NJ6 | | | Inductotherm Airport |
Readington | N51 | | | Solberg-Hunterdon |
Robbinsville | N87 | | | Trenton-Robbinsville |
Rosemont | 4NJ0 | | | Windward Farms Airport |
Salem | JY39 | | | Rainbow's End Airport |
Salem | NJ74 | | | Salem Airfield |
Shiloh | JY17 | | | Woodcrest Farms Airstrip |
Stanton | 5NJ2 | | | Herr Mountain Airport |
Vincentown | N73 | | | Red Lion Airport |
Vineland | 28N | | | Vineland-Downstown Airport |
Vineland | 29N | | | Kroelinger Airport |
West Creek | 31E | | | Eagles Nest |
West Milford | 4N1 | | | Greenwood Lake |
West Milford | JY43 | | | Hill Top Airport |
Williamstown | C01 | | | Southern Cross Airport |
Alamogordo | 52NM | | | Timberon Airport |
Albert | NM10 | | | Tequesquite Ranch Airport |
Albuquerque | NM61 | | | New Mexico Soaring Ranch Airport |
Anton Chico | NM76 | | | Park Springs Airport |
Apache Creek | 13Q | | | Jewett Mesa Airport |
Aztec | N19 | | | Aztec Municipal |
Belen | E80 | | | Alexander Municipal |
Belen | 55NM | | | Burris Ranch Nr 1 Airport |
Bell Ranch | NM32 | | | Bell Ranch Waggoner Airport |
Bell Ranch | NM33 | | | Bell Ranch Headquarters Airport |
Capitan | 4AZ2 | | | Block Ranch Airport |
Capitan | NM84 | | | G Bar F Ranch Airport |
Carlsbad | 62NM | | | Seven Rivers Airport |
Carrizozo | F37 | | | Carrizozo Municipal |
Chama | NM16 | | | Chama Land & Cattle Co. Airport |
Chama | NM24 | | | Eastside Airport |
Chilili | NM02 | | | Biplane Ranch Airport |
Chloride | NM51 | | | Chloride Airport |
Claunch | 57NM | | | Monte Prieto Ranch Airport |
Clovis | NM42 | | | Aero Tech Inc Airport |
Clovis | 59NM | | | Lockmiller & Sons Airport |
Columbus | 12NM | | | Columbus Stockyards Airport |
Columbus | NM09 | | | First Aero Squadron Airpark |
Columbus | NM78 | | | Hacienda Sur Luna Airport |
Conchas Dam | E89 | | | Conchas Lake |
Corona | NM25 | | | Lincoln Station Airport |
Crownpoint | 0E8 | | | Crownpoint |
Cubero | NM74 | | | Cubero Airport |
Deming | NM26 | | | Luna Landing Airport |
Deming | NM08 | | | Solo Ranch Airport |
Dulce | 24N | | | Jicarilla Apache Nation |
Edgewood | 1N1 | | | Sandia Airpark Estates East |
Ensenada | NM48 | | | Esenada Airport |
Estancia | E92 | | | Estancia Municipal Airport |
Fence Lake | NM91 | | | High Lonesome Airport |
Forrest | 65NM | | | Curtis And Curtis Airport |
Fort Sumner | NM38 | | | Double V Ranch Airport |
Gallup | NM27 | | | Sanostee Airport |
Glenwood | E94 | | | Glenwood-Catron County Airport |
Glenwood | NM55 | | | Whitewater Mesa Ranch Airport |
Hatch | E05 | | | Hatch Municipal |
Hope | 68NM | | | Flying H Ranch Airport |
Horse Springs | NM68 | | | Rael Ranch Horse Pasture Airport |
Jal | E26 | | | Lea County/Jal |
Kenna | NM44 | | | Bojax Ranch Airport |
La Luz | 72NM | | | Otero Mill Airport |
Las Vegas | NM53 | | | San Miguel Ranch Airport |
Lindrith | E32 | | | Lindrith Airpark |
Los Lunas | E98 | | | Mid Valley Airpark |
Los Lunas | NM89 | | | Manzano-Mountain Air Ranch Airport |
Lovington | E06 | | | Lea County-Zip Franklin Memorial |
Magdalena | N29 | | | Magdalena Airport |
Magdalena | NM01 | | | Rancho Magdalena Airport |
Mc Alister | NM73 | | | Akin And Akin Airport |
Mimbres | NM69 | | | Casas Adobes Airpark |
Moriarty | 0E0 | | | Moriarty |
Nara Visa | NM52 | | | Camco Ranch Airport |
Navajo Dam | 1V0 | | | Navajo Lake |
Organ | NM79 | | | Shoestring Ranch Airport |
Picacho | 82NM | | | Skeen Ranch Airport |
Picacho | 81NM | | | Diamond A Ranch Airport |
Pie Town | NM66 | | | Poco Loco Airport |
Pie Town | NM41 | | | Happy Mountain Airport |
Pie Town | 84NM | | | Nalda Ranch Airport |
Playas | NM86 | | | Playas Air Strip Airport |
Questa | N24 | | | Questa Municipal Nr 2 |
Ramah | NM56 | | | Mystic Bluffs Airport |
Reserve | T16 | | | Reserve |
Reserve | 0NM7 | | | Negrito Airstrip |
Rodeo | NM90 | | | Amigos Del Cielo Airport |
Rodeo | NM70 | | | Rodeo Airport |
Rosebud | NM29 | | | Rosebud Airport |
Roswell | NM87 | | | Jenkins Airport |
Roswell | NM20 | | | Benedict Airpark |
Rowe | NM92 | | | Tierra De Dios Airport |
Rockwell City | NM17 | | | Ray Ranch Airport |
Rockwell City | NM15 | | | Clavel Ranch Airport |
Fallon | NV30 | | | Dixie Valley Airport |
Shiprock | 5V5 | | | Shiprock Airstrip |
Silver City | 1NM0 | | | Me-Own Airport |
Silver City | 13NM | | | Beaverhead Airstrip |
Silver City | 94E | | | Whiskey Creek |
Socorro | 95E | | | Stallion Army Airfield |
Springer | S42 | | | Springer Municipal |
Stanley | NM63 | | | Big Sky Airport |
Three Rivers | NM71 | | | Three Rivers Ranch Airport |
Truth Or Consequences | NM37 | | | Adobe Ranch Private Airport |
Vaughn | N17 | | | Vaughn Municipal |
Wagon Mound | 98NM | | | S & S Ranch Airport |
Willard | NM49 | | | J & M Farms Airport |
Alamo | L92 | | | Alamo Landing Field |
Austin | NV35 | | | Hudson Airport |
Austin | NV02 | | | O'toole Ranch Airport |
Battle Mountain | NV64 | | | Swanson Ranch 3 Airport |
Cal Nev Ari | 1L4 | | | Kidwell Airport |
Carson City | NV13 | | | Bailey Ranch Airport |
Crescent Valley | U74 | | | Crescent Valley Airport |
Currant | 9U7 | | | Currant Ranch Airport |
Dayton/Carson | A34 | | | Dayton Valley Airpark |
Deeth | NV04 | | | Marys River Ranch Airport |
Denio | E85 | | | Denio Junction Airport |
Duckwater | 01U | | | Duckwater Airport |
Dyer | NV27 | | | Circle L Ranch Airport |
Ely/pioche | 7CL8 | | | Geyser Ranch Airport |
Empire | 1A8 | | | Empire Airport |
Fallon | 1NV1 | | | Fallon Southwest Airpark |
Fallon | 26NV | | | Darrow Field Airport |
Fernley | N58 | | | Tiger Field |
Mercury | NV11 | | | Yucca Airstrip |
Gardnerville | NV55 | | | Pinenut Airport |
Gerlach | NV05 | | | Soldier Meadow Nr 2 Airport |
Gerlach | NV06 | | | Soldier Meadow Nr 1 Airport |
Goldfield | 0L4 | | | Lida Junction Airport |
Henderson | NV26 | | | Voc Tech Airport |
Jean | 0L7 | | | Jean |
Jean | NV42 | | | Heritage Airport |
Kingston | N15 | | | Kingston Airport |
Lund | NV07 | | | Two Star Ranch Airport |
Mercury | L23 | | | Pahute Mesa Airstrip |
Mina | 3Q0 | | | Mina Airport |
Montello | NV67 | | | Pilot Creek Ranches Airport |
Mountain City | NV08 | | | Petan Ranch Airport |
North Fork | 08U | | | Stevens-Crosby Airport |
Orovada | NV68 | | | Pine Grove Airport |
Overton | U08 | | | Perkins Field |
Overton | 0L9 | | | Echo Bay |
Owyhee | 10U | | | Owyhee |
Pahrump | NV00 | | | Valley View Airport |
Pahrump | NV74 | | | Calvada Meadows Airport |
Panaca | 1L1 | | | Lincoln County |
Reno | N86 | | | Spanish Springs Airport |
Reno | NV09 | | | H Bar H Airport |
Round Mountain | NV56 | | | Wine Glass Ranch Airport |
Ruby Valley | 03NV | | | Llama Ranch Airport |
Amsterdam | NY58 | | | Snow Field Airport |
Sandy Valley | 3L2 | | | Sky Ranch Estates |
Sandy Valley | 04NV | | | Kingston Ranch Airport |
Searchlight | 1L3 | | | Searchlight |
Smith | N59 | | | Rosaschi Air Park |
Smith Valley | NV33 | | | Farias Wheel Airport |
Sparks | NV96 | | | Rolling Thunder Airport |
Sparks | 2NV2 | | | Gibb Ranch Airport |
Sparks | NV47 | | | Palomino Airport |
Sparks | NV44 | | | Justover Field Airport |
Wellington | NV72 | | | Sweetwater (Us Marine Corps) Airport |
Winnemucca | 02NV | | | Paiute Meadows Airport |
Yerington | 01NV | | | Lantana Ranch Airport |
Adams | 7NY2 | | | Butterville Airport |
Addison | 2NY7 | | | Towner Farm Airport |
Akron | 9G3 | | | Akron/Jesson Field |
Albany | NK43 | | | Jerry Phibbs Airport |
Albion | NY06 | | | Gaines Valley Aviation Airport |
Albion | 9G6 | | | Pine Hill Airport |
Alpine | 2NY9 | | | Kayutah Lake Airport |
Amsterdam | 4NK8 | | | Longwell Airport |
Arcade | NY04 | | | East Arcade Airport |
Arcade | D23 | | | Arcade Tri-County Airport |
Argyle | 1C3 | | | Argyle Airport |
Attlebury | 0NK8 | | | Rocky Reef Farm Airport |
Auburn | 06NY | | | Murphy Field Airport |
Aurora | NK74 | | | Match Mate Airport |
Avalon | NY59 | | | Valenty Mierek Airport |
Bayport | 23N | | | Bayport Aerodrome |
Bergen | 24NY | | | Ely Air Park |
Bethany Center | 8NK4 | | | Bethany Airpark |
Binghamton | 1NK8 | | | Chenango Bridge Airport |
Boonville | 1NK7 | | | Boonville Inc Airport |
Broadalbin | NY66 | | | Lewis Field Airport |
Broadalbin | NY64 | | | The Pines Airport |
Brockport | 7G0 | | | Ledgedale Airpark |
Brockport | 3NK0 | | | Mc Kinney Airport |
Buffalo | D51 | | | Clarence Aerodrome |
Buffalo | 9G0 | | | Buffalo Airfield |
Burdett | NK09 | | | Eagle Ridge Airport |
Byron | 2NY4 | | | Sackett Farms Airstrip |
Cambridge | 1B8 | | | Chapin Field Airport |
Cameron | NY34 | | | Randall's Roost Airport |
Camillus | NY2 | | | Camillus |
Canadice | 30NY | | | Coye Field Airport |
Cattaraugus | NY76 | | | Neverland Airport |
Central Square | 0NK1 | | | Spring Brook Airport |
Charleston | 3NY0 | | | The Ranch Airport |
Charlton | 0NK2 | | | Westwind Farm Airport |
Chester | 4NY1 | | | Orange Poultry Farm Airport |
Clarence Center | NK19 | | | Potoczak Airport |
Clarence Center | NK87 | | | Merkle Airport |
Clay | 1H1 | | | Airlane Enterprises Airport |
Clayton | 28NK | | | Ritchie Airfield |
Clinton Dale | 1NY7 | | | Minard Farms Airport |
Constantia | NK82 | | | Engineers Airport |
Corning | 7N1 | | | Corning-Painted Post |
Coventryville | NY73 | | | Miller Field Airport |
Coxsackie | NY74 | | | Deer Run Airport |
Davenport | NY02 | | | Mountain Top Airport |
Degrasse | 1E8 | | | Moores Airport |
Downsville | NY78 | | | Downsville Airport |
Duanesburg | 3NY6 | | | Six Ponds Airport |
Duanesburg | 4B1 | | | Duanesburg Airport |
East Moriches | 49N | | | Lufker Airport |
East Moriches | 1N2 | | | Spadaro Airport |
East Palmyra | NY16 | | | Oak Ridge Airport |
East Schodack | NY82 | | | Alexander Farm Airport |
Edinburg | 1F2 | | | Plateau Sky Ranch Airport |
Ellenville | N89 | | | Joseph Y Resnick |
Elmira | NK47 | | | Dalrymples Airport |
Eparatha | 3NY7 | | | Hiserts Airpark Inc |
Esperance | NY05 | | | Hogan Airport |
Essex | NY84 | | | Richter Aero Airport |
Etna | 5NY3 | | | Keech Airport |
Evans | 4NK3 | | | Evans Airways Airport |
Fabius | 4NK4 | | | Woodford Airfield |
Fort Plain | 44NY | | | Tomcat Airport |
Fort Plain | NY20 | | | Nellis Field Airport |
Fort Plain | 11NK | | | Hop House Airpark |
Fort Plain | NY88 | | | Hickory Acres Airport |
Freehold | 1I5 | | | Freehold Airport |
Gallupville | N25 | | | Blue Heron Airport |
Galway | NY37 | | | Galway Airport |
Gansevoort | NK17 | | | August Field Airport |
Gansevoort | K30 | | | Heber Airpark |
Gardiner | 5NY5 | | | Gardiner Airport |
Gasport | 9G5 | | | Royalton Airport |
Geneseo | D52 | | | Geneseo Airport |
Geneva | NK76 | | | Grammar Airport |
Ghent | NY1 | | | Kline Kill Airport |
Gouverneur | NK16 | | | Hendricks Field Airport |
Gowanda | D59 | | | Gowanda Airport |
Great Valley | N56 | | | Great Valley Airport |
Greenwich | 4NK2 | | | Tracy Field Airport |
Groveland | 0NK3 | | | Seven Gullies Airport |
Hamburg | 4G2 | | | Hamburg Inc Airport |
Hammondsport | 25NK | | | Loucks Airport |
Hemlock | 50NY | | | Old Fort Farm Airport |
Herkimer | NY26 | | | Sky-Ranch Airport |
High Falls | NK08 | | | Sheeley's Farm Airport |
Hilton | 34NY | | | Hendershot Airport |
Holcomb | D67 | | | Creekside Airport |
Holland | NY40 | | | Gentzke Aeronautical Park Airport |
Honeoye Falls | 52NY | | | Bedson's Land Base Airport |
Hudson | 04NY | | | Klaverack Airport |
Hunter | 97NY | | | Hunter Mountain Airport |
Ithaca | NY18 | | | Neno International Airport |
Ithaca | NY55 | | | Grund Field Airport |
Jamestown | 3NK4 | | | Laska Airport |
Jamestown | NY89 | | | Fairbank Farms Airport |
Johnsonville | 7NY6 | | | Sherwood Farm Airport |
Johnstown | NY0 | | | Fulton County |
Keene | 1I1 | | | Marcy Field Airport |
Kendall | 56NY | | | Maynard's Airport |
Kennedy | 9NY4 | | | Kennedy Airfield |
Kerhonkson | 6NY7 | | | Piolis Brookside Airport |
Kingston | 20N | | | Kingston-Ulster |
Knox | 6NY4 | | | West Township Airport |
Lakeville | NY15 | | | Lakeville Airport |
Le Roy | 5G0 | | | Le Roy |
Lexington/prattsville | N00 | | | Maben Airport |
Livingston | 1A1 | | | Green Acres Airport |
Lockport | 0G0 | | | North Buffalo Suburban Airport |
Lockport | 59NY | | | Bent-Wing Airport |
Macedon | 23NK | | | Long Acre Farms Airport |
Macedon | NY11 | | | Lakestone Farm Airport |
Macedon | 4NK5 | | | Harvs Airport |
Marcellus | NK71 | | | Marcellus Airport |
Marion | 4NK6 | | | Ag-Alley Airport |
Mayville | D79 | | | Dart Airport |
Mayville | 65NY | | | Chautauqua Lake Airpark |
Mechanicville | K27 | | | Burrello-Mechanicville Airport |
Mecklenburg | 7NY4 | | | Culver Airfield |
Medina | 66NY | | | Maple Ridge Airport |
Meridale | 5NY1 | | | Tomahawk Hills Airport |
Mexico | NY96 | | | Mexico Airdrome |
Middleburgh | 7NK0 | | | Valley View Airport |
Middlesex | 4N2 | | | Middlesex Valley Airport |
Middletown | 06N | | | Randall Airport |
Millbrook | 44N | | | Sky Acres |
Modena | 2NK9 | | | Old Orchard Airpark |
Mohawk | NY23 | | | Mohawk Aviation Center Airport |
Morris | 21NK | | | Don Kichote Airport |
Morrisonville | NY97 | | | Northway Airport |
Mount Morris | NY70 | | | Scott's Sky Ranch Airport |
Mount Morris | 68NY | | | Merrimac Farms Airport |
Nelson | 7NK1 | | | Deer Run Air Field |
New Bremen | NY10 | | | Duflo Airport |
New Paltz | NY35 | | | Stanton Airport |
Newark | 5NK1 | | | Toggenburg Farms Airport |
Newfane | 85N | | | Hollands International Field Airport |
North Creek | 0NY0 | | | Bennetts Airport |
Olcott | D80 | | | Olcott-Newfane Airport |
Old Forge | NK26 | | | Old Forge Airport |
Olean | 8G3 | | | Giermek Executive Airport |
Olean | 75NY | | | Reiss Game Farm Airport |
Oneida | 6NK8 | | | Flying K Airport |
Camillus | NY25 | | | Camillus |
Ovid | D82 | | | Ovid Airport |
Pendleton | 78NY | | | Flying F Airport |
Pendleton | 77NY | | | Pendleton Airpark |
Perry | 01G | | | Perry-Warsaw |
Perth | NY50 | | | Johnson Airport |
Perth | 0NY7 | | | Murphys Landing Strip |
Piseco | K09 | | | Piseco |
Plattsburgh | NY17 | | | Adirondack Airpark Estates Airport |
Quaker Street | NK83 | | | Nettie's Place Airport |
Ransomville | 63NY | | | Shear Airport |
Reading | 19NY | | | Four Seasons Airport |
Reading Center | 17NK | | | Re-Dun Field Airport |
Red Creek | NY42 | | | Paradise Airport |
Red Hook | 46N | | | Sky Park Airport |
Remsen | NY57 | | | Remsen City Airport |
Rhinebeck | NY94 | | | Old Rhinebeck Airport |
Richfield Springs | NY68 | | | Richfield Airport |
Richland | 1NY3 | | | Richland Airport |
Riverhead | 03NY | | | Talmage Field Airport |
Rome | K16 | | | Becks Grove |
Rome | 5NY4 | | | Stanwix Heights Airport |
Round Lake | W57 | | | Round Lake Airport And Seaplane Base |
Roxbury | 1NK0 | | | Roxbury Runway |
Rush | 84NY | | | Skyview Airport |
Saranac | 1NY4 | | | High Banks Farm Landing Area Airport |
Saratoga Springs | 5B2 | | | Saratoga County |
Sardinia | 15NK | | | Knox Landing Airport |
Sardinia | 85NY | | | High Acres Airport |
Savannah | 46NY | | | Savannah Agri-Air Airport |
Schroon Lake | 4B7 | | | Schroon Lake |
Schuylerville | B04 | | | Garnseys Airport |
Schyler | 27NK | | | Mohawk Air Park |
Seneca Falls | 0G7 | | | Finger Lakes Regional |
Sharon Springs | K31 | | | Sharon Airport |
Sherman | D88 | | | Pratt's Eastern Divide Airport |
Skaneateles | 6B9 | | | Skaneateles |
Slate Hill | NK79 | | | Lewis Landing Airport |
South Bethlehem | 4B0 | | | South Albany Airport |
South Dayton | NY27 | | | South Dayton Airport |
South Kortright | NY48 | | | Grace's Landing Airport |
Spencerport | D91 | | | Spencerport Airpark |
Spencerport | 91NY | | | Manitou Field Airport |
Springfield | 3NY3 | | | De Ronda Airport |
Springville | NK27 | | | Hedge Hop Field Airport |
Stormville | N69 | | | Stormville |
Strykersville | 92NY | | | Bloecher Farm Airport |
Syracuse | 6NK | | | Syracuse Suburban Airport |
Ticonderoga | 4B6 | | | Ticonderoga Municipal |
Treadwell | 7NK6 | | | Blueberry Field Airport |
Troy | 5B7 | | | Rensselaer County Airport |
Utica/frankfort | 6B4 | | | Frankfort-Highland Airport |
Wallkill | N45 | | | Kobelt Airport |
Walton | 2NK7 | | | Walton Airport |
Warwick | N72 | | | Warwick Municipal Airport |
Waterloo | D93 | | | Airtrek Airport |
Watkins Glen | NY29 | | | Schuyler Airport |
Weedsport | B16 | | | Whitfords |
West Bloomfield | NY32 | | | Fort Hill Airport |
West Bloomfield | 00NY | | | Weiss Airfield |
West Coxsackie | 33NY | | | Wayne Delp Airport |
West Edmeston | NY53 | | | Tri County Airways Airport |
Westerlo | NY33 | | | Westerlo Airport |
Westport | 12NK | | | Westport Airport |
White Creek | 6NK2 | | | Meerwarth Airport |
Wilmington | 1NK6 | | | Catalano Airfield |
Woodstock | 18NY | | | Strip In The Woods Airport |
Wurtsboro | N82 | | | Wurtsboro-Sullivan County |
Adams Mills | OH82 | | | Graham Farm Airport |
Akron | 1D4 | | | Mayfield Airport |
Alliance | 2D1 | | | Barber Airport |
Alliance | OH48 | | | Alliance Airport |
Alvada | OH32 | | | Stone Airport |
Amanda | OH61 | | | Amanda Airport |
Amelia | OH33 | | | Humphries Rotordrome |
Andover | 3OH4 | | | Riceland Aerodrome |
Anna | OA11 | | | Heitman Field Airport |
Ansonia | OH34 | | | Leis Airport |
Arcadia | OA04 | | | Rutter Airport |
Arcanum | OA23 | | | Heins Field Airport |
Ashland | 3G4 | | | Ashland County |
Austinburg | 5OH4 | | | Armington Airport |
Avon | 5OH7 | | | Keller Airport |
Avon | 4OI7 | | | R & M Aviation Airport |
Avon | 5OH6 | | | Johnsons Field Airport |
Baltimore | 7B4 | | | Miller Farm Landing Strip |
Baltimore | 38OH | | | Industry Air Park |
Barnesville | 6G5 | | | Barnesville-Bradfield |
Batavia | I69 | | | Clermont County |
Beach City | 2D7 | | | Beach City Airport |
Bellevue | 1OH2 | | | Dougherty Airport |
Bellville | 9OA9 | | | Bender Airport |
Belpre | OH38 | | | Blue Bird Airport |
Berkey | 6OH3 | | | R C Ford Field Airport |
Bettsville | 76OI | | | Hull Airport |
Blanchester | 1OA3 | | | Barnett Airpark |
Bluffton | 5G7 | | | Bluffton |
Bowling Green | 1G0 | | | Wood County Regional |
Bowling Green | 6OH7 | | | Nietz Airport |
Bowling Green | 6OH6 | | | Shelton Airport |
Bowling Green | 3D8 | | | Bordner Airport |
Bowling Green | OI92 | | | Conklin Airport |
Bremen | 62OH | | | Willard Field Airport |
Bristolville | 25OI | | | Morrison Field Airport |
Bristolville | 2OA1 | | | Bristol Airstrip |
Brookville | I62 | | | Brookville Air-Park Airport |
Bryan | 0G6 | | | Williams County |
Bucyrus | 17G | | | Port Bucyrus-Crawford County |
Butler | OH42 | | | Hawk's Nest Airport |
Cadiz | 8G6 | | | Harrison County |
Caldwell | I10 | | | Noble County |
Cambridge | OA00 | | | Taildragger Airport |
Cambridge | 2OA6 | | | Hilltop Airport |
Canal Fulton | 51OI | | | Clay's Rv Airport |
Canfield | 7OH5 | | | Mahoning County Joint Vocational School Airport |
Canfield | 4OI8 | | | Brocker Field Airport |
Canton | 91OI | | | Cross Airport |
Carey | 95OH | | | Tong Farm Airport |
Carrollton | 5D6 | | | Parsons Airport |
Carrollton | OI11 | | | Hibbetts Airport |
Castalia | 1OH3 | | | Mather Field Airport |
Cedarville | OI73 | | | Williamson Airport |
Celina | OI99 | | | Mulholland Airport |
Center Village | OH17 | | | August Acres Airport |
Chagrin Falls | 27OI | | | Auburn Airport |
Chardon | 7OH8 | | | Curtis Airport |
Chatfield | 69OI | | | Schulze's Airport |
Chatham Township | 33OI | | | Soaring Horse Airport |
Cheshire | OH44 | | | Grover Airport |
Circleville | OH50 | | | Lindsey L.S. Airport |
Circleville | 03I | | | Clarks Dream Strip Airport |
Clayton | OH51 | | | Miami Valley Career Technology Center Airport |
Clyde | 5D9 | | | Bandit Field Airdrome |
Columbia Station | 4G8 | | | Columbia |
Columbia Station | 05OI | | | Dorlon Airpark |
Columbiana | 8OH4 | | | York Aerodrome |
Columbus | 04I | | | Columbus Southwest Airport |
Continental | 36OI | | | Verhoff Airport |
Cortland | 8OI3 | | | Allen Airport |
Cortland | 8OH5 | | | Urban Airport |
Coshocton | I40 | | | Richard Downing |
Covington | 6OH9 | | | Kemps Field Of Dreams Airport |
Crestline | 37OI | | | Cole Airfield |
Darbyville | 63OH | | | White's Airport |
Darbyville | 38OI | | | Ronshausen Airport |
Dayton | I73 | | | Moraine Airpark |
Dayton | I44 | | | Dahio Trotwood Airport |
Dayton | I19 | | | Greene County Lewis A Jackson Regional |
Delaware | OI49 | | | Flying Acres Airport |
Delaware | 7OH3 | | | Obi One Airport |
Delaware | 63OI | | | Bowman Field Airport |
Delphos | 3OH6 | | | Youngpeter Airport |
Dennison | OA14 | | | Roxford Airport |
Deshler | 6D7 | | | Deshler Municipal Landing Strip |
Dola | OI66 | | | Eibling Circle E Airport |
Dorset | 8OH8 | | | Allen Airport |
Dresden | OA85 | | | Riverview Airport |
East Liberty | 9OI5 | | | Transportation Research Center Of Ohio Airport |
East Liberty | OI38 | | | Hillview Airstrip |
East Liverpool | 02G | | | Columbiana County |
East Palestine | 8OH7 | | | Morris Field Airport |
East Palestine | 55OI | | | Aero Flight Center Airport |
Elmore | 9OH2 | | | Toussaint Airpark |
Elmore | 9OH1 | | | Haar Airport |
Elyria | 1G1 | | | Elyria |
Elyria | OI22 | | | Carroll's Airport |
Farmersville | OH59 | | | Mc Intosh Airport |
Fayette | 87OH | | | Mundron Field Airport |
Fayetteville | 1OA5 | | | Double J Airport |
Felicity | 2OA7 | | | Utter Field Airport |
Findlay | 9OH7 | | | Lutz Airport |
Findlay | 9OH8 | | | Ferrell Airport |
Findlay | 27OH | | | Schaller Airport |
Findlay | 9OH6 | | | Weaver Airport |
Forest | 9OH9 | | | Forest Field Airport |
Fort Jennings | OH60 | | | Gerker Airfield |
Fostoria | OI78 | | | Diebleys Airport |
Frazeysburg | OI39 | | | Vensil Farms Airport |
Fremont | S24 | | | Sandusky County Regional |
Fremont | 14G | | | Fremont |
Fremont | 03OH | | | Gibbs Field Airport |
Galion | OH21 | | | Horning Airport |
Garrettsville | 04OH | | | Bossow Airport |
Garrettsville | 7D8 | | | Gates Airport |
Geneva | 98OH | | | Paine's Airport |
Geneva | 7D9 | | | Germack |
Germantown | OH63 | | | Jims Airport |
Gnadenhutten | 3OH8 | | | Gnadenhutten Airport |
Goshen | OH66 | | | Obannon Creek Aerodrome |
Goshen | OH65 | | | Antique Acres Airpark |
Gratis | OI36 | | | Farpoint Airfield |
Greenfield | OI25 | | | Ross Field Airport |
Greenfield | 0OI2 | | | Unger Field Airport |
Greenville | 16OI | | | Trump Airport |
Hallsville | OH35 | | | Mission Field Airport |
Hamersville | 81OH | | | Elbel Airport |
Hamersville | OI57 | | | Mc Kinney Field Airport |
Harrison | I67 | | | Cincinnati West |
Harrison | OH68 | | | Raylene Airport |
Hartford | 08OH | | | Kenley Airport |
Hicksville | 75OH | | | Howensting Airport |
Hopewell | OH92 | | | Porter Airport |
Huron | 88D | | | Hinde Airport |
Jackson | I43 | | | Jackson/James A Rhodes |
Jewell | 13OH | | | Rose Field Airport |
Kelleys Island | 89D | | | Kelleys Island Land Field Airport |
Kent | 1G3 | | | Kent State University |
Kenton | I95 | | | Hardin County |
Kidron | OH22 | | | Stoltzfus Airfield - Private |
Kilbourne | 1OA8 | | | Erdy Farm Airport |
Kilbourne | 2OH0 | | | Bohannan Airport |
Kingsville | 0OI6 | | | Victor's Landing Airport |
Kipton | 17OH | | | Kosik Private Airport |
Lagrange | 18OH | | | Jer-Mar Airpark |
Lagrange | 92D | | | Lagrange Airport |
Laura | OH78 | | | Swigart Airport |
Lebanon | I68 | | | Warren County/John Lane Field |
Leesburg | OH28 | | | Donner Field Airport |
Leipsic | R47 | | | Ruhe's |
Leroy | OI31 | | | Pheasant Run Airport |
Lewisburg | 9OA4 | | | Gilmer Airport |
Litchfield | 20OH | | | Kruggel Airport |
Lodi | 40OI | | | M.C.R. Airport |
Lordstown | 22OI | | | Giovannone Airport |
Loudenville | 9OI6 | | | Nesta Airport |
Louisville | 25OH | | | Hammond Airport |
Louisville | 1OA7 | | | Yoder Airport |
Lowell | OI27 | | | Checkpoint Charlie Airport |
Lyons | 28OH | | | Newbury Airport |
Madison | OH03 | | | Woodworth Airport |
Madison | 4OH1 | | | Sky Haven Airport |
Malvern | 5OH9 | | | Furey Airport |
Mansfield | 2OI8 | | | K & D Airways Airport |
Mantua | OH97 | | | Carcioppolo Field Airport |
Marion | 75OI | | | Soltis Field Airport |
Mark Center | 34OH | | | Arend Airport |
Marlboro | OH07 | | | Sunset Strip Airport |
Marysville | 2OA5 | | | Fl-Airfield |
Mc Arthur | 22I | | | Vinton County |
Mc Clure | OH02 | | | Eickmeier Airport |
Mc Connelsville | I71 | | | Morgan County |
Mc Gonigle | OA05 | | | Hogan Airport |
Medina | 1G5 | | | Medina Municipal |
Middle Bass Island | 3W9 | | | Middle Bass-East Point Airport |
Middlefield | 7G8 | | | Geauga County |
Midland | 2OA2 | | | Mackie's Airport |
Milan | 60OI | | | Zorn Acres Airport |
Millersburg | 10G | | | Holmes County |
Minerva | OH15 | | | Minerva Airport |
Montville | 73OI | | | Rick's Airport |
Plain City | 6OI5 | | | Mitchell Airport |
Morrow | 1OA6 | | | Frith Airport |
Mount Gilead | 4I9 | | | Morrow County |
Mount Orab | OA10 | | | Workman's Landing Airport |
Mount Orab | OH96 | | | Neals Airport |
Mount Vernon | 4I3 | | | Knox County |
Mount Vernon | 6G4 | | | Wynkoop Airport |
Mount Victory | O74 | | | Elliot's Landing Airport |
Napoleon | 7W5 | | | Henry County |
Napoleon | 7OI0 | | | Christy's Airport |
Nashport | 7OI9 | | | Massengill Airport |
New Carlisle | 3OH0 | | | Andy Barnhart Memorial Airport |
New Lebanon | 06OI | | | Green Acres Airport |
New Lexington | I86 | | | Perry County |
New London | OI42 | | | D. A. Chandler Airport |
Newton Falls | 41N | | | Braceville |
Pitchin | 79OI | | | Flying J Airport |
Newton Falls | 42OH | | | Dunn Field Airport |
North Baltimore | 43OI | | | Windswept Airport |
North Bend | OA16 | | | Lost Bridge Airport |
North Creek | OH19 | | | Hiltner Airport |
North Hampton | 0OH2 | | | Jenkins Field Airport |
North Lima | 4OH3 | | | Bieber Field Airport |
Norwalk | 5A1 | | | Norwalk Huron County |
Norwalk | 1OI7 | | | Knight Airport |
Norwalk | 87OI | | | Lake Air Ranch Airport |
Oberlin | 48OH | | | Dechant Farms Airport |
Octa | 84OH | | | Hanshell Flying Apple Airport |
Orient | 4OH4 | | | Millertime Airport |
Ottawa | 51OH | | | Agner Airport |
Owensville | 21OI | | | Clearwater Airpark |
Painesville | OI69 | | | Blackacre Farm Airport |
Painesville | 2G1 | | | Concord Airpark |
Pandora | 6C2 | | | Ohio Dusting Company Inc Airport |
Paulding | 53OH | | | Charloe Airport |
Paulding | 2H8 | | | Paulding Airport Inc |
Peebles | 1OH9 | | | Lewis Airport |
Petersburg | OH29 | | | Petersburg Airport |
Phillipsburg | 3I7 | | | Phillipsburg |
Piqua | I17 | | | Piqua/Hartzell Field |
Piqua | 0OH7 | | | Apple Airport |
Piqua | 4OA8 | | | Bowman Airport |
Piqua | 1OI9 | | | Mc Colloch's Airport |
Pleasant Hill | 1OA1 | | | Bashore Airport |
Pleasent Hill | 83OH | | | Adams Strip Airport |
Port Washington | 57OH | | | Fillmans Farms Field Airport |
Put In Bay | 3W2 | | | Put In Bay Airport |
Quincy | 1OH1 | | | S And S Field Airport |
Radnor | 5E9 | | | Packer Airport |
Ravenna | 61OH | | | Jetway Airport |
Richfield | OI45 | | | Shootz Field Airport |
Rittman | OI68 | | | Hilty Field Airport |
Rock Creek | OA07 | | | Hemlock Field Airport |
Russell | OI62 | | | Rataiczak Airport |
Salem | 38D | | | Salem Airpark Inc |
Salem | OH27 | | | Salem Lakefront Airport |
Salem | 64OH | | | O K Dies Airport |
Sebring | 3G6 | | | Tri-City Airport |
Sharon Center | 65OH | | | Wiita Farms Airport |
Shauck | 2OH4 | | | Cedar Creek Airport |
Shelby | 12G | | | Shelby Community |
Shreve | 34OI | | | Mohican Airpark |
Solon | 67OH | | | Harper Ridge Airport |
South Vienna | 3OH3 | | | Pelz Field Airport |
St Clairsville | 2P7 | | | Alderman Airport |
St Paris | 24OI | | | Reeds Airport |
Eakly | OK98 | | | King Airport |
Steubenville | 2G2 | | | Jefferson County Airpark |
Stockport | 8OA7 | | | Bald Eagle Field Airport |
Strasburg | 45OI | | | Plane Country Airport |
Sugar Grove | OH86 | | | Deeds Field Airport |
Sunbury | OH14 | | | Brown's Lakeside Landings Airport |
Swanton | 72OH | | | Zeigler Landing Strip Airport |
Sycamore | OH18 | | | Freefall Field Airport |
Thompson | OH26 | | | Birdland Airport |
Thompson | OI64 | | | Bush Field Airport |
Thompson | 73OH | | | Thompson Drag Raceway Airport |
Tiffin | 16G | | | Seneca County |
Toronto | 1G8 | | | Eddie Dew Memorial Airpark |
Tremont City | I54 | | | Mad River Inc Airport |
Troy | 37I | | | Troy Skypark Airport |
Troy | 1WF | | | Waco Field Airport |
Upper Sandusky | 56D | | | Wyandot County |
Urbana | I74 | | | Grimes Field |
Urbana | 38I | | | Weller Airport |
Valley City | 78OH | | | Valley City Flying Club Airport |
Vickery | 18OI | | | Boggy Bottoms Airport |
Vickery | 8OA6 | | | Warner Airstrip |
Wadsworth | 3G3 | | | Wadsworth Municipal |
Wadsworth | 15G | | | Weltzien Skypark Airport |
Wakeman | I64 | | | Ortner |
Warren | 80OH | | | Sloas Airport |
Warren | 62D | | | Warren Airport |
Washington Court House | I23 | | | Fayette County |
Waynesville | 40I | | | Red Stewart Airfield |
Wellington | 67D | | | Reader-Botsford Airport |
West Alexandria | 3OH1 | | | Morningstar North Airport |
West Lafayette | 80G | | | Tri-City Airport |
Willard | 8G1 | | | Willard |
Williamsfield | 06OH | | | Hal Joy Airfield |
Williston | 88OH | | | Chippewa Field Airport |
Willshire | 5OI5 | | | Hamrick Airport |
Wilmington | I66 | | | Clinton Field |
Wilmington | OH77 | | | Lumberton Airport |
Wilmington | 2B6 | | | Hollister Field Airport |
Woodsfield | 4G5 | | | Monroe County |
Wooster | 66OI | | | Gorman-Freeman Airport |
Wooster | OI07 | | | Varns Farms Airport |
Wooster | OI08 | | | Davies Air Field |
Xenia | 7OA7 | | | Skydive Greene County Inc Airport |
Youngstown | 4G4 | | | Youngstown Elser Metro |
Youngstown | 04G | | | Lansdowne |
Zanesville | 42I | | | Parr |
Zanesville | 9OI3 | | | Johns Landing Airport |
Zanesville | OH36 | | | Riverside Airport |
Adak Island | 3OK0 | | | Valley Airport |
Adak Island | OK80 | | | Thomas Ranch Airport |
Adair | OK18 | | | Grand Isle Airport |
Afton | 3O9 | | | Grand Lake Regional |
Wooster | 91OH | | | Stine Fld |
Altus | 91OK | | | Stewart Airport |
Altus | OK82 | | | Scottys Field Airport |
Alva | OK54 | | | May Ranch Airport |
Anadarko | F68 | | | Anadarko Municipal |
Ardmore | OK62 | | | Strader Ranch Airport |
Ardmore | OK85 | | | Goddard Ranch Airport |
Ashland | OK74 | | | Flying H Airport |
Atoka | 6OK7 | | | Cochran Ranch Airport |
Avant | 98OK | | | Candy Lake Estate Airport |
Bartlesville | 9OK3 | | | Flying Eagle Estates Airport |
Bartlesville | OL92 | | | Hi-Way Airport |
Beaver | K44 | | | Beaver Municipal |
Bison | 46OK | | | Steinert Lakes Airport |
Boise City | 17K | | | Boise City |
Bray | 1OK3 | | | Wolfe Field Airport |
Bristow | 3F7 | | | Jones Memorial |
Broken Bow | 90F | | | Broken Bow |
Buffalo | 96OK | | | Mike's Place Airport |
Burneyville | 37K | | | Falconhead |
Cache | 85OL | | | Huscher Field Airport |
Calera | OK90 | | | Boatner Field Airport |
Calumet | 47OK | | | Harman Airport |
Calvin | 88OL | | | Pace Field Airport |
Canadian | 91F | | | Carlton Landing Field |
Carnegie | 86F | | | Carnegie Municipal |
Carnegie | 60OK | | | Carlin Lawrence Airport |
Chattanooga | 92F | | | Chattanooga Sky Harbor |
Cherokee | 4O5 | | | Cherokee Municipal |
Cheyenne | 93F | | | Mignon Laird Municipal |
Claremore | K11 | | | Sam Riggs Airpark |
Claremore | 95OK | | | Barcus Field Airport |
Claremore | OK20 | | | Sageeyah Airfield |
Cleveland | 95F | | | Cleveland Municipal |
Guthrie | 0OK6 | | | Ellis/Harvey Airport |
Coal Gate | 0OK4 | | | Rock Creek Farm Airport |
Coalgate | 08F | | | City Of Coalgate Airport |
Collinsville | OK58 | | | Bluestem Airport |
Collinsville | OK94 | | | Sand Ridge Airpark Inc |
Collinsville | OK93 | | | Airman Acres Airport |
Collinsville | 09OK | | | Ragtime Aerodrome |
Comanche | OK11 | | | Ksa Orchards Airport |
Cookson | OK06 | | | Snake Creek Wilderness Airport |
Cookson | 44M | | | Tenkiller Lake Airpark |
Cooperton | OL09 | | | Jennings Ranch Airport |
Cordell | F36 | | | Cordell Municipal |
Covington | 0OK8 | | | Cade's Airport |
Coweta | 93OK | | | Jantzen Airport |
Crescent | 05OK | | | Hawk Haven Airport |
Crescent | 44OK | | | Sky High Airport |
Davis | 97F | | | Crazy Horse Municipal Airport |
Disney | OK95 | | | Disney Airport |
Duncan | 98OL | | | Copland Airport |
Duncan | OK97 | | | Ketchum Ranch Airport |
Durant | 66OK | | | Mc Laughlin Farm Airport |
Eakly | 01OK | | | Lawrence Airport |
Eakly | 6OK8 | | | Lasley Private Airport |
Edmond | 0OK0 | | | Edmond Airport |
Edmond | 33OK | | | Myrick Airport |
Edmond | 1OK8 | | | 5b Ranch Airport |
Edmond | OL12 | | | Northwest Edmond Airport |
El Reno | 99F | | | El Reno Airport |
El Reno | 28OK | | | Pellar Farm Airport |
El Reno | 8OK2 | | | Baker Airstrip |
Elmore City | OK10 | | | Entropy Airport |
Elmore City | 0OK1 | | | Mckey Airport |
Erick | O13 | | | Haddock Field Airport |
Eufaula | 0F7 | | | Fountainhead Lodge Airpark |
Eufaula | OK04 | | | Canadian River Ranch Airport |
Eufaula | F08 | | | Eufaula Municipal |
Fairland | 69OK | | | Green Country Airpark |
Fairmont | OK16 | | | Fairmont Field Airport |
Fairview | 6K4 | | | Fairview Municipal |
Forgan | OK39 | | | Judy Ranch Airport |
Freedom | K77 | | | Freedom Municipal |
Geary | 0OK3 | | | Mckinley Ranch Airport |
Goldsby | 1K4 | | | David Jay Perry |
Goldsby | 39OK | | | Paradise Air Haven Airport |
Goldsby | 1OK2 | | | Wyatt Airport |
Goldsby | OK02 | | | Dick's Airport |
Goldsby | 5OK4 | | | Pacer Field Airport |
Grandfield | 1O1 | | | Grandfield Municipal |
Granite | 81OK | | | Twin Lakes Ranch Airport |
Guthrie | 0OK5 | | | Chappell Airport |
Harrah | 1OL2 | | | Steciak Strip Airport |
Haskell | 2K9 | | | Haskell |
Healdton | F32 | | | Healdton Municipal |
Hennessey | OK51 | | | Enix Boys Airport |
Henryetta | F10 | | | Henryetta Municipal |
Hinton | 2O8 | | | Hinton Municipal |
Holdenville | F99 | | | Holdenville Municipal |
Hollis | O35 | | | Hollis Municipal |
Hominy | H92 | | | Hominy Municipal |
Hooker | O45 | | | Hooker Municipal |
Idabel | 4O4 | | | McCurtain County Regional |
Inola | O18 | | | Buzzards Roost Airport |
Jay | 62OK | | | Lewis North Airport |
Jennings | 0OK9 | | | Crystal Airport |
Ketchum | 1K8 | | | South Grand Lake Regional |
Kingfisher | 6OK0 | | | White Airport |
Kingfisher | F92 | | | Kingfisher Airport |
Kingston | F31 | | | Lake Texoma State Park |
Kremlin | OK66 | | | F.W. Zaloudek Airport |
Langley | OK30 | | | Grandcraft Landing Strip Airport |
Laverne | O51 | | | Laverne Municipal |
Lawton | OK08 | | | Hill Top Private Airport |
Lexington | O44 | | | Mc Caslin Airport |
Lindsay | 1K2 | | | Lindsay Municipal |
Lindsay | 3OK5 | | | Bearden Private Airstrip |
Lone Grove | OK24 | | | Colby Field Airport |
Lone Wolf | 1OK5 | | | Hohman Airport |
Luther | OK55 | | | Bost Ranch Airport |
Madill | 1F4 | | | Madill Municipal |
Mangum | 2K4 | | | Scott Field |
Mangum | 7OK2 | | | Scott Airport |
Marietta | 74OK | | | W.G. Anderson Memorial Airport |
Marietta | 1OK9 | | | Hankins Airport |
Marietta | OK29 | | | Travis Airport |
Maysville | 1OK7 | | | Grimes Airport |
Medford | O53 | | | Medford Municipal |
Meeker | 2OK1 | | | Mercury Ranch Airport |
Meno | 4O7 | | | Decker Field Airport |
Miami | 70OK | | | Old 66 Strip Airport |
Midwest City | 2OK2 | | | Twin Lakes Airport |
Mooreland | 35OL | | | Henderson Farm Airport |
Mounds | OK13 | | | Erroport Airport |
Mountain View | 2OK5 | | | Ferrell Ranch Airport |
Newcastle | 76OK | | | Odom's Roost Airport |
Newcastle | 2OK7 | | | Cole Landing Area Airport |
Newkirk | OK48 | | | Grass Roots Airport |
Ninnekah | O14 | | | Neil's Sky Ranch Airport |
Canon | 5OK2 | | | Christopher M. Rippee Memorial Airport |
Norman | 10OK | | | Hickory Hills Airport |
Nowata | H66 | | | Nowata Municipal Airport |
Oilton | 40OK | | | Hilltop Airport |
Okarche | 3OK1 | | | Okarche Airport |
Okeene | 8OK0 | | | Lamle Airport |
Okeene | O65 | | | Christman Airfield |
Okemah | F81 | | | Okemah Flying Field Airport |
Oklahoma City | OK03 | | | Elgin's Stony Field Airport |
Olustee | F09 | | | Olustee Municipal Airport |
Oolagah | OK37 | | | Dog Iron Ranch Airport |
Oolagah | OK15 | | | Avian Country Estates Airport |
Overbrook | 1F1 | | | Lake Murray State Park Airport |
Owasso | O38 | | | Gundy's Airport |
Pawhuska | H76 | | | Pawhuska Municipal |
Pawnee | H97 | | | Pawnee Municipal Airport |
Perry | F22 | | | Perry Municipal |
Perry | 29OK | | | Ditch Witch Airport |
Ponca City | 27OK | | | Thomas Landing Airport |
Pond Creek | O66 | | | Homestead Farms Airport |
Pond Creek | 2K1 | | | Pond Creek Municipal Airport |
Poteau | OK59 | | | Wolf Mountain Airport |
Prague | O47 | | | Prague Municipal Airport |
Pryor | H71 | | | Mid-America Industrial Pryor |
Purcell | 3O3 | | | Purcell Municipal - Steven E. Shephard Field |
Reydon | 80OK | | | Flying S Ranch Airport |
Sallisaw | OK34 | | | Gustafson Airport |
Sand Springs | 3OK7 | | | Double W Airport |
Sand Springs | 3OK8 | | | Flying G Ranch Airport |
Sapulpa | OL23 | | | Morris Airport |
Sayre | 3O4 | | | Sayre Municipal |
Seiling | 1S4 | | | Seiling Airport |
Skiatook | 2F6 | | | Skiatook Municipal |
Snyder | 07OK | | | Pleasant Valley Airport |
Snyder | 4O1 | | | Snyder Airport |
South Coffeyville | 45OK | | | Belleview Landing Airport |
Springer | 22OK | | | Smith Field Airport |
Stillwater | 6OK9 | | | Mulberry Hill Airport |
Stratford | 9OK5 | | | Diamond C Ranch Airport |
Stuart | OL19 | | | Stuart Mountain Airpark |
Sulphur | F30 | | | Sulphur Municipal |
Talihina | 6F1 | | | Talihina Municipal |
Tecumseh | 36OK | | | Jones Air Park |
Temple | OK79 | | | Temple Airport Inc |
Texhoma | K49 | | | Texhoma Municipal |
Thackerville | OK31 | | | Whittington Ranch Airport |
Thomas | 1O4 | | | Thomas Municipal |
Tipton | 1O8 | | | Tipton Municipal |
Tishomingo | 0F9 | | | Tishomingo Airpark |
Tulsa | 1H6 | | | Harvey Young Airport |
Tuttle | 53OK | | | Thompson Private Airport |
Tuttle | 4OK4 | | | Low Pass Airport |
Velma | 4OK5 | | | Newman Farm Airport |
Vera | OK01 | | | Skyhaven Airpark |
Vici | 5O1 | | | Vici Municipal Airport |
Vinita | 5OK3 | | | Stearmans Roost Airport |
Vinita | H04 | | | Vinita Municipal |
Wagoner | OL20 | | | Whitehorn Cove Airport |
Wagoner | H68 | | | Hefner-Easley |
Walters | 3O5 | | | Walters Municipal Airport |
Waukomis | OK50 | | | Traynor Ranch Airport |
Waynoka | 1K5 | | | Waynoka Municipal Airport |
Wellston | OK96 | | | Ives Airport |
Wellston | 43OK | | | Biggs Skypatch Airport |
Westport | 4F1 | | | Westport Airport |
Wetumka | 8OL1 | | | Petes Airpark |
Laverne | 4OK8 | | | Laverne Municipal |
Wilburton | H05 | | | Wilburton Municipal |
Adel | 47OR | | | Mc Ranch Airport |
Albany | S12 | | | Albany Municipal |
Alfalfa | 50OR | | | Goering Ranches Airport |
Alkali Lake | R03 | | | Alkali Lake State Airport |
Amity | 64OR | | | Plum Valley Airport |
Andrews | OG53 | | | Wildhorse Valley Airport |
Antelope | 2OR1 | | | Big Muddy Ranch Airport |
Arlington | 1S8 | | | Arlington Municipal Airport |
Aumsville | OR25 | | | Flying E Airport |
Baker City | OG45 | | | Bald Mountain Airport |
Beaver Marsh | 2S2 | | | Beaver Marsh State Airport |
Beaverton | OR28 | | | Harvey's Acres Airport |
Bend | 5OR5 | | | Juniper Air Park |
Bend | OR30 | | | D M Stevenson Ranch Airport |
Bend | 8OR5 | | | Pilot Butte Airport |
Bend | OR29 | | | Gopher Gulch Airport |
Bend | OG05 | | | Sundance Meadows Airport |
Bend | OR04 | | | Kennel Airstrip |
Blythe | 80OR | | | Wilderness Airport |
Blythe | 85OR | | | Allen's Airstrip |
Boardman | M50 | | | Boardman |
Boring | 6OR7 | | | Schmidt Airport |
Brooks | OR38 | | | Harchenko Industrial Airport |
Brownsville | OR94 | | | J & J Airport |
Burns | 81OR | | | Wagontire Airport |
Buxton | OR61 | | | Apple Valley Airport |
Canby | OR41 | | | Workman Airpark |
Canby | 44OR | | | Compton Airport |
Canby | OR40 | | | Dietz Airpark |
Cave Junction | 3S4 | | | Illinois Valley |
Christmas Valley | 62S | | | Christmas Valley |
Christmas Valley | OG06 | | | Table Rock Airport |
Clearwater | 3S6 | | | Toketee State Airport |
Condon | 3S9 | | | Condon State Pauling Field |
Condon | OR48 | | | Snyder Ranch Airport |
Condon | OR46 | | | Ajax Airport |
Corbett | OR50 | | | Lehman Field Airport |
Cornelius | 4S4 | | | Skyport Airport |
Corvallis | 55OR | | | Muddy Creek Airport |
Corvallis | OR52 | | | Venell Airport |
Corvallis | OR54 | | | Winn Airport |
Cottage Grove | 61S | | | Cottage Grove State |
Cove | 7OR0 | | | Minam Lodge Airport |
Crescent Lake | 5S2 | | | Crescent Lake State |
Creswell | 77S | | | Hobby Field |
Crowley | 78OR | | | Crowley Ranch Airstrip |
Culver | OG00 | | | 3 Rivers Recreation Area Airport |
Culver | 5S5 | | | Lake Billy Chinook State Airport |
Dayville | 49OR | | | Land's Inn Ranch Airport |
Denmark | 5S6 | | | Cape Blanco State |
Diamond | OR08 | | | Barton Lake Ranch Airport |
Echo | OL02 | | | West Buttercreek Airport |
Elkton | 94OR | | | Farm Yard Field Airport |
Elmira | 33OR | | | Crow-Mag Airport |
Enterprise | 05OR | | | Six Ranch Airport |
Enterprise | 8S4 | | | Enterprise Municipal Airport |
Enterprise | OR64 | | | Beach Ranch Airport |
Enterprise | 6OR9 | | | Reds Wallowa Horse Ranch Airport |
Estacada | OR65 | | | Eagle Nest Ranch Airport |
Estacada | 5S9 | | | Valley View |
Fields | 2OG4 | | | El Rancho Airport |
Fields | OR09 | | | Whitehorse Ranch Airport |
Florence | 6S2 | | | Florence Municipal |
Frenchglen | OR10 | | | Roaring Springs Ranch Airport |
Gleneden Beach | S45 | | | Siletz Bay State |
Glide | 17OR | | | Glide Aero Airport |
Haines | OG27 | | | Muddy Creek Airport |
Halfway | OR70 | | | Pine Valley Airport |
Halsey | OG16 | | | Jim's Airstrip |
Happy Valley | OL03 | | | Happy Valley Airport |
Harper | OG50 | | | Cottonwood Creek Ranch Airport |
Harrisburg | OR78 | | | Daniels Field Airport |
Hillsboro | OR81 | | | Olinger Airpark |
Hillsboro | 7S3 | | | Stark's Twin Oaks Airpark |
Homestead | OR12 | | | Oxbow Airport |
Hood River | 4S2 | | | Ken Jernstedt |
Hubbard | 7S9 | | | Lenhardt Airpark |
Imnaha | 25U | | | Memaloose Airport |
Independence | 7S5 | | | Independence State |
Independence | OR77 | | | Faust Field Airport |
Jefferson | 2OR3 | | | Davidson Field Airport |
Jefferson | OR86 | | | Gilmour Ag Air Airport |
Jordan Valley | 12OR | | | Skinner Ranch Airport |
Kimberly | OG39 | | | Longview Ranch Airport |
Kinzua | OR89 | | | Kinzua Airport |
Lafayette | OR90 | | | Lafayette Airstrip |
Lakeside | 9S3 | | | Lakeside State Airport |
Lebanon | S30 | | | Lebanon State Airport |
Lebanon | 88OR | | | Tallman Airport |
Lexington | 9S9 | | | Lexington |
Long Creek | OR07 | | | Miranda's Skyranch Airport |
Madras | OG51 | | | Six Springs Ranch Airport |
Madras | OG19 | | | Bombay Farms Airport |
Malin | 4S7 | | | Malin Airport |
Manzanita | 3S7 | | | Nehalem Bay State Airport |
Maupin | 19OR | | | Nelson Ranch Airport |
Mc Dermitt | 26U | | | Mc Dermitt State |
Mc Kenzie Bridge | 00S | | | Mc Kenzie Bridge State Airport |
Medford | OR06 | | | Snider Creek Airport |
Medford | OR96 | | | Beagle Sky Ranch Airport |
Medford | OR97 | | | Burrill Airport |
Milton/freewater | OG33 | | | Oregon Sky Ranch Airport |
Molalla | OL05 | | | Skydive Oregon Airport |
Numidia | 8PA0 | | | Numidia Airport |
Monument | 12S | | | Monument Municipal Airport |
Myrtle Creek | 16S | | | Myrtle Creek Municipal Airport |
Newberg | 17S | | | Chehalem Airpark |
Newberg | 2S6 | | | Sportsman Airpark |
North Plains | 1OR3 | | | Sunset Air Strip |
Oakland | 2OR4 | | | Heavens Gate Ranch Airport |
Oakland | 60OR | | | Whitaker Airport |
Oakridge | 5S0 | | | Oakridge State |
Redland | 20OR | | | Warner's Airport |
Oregon City | 1OR7 | | | Skyhill Airport |
Oregon City | OG20 | | | Fairways Airport |
Paisley | 22S | | | Paisley State |
Pinehurst | 24S | | | Pinehurst State Airport |
Portland | 4S9 | | | Mulino State |
Powers | 6S6 | | | Powers Airport |
Prairie City | 97OR | | | Hi Country No 2 Airport |
Prairie City | OR17 | | | Oxbow Ranch Airport |
Prineville | OG21 | | | Dry Creek Airpark |
Prospect | 64S | | | Prospect State |
Redmond | 3OR8 | | | Cline Falls Air Park |
Redmond | OR02 | | | River Run Ranch Airport |
Rogue River | 4OR0 | | | Springbrook Airport |
Rome | 0OR6 | | | Rome Service Airport |
Roseburg | OG40 | | | Napier Ranch Airport |
Roseburg | 95OR | | | Flournoy Valley Airport |
Roseburg | 48OR | | | Lookingglass Airport |
Salem | 4OR7 | | | Lusardi Field Airport |
Sandy | S48 | | | Country Squire Airpark |
Sandy | 03S | | | Sandy River Airport |
Sandy | OG29 | | | Mc Kinnon Airpark |
Santiam Junction | 8S3 | | | Santiam Junction State Airport |
Scio | OR51 | | | Gillette Field Airport |
Scio | OG28 | | | The Green Trees Ranch Airport |
Seaside | 56S | | | Seaside Municipal Airport |
Selma | 5OR0 | | | Backachers Ranch Airport |
Seneca | OG14 | | | Ponderosa Ranch Airport |
Seneca | 7OR8 | | | Inshallah International Airport |
Seneca | OR98 | | | Seneca Emergency Airstrip |
Shady Cove | OG31 | | | Shady Cove Airpark |
Shaniko | OG54 | | | Shaniko Cattle Airport |
Shaniko | 9OR1 | | | Shaniko Ranch Airport |
Silver Lake | 1JY2 | | | Mahogany Mountain Airport |
Silver Lake | 45S | | | Silver Lake Forest Service Strip |
Silver Lake | 08OR | | | Saxon Sycan Airport |
Silverton | 22OR | | | Iron Crown Airport |
Sisters | OG15 | | | Sage Ranch Airport |
Sisters | 6K5 | | | Sisters Eagle Air |
Sisters | 7OR4 | | | Pineridge Ranch Airport |
Green Sea | S79 | | | Green Sea Airport |
Sisters | OR34 | | | Whippet Field Airport |
Sprague River | 5OR4 | | | Flying T Ranch Airport |
Iva | SC34 | | | Iva Field Airport |
Starkey | 37OR | | | Vey Sheep Ranch Airport |
Stayton | 8OR2 | | | Kingston Airpark |
Stayton | 5OR8 | | | Hatch Airport |
The Dalles | 6OR2 | | | Chenoweth Airpark |
Troy | 03OR | | | Powwatka Ridge Airport |
Ukiah | 96OR | | | Cable Creek Ranch Airport |
Vale | S49 | | | Miller Memorial Airpark |
Vernonia | 05S | | | Vernonia Municipal Airport |
Waldport | R33 | | | Wakonda Beach State Airport |
Wamic | 32OR | | | Pine Hollow Airport |
Wapinitia | OR53 | | | Wapinitia Airport |
Wasco | 35S | | | Wasco State |
White City | OG25 | | | Firefly Ranch Airfield |
White City | 0OR8 | | | Sutton On Rogue Airport |
Albion | 75PA | | | Marther Field Airport |
Albion | PS05 | | | G & N Airport |
Annville | PA31 | | | Rover Airport |
Bally | 7N8 | | | Butter Valley Golf Port Airport |
Bally | PA35 | | | Bally Spring Farm Airport |
Bellefonte | N96 | | | Bellefonte |
Benton | PA40 | | | Benton Airport |
Bethel | 8N1 | | | Grimes Airport |
Biglerville | PA51 | | | Bowtie Airport |
Birdsboro - pottstown | PS38 | | | Bert's Airport |
Bloomsburg | N13 | | | Bloomsburg Municipal Airport |
Bodines | PA45 | | | Logue Airport |
Brandonville | 6PN9 | | | Mc Donald's Airport |
Brogue | 9W8 | | | Baublitz Commercial Airport |
Burnt Cabins | 05PS | | | Mills Brothers Airport |
Butler | 3G9 | | | Butler Farm Show Airport |
Cambridge Springs | 3PN6 | | | Gravel Run Airport |
Canadensis | 8N4 | | | Flying Dollar Airport |
Carbondale | PA54 | | | Kellachows Airport |
Carbondale | 9PN8 | | | Malinchak Private. Airport |
Carlisle | N94 | | | Carlisle |
Carmicheal | 4PS5 | | | Muddy Creek Airport |
Cassville | PN30 | | | Schrenkel Airport |
Centre Hall | N74 | | | Penns Cave Airport |
Centre Hall | N16 | | | Centre Airpark |
Ceres | 06PA | | | Freefall Oz Airport |
Chadds Ford | 4PS4 | | | Mountain Top Airport |
Chambersburg | N68 | | | Franklin County Regional |
Chicora | 87PA | | | Waltman Airport |
Clarion | PS66 | | | Parker-Cramer Airport |
Collegeville | N10 | | | Perkiomen Valley |
Coneville | 90PA | | | Adams Airport |
Corry | 8G2 | | | Corry-Lawrence |
Cranesville | 97PA | | | Willows Airport |
Curwensville | 0PS4 | | | Old Orchard Airport |
Danville | 8N8 | | | Danville |
Dauphin | PS00 | | | Tallman West Airport |
Eagles Mere | 4PN7 | | | Merritt Field Airport |
East Berlin | PA72 | | | Circle W Airfield |
Ebensburg | 9G8 | | | Ebensburg |
Eighty Four | 16PA | | | Gregg Airport |
Eighty Four | 22D | | | Bandel Airport |
Enon Valley | PN11 | | | Reno Airport |
Erwinna | 9N1 | | | Vansant Airport |
Evans City | PN16 | | | Pabst Blue Ribbon Airport |
Factoryville | 9N3 | | | Seamans Field Airport |
Fairfield | W73 | | | Mid Atlantic Soaring Center Airport |
Farmington | PA88 | | | Nemacolin Airport |
Fayetteville | PA81 | | | 5 Lakes Airport |
Finleyville | G05 | | | Finleyville Airpark |
Fleetville | PA82 | | | Grayce Farms Airport |
Flinton | PS69 | | | Barnhart Airport |
Fordville | PA84 | | | Level Acres Farm Airport |
Franklin | 0PA5 | | | Fisher Airport |
Fredericksburg | PS35 | | | Dutch Country Egg Farms Airport |
Fredericksburg | 9N7 | | | Farmers Pride Airport |
Friedensburg | PS70 | | | Cider Field Airport |
Garrett | PS49 | | | Hartman Airport |
Germansville | P91 | | | Flying M Aerodrome |
Gettysburg | 9PS8 | | | Manor Landing Airport |
Gettysburg | PS25 | | | Captain's Folly Airport |
Greenville | 4G1 | | | Greenville Municipal Airport |
Grove City | 29D | | | Grove City |
Grove City | 4PN0 | | | Flying M Ranch Airport |
Hamburg | PA92 | | | Blue Mountain Academy (Private) Airport |
Hanover | 6W6 | | | Hanover Airport |
Hawley | PA49 | | | Mountain Bay Air Park Inc |
Hershey | 59PN | | | Brookside Farms Airport |
Honesdale | N30 | | | Cherry Ridge |
Honesdale | 7PA3 | | | Charles G. Kalko Airport |
Hookstown | 80PN | | | Hanny Beaver Airpark Inc |
Jeannette | 5G8 | | | Greensburg Jeannette Regional Airport |
Jersey Shore | 1PA0 | | | Hinaman Acres Airport |
Jersey Shore | P96 | | | Jersey Shore Airport |
Johnstown | PS52 | | | Alberter Farms Airport |
Kralltown | 07N | | | Bermudian Valley Airpark |
Lackawaxen | 2PA1 | | | Boehm's Field Airport |
Lebanon | 3PA0 | | | Horst Airport |
Lebanon | 08N | | | Keller Brothers Airport |
Lehighton | 22N | | | Jake Arner Memorial |
Lehighton | 14N | | | Beltzville Airport |
Leraysville | 3PA4 | | | Giffin Airport |
Line Lexington | 3PA9 | | | Moyer Airport |
Littlestown | PA23 | | | Kingsdale Air Park |
Lock Haven | 4PA5 | | | Ponderosa Airport |
Mackeyville | PS73 | | | Poverty Airport |
Marion Center | PN57 | | | Marion Center Speedway Airport |
Mars | P09 | | | Lakehill Airport |
Mc Kean | 38PN | | | Waisley Airport |
Mercer | 39PN | | | Nelson's Run Airport |
Middleburg | 37PA | | | Roadcap Airport |
Mifflintown | P34 | | | Mifflintown Airport |
Milford | 6PA0 | | | Myer Airport |
Mill Hall | PA18 | | | Buzzards Field Airport |
Minersville | 7PN0 | | | Tidmore Airport |
Monroeville | 4G0 | | | Pittsburgh-Monroeville Airport |
Montoursville | 6PA3 | | | Hackenburg-Penny Hill Airport |
Morgantown | O03 | | | Morgantown Airport |
Mount Joy | N71 | | | Donegal Springs Airpark |
Mount Pleasant | P45 | | | Mount Pleasant/Scottdale Airport |
Mountville | 7PA0 | | | Manor Knoll Personal Use Airport |
Myerstown | 9D4 | | | Deck |
Nazareth | PA68 | | | Bugs Airport |
New Alexandria | PN66 | | | Dunlea Airpark |
New Oxford | 51PA | | | Lamberson Airport |
Newburg | 0PN7 | | | Drillmore Acres Airport |
Newry | 7G4 | | | Blue Knob Valley Airport |
Newtown | 7PA6 | | | Stott/Private Airport |
Newville | PS02 | | | Heberlig Airport |
North East | PN40 | | | Moorhead Airpark Llc |
Orbisona/rockhill | PN73 | | | Beers Farm Airport |
Osceola Mills | 1PS4 | | | Sankey Airport |
Osterburg | 1PS0 | | | Ickes Airport |
Parker Ford | 9PA0 | | | Lance Airport |
Perkasie | PS03 | | | Elephant Path Airport |
Perkasie | 61PN | | | A G A Farms Airport |
Philipsburg | 1N3 | | | Albert Airport |
Pine Grove | PS20 | | | Fairview Farm Airfield |
Pittsburgh | 9G1 | | | Rock Airport |
Pittsfield | P15 | | | Brokenstraw Airport |
Port Allegany | 2PA5 | | | Johnson Airport |
Port Matilda | 09PA | | | Eagle Field Airport |
Pottstown | N47 | | | Pottstown Municipal Airport |
Punxsutawney | N35 | | | Punxsutawney Municipal |
Roulette | PN90 | | | Ranch-Aero Airport |
Russell | 6PA4 | | | Scandia Air Park |
Sacramento | 67PN | | | Masser Field Airport |
Sassamansville | PN00 | | | Crosswinds Airfield |
Champion | 7SP | | | Seven Springs Airport |
Shamokin | N79 | | | Northumberland County |
Sharon | PA22 | | | Hermitage Airport |
Sheakeyville | 0PN0 | | | Fletcher Airport |
Shippensburg | 6PA5 | | | Botsford Aerodrome |
Shippensburg | N42 | | | Shippensburg Airport |
Shoemakersville | PN50 | | | Skyline Airstrip |
Sigel | PN13 | | | C & W Milliron Flying Field Airport |
Slatington | 69N | | | Slatington Airport |
Smoketown | S37 | | | Smoketown Airport |
Somerset | 2G9 | | | Somerset County |
Spartansburg | 0PN5 | | | Nichols Airport |
Spring City | 43PA | | | Kolb Airport |
Spring Mills | 44PA | | | Pennfield Farm Airport |
Starlight | 4PA6 | | | Hiawatha Airport |
Sterling | 70N | | | Spring Hill Airport |
Orangeburg | 1DS | | | Dry Swamp Airport |
Strongstown | PN72 | | | Rocky Hollow Field Airport |
Stroudsburg | 50PA | | | Pegasus Air Park |
Sugar Grove | 70PN | | | Sanders Personal Use Airport |
Sunbury | 71N | | | Sunbury Airport |
Tamaqua | PS99 | | | West Penn Township Airport |
Tamaqua | 52PA | | | Wildcat Airport |
Tidioute | 17PS | | | Mountain Crest Airport |
Tidioute | 13PA | | | Rigrtona Airport |
Tinicum | 56PA | | | Hoge Farm Airport |
Tioga | 57PA | | | H&h Personal Use Airport |
Titusville | 6G1 | | | Titusville |
Titusville | 0PN8 | | | Shriver Airport |
Toughkenamon | N57 | | | New Garden |
Towanda | N27 | | | Bradford County |
Tower City | 74N | | | Bendigo Airport |
Tunkhannock | 76N | | | Skyhaven Airport |
Tylersburg | 0PS0 | | | Frederick Airpark |
Ulster | PN10 | | | Cash Creek Airport |
Union Dale | 3PN7 | | | Stahl's Mountain Airport |
Volant | PS43 | | | Barnes Farmland Airport |
Wattsburg | 2PN0 | | | Strawberry Acres Airport |
Weatherly | 8PA3 | | | Deer Meadows Airstrip |
Weatherly | PS12 | | | Grover Airport |
Wellsboro | N38 | | | Wellsboro Johnston |
Wellsville | 2N5 | | | Kampel Airport |
Wellsville | 62PA | | | Shreveport North Airport |
West Middlesex | PA21 | | | West Middlesex Airport |
Williamsburg | 6G6 | | | Cove Valley Airport |
Woodbury | 2PN5 | | | Baker-Sell Airport |
Worthington | 9PS2 | | | J T Willie Airport |
Wysox | 9PN7 | | | Veit Airport |
York | 73PA | | | Gilbert Airport |
West Kingston | 08R | | | Richmond Airport |
Abbeville | SC92 | | | Rambos Field Airport |
Abbeville | SC81 | | | Abbeville Airport |
Aiken | 4SC7 | | | Wexford Landing Airport |
Allendale | 88J | | | Allendale County Airport |
Bamberg | 99N | | | Bamberg County |
Batesburg | SC46 | | | House Movers Field Airport |
Bishopville | 52J | | | Lee County-Butters Field |
Boykin | SC44 | | | El Porvenir Airpark |
Branchville | SC91 | | | Bell's Branch Airport |
Calhoun Falls | 0A2 | | | Hester Memorial |
Charleston | SC50 | | | Yonges Island Airport |
Charleston | SC42 | | | Hondarosa Airport |
Cheraw | SC61 | | | Wild Irish Rose Airport |
Cleveland | SC78 | | | King Field Airport |
Andrews | 3SC7 | | | Jordan |
Summit | 24SC | | | The Farm Airport |
Cross | 6SC1 | | | Lesesne Airport |
Cross | SC37 | | | Crosswinds-Wilson Private Airport |
Cross Anchor | 16SC | | | Southern Aero Sports Airport |
Darlington | 6J7 | | | Branhams Airport |
Darlington | 21SC | | | Graham Airport |
Dillon | SC89 | | | Price Airport |
Easley | SC86 | | | Williamsport Airpark |
Menno | SD29 | | | Menno Airport |
Ehrhardt | SC69 | | | Shiloh Plantation Airport |
Ehrhardt | SC55 | | | Broxton Bridge Plantation Airport |
Ehrhardt | SC35 | | | Ehrhardt Airport |
Elgin | 12SC | | | Over The Hill Airport |
Estill | 02SC | | | Harpers Airport |
Garnett | SC12 | | | Davis Airport |
Gaston | SC13 | | | Darden Airport |
Gaston | 2SC8 | | | Gaston Airport |
Gilbert | SC45 | | | Gilbert International Airport |
Goose Creek | SC98 | | | Mount Holly Airport |
Graniteville | S17 | | | Twin Lakes |
Green Pond | SC15 | | | Airy Hall Airport |
Greer | SC72 | | | Chandelle Airport |
Hampton | 3J0 | | | Hampton-Varnville |
Hartsville | SC16 | | | Curry Airport |
Hemingway | 38J | | | Hemingway-Stuckey |
Holly Hill | 5J5 | | | Holly Hill Airport |
Holly Hill | SC17 | | | Russell Airport |
Hopkins | 1SC2 | | | Gwinn Field Airport |
Johnsonville | SC94 | | | Weaver Field Airport |
Kingstree | 2SC9 | | | Mcintosh Airport |
Lake City | 51J | | | Lake City Municipal/Cj Evans Field |
Lamar | SC19 | | | Lamar Airport |
Lancaster | SC76 | | | Unity Aerodrome |
Lancaster | T73 | | | Kirk Air Base Airport |
Landrum | 33A | | | Fairview Airport |
Lexington | SC99 | | | Whiteplains Airport |
Loris | SC21 | | | Myrtle Beach Hardee Airpark |
Loris | 5J9 | | | Twin City |
Manning | SC41 | | | Palmetto Air Plantation Airport |
Manning | SC38 | | | Pocotaligo Airport |
Mc Cormick | S19 | | | Mc Cormick County |
Meggett | SC51 | | | Too Goo Doo Farms Airport |
Mount Pleasant | SC65 | | | Raven's Run Airport |
Mountville | SC56 | | | Thomason Airfield |
Newberry | 19SC | | | Sexton Airport |
Pelion | 6J0 | | | Lexington County |
Pelion | SC23 | | | Eagles Nest-Fairview Airpark |
Perry | SC95 | | | Perry International Airport |
Ridgeland | 3J1 | | | Ridgeland-Claude Dean |
Saluda | 6J4 | | | Saluda County |
Scranton | SC60 | | | Cockfield Aerodrome |
Seneca | SC24 | | | Eagle Ridge Airport |
Simpsonville | SC47 | | | Parker Field Airport |
Spartanburg | SC40 | | | Pearson's Farm Airport |
Centerville | 2SD8 | | | Bixler Ridge Airport |
St George | 6J2 | | | St George |
St Matthews | SC07 | | | Alan's Airport |
St. Matthews | SC90 | | | Do-Little Field Airport |
Summerton | 3SC2 | | | Yahu Field Airport |
Sumter | 00SC | | | Flying O Airport |
Timmonsville | SC29 | | | Mc Kay Airport |
Timmonsville | 58J | | | Huggins Memorial Airport |
Trenton | 6J6 | | | Edgefield County Airport |
Turbeville | SC48 | | | Byrd Field Airport |
Vance | SC87 | | | Avinger Field Airport |
Waterloo | 2SC5 | | | Ridgewood Air Airport |
Woodruff | SC39 | | | Green Pond Airport |
Woodruff | 3SC4 | | | Crooked Fence Farm Airport |
Woodruff | SC00 | | | Triple Tree Airport |
York | 01SC | | | York Airport |
Aberdeen | SD05 | | | Thorson Airfield |
Albee | 1SD8 | | | Tribitt Airport |
Arlington | 3A9 | | | Arlington Municipal Airport |
Badger | SD19 | | | Andersen Farms Airport |
Bison | 6V5 | | | Bison Municipal |
Bowdle | 5P3 | | | Bowdle Municipal Airport |
Bridgewater | SD42 | | | Waltner & Richards Airport |
Buffalo | 9D2 | | | Harding County |
Camp Crook | SD33 | | | Sky Ranch For Boys Airport |
Camp Crook | SD76 | | | Tennant Ranch Airport |
Camp Crook | 8OA5 | | | Camp Crook Municipal Airport |
Cavour | SD43 | | | Ingle Airport |
Bison | SD88 | | | Dunn |
Chamberlain | 9V9 | | | Chamberlain Municipal |
Chamberlain | SD44 | | | Cook Field Airport |
Clark | 8D7 | | | Clark County |
Clear Lake | 5H3 | | | Clear Lake Municipal Airport |
Corsica | D65 | | | Corsica Municipal Airport |
Dell Rapids | 9SD9 | | | Weelborg Airport |
Desmet | 6E5 | | | Wilder |
Doland | SD13 | | | Hofer Private Airport |
Draper | SD14 | | | Valburg Ranch Airport |
Eagle Butte | 84D | | | Cheyenne Eagle Butte |
Eagle Butte | SD47 | | | Hunt Field Airport |
Edgemont | 6V0 | | | Edgemont Municipal |
Elk Point | SD00 | | | Mj Aviation Airport Ii |
Enning | SD98 | | | Barber Airport |
Eureka | 3W8 | | | Eureka Municipal |
Fairburn | 3V0 | | | Custer State Park |
Faith | D07 | | | Faith Municipal |
Faith | 1SD4 | | | Vig Limousin Airport |
Faith | SD48 | | | Blomberg 42 Ranch Private Airport |
Faulkton | 3FU | | | Faulkton Municipal |
Ferney | SD49 | | | Hite Private Airport |
Flandreau | 4P3 | | | Flandreau Municipal |
Gettysburg | 0D8 | | | Gettysburg Municipal |
Gettysburg | SD93 | | | Gary Myers Airport |
Glad Valley | 1SD0 | | | Dorsey Ranch Airport |
Glencross | 0SD0 | | | Lenling Airport |
Gregory | 9D1 | | | Gregory Municipal - Flynn Field |
Groton | 2E6 | | | Groton Municipal Airport |
Harrold | 2SD3 | | | Bollweg Farm Airport |
Hartford | 9SD8 | | | Oakleaf Airport |
Hayes | SD21 | | | Hayes Emergency Airstrip |
Herreid | 5T4 | | | Herreid Municipal Airport |
Highmore | 9D0 | | | Highmore Municipal |
Hoover | 0SD3 | | | Bledsoe Ranch Airport |
Hot Springs | SD68 | | | Flying T Airport |
Hoven | 9F8 | | | Hoven Municipal |
Hoven | SD79 | | | Monty Harer Airstrip |
Howard | 8D9 | | | Howard Municipal Airport |
Hurley | 2SD7 | | | Dangel Airport |
Hurley | 1SD3 | | | Turkey Ridge Airport |
Huron | SD55 | | | Winter Airfield |
Ipswich | 2SD9 | | | Tc Field Airport |
Ipswich | SD25 | | | Rappe Field Airport |
Isabel | 3Y7 | | | Isabel Municipal Airport |
Kadoka | 5V8 | | | Kadoka Municipal Airport |
Kennebec | SD78 | | | Anderson Aerial Spraying Airport |
Kimball | 6A6 | | | Kimball Municipal Airport |
Lake Andes | 8D8 | | | Lake Andes Municipal Airport |
Lake Preston | Y34 | | | Lake Preston Municipal Airport |
Letcher | SD01 | | | Mj Aviation Airport I |
Martin | 9V6 | | | Martin Municipal |
Mc Intosh | 8D6 | | | Mc Intosh Municipal Airport |
Mc Laughlin | 5P2 | | | Mc Laughlin Municipal |
Milbank | 1D1 | | | Milbank Municipal |
Mount Vernon | 2SD4 | | | Nicolaisen Airport |
Murdo | 8F6 | | | Murdo Municipal |
Nemo | 2SD0 | | | Paradise Valley Airport |
North Sioux City | 7K7 | | | Graham Field |
Oelrichs | SD71 | | | Bogner Field Airport |
Onida | 98D | | | Onida Municipal |
Onida | SD56 | | | Ralph Myers Airport |
Parkston | 8V3 | | | Parkston Municipal |
Pierre | SD57 | | | W L Thompson Airport |
Platte | 1D3 | | | Platte Municipal |
Pollock | SD74 | | | Vander Wal Private Airport |
Presho | 5P5 | | | Presho Municipal Airport |
Rapid City | 4SD4 | | | Dan's Airport |
Rapid City | 3SD6 | | | Running Colors Airport |
Redfield | 1D8 | | | Redfield Municipal |
Revillo | SD94 | | | Lundin Airport |
Ridgeview | SD36 | | | Booth Ranch Airport |
Scotland | 1SD1 | | | Burke Field Airport |
Sisseton | 8D3 | | | Sisseton Municipal |
Springfield | Y03 | | | Springfield Municipal |
Stickney | SD75 | | | Livingston Airport |
Sturgis | 49B | | | Sturgis Municipal |
Sturgis | SD24 | | | Bruch Ranch Airport |
Sturgis | SD35 | | | Bruch Airfield |
Teaneck (teterboro) | 3SD4 | | | Chris Hofer Landing Strip |
Tea | Y14 | | | Marv Skie-Lincoln County |
Timber Lake | D58 | | | Timber Lake Municipal Airport |
Tyndall | SD61 | | | Plihal Farms Airport |
Vivian | SD97 | | | Oller Airport |
Murfreesboro | 8TN6 | | | Baker Field Airport |
Wall | 6V4 | | | Wall Municipal |
Wanblee | 0SD7 | | | Porch Ranch Airport |
Webster | 1D7 | | | Sigurd Anderson |
Wessington Springs | 4X4 | | | Wessington Springs |
White Lake | 1SD5 | | | Drake Farm Airport |
Toone | TN37 | | | Anderson Airport |
White River | 7Q7 | | | White River Municipal Airport |
Wilmot | SD65 | | | Whipple Ranch Airport |
Arlington | TN47 | | | Needham's Airport |
Big Sandy | 39TN | | | Big Sandy Airpark |
Bolivar | M08 | | | William L. Whitehurst Field/Hardeman Co |
Brownsville | 47M | | | Thornton Airport |
Camden | 0M4 | | | Benton County |
Chapmansboro | TN77 | | | Whifferdill Airport |
Chattanooga | 1A0 | | | Dallas Bay Skypark |
Chuckey | 04TN | | | Hensley Airpark |
Clarksville | 19TN | | | Ferraraccio Field Airport |
Clarksville | 11TN | | | Salem Field Airport |
Clarksville | TN23 | | | Titan Field Airport |
Clifton | M29 | | | Hassell-Carroll Field |
Collierville | 01TN | | | Colonial Air Park |
Columbia | 51TN | | | Glendale Field Airport |
Cookeville | 5TN9 | | | One Grand Field Airport |
Cookeville | TN80 | | | Schiff Airport |
Copperhill | 1A3 | | | Martin Campbell Field |
Covington | M04 | | | Covington Municipal |
Crossville | 4TN2 | | | Buck Creek Ranch Airport |
Dayton | 2A0 | | | Mark Anton Municipal |
Dickson | M02 | | | Dickson Municipal |
Dover | 8TN7 | | | Short Creek Airport |
Dowelltown | 2TN8 | | | Soggy Bottom Airport |
Dresden | 3TN3 | | | Wayne's World Airport |
Eads | 4TN4 | | | Cotton Field Airport |
Eagleville | TN07 | | | Hawk Haven Airfield |
Eagleville | 9TN1 | | | Versailles Aerodrome |
Elizabethton | 0A9 | | | Elizabethton Municipal |
Estill Springs | TN67 | | | Myers-Smith Airport |
Fall Branch | 65TN | | | Roach Farm Airport |
Gainesboro | 1A7 | | | Jackson County |
Gallatin | M33 | | | Sumner County Regional |
Grand Junction | 6TN7 | | | St. Somewhere Airport |
Greenback | 5TN4 | | | Mcgraw's Backyard Airport |
Halls | M31 | | | Arnold Field |
Hickory Valley | 2TN2 | | | Wings Field Airport |
Hohenwald | 0M3 | | | John A Baker Field |
Humboldt | M53 | | | Humboldt Municipal |
Huntingdon | TN16 | | | Huntingdon Airport |
Lenoir City | TN74 | | | Will A Hildreth Farm Airport |
Jackson | 4TN9 | | | Southfork Airport |
Jamestown | 2A1 | | | Jamestown Municipal |
Kingston | 2TN7 | | | Wolf Creek Airport |
Kingston | 12TN | | | Riley Creek Airport |
Knoxville | TN98 | | | Sky Ranch Airport |
Lafayette | 3M7 | | | Lafayette Municipal |
Lafollette | TN44 | | | Deerfield Resort Airport |
Lawrenceburg | 2M2 | | | Lawrenceburg-Lawrence County |
Lebanon | M54 | | | Lebanon Municipal |
Lebanon | 1TN0 | | | Cedar Crest Field Airport |
Lebanon | TN96 | | | Fall Creek Field Airport |
Lewisburg | TN12 | | | Hudgin Air Airport |
Linden | M15 | | | James Tucker |
Livingston | 8A3 | | | Livingston Municipal |
Maryville | TN87 | | | Montvale Airpark |
Mc Kinnon | M93 | | | Houston County |
Spencer | TN85 | | | Hogue Airport |
Memphis | M01 | | | General Dewitt Spain |
Memphis | 3TN6 | | | Wilson Field Airport |
Millington | 2TN4 | | | Shoemaker-Shelby Forest Airport |
Millington | 2M8 | | | Charles W. Baker |
Milton | 41TN | | | Stonewall Airpark |
Moscow | 4TN3 | | | Hawks Nest Airport |
Mosheim | 8TN4 | | | Flaglor Airport |
Mountain City | 6A4 | | | Johnson County |
Murfreesboro | 0TN5 | | | Mc Donald Airport |
Murfreesboro | TN83 | | | Cedar Glade Aerodrome |
Murfreesboro | 7TN3 | | | Stones River Airport |
Murfreesburg | TN65 | | | Long Meadow Airstrip |
Nashville | TN73 | | | Doc Jones Field Airport |
Nashville | TN97 | | | Triune Airfield |
New Hope | TN50 | | | Indian Hill Farm Airport |
Oakland | 7TN4 | | | Pegasus Field Airport |
Oliver Springs | TN08 | | | Oliver Springs Inc Airport |
Paris | 42TN | | | Oliver Landing Airport |
Philadelphia | TN09 | | | Fergusons Flying Circus Airport |
Pikeville | TN66 | | | Austin Field Airport |
Pleasantview | 6TN1 | | | Weakleys Field Airport |
Portland | 1M5 | | | Portland Municipal |
Ripley | TN36 | | | Flying I Ranch Airport |
Rockwood | TN86 | | | Walden Ridge Airport |
Rossville | 54M | | | Wolf River Airport |
Sevierville | TN20 | | | Seymour Air Park |
Sharps Chapel | TN10 | | | Lake View Airport |
Shelbyville | 8TN2 | | | Pleasant Grove Airpark |
Smithville | 0A3 | | | Smithville Municipal |
Sneedville | TN11 | | | Cantwell Airport |
Springfield | M91 | | | Springfield Robertson County |
Springfield | 3TN9 | | | Holenthawall Airport |
Springfield | 9TN4 | | | Foreman Field Airport |
Tazewell | 3A2 | | | New Tazewell Municipal |
Tiptonville | 0M2 | | | Reelfoot Lake |
Tullahoma | TN39 | | | Amacher Strip Airport |
Waverly | 0M5 | | | Humphreys County |
Whitwell | TN89 | | | Matthews Airport |
Abbott | TX03 | | | Stapleton Field Airport |
Abernathy | F83 | | | Abernathy Municipal |
Abilene | TX00 | | | Abilene Executive Airpark |
Abilene | 35TX | | | Flying B Ranch Airstrip |
Abilene | 82TS | | | Elmdale Airpark |
Abilene | TX02 | | | Portlock Airfield |
Ackerly | 75TA | | | Coleman Cattle Company Nr 1 Airport |
Adkins | 3TX5 | | | Mc Creless Farm Airport |
Adrian | 76TA | | | Coleman Cattle Company Nr 2 Airport |
Albany | T23 | | | Albany Municipal |
Aledo | TX15 | | | Beggs Ranch (Aledo) Airport |
Alpine | 1E2 | | | Terlingua Ranch Airport |
Alpine | 4TE4 | | | Taurus Mesa Airport |
Alpine | 46TE | | | 02 Ranch Airport |
Alto | 9TA8 | | | Taylor Ranch Airport |
Alvarado | TX78 | | | Block Ranch Airport |
Alvarado | 6XS2 | | | Luscombe Acres Airport |
Alvarado | TA01 | | | Phillips Farm Airport |
Alvin | TE09 | | | Minard Pegasus Airport |
Amarillo | 2TX0 | | | Blue Sky Airfield |
Amarillo | 1E4 | | | Palo Duro Airport |
Amarillo | 1E7 | | | Buffalo Airport |
Amarillo | 7TX8 | | | Flying K Airport |
Anahuac | T00 | | | Chambers County |
Andrews | E11 | | | Andrews County |
Angleton | 81D | | | Flyin' Tiger Field |
Angleton | TE77 | | | Clover Lake Farms Airport |
Angleton | 7R9 | | | Bailes Airport |
Angleton | 46TX | | | Phillips Corporation Airport |
Annona | TX19 | | | Russells Ranch Airport |
Anson | TX20 | | | Steen Airport |
Apple Springs | XA71 | | | North Cedar Airport |
Archer City | T39 | | | Archer City Municipal Airport |
Argyle | TX22 | | | Leroux Airport |
Armstrong | 47TX | | | Armstrong Ranch Airport |
Aransas Pass | TX24 | | | Oaks Airport |
Aspermont | T60 | | | Stonewall County |
Aspermont | 6TE8 | | | Douglas Flying Service Private Airport |
Athens | F44 | | | Athens Municipal |
Athens | TX25 | | | Lochridge Ranch Airport |
Athens | 2XS3 | | | Glad Oaks Airport |
Athens | 5TA8 | | | Deer Meadow Ranch Airport |
Austin | 3R9 | | | Lakeway Airpark |
Austin | TX05 | | | Bud Dryden Airport |
Avinger | 61TA | | | Eagle Landing Airport |
Avinger | 6TE9 | | | Mc Kenzie Field Airport |
Azle | 73TE | | | Moore Private Airport |
Azle | 77TA | | | Blue Skies Airport |
Ballinger | E30 | | | Bruce Field |
Bandera | TE90 | | | Flying L Airport |
Bandera | TE21 | | | Lobo Mountain Ranch Airport |
Bardwell | TX29 | | | Flying O Airport |
Barksdale | TA52 | | | Flying Bull Ranch Airport |
Batesville | XA88 | | | Dm Ranch Airport |
Batesville | XA64 | | | Nash Ranch Airport |
Canton | TX43 | | | Goode Field Airport |
Bay City | T84 | | | Fehmel Dusting Service Airport |
Bay City | 7TS9 | | | Ag Aviation Airport |
Bay View | TS94 | | | Rancho Buena Vista Airport |
Baytown | 54T | | | R W J Airpark |
Baytown | 25TA | | | Ferris Airport |
Beasley | 5T0 | | | Ward Airpark |
Beaumont | 55TX | | | Stonecipher Airport |
Beeville | 57TX | | | Brown Ranch Airport |
Beeville | 1XA2 | | | Chase Field Industrial Airport |
Bellevue | XA09 | | | Menard Airport |
Bells | 99TE | | | Pritchard Airport |
Bellville | 06R | | | Grawunder Field Airport |
Bertram | XA12 | | | Mcfarlin Ranch Airport |
Bertram | 12TX | | | Griffin Airport |
Big Lake | E41 | | | Reagan County |
Big Lake | 74XS | | | Charles J Hughes Ranch Airport |
Big Sandy | 18TE | | | Alert Field Airport |
Big Spring | TX31 | | | Edwards Lucian Wells Ranch Airport |
Big Wells | XS53 | | | Price Ranch Airport |
Bigfoot | 78TA | | | Ranch-Aero Airport |
Bishop | 07R | | | Bishop Municipal |
Blanco | TA53 | | | Rocky Top Ranch Airport |
Blanco | 50TX | | | Kennedy Ranch Airport |
Blanco | 26XS | | | Tatum Ranch Airport |
Blanco | TX41 | | | Pippen-York Ranch Airport |
Blanco | 3TA5 | | | Blanco Landing Airport |
Bloomington | 69TX | | | Green Lake Ranch Airport |
Blum | 05TX | | | Circle 'a' Ranch Airport |
Boerne | 7TA8 | | | John Henry Key Airport |
Bolivar | TX32 | | | Bar V K Airport |
Bonham | F00 | | | Jones Field |
Bonham | TA22 | | | Reward Ranch Airport |
Booker | TS78 | | | Loesch Ranch Airport |
Booker | TX13 | | | Mesa Vista Ranch Airport |
Bowie | 0F2 | | | Bowie Municipal |
Bowie | 1XA1 | | | Sky Acres Airport |
Boxelder/lydia | TX35 | | | Molair Airport |
Brackettville | 5XS8 | | | L Davis Ranch Airport |
Brackettville | 3TA6 | | | Spring Ranch Airport |
Brackettville | 2TX3 | | | La Fonda Ranch Airport |
Brackettville | 1XS8 | | | Pinon Ranch Airport |
Brackettville | TA31 | | | Tularosa Airport |
Brackettville | 75TX | | | Leona Ranch Airport |
Brackettville | 74TX | | | Fort Clark Springs Airport |
Brady | 12TE | | | Curtis Ranch Field Airport |
Brady | 94TX | | | River Bend Ranch Airport |
Brazoria | 2TE0 | | | Eagle Air Park |
Breckenridge | TE40 | | | Caselman Ranch Airport |
Brenham | TA17 | | | Live Oak Ranch Airport |
Bridgeport | 3TA7 | | | Jim Sears Airport |
Briggs | 15TA | | | J R Ranch Airport |
Briggs | TA27 | | | Flying 'k' Airport |
Brock | TA51 | | | Eagle Airport |
Brookshire | TA28 | | | Woods Nr 2 Airport |
Brookshire | 77TX | | | Woods Airport |
Brookshire | 27XS | | | Sport Flyers Airport |
Brookshire | TA03 | | | Jo Na Acres Airport |
Brownsboro | TX40 | | | Echo Lake Airport |
Brownsville | 79TX | | | Spring Creek Field Airport |
Brownwood | 10XS | | | Flying S Air Ranch Airport |
Brownwood | 3TA4 | | | Tin Top Ranch Airport |
Hockley | TX49 | | | Biggin Hill Airport |
Brundage | XA93 | | | Tortuga Ranch Airport |
Bruni | 8TS0 | | | Hamilton Ranch Airport |
Bryan | 13TE | | | Varisco Airport |
Bryan | 83TX | | | Texas A And M Flight Test Station Airport |
Buckholts | XA32 | | | Wolfe Field Airport |
Buda | 85TX | | | Rutherford Ranch Airport |
Burleson | 3TX9 | | | Rafter J Airport |
Burleson | 8TS1 | | | Retta Airport |
Burnell | 87TX | | | Porter Ranch Airport |
Burnet | 89TX | | | Aero-Bee Ranch Airstrip |
Burnet | TA63 | | | Flattop Ridge Airport |
Caddo Mills | 18TX | | | Flying 't' Ranch Airport |
Caddo Mills | 7F3 | | | Caddo Mills Municipal |
Caldwell | 7TA5 | | | Weber Ranch Airport |
Callaghan | 90TX | | | Callaghan Ranch Airport |
Calliham | 91TX | | | Paisano Ranch Airport |
Cambellton | TE26 | | | Arrow 's' Ranch Airport |
Cameron | T35 | | | Cameron Municipal Airpark |
Camp Wood | TE78 | | | Fossil Creek Ranch Airport |
Campbellton | 0XA5 | | | 74 Ranch Airport |
Crandall | 9TX2 | | | Bennetts Airport |
Canadian | TE04 | | | Split B Ranch Airport |
Canton | 91TA | | | Rhines Roost Airport |
Canton | 7F5 | | | Canton-Hackney |
Woolwine | 6VA9 | | | Bush Airport |
Canton | TA86 | | | Dennis's Flying Farm Airport |
Canton | 1TA7 | | | Thompson Field Airport |
Canyon | 1E9 | | | Maples Field Airport |
Canyon Lake | 34TS | | | Canyon Lake Airport |
Carrizo Springs | 2XS2 | | | Indio-Faith Airport |
Carrizo Springs | 1TS6 | | | Dentonio Ranch Airport |
Carrizo Springs | 95TX | | | Chupadera Ranch Airport |
Carrizo Springs | 74TA | | | Glass Ranch Airport |
Carrizo Springs | TA84 | | | Miller Ranch Airport |
Carrizo Springs | XA89 | | | Faith Ranch Airport |
Carrizo Springs | 97TX | | | San Pedro Ranch Airport |
Carthage | 4F2 | | | Panola County-Sharpe Field |
Catarina | 0XS0 | | | Diamond H Ranch Airport |
Catarina | 1TE1 | | | Briscoes Catarina Ranch Airport |
Catarina | 99TX | | | Briggs Ranch Airport |
Catarina | TE27 | | | Harrison Piloncillo Ranch Airport |
Cedar Park | 40XS | | | Breakaway Park Airport |
Center | F17 | | | Center Municipal |
Center | TX45 | | | Hawkeye Hunting Club Airport |
Centerville | 24TA | | | Moore Ranch Airport |
Centerville | TE01 | | | Dillard Ranch Airport |
Chatfield | 1XA8 | | | Hackberry Airport |
Chillicothe | 63TA | | | Barnett Airport |
China Spring | 3T8 | | | Wildcat Canyon Airport |
China Spring | 04TX | | | Pocock Airport |
Christoval | 96TX | | | Brown Field Airport |
Cisco | 3F2 | | | Cisco Municipal |
Clairette | 62XS | | | J F Ranch Airport |
Clarendon | E34 | | | Smiley Johnson Municipal/Bass Field |
Claude | 4TE3 | | | Finley Ranch Airport |
Claude | 5TA4 | | | Reed Airport |
Cleburne | TX46 | | | Blackwood Airpark |
Cleveland | 6R3 | | | Cleveland Municipal |
Cleveland | 06TE | | | Ainsworth Airport |
Cleveland | 0TS5 | | | Lake Bay Gall Airport |
Clifton | 7F7 | | | Clifton Municipal/Isenhower Field |
Clyde | 4XA3 | | | Owen Field Airport |
Collinsville | 2XA4 | | | Flying S Ranch Airport |
Colorado City | T88 | | | Colorado City |
Colorado City | 1TS8 | | | Landers Ranch Airport |
Colorado City | 7TE8 | | | Trulock Ranch Field Airport |
Columbus | 66R | | | Robert R Wells Jr |
Columbus | TS27 | | | River Field Airport |
Comfort | 08TE | | | B. J. Mc Combs Sisterdale Airport |
Comfort | 3TA1 | | | Diamond K Ranch Airport |
Commerce | 2F7 | | | Commerce Municipal |
Comstock | TX07 | | | Nix River Ranch Strip |
Justin | 3TX6 | | | Lowell Smith Jr Airport |
Comstock | 0TE0 | | | Robertson Ranch Airport |
Conroe | 19TE | | | Cut And Shoot Airport |
Cooper | 3TS9 | | | Oak Glen Ranch Airport |
Cordele | 22TE | | | Fenner Ranch Airport |
Corpus Christi | 69TA | | | Dean Airport |
Corsicana | TX51 | | | Smith Airport |
Corsicana | 6TX6 | | | Jtj Ranch Airport |
Corsicana | 4XS1 | | | Coyote Field Airport |
Corsicana | 90TE | | | The Homestead Airport |
Corsicana | TA05 | | | Anxiety Aerodrome |
Cotulla | 5TS1 | | | Uno Mas Ranch Airport |
Cotulla | 79TA | | | Morris Ranch Airport |
Cotulla | 46TA | | | Gould Strip Airport |
Cotulla | 2XA1 | | | El Caballero Airport |
Cotulla | XA08 | | | Los Cuernos Ranch Airport |
Cotulla | TA58 | | | Rancho Ecantado Airport |
Cotulla | 45XS | | | Ghost Apache Airport |
Coupland | TE96 | | | Crosswinds Airfield |
Cranfills Gap | TX52 | | | Parrish Airstrip |
Cresson | 3XA8 | | | Chicken Strip Airport |
Cresson | TE52 | | | Chigger Field Airport |
Crockett | 80TS | | | M Y Ranch Airport |
Crockett | 1TA4 | | | Last Resort Airport |
Crosby | 49TA | | | Roeder Airport |
Crosby | 9TA3 | | | Rogers Airport |
Crosby | 1XS1 | | | Dunham Field Airport |
Crosbyton | 8F3 | | | Crosbyton Municipal |
Crowell | 2XA0 | | | Foard County |
Crystal Beach | XS77 | | | Seafood Warehouse Park Airport |
Crystal City | 8TE4 | | | H & F Properties Airport |
Crystal City | 3TA9 | | | Chacon Creek Ranch Airport |
Crystal City | TA34 | | | Flying G Airport |
Crystal City | 20R | | | Crystal City Municipal |
Crystal City | 3TA8 | | | Picosa Ranch Airport |
Cuero | TA36 | | | Lempa Airport |
Cuero | T71 | | | Cuero Municipal Airport |
Cumby | TA06 | | | Morris Manor Airport |
Cypress | TS07 | | | Dry Creek Airport |
D'hanis | 4TE9 | | | Squirrel Creek Ranch Airport |
D'hanis | 4TS8 | | | Glasscock Field Airport |
Daingerfield | 8F5 | | | Greater Morris County |
Dalhart | 25TS | | | Miller Airfield |
Dallas | 1F7 | | | Airpark East Airport |
Dallas | 46TS | | | Lavon North Airport |
Dallas | F69 | | | Air Park-Dallas |
Damon | XS21 | | | H & S Airfield |
Damon | 4TA0 | | | Prairie Aire Field Airport |
Danbury | 2XA2 | | | Knape Airport |
Danbury | 77XS | | | Garrett Ranch Airport |
Danbury | 07TA | | | Salaika Aviation Airport |
Danevang | 78XS | | | Smith Aviation Inc Airport |
Darrouzett | TX38 | | | Duke Ranch Airport |
Dawson | 5TS3 | | | Knapp Pecan Orchard Airpark |
Dayton | 3TE9 | | | Pinoak Airport |
Dayton | TS35 | | | West Liberty Airport |
Dayton | 21TE | | | Seaberg Ranch Airport |
Dayton | 3TS7 | | | Pavlat Airport |
Dayton | 3TE1 | | | Gum Island Airport |
Dayton | TA07 | | | Jet Ag Inc Airport |
De Leon | TS14 | | | Smith Flying Service Airport |
Decatur | XA99 | | | Flat Bush Airport |
Decatur | XA34 | | | Allison Farm Airport |
Decatur | 76T | | | Bishop Airport |
Decatur | TS57 | | | Red Ace Ranch Airport |
Decatur | 09TA | | | Xwind Farm Airport |
Decatur | TX64 | | | Lazy 9 Ranch Airport |
Decatur | 58T | | | Heritage Creek Airstrip |
Decatur | XA98 | | | Jbj Ranch Airport |
Del Rio | 4TE7 | | | Devil's River Ranch Airport |
Del Rio | 81TE | | | Horn Ranch Airport |
Del Rio | 23TS | | | Bertani Ranch Airport |
Del Rio | TA81 | | | Tyra Ranch Airport |
Del Rio | 4TE2 | | | Lewis Private Airport |
Del Rio | 8TS8 | | | Rnk Ranch Airport |
Del Rio | TS04 | | | Rio Vista Ranch Airport |
Del Valle | TA55 | | | Del Valle Airport |
Dell City | 2E5 | | | Dell City Municipal |
Denison | TX12 | | | Kidd-Private Airport |
Denton | 3XS0 | | | Hartlee Field Airport |
Denton | TE81 | | | Smither Field Airport |
Denton | 46XS | | | Windy Hill Airport |
Denver City | E57 | | | Denver City |
Denver City | 1TA5 | | | Two Leggs Airport |
Devine | 23R | | | Devine Municipal |
Dilley | 24R | | | Dilley Airpark |
Dilley | 5TS5 | | | Mc Donald Ranch Airport |
Dimmitt | T55 | | | Dimmitt Municipal |
Dimmitt | 7TS8 | | | Ott Farms Airport |
Dripping Springs | 5TE3 | | | Alexander Ranch Airport |
Dripping Springs | 14TX | | | Keyes Ranch Airport |
Dripping Springs | 5TE2 | | | Bleakley Ranch Airport |
Dryden | 6R6 | | | Terrell County |
Dryden | 0TA3 | | | Tate Ranch Airport |
Dublin | 9F0 | | | Dublin Municipal |
Dublin | 17XS | | | Quahadi Ranch Airport |
Eagle Pass | 6TA4 | | | Winn Exploration Co. Inc Airport |
Eagle Pass | 5TE0 | | | Comanche Ranch Airport |
Ector | TX68 | | | Parker Place Airport |
Edcouch | 6TE0 | | | Skalitsky Airport |
Edcouch | 6XS5 | | | Cannon Aviation Airport |
Eddy | TS29 | | | Liberty Hill International Airport |
Edinburg | 6TE1 | | | Norman & White Airport |
Edna | 26R | | | Jackson County |
Edna | 6TE5 | | | Kubecka Flying Service Inc. Airport |
El Campo | TS96 | | | El Campo Airpark |
El Campo | 7TE6 | | | Stovall Ranch Nr 1 Airport |
El Campo | 8TE8 | | | Tradewind Ag Airport |
El Campo | 68TE | | | Norris Raun Ranch Airport |
El Paso | T27 | | | Horizon Airport |
Eldorado | 27R | | | Eldorado |
Eldorado | 7XS5 | | | Christian Ranch Airport |
Eldorado | 6TA0 | | | Rocking R Ranch Airport |
Electra | TS80 | | | Mc Alister Farm Airport |
Elgin | 1XS2 | | | Skye Dance Airport |
Elgin | TX61 | | | Baker's Place Airport |
Elmendorf | 2TX1 | | | Russell Paradise Airport |
Mc Adoo | 18XS | | | Gardner Farm Airport |
Elmendorf | 28TE | | | Midlake Airport |
Encinal | XA66 | | | El Jardin Ranch Airport |
Encinal | 2TX4 | | | Lewis Ranch Airport |
Encinal | TE29 | | | La Esperanza Ranch Airport |
Encinal | 8TS9 | | | Strait Ranch Airport |
Encino | 2TA8 | | | El Coyote Ranch Airport |
Ennis | F41 | | | Ennis Municipal |
Elmira | TE39 | | | Bucker Field Airport |
Elmira | TX94 | | | Flying R Ranch Airport |
Escobas | 7TE1 | | | Zachry Ranch Airport |
Fabens | E35 | | | Fabens |
Fairfield | TX73 | | | Big Brown Creek Airstrip |
Fairfield | 2TA6 | | | Pyramid Ranch Airport |
Fairfield | 7XS6 | | | Moore Hx Ranch Airport |
Falfurrias | 7TE2 | | | Cage Ranch Airport |
Fannett | 7TS7 | | | Broussard Farm Airport |
Fannett | 7TE0 | | | Kelley Crop Service Airport |
Farwell | 30XS | | | Farwell Spraying Service, Inc Airport |
Fentress | XS90 | | | Fentress Airpark |
Flatonia | 2TE5 | | | Piano Ranch Airport |
Floresville | 82XS | | | Circle P Ranch Airport |
Floresville | 8TA0 | | | John B Connally Ranch Airport |
Floresville | 7TE9 | | | Boening Brothers Airport |
Floresville | 1TE7 | | | Ray Farm Airport |
Floydada | 41F | | | Floydada Municipal |
Follett | T93 | | | Follett/Lipscomb County |
Forney | 01TE | | | Smith Field Airport |
Fort Stockton | 4TS7 | | | Allison Ranch Airport |
Fort Stockton | 8TE6 | | | Faith Cattle Company, Longfellow Ranch Airport |
Fort Worth | 9F9 | | | Sycamore Strip |
Garrison | 5TS7 | | | R D Williams Airport |
Fort Worth | 4T2 | | | Kenneth Copeland |
Fort Worth | T67 | | | Hicks Airfield |
Fort Worth | 2TE2 | | | Flying Oaks Airport |
Fort Worth | TS73 | | | Stubbs Strip Airport |
Fort Worth | 50F | | | Bourland Field |
Franklin | 1TE9 | | | Rmr Ranch Airport |
Franklin | TX75 | | | Sandbur Ranches Private Airport |
Fredericksburg | T82 | | | Gillespie County |
Fredericksburg | TE97 | | | Cameron Ranch Airport |
Fredericksburg | 8XS0 | | | Tivydale Ranch Airport |
Fredericksburg | 7XS7 | | | Indian Springs Ranch Airport |
Fredericksburg | XS01 | | | Tschirhart Ranch Airport |
Fredericksburg | 44TX | | | White Oak Airport |
Fredericksburg | 25XA | | | Headwaters Airport |
Fredricksburg | TS36 | | | Silver Wings Airport |
Freer | 0XA4 | | | Seven C's Ranch Airport |
Freer | TX56 | | | Douglass Ranch Airport |
Freer | 28TA | | | Duval County Ranch Co Airport |
Freer | T19 | | | Duval-Freer |
Freer | 42XS | | | Temple Ranch Airport |
Frelsburg | 6TX2 | | | Circle M Ranch Airport |
Friendswood | 7XS0 | | | Polly Ranch Airport |
Friona | X54 | | | Benger Air Park |
Fulshear | X09 | | | Covey Trails Airport |
Fulton | 9TE5 | | | Kalt Ranch Airport |
Ganado | TS08 | | | Calaway Airport |
Garland | TX89 | | | Ganze Ranch Airstrip |
Garrison | TS51 | | | Barton Memorial Airport |
Gatesville | 2TX5 | | | Berry Airport |
George West | 8T6 | | | Live Oak County |
George West | 59TS | | | Rossler Ranch Airport |
Georgetown | 0XA7 | | | Bar 3 Ranch Airport |
Georgetown | 30TA | | | Tri-Modal Air Park |
Georgetown | 07TS | | | Cross Country Estates Marshall Field Airport |
Geronimo | 50TA | | | Moltz Airport |
Giddings | 9TX1 | | | Bar S Ranch Airport |
Hearne | 1TE5 | | | Corpora Airport |
Gladewater | 07F | | | Gladewater Municipal |
Glen Rose | XA04 | | | Circle Eight Ranch Airport |
Glen Rose | 41TA | | | Circle P Ranch Airport |
Glen Rose | 09TE | | | Running M Ranch Airport |
Glen Rose | TX93 | | | Wright Ranch Airport |
Glen Rose | 8TS7 | | | Wyatt 3-Rivers Airport |
Godley | TE02 | | | Aresti Aerodrome |
Godley | TX95 | | | Coppenger Farm Airport |
Godley | 59TX | | | Benjamin Franklin Airport |
Godley | TX98 | | | Hawkins Private Airport |
Golden | XA90 | | | Fly 1 On Airport |
Gonzales | T20 | | | Roger M. Dreyer Memorial |
Goodland | TX99 | | | Williams Field Airport |
Gordon | 83TS | | | Moore Ranch Airport |
Gordon | 73XS | | | Dearing Ranch Airport |
Gordonville | 3T0 | | | Cedar Mills Airport |
Gorman | 0TE6 | | | Gorman Airport |
Graford | F35 | | | Possum Kingdom |
Graham | 10F | | | Rosser Ranch Airport |
Graham | 4TA3 | | | Costello Island, Inc Airport |
Granbury | 8TA7 | | | Stark Field Airport |
Granbury | TS89 | | | Parker Airport |
Granbury | 0TX0 | | | Nassau Bay Airport |
Granbury | 0TX1 | | | Pecan Plantation Airport |
Hart | 1TX8 | | | Hart Aerial Airport |
Grandview | XA75 | | | Double A Airport |
Grandview | XS06 | | | Flying B Ranch Airport |
Grandview | 3XA0 | | | Drennan Airport |
Granite Shoals | 32TE | | | Granite Shoals Municipal Airport |
Grapeland | 7XS3 | | | W C Ranch Airport |
Grapevine | 0TX7 | | | Lazy K Acres Airport |
Greenville | XS14 | | | Weese International Airport |
Greenville | 0TX9 | | | Card Aerodrome |
Groveton | 33R | | | Groveton-Trinity County |
Itasca | 20TE | | | Reece Ranch Airport |
Gruver | E19 | | | Gruver Municipal |
Guthrie | 1TX3 | | | Beggs Ranch Airport |
Guthrie | 6TE6 | | | 6666 Ranch Airport |
Guthrie | 1TX2 | | | J Y Ranch-R B Masterson Iii Estate Airport |
Hale Center | 1TX5 | | | Laney Farm Airport |
Halfway | 0TA2 | | | Smith Farms Airport |
Halfway | 0TA1 | | | Buddy Harmel Airport |
Hilltop Lakes | 0TE4 | | | Hilltop Lakes Airport |
Hallettsville | 34R | | | Hallettsville Municipal |
Hamilton | 1TX6 | | | Muxworthy Airport |
Hamlin | 14F | | | Hamlin Municipal |
Hamlin | 1TX7 | | | Killion Ranch Airport |
Harper | XA41 | | | Lone Star Flying Service Airport |
Harwood | 32TA | | | Wilbourn Ranch Airport |
Hill | 9XS1 | | | The Landing Airport |
Haskell | 15F | | | Haskell Municipal |
Hawkins | 16TE | | | Holly Lake Ranch Airport |
Hawkins | 1TX9 | | | Hawk Ranch Airport |
Hebbronville | TS69 | | | Barronena East Airport |
Hebbronville | 03TE | | | Barronena Ranch Airport |
Hebbronville | TA44 | | | Puesta Del Sol Airport |
Hedley | 2TS5 | | | Hedley Airport |
Hempstead | 4TA4 | | | Pea Patch Airport |
Henly | 63XS | | | Byram Ranch Airport |
Henrietta | TE10 | | | Pierce Airport |
Henrietta | 8TS2 | | | Henrietta Airport |
Hereford | 5XS2 | | | Kimball Farm Service Inc Airport |
Hext | 14TE | | | Smith I-Ranch Airport |
Hico | TA78 | | | Putty Ranch Airport |
Hico | 2TX2 | | | Ray Smith Farm Airport |
Higgins | 1X1 | | | Higgins-Lipscomb County |
Hitchcock | 37TE | | | Freyer Field Airport |
Hockley | TA90 | | | Green Acres Airport |
Houston | 21XS | | | Houston Airpark |
Houston | T51 | | | Dan Jones International |
Houston | O07 | | | Westheimer Air Park |
Houston | 2H5 | | | Houston Fort Bend Airport |
Houston | 39R | | | Flyin' B Airport |
Howe | 1TE8 | | | Kahuna Bay Airport |
Hubbard | 1TS2 | | | Bar 16 Airport |
Hunt | 4TA6 | | | Comanche Caves Ranch Airport |
Huntington | 8TA8 | | | Bufords Field Airport |
Idalou | 2TX6 | | | Everitt Airport |
Indianola | 5TS9 | | | Big Duke's Place Airport |
Industry | 6TS8 | | | Rabb And Nobra Airport |
Justin | 3TX3 | | | Sitton Field Airport |
Iola | 3TE0 | | | K Ranch Airport |
Jacksboro | 21F | | | Jacksboro Municipal |
Jacksboro | TS02 | | | One Sixty Four Place Airport |
Jacksboro | TE55 | | | Flyin Armadillo Airport |
Jayton | 22F | | | Kent County |
Jayton | TS62 | | | Norris Field Airport |
Jefferson | 6F7 | | | Manning Field Airport |
Jefferson | 24F | | | Cypress River |
Jewett | 8TX0 | | | Hub Field Airport |
Jewett | 40TA | | | Miles Field Airport |
Johnson City | 50TE | | | Keller Ranch Airport |
Johnson City | 2XS1 | | | Harris Ranch Airport |
Joshua | TE45 | | | Buffalo Chips Airpark |
Junction | 18TA | | | West Kerr Ranch Airport |
Junction | 52TE | | | Robinson Ranch Airport |
Justiceburg | TS21 | | | Roy Ranch Airport |
Justin | 3TX8 | | | Drop Field Airport |
Justin | 16X | | | Justin/Propwash |
Justin | 3TX2 | | | Flying S Farm Airport |
Justin | 3TX7 | | | Flying P Airport |
Karnes City | 2TE6 | | | Burris Ranch Airport |
Katy | 59TE | | | Hoffpauir Airport |
Kaufman | TA46 | | | Baum Airport |
Keller | 7TX4 | | | Hillcrest Airport |
Keller | 4TX2 | | | Stage Coach Hills Airport |
Kempner | 6TS1 | | | Worrell Airport |
Kenedy | 2R9 | | | Kenedy Regional |
Kenedy | 4XA2 | | | Card Airfield |
Kennard | 63TE | | | Flying S Ranch Airport |
Kent | XS44 | | | Rancho Del Cielo Airport |
Kerens | 4TX5 | | | Hancock Airport |
Justin | 05TS | | | Dew Drop |
Kerrick | 5TE4 | | | Perkins-Prothro Cimarron Ranch Airport |
Kerrville | 64TE | | | Apache Springs Airport |
Kerrville | TA73 | | | Barclay's Roost Airport |
Kerrville | XA43 | | | Fall Creek Ranch Airport |
Kerrville | 60TE | | | Tierra Linda Ranch Airport |
Kilgore | 4TX6 | | | Kilgore Airport |
Killeen | 67TE | | | Fisher Ranch Airport |
Kingsbury | 85TE | | | Old Kingsbury Aerodrome |
Kingsland | 44TE | | | Shirley Williams Airport |
Kingsland | 54TX | | | Flying H Ranch Airport |
Kingsland | TS18 | | | Kingsland Estates Airport |
Kirbyville | T12 | | | Kirbyville |
Knox City | 4TX7 | | | Oliver Airport |
Knox City | F75 | | | Harrison Field Of Knox City |
Kountze/Silsbee | 45R | | | Hawthorne Field |
Kress | 29F | | | Joe Vaughn Spraying Airport |
Kress | 6TX4 | | | Whitfield Airport |
Krum | XA72 | | | Stocker Airport |
Krum | 4TX8 | | | Addington Field Airport |
Krum | 2TX8 | | | Eagle's Landing Airport |
Krum | TA47 | | | Richards Airport |
La Grange | 3T5 | | | Fayette Regional Air Center |
La Grange | 9TE6 | | | Rocky Creek Ranch Airport |
La Grange | 88TE | | | Thunderbird Southwest Airport |
La Porte | T41 | | | La Porte Municipal |
La Pryor | 72TE | | | Chaparrosa Ranch Airport |
La Pryor | TE83 | | | Westwind Ranch Airport |
La Vernia | TE12 | | | Cleveland Airport |
La Ward | 47TE | | | Whites Airport |
Lagarto | 79TE | | | Arrowhead Airport |
New Gulf | 1TX4 | | | New Gulf |
Lajitas | 89TE | | | Lajitas International Airport |
Paris | XS88 | | | Parson Field Airport |
Lake Dallas | 5TX0 | | | Hidden Valley Airpark |
Lake Dallas | 30F | | | Lakeview Airport |
Lamesa | 2F5 | | | Lamesa Municipal |
Lamesa | 9TE3 | | | Thorp Airport |
Lamesa | XA77 | | | Benny White Flying Airport |
Lampasas | 69TE | | | Deer Pasture Airport |
Laredo | 0TE5 | | | Santa Maria Ranch Airport |
Laredo | TE32 | | | Rancho Blanco Airport |
Latexo | 8TS3 | | | Bruner Airport |
Lawrence | 6TA3 | | | Culp Airport |
Leakey | 49R | | | Real County |
Leakey | 57TE | | | Prade Ranch Airport |
Leakey | 7TE4 | | | Flying J Ranch Airport |
Leakey | XA31 | | | Lewis Ranch Airport |
Leander | 8XS3 | | | Pegasus Place Airstrip |
Leander | 77T | | | Kittie Hill Airport |
Leon Springs | 82TE | | | Tarry Bank Airport |
Leonard | 6TA2 | | | Rockys Place Airport |
Leonard | TE06 | | | Casey Field Airport |
Leonard | 5TX2 | | | Grove Hill Airport |
Lewisville | TA21 | | | Windmill Hill Airport |
Lewisville | 5TX4 | | | Black Mark Strip Airport |
Lexington | TE75 | | | Lexington Airfield |
Lexington | TA75 | | | Cotton Patch Airport |
Liberty | T78 | | | Liberty Municipal |
Liberty Hill | 91TE | | | Britts Crosswind Airport |
Liberty Hill | XS12 | | | C F C Aviation Ranch Airport |
Liberty Hill | 9TX4 | | | Flying H Ranch Airport |
Linden | 5TX8 | | | Boon/Lovelace Airport |
Lindsay | 7T0 | | | Freedom Field Airport |
Little Elm | 76TX | | | Spanish Oaks Airport |
Livingston | 00R | | | Livingston Municipal |
Llano | 44TS | | | Mc David Ranch Airport |
Llano | XS00 | | | Flying D Airport |
Lockhart | 50R | | | Lockhart Municipal |
Lockney | 5XS7 | | | Outback Airport |
Lockney | TS39 | | | Sherman Airport |
Lometa | XA44 | | | Birchfield Ranch Airport |
Lometa | 7TE3 | | | Lometa Air Strip |
Lone Oak | XA45 | | | Weedfalls Airport |
Longview | 3TS0 | | | East Side Airport |
Longview | 2XA7 | | | Tailwheel Airport |
Louise | T26 | | | Flying V Ranch Airport |
Sanger | 58F | | | Lane Field Airport |
Lubbock | F82 | | | Lubbock Executive Airpark |
Lubbock | 47XS | | | Bartos Farm Airport |
Lubbock | 8XS8 | | | Reese Airpark |
Lufkin | 25TX | | | Hubbard Airport |
Van Nuys | 51TX | | | N D Ranch Airport |
Luling | T91 | | | The Carter Memorial Airport |
Madisonville | 47TS | | | Hensarling Airport |
Madisonville | 51R | | | Madisonville Municipal |
Malakoff | 2TS4 | | | Circle R Ranch Airport |
Malone | XS55 | | | Gizmo Field Airport |
Mansfield | 6TX7 | | | Flying L Airpark |
Manvel | 3T2 | | | Wolfe Air Park |
Marathon | 93TE | | | Mayhew Ranch Nr 1 Airport |
Marathon | 92TE | | | Chaney San Francisco Ranch Airport |
Marathon | 09TS | | | Pitcock Rosillos Mountain Ranch Airport |
Marathon | 6TX9 | | | Stovall Ranch Nr 4 Airport |
Marathon | 5TE5 | | | Iron Mountain Ranch Airport |
Marathon | 48XS | | | Maravillas Gap Ranch Airport |
Marathon | TA64 | | | Persimmon Gap Ranch Airport |
Marble Falls | XS03 | | | Herbert Ranch Airport |
Marble Falls | 86TA | | | Slaughter Ranch Airport |
Marfa | 0TA7 | | | Alta Vista Ranch Airport |
Marfa | TS15 | | | Cibolo Creek Ranch Airport |
Marion | XS05 | | | H M Ranch Airport |
Markham | XS07 | | | W D Cornelius Ranch Airport |
Marlin | T15 | | | Marlin |
Marquez | TA23 | | | Morris Lazy K Ranch Airport |
Mason | XS08 | | | Polk Ranch Airport |
Mason | T92 | | | Mason County |
Maypearl | TA26 | | | Coyote Crossing Airport |
Maypearl | 34TE | | | Bee Creek Airport |
Maypearl | 19XS | | | Draggintail Acres Airport |
Mc Camey | E48 | | | Upton County |
Mc clendon-Chisholm | 19TA | | | Lagrone Ranch Airport |
Mc Gregor | XS57 | | | Havelka Haven Airport |
McKinney | T31 | | | Aero Country |
Mc Kinney | 6TX3 | | | Drewery Airport |
Mc Gregor | TE84 | | | Mockingbird Hill |
Mc Lean | 2E7 | | | Mc Lean/Gray County |
Medina | 87XS | | | Cinco B Ranch Airport |
Medina | XS11 | | | Idlewild Airport |
Memphis | F21 | | | Memphis Municipal |
Menard | T50 | | | Menard County |
Menard | XA92 | | | Herd Ranch Airport |
Menard | TE15 | | | M & M Land Company Airport |
Menard | XS15 | | | Womack Ranch Airport |
Mercedes | 5XS6 | | | Old Reb Airport |
Mertzon | 03XS | | | Creekside Airport |
Mexia | 11TS | | | Pt Enterprise D&w Ranch Airport |
Miami | 3E0 | | | Miami-Roberts County |
Miami | 5TE8 | | | Willis N Clark Airport |
Midland | 7TX5 | | | Mabee Ranch Airport |
Midland | 7TX7 | | | Ryan Aerodrome |
Midland | 7T7 | | | Skywest Inc |
Midlothian | 2TS6 | | | Eagle's Nest Estates Airport |
Milano | XS17 | | | Hensley Ranch Airport |
Millican | XS18 | | | Tom J Moore Farm Airport |
Mineola | XA46 | | | Creekside Air Park |
Mineola | 3F9 | | | Mineola Wisener Field |
Mineola | TX62 | | | Rhodes Ranch Airport |
Mineral Wells | 0TS7 | | | Flying U Airport |
Mission | 7TE7 | | | Moore Field Airport |
Moffat | 6TS4 | | | Stampede Valley Airport |
Mont Belvieu | 4TX0 | | | Slack Airport |
Montgomery | TE85 | | | Marmack Airport |
Montgomery | 33TA | | | Lake Bonanza Airport |
Morgan | 43TA | | | Diamond Seven Ranch Airport |
Morton | F85 | | | Cochran County Airport |
Mount Pleasant | XS70 | | | Glover Airport |
Mount Selman | 6X0 | | | Tarrant Field Airport |
Mount Vernon | F53 | | | Franklin County |
Mountain Home | 4TS5 | | | Goebel Field Airport |
Mountain Home | 87TA | | | Cielo Grande Ranch Airport |
Mountain Home | XS23 | | | Priour Ranch Airport |
Mountain Home | XS22 | | | Y O Ranch Airport |
Mountain Home | XS20 | | | Dos Arroyos Ranch Airport |
Muldoon | XS24 | | | Cherry Spraying Service Airport |
Muleshoe | 2T1 | | | Muleshoe Municipal |
Muleshoe | 1TE0 | | | Locker Brothers Airport |
Mullin | 7TE5 | | | Carlisle Airport |
Mullin | TA24 | | | Smoky Bend Airport |
Mullin | TA89 | | | Vaughan Ranch Airport |
Munday | 37F | | | Munday Municipal |
Navasota | TS87 | | | Bridle Ridge Airport |
Navasota | 60R | | | Navasota Municipal |
Needville | 87TE | | | Rose Field Airport |
New Berlin | TE86 | | | Heritage Airfield |
New Berlin | TE67 | | | Cibolo Sea-Willo Airpark |
New York | NYC | | | New York City |
New Braunfels | 9TA1 | | | Hilltop Ranch Airport |
New Braunfels | 77TS | | | Flying R Ranch Airport |
New Home | TX01 | | | New Home Airport |
New Waverly | XS09 | | | Estates Airpark |
Newton | 61R | | | Newton Municipal |
Nome | 88XS | | | Bogan & Fontenot Airport |
Nome | XS28 | | | North Willis Airport |
Normangee | 6TS6 | | | Wood Crest Ranch Airport |
Oak Island | 1TS0 | | | Eagle Air Airport |
Oakwood | 89TS | | | Carter Ranch Airport |
Odessa | 71TA | | | Bates Field Airport |
Oilton | 13TS | | | Van Es Ranch Airport |
Old Boston | 7TX9 | | | Ashford Field Airport |
Old Ocean | 08XS | | | Peterson Airport |
Olton | TS42 | | | Del-Tex Airport |
Orangefield | XS33 | | | Chesson Airport |
Ore City | 30TS | | | Hall Airport |
Leon | W07 | | | Leon Airport |
Ovilla | TS71 | | | Flying B Ranch Airport |
Ozona | XA49 | | | Oso Canyon Airport |
Ozona | 4TA8 | | | Perry Ranch Airport |
Paducah | 3F6 | | | Dan E Richards Municipal |
Paige | 1XA5 | | | Flying Armadillo Field Airport |
Palacios | XS35 | | | Trull Airport |
Palacios | 3XS1 | | | Kubecka Aviation Airport |
Palmer | T13 | | | Dallas South Port Airport |
Palmer | 8TX6 | | | Harper Airport |
Palo Pinto | TA65 | | | Sportsman's World Airport |
Pandale | XS36 | | | Tres Ninos Ranch Airport |
Panhandle | T45 | | | Panhandle-Carson County |
Panhandle | 3TE5 | | | Stamps Field Airport |
Paradise | XS92 | | | Jackson (Bill) Airport |
Paris | 39TA | | | Flying Tigers Airport |
Paris | 0TA8 | | | Womack Plantation Airport |
Paris | XS30 | | | Burress Airport |
Parker | 65XS | | | Birdnest Airport |
Pattison | 1TS1 | | | Laas Farm Airport |
Pattison | TS44 | | | Dry Branch Ranch Airport |
Pawnee | XS71 | | | San Christoval Ranch Airport |
Pearland | T79 | | | Skyway Manor Airport |
Pearland | XS39 | | | A&a Flying Service Airport |
Pearsall | T30 | | | Mc Kinley Field |
Pearsall | XS42 | | | Agricultural Supplies Airport |
Pearsall | XS40 | | | Jay Kay Ranch Airport |
Peoria | TE99 | | | Barnstormer Airport |
Petty | 4TX3 | | | Forest Hill Airport |
Pine Springs | 2TA3 | | | Triangle Ranch Private Airport |
Pineland | T24 | | | Pineland Municipal |
Pipe Creek | TA66 | | | Freedom Springs Ranch Airport |
Pipe Creek | XS43 | | | Medina River Ranch Airport |
Pittsburg | XA23 | | | Richardson Field Airport |
Plains | F98 | | | Yoakum County |
Plainview | 6TS0 | | | True Airport |
Plainview | 7TA3 | | | Quarterway Airport |
Plainview | 9TX3 | | | Horan Airport |
Point | TE74 | | | Bucker Field Airport |
Ponder | 7TS4 | | | Roma Airport |
Ponder | 45TE | | | Deussen Field Airport |
Ponder | TE70 | | | Palmer Field Airport |
Pontotoc | 3XA7 | | | Eagle Rock Ranch Airport |
Port Lavaca | 9TE4 | | | Tanner's Airport |
Port Mansfield | T05 | | | Port Mansfield/Charles R Johnson |
Port O'connor | XS46 | | | Port O'connor Private Airport |
Port O'connor | 72TA | | | Pierce Field Airport |
Porter | 9X1 | | | North Houston Business |
Portland | 9R5 | | | Hunt Airport |
Post | 5F1 | | | Post-Garza County Municipal |
Post | 9XS3 | | | Macy Ranch Airport |
Post | 9TX6 | | | Beggs Ranch Airport |
Poteet | XS47 | | | Maurice Dauwe Farm Airport |
Pottsboro | TE68 | | | Nuggs Flying M Airport |
Pottsboro | TS85 | | | Diamond J Airport |
Poynor | XS91 | | | Pickle Plantation Airport |
Premont | 8TX8 | | | Weeks Airport |
Premont | XS51 | | | Seeligson Ranch Airport |
Presidio | T77 | | | Presidio Lely International Airport |
Presidio | 3TE3 | | | Big Bend Ranch State Park Airport |
Progreso | TS05 | | | Progreso Airport |
Prosper | 47TA | | | Pleasure Field Airport |
Purdon | 83TA | | | Rainbow Field Airport |
Quanah | F01 | | | Quanah Municipal |
Quemado | 50XS | | | Hughes Ranch Airport |
Quinlan | T14 | | | Taylor Airport |
Ralls | 30TE | | | Cone Airport |
Rankin | 49F | | | Rankin Airport |
Raymondville | 92XS | | | T.R. Funk Inc Airport |
Raymondville | XS56 | | | Bell Airfield |
Raywood | XS58 | | | Tri-County Air Service Airport |
Realitos | 14TS | | | O S Wyatt Airport |
Refugio | XS59 | | | Mellon Ranch Airport |
Reklaw | 7TA7 | | | Flying M Ranch Airport |
Rhome | 7TS0 | | | Fairview Airport |
Rhome | T76 | | | Rhome Meadows Airport |
Rhome | TA02 | | | Howard Field Airport |
Richland Springs | XS61 | | | Deep Creek Ranch Airport |
Richmond | 94XS | | | Heritage Ranch Airport |
Richwood | 93XS | | | Joseph Ross Scherdin Airport |
Rio Frio | XS62 | | | The 88 Airport |
Rio Grande City | 67R | | | Rio Grande City Municipal |
Rio Hondo | XS64 | | | Farm Services Inc Airport |
Roanoke | 52F | | | Northwest Regional |
Roaring Springs | 0TE3 | | | Buzz Field Airport |
Robert Lee | 54F | | | Robert Lee |
Robinson | TE17 | | | Heathrow Airport |
Robstown | TE62 | | | High Man Tower Airstrip |
Robstown | XS66 | | | Rabb Dusting Inc Airport |
Rockport | XS67 | | | San Jose Island Airport |
Rocksprings | 8TX2 | | | Freeman Ranch Airport |
Rocksprings | 3TA0 | | | Four Square Ranch Airport |
Rockwall | F46 | | | Ralph M Hall/Rockwall Municipal |
Rockwall | T48 | | | Phillips Flying Ranch Airport |
Romayor | XS72 | | | F R Duke Farm Airport |
Ropesville | 58TE | | | Mc Nabb Farm Airport |
Rosenberg | T54 | | | Lane Airpark |
Rosharon | 91TS | | | Songbird Ranch Airport |
Rosharon | TE88 | | | Bb Airpark |
Rosharon | TA33 | | | Meyer Field Airport |
Rosston | XA16 | | | Tightwaad Air Ranch Airport |
Rotan/Roby | 56F | | | Fisher County |
Round Mountain | XS75 | | | West Ranch Airport |
Round Mountain | 71TE | | | Moursund Ranch Airport |
Royce City | 68TS | | | Bishop Field Airport |
Royse City | T33 | | | Rives Air Park |
Ruidosa | 3TE4 | | | Hot Springs Airport |
Sabinal | 83TE | | | K Bar Ranch Airport |
Sadler | XS31 | | | Graham Field Airport |
Salado | 73TA | | | Salado Airport |
Salt Flat | 65TX | | | Flying Eagle Ranch Airport |
Salt Flat | 76TE | | | Big Tank Ranch Airport |
San Angelo | TS65 | | | Ducote Airpark |
San Angelo | 94TA | | | Reece Field Airport |
San Antonio | 1T7 | | | Kestrel Airpark |
San Antonio | 5C1 | | | Boerne Stage Field |
San Antonio | 8T8 | | | San Geronimo Airpark |
San Antonio | 74R | | | Horizon Airport |
San Antonio | 1T8 | | | Bulverde Airpark |
San Antonio | 75XS | | | Triple R Airport |
San Antonio | T94 | | | Twin-Oaks Airport |
San Antonio | 9TX5 | | | Camp Bullis Als Airport |
San Antonio | XS89 | | | Yates Airport |
San Augustine | 78R | | | San Augustine County |
San Augustine | 86TS | | | Fairway Farm Airport |
San Benito | 53XS | | | Kornegay Private Airport |
San Marcos | 7TS3 | | | Wyatt Airport |
Sealy | 3TA2 | | | Clark Sky Ranch Airport |
San Patricio | 68TX | | | San Patricio International Airport |
San Saba | 81R | | | San Saba County Municipal |
San Saba | 37TX | | | Yates Field Airport |
San Ygnacio | XS94 | | | Corralitos Airport |
Sanderson | TS75 | | | Mitchell Nr One Airport |
Sanger | XA03 | | | Edgington Ranch Airport |
Sanger | TE24 | | | Horseshoe Lake Airport |
Sanger | TS74 | | | Glass Airport |
Sanger | T58 | | | Ironhead Airport |
Sanger | TX33 | | | Haire Airport |
Sanger | 71XS | | | Flying V Airport |
Santa Elena | 38XS | | | San Rafael Ranch Airport |
Santa Elena | XS93 | | | Diamond O Ranch Airport |
Santa Teresa/el Paso | TA50 | | | Cielo Dorado Estates Airport |
Santo | 86TE | | | Matthews Ranch Airport |
Schulenburg | XS95 | | | Marty Ranch Airport |
Scurry | 9TE0 | | | Twin Acres Airport |
Seadrift | 8TA1 | | | Whatley Flying Service Airport |
Seagoville | 5TA9 | | | Seagoville Airport |
Seagraves | F97 | | | Seagraves |
Sealy | 1XA7 | | | Gloster Aerodrome |
Sealy | 2TA4 | | | Mario's Flying Pizza Airport |
Sealy | 93TS | | | Longbird Airport |
Seguin | TE51 | | | Lackorn Airport |
Seguin | E70 | | | Huber Airpark Civic Club Llc |
Seguin | 0TX6 | | | Elm Creek Airpark |
Slidell | XA68 | | | Akroville Airport |
Seminole | 5TA0 | | | Hamilton Aircraft, Inc Airport |
Seminole | 39TE | | | Seminole Spraying Service Airport |
Seymour | 60F | | | Seymour Municipal |
Seymour | TS20 | | | C Lazy T Ranch Airport |
Shallowater | TA67 | | | Biggin Hill Airport |
Shamrock | 2F1 | | | Shamrock Municipal |
Sheffield | 9TX9 | | | Canon Ranch Airport |
Sheffield | 09TX | | | Smokey Mtn Ranch Airport |
Shepherd | XS99 | | | Lake Water Wheel Airport |
Sheridan | 72TS | | | Galaxy Ranch Airport |
Sherman | 11TX | | | Butler Airport |
Sherman | TA93 | | | Lm Ranch Airport |
Shiner | XS49 | | | Dean Ranch Airport |
Shiner | TE36 | | | Gerum Farm Airport |
Silverton | 79XS | | | Silverton Municipal Airport |
Sinton | T69 | | | Alfred C 'bubba' Thomas |
Skellytown | 3TE6 | | | Skellytown Airport |
Slaton | F49 | | | Slaton Municipal |
Slaton | 9XS5 | | | Kitten Farm Private Airport |
Smiley | TS22 | | | Joye Ranch Airport |
Smithville | 84R | | | Smithville Crawford Municipal |
Sonora | TE37 | | | Canyon Ranch Airport |
Sonora | 0XS2 | | | John Fields Ranch Airport |
Spearman | E42 | | | Major Samuel B Cornelius Field |
Spicewood | 88R | | | Spicewood |
Spicewood | 8TA3 | | | Flying X River Ranch Airport |
Spicewood | 0XS6 | | | Lakeside Beach Airport |
Spofford | T70 | | | Laughlin Air Force Base Auxiliary Nr 1 |
Spofford | 55XS | | | Frontier Airport |
Spofford | 0XS7 | | | Anacacho Ranch Airport |
Spofford | 0XS8 | | | Dunbar Ranch Airport |
Spring Branch | 1XS0 | | | Double U Ranch Airport |
Springtown | 6XS7 | | | Eugene's Dream Airport |
Manassas | 51VA | | | Skyview Airport |
Springtown | 61TE | | | Kezer Air Ranch Airport |
Stamford | F56 | | | Arledge Field |
Stanton | 63F | | | Stanton Municipal |
Stephenville | 17TX | | | Kimzey Airport |
Hamlin | 16TX | | | Hamlin |
Sterling City | 58XS | | | Mc Entire's Lazy V Ranch Airport |
Sterling City | 64F | | | Alvie Cole Ranch Airport |
Stockdale | 2TS8 | | | Bailey Airport |
Stonewall | TS76 | | | Redstone Ranch Airport |
Stratford | H70 | | | Stratford Field |
Streetman | 5XS9 | | | Byrt Airport |
Sudan | XA05 | | | Fairview Field Airport |
Sudan | 9XS6 | | | Sudan Airport |
Sunray | X43 | | | Sunray |
Sunrise Beach Village | 2KL | | | Sunrise Beach Airport |
Sweetwater | 86XS | | | Gesin Ranches Airport |
Sweetwater | TA00 | | | Rafter P Airport |
Wildorado | 1TE6 | | | Moore Airport |
Taylor | T74 | | | Taylor Municipal |
Taylor | 41XS | | | Macho Grande Airport |
Teague | 68F | | | Teague Municipal |
Temple | 19TX | | | Woody Mc Clellan Ranch Airport |
Temple | 5TA1 | | | Charping Airport |
Tennessee Colony | TA70 | | | W J E Airport |
Terlingua | 1XS7 | | | Heath Canyon Airport |
Terlingua | 81TX | | | La Leona Airport |
Terlingua /alpine/ | 3TE8 | | | C Fulcher Ranch Airport |
Texarkana | 21TX | | | Shilling's Airport |
Texas City | 8TA4 | | | Laseair Airport |
Texas City | TS50 | | | Austinia Airport |
Texline | TA13 | | | Nebtex Land Co. Airport |
The Grove/ranch | 23TX | | | The Grove/Ranch Airport |
Three Rivers | 1XS9 | | | Beefmaster's Best Airport |
Throckmorton | 72F | | | Throckmorton Municipal |
Thurber | 24TX | | | Thurber Lake Airport |
Tilden | TE63 | | | Arrowhead Ranch Airport |
Tioga | 53TS | | | Bridges Field Airport |
Tira | XA17 | | | Chuckster Airport |
Tom Bean | 23TA | | | Rowland R Airfield |
Tomball | 7TA0 | | | Field's Field Airport |
Toyahvale | 16TA | | | Seven Springs Airport |
Trenton | 52TA | | | Red Wing Airport |
Trenton | 48TX | | | Tri-County Aerodrome |
Trinity | XA52 | | | Ehni Airport |
Troup | TE91 | | | Harrison Farm Airport |
Truscott | 26TX | | | Lowrance Ranch Airport |
Tulia | I06 | | | City Of Tulia/Swisher County Municipal |
Tulia | 1TA2 | | | Vigo Park Airport |
Twin Sisters | 2XS5 | | | Cross Triangle Ranch Airport |
Utopia | 95TA | | | Thunder Creek Airport |
Utopia | 2XS6 | | | Foster Ranch Airport |
Uvalde | 2XS8 | | | Benson Airstrip |
Uvalde | 2XS7 | | | Annandale Ranch Airport |
Valley Mills | 9F1 | | | Valley Mills Municipal Airport |
Valley View | 1XA6 | | | Tailwheel Acres Airport |
Valley View | 3XA1 | | | Hardy Field Airport |
Van Nuys | 5XS5 | | | Wits End Ranch Airport |
Van Horn | 88TA | | | Figure 2 Ranch Airport |
Vega | E52 | | | Oldham County |
Vernon | F05 | | | Wilbarger County |
Vernon | 29TX | | | Lockett Airport |
Vernon | 28TX | | | Lehman Airport |
Victoria | 42TE | | | Ball Airport |
Vidor | 3XS4 | | | Jenkins Airport |
Von Ormy | 3XS5 | | | Star Smith Field Airport |
Waco | 5TA2 | | | Rabbit Run Airport |
Waco | 2TS3 | | | Tigerbird Field Airport |
Waco | TA57 | | | Texas Valley Air Field |
Waco | 54XS | | | Bar C Ranch Airport |
Waco | 70TE | | | Flying Heart Ranch Airport |
Waco | XS74 | | | Diamondaire Airport |
Waco | 73F | | | Wings For Christ International Flight Academy Airport |
Waco | XA85 | | | Cougar Landing Airport |
Waller | 3XS8 | | | Ken Ada Ranch Airport |
Waller | 4XS0 | | | Pfeffer & Son Farms Airport |
Walnut Springs | 74TE | | | Flat Top Ranch Airport |
Waring | 8XS9 | | | Rust Field Airport |
Waxahachie | 60TA | | | Air Ranch Estates Airport |
Waxahachie | 25XS | | | Skyway Airpark |
Waxahachie | TE72 | | | Haven Field Airport |
Waxahachie | 54TA | | | George P Shanks Airport |
Waxahachie | TA60 | | | Hurn Airport |
Wayside | 6TE7 | | | Mc Neill Ranch Airport |
Weatherford | XA86 | | | Driftwood Ranch Airport |
Weatherford | F78 | | | Horseshoe Bend Airport |
Weatherford | 58TX | | | Tailspin Estates Airport |
Weatherford | TA19 | | | Post Oak Airfield |
Weatherford | 99XS | | | Sam Little International Airport |
Weatherford | 08TX | | | Cross Wind Airport |
Wellington | F06 | | | Marian Airpark |
Weslaco | T65 | | | Mid Valley |
West | 45TX | | | West Airpark |
Westminster | 66XS | | | Baylie Airport |
Westminster | 41TS | | | Flying T Ranch Airport |
Wharton | 94R | | | Lackey Aviation Airport |
Wharton | 61XS | | | Shanks Ag Strip |
Wheeler | T59 | | | Wheeler Municipal |
Whitesboro | T29 | | | Flying H Ranch Airport |
Whitesboro | 36TX | | | Bevoni-Flying B Airport |
Whitesboro | 69XS | | | Brushy Creek Airport |
Whitesboro | TA80 | | | U U Ranch Airport |
Whitesboro | 68XS | | | Margaritaville Airport |
Whitney | F50 | | | Lake Whitney State Park Airport |
Whitney | 37XS | | | Lake Whitney Country Club Airport |
Wichita Falls | 7TX0 | | | Tom Danaher Airport |
Wichita Falls | F14 | | | Wichita Valley |
Wiergate | 4XS5 | | | Scrappin Valley Airport |
Willis | 97TS | | | Gdap Air Ranch Airport |
Willow City | 4XS6 | | | H Young Ranch Airport |
Wills Point | 76F | | | Van Zandt County Regional |
Wimberley | 4XS9 | | | Garnett Ranch Airport |
Wimberley | 70XS | | | Restoration Ranch Airport |
Wimberley | 3TS1 | | | White Wings Airport |
Wimberley | 4XS8 | | | Winn Ranch Airport |
Wingate | TE08 | | | Flying W Airport |
Winnie | 5XS3 | | | Wilber Farms Airport |
Winnie | TE73 | | | Griffith Ranch Airport |
Winnie/Stowell | T90 | | | Chambers County-Winnie Stowell |
Winnsboro | F51 | | | Winnsboro Municipal |
Winona | TA61 | | | Kay Ranch Airport |
Winters | 77F | | | Winters Municipal |
Wolfe City | 42TX | | | Magee Airport |
Wolfe City | 41TX | | | Henington Airport |
Woodbine | 80XS | | | Three Acres Airport |
Woodville | 09R | | | Tyler County |
Yoakum | 9XS0 | | | Dobbs Ranch Airport |
Yoakum | 5TA3 | | | Pearson Ranch Private Airport |
Yoakum | T85 | | | Yoakum Municipal |
Alton | UT00 | | | Swains Creek Airport |
Alton | UT24 | | | Strawberry Valley Estates Airport |
Beaver | U52 | | | Beaver Municipal |
Beryl | UT82 | | | Beryl Junction Airport |
Bluff | 66V | | | Bluff |
Brigham City | 2UT3 | | | Fort Ranch Airport |
Cedar City | UT80 | | | Hamilton Fort Ranch Airport |
Cedar Fort | UT41 | | | Glenmar Ranch Airport |
Cedar Valley | UT99 | | | West Desert Airpark |
Cisco | UT42 | | | Westwater Airport |
Delta | UT49 | | | Desert Aviation Airport |
Duchesne | U69 | | | Duchesne Municipal |
Duck Creek Village | 2UT2 | | | High Meadow Ranch Airport |
Dutch John | 33U | | | Dutch John |
Escalante | 1L7 | | | Escalante Municipal |
Fruitland | UT83 | | | Thunder Ridge Airpark |
Fry Canyon | UT74 | | | Fry Canyon Field Airport |
Garrison | UT70 | | | Garrison Airport |
Green River | UT09 | | | Tavaputs Ranch Airport |
Halls Crossing | U96 | | | Cal Black Memorial |
Hanksville | UT03 | | | Hite Airport |
Hatch | UT26 | | | Bryce Woodland Estates Landing Strip |
Heber | 36U | | | Heber City Municipal - Russ Mcdonald Field |
Huntington | 69V | | | Huntington Municipal |
Hurricane | 1L8 | | | Hurricane Municipal/General Dick Stout Field |
Hurricane | UT47 | | | Grassy Meadows/Sky Ranch Landowners Assn Airport |
Ibapah | UT65 | | | Goshute Airport |
Jensen | 99UT | | | Sundog Airport |
Junction | U13 | | | Junction |
Kanab | UT30 | | | Deer Springs Ranch Airport |
Kanarraville | UT43 | | | Citabriair Airport |
La Sal | 01UT | | | La Sal Junction Airport |
Leeds | UT54 | | | Crystal Springs Ranch Airport |
Loa | 38U | | | Wayne Wonderland |
Lucin | 02UT | | | Lucin Airport |
Lund | UT28 | | | Sun Valley Estates Airport |
Manila | 40U | | | Manila |
Mexican Hat | 03UT | | | A Z Minerals Corporation Airport |
Moab | UT53 | | | Sky Ranch Airport |
Moab | UT75 | | | Mineral Canyon Strip Airport |
Moab | UT68 | | | Caveman Ranch Airport |
Morgan | 42U | | | Morgan County |
Navajo Mountain Trdng Post | 04UT | | | Navajo Mountain Airport |
Panguitch | UT17 | | | Pfeiler Ranch Airport |
Paragonah | UT15 | | | Flying Cal Ute Rancheros Airport |
Parowan | 1L9 | | | Parowan |
Randlett | UT69 | | | Pelican Lake Airport |
Salt Lake City | U42 | | | South Valley Regional |
Cape Charles | VG33 | | | Bull Farm Airport |
Spanish Fork | U77 | | | Spanish Fork-Springville-Woodhouse Field |
Cheriton | 24VA | | | Cherrystone Airport |
Tremonton | UT29 | | | Jack's Airport |
Tridell | UT67 | | | Paradise Air Park |
Vernal | UT07 | | | Air Village Strip |
Amelia | VA64 | | | Hill Top Airport |
Amelia Court House | 2VA3 | | | Merlin Aerodrome |
Amherst | VG06 | | | Fulcher Family Farms Airport |
Appomattox | 94VA | | | Highview Farms Airport |
Arcola | 98VA | | | Glascock Airport |
Arrington | 4VA5 | | | Starr Airport |
Ashland | VG24 | | | Mayers Airport |
Atlantic | 4VA6 | | | Taylor Airport |
Aylett | 25VA | | | Toddsbury Farm Airport |
Basye | VG18 | | | Sky Bryce Airport |
Bedford | 20VG | | | Hawk Ridge Airport |
Bedford | 0VA1 | | | Johnson Fox Field Airport |
Bedford | VG25 | | | Robinson Airport |
Berryville | 61VA | | | High View Farm Airport |
Floyd | VA06 | | | Deer Run Airport |
Bloxom | VG56 | | | Midway Airport |
Bowling Green | 20VA | | | Woodford Airpark |
Boykins | VG28 | | | Mann Airport |
Brookneal | 0V4 | | | Brookneal/Campbell County |
Buckingham Courthouse | 57VA | | | Toga Airport |
Buckinham | 8VA4 | | | Lotus International Airport |
Bumpass | 7W4 | | | Lake Anna Airport |
Burgess | 3VG3 | | | Serenity Farm Airport |
Callao | 8VA2 | | | Shivok Airport |
Calverton | 58VA | | | Walnut Hill Airport |
Cape Charles | VG09 | | | Starbase Airport |
Cape Charles | VG39 | | | Earth Airport |
Cape Charles | VG30 | | | Scott Farm Strip |
Capron | VA14 | | | Southampton Correctional Center Airport |
Centreville | VA16 | | | Centreville Airport |
Charlottesville | VA19 | | | Snow Hill Airport |
Charlottesville | VA18 | | | Bundoran Airport |
Chase City | 1VA8 | | | Hazelswart Airport |
Clarksville | W63 | | | Lake Country Regional |
Clarksville | VG34 | | | Merifield Airport |
Clifton Forge | 12VA | | | Hop-Along Airport |
Coles Point | VA23 | | | Sanford Field Airport |
Columbia Furnace | VA93 | | | Ayers Airport |
Crewe | W81 | | | Crewe Municipal |
Critz | VA27 | | | Moorefield's Airstrip |
Cullen | VA28 | | | Layne Farm Airstrip |
Culpeper | VA30 | | | Berryvale Airport |
Culpeper | 02VA | | | The Greenhouse Airport |
Culpeper | 88VA | | | Belmont Farm Airport |
Eagle Rock | 44VA | | | Big Hill Airport |
Eastville | VG00 | | | Mears Field Airport |
Edinburg | VA32 | | | Longs Airport |
Edwardsville | 2VA1 | | | Jett Airpark |
Farmville | 05VA | | | Providence Airport |
Fincastle | VA83 | | | Fincastle Airport |
Fincastle | VA04 | | | Barrows Airport |
Forest | W90 | | | New London |
Fork Union | VA36 | | | F. U. M. A. Airport |
Fredericksburg | VA42 | | | Dogwood Airpark |
Glasgow | VA63 | | | Twin River Airport |
Gloucester | 92VA | | | New Quarter Farm Airport |
Goochland | VA44 | | | Rose Retreat Farm Airport |
Gore | VA46 | | | Timber Ridge Airpark |
Grottoes | 06VA | | | Mount Horeb Field Airport |
Hanover | VA50 | | | Woods Farm Airstrip |
Holland | 62VA | | | Grasso Salvage Airport |
Iron Gate | 0VA2 | | | Riverwood Airport |
Ivor | VA56 | | | Wells Airport |
Jonesville | 0VG | | | Lee County |
Kenbridge | W31 | | | Lunenburg County |
Keysville | VG01 | | | Eureka Airport |
Kilmarnock | VA31 | | | Apple Grove Airport |
Kilmarnock | VA08 | | | Longbranch Airport |
King George | VA57 | | | Powhatan Airport |
Lovettsville | VA62 | | | The Grass Patch Airport |
Lovettsville | VA61 | | | Scott Airpark |
Lynchburg | W24 | | | Falwell |
Machipongo | 3VG2 | | | Machipongo International Airport |
Manassas | VA71 | | | Aden Field Airport |
Manassas | VG57 | | | Maples Field Airport |
Manquin | 0VI1 | | | Brooklyn Airport |
Manquin | 0VA3 | | | Hunt Airport |
Martinsville | VA72 | | | Covington Airport |
Martinsville | 4VA1 | | | Davis Field Airport |
Martinsville | 6VA2 | | | Loury Lester Airpark |
Mathews | 9VA1 | | | Holly Point Airport |
Matoaca | VA73 | | | Mazza Airport |
Maurertown | VA58 | | | River Bend Airport |
Middleburg | VA79 | | | Hickory Tree Farm Airport |
Midland | 53VA | | | Horse Feathers Airport |
Moneta | W91 | | | Smith Mountain Lake |
Montross | 1VG2 | | | Whithall Farm Airport |
New Castle | VA85 | | | New Castle International Airport |
New Market | 8W2 | | | New Market Airport |
Onancock | VA91 | | | Johnson Field Airport |
Onley | VG20 | | | Onley Airport |
Palmyra | 77VA | | | Camp Friendship Airfield |
Powhatan | VA95 | | | Spring Valley Airport |
Quinton | W96 | | | New Kent County |
Reedville | VA98 | | | Reedville Airport |
Remington | 29VA | | | Rhynalds Ranch Airport |
Richmond | 80VA | | | Holly Springs Airport |
Richmond | 4VA3 | | | Flying W Airport |
Richmond | 0VA5 | | | Coffman Field Airport |
Rocky Mount | VG40 | | | Woody Field Airport |
Rocky Mount | 0VA4 | | | Worley Field Airport |
Rustburg | VA13 | | | Breezy Knoll Airport |
Saluda | W75 | | | Hummel Field Airport |
Saluda | 2VA6 | | | Arrowhead Point Airport |
Severn | 1VA5 | | | Hoffman's Farm Airport |
Smithfield | 31VA | | | Aberdeen Field Airport |
South Boston | W78 | | | William M Tuck |
Stafford | 1VA9 | | | Flying T Farm Airport |
Steeles Tavern | VA00 | | | Brook Hill Farm Airport |
Strasburg | VA17 | | | Mulberry Run Airport |
Stuart | 1VA1 | | | Micro Airport |
Surry | 2VA2 | | | Melville Airstrip |
Tabscott | VG05 | | | Payne Airport |
Tazewell | VA07 | | | Burkes Garden Airport |
Upperville | 2VG2 | | | Upperville Airport |
Urbanna | 2VA5 | | | Rosegill Farm Airstrip |
Verona | 82VA | | | Root Field Airport |
Virginia Beach | 42VA | | | Virginia Beach Airport |
Virginia Beach | 3VG4 | | | Knight's Landing Llc Airport |
Warm Springs | 9VA0 | | | Bath Alum Airport |
Addison | VT09 | | | Spencer Airport |
Warrenton | 7VG0 | | | Warrenton Air Park |
Warrenton | 2VA9 | | | Airlie Airport |
Warrenton | 3VA1 | | | The Meadows Airport |
Warrenton | 3VA2 | | | Aviacres Airport |
Warrenton | 3VA3 | | | Flying Circus Aerodrome |
Warsaw | 2VG8 | | | Folly Neck Airport |
Warsaw | VG29 | | | Branham Mill Airpark |
Warsaw | 3VA4 | | | Shandy Hall Farm Airport |
Waynesboro | W13 | | | Eagle's Nest Airport |
Weirwood | 9VG | | | Campbell Field Airport |
West Point | VG64 | | | Lee Field Airport |
Monroe | 63WI | | | Flying H Airport |
Whaleyville | VG37 | | | Umphlett Airstrip |
White Post | 3VA7 | | | White Post Airport |
Williamsburg | W94 | | | Camp Peary Landing Strip |
Windsor | 3VA8 | | | Garner Airport |
Wintergreen | VG22 | | | Rockfish Airpark |
Woodstock | VG55 | | | Burner Airport |
Woodstock | 4VA4 | | | Hepner Airport |
Addison | VT11 | | | Ass-Pirin Acres Airport |
Alburg | VT38 | | | Greenwoods Airfield |
Alburg | VT46 | | | Northern Lights Airport |
Bridport | VT10 | | | Manning Personal Airstrip |
Grand Isle | VT15 | | | Savage Island Airport |
Huntington | VT01 | | | Teal Farm Airport |
Crivitz | 4WI3 | | | Neveln Field Airport |
Island Pond | 5B1 | | | John H Boylan State Airport (Island Pond) |
Isle Lamotte | 88VT | | | Hawk's Nest Airport |
Londonderry | 23VT | | | North Windham Airport |
Middlebury | 6B0 | | | Middlebury State Airport |
Milton | VT52 | | | Shaw Meadow Airport |
Morrisville | VT44 | | | Perras Field Airport |
Post Mills | 2B9 | | | Post Mills Airport |
Putney | VT06 | | | Santa's Airport |
Shelburne | VT23 | | | Bostwick Farm Airport |
Shelburne | VT8 | | | Shelburne Airport |
South Hero | VT26 | | | Allenholm Airport |
Townshend | VT43 | | | Onyon Airport |
Vergennes | B06 | | | Basin Harbor Airport |
Warren | 0B7 | | | Warren-Sugarbush Airport |
West Addison | VT33 | | | Yankee Kingdom Airport |
Morrisville | VT42 | | | Two Tails |
West Dover | 4V8 | | | Mount Snow Airport |
Wolcott | VT39 | | | Taylor Airport |
Alderdale | WA00 | | | Mercer Ranch Airport |
Amboy | WA79 | | | Walter Sutton's Private Strip |
Auburn | S50 | | | Auburn Municipal |
Auburn | WA84 | | | Auburn Academy Airport |
Bandera | 4W0 | | | Bandera State Airport |
Basin City | 6WA3 | | | Green Acres Airport |
Battle Ground | WA87 | | | Parkside Airpark |
Battle Ground | W52 | | | Goheen Airport |
Benge | WN30 | | | Clinesmith Ranch Airport |
Benge | 52WA | | | Honn Farm Airport |
Benge | WA20 | | | Gray Ranch Airport |
Black Diamond | 95WA | | | Black Diamond Airport |
Black Diamond | 51WA | | | Evergreen Sky Ranch Airport |
Bremerton | WA96 | | | Leisureland Airpark |
Brewster | S97 | | | Anderson Field |
Brush Prairie | 5WA9 | | | Brush Prairie Aerodrome |
Buckley | 9WA7 | | | Albritton Airport |
Buckley | WN42 | | | Flying H Ranch Airport |
Buena | WA97 | | | Buena Airport |
Burlington | WN51 | | | Bayview Farms Airport |
Camas | 1W1 | | | Grove Field Airport |
Centerville | 5WA7 | | | Warwick Airport |
Chehalis | 0WA1 | | | Dwight Field Airport |
Chelan | S10 | | | Lake Chelan |
Blaine | 4W6 | | | Blaine Muni |
Cheney | WA49 | | | Flying R Ranch Airport |
Green Bay | 88WI | | | Nicolet Airport |
Chewelah | 1S9 | | | Chewelah Municipal |
Clayton | C72 | | | Cross Winds Airport |
Cle Elum | 2W1 | | | De Vere Field Airport |
Cle Elum | S93 | | | Cle Elum Municipal Airport |
Colfax | S94 | | | Port Of Whitman Business Air Center |
Colfax | 00W | | | Lower Granite State Airport |
College Place | S95 | | | Martin Field |
Colville | WA72 | | | Zema Private Airport |
Colville | 63S | | | Colville Municipal Airport |
Concrete | 3W5 | | | Mears Field Airport |
Connell | WA14 | | | Connell City Airport |
Copalis | S16 | | | Copalis State Airport |
Cougar | WN10 | | | Mount St Helen's Aero Ranch Airport |
Coulee City | WA15 | | | Coulee City Airport |
Coupeville | WN40 | | | Coupeville Airpark |
Curtis | 0WA2 | | | Curtis Airport |
Darrington | 1S2 | | | Darrington Municipal Airport |
Davenport | 68S | | | Davenport Airport |
Davenport | 73WA | | | 7 Bays Airport |
Decatur | WN07 | | | Decatur Shores Airport |
Deming | 4WA8 | | | Riverside Airport |
Discovery Bay/maynard | WA45 | | | Olympic Field Airport |
East Sound | 90WA | | | Waldronaire Airport |
Eatonville | 2W3 | | | Swanson |
Ellensburg | WA47 | | | Flying Rock Airpark |
Ellensburg | WT01 | | | Hillcrest Farms Airport |
Ellensburg | WN64 | | | J K D Farms Airport |
Elma | 4W8 | | | Elma Municipal Airport |
Enumclaw | WN76 | | | Bergseth Field Airport |
Everett | 76WA | | | Heineck Farm Airport |
Fall City | 1WA6 | | | Fall City Airport |
Ferndale | WA88 | | | Horse Fly Airport |
Ferndale | WN35 | | | Meadow Mist Airport |
Ford | 7WA4 | | | Humbert Airport |
Forks | S18 | | | Forks Airport |
Friday Harbor | 61WA | | | Burden Field-(Rabbit Run) Airport |
Friday Harbor | 1WA9 | | | Friday West Airport |
Goldendale | S20 | | | Goldendale |
Goldendale | 03WN | | | Aerostone Ranch Airport |
Goldendale | 2WN9 | | | Hillcrest Airport |
Goldendale | 9WA4 | | | Piper Canyon Airport |
Greenwater | 21W | | | Ranger Creek Airport |
Harrah | WA26 | | | Harrah Airport |
Mansfield | 8W3 | | | Mansfield Airport |
Harrington | 2WA8 | | | Kramer Ranch Airport |
Harrington | 3WA2 | | | Hanes Airport |
Huntsville | 2WA9 | | | Touchet Valley Airport |
Ilwaco | 7W1 | | | Port Of Ilwaco Airport |
Ione | S23 | | | Ione Municipal |
Kahlotus | W09 | | | Lower Monumental State Airport |
Kahlotus | 4WA6 | | | Hille-Kimp Airstrip |
Kahlotus | 3WA3 | | | Angel Park Airport |
Kapowsin | 86WA | | | Kapowsin Field Airport |
Kennewick | S98 | | | Vista Field Airport |
Kennewick | WA39 | | | Woodfield Airport |
Kent | S36 | | | Norman Grier Field |
Kingston | WA61 | | | Thompson Airport |
La Center | WA46 | | | Daybreak Airport |
Lacrosse | WA30 | | | Lacrosse Municipal Airport |
Lake Stevens | WN53 | | | Frontier Airpark |
Langley | W10 | | | Whidbey Air Park |
Leavenworth | 27W | | | Lake Wenatchee State Airport |
Lind | 0S0 | | | Lind |
Little Rock | 4WA2 | | | Cricket Field Airport |
Lynden | 38W | | | Lynden Airport |
Mattawa | 91WA | | | Christensen Bros Wahluke Strip |
Mattawa | 74WA | | | Mattawa Air Strip |
Mattawa | M94 | | | Desert Aire Regional |
Mazama | W12 | | | Lost River Resort Airport |
Mc Cleary | WN47 | | | Bear Valley Skyranch Airport |
Mead | 70S | | | Mead Flying Service Airport |
Mesa | 97WA | | | Basin City Airfield |
Monroe | W16 | | | Firstair Field Airport |
Morton | WA41 | | | Bear Canyon West Field Airport |
Moses Lake | W20 | | | Moses Lake Municipal Airport |
Naselle | WA01 | | | Wirkkala Airport |
Newman Lake | WN54 | | | Ellerport Airport |
Northport | 1WN0 | | | Schmidt Ranch Airport |
Ocean Park | WN88 | | | Martin Airport |
Ocean Shores | 5WA8 | | | Hogan's Corner Airport |
Ocean Shores | W04 | | | Ocean Shores Muni |
Odessa | 43D | | | Odessa Municipal |
Okanogan | S35 | | | Okanogan Legion Airport |
Olympia | 44T | | | Hoskins Field Airport |
Olympia | 6WA2 | | | Gower Field Airport |
Olympia | WN36 | | | Kari Field Airport |
Olympia | 14WA | | | Lz Ranch Airport |
Onalaska | WN74 | | | Burnt Ridge Airstrip |
Oroville | 0S7 | | | Dorothy Scott |
Othello | S70 | | | Othello Municipal |
Othello | 6WA4 | | | Ochoa Field Airport |
Packwood | 55S | | | Packwood Airport |
Palouse | WN26 | | | Schoepflin Airport |
Pasco | 53WA | | | Columbia Ag Airport |
Pasco | WA24 | | | Pfister's Airport |
Paterson | WA76 | | | Columbia Crest Winery Airport |
Point Roberts | 1RL | | | Point Roberts Airpark |
Pomeroy | 85WA | | | Scott Seed Farm Airport |
Pomeroy | 58WA | | | Dye Seed Ranch Inc. Airport |
Port Angeles | WN21 | | | Lawson Airpark |
Port Orchard | 4WA9 | | | Port Orchard Airport |
Prosser | 7WA7 | | | Mc Whorter Ranch Airport |
Prosser | S40 | | | Prosser |
Quincy | 80T | | | Quincy Municipal |
Quincy | 79WA | | | Grigg Farm Airport |
Quincy | WA74 | | | Quincy Flying Service Airport |
Rainier | 8WA0 | | | Flying B Airport |
Randle | WN55 | | | Randle-Kiona Airpark |
Reardan | WA08 | | | Zwainz Farms Airport |
Republic | R49 | | | Ferry County |
Rimrock | 4S6 | | | Tieton State Airport |
Ritzville | 33S | | | Pru Field |
Ritzville | 8WA5 | | | Tree Heart Ranch Airport |
River Bend Lodge | 9WA3 | | | River Bend Airport |
Rochester | 8W9 | | | R & K Skyranch Airport |
Rosalia | 72S | | | Rosalia Municipal Airport |
Royal City | 04WN | | | Stillwater Creek Airport |
Royal City | 4WA0 | | | B & G Farms Airport |
Royal City | 8WA6 | | | Christensen Field Airport |
Sekiu | 11S | | | Sekiu |
Sequim | WN49 | | | Flying S Airfield |
Sequim | 2WA1 | | | Diamond Point Airstrip |
Sequim | WN29 | | | Blue Ribbon Airport |
Skamania | 4WA1 | | | Brown's Cape Horn Airport |
Skamokawa | 18JY | | | Skamokawa East Valley Airport |
Skykomish | S88 | | | Skykomish State Airport |
Snohomish | S43 | | | Harvey Field Airport |
South Bend | 2S9 | | | Willapa Harbor |
South Prairie | 02WA | | | Cawleys South Prairie Airport |
Spanaway | S44 | | | Spanaway Airport |
Spangle | 03WA | | | Spangle Field Airport |
Spangle | WA62 | | | Paradise Air Ranch Airport |
Spokane | 10WA | | | Mullan Hill Airport |
Mercer | 2WI5 | | | Blair Lake Airport |
Spokane | WN92 | | | Sky Meadows Airpark |
Sprague | WN41 | | | Redfern Aerodrome |
Springdale | WA23 | | | Pine Bluff Airport |
St John | 8WA7 | | | Gossard Field Airport |
Stanwood | 15WA | | | Sunset Airport |
Starbuck | 16W | | | Little Goose Lock And Dam Airport |
Stehekin | 6S9 | | | Stehekin State Airport |
Stevenson | 19WA | | | Key Way Airport |
Sunnyside | 1S5 | | | Sunnyside Municipal |
Tekoa | 73S | | | Willard Field Airport |
Toledo | WN05 | | | Harris Airport |
Tonasket | 5WA0 | | | Sourdough Airport |
Tonasket | W01 | | | Tonasket Municipal |
Tonasket | 25WA | | | Hart Ranch Airport |
Tum Tum | 39WA | | | Tailskid Ranch Airport |
Twisp | 2S0 | | | Twisp Municipal Airport |
Tyler | 93WA | | | Harris Airport |
Vancouver | W56 | | | Fly For Fun Airport |
Vantage | WN95 | | | Brown Boy Airport |
Vashon | WA69 | | | Wax Orchards Airport |
Vashon | 2S1 | | | Vashon Municipal Airport |
Warden | 33WA | | | Franz Ranch Airport |
Warden | 2S4 | | | Warden Airport |
Washtucna | 37WA | | | Baumann Farm Inc. Airport |
Waterville | 2S5 | | | Waterville Airport |
Westport | 14S | | | Westport Airport |
Wilbur | 2S8 | | | Wilbur |
Wilbur | 22WA | | | Gollehon Airport |
Wilkeson | WN15 | | | Burnett Landing Airport |
Wilson Creek | 5W1 | | | Wilson Creek Airport |
Winlock | 1WA2 | | | Pilot's Pastures Airport |
Winthrop | S52 | | | Methow Valley State |
Yakima | 48WA | | | West Valley Airport |
Yakima | 55WA | | | Wilkinson Ranch Airport |
Yakima | WN45 | | | Take Five Airport |
Yelm | 06WN | | | Western Airpark |
Yelm | 49WA | | | Cougar Mountain Airfield |
Zillah | 68WA | | | Mc Mahon Field Airport |
Algoma | 1WI8 | | | Jorgensen - Stoller Airport |
Antigo | 9WN4 | | | Rag Wing Airport |
Arkansaw | 28WI | | | Rutherford Airport |
Arkdale | WS04 | | | Zanadu Airport |
Arlington | WI51 | | | Del Monte Airport |
Athens | WI54 | | | Corinth Airport |
Athens | 81WI | | | Gunner Field Airport |
Athens | 52WI | | | John's Field Airport |
Augusta | 5WI0 | | | Grandpa's Farm Airport |
Babcock | 29WI | | | Whittlesey Cranberry Co Airport |
Baldwin | 70WI | | | Kanten Field Airport |
Baldwin | WI29 | | | Rush River Airport |
Balsam Lake | 4WN5 | | | Romeo Airstrip |
Barron | 9Y7 | | | Barron Municipal Airport |
Bayfield | WS19 | | | Petit Cache Airport |
Beecher | WN11 | | | Red Roof Airport |
Beecher | WS25 | | | Shangrila Airport |
Beloit | 44C | | | Beloit |
Bevent | 3WI3 | | | Plover River Airfield |
Birchwood | WN98 | | | Florida North Airport |
Birchwood | WI12 | | | Lilac Time Airport |
Birchwood | 6WI3 | | | Will-Be-Gone Airport |
Black River Falls | 7WI4 | | | Lewis Airport |
Bloomer | WI18 | | | Gateway Airport |
Bloomington | WI56 | | | C Jeidy Farms Airport |
Boscobel | WS91 | | | Sky Hollow Airport |
Boyceville | 3T3 | | | Boyceville Muni |
Bristol | WI58 | | | Winfield Airport |
Brodhead | C37 | | | Brodhead Airport |
Brookfield | 02C | | | Capitol |
Brooklyn | 7WI5 | | | Syvrud Airport |
Bruce | WN90 | | | Taylorport Airport |
Brule | WI10 | | | Cedar Island Airport |
Brussels | 7WI8 | | | Crispy Cedars Airport |
Cable | 3CU | | | Cable Union |
Cadott | WI21 | | | Crane Field Airport |
Camp Lake | 49C | | | Camp Lake Airport |
Cassville | C74 | | | Cassville Municipal |
Cecil | WI60 | | | Deer Haven Ranch Airport |
Cedarburg | 1WN2 | | | Covered Bridge Fields Airport |
Centerville | 40WI | | | Schubert Airstrip |
Chetek | Y23 | | | Chetek Muni-Southworth |
Chetek | WS13 | | | Cloud Dancer Private Airport |
Chetek | 3WN6 | | | Knutson Farms Airport |
Chippewa Falls | 3WN8 | | | Blunt Field Airport |
Chippewa Falls | 3WI9 | | | Rosenbaum Field Airport |
Chippewa Falls | 4WI0 | | | Wissota Airport |
Clintonville | WI52 | | | Schewe Airport |
Coloma | 9WN9 | | | Coloma Municipal Airport |
Columbus | 6WN6 | | | Fountain Prairie Airport |
Comstock | 0WI1 | | | Mort's Landing Airport |
Cornell | 2H3 | | | Cornell Municipal Airport |
Cornucopia | WI23 | | | Cornucopia Field Airport |
Cottage Grove | 59WI | | | Little Wheel Field Airport |
Crandon | 4WI2 | | | Island View Airport |
Crandon | Y55 | | | Crandon/Steve Conway Municipal |
Crivitz | 3D1 | | | Crivitz Municipal Airport |
Daleyville | WI43 | | | Atkins Ridge Airport |
De Pere | WS43 | | | Birch Creek Airport |
Delavan | C59 | | | Lake Lawn |
Delavan | WI66 | | | Smilin' Sam's Airport |
Dorchester | 83WI | | | Jones Airport |
Dousman | 3WI7 | | | Bark River Airport |
Drummond | 5G4 | | | Eau Claire Lakes Airport |
Dundee | 1WN1 | | | Kettle Moraine Airport |
Durand | WI25 | | | Durand Municipal Airport |
East Troy | 57C | | | East Troy Municipal |
East Troy | 35WI | | | Barker Strip Airport |
Eden | 61WI | | | Dinnerbell Airport |
Eleva | WS69 | | | Log Cabin Airport |
Elkhorn | 41WI | | | Paddock Field Airport |
Elkhorn | WI70 | | | Swan Airport |
Elroy | 60C | | | Elroy Municipal Airport |
Emerald | 85WI | | | Cub Bear Airport |
Fish Creek | 3D2 | | | Ephraim-Gibraltar Airport |
Exeland | 26WI | | | Kitty-Wompus Airport |
Fennimore | 8WI8 | | | Stupek Farms Airport |
Ferryville | 7WI0 | | | Turkey Bluff Airport |
Fisk | 2WN7 | | | Planeacres Airport |
Fond Du Lac | 7WI9 | | | Nett Construction Airport |
Fort Atkinson | 61C | | | Fort Atkinson Municipal |
Fort Atkinson | 47WI | | | Oakbrook Airport |
Franksville | 62C | | | Cindy Guntly Memorial Airport |
Friendship | 63C | | | Adams County Legion Field |
Galesville | 4WI8 | | | Carhart Farms Airport |
Goodnow | WS39 | | | Pinewood Air Park |
Granton | 2WN6 | | | Cunningham Airport |
Grantsburg | WS77 | | | Circle T Airport |
Green Bay | WI78 | | | Martins Aerodrome |
Greenwood | WI79 | | | Town Line Airport |
Hazelhurst | 48WI | | | Circle A Ranch Airport |
Herbster | WS67 | | | Vietmeier Airport |
Holcombe | 4WN4 | | | River Ridge Aero Estates Airport |
Holmen | 36WI | | | Holland Air Park |
Holmen | 09WI | | | Parkway Farm Strip |
Hortonville | WI22 | | | Rocket City Airport |
Hortonville | 32WI | | | Dalonia Airport |
Independence | 5WI6 | | | Independence Airport |
Iola | 68C | | | Central County Airport |
Iron River | Y77 | | | Bayfield County Airport |
Janesville | WI84 | | | Johnstown Center Airport |
La Pointe | 4R5 | | | La Pointe/Madeline Island (Major Gilbert Field) |
Lake Geneva | WI89 | | | Lake Geneva Aire Estates Airport |
Lake Mills | 17WI | | | Ha-Rail Airport |
Lake Nebagamon | WI31 | | | Minnesuing Airport |
Lake Tomahawk | WI36 | | | Dolhun Field Airport |
Lakewood | 4WN3 | | | Lakewood Airpark |
Lancaster | 73C | | | Lancaster Municipal |
Laona | 90WI | | | Heritage Acres Airport |
Larsen | WI91 | | | Larson Airport |
Luxemburg | 8WI6 | | | Funk Aerodrome |
Lyons | WI92 | | | Wag-Aero Airport |
Madison | 87Y | | | Blackhawk Airfield |
Maiden Rock | 5WN9 | | | Ottman Landing Airport |
Manitowish Waters | D25 | | | Manitowish Waters |
Marinette | 5WI4 | | | Larson Airport |
Markesan | 13WI | | | Nowatzski Field Airport |
Marshall | WI97 | | | Mathaire Field Airport |
Merrill | 5WI5 | | | Haymeadow Airport |
Merrill | 92WI | | | Knight Aire Airport |
Merrill | WN44 | | | Podeweltz Airport |
Middleton | C29 | | | Middleton Municipal Morey Field |
Minong | WI33 | | | Ben Sutherland Airport |
Monches | 0WI2 | | | Doering Farms Airfield |
Montello | 0WI4 | | | Snow Crest Ranch Airport |
Morrisonville | WN85 | | | Morrisonville International Airport |
Mosinee | WS16 | | | Scherrico Meadows Airport |
Mount Vernon | 2WI7 | | | Hecklers' Strip |
Necedah | 67WI | | | Accurate Airport |
Necedah | 2WN5 | | | Murmuring Springs Airport |
Neenah | 0WI7 | | | With Wings And A Halo Airport |
Neenah | 79C | | | Brennand Airport |
Nekoosa | 55WI | | | Cranmoor Airstrip |
Nekoosa | 91WI | | | Gottschalk Field Airport |
New Auburn | 73WI | | | Vetterkind Strip Airport |
New Berlin | 9WI4 | | | Faken Airport |
New Holstein | 8D1 | | | New Holstein Municipal |
New Lisbon | 82C | | | Mauston-New Lisbon Union |
New London | 2WN3 | | | Curns Airport |
New London | WS76 | | | Black Dog Farm Airport |
North Cape | 84C | | | Valhalla Airport |
Oconomowoc | WN46 | | | Battle Creek Airport |
Ojibwa | WI37 | | | Rainbow Airport |
Omro | 64WI | | | Sky Diving Airport |
Oostburg | 2WI8 | | | Davies Airport |
Oregon | WI40 | | | Spiegel Field Airport |
Oregon | 0WI9 | | | Mc Manus Hoonch-Na-Shee-Kaw Airport |
Oregon | 15WI | | | Peterson Field Airport |
Oregon | WS33 | | | Storytown Airfield |
Osceola | WN86 | | | St Croix Valley Airport |
Oshkosh | 1WI1 | | | Williams Airport |
Oshkosh | WS17 | | | Pioneer Airport |
Oxford | 2WI9 | | | Bulldog Ranch Airport |
Oxford | WS02 | | | Polish Paradise Airport |
Paddock Lake | WI95 | | | Chilcott Farms Airport |
Palmyra | 88C | | | Palmyra Municipal Airport |
Park Falls | WS06 | | | Springstead Airport |
Pepin | 25WN | | | Little Plum Creek Airport |
Plainfield | 8WI2 | | | Runway Leasing Inc Nr 1 Airport |
Plover | 8WI3 | | | Runway Leasing Inc Airport Nr 2 |
Portage | C47 | | | Portage Municipal |
Pound | 10WI | | | Buds Landing Airport |
Pound | WS29 | | | Tachick Field Airport |
Pound | WS11 | | | Frievalt Airport |
Prairie Du Sac | 91C | | | Sauk-Prairie Airport |
Prairie Farm | 19WI | | | Erickson Field Airport |
Prairie Farm | 6WI0 | | | Cub Acres Airport |
Superior | 9WI9 | | | Carlson Airport |
Princeton | 1WI3 | | | Buzzy Field Airport |
Pulaski | 92C | | | Carter Airport |
Raymond Township | 1WI6 | | | Aero Estates Airport |
Redgranite | 3WI8 | | | Plantation Pine Airport |
Reedsburg | C35 | | | Reedsburg Municipal |
Rhinelander | WI42 | | | Pine Grove Airport |
Richland Center | 93C | | | Richland |
Rio Grande | 7WI2 | | | Higgins Airport |
Rio Grande | 4WI1 | | | Bancroft East Airport |
Ripon | WS46 | | | J & L Aviation Airport |
Ripon | WI67 | | | Bennett Field Airport |
Rochester | 96C | | | Fox River Airport |
Rothschild | 2WI0 | | | Bender's Airport |
Saxon | 6WI4 | | | Saxon Airport |
Scandinavia | WI47 | | | Timberline Airport |
Sharon | WS55 | | | Barten Airport |
Shawano | 8WI1 | | | Dillenburg's Airport |
Suring | 7P5 | | | Piso Airport |
Sheboygan | WN03 | | | Van Der Vaart Airport |
Shiocton | W34 | | | Shiocton Airport |
Soldiers Grove | WS51 | | | Leeward Farm Airport |
Spooner | 1H9 | | | Nest Of Eagles Airport |
Spring Lake | 80WI | | | Spring Creek Airport |
Spring Prairie | 9WI8 | | | Fletcher Airport |
Springbrook | 23WN | | | Willie's Airport |
Springbrook | 5WI1 | | | Springbrook Airport |
Springfield | 2WI4 | | | Plows & Props Airport |
Star Prairie | 1WN3 | | | Danielson Field Airport |
Stiles | 6WI5 | | | Dolata Airport |
Stockholm | 6WN5 | | | Airwolfe Airport |
Stone Lake | 14WS | | | Lakewood Lodge Airport |
Stoughton | 2WI6 | | | Matson Airport |
Strum | 3WN9 | | | Brion Memorial Airport |
Sturtevant | C89 | | | Sylvania Airport |
Sullivan | 31WI | | | Mcdermott Air Park |
Three Lakes | 40D | | | Three Lakes Municipal Airport |
Tomah | Y72 | | | Bloyer Field |
Tomah | 01WI | | | Prehn Cranberry Company Airport |
Tomahawk | 4WI4 | | | Turner Airport |
Union Grove | WI03 | | | Horner Farms Airport |
Verona | W19 | | | Verona Airport |
Viola | 39WI | | | S & S Ranch Airport |
Viroqua | Y51 | | | Viroqua Municipal |
Walworth | 7V3 | | | Big Foot Airfield |
Washburn | 3WN2 | | | Old Dairy Airport |
Washington Island | 2P2 | | | Washington Island Airport |
Waterloo | 5WI3 | | | Der Schwarzwald Airport |
Waterloo | 3WI2 | | | Tesmer Airport |
Waunakee | 6P3 | | | Waunakee Airport |
Stoughton | 95WI | | | Wisersky |
Waupaca | WS10 | | | Casey Lake Airport |
Waupun | WI07 | | | Waupun Airport |
Wausau | 3WI4 | | | Flying 'o' Airport |
Wausau | 5WN8 | | | Knight Sky Airport |
Wautoma | Y50 | | | Wautoma Municipal |
Webster | 9WN2 | | | Voyager Village Airstrip |
West Bend | 2T5 | | | Hahn Sky Ranch Airport |
Whitewater | 5Y3 | | | Gutzmer's Twin Oaks Airport |
Wild Rose | W23 | | | Wild Rose Idlewild Airport |
Wilmot | 5K6 | | | Westosha Airport |
Winneconne | 9WN1 | | | Courtney Plummer Airport |
Wisconsin Dells | JB01 | | | Clearwater Aero Estates Airport |
Withee | WS42 | | | Owen-Withee Airport |
Wonewoc | 4D1 | | | Three Castles Airpark |
Woodville | 45WI | | | Windsong Farm Airport |
Wyoceena | WN39 | | | Knutson Field Airport |
Wyocena | WS15 | | | Mill House Field Airport |
Arbovale | WV00 | | | Deer Creek Farm Airport |
Arthurdale | 70D | | | Titus Field Airport |
Berkeley Springs | W35 | | | Potomac Airpark |
Buckhannon | W22 | | | Upshur County Regional |
Camp Dawson (kingwood) | 3G5 | | | Dawson Army Airfield |
Davis | WV62 | | | Windwood Fly-In Resort Airport |
Elizabeth | 2WV3 | | | Hales Landing Airport |
Elkins | WV70 | | | Fairview Airport |
Fairmont | 4G7 | | | Fairmont Municipal-Frankman Field |
Fayetteville | WV59 | | | Fayette Airport |
Green Bank | WV52 | | | Nrao Green Bank Airport |
Harpers Ferry | WV21 | | | Needwood Farm Airport |
Hedgesville | WV22 | | | Green Landings Airport |
Huntington | I41 | | | Robert Newlon Field Airport |
Keyser | WV15 | | | Gerstell Farms Airport |
Kingwood | WV19 | | | Moore Field Airport |
Lansing | WV32 | | | New River Gorge Airport |
Logan | 6L4 | | | Logan County |
Martinsburg | WV17 | | | Michaels Farms Airport |
Medley | 4WV4 | | | Heaven's Landing Airport |
Milton | 12V | | | Ona Airpark |
New Cumberland | 7G1 | | | Herron Airport |
New Martinsville | 75D | | | P W Johnson Memorial Airport |
Pence Springs | WV77 | | | Hinton-Alderson Airport |
Philippi | 79D | | | Philippi/Barbour County Regional |
Pineville | I16 | | | Kee Field |
Point Pleasant | 3I2 | | | Mason County |
Rainelle | WV30 | | | Rainelle Airport |
Ravenswood | I18 | | | Jackson County |
Richwood | 3I4 | | | Richwood Municipal |
Romney | WV06 | | | Lost Mountain Airport |
Shinnston | 6W0 | | | Wade F Maley Field Airport |
South Charleston | WV12 | | | Mallory Airport |
Sutton | 48I | | | Braxton County |
Valley Point | WV29 | | | Valley Point Airport |
Welch | I25 | | | Welch Municipal Airport |
Weston | WV23 | | | Louis Bennett Field |
Williamson | 4I0 | | | Mingo County |
Afton | WY60 | | | Heiner Airport |
Alpine | 46U | | | Alpine |
Basin | 0WY1 | | | Dorsey Creek Ranch Airport |
Bill | WY02 | | | Iberlin Ranch Airport Nr 3 |
Bill | WY01 | | | Dilts Ranch Airport |
Cheyenne | WY05 | | | Skyview Airpark |
Chugwater | WY29 | | | Vowers Ranch Airport |
Cody | WY06 | | | Luckinbill Airstrip |
Cokeville | U06 | | | Cokeville Municipal |
Cowley/Lovell | U68 | | | North Big Horn County |
Daniel | WY33 | | | Antelope Run Ranch Airport |
Dayton | 99WY | | | Xingu Airstrip |
Douglas | WY07 | | | Hardy Ranch Airport |
Douglas | WY66 | | | Chamberlain Brothers Ranch Airport |
Douglas | WY27 | | | Wagonhound Airport |
Dubois | WY30 | | | Kinky Creek Divide Airport |
Dull Center/sw Clareton/ | WY09 | | | Sherwin Field Nr 1 Airport |
Freedom | 0WY0 | | | Freedom Air Ranch Airport |
Gillette | WY65 | | | Madsen Airport |
Gillette | WY13 | | | Little Buffalo Ranch Airport |
Gillette | WY12 | | | Ohman Ranch Airport |
Glendo | 76V | | | Thomas Memorial Airport |
Green River | 48U | | | Greater Green River Intergalactic Spaceport |
Guernsey | 7V6 | | | Camp Guernsey Airport |
Hulett | W43 | | | Hulett Municipal |
Hulett | WY14 | | | Ipy Ranch Airport |
Kaycee | WA10 | | | Gosney Airport |
Lysite | WY34 | | | Bridger Creek Airport |
Medicine Bow | WY17 | | | Ellis Ranch Airport |
Medicine Bow | 80V | | | Medicine Bow Airport |
Medicine Bow | WY16 | | | Robbins Airport |
Meeteetse | WY42 | | | Yu Ranch Airport |
Merna | 2WY3 | | | Haas Airport |
Midwest | WY18 | | | Iberlin Ranch Airport Nr 2 |
Moorcroft | 01WY | | | Keyhole Airport |
Pine Bluffs | 82V | | | Pine Bluffs Municipal |
Pine Bluffs | WY19 | | | Butler Airport |
Powell | WY36 | | | Bakers Field Airport |
Rock Springs | WY41 | | | Red Creek Ranch Airport |
Rozet | 22WY | | | Kissack/Reynolds Airport |
Savageton | WY22 | | | Iberlin Ranch Airport Nr 1 |
Shoshoni | 49U | | | Shoshoni Municipal Airport |
Sundance | WY55 | | | Taylor Field Airport |
Sussex | WY23 | | | Iberlin Strip Airport |
Ten Sleep | WY00 | | | Red Reflet Ranch Airport |
Ten Sleep | WY38 | | | Orchard Ranch Airport |
Thayne | WY64 | | | Lone Pine Flying Ranch Airport |
Thayne | WY39 | | | Star Valley Ranch Airport |
Upton | 83V | | | Upton Municipal Airport |
Wheatland | WY59 | | | Two Bar Ranch Airport |
Wheatland | WY25 | | | Snell - North Laramie River Airport |
Desert Center | CN64 | | | Desert Center |
Defuniak Springs | 54J | | | Defuniak Springs |
Chicago | 3CK | | | Lake In The Hills |
Poplar | PO1 | | | Poplar Municipal |
Round Mountain | NV83 | | | Hadley |
Tatum | 18T | | | Tatum |
Brevard | 3NR3 | | | Transylvania County |
Monticello | U64 | | | Monticello |
Columbus | 75OA | | | Darby Dan |
Goldthwaite | T37 | | | Goldthwaite Municipal |
Johnson City | 0A4 | | | Johnson City |
Tahoka | 2F4 | | | T-Bar |
Aleknagik | 5A8 | | | Aleknagik New Airport |
Akiachak | Z13 | | | Akiachak Airport |
Anchor Point | 00AK | | | Lowell Field Airport |
Anchor Point | AK00 | | | Anchor River Airpark |
Anchorage | CSR | | | Campbell Airstrip |
Stockbridge | 7GA7 | | | Berry Hill |
Unionville | 79N | | | Ridge Soaring |
Apple River | IL28 | | | Foster Field |
Presidio | 3T9 | | | Big Bend Ranch State Park |
Moultonboro | 53NH | | | Moultonboro |
Joes | CO81 | | | Hill |
Eagle River | 47AK | | | Highland |
Chignik Flats | KCL | | | Chignik Lagoon |
Chugiak | AK24 | | | Hilltop |
Cordova | AK30 | | | Strawberry Point |
Crooked Creek | CJX | | | Crooked Creek |
Crosswind Lake | 1AK2 | | | Crosswind Lake |
Delta Junction | 29AK | | | Remington Field |
Dillingham | AK21 | | | Nushagak |
Baraga | 2P4 | | | Baraga Airport |
Pinconning | 52I | | | Gross Airport |
Greene | 4N7 | | | Greene Airport |
Edna | 6TE3 | | | Hahns Airport |
Pasco | 6WA6 | | | Carr Airport |
Sonora | 9TE2 | | | JL Bar Ranch |